km llllllfc TOI Acts gently on the Kidmeys, Liver and Bowels riFAN5ES the System PFPFr.TI IA1 I V rV OVERCOMES w ' iZ ' ' 1 UAt PERMANENTLY ICIAL I BUY TH! r.FNUINE-MtNTO By Tticxryktl IT CvmDO (AOff'RNIA flG yRVPVS ky."-' " cAe'5rD "UX? rcasAifiTinc'j5Ti fsct fiRKnit- l'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. O. Kinersly returned to the city on the boat Saturday. Hans Lage is up from Hood River to - day on business. Mrs. G. D. Wood worth, of Hood River spent yesterday in town. t? c r ,,i0 lnuiw t,:.snn,. ewnt vesterdav in The Dalles. Mrs. M. T. Solan and daughter left on uured e of severe dyspepsia It di the boat this morning bound for Cali-1 Bests what you eat and cures indigestion fornia. land heartburn, and nil forms of dys- Haniilton Campbell returned ye'ter- tP'1'1, . day from a visit with his parents in j "One Minute Cough Cure is the best Portland. j remedy I ever used for coughs and Mri. A. Thornbury returned to Port- j colds. It is unequalled for whooping land on the boit today having spent a i tollBh. Chrildren all like it." writes II. week with her daugnters in this cit . v "u-;n:. r T , -v . llliams, Gentryville, Ind. Sever Miss Eva Saldern arrived in the city .bile. it ;s the onv i,arrajea9 rewev Saturday night from Portland and is fV,f . ,'. w the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie 1 that B'vee irrmediate results. Cures Bonn. coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pnen- Polk Mavs relumed vesterdav from 1 1monia' lnchftla and all throat and Wallowa county. He says he has never I IunS troubles. Its eaily use prevents liefore seen such an open winter there consumption. nor better prospects tor stocx. Arthur HodireB, cleik of Crook county, passed through the city yesterday on his way from Prineville to Salem, where he will be united in marriage with Miss Gesner Wednesday evening. C. C. Alford, proprietor of the Golden- Portland, who can procure for them de dale stage line, who has spent the past sirnble children of ail ages. All applica tion months in Chicago and eastern cities, i tlons muet be ,n advance. tf returned on the early morning train and left on the stage for Guldendale. ; Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are eold on A. I Thompson, returned last evening 1 a positive-guarantee. Cures heart-burn, from Los Angnie? accompanied bv his raising of the food, distress after eating, "!e Po. -lffed, and dau-hter Edna. 0r any form of dyspepsia. One little ....... ...,.o,.., 1U, luv.iaijiui gives immediate relief. 'Jb cts. pa, week, wilt rema.n until spring. , anJ 5Q 1J)akeley & IIollhton) drup. A. F. Rogers, representing the Blake. 1 gists. McFall Company and P. C. Holland of , , the Pacifie Paper Co, are both in the '-""" "I Mawr.rn ity today calling on the printing offices I lht nni!tu:i!femT.t ihnt a ledge of and business houses in need of goods in 1 rot-'k nns follen, mahintf Xingaru falls, their line. J once more n 'T"-slnipi d emarfii't, mnrlct- another step in the prof(f. v.hich. isoitN. . I sooner ;r later, will result, it ib prc- In this city, Sunday, Jan. Hth, to Mr. (Ji,,(,f' U'f total dt-etructlon of tin and Mrs A. A. Bonney, a sun. j tn&. The terrific force of the Avnter, falling over u proeipiee ISO feu hl!?h, a Tiiounnmi TnusuvM frmdimlly wears nM!v the soft llnu- Could .not express tho rajiture of Annie i. fepnner, of 1123 Hoivard St., Phil-1 aM,.Ha r ..i.x... .i. i 1 ,i.. t.. : r,l v f-"""-' -'-Inst ,Vi years some parts of the fail Jving'e.New Discovery for Consumption ;,l!lve receded 150 feet. Jn 1W0 the liad completely cured her of a hacking j famous Table Tioek, which hud b.-rr, nLli that for many years had made ' n fenture of the fall for yearst. wc lite a burden. All other remedies and ! obliterated. At the present nit'i- ,f doctors could give her no help, but she J'ffehs it will be hundred, of yt-utt-sayfiof this Roval Cure "It soon re- j 1efon' the great falls will he tfctfrmleri moved the pain in my chest and I canj t0 ihLtJu of nn or'-'nnry riille.-Cl.i-now Meep soundly, somethinc I cancnp0 J "'" ecarcly remember doing before. I feel Lihu-ik-oh I'miciikpn, like Hounding its praises throughout the , mnvetse." So will every one who tries Br. King's New Discovery forany trouble H the tliroat, chest or lungs. Price 50c -and $1. Trial bo'tle free al Blakeley & Huush ton's drug Htore; every bottle spjarauleed; ' 5 vault In tour CUecka. All countv warrants registered prior to April 1, lBfc'O, will be paid at my office. Interest ceuHes after Jan. 8tti C. L. PIIILMI.B, (ioiintv TreaHiirer. 3. B. Clark, Peoria, III , says, "Sb7 guona wanted to operato on me for piles, hut I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hiuse! Suite." It is infallible for i.iits and tkin diseases. Bewnra of counter Cte. I'our Vac Showa the state of your feelings and the tate of your health &a well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale mud eallow complexion, Piuipleu and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not liava healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elisir. It cures al! blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and eo called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive cnarantee. Blakeley & Houchton, drugpists. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk hnve on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Latest tiling in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Ash your grocer for Clarke t Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Fioral lotion will core wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Falk. Paint your house with points that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed incl25-tf pure and fresh drugs you m at the r. O. 1'harroacy, Cark&Falfc, proprietors. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware o! counterfeit and worthless salve offered fur DeWitt's Witch Haztl Salve. De- Witt's is theonlv original. An iufallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Le,,s Mi Salem, Ind., ''Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me Eays, yspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help j but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. o. ri. appieton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, X. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills .... f .. . : . : n 1 '""uc UI use no j tners. quietly cures all liver and 1 boJeitrlub,e:- j -' inirfeielil, health inspector of i Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It All persons wiehing to take children, either hoys or gi'ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at stoiic underlying the liordcr .stnilu ov - I V.11ICI1 it rims. Ffi lluit vr.n,. 1.- , .,m UJI' 'mh seeetlei. Jn tir , R. . 1 10'' ti or Junelieon pan- .Mi-n in na iwiiunni iiie Hirer I'l'l'K, one pint mill:, small teacup level full of Hour, sifted, and n saltspoanful of .salt. Bent the effpa, then ndd to the milk whifli lins been mixed with the (lour, nnil beat well. Drop by nuiall spoon fuls Into boiling fat, and when cooked place upon common wrapping paper, to drain. Serve on dish covered with ornamental paper, dropping a (spoon ful of jam upon every cake. X. y. Tribune. B 8 IIUHTJ.VOT01I ,( H WILSON HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOKNEVH AT LAW, THE DALLKb, OitEUON 03ice over First Nat. Hank IJiICED. W.WlUiON, ' AnOKNEY-AT LAW, , .... .T,IK DALLEfa, OUEOON Ofllcc ovei First Nat, llmk. , I. XCOKE. JOHM OAVIf MOOIiE & GAVIN, ATTOKNEVS AT LAW. .Ilcoins 3'j and 40, over V. S. Und Olllce. NOTICE. STATU nf'OllKfiON". Executive in:r.iiT Salkx. Nov TMnNT, 21, 1MW.J In nrenrilnnre with tlie trnvllnn ci an Apt I cntitlrt! "Ail Act Mihmlttli:R to the Kleetnrs f me Mine oi urrson ni inn wcniTHi r. " i be held on tho firt Monday In June, l'Xfl, the penuilig I'rniMtit'U V onsuimioiiai aiuvihiihkki'., approved February IS 1K, I, T. T. (ieer. C-ov ernor of the State ot Orcpin, doheriby pati-e the lollowmc projsnea nmeiininems i im- union ( thcMiitcof ilicsro". certtllocl to by the Sccretarv of State, lo bo pnbllHlii'd fur live conjocuttvo" weeks In Tnr. l.u.Lr cnpostri..-., n iitwKicr published In the Seventh Judicial District of the Slate of Oregon. lioue nt the Capital, nt Siilem, Oreson, sr.VL this -Hst day of November, A. 1 1. 1.W. 'r. T. liKKlt, liuvernur. I!v the Governor: . "F. 1. DINBAK, secretary of State. SENATE JOINT KESOIXTION. NO. 4. He It rejoived bv the Senate, the House eon currlnc: That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon be and Is herobv proposed- That section 10 of Article XI. of the Con-tltu-tlonof the state nt Oregon be and the Mime Is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof Stttlou 10 of Article XI. (.hull be as follors. AltTICI.E xu Section 10. No county, city, tmvn. nclino! dis trict or other municipal conmratiun .hIiiiII b'j al lowed to become indebted in any manner or for any purine to an amount lueluulm; preent ex Mini; indebtedness in the asprepate exeeedliiK live per centum nn the value of the tuxiible property therein to be ascertained by the last hh. e.-!meiit for state ami county taxes previous to She incurring of such Indebtedness. Adopted bv the senate January 3), lsDS. C. V. FfLTo.v, President of the senate Concurred in bv the Hnu, February 2, lUl. W. r. Keadv, sHjaU.r of the House. Adopted by the Senate Jmiimry ul, lvii. ,i.Jo.Krit suio.v, Pieslduiit of the senate. Concurred In bv the Hou-c. February I, IIm. CIIas. 1J. JIoar.Es, speaker of the House. SENATE JOINT 11E5M.ITION,3NO 13 He it resolved bv the senate, the House eon currlnc: That the 'follovrintr amendment to the Constitution of the state uf Oregon, in lieu of seciion Ten of Article seven (71. be and the iarae Is hereby proposed, to-wlt SECTIO.V TK.V. The Legislative Asfcmbly may provide for the election of supreme and circuit Judges in dis tinct classes, one of which clas-es.slmli consist of live Justices of the supreme 1 nurt, who .shiul not perform circuit duty and the other olnss shall consist of as many Circuit Judces as imiv be deemed uecess ry. win shall hold full terms I without allotment and n ho sliuU take the same oath as the supreme Judges. The legislative A-.-emb! may create us lr.any clrcults as may be necessary. Adopted by the i-enate, February 13, lh9.i. W. fi-i.T0h-, Pnsident of the senate. Concurred in bv the House, February 13, l-!).!. w. I1. Keadv, sieaker of the llou-e. Adojited by the senate, January "Jl, l-0". JosKt'll slMO.S", I'resldent of the .icnate. Concurred in by the House, February fi, li'J3 t'HAS li. Moynr.s, speaker of the llou-u. ItOfSE JOINT UEsOLCTION, NO. 10. Ilesolved by the House, the senate concurr ing: That the following amendment to the Con stitution of the state of Oregon be una hereby is proposed: That the Constitution be amended by adding Article XIX. as follows, to-wlt: ARTICLE .til. section 1. The :u.eesary use of lands for the construction if reservoirs or storage basins for the purpose of inlgatiou or for rights of way for the construction of canals, ll;che, Humes or pljies to convey water to t ie place of use lor any Useful, bsnelicial or necessary purpose, or for oraiiiHge, or for drainage of mttie.sor the work ing- thereof, by means of roadi, railroads, tn,m cuts, tunnels, ihalts, hoisting works, mint,! or other necessary means to their com plete development or anv other use necessary to the complete development of the natural re sources 01 the state or preservation of the health of I s inhabitants, is hereby declared to be a pub lie use and subject to the regulation and control ol the state. section . The right to appropriate the unap propriated waters of any natural stream to ben elielal uses shall ueyer be denied. sectlcn The Use of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution, ulso of h11 waters originally appropriated for private use, but which, lifter such approptlition, lias hereto fore been or may hereafter be '.old, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declarcj to ba a iu'illcu-c und subject to tl.e reaulatlon control of the State In the manner prescribed by law. Hut the light touseand appropriate such waters shnl. Ie subject to such j rovisions of luw for th- tak ing of private probity for public or rriv t use as provided in sicllun Is, Article 1 of the Con stitution of tiif state 01 Oregun. section I. 'Jhe right to collect taxes or com pensation for the use of water supplied to mi) countv, city, town or water district or inhabit ants thereof, is a franchise, and cannot beoxer c.sed except by authority of and fu a manner prescribed by luw. Adopted by the House, February 13, l!i. . V Keauv, speaker of the House. aigueu jitiren 7, 1'.Ji.i Adopted by the Senate, February 17, ls'j:;. C. W. FfLTo.v, rresideut of the senate. (-igiied ilarcli le'M ) Adopted bv tho House, iebruary C, i.e.,. l. has. 15. ilooi-.EB, speukerof the House. Concurrfd in by the senate, February 1.:, 1s!j3. JosECil sliio.v, l'rcMciit of the senate. HOCsF. JOINT UKsOI.l'TION NO. Z proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the stale i.f Oregon, by tei-enLog Secti'in ,'lj of Article I. Kesolved by the House, the icnate concurring; That r-ection S3 of Article 1 of the Constitution be and hereby is re.eale,l. Adopted bv the House, January 11, l'j:i. W. '. Heady, ep-.-aser of the House. Concurred In by the senate, January ,'l(l, ,!!.!. C. W. Fi'LTO.s, President of theseimte. Adopted by the House, January 30. Is33. ClI.VB. IS, JIooiiKs, hpeuker of the House, Concurred In by the Senate, February li, s'J3. SENATE JOINT ItEnOl.CTION NO. 7, lie it rfnleril l,v tin, untn tl lf,...L,. currlng; That the' following miiendment to the Constitution of (he htato of Oregon be mid Is AliTIfTP. I Tlit elective franchise in this Statu Minll not h(:icaltcr hi pruhlbHul touny ciiUfn on iiccount Aflfttitff )V tln Enmity tV.l.riiMi r. itn- Josei'ii BiHo.s, President of the Senate. AdopUd by the House, February C, ls'jJ. 11, Mooi-.KH. Hi,eakcr of thn Hn,i Chas. II., Speaker of the House. Adopted by tho senate. January 31, lfcw. T. C. Tavloi;, President of the Kenutc. Adopted by the House, January 31, Mid. E. V. Cahteh, biwoker of tho House, UNITED 8TATES OF A ME If It. A, 1 STATE OF OlIEOON, ' Olllce of secretary of fitatc. ) ... w... n.n,,,-, f 1 V T fll'SSr, I I, Lu, ..I u. . i . . . ,- - .,"4. uu . ,,1 nian; oi uiO Hlllle Mate, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of Seiuilo Joint ltesoliitlon No. I, of the LelIdtlve Astembly of iwi, "Muii clpal Indebtedneis nmeiirtmenti" ben ate Joint llesolutloit No. 13 of the Legislative A seiiibly of lVJ.i,-"Jiidlcary Allleudellt; Hoinu Joint Iteso ulloii No. 10 of the Ulsludvu At." sembly of H'Jl,-';Irriyatloii Aiiiendmoat. Houte Joint iiesolutlon No, of tho U-gislatlvu ......,., ,,, .0.,, -- ..i-wcuiiiij; Aiiieuuineiit. and henute Joint llejolullon No. 7 of the Iils- inuve Bseinuiy m jn-iv -Kiiuul KullrHL'i, .,,ninl!".,i,1,,V w"h ."iV mlK,nul copies 1" w on lie In thU olCce, and tlut the tame 11 correct transcript theielrom und the m hole theic-of. la WntiiEor. I have here ,, .vi in, jiuiiu uiio niiixen lieieto tnr, rtf Hit I.a,,.. i.f i,.. heal Done t the Caplmi, ut Hulom, Oregon, thU Third day of November, A. l". V. I. DIINHAIt, . becretary of Btutu, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD OWE BUT UPON PAVIUENT OF ONLY The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 ?tflAS&& VOLUME So complete that it covers the Balance pr.yabh in r.Tr.:ii! mo:uh!y t:. Workmanship c::. rr.-L.rl..l lht. The product of the hr-A c?A bvzt The BRITANNICA is th: acknowl dged standard of all Encyclopedia.1;, and tlie NEW WERNER is the best edition Df the Britannica. Do not put your money In old editions jt poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family ho has this work over one which has sot FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, ADMINISTH.-VTOH'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby jjiven thut the und2rhli;iied nit been appointed hy thu county court of the ,tate of Oregon, for Waico county, udmlulstrator if the estate of Antone Jerome, deceased. All persons tiuvitiK claims iiKtitust bald estate are lcreby untitled to present them to rue at my iiIIch in The Dalle, Or., within tlx mouths from the date hereof. Dated December 1:., In ). l. y. (fHIONS, leclO-ll Administrator. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker and Erabalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Streot, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. 0-0 PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAJ 33S QNIV 3 WOO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm Trade Marks jcsiQNB Anrone undlnt; n kotrh und deicrlntlon m' lei t free. OMcMt auaucr for ucurliiK Mteiinl. I'alei.u uuori tFirouirh Wumi tf Ji?lVl H-fttaf notice, without cUro, in tie "'u"' scKuniic American. CIltMtlrtll (if ntlV lltloiillKM 4....... '1 IJiriroiit rlr. 1 urnia, a MyNN & Co.3'8'- New York touch omc, eavuu Wiuln" ioV, i!.5 DOLLAR sctof entire range of hura. knowledge i:-st l;r.;vn U lw book-making art. c:,'.:ipp.-J. booh factory in America. I If you cannot send your children to ! the University, bring the University to ! them. This edition has never been sold for hsz than $64.50. For a short time only f.p.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. - The Dalles, Or. FRENCH & CO.; BANKERS. THANBACT A KNEltAL HANKING HUelNEb Lettere of Credit ieaued avuilublb in the KuHtern Stntee. Sight Exchange nud Teli-crnjilnc IruriHlers hoiu 011 rev i oru, UIiiciiko, St. Louis, Sun Fr.inciHco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle WurIi,, and variouK point b in Oregon and Washington. Collections made, ut nil points on fuv orahle terniB. C. S. Smith, Tin: iJp-to-dateQroeer Froeh ICggs nnd Croatno'-y ituttcr u Hpcciiilty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Tne GoiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTUKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED 13EEF. KLC. J.B. Kchcnk, I'rwldunt. II. M. I1EAI. . Cashier First national Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON A General Bunking BuaineaB transacted UejiOBlUi received, subject to Biirht Draft or Check. OollectioriB made and proceeds prompt!? ut 1,i,e? on dav ' 'sollection. Wight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York. Nan Frannlai un- p.. u, land. IJ.D. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likum. The entire net with Guide vif) an.! esse deiivercl (h -j nn VM U upon j-ayr.:s;nt cf only V 1 UU Wfj XJ&I U. M. iiKAIX. I I Bill 1PI1II W IKIIMlil DKfAIlT t'OIt T1MK ftCIIRIlULr, 1'iiox 1ui.i.i;m, Atmtri , Tnkt Mull U:ni. tu. Pnlt I.akr, Denver, VtJ p.,. M)tlII. Wlllllllll, Kull u,,, m city, Kt. Ixmls,, s-J5h Ch iaeo mid Krwt. "Hi BiKikiiuv riycr 7:05 J. 111, .MlnneniHills. ji 11 1 11 1 h, Mllwniitee,, t rnVV, OhleiiKO nnd Kiut, 1 ,B 8 l. m. Fno roi-.Ti.AHii, Oci'iiti Striimshlps, Knr Sim l'rniiclsco Iivrctnlwr n, 8. 13, is, a, and US, p.a. 11. in, Kx.bundHV Cnlnnihln Itv. Btciinierk, Kx.biirSiJ Snttirdny 10 . m. Ijitiiilng,,. tin. in. WII.LAMKTTK KlVEll. j.ln.l Kx.sundoy OrcKon City. Ex.auntol I Salem t Way IjuidV I 1 ", Viu.aiattk ami Yam 3:TOri.ti . ui-", . .,1.,.. iiif.j, Ann. .uonncc uuu jiii. 1 i,rej:nii K,ny, imymu, nud Fit iiiiu Hyiiuuuiii);),. On. m. n.i.iMicTTr. In vr.n 1.. Tiie..Thur,i,iirtlnnd tn Corvullln. Mdii'hvI mid sat. 1 nnd ny-uitulliiK. mij ii,i,j Snakk Ilivr.ti. Itlpuriii to l.'.'vlhlon. I.f ir? l.v l:i,nrln dull y 1:20 n, in. I-Kwrnal tally I 1 l',,rll, riral,ir.,nnn ,n Tli,,.,1iin..lwJ k, .xi. , lenvniR 1 ne iinues 111 , iij i. n I mnLIni illr..f iiitnitiinflitn. nt ll,,,,,.,,,.. f,i.K.I r.cfiiriUtiK iiiiikliiRdlrcctrniintTtlon nt lK';ca jiiiu uiiii "1UI.-.H, 1, arriving ui jitu innntl '1 M 1. ill. I No. -J, throucht Irelcht, cimt bnund, dim m furry iitcngerh; urrlvea i!.50 n. 111,, iliwal rt ... I U,,,,,,I l.'jf,.. ... t. , ..,,.. w , ,. ,M Nil. l,Met li'iund throtiKti freii;ht, dm til !:: i. m. I iiii..iii;l'i. urrnua n u I, lit., iirnarji ro. -a. wchi iimind inoai irciKiu, enrna eviiKi'ib, lum e o: 11, t. in., ue)turi o un.n. Tor full ii.'irtliuilnrx rnll nn O. H. A N. tu'll I'Kt'nt The Dulles, or uddreux v. 11. lintuiriiT. (ien 1'iui. Act., I'lirtlnud, fcl EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Routd or THE Southern Pacific Comp'j Traliu leave and are due to Errlvc at rortlul LEAVE. OVKltl.ANI) KX-U I (iron, I l,n rir. biuoin, KohU' 1 Anhlund, Kuo- :00 I1. M. I nun en to, Ogdcn.Suti I 1 Fninclnti. Molave. I 1iK AnKeles,El I'ubo. I ! New Orleans and I 1 Iloitelmrc und war hta- s:ao a. M tlntis f Via WoiHllmra for 1 ' I .Mt.Anod, Hllvcrton, I .3 P.J I Dnlly except .Sunday Unlit v. esi fccio, iirowns exeepl I vIIlcriiirliiKlleld and I Natron i-uii.l;il 17:30 A. M. ICorvi.IUs istiitlons INDLI'KNUKNCi: l'ABBCNGKU. Kxpremtn: 1'iuiy (uxve)iiBUliau) j. I;S0ii. m. (I.v. . .l'ortlnnd . Am fi:25.; My. 111. iAi .MeMInnvllle I.v. ,.'i,s h:K0 p. m. iAr .liiQeiiendenr Dully. tunny, exeent suiidnr DININO OA lib ON OOUKN ltOTE. riLI..MAN Ul'l'KKT KI.rKI'LIiS ANIJ KKt:ONI)-CISa BLKEl'IN" GAUil Attr.ched to all Throuth Trul.m, Dlrtf't (Olinwtliill nt Vim .,m,.U,.,i ulfh (tall ilenli'.l aiitl Oriental nnd l'nelllu inuli tMmiii llnei. for JATAN nnd CHINA. SuIUiik dW 1 n pneniion. I itnles nnd tletftk to Kavteru in, nth miaul roiM'. ... AU11 JAl'A.V. CHINA. ilONOI.' LU ix AI'bTHAIJA. I All HhoVI, trillliM iirrlfi, ut Hif ilxi.urt Irtftl uinnu v.vmrni oiaiion, riitu una irviiiK YAMII1I.I. DIVISION. I'nneiiBer Depot, foot of JuBernon htrcd. U-a; for Hlicrldnn. uri.k dv. nt 1:30 nil m 1 uriiiiuu, v.M u. in, Ia'BVI' for AIltl.IK (, Mnnilnr U'lvlhl-MlaMBll KrldllV llth::L,M in ArHvi, ut lWtlnnd. tul onv, 1 iiurnauy mid Saturday it 3:05 p, m. i-xtept faunday. "Kxcept Saturdiiy. It, KK'.lEU, O, II. MAKKIUM, Jinuatier. ami. u, , Oi I Mt, . Ait Thrnilirh Ticket OlMin.. 1H1 Third tlrwt. wtl ttirtltlirh tll'kl'lN In nil tuiloru l Ihi! kult States, Canada and Kuroi: can bu tibtslncd . J. H. KIHKI.ANI), TlcUt Agent or N. WHKALDON. ...STEAM... Wood Saw 0 5 Will run every day except Sunday. Kales lU'ttfiouablu. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. JJ . 8TUHDEVANT, Dentist. Otllceover Frcudi it Cu.'s Umik none C, THKDAJ.Uti.yKI