For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Overcontln-or Fnticy Vesting. Kindly mil and examine my t.tock ol 1m Totted and Domestic Woolens. A line stock lo nclect from. . ...... Buits made from t he lowest prices to the lilgn est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. llir DALLE;, OltEGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BUBSCKirTION riucE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year : 6 00 SATURDAY - JANUARY 13, 1000 JRTSHMEX AND THE BOEUS. trr A Springfield, Missouri, dispatch reports that the Springfield division of the Ancient Order of Hiberians, which was solicited by the national president to contribute to the fund for the relief of the Boers, decided, by an almost unanimous vote, not to comply with the request. If the fund is honestlj' employed for the relief of wounded Bonr soldiers and widows nnd orphans, its collection is not only proper but highly meritorious, But if it is in tended to increase the fighting capac ity of the Boer armies, ns seems probable, the action of the Spring field division is deserving of com mendation, It is apparent that the Springfield Irishmen have been doing some close thinking on this subject. They realize that the present war Is an inevitable struggle for the supremacy of South Africa. And they know there are a hundred opportunities for Irishmen in an English-speaking country where one can be found in n Dutch speaking community. The Irish people have therefore a direct in terest in the pending struggle. Three hundred years ago it was a; question whether America would be dominated by the English, the Dutch, thel-rench or the Spaniards. Sup- r i. ..... ..I..-..,..., yum iuv; liiiuu imii ii iiiuii.ueu nan retained New York, and spread in overwhelming forces over the Eng-Jisb-speaking colonies. How many Irishmen would be in this country History is repeating itself in South Africa. If the Boers triumnh. nntl k i the Afrikpiiderbund achieve their slogan, "Afrika for the Afrikanders," it is little that will benefit the Irish people anywhere. The truth is Krugcr and tho Boers liavo no more use for the Irishman than for on Englishman. Less, if there is nny discrimination, because the Transvaal constitution expressly prohibits any Roman Catholic hold ing public oilice. Ever the hope of the Irish emi grant turns toward the English- speaking colonies of the world. I i7i,i . , England has been cruel to the It ish people, but England's dau-'hters' " o '. everywhere extend them a warm welcome. Spokesman-Hevieff. Tbe report that John Jacob Astor lws decided on doubling bis rent charges, which will result in the forfeiture of their homes nnd places of busine3s by many people who Lave occupied tho premises for a quarter of a century or more, nnd who in fact in many instances are tbe equitable owners, is enough to liake one's belief in the doctrine of lvested rights," nnd make socialists, Blngle-toxers, populists or anarchists out of millions of people. Probably Mr. Astor is clearly within his legal rights, but if there is any heaven, there will be no Astors in it unless it be the founder of Astoria. Tele pram. Rev. T. DeWitt Talmaae, describ ing the judgment and succeeding scenes, which he professes to know something about, says: "Then our ruined planet will begin to smoke, and the mountains will smoke, nnd the valleys will smoke, and the sens will smoke, and the cities will smoke, and the five continents will smoke." Under these smoking circumstances, possibly the reverend word monger might take a smoke himself. IMnycil Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sore9 all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to aire Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any othtfr blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. llnblK'd the Grnve. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a'well man. I know they saved my life, nnd robbed the grave of another victim." No one shouldail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed,'at Blakeley it Houghton's drug store. 5 Write "Laundry" on the 'ew Lear. . In turning over the new leaf for 1900 has it occurred to you to try our work? People who have, fay it's all right. Remember there is no charge connected with our collection and delivery system. Ring up Condon 'phone 341, or long distance 902. Dalles Laundry Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never failing remedv. If cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat nnd lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It is the nnly harmless remedy that gives immediate results. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones aro im proved more by the pleasaut Syrup of Figs, when in need of the lHxative effect children enjoy it and 'it benefits the,,.! The true remedv, Syrup of Fie?, is man i ..: i.L... V 'V trictureu by the California Fit Syrup Co. onlv L. T. Travis, agent Southern R. R., Selina, Ga., writes: "I can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough cham... Tho onlv liarnileBB r(!Inf!dv that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colils, croup, bronchitis and nil thraat and lung troublfe. Clarke & Ftdk have received a cirlond of the celebrated Jnmes E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Drying jn-tiparations (.imply devel op dry catarrh ; tlioy dry up tho secretions, which adhere, to tho mcuilmuio and decom pose, cruising a far nioro Kerious troublu than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, Biuokcu nud snuiTa mid use that which cIcoiisch, Hoothes and henln. EIv'b Cream Halm is such n remedy aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily aud pleasantly. A trial size will ho mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soil tho 50c.sizo. ElyJirothors, GO Warren St.. N.Y. j."u jhiiiii cureu wiinuiu nam. does Hot irritate or cause snoozing. It spreads itsdf ?ver. bT-itatcd and angry surfaco, reliov- inu lnimedintn v tlin nniufnl !,,(l,.,.,mi; Ml. IK.l... i . . ' : ing immediately tho painful iufln mmiitinn With JCly's Cream Ilulm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Ieolated Tract 1'ublic Land Sale. 1.AKD Office at tub 1), Oiieijon j t , Jan, , moo. lA" ,11"?.1'' ''?re5)'Klven tlmt In puisuance of in ructions fiom the com mhsiouer of the Ren' c-ral huidi) lice, under authority vested in him If ," , u. niiu., as amended Any and nil imnnii. i,ii,,ii,... ...i...... ..i.. ..... above described landu ate advised to l lo tli- r cliilmsln his nl leo on or before the day above ileslKimtul for thoeommenccment of said le, otherwise their rlgltti will be forfeif.-d, JAV I' MJCAB, IttKlster, JatilO-1 OllB 1'ATTEKSO.V, ltecelvcr. -"nie',r npproven t euruurv . ih'M fUU.' "."'"''"J -of tho hour F k" wStM lut" 1 a"d s' Hvc-'s T-1 'S'- " 3 i I i Complete '. Cine of Drills at ! ! 1WI 7 nONNlFl I ! THE DRUGGIST. ! I rC. p. Stephens ...Dealer In... j Dry Goods, Clothing, j Gents' Furnishings. j j Hoots, Shoes. Hnts Caps, Notions. ARt. Mi E j for V. 1.. DourIiis Blioe. ? j j Ittv- The Dalles, Or, j Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & Lailn, Time 157 NOTICE. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given thnt the undersigned, i u ii. ivi(iv.uii tiuiiiiuiniiuiur in ine esuue (ii I.ydln A. Itlchardson, decease ', in pursuanee of an order of the Honorable County Court of the oibiu oi uregon ior aco minify, duly made and entered on the 4th day of January, 1W.O, will from and after the 15th day of 1-ebruary, VM3, j i.n i.-ru ii, fvn in jiEivuie Hie ior easn in nam, all of the following described real estate, bel ng- nifc m fciiuunutiu in Ulliu i.YUlll a. j.icnarusou. deceased, to-wlt: 1 he northwest nuarter of tli snnt' mint-, i tj:r, Mini Miuth hull ol the imr'livut (jiiartor and ,l,'u """""rttt iuarter of the northeast (u.irter ! tf JSJ"? . " ir'?.J' "' f I? Mmth of & miiKo thirt .n (:)) east . f the Willamette merid ian, m mucu nanny, urcKnn; also that curtain plec. or parcel of land particularly bmindul and described as follows; t'ominenciiiK .!! rudKiind l-'v .a et west of the southeast corner of the southwest ijuarter of section three (:), in town 1 ll',V!!r SH""1 T1""-'0 thlrtct-ii (l;i; east of the Willamette meridian in Wasco countv, Ore Kn, and runnini,' thence nonh one-half mile; tnence west tu rods urn H.: )..,.! ti, one-half mile, and thence east tti rods and I1., feuttothe.iluceof iK'BinninK- save and except therefrom four lots In lifr'linriim i,i,u,i..,. the Town ofTyKh, which has been heretofore i; ... ", ' .",u ,rutl i'i"vt' described In cludint'allofhald lllehardson's Addition to the J owe of 'Jj'Kh, as laid out and platted und re coidid in tne litcords of Deeds for Wa-co county, Oieuou, said real estate above described coutaiiiiui; 10 acres, more or less, ny person deslrint; n.'ormation with reference tosald real estate should eallon or address mo i Junction City. Orepn, or my attorneys, Dufu t Meuefee, at The Dalles, Oregon. i mu at Dufur IMted thlsl2th day of January, 1101. Adirinistrator of tho Estate of Ljdla'A.0 n'ich. uidsou, deceased. Dl'FUi; A .Mknkfiik, Attorneys for Administrator. lajanSt Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby Klven that the county court of the state of OreKim for Wasco county, in probate, has duly issued letters testamentary to he ui.derslKiied as the executor mimed til tl e last will and estami-iil al cl..i. n. .! ceased, and to udmlnlsier upon tho estate of the suld deceased. All jKirsons havii K claims iiKidii.t said estate are required to present t o same to me at the law mile i nf r,,,i,..; don, ill . Dalles Citj , OrcKOii. with propc-r vouch.' ers, within six montliH from this dute? December lfi'j'j. ... KOI.ANDO O. IlitOOKS. J;ZTlt,r 0f "10 cMut0 ot (',,lcl' lirookH.'do . Dec'll-ll Candles Nllthlntf filui AAA ,n mn.1. to the cilMrninf llm il..Mn. room or boudoir the oltlr riilf. Notliiiiii will coalriliulo mota lo dm rtlstlc .ucce of the lunclwon, "ir. Tho bent dtcontivo candle for the ilmplixt or the cmifurmu iiinciion for cow tmfo Or InanHif.n. & l .11 M..l ud tho mo.t delicto tlmi t HTAMWAUU OIL CO, od Mid einrjwhere. just What You uaant. New ideas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced "a single Btock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper jiriren. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Butchens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drought the rclvbrntvtl COl.CMHIA IlKElt, aeknon-;. edged the best beer In The Dulles, nt the usual prlee. Come In, try It nnd be eouvlneed. AIo the Finest brands of Wines, I.l-jtiur cud CiL'iirs, Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds nlwiiys mi bnnd. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Wholesales ana Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES : 5 i i 4 GK.NEKAL ...AND. is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Jeffcnn, Piioiie'159 nlERVITA Etiloren VIVALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD CureH Impotency, Nlpht Emiusions nntl wasting diseases, all cllect3 of Belt- abuKe, or exects and Indin crctlon. Anerve tonic uikI blood builder. Brings the plnlc glow lo nale c'leeks ant restores the lire of youth. By mall 50c ncr box: i boxes for $2.50; with a wrlttun iriiiuan. tee to euro or reluud tho inouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILU Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aide rtronKthenlng and recon BtructlnRthe exhausted digestive or- R? JV' t.h0 la8t discovered digest ant and tonic. No Other TrrU.TT.i can approach It In efflciencyrit In" sr1.!"'"! iuuiKCHiiun, Heartburn. all other TMliMotlm&& rranoraa By e. c. DWI'.. Co., Cbleiii DRUGGISTS BiacKsmnns Horsesnoe p-OTw n i a; a a; i TZ'Tly? Tho S i-mers Inxvliie selu'diili', srhedule without Str. Rognlntor. (Limited LaudlUKs.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. now.v. I.v. Dalles at S x. M. 'ruesdaj. . .. Thuisdiiy Sntiirdav. rr. I.v. I' at 7 A. M. Monday . .Wednesniiy Frldiiy Arr. Dalles at ft r. M. h Arr. I'ortbinil t! at f l'. m. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Ktcamcrs of tlit'Iti-KUlutor l.lne. rotiN me nest nervieo iioMoie. !, I'ortlnnd Oilice, Oiik-Strivt Hock. W. .HA.Vt'KACTtJI(i:i) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulrtre nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, utiliG THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from a.76 to (I.OOjH!r uullon. (4 to 15 years old.) ' mPpRTEDOJ3GNAOJrou7.00 to 12.00 per irullon. (if to L'Oj'tmis old.1! OALirOEKIA BEAMDIEB from tS.'Jb to t(U0 per gallon. (4 to H years oTdT" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on draught, nnd Vul Blntz nnd Olympia lieor in bottles Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain otrii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o? mTlfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Tlli" I,,our 18 ""fctured expressly for family Wa D1 n , . ,IHe: uviiryTlack is Kuaranteod to five flfttiafaction. ..n . i ' 0Ur mile Iow?r1tt y Iioiibo ill tho tntde, und if you dou't think no call and uet cur jinces and ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Graftdall & Barget - - fill kinds of a tu. , eU UNDERTAKERS BUFial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers ' Ete. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pione u j,;. REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Poriianfl & nstoiia lav. Co. of tho Ilctjnlntor l.lno will run an per the fol the Company reservliiK tho right to chiiiigo'. notice Str. Dallos City. (TouehlliR at nil Way 1'ointK.) DOWN. I.v. Dalles at .:: A. M. Monday Wi-diHwlay . , I'rldny Arr. Portland (uncertain) . . r. 3 I.v. l'ortland 8 ate, a u. 3 'I'uesdny 'A Thursday ,8 Pnturiliiy 3 Arr. Dull,.. .3 (lllioertnlioJ tiw womimny win cuiicavor to Rive itn jmt ,3 rur luriuui iiuiiiuiiimuii .umw. u C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt,, The Dalles ,J and Motors