For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rentlnf , Orcrcoatin- or Fancy Vesting. Kindly call and examine ray ttoek of Im ported and Doitic Woolens. A fine stocs to select from. . . . Suits made Iron t he lowest prices to tec ciga est crade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailorine. 3 HE HALLE" , OliEGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. subscription pkice. One week $ 15 One month 50 One vear 6 00 "WEDNESDAY - - JANUARY 17, 1900 A COMMOX CASE. Every time one Smith gets drunk, which is frequently, he goes home and beats hi wife and children, and t .i If one of them dares complain, or if j doctors could yive her no help, but she someone else complains, Smith is j says of this Royal Cure "It soon re arrested, and sobers up in the citv 1 moved the pain m my chest and I can ' ;!! T!., ,Jo tn .: u:m tin. uui uig utuicu 'flic Vi ILiiiU weahens nesi aar, ana reiuses to : testify ngainst him, and he goes free j to do the same trick over again. rr l ,, i i Or, If his wife and children have the courage to tell the truth about the brute, and he is "sent up" for a month, or two or six months, what benefit is that to them: Perhaps when he was free he did support or partially support them, in a fashion, besides getting drunk and beating them ono in a week or two. But n tl,o,- , , v -i"" i uin unj entirely. AdcI when he gets out he Is more liable to get drunk and abuse them than before. Imprison ment hasn't much terror for him, but is just sufficient punishment to make him feel revengeful toward his help less family. Thus the county is put to expense, Smith is only made worse, and his family suffers all the more, by the present method of deal ing with such cases. Yesterday Smith's name was Ed Husrbes. todav it will ho cnmii,tn 1.1c, !, f , lt uua sueu a case 1 xnrns up m the police court, with about this result. If legislators and oflicials who execute the law cannot devise means l)j which men of this temperament and character can be made to work like the slaves they ought to be for punishment, the proceeds to go to the support of the family, then the legislature can and should nrovide the only other nroner mini!,,,,, ! Tfll flito r.iT 1 ? ouense, namelv, a eevcre I public whipping. If the lash was well laid on in the presence cf a croffd, the dastardlv coward who ...... WUla V hp.ifs l.ia !fo Irunk -- m w "v II UlU UJ UIJU would soon become a verj- rare of fender. For this one offense, at i . ...... ... -icuti, me puoiic wuippmg post would ! not be an evidence of barbarism, but1 . ... . ot good, common sense-Telegram. ! Thl ToriC nn. .11... 1 . . . uj'unsis nave lauen a step which will frighten Bryan, saj8 the Statesman. Their state com-1 mittee, in its meeting nt Dallas, formulated a demand that the im tionnl convention of the Populist) party be held at least a month earlier than the Republicau and Democratic' conventions. The purpose of this is, I of course, to head off any ntlempt lo ' fuse with the Democrats iu 1 900. ! A large majority of the Populists of Texas are against fusion. This seems to be the case in several of the Southern states. Fusion is far less agreeable to the Populists than it was in 1 S9G. The indications grow stronger ever' day that the base money aggregation of three years ago has collapsed, llryan, or whoever , gets the nomination of the Democ racy in 1900, will probably have only one party behind htm this time. It may be expected that a number of bills will be presented to congres? relating to the teniponwy govern ment of the Philippines. Senator Spooncr has introduced a bill in the senate which, briefly stated, provides that when the insurrection shall have been suppressed the government of the islands shall be vested in such person or persons as the president may direct until congress shall de cide how the islands shall be gov erned. The bill is but a reproduc tion of the early poltc of the government in dealing with its territorial possessions. Union. Maik Hanna says McKinley will be renominated by the Republican national convention and will receive the vote of every delegate therein. It is evident that Mr. Hanna does not expect Mr. Scott, of the Oregonian, to be a member of that convention. A Tliuufcand Ttuiguec Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil- cough that for many years had made i lie a burden. All ntlipr romeAios nnd u""un , eutueiuuilT 1 can j scarcely remember doinj; before. I feel i like sounding its praises thronghoat the universe." So will every one who tries King's New Discovery foranr trouble Tnd $1. Trial bottle free I oi ine uiroat, cuest or iuncs. i'rice 50c it Blakeleve; Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle 5 Guaranteed. Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure b'.ooJ makes itself apparent in a paie and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a neaitny appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir It cures all blood i diseases where ch eap sareapanllas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ... , , ,. , ... J am Indtbted to One Minute Cough Cure for niv liffllth mil Ml. t .,. uurt ior ni lltaittl and life. It cured me of lung trouble following crippe." I hnilifirii d nti-a tf.cit Ilr.t.a n It... , action of this never failing remedy 7, cures conghe, colds, croup, bronchitis, nnenn-.nnia urinns onH 1 i pnenruonia, grippe and throat and lucg troubles. Its earlv use prevents eon- !"rtf,T f ll K'the only ba"rmle reniedj that gives immediate results. i t. , VU IhKe nt have boils if uiarke & talk's sure cure f-r bails CrfE FOR A DOSE. jFfcgB .R'ranTo P.mplei. Truest 111 Wrvui'' preparations tiain'v deve!. S.&55"b' dr-v?P tLe crettoa, laeuibrano and decom. l!0se,cans: a f..r wore Kerious trouble tbaa 1 tit fr.1 tilifT fm.. . .t r.l 1. t1 i ins iuLalauU, fumes, tuiokes and enuLra ! . utl-' lu,-1 v "'" cieanhes, soothes and heals. Ljv s Cream Ba!in is Kueh n r.T,i.,l ! and will cure eatnrrti nr mlrl ,v i. i, 'j ... UCUU i easilv and nlf-nsnnllv A r,f. n:n ! t , niu UU i mailed for 10 cents. Ail druL'fit,tB efll t. I r.fl.. din rivitti.. rr i-i .... o. . , Tl... rkl.A - '.7.,. ...':",u o'-..l. ' .r.r.rr vul,:o jwa, oocb not irritate or cause sneezing. It btrcad3 itself . .. . .' . . 1 , . . over an irritated and ancry snrVaee re lev. mc lmuiediatelv tho nfilnfnl infl,A,.: 5nS 5.mmediately the painful inflammation against Kaial ftT ' 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm Trace Marks -JESIGNB Ceavair.uTc A ..ii-ILI'" en,(1lnS E ketrh and description uie- QiHcklr lucurtnm our optillT.n ftwil Lot he? ruetnrr a n irf Scientific flmerkan. I - """tig, U IUU n .iniiuiomeiT llinniated week r. tJirt-est rtr. HUNH4Co.3C,.Newlfork MfkccL OOlce, C5 I' WaihiLito" ." adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. throueh acttts to an iminti. in the tasters ... , '. " j states. Canada and European be obtained at King's New Di-coverv for Consumption I low est rates from hadcompietelycjredher of a hacking1 cr N. WHEALDON."' A?rat' QR.fillNN'fijS?. : EAST and SOUTH via 'The Shasta Route OF THE ; Southern Pacific Comp'y. , Trains leave and ere due to arrltc at Portlai ! " " ; OVERLAND EX-) 1 ; press, Salem, Kose- ' l burff, Ashlund, Sac-1 ' .- vi v m , ramento, Osden.San V , vV i . -i. Fmnclseo, MoJkvo, I I 1-os Anceles.Ll Pao, ' I Sew Orleans and I , ERSt ; ' 1:30 i'. M fVla Woodbttrs lor Mt.Anpel, Sllverton, ' Dully Daily exeei va I V"1 y iNatr. Sunday jirtugneia ana Sundays.. ou J , (Corvallis istatlons.. and way i 'j.fOP.M 17:30 A. M.. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Sunday). (Lv. ..Portland ...A:.) S.Sa.ra 7;C0 n. in. At McMlnnrllle. Lv.S S,M, m 'oa'm ' -1 s:30 p. m. (.r .lnaepeuQence-.i-v. Daily. tDaiiy, except sunanr. DINING CARS ON OGDEN KOt'TE. PCLLMAN Bl'FFET SLFEPERS AND SECOND-CL.VSS SLEEMNtf CARS Attached to ull Through Traias. i Direct connection at tan r'rancisco 'with Occi lint Prpsnlnnt I dental and Oriental n:id Pacific mail ttearnship iu.ll laiiuuil,,. . mi,n,x nnd CHINA. SMtllur dates on ! at vitcatlou. jiates ana ucKe: to i-.aiera po"u nau r.u ' trali'.VPAN' CU1NA' fly-N'0Ll'LC tnc All atove train!, arrive at and d.'part irorr Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irvine ktrvct YAMHILL DIVISION. Pati-eaRcr DcjiOt, loot of Je2eron street. Leave for Sheridan, eet dayt, : i.SO p. ra Arrive a: Portland, 9:30 a. in. Leave for AIRUE on Monday, W'tNluesdav and Friday u.35a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tue dar, Thar.vdey and Saturdaj it 3 .05 p. m. "Except Sunday. "Exeep! Saturday. it. K. K.VLER, G, H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. .1 Ph. Airt Throuch Ticket oacc. 1S1 Third street, whert ! F- S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing..! Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Laneln, TLone 157 NOTICE. Administrator's fc'a'.e of Real Estate. i&Fi&l3i.ti!XS2i an order of the Honorable Countv court of i)ir State if Oregon for Wasco county, I and entered on the 4th day of .iHuuiiiv, will I from mid after the lilh davof 1-ebr'uary, 1WD, 1 Pro-ed to tell at private sale for cash in hand, ; uiii.f the followiup described real estate, U'Iciik! '. "'K 10 tbecs!Ete ' mid Lidm a. Kichuidsou, ... Jhe northwest qunr'er of tb southwest quar- , ler, ana soutn nai: oi me r.'-r'jnre-t quarter and ! " section three (S) in towmsij. f.m- (I) south of ranjre thirteen (13) east . i the wlllaniette nierid- i.,, ia Wa-eo county, Orecon; nli . that ceruiu J'l'A'-' or iiurcti of lund tiarticularly liunded and 17 'tSe K.uthuest quarter of h-etiou three (,(. lu town- , smp I'Hir (4, soutn of -anse thirteeu (13 cast of ; iheHlllaiuette meridian In Wasco countv, Ore- Htld runillni? Ihpuri. luirrli r.nuti.timll,. : tbvuee west !) iwis and 4'... itvt : thence south ; r.i.e half mile, and thence east to rods and 4'4 ! net to the place of bvaiiininir- shw ntut i.vr..,.? ttivrefrum four lots iu Itlehardsuu s Addition to the Town of Tysh, which bus t-tn heretofore sold mid comeicd: the tract hIkivp rii.criii i.,. piudiucultof said Klehnrdson s Addition to the Tmvr. of Tyh, iii laid out and platted and re i corded in tue Hecords of Devda for Wusco county, Oretron, said real estate above describv-d uii.u.iiuig .iv uurcs, more or ie. Any t'rondesiriusrn5ormatlo!i with mWn. lold real estate slwuldeallou or Hddre,Hm it juiicuon, urepou, or my attorneys, Dufur cc -Menefec, nt The Dulle. Oregon. Dated this 12th day of January. 1M3. Adirinntrutor of the Kstateof Lvdiu A Itlci uidsou, deceased. Diti i: i M KM FEB, Attorneys lor Adminiitrdtor. lUjanSt Executor's Notice. ?tlcc if hereby Klven that the county court of the state of Oreirun lor Witto nmntr. in. l'.'obate, fans duly Issued letters testamentary to J lift 11)ini.rvlim..1 .u ,1... .....,.- . " . I ...Tii ..... ... ''"'"eu in ine ' ri' tvl ..!,.!. li.. .1.. j ceas..-d, and to administer th.. ..kt... ,,'r .ho nic iiuu It'BlliJIlVI said deceased. All irsf,ri tu,.-i,i.. acalu't said estate are rwmlred to nrtsent . same to ine at the law othoe of Condon & Con: tJot1' 1,1 1'lHen P.. l- f 1 1, i r. ,1, escitj, Oregon, with pror vouch- "I: W,UJ" ' ,.n','"" &tft Unl.AVrin i: uumtra c&tuuiur oi me estate of Caleb Urooks, de ceased DecB-U tureku HuruesH Oil is the tst prcervutUo of new leuther uud the best renovator of old leather, it oils, softens, Llutk ens mid protects. Ube Eureka Harness Oil on your brat bmtw. vaur r.M I, nr. lies, and jour eariiat:etoi,arid lui-y Jlll not only look lttfr nut er lont-er holdeverywherelq cuim-oll Ut from half pfnu lo live kuUouo. 1rKE0, W.WILEON. aitok.s' law. Ofilce ore, Km .N.t, ffi UKU omsw" Just What You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced "a single stock. Keiil imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good pnpers at cheap paper prices. Klecant desiens. tasteful colorinsrs. rours I for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house jminte. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ..cfljis. mM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ktvps on draueht the celebrated COLUMBIA DEER, uctnow;. edped the best beer in Tne Dalles at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Al-o the rinest brands of Wiues, LI juor and Clears. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON, Wholesale ana Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. ! M Second Street. THE DALLES r--KTXrA1JkA.1JLlA.'.J CTXTZTVLTSTXTXTXTX :5' BfOS GE.VEHAL ...AND... is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Z rphmil nn Tnfr-nn HV. n n 1 rn ? 111UU CUU JGllUi MIJJ, fliUliD I0i) C L HIERV1TA SUntarei VITALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency'iuhtErciislons and ftp ilWSTS IU11UUU1U1U BiacKsmiins Horsesnoe S SroVSrS'natihest Prices Paid for cretlon. Anervotonicand blood builder. Urlntrs the pink glow to pale cheeks anr restores the fire of vouth. ! By mallfiOcper box; boxes for Aii.nO: with a. vrlf..t, .nmrMt..! tan. : "iV. w " " w v-ulu "r iciuuu mo jiioucy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. !' Clinton & JacJtson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. ! , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. 85 W' digesutbe food and aids jjature lo strenKthen lag and recon Btructinff the exhausts "h iV, ii, Im. It is the latest discovered dimst. ant and tonic. No other preMratlon cfnPProacblt in efflcieDcy. It ffi tantly relleyea and permanently cures DMpepsia, Indigestion, Heartbwn Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Niuaei' llotberreuluoflmperfetdlBmioiL WKm Str. ReRulator. (UmttiM Ijtmlli K ) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. t DOWN. 5, l,v. Dalles E) at s A. M. Tuesday . . S Tlmtniiiy .... i Saturday . V Arr. l'tirtlaud J at : r. M. VP. l.v. Portl iud at 7 i, v. Monday .Vlncdy Prlduy Arr. Dalles at 6 r. M. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, f Travelhy the Steamer', ot the Kceulator Line. 5, rotiii the best otieo)ioMt)le. S Portland office. Onfc Street Dock. .MAjarAcrri!i:i) nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, unG THK DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone' Sour WHISKEY from to 0.00 pr isallon. (4 to 15 fears old.) ' ' IMP0BTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. 7ll to 20 years old. OALirdEHIA BBANDIES from $3.25 to $0.00 per tnllon. (-4 lo 11 yeara old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draujjht, Imported Alo and Porter. and 5! a.. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. 2! " i I Wasco Warehouse Company j? I Headquarters for 2 Headquarters for I Headquarters for 5 Headquarters for Headquarters fcr ton Flour. HdBe OUr eOOlg ownr tlmr, nnv call nn.I tfHt nr 7,r,. .f i . Crandall&Barget - . obeS) fill kinds of to , cl UNDERTAKERS Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pion o: r. iiiniaiiiii iiihiii iin,, REGULATOR LINE. Danes. Poil laiitl & dslofia day. Co. The Stcnmcrs of thh ItCRitlntor Line will run n per thefol. lowinc jcluilnle, tho Company rcccrvliiR the rlfiht to cbnnRo schedule without notice. Str. Dallas city. (Touchlnjc nt nil Wny Point.) !OW.N l.v. Dalles nt r.:S0 a, M, Monday . Krlday, Arr. Portland (uiiccrtnln) vr I.v. Portland,! Tuesday ; Tlmrwlay , SntnMny Arr Dalle, (uncertain), The Company will endeavor to Rlvoitspat l or further Information address W. C. ALLAWAV, Gon. Agt., The Dalle, and Motors Mash Whiskey. Val Blatz and Olympia Ueer In bottlea Seed Grain of ail kinds. Feed Grain ot vii kin Rolled Grain, all kinds Bran, Shorts, s?tKLk fSSo "Byers' Best" Pendle This Flour is manufactured expreEBly for famll la,. I., 4I...V....1 1 II V'" u "ttuc- a"u " Jou "ou 1 l,m,,! " Wheat Barley and Oats.