.a Sl)c Utiles Chronicle, VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1900. NO 135 IS KILLING THE PARTY Dciiiocrats Again Trying lo M Bryan Dm. CAN LEAD THEM ONLY TO DEFEAT Fault is Found With His Adhesion to the Chicago Platform and His Peculiar Expansion Views, Washington', Jan. 15. Another effort is being mado to (jot BiyHii to withdraw from the presidential canvass in the hope that tho Democrats rnuy have some slight chance of winning beforo the people this year. It is now known that a great many Democratic leaders have addressed letters to IJryan or to close friends of tho Nebraska man, suggesting that in view of tho fact that eilver can not win in tho coining campaign, it mi.'ht be well for tho Nubraeku man to put out of the way and allow some con servative man to bo nominated. Fault is found not only witn Bryan and hie persistent adhesion to the Chicago p'at form, but also with tho peculiar position he has taken in regard to expansion. Having advised tho ratification of the treaty against the protests of the leading Democrats of the senate, he is now tak ing a popition against expansion, and has gone eo far in that direction that he has offended many Democrats of the Eolith, while his fjrmer attitude in sup port of tho treaty offended the cxtermista in the other direction. It is not believed by the leading Demo crats hero that any advise that may be K'ven IJryan on this subject will have the least effect, as they feel Euro that he is determined to lead the Democracy, which, with him at its head, will he de feated worse than any party since Greeley 'a time. Representative Tongno today called on the attorney-general to hasten action looking toward tho construction of Salem's poatollko building authorized by tho laBt congress. IIu learned that title to the site has been approved and that payment will be mado in a few days. Thu supervising architect la about to pre pare plant for tho new building, nnd Mr. Tongue is using ills best efforts to have provision made in the specifications for Oregon material, brick or stone. This matter has not yet been fully determined on, but it is expected local bidders will be given the preference. REGARDING THE THORN CASE Preliminary Examination of H. Harvey, tbc Hrakcinun. F. Coit.wik Giiovk, Or., Jan, 15, Squire Vauahan's court was packed today by those interested and curious to hear the preliminary examination of H.F.IIarvey, the hrakeman who was placed under foOO bonds last Saturday upon the charge of rapu upon tho person of Miss Minnie Thorn. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney J'. T. Harris appeared for the state and Attorneys A. 0. Woodcock and J. H. Medley for the defence. Miea Thorn, the victim of the dastardly crime, was the first witness on the stand. She is a modest looking girl of less than sixteen years, and from the first created a favor "hie Impression, telling her itory in a straightforward manner. Only once or twice during tho recital of her pitiful fitory did biu hesitate and then ap parently from aversion to alluding to the dingracefu! nffnir. Tho defense fulled to break down her evidence on crosi-cx-ai'iinaiioii, and when she was asked why the did not resist ar.d cry for help, she dated that Patterson and Harvey, who Royal Baking Powder 4BSQMJTEiytoRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome rovi eAKma powoen eo., new vorx. she alleged forced her upon tho car, threatened her life. The examination of the witnesses took up the greater part of the day. Tho ar gument was strong on both sides, and consumed about two hours, the caso resting with Judge Vaugban about 5 o'clock. Tho aged justice was not long coming to a decision, and immediately Announced that he would hold the de fendant to appear beforo the circuit judge of Lane county at the next term of court, in the sum of $1000 bonds. Harvey ex pects Junction people to arrive on to morrow morning's overland u fix his bond. Patterson lias not as yet been heard from. BULLER'S MOVE MENT KEPT SECRET Nothing Will Be Made Known Until He Has Sitccedccd or Failed. Cntnrrli I'aniint bo Cured Willi local applications, aa they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tako inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood nnd mucous eurfaccs. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients la what produces such wondeiful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drgiggistH, price "fie. Hall's "Family Pills are the best. 12 Water are linomlng. La Cuandk, Or., Jan. 1G As a result of the heavy mow in the mountains and tho almost incessant rain for tho last forty-eight hours, the Grand Hondo river ha reached a higher mark on its banks than at any timo during tho freshets of laet npriii?. It is feared here that damngo will bo done tho new steel bridges recently completed by tho O. It. fc N. Co. There is already some washing at the ends, but no serious damago iu yet reported. Tho thaw and tho heavy rains have nuule the valley roads practically impas sable. Thufetdlng of stock on the fanuo without waslo is aleo very Eorlously han dicapped. A January thaw nt this alti tude Is an unusual occurrence, and old Bettlora report only two or three similar circumstances in "tho past twenty years. As a euro for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it he eavs: "I never found anything that would relievo me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen ond nalnlng me very much, hut one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. Kor Fiile by Jiiaueiey nougnion. t'miKiua rit'.turu Hold. Nkw Youk. Jan. 15. According to a cablegram from London, Sir Benjamin West's famous picture, "The liaising of Lazarus," which for over a century lias hum? in Wftntmininter cathedral, has been sold for if7500 for tho new Protestant Episcopal cathedral In tills city. A rlglitful llluixlcr Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tho beet In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cuibb old sores, fevor HoreB, ulctrs, bolls, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on eartli. uwy a cie. a uox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. i irynu' Wtni Trip, v V.uitu .Inn. 15. lion. J. D. 1 Will II j ., - ' Medlll, of thin city, Is in recoipt of a let ter from William J. Bryan, who says it . i . i. ..,i l.n ...... tt.ls Is not now certain wnoumriiu un vm this state In February, as ho had In. tended. Ho proniUes to spea in norm Yakima il ho cames to wasningioii, PitKToniA, Jan. 13. A9 a result of the bombardment of Mafeking yesterday, the British fort at tho east was de molished and the British retired. One Boer was wounded. Advices from the head laagar nt Ludysmith report that the attack on that place January 0 was disastrous to the British and Ludysmith oppears to bo in some etraits. ItiiNsnuna, CapeColony, Jan. 15. The Boers this morning attempted to rush the hill held by a company of Yorkshires and New Zealanders, but they were re pulsed at the point of tho bayonet. The Boers had twenty-one killed and about fitly wounded. London, Jan. 10. A complete absence of news from Natal up to this hour proves that tho censorship will allow nothing to pass until Butler's plans are executed or have tailed. Even Geneial' Roberts, in his rerjortof yesterday even in?, deferred from mentioning a word about Natal or Buller. From other columns there is little news of movement. Modder river advices of yesterday's date only report the daily long-range shelling from w hich the Boers are supposed to have suffered severely. A dispatch from Sterketroom, dated January 15, repot Is that Gatacre'a troops had made n demonstration beyond Mol teno in the direction of Stromberg in tho belief that the Boers intended to seize Molteno. The burghers were not sighted and the British remained at Molteno. Arrivals from Stromberg estimate that there are ioO'J Boers at that place, mostly revolted colonists and Free Staters. President Steyn'a brother is the l.indrost. General French continues to shell Boer positions, but nothing decisive has taken place. llolilu-il tliu (I rave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the. snbject, Is narrated by him ns follows: "I was in u most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue corited, pain continually iu back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Threu physi cians lind given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy nnd surprise, the llret bottlo made n decided improvement. I continued their use for tlueo weeks, and am now n well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No ono should fail to try them. Only COc, guaranteed, at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 5 l.nml I'uteut Approved Washington, Jan. 11. Tho secretary of tho Interior haB approved a patent of 10,1)38.03 acres In The Dalles land dis trict, Or., to Tho Dalies Military Wagon Road Company, tho laud being on tho clear list. J, I. Bevry, Logan ton, Pa., writes, I,, am'williiig to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use ot Ono Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed, It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grlppo and throat and lung trouble. Children all like It. Mothers endorse It, L. T. Travis, agent Southern R. R., Sellna, Ga., writes: "I can not ray too much iu prulse of One Minute Cough Cure. Iu my case it worked like a charm." Tho only harmless remedy that glvep Immediate results. Cures roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis 'and ull throat and lung troubles. On the List For Quick Clearance These hundred and fifty, assorted styles, ladies' Finely-tailored Flannel Waists. Friday and Saturday Next Are the days the reductions given below will prevail, and, if you're wise, you'll be in attendance. ' These Are Exact of flu Garments The 19th and 20th, Friday and Saturday The 19th and 20th. All Ltdles' All Ladies' All Ladies' All Ladles' All Ladies' All Ladles' All Ladles' Flannel Flannel Flannel Flannel Flannel Flannel Flannel Waists wortli l 00, will bo $ .73 Waists worth $1,25, will ho .01 Waists worth $1.00, will ho 1.13 Waists worth 1 .75, will be 1.32 Waists worth 2 50, will be 1.8S Waists worth 2.7n, wiil.be 12 07 Waists worth fll.OO, will bo 2.25 All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth 3.25, will be 2.31 All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.50, will be 2.02 All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.75, will bo 2.S2 All Ladies' Flannel Wuists worth fl.00, will be 3.00 All Ladies' Flannel WaUtsvorth 1 50, will be 3.38 All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $5.00, will bo S.75 A. M. Williams & Company.