1- ywj Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System rI EFFECTUALLY hBffUAi:cbNnBKn0N ' 1 UAU PERMANENTLY. BUY THE 6FNUINE - M AHT'D By (aui?risiaTgiSyrvp(2. ros sau by a i csvcacii fact sot fir ktiil l'EOI'LE YOU ALL KNOW. It. J. Ginn, of Moro, is in the city. .1. T. Reynolds returned to Sprngue today. F. X. Spiuer came down from Antelope yesterday. C. C. Dickens and J. S. Gmv came in from Victor yesterday. A. L. and L. M. Bunnell are visitors in the city from Centerville on business. S. .1. L France and H. C. Coe, Hood River residents, came up from that place yesterday. P. C. Hetzler, superintendent of the American Bible Society, was in town yeaterday afternoon. T. A. Hudson roturned this morning from a trip to Waitshurg, where lie went to adjust some tiro losses. Dr. Damn, who has been practicing in uniur. came in Irom that place yester day on his way to Portland. Mies Edna Glenn went down on the Regulator this morning to spend a short time with friends in Portland. Miss uiara iMCKelsen was a passenger on this morning's boat bound tor Port land, where she will enter the business college. uoitr. In this city, this morning, Jan. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker, a foil PREPARATORY TO ELECTION. Tut!gi8 iiml llnr;n i,r Klcctlou Cliofeen T'rinu Various I'rtcliiet. The County Court has appointed the following judges and clerks to serve in the different precincts during election : FALL I'KHCINCT. .Judges E P Ash, chairman ; A S Holl, TF Atwell. Clerks A Travers, D L Cates. vil-.nto 1'i:i:ui:;ct. Judges U P Harvey, chairman; Ed Miller, S W Currun. Clerks-It J Tucker, H C Jackson. WKbT J100I) K!Vi:u I'KECINCT. Judges A S Blowers, chairman ; J E 3tnd, L Henry. Clerks M P Ienhorg, H I, Howe. south noon nivi:i( j-uecinct. Judges I) S Crapper, chairman-; Tlios Bishop, H Prigs. Clerks C E Murklmiu, J S Miller. kast hood mvi:n nttciNcr. Judges John Monroe, chairman; J 1 Dukee, F M Jackson. Clerks D McDonald, Milton O'Del). HALDWI.V I'KKCINCT. 'Judges George Winner, chairman; H II Tomlinson, Robert Leisure. Clerks William Edict, S M Baldwin. JIO.SIIII! I'KKCINCT. Judges J p Carroll, clutirman Robert Dunsmore, Lee Evans. Clerks John T Davenport, W A Hub band. WKST D.U.LKH I'KKCINCT. . I 'ZXt r' mnn ; - Alox Anderson, M Doyle. Clerks 0 L Schmidt, Vie Marden. TKEVITT I'KECIXCT. Judges C E Bayard, chairman; Geo Miller, J F Moore. Clerks lv J Smnott, John Gavin. IIIGEI.OW I'KKCINCT. .Judges Charley Dietzel, chairman ; 3 M Huntington, Ouss Bonn. Clerks I 0 Mckeleen, Douglas Dutur. MOUNTAIN I'UECINCT. Judges Clerk EA8T IMLLKH I'KECIXCT. Judges-B F laughlln, chairman; Dave Cieiglilon, Soth Morgan. Clerks C C Cooper, L L McCartney. JUGHT MILK l'ltCClNCr. Judges W J Davidson, chninnnn; 0 H Conley, J C Wiiittfiold. Clerks G Covert, Newt Pnttorson. COLUMBIA pkecixct. Judges D j Bolton, chairman ; Har ry Gilpin, Martin Wutornian. Clerks Harry Richards, C J Brown. IHLS OIIUTKS I'KKCINCT. Judges J B Bolton, chairman; V II O'Dell, Vincent Kelley. Clerks-J W Whipple, Clem Egbert. 110YD I'KKCINCT. Judges LP Bolton, chairman; Geo. V Rice, William Hastings. Clorks II Southern, J B Haverly. DUTCH I'KKCINCT. Judges W It Menefee, chninnnn; JA Gulliford, J D Douglas. Clerks L B Thomas, M J Anderson. RAMSEY I'KKCINCT. Judges William JVantlerpool, chair man; M P O'Brian, John Xolun. Clerkt William Rngsdale, Frank Hill NANSK.VK I'KKCINCT. Judges F C Clausen, chairman; II Fargher, Polk Bu'ler. Clerks Will Adams, Ed Griflin. KI.NGSLKY I'KKCINCT. Judges John D Whitten, chairman ; Charles Fraly, Michael Glavoy. Clerks James Kelley, James Ward. TYGH I'KECINCT. Judges A A Bonney, chairman; Van Woodruff, J II Sclmntine. Cleiks John McCorkle,M J Zuinwalt. WAMIC I'KECIXCT. Judges John End, chairman; Henry Driver, Charles Wing. Clerks E N Chandler, II F Wood cock. OAK GROVE I'KECIXCT. Judges J P Abbott, chairman; II T Corum, Lon Kelly. Clerks L C Hennigan, J R Cunning ham. ISAKE OVEX I'KECIXCT. Judges J M Davis, chairman; G A Young, F S Fleming. Clerks F K Jones, James Hinton. ANTELOPE I'KECIXCT, Judges F II McGreer, chnirman; Frank Kincade, N W Wallace. Clerks Joe Kels iv, J X Burgess. The- Hung Off, .Some queer conversations take place over the telephone, nnd complications arise which r.re extremly amusing. For instance the following misunderstand ing took place over a city vote not long since: "Are you there?" "Yes." "Who are you, please?" "Watt." What's your name please?" "Watt's my name." "Yes, what's your name?" "1 say my name is Watt. You're Jones?" s "No, I'm Knott." "Will you tell me your name?" "Will Knott." "Why won't you?" I say my name is William Knott." "Oh, I beg your pardon." "Then you'll be in this nfternoon, if I come around, Watt?" "Certainly, Knott." Do yon wonder ti.ey rung off in dis pair and disgust? a sums cuius ion cisour. In only-live Yi-uiV Constiint ;M0 with out it Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, ami in a child subitet to tlia disease it may be.taken as a sure sign of tho approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cougn. if Chamberlain's Cough Remedv is given as soon us the child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy cough appears, it will prevent tho uttHck. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the ansiouB mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance m which it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such u record tweuty-flve years' constant use with- out a failure. For sale by Blakelcy A iiuugiuun. Catarrh Cannot In, Cured ii.i i .. twin mcai appiicouons, as they cannot reach tho seat of the diseose. Cutarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ih taken internally, and acts directly on lm lilnrwl ...! I ... .wm ...... ...uiuuo C14I JUUCB. X1UII I Cntarrl, Cure ie not a quack medicine w.w uiuuu nun iiiuLuua eunaces. Halt B It was was prescribed by one of the best phyBicians in this country for years, und is a regulor prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, tree, V. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo 0. hold by drrugglsts, price 7fic. Hall'fl Family Pills are tho best. 12 Paint your houso with paints that are fully guaranteed to lost. Clarke A Falk have them. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke A Folk havo on aalo a full line of paint and artist's briiBhee. Use Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from tho bend. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts ale the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. You will not have bolls if you take Clarke A Falk's stiro cure for boils. Latest thing in cameras nro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt tho Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Size, doesn't indicato quality. Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Dc Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything 1 evor took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and Btomach trouble. Sick Hcadachu absolutely ondjperina nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. "f cts. and DO cts. Blakoley A Houghton Driiggist". L. T. Travis, acent Southern R. R., Solina, Ga., writes: "I can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Notice tii Voterfl. Under the provisions of the registra tion law all persons when registering are required to furnish to llfce register ing oflicer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, an I court of naturalization. In this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. Residence must be specific; giving precinct, section, township and range; if within town or city, the street, No. if any, and No. of lot and block ; if in ut;y building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. j In order to avoid unnecessary delay j and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register Bhould be prepared to furnish the above information. I'rtcnuies win ne lurnisiieu in eyery precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kei.say, dpc-l-aOJys County Clerk. Knlilieri tile (iiuve. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated bv 'him as follows "I was in a mo3t dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyeH sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three p'nysi cians iiad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy und surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for thiee weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only oOc, guaranteedut Blakoley A Houghton's drug store. 5 AIcKllilt-y Cluli .MeeUni;. There will be n meeting of the Mc Klnley club nest Wednesday evening at the counly court house. Bushiest) of itnportanc3 will come before the meet ing. By order of D. Cr.EiriHTOx, Vice Pres. "I am Indebted to One Minute Condi Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grinne." Thousands owe their lives to tho prompt action ol this never falling romedv. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its earlv use nrevontH onn. sumption. It is the only harmless remeuy mat gives immediate results. "One Minute Cough Cure is tho best remedy I ever used for concha and colds. It is unequalled for whoopinir cough, Chrildren all like it," writes II. Williams, Gentryvllle, Ind. Never fails. It Is the only harmless remedv that gives iirrnediate results. Cure's coughs, colds, hoarness, eroun. nnou- inonia, bronchitis and all throat mid lung troubles. Its early use nrevontH onsumption. Sniti In lour Check. All county warrauts registered nrlnr to April 1, 1890, will bo paid at my oflice. Intereat ceases after Jan. fitn. MO. C. L. Piului'h, County Treasurer. , F. MCOBK. JOIIK OAVIN MOOKE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKYB AT LAW, Kooma 39 and 10, over U. S. Land Olllce. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IS GOLD rnrr upon PAYMENT OP ONLY ON iS The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANN1CA. A SUPERB OF 30 mikS&mi VQLU&'iaS c rn.nW ih-A it covers the entire ranee of h'jman iinowlcdge. Muiwvv -- - I gg?f piggp: In SS,p:f T,'S zv: ;,V " ,' - K1 ITlgr- he rntirc sel -.vith Guide lilLeC3a9' an.l case dclivc-rrJ (S-j aa hi I U A upon pnyneut of only P 1 M Jgf Balance payable in smail inonihly pnyrr.cnt:.. Workmanship an.1 material the rhe product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA is ths acknowl tdged standard of all Encyclopedias, and tho NEW WERNER is the best edition of the Britannica. life Do not put your money in old editions jr poorly made books because they are :heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. PHU Consider the advantage of a family who has tills work over one which has FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby plven Hint the. uii(ljrsli;iicil lins buun iiiiMiliitcd liv the county court il tliu Ntiitc o( ()r.-i;im, for S used eoutity, iiUmlnlHlriitiir if the cstHte of Antoiie Jerome, ili-cvascd. All perMn.s having clutniK nuMinst Mild entiitc are tipreliy liotllled to preient them to me nt my itllcn in The Halle!. Or., within fclx months from the date hereof, Dated December 1, IS'J . H. F. OIIION'S, ieelG-li Administrator. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MiCHELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. 0-0 PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAI 33S ONV 3IAJOO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TBAot Marks CBIQNB CoavRinuT li .A1T.ono """linn n ikotrh and deicrlptlnn ma qiilcUlr lucortaln our opinion free whetl "or a. iivoiitlon prohnU r Pntentabte , ComrnunlciL. Vi li i.u 1 taken tHrough Munu A. "rocolVk tvtctat notice, without obame, In tho 'UM, Scientific Hmtm. A handiomolr llluitrated woeklr. IJruct clr. tuiitlon uf unr icientino jnurnaL viSEX a . Kirir.urJ!,,!!l,,,,'1' BoldUyall newidealerh . 9nS!?i V HU WaihlK AV YOU CAN OBT I'OSSUSSION OP r rr- h:r,t lrnown to Vic book-making art, cquippc! book factory in America. if you cannot send your children to th;; University, bring ths University to them. This edition lias never been sold for less than ?6..3o. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $.15.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. - The Dalles, Or. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TK AKS ACT A KNKKAI. HAN1CIN( JIUfc'INEb Ixittore of Orudit iuBued avuilublo in the LiiBtem Statoa. Siht Exchange nnd Tok'nraphic TranefurB sold on Now York, Chiuuro, St. Louis, Kan FmnuiHco, Portland Oro- U'on, hcnttlo Wiieh,, uml vuriouK noiutB 111 OroL'ou nnd Waahuii'ton. Collections tnn'Ju ut nil poinlB on fav orable ternm. C. S. Smith, Tin: iip-to-dateQroeer Freeh Errs nnd Crontnory Huttor n Bpueialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN0FACT0KKU8 OF Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. J.8. BCHKNK, Preildout. U. M. IIKAI. , Ciwlilei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buslnese tranaacted DepoaitB receive Hubject to Slirbt Draft nr n,J., CollecHonB made and proceeds promptl. ght and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco and Port. land. Ed. M. WiLLiAiiB, . Gjco. A. Limm. a. M. BBAI.L. Tne coiumDia PaGkinoGo EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -ok tim; ouumem rtuiiiiu LrOmp V 1 raiun iviivu unit iiru iiiiu 10 lirriVQ nt I'OTlUi I.KAVK. OVKIII.ANI) i:x 1 tirCHN, HlllClll, HlWC 1 liliri;, AkIiIuiiiI, Hnc-1 raiiieiito, Utdnii,Hiin I 7:00 1'. M. l'ratiaiticr), Mciluvo, ltHAtifjcluiijarunn, New Orlentin uml .11 A. Kaitt HtSO A.M. HliKUhlirK I'tul yny Ma tlotiH fVlii Woodbnra for, Mt.AnEul,BltV(!rtim, i Wert Hfllo, llrowim. 1:30 p. ) Dully Dniir exci'iit HuuduyH S'ntml! " SUM cicopt V"-"- - J . it :no a. m. ICorvalllH IhtntlntiK., nnd way I 5:80 P.M. INDKI'KNDKNOU I'ABSKXdKK. I'.xiircntnl. LI. ...... ... 'is , in, M.v rorlland ...Ar.) 8:81. "::) ). in. Ai .WciMlnnvlllo. I.v.J 6;fi0i,B w:m . in. twvi..iiiuL..)tiuuiieu..i.v n l:i.n Dally. IDatiy, except HuiidiiY. D1NINU OAH8 ON OODKN UOUTK. PULLMAN 1IUKKKT KLEKPICUS AND SKCOND-CLAfiS HLKEPIKti CAES Attached to nil Throucli Traitn. Direct connection ntfan Kranclnco ulth rw dental and Oriental nnd Pnclllo mall uteannlui lines for JAPAN und CHINA. Hulling dttei o il luieiiiiuii. iwueN hiui iieicein in r.aniurn iioinih nnalg. rillu'. AlHOJATAri, (JIllA, IIUMH.ULD Ut A I'OI l.rt I.1A. All above tratim nrrlvo at nnd clrmut lr (irand Central Htatlon, Kiftli and Irvme itittk YAMHILL DIVISION. I'aiNcii(;er DtHit, loot nf Juflcriion xtrcct Leave for Hhcrldim, wook dnyr, at 4:30 p. a Arrive ut Portlulid, V.'JO u. in. Iarvc for AIHI.IK cm Monday, WitliimdnuK iTinuv aih.itia. m. Arnv ai i-orimiiu. Tm Ar.-iv nt rortlaiiu, Tu uav, 1 iiurminy nnn Katnruaj 11 ii;e.'i 11. m. Kxceid Bunduy. It, Kv.K.i.KU, .M ammcr. 'Kxcejit iinturday. O, II. MAP.KHAM, Ahftl. (1. 1". .V: Piihh. Alt rnroiiKii tickoi urncc, 1:11 'i ntra hircct.wiai th-..titi.h ttr.L.tu f.i .ill t.nl.ifu Iti ft.n Uat. Htutes Ciinaila and Knroie cut) bo obtulnul 11 loucxt ratuK from J. 11. KIUKIND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHLALDON. uni-.viiT ror. Past .Salt Lnlvo. Denver. Ft. Ft Mail 1 Worth. Omnliii. K1111-! Mill 11 : 15 in.) mix City, tit. UiuU, .V. a uniciiKO mm i.ntit. HiHiknne Flyer Walla Wallfl, HjioL-aiH', Biitane Flyer. 4:)a.io .MinneuioiiK. hi. rain, 1) 11 In t h, Jlllwaukee, T:(l& . m. unicHEi) aim i-.ni.t. 8 ). in. 4 i. m. F'llOH Por.TLANII. Ocean HtcmnnlilpH. For Sun Francisco December 'J, h, 13, 18,2a iinu .1. K ji. m. Lx.btinday Kattinliiy II) I', in. 4 p. m. Colninblu liv. Hteaniem, To AhToitiA nnd Wuy Kx'.biinda) JjiiidliiKH. OVi, in. Kx.Sunday W11.LAMKTTK Kivkii. I i-.'.tnu m. Oretrnn City. Ni'Wlii-rir,Kx.&uii(UJ nuiejii k ay ijmtl , , a.m. u'ni i.itTTv . w. v . . w..in .. M "'"""'I. ill . tlVUI'.!. Mm, .WM mid cut. .Orccon city", Dayton,, und Frl. nnd Way-Iindlnnn. 1 0 11. m. u-itt . u..n ..... . . .- H-.... rf.i 1. Vl.i.n. ,.H, 11.111. i lie.. J hur. i'lirtiimii in f-M ..iiu ..... ten nnd Kat. j and Wiiy-LuiidltiKs. 'ja'iid IritlaJ Bnaki: ltivun. ICIptirlii to iMtviNton. Lv Itlwtrla I.KAVC LKWIflTO.1 dally 8 ISO a. in. daliy 1 :l'J a. in. I , Piirlj. le deslrini,' 10 iro to Ileiitu'ri.lmuld IeilVlllLf '1 lilt llnlli.a nt T'lW 11. in take No, nnkliiK illieet lonnciitloiih ut llepiiner junction lie'.lll'll III? til II L III,. .11 r.,.,. '1, at I,. " ;""---'ti ..vi.i.v.iinutiiviiiH Kb IIV 'i'hvi Jiinction with No. l, arriving at The Dulles at in. NO. throiiKht freight, cant bound, does mil am- iakeiiKer: urrivcH 2:,10 11. 111., deiuirti .DU II, in, No. '2i. lor,iil rr,.i,.i.i r.a.1 l.,......r v...., iiiuien inippeiiKein, w boiind: urrlvi-M I::hi u. in., ii.iu.nn k ir. ,. m. "0.1:1, went boiinil ilirnin.il fnii,. i,t ,1,... nnt curry ui.s.suiiKurn: urrlven h:l& n 111.. denarU U II ,r NO. iSI, Wl'Ht llOIIIld lill'iil frnlcrlil nnrrli.u Iial- seiiKern; nrrlven 0:16 ji. m departB 8:at)u. 111. For full narllniiliiru mii mi 11 11 .1. k.- i'n'1 "" fauea, or uudrena IK. lilt -I'l . V. ... '. w - W. It. HUKLIlt'llT, Pus. Act., Portland, Or, (ien - M f ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run overy day except Sundny, Kitten Keaaonuble. oiupiione eui. a W. A. CATES, Prop, j JtA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French i Co.'t Hunk Puoue C, HIE DAL1.KH, OltKOOK r I . Ttur. hciikiiui.k. Ar.wri FllO.M ll.Vl.l.LS. Fl'UM.