llllil lISi WML .JHlli Acts gently on the DMEYS, and Bowels Cleanses the ystem el .EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JjrrS ' ,,UAt PERMANENTLY. SUV THE CPNUINE - M AMT'D BV I'EOl'LE YOU ALL KNOW. Ex-Gov. Moody returned to Salem titte morning. Ilev. B. Davison, of Hoed River, was in the citv today. Rov G. Butler, a well known travel ing salesman, was in the city yesterday, .los. Herous leaves in the morning for a. eliort visit to Portland and McMinn ville. Miss Rose D. Micheli left on the eariy morning train for a short visit to the metropolis. Mrs. Root. Mays, Jr., arrived from Antelope today and is visiting at the home of her parents. Miss Ruth Cooper returned home last night from Oklahoma, where she i? en gaged teaching at the Indian agency. J. Harvey Smith and wife nf Grass Valley came up frou Portland yester day, where Mrs, Smith has been "under going treatment at the hospital for the past six week?. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in small 31. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15. Clifton, pastor. Reeular services at 11 a. m.'and 7:30 p. in. Young people's meeting at G:30 p. m. Sunday school sU 10 a. m. Christian church Ninth and Court streets. Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. th. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school nt 10. Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. m. Morning subject, "The Triumph of Jesus Over His Enemies." Evening, "Difli cult Questions Answered." Methodist Eplfcipal church Corner Fifth nnd Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk, pastor. At 11 a. m. Rev. Robt. Wurnor will preach anil administer the Iioly communion. Sunday tchool at 10 a.m.; cla3 meeting at the clo?e of suorning service; Junior League nt 0:30; 32pvorth League at fl :30. In the evening 'the service will be evangelistic. 'Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev, Poling, pastor, aiorniug service at 11; Sunday echool at 12:15; Junior Eudeavor, 4 p. m.; Christian Eudeavor, 0:30. Evening aervice nt 7:30. Morning musical pro gram ae follows: Voluntary Andante, lv Mendelssohn. Anthem, "Praise Ye Uio Lord," Parke. Offertory, "The Good Shepherd," Barri. Evening: Voluntary, "The Nun's Prayer." Male quartet, "Let the Lower Lights be Bnrn wig." A cordial invitation extended to all not worshipping elsewhere. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for cougli9 and cold?. It is unequalled for whoonini. sotth. Chrildren all like it," writes II. i . 1 r N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fmila. It is the only harmless remwiv , that fives iiruiediate results. Cures, coughs, colde, hoarness, croup, piieu 1 oe.ia, oronchltis and all throat andiM atioknH'sat'law lung troubles. Its eatly use prevents 1 0U3ce over Fir.t Nat.n1 aAUJsfi' OBEUOfc consumption, ' AUpereonswi8l.InKto take children, 1 ather boye or gi-Is, for legal adoption or -.. i ... . . .. .. . .. 1 ou indenture, should write tO Y. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Hoys tJ Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at fortlund, who can procure for them de Btrable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance, tf BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Fulk hrtve on sole a full lino of priint nuil artist's brushes. Latest thine in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping mid sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Falk. Paint your house with paints Hint nro fully guaranteed to Inst. Clnike & Falk hare them. Fresh cracked Nebrafcka corn nt the I Wnsco warehouse. Finest kind of ! chicken feed. nicli2o-tf Size doesn't indicate quality, liewaro ol counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible jcue for piles and all skin diseases. I Lewis Dannis, Salem, Ind., says, I ''tTmlnl Tirammain flnrp did mfi liinre good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any caso of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakeley & Houghtcn Druggists. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or monev back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist". "MOON TOUCH." ThcHe An "When the Diiytt In Xcw Jersey I'eoitle lliMMinie Ileal "I.unntleM." In all the varied experience of the Camden police and hospitals nt no time has there, been so many ci'.tes of insan ity as during the lattc r jinrt of the sum mer. In most casts the hnlhicinutions of the unfortunate;; were grrttiquc and were attributed to the action of the moon. This statement seems absurd, but it was made recently in the course r.f n conversation with an authority on nien tal nfllietions, who also made the decla ration: "Hundreds of people annually become temporarily demented by the cold rays of the full moon." The majority of the cases occur in torrid latitudes, and the distorted fea tures of the aborigines of Central Amer ica are caused by moon rays. Not in frequently this peculiar influence ix erted by that luminary travels over the continents in zones. Anycne who wants to try the experiment will pet the effect by sleeping- at night under the rays of a new moon. Should the experimenter happen to lie in the ::one lit by the mental-disturbing rays the rising sun will find his features horribly distorted and the mind back of them on a rampage. Sleeping tramps in the liWti.s of this latitude suffer the most from 'moon touch." The case of Frederick Jones, a tramp, who was arrested by Police Serwcint Abbott, of the Third district, Cniud n, on July 15, was a cmc of 'moon-touch." The moon was "lulling" then, and Jones looked, as if he had Lien "out wit h the moon." His mouth was twisted ovir and had nearly caught on the upper lobe of hl ear. His nose was twisted, a la "JJerjyorae," while the "moon-touched" eyelids were, in sailor parlance, "bkv whiffed." Another "moon-touched" tramp, found on .Tilly 18, nearColiingswood, N. J., stocd almost motionless in a Held for hours. His clothes were decked with branches of leaves. SfSdom are the cases of "moon-touch" eitl-er violent cr dangerous, and, though sometimes prolonged, the waves of lu nacy are uncertain and ether-like, and pervade the air. Not infrequently these "moon-touch" wau-s in a particularly clear end dry month simulate cases o'f .sunstroke. "Moon-touch" frequently causes nim less wanderings to the htibjcct. The "moon-touch" wave zone is running through the middle states now, and the doctors say: "Look out for distorted faces and increased r-nsen of insanity about August 20. That is full-moon day for this month." Philadelphia Tiniek. Saah In lour Check. All countv warrants registered prior io April i, iuo, win ue paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tli, U'UU. U. Li. PHILLIPS, Oountv Treasurer, free! With every dollar purchaee during Jan"ary February we will glvo one CURnce on n Garland steel range Jan2 - 1w Maiek & Bknton. huntinqton ii a wilsom FRED- w,S.1JNry. VT AW ln, , THE HAU.ES, OKEUOK OflJeC nvpl First Knt Il .nl- , r.jcoae. joiikoavin MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms sy and 10, over U.5. Lund Oilice. NOTICE. STATU OK OP.KOON, EXECUTIVE Pr.r.lHTMKNT. SaI.KM, Nov 2I,199. Ill nceordnlire with tlio prnvlMims nf mi Act entitled "An Act HuuinltllUK to the Mcctors of the Htuto of Oregon nt the Ueuerul K'erthm to he held on the llrxt Momlnyiii June, lift), the vcndlnc I'minwe it Constitutional Amendments, approved I-Vhrunry IS, lv.vj, I, T. T. lieer, tiov ernnr of Ihesttite of Oregon, do here l eiitiso the following propo-ed amendments to the i.onMl tntionof the Mate of Oteiron, eerlllled to hy the Hecrctnrv ol State, to he piihlMii'il fur live coiisurutlvo'week In Tun Dai.i.ks ('m-.nNlt'i.F., n newspaper published In the seventh Judicial District of the Slate of Oregon. Done nt the Cupltnl, at Pnlcm, Oieeon, SEAL this JM ilnv of November, A. 1). lvM T. T. liUKlt, iiovernur. lly the Governor: i 1. Dl'NHAK, Secretary of State. SKXATE JOINT Iir.SOl.CTION, NO. I. He It reioivett bv the Semite, the House eon eurrluc: Thnt the followlnp: iiniendineiit to the Constitution of the State of Oiefton hemidts hereby nrorocd . . ... Thnt section 1U of Article X I. of the Conitllii Hon of the Shite ol Oregon bo mid the snine Is hetebv iibrosated, nml In lieu thereof tiiclloii 10 of Article XI. sluill be us fotlov.s: ai-.ticlk XI. Section 10. No enmity, city, town, school dis trict or other miinleliml corporation shall ha al lowed to become indebted In any manner or for nnv purpose to im amount IncludlUK present ex IsthiK Indebtedness tu the iicpreKate exceeding live per centum on the value of the taxable proiiertv therein to )w nscerUilned hy the hist as sessment for State and county taxes previous to the Incurrlnc of such iiidebtedneii. Adopted bv the Senate January ra), ISKi. C. V. Kui-ton, l'resident of the Senate Concurred in bv the Hnu-e, February lS'Ji. W. 1". (wEady, Spenku of the Ilouie. Adopted by the Senate Jmiuitry :tl, 1S95. .U.Joski'11 Sisio.v. I'resldout of the nennte. Concurred in bvthe House. February l, lSLift. Ciias. 11. IoJI.csl Speaker of the iluusu. SEXATE JOINT UESOI.f VIOX.SXO M. Ho It resolved by the Senate, the lloiise;enii eurrlnc. That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon, In lieu of fceciion Ten of Artiele Seven (7), be aad the same is hereby projKJsed, to-wlt; SECTION TEN, The Legislative Assembly may provide for the oli'Ctinnof Supreme mid circuit Judges lu dis tinct classes, one of which ehissesklmll consist of live Justices of the Supreme Court, who shall not perforin circuit duty: nml the other elms shall consist of as many Circuit Judges as may be deemed necess ry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take the Mime oath as the supreme Judges. 'Ihe l.tglslalive Assembly nut create us many circuits as may be necessary. Adopted bv the senate, February 13, WI. C. W. FCI.TO.S", President of the Senate. Concurred in bv the Home, February l.'i. 1SD.1. v. I'. Keady, apeukerof the Hoiiie. Adopted by the Senate, January 11, l-DI. JosKru Simon. President of the Senate. Concurred in by the House, February n, tss'i, BHH CitAs. II. Mour.Es, spe.iker of the House. HOUSE JOINT UESOLCTIOX, NO. II). I!e.-olved by the House, the heiiulo loncurr lug: That the following amendment to the Con stitution of Ihe State of Oregon be and hereby is propo-ed: That the Constitution be amended by adding Article XIX. as follows, to-wlt: AIVTICI.E XIX. Section 1. The necessary use of lauds for the construction of reservoirs or storage b.islns for the purpose of irilgatlim or for rights of wnv for the construction of canals, dltehe Humes or pipes to convey water to t ic place of use lor any useful, benctiehil or necessar? lnirnose. or for aralnage, or for drainage of mines or the work nigs inereoi, uy means ol roadi, railroads, tramway-, cuts, tunnels, chuff, hoisting works, uuiuiMir uuier jieceTMiry means 10 tiieir com plete diveloiimeut or tiny other use nece-sary to the complete development of the natural re sources of the State or preservation nf the health of Ps iiihahllants, Is hereby declared to be u pub lie use and subject to the regulation and control of the State. section -. The right lo appropriate the uiiap propiiated wuters of any nutiiral stream to ben elicia! uses shall neer be denied. Sectlrn a. The- use of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution, iiIhi of all waters originally appropriated for private use, but which, after sueti appropiUtion, lias hereto fore been or may hereafter be '.old, rented or dis tributed, Is hereby declured tu be u t nolle us-o and subject to the resulutlou unit control of the State in the manner prescribed bv law. lint the light tu use and appropriate such waters shal, he subject to such j rovisions of law for tin tak ing of private property for public or priv.de me tis provided In Section 1, Artiele 1 of the Cou- .niiuuuii in ine state oi Oregon. Section i. i , e right to collect tnxe. or com peneotion for the use of water supplied to au county, city, town or water district or inhabit ants thereof, l.s a franchise, and cannot be exei c.scd except by authority of and In u manner prescribed by law. Adopted by the Hnii-e, February IS, Wr,. Vi. 1. Keaky, Speaker ol the House. Signed March 7, lVJ:i.J Adopted by the Senate, February 11, Ir.o::. C. V. FL'l.-iu.v, I'resldeiitof the Heimte. (-Igned Jliireh Adopted bv the House, Frbrunry fi, 1 0.1. ciias, It. Mooisks, speaker of the IIntic. Coneiirr.d in by the senate, February 13, 'X. JosEi'it Simon, President of the Semite. iiouai: joint niwoi.UTioN no. s. prof oslng tin amendment to the Constitution nf the state i f Oregon, by repealing Section iij of Article 1. Resolved by the Itoue, the senutcciiiicurrlug; That section 3-", of Artiele 1 of the Constitution be and hereby is repealed. Adopted by the House, January 11, 1MM. W. I'. Kiudy, Spsater of the House, Concurred in by the Semite, January :in, lS'j,i. C. W. 1-UI.to.v, I'resldeiitof Ihe Senate. Adoded by the House, January 'M. 1S9.',. CHAB. I!. JlooitKs, bpeaker of the House. Concurred in by the Senate, February Vi, lS'Jj. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 7. He it resolved by the Senate, the Huutc con curring: Tlmt the following amendment to the Coiisttiutlon of the Mute of Oregon be mid Is hereby proposed: AKTICr.K I. The elective franchise in this Htuto hIiiiII not hereafter b-j nrohlbiteil tfniTivi-lilr-n ,i ,.,-.. n,,i of sex. Adopted by the Senate, February fi, 18'Jo. Josei'H Hijion, 1-resldent of the Semite. Adopted by the House, February 0. S'J,1. Ciias. H. Mooiies, Speaker of the House. Ciias. II. Mooiikh, Speaker of the Home. Adopted by the Senate, January :il. 1893. i. v, i aylok, rresiuent oi the Semite. Adopted by the House, Junuiiry 31, Ittiy, J:. V. Cai'.tkr, hpenker of thu House. I'.VITKD STATES OF AMKUICA, ) hTATE Of OltKOO.V, f Ollieo of Hecrchiry of State. ) I,. I, Dl'.VIlAK.Secrutury of Htito of the Stnto of Oresoii und Custodian of the Seal of said Htatc, do hcicby certify that I have, comrarcd the pieced I uk copy of Sonute Joint Itesoliitinu Mi. -l. of the Uiilslallve Assembly of lh'J.I, ".UUniClMll lndebtcdiiesi nmnniiinmii u......... Joint Itctnliiiluii f,o. 13 of the KcKlklntlviiAh kernbly of lS'j.,-"Judlfury Anieadont j1 Honsu Joint Ileoliillon No. 10 of the Ilslativc As fccmbly of IMWIirlKatloa Aiiiendiiioat;" Jloiiku Joint Ilesolutlon No, 2 o,' the U-kihIuIIvc ..o.v,m,. .,1 o, lieweoiurr Ainenuinellt" und Semite Joint Itesolution No. 7 of the UkIs. latlve Assembly of lsr.V-"Eu.iiul HiiIIiiiko Ami',',",.!"iL'",i w"h ."i? ""K"'"' copies now (?n lllcln thin olCce, and tlmt the lame is 11 correct truutcrlpt thciefrom uud the wholu thereof. IN Tkwimonv WiiKiiKoe, I Imveherc r "UnMtinvliuncJ uud ulllxed hereto (heal tho teal of the htnte of Ore-iron. ,,H,"f Bi.,,l!.c,yUol. ut Orejron, his Third dtiy of November, A. i. Itm, K.I, DUNIIAK. tiecrctury of Hutc. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IMLD BUT UPON PAYMENT OF ONLY The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRI11M1CA, A SUPERB UEiRABY OF 30 VOLU:va.cJ So complete that it cavers tc upo;i payment 3-&p; ; hi), H pZlr The nlire s?t vilh Guide III)) Balance payable h; small monthly payment?. Workmanship arJ maleriil tho The product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA is the asknowl idged standard cf all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER Is the bast edition of the Britannlca. Ks Do not put your money in old editions jr poorly made books because they ire cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has tot ' FOR SALE BY I. O. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. ADMIMSTIUTOK'S NOTICi;. Notice is hereby rI ven that the und3rslKiicd tux been appointed by the enmity court of the date of ()re;!0ii, for Wasco county, ndmlnlstriitor )f the estate of Autone Jerome, dtecused. AH poisons huvlnir claims asaliist said estate are nereby notllltd to iiresent them to inu ut my illiCH in The IMllei. Or., within Mx mouths from the date hereof. Dated December lu, 1SU). li. P. (illlONfi, ieelC-11 Administrator. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker aod Euibalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. 00 PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3W 33S QMtf 3 WOO 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Mank JfUOHt Anrona Mndlnir n nkelch and dowrlptlon m pulcUlT otcertulii our opinion free wlmltior o liivontjon in proliublr iiatontutilo. Commuiilpm. tloiis itrlctlroinndootuil. Handbook on I'stoiiU Milt frea. OldoM iiitoiivy f or nocurlnir iilentii. 1'atoi.u 1 token throuiih Alumi iVoTrecelVi tywlol notice, nlthout c haruo, In tho KiewiTic American. A hnndaomclr lllmtralod wonklr, Villi., In. 1 .if i.r.v .flli..iIIM. I. . Kg iTuruioutUa,l. Boldbynli now.doaibr." MUNN I Ci.36'"..., New fork Jraaafa Oaico. tat V HU WaablLjilo" iJ.t Terms, ;i YOt) CAN OBT I'OSSBMION OP entire ransfc cf iusman knowledge or only best known to the boolc-makinR art. equipped book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to thn University, brine the University to tllSiTI. This c.lition hasjiever been sold for less than $6.1.50. For a short time only ?4o.5o cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANSACTA ENKl'.ALBANIvING IlL'MNEb Itittore of Credit leaned uvuilublu in the En titer n Stnti'H. Si t ExcluuiBt) und Tolccntphic TranefurB sold on New York, Ctiicneo, St. Louis, Sun Fr.ineiFco, Portland Orti Kou, Seuttlo Wiiiili,, und vurloue poiute in Oregon nnd Wuuhinutun. Collectlona made at nil nointu on fav orable tunns. C. S. Smith, Tin: iJp-to-dateQroeer Freeh Krb nnd Croauiury iititter a Hpucinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. TiiBCfllinWa Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JIANUKACTUHKR8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages (hirers of BRAND HAMS & BACON a)KIF,D beef, etc. J.H. HCIIINK, frtaldeut. 1 M. ilKAI. , Cuahiei Best National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREdON A General Banking BuaineBB transaeted OoltectlonB.made and piooeedB promptl ui . rnottetl on dav of collection. . ,Jmu iinuuiiw auc ori- land. Eu. M. Wiluaim, go. A. Lfkui, H. M. UiAt.ii. -j, a n is DKI'Ai r TIMK HCIIIIDUI.K. Anntr. I jn Kiiom 1)am,i;h, VeaSr Vnsl Hnlt l.nlio, Holiver, l't, v,.t Mull Worth, Uninhn, Knit- 1,0 niton, in. his City, St. Umh, i.d t, K ChlniKo und Ihist. p B firiliiiui' Wullii Wnllu, KiKiknmi,! HixiVin. l'lyer MlunimpollH. Ht. I'mil, Wrer 7:05p.m. iMilutli, Mllwniiki-0,1 4 :3ii n Chlcufo nnd Knst. j ,m 8l'-m' .. ' ,. I I'.tt. l noM I'okti.ahii. I Oeenli Hteitinihlii. I or fiati rntnoN'o Iieveinher n, H, 1,1, is, si; uud 'H. I B V- 1 p. m Itx.MindllVir'filtllflliffi lit' Minn mom . ITv bliudt) Ttl AhTOHIA 1111(1 Will" Saturday ; IjukHiiks. IU p. m. j ii 11. m. I Vii.r.AMitTTn ItivKK. 4;.t0n.m Kx.Sunduy Orcjsmi City, .NewUri;, Kx.HuadH Sulein it V11y l4ind'. Ta. Ill, VlUAMtTT!C and Vam- !1 SO ti. n. Itied.Tlitir.l hid. ItlVKlix. Mon.AVdt anil yt. jOrecon City, Dayton, und Krl. I uud Wiiy-I.Hiittltigs. fin. m. Wii.i.auctte HiVKn. 4 an p.m. Tiie..Thur,(l'ortland to CorvnlllH, Mon. Wed uud Ant, 1 uud Wuy-UindliiRii. nml Fridar Skakk ItlVKK, Itljmrlii to l.,wJstoii. I I.EATJ LSWIKIM dull; I s :m a. m. l.V ltiiarhi dully 1:2) 11. 111, iTtf rurtlCK deslriiiR to co to Ht?tntior ylinsU take No. I, leiivlni; 'J he llnlle tit 7:0j ji. m ii'.nkliiir ilirit't t'oiinci'tloiih at Hi'id'lier Juiietlna Itutllrului; itwikiiiKdlreoteouucedlon ut lli'iamcr Junction ulth.No, 1. arriving nt The Unllntt j. m. No. S.-J, throucht frelcht, enM hound, doei not curry iM.eiiKeTK; urrlven '.'.Ml 11, 111., depart! 11, 111. No leeul frelRht, earrlen laist-encetn, ct hound: urrlvoK l;;to 11, in., depnrtM h. 15 p. m. No. si, est li'iiiiiii tliroUBh frelsht, dnen not nirry iu:seiit;eri; urrlvin tt: IS 11 111. , dciuitM !)::io j.. in. N'o. 'J.I, west hound locul frelirht, rfttrles pas H'tiKers; arrives f : 1 a p. in,, dopnrt 8:'J0 11. 111. Tor full particular!) cull on O. It. A N. Co.'i i,w,'lit 't'h.t Tin lli.K tir tulflfi.kk ... Jl. (IU 1,1, (leu I'iih. Act., 1'ortlHiid, Or, 1." II III?IH TUTjir EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TriihiH leave and are duu to nrrlvo nt 1'ortlaii OVLMtLANIJ EX-"! 1 liress, Hiileni, Itoe- 1 Im ri;, Ahliluiid. Bite-1 :0D I'. JI. I '.'""onto, UKiien.han 1 15 A I.os AiiKelefc.Kll'ano, 1 , New Orleans und . Kat I R-m a v , l'o!.ehui'B uud way htu-. tlons 1:30 I'. 51 Dally ejteept SutiJttjri. fVIu Wnodhiir fori Ml.Aiiirol, Hllvorton, West hclo, llrowiib villcHjirliicileld nnd Dully except (Sundays 1 niunm . INDUITNDENCK l'AHtillNtiKH. 'ijxjiresh trula I'uiiy lexuepi ouiiiiiiyj. USOji. in. (Lv. ...I'ortlaiid ...Ar.) fi:n.ra 7::i(ii. 111. Jai .McMiunvllie .l.v.5 ri.Wiu.ra ;S0i. 111. (Ar .Independeiite..l.v.) I..'k. m Dally. IDony, except buiianr. DININCi CA K8 ON OOUIJN HOUTK. 1't'l.UIAN lllll'KET BLr KI'KHS AND 8KtOND-CI.A63 HLEEl'lKC CAUb Attached to all Throunh Trnlna. . Direct connection ut fcnu r'ninclhco with Oct! (leiitul uud Oriental nnd I'nelllc uiuil ntcamidilp iincMiir j.vrAr, una uiiina. riulllnc date on u hllcatlon. Kitteii uud tlcUctK to Knstern points und Kit-'"l't'-. AImiJAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU and A 1 1 ft i KALIA. All uhovu trulim nrrlvo nt und depart (rote Omni! Central Btutlun. Filth nnd Irvine idrwU YAMHILL DIVISION. 1'iin.eiiKer Depot, loot of Jullcrtoiratrcct. U'live for Bheridnn, week duyf, tl:S0p.n Arrive ut I'ortlaiid, V.JtO a, m, fA'ave for AIKI.IK on Monday, Wodneoduy and dav, f hnrbdiiy uud Bnturduj it 3:1)5 ji. in. hxevpt Buudiiy. Efupl Buturdny. H. K'. K'-l.EIC, u, II. MAKKHAMi jlnninier, AHat. U, J-'. ii 1'aaa. Alt 1 hroiiKh Ticket Olllec, lilt Third atreot, when tliroiiKh tlokotH to nil ikiIiiU in the Kimtcra htateh, Canada uud Europe) cnti be obtained at lowest nitea from orN.lu.!!,oK.KK,'AN,,TU1'utAK,!U, ...STEAM... J Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, j W Kutes Keaconuble. K Katea Keasonuble. Telephone 201. W. A. OATES, Prop, i JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Deutist. Otllce over French Si Co.'a Ilnuk fhone 6, thk DAIXE, OltKOO!'