The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 15, 1900, Image 2

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    For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
rnntinp, Ovcrcoflttn-or Fancy Vesting.
1 Czzi
Kindly rail nnd cxnmlnc my stock of Im
ported and Douettic Woolens. A line stock to
elect from. , , .
Bults made from t he lowest prices to the high
est grede.
J, A. Eberle
The Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
One week ? 15
One month 50
One year 6 00
Until the end of 1898 Great Hri
nin was the greatest conl producer of
of nil the countries. In 1899 the
United States passed Great Britain.
In roind figures the coal output of
this country in 1899 was 2-15,000,000
tons. This was 50,000,000 tons of a
gain over 1898. Here is an industrial
triumph for which the country is to
l)e congratulated. It means much
in the race for business supremacy.
Nearly twenty years ago the United
States passed Great Britain in the
extent of its manufactures in the ag
gregate. Four or five years ago the
United States began to forge ahead
of that country in the amount of iron
produced. Now England is left be
hind in coal output. Nest to the
United States as a coal producer, of
course, stands England, while Ger
many and France follow, in this
order. The United States coal out
put in 1899 was much more than
three times as great as it was in
1870. All the other producing coun
tries have increased their output
since 1870 also, Germany faster than
any of the others, but Germany's
gain lias not been nearly so great
proportionally as that of the United
The principal reason for the great
growfi in coal production last year
was the immense increase in the iron
output. In round figures the pro
duction of pig iron in 1899 was 18,
CoOjOOO ions, an increase of 1,900,000
tons over 1898. A further increase
in both iron and coal Is expected in
1900. Practically speaking, the de
posits of iron ore- and coal in the
United States arc limitless. Proba.
bly this country will never have a
successful rival in the production of
cither. The possibilities for
8ion in these two products in this
country are immeasurable. Coal am'
iron ue ni we basis of a country's
industrial strength, and this deter
mines its physical power. The
United States is undoubtedly ties
uneu 10 uoia its lead in both
prouuets. it will maintain its su
premacy as a manutacturing country,
In oil the elements of material po
tency the United States will probably
lend the world forever.
ufacturing world. No great instltu.
tion can be long prosperous without
reflecting prosperity upon others,
nor, for that matter, unless the people
upon whom it depends for its pros
perity, arc prosperous. In the "hard
times" years, from 189o to 1897, in
clusive, neither the great corpora
tions nor the people were prosperous.
Neither could be without the other.
If the great corporations are receiv
ing more than their full share of the
prosperity of the whole people, it is
foolish to merely rail at them for
this. The thing to do is to make
them bear a greater share of the
burdens of organized society. Tax
them, and make the tax a graduated
one. Tax thorn, for this privilege,
and tax the rich and the high salaried
on their incomes. Thus equalize the
opportunities. That is all this coun
try needs. Do not destroy the op
portunities. Make them more numer
ous and more equal. The great
nation is made up of the great ambi
tions of its individual people. And
opportunity is the mother of ambi
tion. Salem Statesman.
Itoblictl the t'riave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by Jliim as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tonguo coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had civen me up. Fortunately, a
triend advised 'Electric Bitters' j and to
my great joy and enrprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, nnd robbed the grave of auother
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blukeley &
nougntou'6 urug store. o
Write "Laundry" on the A'ew Leaf.
In turning over the new leaf for 1900
has it occurred to you to try our work?
People who have, say it'e all rifht.
Remember there is no charge connected
with our collection and delivery system.
Iling up Condon 'phone 341, or long
distance 902. Lau.vdhy Co.,
Cor. Third and Federal Sts.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Care for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never falling remedy. It
cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents van
sumption. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
Jast "What
You taant.
C. F. Stephens
.Dealor In.
Diy Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
N Boots, Shoes. Hnti. C'nps. Notions. ,gt. fj
t j for V. I Douglas Shoo. ? j
New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a einglo stock. Itenl imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonra
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full lino of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
The Murium Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
F- s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor, Second & Lanolin, Time 157
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice it. hereby clvcn that the undcrslRiicd,
J. . iergiieson, mlmlrilstriitur of tho estiito of
I.yiiia A. Itlchiinhoii.iUceuMi', Jn imrsuiiiKO of
mi order of the Honorable C'oimtv Court of the
StHto of Oregon for Wacco enmity, duly made
and entered on the 1th day of January, I'M), will
. . , .iw... ...... uiu win imj 111 reuruary, iwj,
ol a gentle remedy, than by uny other, j proceed to tell nt private tale for ca',!! In hand,
..Gfliis. mu-
Dalies. Portland & Astoria flay. Co.
The WtcametM of tho ItOfrulntor l.lno will ran its jicr tliufoV
lowing tclu'ilule, the Company reserving the rifiht to chnngo "a
M-licittile without notice.
Str. noeriilator.
(Limited I-amlliiKs.)
IlOWN. or.
I.v. Dalles l.v.
lit S A.M. lit 7 A.M.
Tiiesdav .Monday
Tlmitdiiy Wiilncvniy
Knttirdiiv. ... . I'rlilay
,rr. I'ortlimu rr. milieu
, HtfiV. M.
at ! l'. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dnllos City.
(TimchliiR nt nil Wiiy 1'oIiiIk.)
l.v. lIlltlCK
lltOiiltlA. M.
Wednesday . ,
Arr. Portland
I.v. 1'ortliiml A
Thursday i
Arr. Hallos
Travel by the Steamers ol the UcituUMr Line. Tho Company will endeavor tr rIvi; Its put
Tim lilt' IH'Sl nt'tVILll puniinut rui minim iimnmiiuuu "'im-i
W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. ARt., The lmlliw. M
Portland OHIce, Oak-Street Dock
and Farmers
Keeps on ilnuicht tho celebrated
COI.L'MIUA 1IKKK, iicknmv:
edged the beat beer in The Dalle,
nt the usual price. Come In, try
it and be convinced. Al the
Finest brands of Wines, l.l'iuor
and Clean.
of all Kinds always on hand.
Wholosalo nnd Retail
Carry the Largest Stock of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries
In Eastern Oregon.
175 Second Street. THE DALLES
and Motors
JiANt'K.CTt;r.i:i) nv
Circulars nnd tinrtlciilnrs furnished on nnpHcation.
F. S. GUNNING-, Agent,
Wholesale and Rotail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate American. Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash
WHISKEY from !i.76 to jtl.OO mr trillion. H to 16 yimrH old.) ' " "
IMPOSTEDJJOONAO from 7.l)0 to $12.00 pur trnllon." (il to titfyenrH old.
OALirOBKIA BEAKDIES from fS.'Ji, to iO.dd per khTIoii. (4 toll yenre old."
OLYMPIA BEER on dratiKht,
Imported Ale and 1'orter.
nnd Vul Ulutz and Olympm lleer in ImttleH
Children enjoy it nnd it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Fins, is imin
ufaotnred by the California Flf Syrnp
Co. onlv.
all of the follovvlnc deserllied real ustate. li.M n.
liiff to the estate of taid Udm A. lilehardson,
direeused, tn-tvit:
L. T. Travis, njient Soutlinrn R
Sehna, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too
much in praise of One -Minute Cough
Cure. In my c.ieo it worked like a
charm." Tho only harmless remedy
that gives immediate rusulte. Cures
roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and nil
throat and lung troubles.
With every dollar purchase during
January and February wo will pivo one
chance on a .fo0 Garland steel ranye.
Jan2-lv JI.ui:i;& Dkxto.v.
The noithweit quarter o( th-.oiHlnvest rinnr
tcr, and touth half of the imtilmr.t
the s.oulhvvmtiiiartor of the northeast onirter
: f cctlon lime (:)) in tmvinhln four (j south of
tj ;"k imiiteii u-; van i ine iiiiinietie inerid- l
. Ian. in aseo eriniitv. ( iriMnn ntu.. ti.... I U
. -. - , .... ......j.. ...... i.'iiu,.-.
intei or piucei n land imitleularly lamndid and C
deerllil us follows. Coninieiii'lni; .'1 rods and1 o
0 . , 1 : l"L 'ouine.isi eorner of the I h
, uin:r in teeuon mreo s in town-
shll'our (ly Miuth of raiiKo thirteen (Hi) east of
the lllanittte nierldlau in Watco county, Ure
Kon, and rminlni? theuee north one-halt mile'
umiee yraiiu iixis aim iv. leel; thence font h
xuo Eugene journal talks of Hie
"Prosperity of the Prosperous," anil
ays the year just passed has been n
very prosperous one for trusts, syndi
cates, great moneyed institutions,
and the wealthy classes -generally.
It has also been a prosperous year
for all the other people of the United
States, especially for the hundreds of
thousands of wage earners who have
had their pay increased. No man
lives for himself alonemore ospeci
ally no man in the business nnd man.
frying jircimrnUons simply tloveT
ondrycalnrih: tliov drv un tho KprrAlinim
which adhere to tho incmbrauo and decom
pose, causing a far rnoro serious troublo than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
nig iulialauts, fumes, hiuokcs and snulla
mid uso that which cleansed, toothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm k such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
C0c. size. Elyllrothorn, fiG Warron St., N.Y.
Tho Balm curcn without pain, does not
irritato or caruo encoring. It spreads itself
over an irritated mid angry Burfaco, reliov.
m?.""wfi.(JI?tcly tho paful inflammation.
With c Cream Balm you nro armed
against aial Catarrli aud Hay I'ovcr.
one-half mile, anil l! r.nvt r. r...i. .....i n
feet to the idieo of Ik-bIiiiiImj,'- mvo aud e.xcept : K
Wngon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
therefrom four lots in Itichardson'R Addition in
the town of'Je.h, which has hecn heretofore C
mi . iiim iijinejiii; me iraet above det-etlbed In
;:uiuui inn, i i-am lurjiarmon
jowi; oi 'ijKh, as laid on
corded in tue Ileeordu n
eountj-, Orwoii, ald real estate above detcnUM
v.jmi. lining iu litre.1!, ;uore or jess.
Any iKron desiring nfomiatlon with reference
et above det-etlbed In- i ft
on's Addition to the UaaijtJ
itauililatiediind t
of lkuls for Whmjo '
Third and Merii. Piione:i59
(Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale.
Ukjj Office at Tim Dailks, Ohkooki
oy nection -un u. H, Itev. Htai., an amended y
.lay. thohth day 'of KehnmV y ni ' ' :
uVeroffid:?;,."1 ,WM umcv' ",u ,0""w,"
He!! vk5i ' !""a loU 1 aud " Scc-'-i T. 1 .v. it.
2&dM. lS!u'!V'il !"y. no
UeVllrna'iJ,fo,U,'!!0M 0r hv"" ,"e 1 ov!o
oeiKnaUi for tho commencement of uld utlo
oliitnviM) their muu will be orel tell. '
JAV 1 J.UCAH. llM-l.l,.,
loKalil real eatato uliould e:iIlon oraddresHinoat
Juuclloii Wty. Oretron.or my attorneys, Dufur
& ileuefee.atTheUalles, Oregon.
Uateil thlblJth day of January, lWJ.
Adirlnhtratorof the Ktt'ato'of hydlu' A'llch
DUFL'll it ilENEFUE.
Attorneys for Admlnitlrntor.
Executor's Notice.
, :n"ce','l'erebvKlveu that the county court
of the Mate of Oreifon for Wiuco county, In
Probate, has duly UMied letterx teatamei t irv to
he uuderslKned its the executor named I II u
silt will nnd teitament of t.'alch llrook", tic
ceaKd. nnd to administer upon the estate of the
uuva, ah jiereonii uaviuir clalmit
airalu.t said entuto are required to present the
...".v.w.uvHi uijjuu ui ionium tv ron.
Syn,J.,,ii,,l,'i'' u"' (!nm" w,th l""lir voucli.
cr, with 11 lx monthii from thi date.
December lfew.
lOT.AVIin tl llllWkl'n
Executor of tho estate of Caleb llrookn.'de-
Nnthln .1.. - u
. vunuii mo arkwiiiff
,f ??ff.Srf0!"1,0.l..v..V!r,,r,',.r
IJi will coulriliutu mors 10 (ho
llo j nuccow of the juuehcoa,
irdltintfr. Tin. U.I
ndl. for the .iinpleu o, Vhi
lullcl!OIlVor cot-
1 mini ilcllcdo Hutu it
1'AKUAUIt Oil, to.
ud Mldnrcriwlitro.
iQ tUtlerw VIV'AI.
3 K .'HAND MAWh(
Cures Irapotcncy.KItrhtEmissionr-and
vastinp diseascsi, fill effecta of oelf-
abuse, or excesu and indie
cretion. Anervotonicum!
blood builder. Brlniju the
jilnlc glow to pale dieclsBanf
restores the fire of vonth.
By malUiDcner lioxs boxes
ior Bt!.CO; with a wiltton iriiarun-
iuo 10 euro or roiund tho inouoy.
Clinton ISiJaclison Sto., CHICAGO, I Li
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
mature in strnniWhiintn, J""?8
' una VAUHWiUSQ aiKeStlVO nr.
law. It Is the latest dUrovered dlKesl
wtand tonic. No other preKfi
R?'0?.011 lfc in, effloloncy. It In
tantly rellevea and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn!
Flatulence, Sour Stomach NaE
BlokHeadache.Gastralgli CrainDs alS
. Prepared by C. C 0(wi?. Co , cfti'iii
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts. ?-" kLid
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr. This Flol,r 1H "mnufocturetl exjiroHBly (or family
11 1 . . ueo: uvorV fitck is litiiirunteeil to uivo Bfitiiifnetliiii.
ean 2,5Si z s;s:3aw hi am trud-
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
- . jjobes
All kinds of ft . t rL
undertakers BiiPial Shoes
FanePal Supplies embalmers Ete
The Dalles, Or.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and now prepared to supply every
body With Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Panoy Grooer es.
JanlO-i OIJS I'ATTKltfiO.V. in.,