The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1900, Image 3

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Notice to Voter.
Yoa see a
JJan losing
his poeketbook
yon (eel justified in tolling liim about it, even if you
haven't been introduced. Wo possibly don't know you
personally, but wo do know you aro losing money In
buying your clothing! at any r.lo you are not making
nil tho money you could which is just the samo thing.
The way to make nil the money there is in that line, is
to buy your clothiug of us.
Boys' flll-ixtool Suits
From $1.85 up
Men's all-wool suits from 3.85 up
Hoys' overcoats and ulsters from 1.50 up
Men's overcoats, ulsters and top
coats from 4,85 up
die have
been offering
you black and colored dress goods remnants
for tho past week and perhaps all of you havo
bought, but still wo havo a few loft, and in
conjunction with those remnants that wo
havo on hand, wo will offer you a choice lot of
Pattern Suits
at a much lower prlco than yon ever pur
chased anything to compare with them before
in your life. This is a broad assertion to
make and a hazardous tiling to do when you
know full well how fabrics of all kinds havo
advanced in the past couple of months, and
yet they have not reached the elevation they
will eventually attain.
Silk, Satin and
Velvet Faoey Waists
will bo sacrificed during tho present
week, as the following prices indicate:
$5 00 Waists .f3."o
$5.00 Waists 4.1 0
$0.03 Waiets 5.00
$G 75 Waiets 5.10
$7.00 Waists 5.25
$7.G0 Waists 5 85
$8.00 Waists 0 75
$8.25 Waists 7.50
AM Goods Marked
In Plnln Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfonicle,
JANUARY 10, 1900
icrvcd In
fctjio by
Licanse to wed was today granted to
Z. Kelly, of Chicago, and Mrs. Isabelle
Heed, ot tine county.
Yesterday Daw boh & Co. disposed of
their block of groceries to Pease & Mays
ami closed their store doors on Wash
ington etreet.
The members of Columbia Dancing
Club havo decided to give their next
party on Thursday evening of this week,
the hull being occupied on Friday even
ing for tho lecture.
A. T. Flinders and N. C. Joreeneen, of
tho Latter Day SaintB, announce that
they will hold services in tho K. of Y.
hall next Sunday evening at 7:150
o'clock. No collection will bo taken.
While tho ladies are not to havo tho
privilegu of witnessing the bowling con
test Thursday night, they will be given
an opportunity to assist in tho enter
tainment of the guests at the club danco
f blowing the game.
Workmen began refitting Max Vogt's
building, on tho corner of Third and
Washington street, this morning, and on
the 1st of March II. Glenn will com
mence business there, putting in a full
t-tfck of paints, oils, glaes, doors, win
dowe, etc.
His seldom that Dulles people aro
privileged to hear so good a speaker as
Ih. Geo. F. Hall, of, Decatur, Illinois,
lio will be heard at tho Jialdwin Fri
day evening, taking a subject in which
"11 aro interested, "Happy Homes and
Huw to Make Them."
This morning the case of the State vs.
Imry Maloney, charged with assault
and battery ugainst Tim Heeley, came
P 1" Justice Uayard's court, Dist. Atty.
Ja.yno appearing for the statu and Judge
Wilson and Judge Gates for the defense.
The defendant entered a plea of guilty
f'lid was fined $10.
'Tygh Valley Is tho next on tho list of
dletrlcts where smallpox has made its
"Ppearance, a repot t reaching here today
that a genuine case of smallpox has de
veloped there. Tho residents are much
exercised over the fact, and vaccine virus
' 1" demand. Still the disease comes
nearer to Tho Dalles.
J-C. Johnston came in this morning
from Dufur. He seems to liuve re
covered from the effecU of a mistake
which ho made a week ago yesterday in
taking 7,' grains of corrosive sublimate
instead of a quinine tablet which ho
went behind the preoption case at
the drug store to help hlmeelf to. It
came near causing his death ; but taught
him a lesson, and in tho future ho will
take his medicine according to a doctor's
Rev. Frank Spaulding is in tho city
and will speak at the Methodist church
tonight. Mr. Spaulding has many
friends in The Dalles who will be pleased
with an opportunity to listen to him.
The meetings continue to bo well at
tended by interested audiencee, the
singing being a great feature of their
Roy Williamson, one of tho men held
as a witness against John Carey and
Frank Quinlon, who wero bound over
for holding up Williamson and another
man a week ago, furnished $100 bail and
was released from the county jail. Hie
brother, who lives in Baker City, be
ing advised of the circumstances,
furnished tho money.
Those who eaw G. M. Cornet, the
Prinevllio stago driver, come in last
evening camo to tho conclusion that
there had been a transformation scene
on the road, in which the stago came
out second best; which was the case.
Near Nansene tho stago broke down,
spilling out the occupants and the mail
bags, but injuring no one. Calling on a
near neighbor, Mr. Cornet secured n rig
and succeeded in getting into town,
though somewhat late.
Is tho report confirmed that The IXilles
is about to tako up tho matter of bridging
the Columbia and having thisity made
tho terminus of tho portagofiadY If not
it should bo. If Dalles people let this
opportunity for benefiting tho city pass,
then do they deeorve(o bo passed by on
every occasion. Syray we cannot afford
to overlook such opportunity for the
upltiilding of 6iir city. If 'tis to be
done, then 'twere bettor 'twero attended
to quickly imd not end in reports.
Chaplain Gilbert's last visit to tho
city assured him a good audience last
night and a very attentive- ono it proved.
None could listen to a recital of exper
iences in tho Philippines as given by
him, and not be highly entertained. His
manner at first attracts, and in con
junction with his happy choice of sub
jects which are most Interesting to his
listeners, holds his audiences during his
entire lecture, and makes them feel en
lightened and thoroughly pleased.
Tho many friends of Friendship lodge
No. U, K. of P., who enjoyed their hospi
tality last night at their hall, wero
particularly fortunate, so happily had
the evening's entertainment been ar
ranged. The hours wero mostly devoted
to dancing, the Jiettlngen orchestra,
accompanied by Miss Sampson at the
piano, furnishing tiio music. Inter
sporsed with tho dancing was a short
musical program consisting of a solo by
MiBsCushing, a duett by Mrs. Jayne
and Mrs. Groat and a solo by Will
Frank, encores lengthening out the pro
grain somewhat and greatly pleasing
the audience.
Roberts may not bo permitted a seat
at Washington, but just tho samo a
largo number of the samo ilk are seat
ing themselves throughout the United
States with the intention of staying and
converting to their faitii as many as
possible. Every few weeks a number of
these missionaries mako their appear
ance In The Dalles, and under the ap
pellation of Latter Day -Saints hold
meetings, and no doubt there are always
a number of susceptible ones who are
influenced by their teaching. They may
claim they do not believe in polygamy,
but for the good of the country at large,
any faith which has even the slightest
connection with such a belief should be
avoided. True, this may bo a land of
religious liberty ; but at tho same time
it is not a land where any practice how
ever objectionable and detrimental can
be carried on under the name of re
ligion. There may be no law to prevent
these people holding forth wherever
they may chooee; but individual) v the
residents of tho city may use their in
fluence against their teachings and
should do bo.
R. J. Staate, of Dufur, is a visitor in
tlio city.
Henry Menefee, who is now editor of
tho Dufur Dispatch, spent yesterday in
this city.
W. R. Uanett left tho city last night
for that Mecca for all ambitious meu
Sum pier.
Miss Lora Remington is in tho city
from Lewis-ton viBiting Iter sister, Mrs.
J. A. Ueiscndorffcr.
Alf Allen passed through the city
yesterday afternoon on his way from
Portland to his homo in Priuevillu.
Dr. and Mrs, James Sutherland ar
rived in tho city on tho early morning
train, and will tpond a few weeks veil
ing relatives here.
P. A. Worthington, deputy sheriff of
Multnomah county, is in the city today
on business connected with tho settle
ment of the Rose Leaf cigar store iifi'idri?.
George Uorycr, agent for tho "Human
Hearts" company, arrived in tho city
yesterday to make arrangements fur tho
appearance of his company at tho Vogt
next Monday night.
In this city, Sunday. Jan. 15th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Win Nichols, a daughter.
Near Uoyd, Sunday, Jan. 15th, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Ward, a son.
Tlmt Thrulililiiic llvmluche
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers havo proved their matchlesn
merit for Sick and Nervous Headache?.
They mako pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to tako. Try thorn. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Hlakeley & Houghton, druggists, 1
L. T. TravlB, agent Southern R. R.,
SoIIiib, Gu,, writes: "1 can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my caso it worked like a
charm." The only harmless remedy
that gives Immediate results. Cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis 'and all
throat and lung troubles,
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
tho famous little pills known avJDeWitt'a
Little Early Risers.
A Call Mail for rontofllon Keyi anil
Tho poBloffico depart mont has di
rected a general redemption of all out
standing keys for postofllco boxes at The
I Dalles office. You will please to present
all keys Held by you, together with the
receipt issued to you for tho key deposit,
to mo within thirty days from tho date
oi ttiis notice. lioxes will ho closed
against all key holdera who fall to com
ply with this call.
H. H. Riddei.l, P. M.
Such was the notice found today in
all boxes at tho efllco, surprising those
who received them and calling down up
on tho head of the guiltless postmaster
a etorin of indignation from those who
fail to realize that he is only executing
orders and that the key business will
fall so heavy on his shoulders that it
would drive a weaker nature to take
refuge in whis-key, and eventually r
sort to tho Key-ley cure. Yet this is
but a single example of tho red tape
measures employed by tho department
Tho postmaster deeply regretB the fact
that such an order has been issued, and
would gladly overcome it if possible;
but a perusal of the following, received
some days since, will give his orders re
garding tiio same:
"Sin You are hereby instructed to
call upon all key holders at your post
office to present their keys and key do
posito receipts to you for examination.
You will close boxes against all key
holders who fail to comply with this call
for keys within thirty days from tho
date thereof. At the expiration of that
time yon will carefully prepare a record
of each key by its distinguishing num
ber, the name of tho holder thereof, and
the amcunt deposited therefor. You
will return keyB and give receipts for
deposits to all who are found to bo en
titled thereto. You are not permitted
to return a deposite for any key nor to
allow credit therefor until the identical
key for which it was paid to the post
master and the identical receipt issued
therefor by the postmaster, are both re
turned. Yon will declare all deposits
not tepresentcd by keyB forfeited, and
tiansfer tho amount thereof from the
redemption fund to the forfeituro fund.
Pi:nuv S. Heath,
First Asst. Postmaster General.
The idea is to establish a key record.
But as the law has never been enforced
here, it is safe to say that out of the
1000 keys outstanding, not fifty receipts
therefor will be found and the owners
will be compelled to pay twenty cents a
piece for keys or forfeit their boxes.
While all will feel tho injustice of
compelling them to pay double for the
keys; yet the only alternative eeems to
be to acceed to tho request (or command)
and thus cause as little difficulty aB
At Tho CoiigreRatluiiul Church,
The attention of tho members of
this church and congregation is
called to the announcement of tho
annual business meeting of the church
to be held in the auditorium of
tho church tomorrow ercning. All who
worship with this church aro invited to
bo present. The bnsinees session will
be called at 8 o'clock sharp by Deacon
S. L Urooks. A short musical program
will bo rendered at the close of the
business session, after which tho ladies
willseivea lunch in tho lecture room
of the church.
"anli In Vuur Cl-.fcUH,
All countv warrants registered prior
tn Anril 1 18(11! will ) lini.l nt itiv
W , ..... r.... ..V ...J
office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8th, i
. t't T I .
luuu, j. i.. i-un.i.ii'H,
Countv Treasurer.
Feed ryo for salo at tho Wasco Ware
house, tf
Grocery Department....
Fish Sale
For One Week.
1 lb tin liroilod Mackerel, in tomato
sauce 15c
1 lb tin Hrolled Mackerel, in m'usturd
sauce 15c
1 lb tin Hrolled Mackerel, eoused in
spices , 10c
2 lb tin Rroiled Mackerel, in tomato
sauco :mc
2 lb tin Hroiled Mackerel, in mustard
sauco '.Tio
2 lb tin Drolled Mackerel, soused in
spices , oo
C. & R. Kippered Herring, per tin.. ,20o
C. it li, Yarmouth Bloaters, per tin. .-10a
Scotch Kippored Herring, per tin. , , .Itfo
Ileardsly'a Boneless Herring, per tin. 10c
Young Mackerel in oil ., . . ... .,15c
Gold Label Sardines in mayonnaise
dressing il".jo
See window display of Salt Salmon.
Salt Mackerel, Whole Codfish. Boneless
Codfish, Codfish Middles, Bloaters, Her
ring, Smoked Halibut, etc.
Under the provisions of tho registra
tion law all persons when registering
are required to furnish to the register
ing officer tho following information :
If naturalized, the time, place, an !
court of naturalization. In this con
nection, it is necessary to produce
naturalization papers, or declaration of
Residence must be specific; giving
precinct, section, township and range;
if within town or city, the street, No. if
any, and No. of lot and block ; if in any
building where rooms are numbered, the
number of the room and floor must be
In order to avoid unnecessary delay
and inconvenience, every person desir
ing to register should be prepared to
furnish tho nbovo information.
Facilities will be furnished in eyery
precinct in the county by either Justice
of the Peace or Notary Public.
A. M. Kei.say,
decl-SOdya County Clerk.
Thn Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones aro im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figp, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Uee Clarke& Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Alumini.ed Garland
Steel Range.
IQaiei i Benton
Job Pointers.
ui u oil 14 u i j it i xi timuni n mi lQ ti unV j it i ;
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
jVIajestie j
"Ronjombor that wo aro soiling tho samo from
$45.00 to $60.00 i
Whioh is a saving to our customers of from 15 to '25
ovor price charged by peddlers for inforior ranges.
Writo for pamphlet, "Majostio Evidence."
jwnvs & cfocuE.