-i vi: cr: i v awn n ', Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels ry--- -IFANSES THE SYSTEM f ilt1 v ? FFFFCTimLLY . - l pU r. w l. OVERCOMES Ijrftu ' . CoN5lir- PERMANENTLY. UAL OVy THE SENUIHE-MaHTO By (ALRNIAjTG.SYRVF. COUNTY CLAIMS. Allowed liy the County Court nt tile January Term Frank Hill, clerical services $ 46 00 W H Williams, labor on road and bridges Chas Xetvburaer, itneis in mat ter of Crooki children IJUkei'.-v & Houghten, medicine for paupers 10 00 2 CO 19 95 9 15 J H Cross, supplies foi pauper.. 33 W Winar.s, house r-nt for Daupers 11 00 Sire if .1 Parent, earring for paupers 17 50 M F Share, M D, professional ser vices for pinper 13 00 H Loiian, M D, professional ser vices for pauper 45-00 A S Blowers & Son, supplies for pauper 24 00 O T&T Co, messages and tent. . 44 30 J W Elton, baildin.: bridge 9 03 Harbison Bros, lumber 41 IS IC Nickeleen, supplies 1 25 Mountain Slage & Livery Co, de livering election supplies 14 50 H llerbring, bunting 1 CO R Rand, rebate on taxes 2 S5 C L Piii. lips, stamps and ex penses '1G 30 W'm Frazier, sheritl" Multnomah county, serving papers 2 00 J E l.sne, removing treos 1 03 C H Crocker & Co, supplies. . . .123 01 Irsvin-Ho lson C'. supplies 80 5U Salem St-n'ine!. printing 42 00 v H hippie, assessor, services to date 113 00 J T Peters, material for countv ro.ul ". 03 19 H C I)..dds, M D, professional t" rvices 00 0-3 P F furham, witnesa ca court. . 2 00 J A Phinnan, same 2 00 C F Latier, same 2 00 WITNESSES CIDCUIT COUKT. V I) Ricl.ar.ls J I! Havtrlev C, XV Rice..'. Fritz Clausen II B Gilbresth Wtu Hastings ,... L L Uell ..; 3 C0 V 00; 7 00! 8 40, 6 03 G 801 0 10 -N O'.SVil S A C ltce 4 80, 40 ! j-lre Surah Grazier C Grazier , .linbt cliult7. 'liobt Colemau 8 00 I S 001 it r.n 21 00 21 CO Geo Lit en son t , ! m ' " " 'i jf ri ci: m tJ WITNEhSES GHAND JURY. Jjimte McUonnel! 0 GO WTSinhli . 0 20 1 I. J Klinger.... O Jil Curl H Ring !f Ji Heal! Chae Heroux. . Jok'dIi McNeil Iotiard Field. FIv' Hill u 00 I u CO I A.l r nr ' y W ' 4 00 Sirs M Murrey 4 Carrie Meeplie 4 80 j I) Heroux 4 00 (ita fctejjman 1 A. Porter. . . & 00 A O Ihotnas 4 00 OUItOUS CfliC'UIT COUUT S Creighton 2 SO Hng Lege 15 20 Will Gardner J4 00 Peter Mohr 35 20 Jofpii Means 12 00 D L Hollon 14 40 C A Cramer 15 60 F M Jack eon 17 80 A W Moorman 17 fiO John Nolan 10 00 Miirtt nlnenv in r.n JCn inzfield 14 00 Thomas H Lei bo. 14 CO 20 00 1 I. C Henneglian G W Jordan C K flayward C V Champliiin aiiAKu JunoitB J W Moore J I) Douglas A FKrlck-'" 17 (K) , 12 OO; 12 00 J2 00 II CO 15 50 Bill! L ,J G W Henderson 12 60 W R Humes 12 00 C L Morse 15 40 Gorman 12 201 M Z Donnell, mod for paupers. C L Gilbert, school supt, sundry expenses Chronicle Publishing Co., print- nip and publishing W H Units, coroner, fees inquest Conn aba v 22 00 V H Hutts, fees inquest Kehrien XV H Rntts, fees Ramsay. , 15 -10 20 SO w H mitts, fees Jackson. . Connobay F Rodgers, juror E Nelson, " A F Knightly, " I) L Cates, E P Ash, " " " .... J M Garton, " " " .... J FTranna, witness " J F Stout, " " " .... ACSchoeder, " " " .... Geo I.emere, " " " .... ATreverso, " " " John Tranna, buryinj: Connobay T J Tvohig,Jjuror inquest Kvhren R L Aiken, same W A Madron, same ( C F Stephens, same A A Urquhart, same ' Ned H Gates, same 9 5o 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 5 00 1 50 Geo A Liebe, witness John M Richardson, M Rand, same Geo A Liebe, witness Kehrein. . . . same Win Michell.same. T Drthfiftr inrnr irnnftut T?9mcnv T J Twohig, same Paul K. Paulsen, eame unas A fccimtz, same G Y Stephens, same Ned H Gates, same. . . W H Allen, witness same O D Doane, same O D Doane, (-xaniinwg bod v. . . . H A Kncet, " " ' ... I BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cvclones at Donncll's drug store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk s navoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke Falk. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. racb25-tf If you want pure and fresh drugs you can buy them at the P. O. Pharmacy, Clark & Falk, proprietors. Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton trictly pure liquid paints. S'ze doesn't indicate rjuality. Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. G. II. Appleton, justice of iece. Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chic?go, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Care cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. Your Fuc Shows the tate of your feelings and the atate of your health ad well. Impure ttood makes itfelf apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feelinij weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance yon Ehould try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood ' diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and ! so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive cnarantee, Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. AH pertons wishing to take children, flitter mrfi n, r.Tric tnm t x 1 .1 . ! 6' ' 1 ul -"i uuujiuuii or 20C0lou ItllJ(:tu','. thould write to XV. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Bovb . .",.... ... .. . ; anu uina- Aia society of OreRon, at roruau WJ0 can procure for them de eirable children of all ages. All applica uuus mutl "e u,eu advance. tf Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn. raising of the food, dietress after eating, ta,,,et K,VfcB lniniedi e relief. 2o cts. and 50 cts. gists. Blakeley & Houghton, drug. Clark & Falk's drug fresh and complete. etcck is new, B HUSIINOTOH H wuj,oa HUNTINGTON WILSON, ATTOKNEVK AT LAW, , ... , .. . THE UAI.1.EO, OKEtiON Ottlce over t int Nat. llaut ikeij. W.WIIAON, ATTOI'.NEY.AT LAW, 'Mil II. I T lU tlut'rtJ Oaice ovei Fmt Nat. UnuK. ' .w.ucote. JOHN OA VIM JI00RE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Itoom 33 aud 40, ortr U. S. Jjiud Oilice. NOTICE. STATE OK ORKtlON, Executive Deimktn TNSM, 21, ' ?.LEM, NOV I in Brrim1n lth the nrovilon of nil Act 1 tntltHil "An Act Mibmlttlns to tl.o Hectors of " 00 I the Mate of Oroson at the Ucncral K'cctlon to I be licW on the lltst Mi.tidiy In June, l'.vn, the R0 50 rndlnc lnpoCcnstitatlotial Amendments ' 1 awnm-d February is, 1W, 1, T. T. or,tiov eriuir of the State of Orcson, do hereby cause the 2o 10 follow fmciiroi-osed amendments to the lYiiistl 17 50 I tiition f the state rf Oirpon, a certified to by I me tecreiarj oi suur, m in: pui'ii?mM ivi ronyecntlvc wcek in the iau.e . iiko.-iii.s. a ncM.-j-aior j.ubllhoil In the seventh Judicial District of the state of Oregon. Done at the Capitol, at ?a!c:n, Orceon, fEAL this JM Oar of November, A. 1). is. V. T. (.ELK, ue.-licr. lly the Ooverror: F. I. DIM1AK, Secretary of state. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 1. lie it reoivci bv the Senate, the Honc con curring: That the'followlns: amendment to the ConMltutlon of the state of Oregon beanilti hcrebv prorwed That section 10 of Article XI. of th. Cnn-tlttl-tlotiof the state ot Uricon be and the same Is hcrebv abrogated, and in lieu thereof section 10 of Article XI. shall be a follovr. ARTICLE XI. Section 10. No county, city, town, school dis trict or other inuniclttil corporation shall be al lowed to become indebted in any manner or for any purine to an amount luclualtii; pusent ex I'tlng indebtcdnos In the acsncateexceedlne live ir centum on the value of the tuxsblc projitrty therein to be ascertained by the last as sessment for State and coutitv taxis ptevious to the incurring of such indebtedness. Adopted bv the Senate January 00, 1-.03. C. V. Fultw.v, President of the senate. Concurred in bv the House. February 2. 11. W. 1". Keady, Sjieaku of the House. Adopted by the Senate J-nuary Si, li9S. aJOKru sixo. i resi-eiu ui mv cviicis-. Concurred CHAS. cd in by the House, February 1, Ijj. is. C. Moof.es, speaker of the House. SENATE JOINT RESOLfTION.SNO- 13. 15j it resolved by the Senate, the House.cou currinc; That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State Urecn, in lku of Section Ten of Article serea (7), be and the sane I isjjereby proixned, to-nit: SECTION TEX. -The Legislative Asembly may provide for the election of supreme and Litcuit Judpes in dis tinct clossts, one of which clashes shall consist of five Justices of the supreme court, ho shail J not perform circuit duty; and the other class ! shall consist of as many Circuit Jurtie as may ! be deemed neees .ry, who shall hold fall leims f without allotment and uho shall lake the same , oath us the supreme Judse. J The legislative Assembly racy c.-eaic us mcny circuits as may be necessary. Adopted by the Senate, Kebruarv U, 1S53. C. W. fvJ.TO.v, President of the senate, j Concurred in by the House, I'ebrua.-y 1". UPS. I . r. Keadv, speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate, January 31. 1-Si. Joseph Siko.v, President of the jtaiate. Concurred in bv the House, February C, lsDY Chas B. Aoor.z-, Speaker of the Housi HOrSE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 10. Resolved br the House, the Senate concurr ing; That the following amendment to the Con stitution of the sute of Oregon bu and hereby is propu-ea: J nt me constitution be amcnucl bv adaliic Article XIX. ks follows, to wit. Ar.TKIE xix. Section 1. The necessarv use of lands fur tho construction of reservoirs or storage b-slns fir the purj.o?e of Irrigation or for rights of nay for tne construction of canals, dirch, Humes or pipes to convey water to t .e place of use lor uny useful, b.-nelieiul or neeessarv Tiunmso. or fur CrmiiKge, or for drainage of winci or the work lng- thereof, by means of road', railroads, tram wa;s. cuts, tunneb., Lhafts, hoi-tlng works, dut. ,i or other necessary lnem? to their com p.etc d vflopmentor any other use necessary to tbi- cu.plete development of the natural re somces of the rtateor preervation of the health of I h inhabitants, is hereby declared to b'j a iul iic use and subject to the regulation cud control of the state. section 2. The right to appropriate the unap preciated waters of any natural stream to ben e.i' ial uses shall neter ba denied. seeti:n :;. The use ofali waters now appro priated for sa'e, rental or distribution, also of all waters originally appropriated for private use, but which, ulter suen apptop'i-itlon, has hereu fore. Leen or may hereafter be fold, rented or dis- iituuiuu, is xierviij ueetare to oe u t u die ue i and subject to tl.e regulation a-.d control of the ' state in the manrer precribsd bv law. liut the 1 right to use and appropriate such waters shal. I be subject to sue!. MvMons of law for th-' tat-! iug of private proiierty lor public or tuv .to use i as providcfl in Secllon is. Article 1 of tus Con stitution of the state of Oregon. action i. 1 he light to col.-ct taxes or cora IKiiisation for the ue of water suppllod lo him county, city, town or Hater district or inhabit"-! ant thereof, it a franchise, and cannot be eser- ! cued except by auihoiity of and in u manner prescribed bylaw. Adopted by the Hou, February 1j, 13'!. W. p Keadv, speaker of ihe Hnute. slB'ied March 7, l-'J-i., Adopted bv the Senate, February 17. Is'j.j. C. tV. Vcizox, Preildentof ths senate. (rlgued i.'ardi S, Mi) Adoj.ted bv the House, Ffbruary 0, J -95. ( Hah. U. WooKEi, sjtkerof the H.-nsc Concurrwl In by the Senate, February W, liM. Joseph simo-, pjeeisent of the senate. IIOl'iE JOINT KEsOLL'TION NO. 2. liMjising an uinendintrit to the Cinktltutlon of the Hate if Oresoi., by ie;uluis cectlon of Artlelo I. Kt'Milved by the Hou'e, thoenateconcurrins; That section ai of Atticle 1 of the Conhtltutlon lie and hereby Is repealed. Adopted by the Hou'e, Januarv 11, wi. W. 1. Ktiijv, eisa,erof ihe House. Concurred In by the Semite, January an, l'jj. C. W. 1-VLlox, iveiddfiit of the senate. Adopted by the House. Januarv :V). ivr Ciias. II. Mooi:t, irjieater of the House. Concurred in by the .Senate, February is, fcENATE JOINT JiE.SOl.L'TlON NO. Keitresolvid by the Senate, the Houkecon- curriiiBi -j nut the ioiiohIpk ainendinent to the uuiiMiiuniiii in me eiaie oi ,urion be und u AUTICLK I. The elM-tivcframhise in tliU fetate kbiill not heieafter be prohibited toauycltizeuoii uccount ui riJL, Adopted by theEenatc. rebruurv r.. icr, JohEl'jf eiMOK, 1-rei.iUeniof the faenate, Adoiiteu by the House. Ktbruan- r.. Chai.. Jl. .Moohls, Speaker of the House. ClfAf. II, Mooiies, fcjaker of the House, Adopted by the Senate. January 31, Vn. T. C. Tayloi:, I'rcsldent of the i ecuatc. AQOp.ea by the House, January 31, IKft. V. Caktck, S.ealtr of thy House UNITED HTATEs OK AMEIilCA, i STATK OF OKKOO.V, ' Office of Secretary of State. 5 I. K. 1. Ul'NIIAK.SecTctiirvi.f yt.. ,.i ix... t...... of Omron mill CiiBlAillnt, ',.f ,i,,. L,..., ... . . !Z State, do heieby certify that 1 huve coinpured tlieiirecedlui'eoiir r Ki-nnti. rr.i.,, u.....i'.l. .. No I, of the lJe.hl.tlv. AilSinblV of W "Municipal IiidebtiKinesiiuincuaineiit," Kernite Joint Itesolutlou No. 13 of the U-icUlutlvo An' Mrmlily ;of lw.j.-'Judlciury Aineudenlj" Houso Joint ill-so u Ion No. Ill tif iu, 1,1.1. u.:.. . kt-inbly. of lWI,-"IrrlKtloii Amendinuit. : nouse joint iteso ut on .No. 2 of the Lcuielatli-i! Asifmbl of iwt .... KenenlhiK Arned n. and beuutc Joint iteao utliin K. 7 ,.i ...i i Jative Assernbiy of 'Eiiual SullriiL'c Ameiidineiit with ,.,i,.i.,,i i..... .. "".r" Hie Hi thin omce, and tlit the unn Ji Ta correct transcript therelroin und the whole thereof. J Testimony WiUKKHf, I liavcliere. unto set uiy hand anil aimed hereto the seal of the siuti.,.r iir..,,,.,. HiAL jjjjj i .'uvemoer, a. u, KI.JiUNHAK, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD OUT IfrOX PAYMENT OF ONLY Om The New SO MA3S$Vk VOLUJSS So cciiipktc that ft covers the Balance Workmanship s:-J ri;.t ir.o The product of the iargvt end best The BRITANN5CA is tii azhaowl idged standard of al! Er.cydoptdias, and the NEW WERNER is the bsst edition of the Britannica. . Do not put your money in oi editions or poorly made books bemuse they arc :heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over ens which ha; Mt ! 'feU i LztJfi-1' Tha pp.tire set with Guide M( H - and case delivcre i c 1 C( ' '1 H payubi-j i i Cu.aW rhor.ihly paymer.tr. JjM& FOi? SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, A D M 1 XI SIR A T O ii'S NOTI CK. Notice Is hereby given that fie und .-rsisneil ins b:en iippointed by the cuuuty court oi the tste of Oregon, for W ascu county, admin. Hra tor if the eatite of Autone Jerome, dcceaed. All persons havinc claims nsainst tuld estate are . rcby notilled to present thern to nie ut rny "then in The Iirtll0!, Or.,vitliin six months from the date hereof. liated December 13, l'".). j:. p. ouiONs, leclCH Adnilulslrator. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, II rtakcr and Erialit r. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Streot, One Block Back of . French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3W 33S ONtf 3IAIO0 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE in TftADC Mahks JCBIQNB Anrone lending a iketrb and description nir pulcklr aaoortaln our opinion t,m wLethir i . iiTdntlnn probably I'ntoi.Uib o. f onmiuiiIrL wilt froj. tldnt aiieney for aerurlit patemii 1'iitei.t uken tErouifh Itann aWimJiVi. Scknilllc flwericaw. A tandaomelf lltattratod wklr Ml l t Inn tit .ni,..,iiM. t Iiree.t eir. 'J eriu, 3 s cuiaiKiii oi nnr ncleiitlBc louruii .Y.'S,.,?r J?!2l Bow brail newidialVr. Co 36tBrMd DOLLAR sp Werner Edition BMIAMICA. OF entire of human knowledge "iff bct hiown 'n Ihs liook-making art. equipped !:;?!.- fa.lory in America. if yrw cannot send your children to tin Lfaivirsity, bring the University to th:s. This coition has never been sold foi less than $0.50. For a short time only 45.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge - The Dalles, Or. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THAN5ACT A ENEit.VLUANKINO UL'cINSij letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Statee. Kifc'ht Exchant'e and Tvleruphic Transfers sold on New York, Chiuico, St. Louis, San FrAticifco, Portland Oro ton, Seattle Wush,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections miide at ull poiute on fav orable teruia. C. S. Smith, THE iJp-to-date(iroeer Freeh En and Creamer v Uutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Tfie columDla Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA1JDKACTDKKK8 OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)I'.IKI) BEEF. ETC. J. H. HCHSKK, li. M, Uea;. , rrcmQfiit. Cuthlvr Firct national Bank. rHE DALLES - - . OREGON icvoivdu, BUDJWit 10 Dlgbt Draft nr (W.vi.X. Coliectioae made and proioeda prowptlr' remittal an i ..hi." ''v HliilW?&l KC""f? "Old CM vi.,nufriiciicoinj port- laud, IIKfAhT I Oil TIMR fCHKllt'LK. 1'IIOU l)ALI.t.a. Arwti 1 ton. Salt Lake, Denver, Pt, Worth, Omaha, Kan fas City, Kt. Umla,! Chicago mill Kast. Mall : 15 . m. Willi no I Ijcr 7:05 1. 1U. Walla Wnlla, 8ol!nnp, Mlnncailla. Ht. l'atil, ii ti nit n, :.iuniriv,i 4 y. L l'Mf..i. ,,.1,1 v... 1 ''H 8 i. n. PnOM Por.TLAKD, Occhh Stciuinhti3. l"or ban Prniirlwo-- ' Di-ccmber II, S, 1:1, IS, I.D ninl p. a. 8 J. rn. Lx.&iinaaj iCoiumbU Itv. Stonmor. Ex.sunc-,, !To Astohia nnj Way ' Kattinlay I IjhiIIiik. 10 . 111. I r.ra. lia. Jll. I WlLLAUKTTC IllVRR. 4 m r.x.aunnay urccon t;ily bnlem 7. tn, WlLLiMTTTX ASII YAM 3 p. m. lilCK.Thnr.j Hiu. Itivnn. Mrni.Aved anUsat. Orotron City, Dayton, nail W. anJ Wny-Ijinillngi. C. in. : WiLLAMicrric KtVKit. inrjn.a TncTlmr. i'ortlnml to rnrvallU. Mnn'nvi anU Sat. ' anil Way-Ijatidlng. ami KtlSi; SNAKK ItlVKR. Kiarlu to IiCWUton. l.KAVI Lxtrimu daily 8 Mitt l.v Itl.aria rtaiiy 1 .M n. m. 1 I'arllva ileslrinir to co to IlcntinprthnnK vciav ..M. t, ll-,l).IIK 1 lit! llrtlU'l 111 , ,Uvl p. Q lllnklliL' illrcct (-niincntloiiK at lli'imnrr iiiiicil.a. Ki'tnrulns mnkliiKillrwtcunncction at llcpime juuviiuii iiiiu. .,nrriting ni inv iiAiicill 1' .Vi in. No. 5L', throttcht frclclit, ca.st bound, iloei rrt I ran) j.astcniccrs; urrivcs v;oo n. in., ucrum S 'jOii. m. No 21, local frrlfiht, carrliw juuk'iicch, cist bounil: arrives l:auii. in., ili'jinrt Ji li p.m. No. west bound throuli frelstit, iloc not carry iinMcsgm; nrrlvcj Ml.". 11 m,, ilCMRi t:30 v. in. No. 'is, wct botmil local frclslit, carrl.-i j. fciiRcrii, arrhva 6:15 . in., Ccjuirts i iJOa. ra. I"or full irtlcnlari call on t). It. it N, Cc'i agent 'I lie Dallca. or nililrw W. II. llUIM.Ill'BT. (Sen l'ai, A:t l'ortlnnl, Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route O? THK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave ana are due to arrive at l'oitlil OVKKI.AN1) KX.i jirm, Halcm, Hoi I ouri;, Aslili ninl, Hue-1 M 1. M. I rarncnto. Uzilcn.tsnn I Krancl3C), MoJ.-iw, ( ll V iOS.UKea-s,ti rako, I Ncnv (JrloiniN Mini I tEaH i 'a:30 A. M. Jnsu,-,urE '"'J way lion. I JO I'. Daily e.vqt bu...l;i ! f Via Woodbur, lor i lw.li. .It-AIIKCl. fcl v fcilvcrton, 1 ciiaj'.t i Wct ffclo, Ilr.nvni-V bunoa'ys I i'.Sl"i'etlelu iiud I ' , INatron ..... .. j 17:80 A. II. i Corral I la utittioui B,,J ,rn' 5.50P.JI. l.MJfcl'JINUENfT. I'A&SI.NOhlt. Ilxjiriu trt!: ixuv. m. fl.V. ...rortland ,Ar.) 8S5.n i:.),. w. Jai .lIcMlnnMlle Lv.f . wa.n SJ).. jn. iAr..Iin5ti;)iiJence..I v.) 1 Ota Hldly. fUany, excct sunaitx lUNINa CAUS ON OODKN IlOl'TK. 1'L-I.I.JIAN IIUKKKT KLI'Kl'Ei:? AND HKCONIJ-CLAhrt bl.KKI'l.M. IAB5 Att.-.c.'it-J to all Tlirouuh Trai n. Direct corinmlnn ut v.m i v,ni..... i,i, n4 ueuini aim crivniAi ami I'niil.'io mr.il tearait'H iui j.u-A,, Him i;iiir,. hut inn oatci ra audlcatlon. Rate Mid ticket to Kantern point". aulZJ- .V. . '.,?r.".J.Al A!i L'lHNA, ilONOI.I'I.U MJ II 31 I.A1.1A. All above train arrive at and ilcpmt fw Oranl (.eiilral BUitlon, HIIlj and Irvine ktn-eti yamiiii.i, division. I avenger Dcjiot, loot of Jellerton 'reet lave for Hhcrldari. week ilayn, nt!30p.D Arrive at I'ottland.-lciJO u. in. Iavc for AIKI.IK on Monday, WvliH-kilirut rrlday at B.3ia. m. Arrlv at Portland, lua aa,Tl.urday and Hnturdnj itS OliL in. "lixcqn hunduy. I'Kxcept Saturday. K. Ki.K'.i.L'U, (I, H. MAItKIIAM, Jiullaiior. Ait. o. J". A Vim. Ml Tlirnugli Ticket Office, 131 Third ktrtet, wiat tiiroiiKh ticket Ui all point In (lie Kattera nKii..-n, i,niiaija ana KurojK) call be obtaluMw w " . . ,a .run. . , .v..J;.,,. KIUK1.AND, Ticket Agent or .S. IIKALDON. m www w w w w w . t ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run evory day except Sundiy. JJatea fteasunuble. 2 Telephone 201. J W. A. CATES, Prop. J H' 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. onict) ovr Vt cneli t (,'o oueiemry ate. rweti Oaic. tab , Waablom II. M. lia ALL. una. , llu nk bone 6, THK DAI.I.r-.d oitooJ'