For a Nice Suit of Clothes. renting, Ovcrccwitln- nr Fancy Vesting. KlnUlr rail nd examine my strck of Im ported and Douettic Woolens. A fcne s tocfc to select from Buits made from the loivest juices to the high est grade. I Fine j Tailoring. J, A. Eberle. THE DALLE' OliEGON The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BOBScniPTiox rnicE. One week f 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TUESDAY - - - JANUARY 1G, 1930 WOLSELEY'S BAD JUDGMENT. "What is being forced on the war office," siys the London correspond ent of the Associated Pi ess, "is that 100 colonials, accustomed to bush whacking, sow. punching and scout in", are worth 1000 English clerks and farmers." More than any other man, Lord "Wolseley, commander-in-chief of the British army, is responsible for the Ill-advised contempt in which the English army, the English people and the London war office have held the Boer soldiers and the colonial militia. It was Lord Wolseley who penned these snobbish words for bub lication: "Military students in Europe do not pay much attention to the battles of the American war because battle? conducted by undisciplined and hasti- ly raised soldiers have no interest for the military student of nations with great regular armies highly trained to the service and art of war." Wolseley has been sifting that idea Into the British mind for more than a decade, but his false teaching is vanishing at express rate since the campaign opened in South Africa -.-- L.t 111 - and hastily raised soldier," have taken on profound interest '"for the military student of nations with great regular armies highly trained to the service and art of war." It appears, from the same corres pondent's report of the situation in England, that two rival factions have sprung up in the British army. On one side are "Wolseley, Juller and their admirers: on the other Iioherts, Kitchener and their UmisAuasS Wolseley and Buller are in repute with the country, and the war office has sent Koberts and Kitchener j to South Africa to undo the evil wrought by "Wolseley's stupid con tempt for the Boer soldiers. xxi'axsiox ix tite south. The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph by the way, an excellent journal makes i n summary of the attitude of the l.i: -.. . I juuuiug oouiuern newsnnncrs touch- , 1 ' u idr expansion, and concludes as fol-1 As to the Telegraph, although we favor making Cuba independent ac cording to promise (unless a majority or iue people freely vole for ntinexa tion), and, ulthough we believe 1 . lliai the question of the retention of theK J-hilippines should he left for de- csion until the peoph, are heard iromm the elections next full, our jSi-'-t if.Big'ii "d i0ui 1 mui s. sc.s3. t. s x. k. eympathics arc strongly enlisted in I V.y and 'uii cuunu,K advmeiy the behalf of every honorable means whereby trade expansion for tbep South and the .hole country can bJJanl0, Si&W secured. And we think that this sentiment is now shared by a large majority of Southern people. The prospect of large gains for this sec- ( tion through the increased export of our manufactures and otherwise is engaging ilic minds of all classes. The commercial and progressive South is fascinated with the vision of empire to come through an isthmian canal and Asiatic trade. Ilolibecl the (.rare. A startllnc incident, of which John Oliver of Philadelphia, was Mr. the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadfdl condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow i'ng weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a iriend advised 'E;ectric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I coninne(j their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & Honghton's drug store. 5 Write "Lnnnclrj" on tlic Srw Leaf. In turning over the new leaf for 1900 has it occurred to yon to try our work? People who have, fay it's all right. Remember there is no charge connected with our collection and delivery system. Ring up Condon 'phone 3-11, or long, distance 902. Dalles Lacvdhy Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. A TliotKBiid Tonjurs Could not express the rapture of Annie ' E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., hen she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely eared her of a hacking couih that for manv vears had made! life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I cau now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel I like Bounding its praises throughout the j universe." So will every one who tries I Dr. King's Sew Discovery for any trouble 1 of the throat, chest or luncs. Price 50c 1 and $1. Trial bo'tle free at Blakeley & j Houghton'E drug store; every bottle gnaranteeu. o I am indebted to One Minute Cough f!nrf fnr mv hpnlth nrwl lif If nrr&i , me o lanB" troube followinR Erippe ' Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never failing remedv. It cures couchs, eolds, croup, bronchitis, ; 5 ''llT? '"B sumption. It is the onlv harmless remedy that pives immediate results. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and mi,i. r ;D ,, , , r . colds. It IS unequalled for w hooplt.i; cough. Chrildren all like it." writes II. v- .-,,. ' , . l. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fila T, :a ,i,0 ,.i i, ..i . ! Jails. It is the only harmless remedy 'that gives itrmediate results. Cures 1 lit . 10nif. bronchitis ana all throat and ung troubles r . . Its early use prevents cDnsuraptio I'aint your house with fully guaranteed to laat. have them. paints that are Clarke &. Fulk i con c. DR. 30SANK0 CO. Pnila. Pi Uryiutr itrcimnitions birunlv devel. opdrycaturrh; they dry up tho fcecretious, ' which adhere to tho inombrano and decom- I pose, canning v. far more (.criouH trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. j iug inhalants, fumes, smotes and snuffs 1 r.ud uso that which clcanseB, Boothes and j heals. EIj'h Crcuui llahn Is Buch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo ' wailecl for 10 cents. AH druggists sell tho GOc. size. Ely Brothers, CC Warren St., N.Y , The Balm cures without pain, docs not irrituto or canso sneeziuL'. It surenflu (. f 1 , " . .. "t:r uu " ngry Hurmco, renev-1 ing immediately tho iiainful inilamination ' AVith Ely's Crcamlalm "ou rmod agaiuBt Xabul Catarrh aud Ifuy Fever, NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I 'Isolated Traet ) Public Land Sale. J.ANii Ofricc at The Uuk, Ohf.oo.v) I1,'f'"fyl 1'erebyKlvcn that In puuuiiuco of 1 infirucii'ius lrom the coin nilisloner of the ?Kr our,n lUnaiMB9M am,,, i OHE FOR A OOS&, RBS B I n ! ofc TP) Complete ! IfiA K III i I I 7 ! UluQo I at iD-w I' M. Z. DONNELL, I THE DRUCCIST. ; i i ...Dealer In... ? J 1 ' Dry Goods, Clothing, jji , a. Hoots, Shoes. Hnts, Cups, Nations. Apr. fj' I j for W. I. DougUii shoe. I j ' tub jjaiies, ur. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing, Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. i COf. & LaUgljlIll. TtOilC 157 NOTICE. Administrator's bale of Rm Estate. I J .-. rercueson, iiuimmsirnior oi wieesiareol j I.ydla A. I'.Ichardson, dceeiise ', in jmrhuimce of I "" ''rduf ,f. tbe "n,1"r'lull; County Court of the , state of Oregon for Wusco rouuty, duly made i d entered on the 4th day of Jiumniv, into, will , from and ufter the 1.1th day of K-br'uary, y.m,'ei-d to ell ot prlvuie kale for tash in imnd. , the loliowingde'eritwi real tstnte.bei ur- Hit n rittu xtUill j. It J Villi I USUI I. J .w. ................ ....... u..w... .irfc.ju... .el f.uu the bonthv.est quarter of the northeast iMrter ' of ection thrrc (.i) in towiifhlii fnut ( I; kouth of , ranee thirteen (l::; east f Ihe Willamette nierid- ; tan, in uico eor.nty, Ori-Run: also that cerwln ; iili-e-i or liarcel of laud imrticularly liouiided and 1 deicrlbed hi follow: L'uniinviicitie Jl rodKand ' U'-a feet west o' the boutheuht of the I aeuiuwesi quuner oi fceeuou three (:;. In town fchlji four (!) south of ranee thirteen (ID) eai.t of ' till' U ' MltTMf'l t.. InfiUlliltl ill VV.lun nAnli St.. ! Bon, and runnlns thenee north one hall inlle; 1 thence v. est '0 rods and l' leet; thenee foutb one-half mile, and thenee east 50 rods und I1, r... ... ii.a ..I..,. 1.1 i i .... i feet tu the ulnce of licelnnliiir: wivp ami r.-f..t,r therefrom four loth in Itlchardiinn a Addition to ine i own on yen, wmci) has Utn heretofore Mild and convesed' the traet ithuve ckciibcdiu eludint'iillnf mid Kiehardton'b Addition to tiie ! , Towc of IjKh, as laid out and jilatled iiiul re corded In tne lieeordH of Deeds for Withco , , county, Oreiron, tuld realentate uhovu detenbed i contuluing ilO uere, more or less. A ny jrson deslrlnir nformatlon with reference 1 lo Mild real estate should Gallon or address-meat Junction City. Orciron. or my attorneys, Dufur ' J)uted this 12th day of January, 1903, ... ' rf- FKHtil'lXl.V. . Adiriulstrutorof the Kstateof Lydia A. lllcli urdson, deceased. DlTl'n i Mekki-kk, Attorneys for Adminlotrator. ISJuuSt Executor's Notice. Nptiecls hcrehy rIvi-u that the county court of the state of Oregon f(ir Wasco county, In jirohate, has duly Issued letters testamentary to the undersized as the executor numed in the I ,""t ""d "-'tament of Caleb llrooks, de- -15 "ilV'rX" 'hiiTch',, iimt ,.. '.J.?,. ' ..7." ;. . me i"'"t,",v,Y,'u ill" iar "u,uu 01 wjnunn a con. d""' ,!'..I.M"L;" 0rwon' wU" 1'lr vouch- t'r'ec'em0'er1Tv:!Jl.t''" lrom tl,,H aaU:- HOLANMifl 11 uuniwa ; Kxccutor of the cvtutu of Caleb Jlrooks.'do ceased. Decw-il candies No til If Iff aIm llAm in tnii.ti totUecimniiof the drwiuK room or Ifoniioir mm 1 m .i 1. .1 r at . Ilicbl from CUHDOVA Uimlh.. . ulllllllr trill tutitrllialo uioru lu tho I arti-tfo suecwi. of tli luuclioon, 5 ' uloner. The l.e.t docoralivs r cauilloa for the ur tlia ino.t eUUrt funrtluii-rur cut. turn, ur u..i 1.. .11 ..l ud tlm iuoit d.:llcle tiuta hi I1TAN1IAHU OIL CO. ud aold , t-rjirlicr. Just What You umnt. New ideas in Walt Taper here. Such ! wide variety as wo are showing never be- fore graced "a eingle stock. Real imita , tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Eletrant desiens. tasteful colorings, youra I for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a iuh line 01 nouse ihhiub. VATJSE, Third St. ..GHflS. FRflllK" Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kcctis on drnnchf the celebrated C01.1WIBIA 11KEK, r.cinmv: edcecl the best rxr In The Dulles, nttheusuul price. Come in, try It imd be rouvinevd. Al-o the Finest braiid of Wines Lliuor and Clears. Sandmiehes of all Kinds ulwuys on hand. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTOH, Wholesale and Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES nxmxnrxrxTj 1 UEXEKAI. Biacksmiins ; y ! .AND... '5 ' l( Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. i 4 ' 'i Third aM Jeffcrnn. Piiouc"159 (HERViTA F.titore VIV'ALITY. LOST V'GOR Al!D MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Kitfht EniiBion'. and wasting diseases, all eifects of aelf- ubuse, or exceas and indio cretlon. Ancrvetonicnnd blood, builder. IJrinirs the pink lov7 to jialc cheeks am restoreB tlic fire of youth. By mail fiOc; tier box; It boxes lor n-.ou; with a written fjuuraii to to cure or refund the niouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson fits,, CHICAGO, SLL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificial 1 S fl I D-ABT B t.U trA ..J.ll. B.tnT .'"".L , v ,UWJ OUl UIQ8 1 ti.. if ".B"c,K"ening and recon BtructlDRthe exhausted digestive or lani. It is the latest discovered dlL'estr mm ana tonic. No other Horsesnoe v-uw .ciicTuo uu permanent y cures Dyspepsia, IndlKestlon, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour RiimJv. Str. Regulator. (Mtnltctl UtiilliiR ) Ship your Freight .via Regulator Line. nows i?r. B, I.v. Dulles l.v. l'nrllumi S nt a, M. n 7 a. m. E'TiH'siluy Motulny S.TIuifilHy VliicMy Stittirilnr ,,r,,I,"y l.v. l'nrlluml Arr. I'urtlnml Arr. Dalle nt 5 r. M. lit 5 I'. M. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the ?tenmers of the Itcuulator Line. iraLiu ",l'rt!(th0bC!llK.rvjC01K)si)U. ff rortlnnd Ofllce, Oak Street Dock. jmMl Immilcp .MAXUKACTUItKIl 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING G-ENERATOES AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, unllG THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash WHIBKEY from ?2.7u to $0.00 per irallon. (4 to 15 yeare old.) IMP0ETED 00QNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per trillion. (11 to '.'0 ytars old. OALirOENIA BEANDIEBIroin $S.'.'5 to $0.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.'" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEEE on draught, and Val Blatr and Olyinpia Beer in bottlei Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. I s Wasco Warehouse Company Si .51 31 AjLca, ici o iui f Headquarters for I ; Headquarters for I Headquarters for Headquarters for ton Flour. This U&: Wit eel! our poods lower than any hoitbe in the trade, and If you don't think M call and get our prices aud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Gpandali&Barget DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pion o n: REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portland & isloiia lav. Co. The Stramem of tho ltcRUliitor Lino wilt run tin per the fol j lottliiR i-rliiiltilc, the Company rescrvlnR the Tllit to cliniiKo clifdiilc without notice. Str. Daltos City. I (TouchlnK nt nil Vy l'oiiiu,) DOWN. l.v. Dulles nt ft: HI A. U. Miitidny Wedmvilny . , Frldny Arr. l'ortlnud (imrcrtnlii) 1.V I'ortlnml ,5 l A, H, 1 Tuenlny ThurnlHy J PnliltiUy Arr. Dalles'! (uncertain),! - , The Cpmtmny will endeavor to civo lt pat A For further Inlormntloii Bddren S W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. Agt., Tho l)nllc. A and Motors ETC Whiskey. ioc;cu vjri aiii oi ail Kinas. Feed Grain of p 11 kin Rolled Grain, an kijids. Bran. Shorts, KLkS "Byers' Best" Pendle Hour is manufactured expressly for famllj HVITV Mlll'lf in (1 ! nnfiufnr.tlnn. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. . fnv4 by e. c. cwut Co 7 cK?"