The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1900, Image 1

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NO 134
Boers Havs Been Moving Guns to Con
centrate Elsewhere,
Kcnort That Warren Has Crossed the
Tucela Not Confirmed Humor of
British Reverse.
Cape Town-, Jan. 15. A diBpatch to
this Arus, dated Junnary 12, says:
"TIio niithoritU'B havo received news
that General Warron hnu crossed the
Tniiela and occupied a strong position
mirth ol tlio river."
This report haH been current hero
since yesterday, but it is discredited in
ollici ul circles.
Lo.vnox, Jan. 15. Up to tho present,
the reported crossing of tho Tugela river
hy General Warren's division remains
but a rumor. Nevertheless, the whole
tenor of eoch news has dribbled in from
South Africa during tho last forty-eight
hours, indicates that a combined for
ward movumont of a comprehensive
character is proceeding. It Is not neces
sary to believe the unconfirmed stories
of the Boers being in full retreat from
Coleuso because it has been learned that
a column is proceeding via Weenen to
Helpmaakcr to cut off their retreat, but
at Hie same time, credible information
from manv sources indisputably point to
momentous changes in tho disposition
of tho Republican forces.
Advice from Pletertnnrlt&burg dated
Jnuuary 13 say that their defeit on
January 0 tho Boers have been removing
their guii3 from portions hutith of Lady
smith. The same dispatch confirms the
report that tho Thirteenth hu&eats
touched Grobelertkloof without mooting
the liocfB. As the trenches at Grobelcre
kloof wore put hups the EtrotiRost position
li 'Id by tho burghers, t! eir vacation has
considerably astonished tho British.
Merchants at Pietormaritzburg havo re
chived measagea from Ladyemith saying:
"Bring up jam, etc.," indicating that
tliu Ludrtuuith agents anticipated the
immediate opening of communications,
while Ladysmlth nlso heiiographed the
belief prevalent there on January 13,
that the, Boers were moving and concen
trating their forces elsewhere.
As a corroborative of British activity
in the direction of the relief of Lady
smith, a dispatch has been received in
London frdni Boiler to the effect that he
expected all dispositions for a synchro
nous movement of tho various columns
uguiiiHt tho besieged gartison would be
completed this morning. Under these
circumstances it ieconsidyred quite prob
able the advance on the beleaguered
town has commenced, and that fighting
is progressing. Optimists gi so far as to
say it is expected Ladyeinith will bo re
lieved tonight, if nil goes well.
London, Jau. 15. Military men are
divided in opiuiott an to whether Buller
is at Springfield or personally directing
the (lank movement from Weenen.
Ullicials are now Inclined to credit the
report Hint the British have crossed the
Tugela river in that directiou, although
there, is no confirmation of the report,
nod altogether there is a more hopeful
feeling In oflielal circles. There is little
news of importance from elsewhere.
Fioncli's forces have succeeded in
dragging a 15-pounder to the summit of
steep, rocky Coleekop, a thousand feet
above tho surrounding plain, and they
Hiocossfully routed a Boer camp three
miles away from Stormstroin.
Au interesting item of news is that
MO Boers, escorting a party of reapers,
have successfully gathered all the crops
within two tulles of the colonial camp at
Wrd river, the British force being too
weak to interfere.
A dispatch from Pretoria says tho fed
eral forces recommenced the bombard-
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
merit of Mafaking during the morning
of January 12.
liumor of lirltuh ftevrme.
London, Jan. 15. A telegram from
Newport, Wales, says: ltntherford Har
ris, formerly resident director in South
Africa of the British South African Corrf
pany, has received a cablegram to the
effect that Buller has Buffeted another
Wmnuri Died on Truln.
Ashland, Or., Jan. 14. Mrs. C. M.
Footo, of Los Angeles, Cal., aged 73
years, died suddenly on tho north-bound
Oregon express between Gazelle and
Montague, nt 1 o'clock this afternoon.
She was seized witli a hemorrhage while
eating her meal in tho dining car and
was assisted to her birth in the Pullman
sleeper, where she died in a few minutes.
The deceased woman was taking tho
lemaitiB of her late husband, who died a
few days ago in Los Angeles, to Seattle
for burial, and was accompanied by her
son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Kilhourn, with whom eho ex
pected to make her liomo in Seattle.
Her body waB put in a casket here,
transferred to tho baggage car nnd
plnced alongside that of her Into hus
band and continued on with the regular
north-bound train.
Wlicaton's and Schwan's Troops Keep
Them on the Move.
Twenty-It v YcutV iCoimtniit Use With
out ii Failure.
The first indication of croup is hoarse
ness, nnd in n child subject to tha
disease it may betaken us a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
this hoarseness is n peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)-
is given as booh as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after tho cioupy cough
appears, it will prevent tho attack. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
this broud land and never disappoints
the anxious mothers. We havo yet to
learn of n singlo instance in which it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation can show such a recoid
twenty-live years' constant use with
out u failure. For sale by Blukeley &
Hough ton.
Niitiirti'H rower.
Wai.i.a Wai,i.a, Wash., Jan. 15. Wil
liam Lse, ol Ontaib, in Northeastern
Oregon, is preparing to make uso of the
great head of steam generated in thu in
terior of the earth fur running pumps,
which eball pump water on a large scale
for irrigating purposes. The steam now
reaches the surface through a large ar
tesian well between Ontario nnd Vale.
Cuturrli Cunniit be Curcil
it li local applications, as tlioy cannot
reach tho Eeat of the disease. Catarrh
is n blood or constitutional disease, nnd
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, nnd acts directly on
tho blood nnd mucous sut faces. Hall's
Cntarrli Cure is not n quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, nnd
is a recular ptescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritlets, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
wtint nrndiiGes"such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
free. . .
F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrtigglsts, price 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Mo Fund iu I'ajr Cbecfc.
Wasco. Or.. Jan. 14. A laborer, ttivlng
hlsjiame as Wilson, passed a check for
$10 on Moore Bros.' bank, ol Moro, on
the proprietor of the Western hotel of
this city, and on presenting It was lounu
he never had any funds iu said bauk.
He has not boeu apprehended.
Acker's KtiLflish Uemedy will stop a
cough at uny time, and will cure the
wore! cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.
Washington, Jnn. 15. The war de
partment today received the following
report from General Otis:
"Manila Bolomen nnd armed incur
gents from the Ztmbles mountains at
tacked two companies of thu Twenty
fifth infantry, O'Neill commanding, at
Iba, January 0. The rebels were driven
and pursued with loss to them of fifty
men, no casualties among Americans.
Schwan's troops were east and south of
Santo Tomas, Batanza?, yesterday.
Cheatham's battalion of the Thirty
seventh infantry, struck the pnemy east
of Santo Thomas, on San Pablo rend;
tiie enemy left five dead on the field.
Cayalry pursued the force eastward, but
there is no report of the result.
Cheatham's casualties, one wounded.
"Anderson, of the Thirty-eighth, en
routo to Lipaya, struck the insurgents a
few miles south of Santo Tomas, and
drove tbcm through Li pa to Hosartog.
The enemy's loss was twenty dead and
wounded, Eixty Spanish prisoners and
f'.'O.OOO. Schwan has liberated about
200 Spanish prisonere, and they are now
en route to Manihi. Anderson's casu
alties yesterday, ono iuhii, killed, two
"Wheaton's force is actively operat
ing in Wei-tern Cavile nnd Bataugn
provinces. All the important towns are
held, and constantly patrolled. A great
many Filipinos iPturning to their homes
are believed to be insurgent deserters."
A i' MKIitful Itliintler
Will often c.iusa n horrible burn,
Ecald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the beet in the world, will kill
tho pnin and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcere, boils, corns,
felons and nil skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
I'll known fllau Killed ly Train.
Pkndlcto.v, Jan. 14. An unknown
man was struck by the west-bound
freight tiain at 4:30 o'clock this morn
ing, nt Meachnm, in tho Blue Mountains.
Tho body was crushed beneath tho
engine and car wheels and was dragged
quite n distance. lie was a stranger
there, no ono being able to identify hint.
Tho coroner is now thete endeavoring to
ascertain who he was.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond,
hid., has been troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. In speaking of it he
says: "I uever found anything that
would relievo me until I used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
tor sate by liiaiceiey a iiouguiou.
Lower Tffuiporaturn Checked I'looil.
Pu.ndi.eton, Jan. 14. Lower tempera
ture in the Blue mountains checked the
freshet during yesterday. Every bridge
along the Umatilla river, from Us mouth
to (is source, was regarded as In danger,
aud some were damaged. All damaged
bents havo been replaced eo trains are
now running on time.
J. I. Bevry, Logauton, Pa., writes, "I
am willing to take my oath that I was
cured of pneumonia entirely by the use
ot One Minute Cough, Cure after doctors
(ailed. It also oured my children of
whooping cough." Quickly relieves
and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe
and, throat and lung troubles. Children
all like it. Mothers endorse It.
You will not have boils if you take
Olarko & Falk'ssure cure for bolls.
On the List For Quick Clearance
These hundred and fifty, assorted styles,
Ladies' Finely-tailored
Flannel Waists.
Friday and Saturday Next
Are the days the reductions given below will prevail,
and, if you're wise, you'll be in attendance.
The 19th
and 20th,
Friday and Saturday
The 19th
and 20th.
All Ltdieb'
All Ladies'
All Ladies'
All Ladies
All Ladies'
All Ladies'
All Ladies'
Waists worth $1 CO, will he $ .75
Waists worth $1,25, will bo .04
Walsu worth if I .fit), will be 1.15
Waists wotth $1.75, will be 1.32
Waists worth 42 50, will bo 1.88
Wuists worth $2.75, will be 2 07
Waists worth $3.00, will be 2.25
All Ladles' Flnnnel Waists worth $3.25, will be $2.3P
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.50, will be 2.02
All Ladies Flannel Waists worth $3.75, will he 2.S2
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $4.00, will bo 3.00
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $4 50, will be 3.38
All Ladies Flannel WuUts wortli $5.00, will ho 3.75
A. M. Williams & Company.