For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrci.itln or Fancy Vesting. j"&k Czzs Klndlv mil and examine my stock of Im pottttl and Domestic Woolens. A tine stock to telcct Irom. , . . , . Butts made from t he lowest prices to the high est grade. J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. IIIK DALLE!, OllLTiOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BOitsoicirTiuN tkice. O no traal' t In One month 50 une year o uu IFItlDAY - JANUARY 12, 1000 XGLAXD'S MISTAKEN COUUSE It ought to be apparent to the British government that the repeated seizure of German vessels in South African waters is bad policj'. A German historian, in an article in one of the American magazines recentty, said there was onty one man in Germany who did not hate England, and that was the Kniser. The story now is that the Kniser himself is be ginning to get angry at England. This may or may not be true, but the folly of England's course is pret ty apparent to most persons by this time, says the Globe-Democrat. Probably there is considerable 4ruth in the report that there is an understanding between England and Germany m regard to the Eoer war, and the distribution of territory in South Africa which will take place after the conflict ends. The story has been repeated with great circum stantiality recently, and it has never been formally denied by either the British or the German government, although there were some cautious disclaimers on the part of German officials in regard to one or two of the things which Germany was said to have agreed to. The story in us broad features, that there is an under standing between the two govern ments, and that each is going to have more territory in South Africa after the war ends than it has now, is probably correct. Nevertheless, the activity of the British war-ships in overhauling and searching German merchant vessels and seizing their cargoes, or part r f them, is calculated to disturb the arrangement which has been entered into between tho heads of the two countries. The leading German newspapers, with a few exceptions, arc bitterly hostile to England. The populace, or the Prussian part of it, has had a grudge against England dating back from the days, a century and a third ago, during the seven years' war, when George III., in his enmity to Pitt, forced that statesman to resign from the cabinet, and then withdrew tho British support from Frederick the Great which Pitt had Delngoa Bay, however, nrc proceed ing very tuligeutly to weaken tnc influence) of the Kaiser with his people and abolish tho British alliance. The reduction in the public debt during December is a very encourag ing piece of financiering. It amount- j i ed to $5,791,824. The increase in 1 1 tho army up to the 100,000 mark has , I necessarily made expenditures high, 1 but the revenue 13 also growing. Income exceeds outgo at the present time, nnd this is likely to be the general condition through the whole of the year. The period of dehcits is ended and that of surpluses is at hand. This is creditable to the present administration of federal affairs. If Mrs. Filloon's suppositions arc correct in last week's Agriculturist, that the disease at Moro is not small- but chicken pox, what is the pox reason been News. everyone up at Moro has vaccinated latch ? "Wasco A Thousand Tuuguea Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1123 Howard Et., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cureil her of a hacking cough that fur many years hud made life a burden. All other remedies and ilfi(fnr piTtllil tfivt lior Tin lioln. lmt nlip enys of this Itoyal Cure "It soon re-! P moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, souicthini; I can Ecarcely remember doiiis before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every 0110 who tries 1 Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble j of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c I and $1. ial bottle free at lilakoley & Houghton's drug store; eyerv bottle guaranteed. 5 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to cive immediate relief monov lefnnded. 25 ets. and 50 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggists. ft Complete Cine . f Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 1 ; I C. p. Stephens i ...Denlor In... I i ; 1 - - -- ---- r i Drying- preparations Biniply devel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions, which adhoro to the inembrano anil decom pose, causing .nrf.iv mora Ecrious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa nnd uso that which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catanh cr cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cento. All druggists sell tho 50c. size. Ely Brothers, C(! Yv'arren St., Is.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated mid angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately the painful inllammation. "With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against 2iasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. FRED. W.W1LSON, ATTOKN E V-AT LAW. . THE OAI.I.ES, OKECO.N oaico ovei First Nat. H int. II S HUNTINGTON 3 WILSON HUNTINGTON' A WILSON, ATIOKNKYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OKKIiO.N OSiceover Hrst Nnt. Haul: jN&SIZE 8 PS LOST VIGOR EGa H B E AND MANHOOD just What You cuant. Now ideas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety as we aro showing never be fore graced "a single stock. Heal imita tion creton oiVeuta at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yotirt for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. r Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. lints. Cays, Nutlons lor . 1.. uoujriai alio?. Telephone No. f-S. 131 seconu sr., ..Gjms. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on tlrmiiilit the celebrated COl.CMHIA lli:i:i:, ucfeiiowl edKeil the best beer In The Dalles, nt the umiiiI prlco. Come la, try It ami be rouviiu'ed. Alo the Finest brands of Wines, 1.1 jiiur ami (Minus. Sandcuiches of nil Kinds always on hand REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Porlianfl & Astoria in Co. The FlnitiKTH nf tlio HcKUlulor l.lnc will mil us por the- M im.iiiti tiiluiiiifii. tint ('miiiiiiiiv nMri'liu? thn rli'lit lit hni..J Str. Hoitulntor. (Limited Latulluc!.) DOWN. Lv. Dalles at S A. M. ;'Tiii'Mlay . . 'huiMlav u Saturday. i; Arr. I'ormuiii C at 6 l'. M. p. nr. l.v. l'ortl.tnd at 7 a. m. Monday Wednesday M'lieilnlu ulthout notice. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalian City. (TimclilllK ut nil Way I'oliiti.) Arr. Regulator Line. 11 ! l.v. I'orthiml I at 0 a. m. Tue.Mlny Thurulny , Hatntitiiy ) Arr. Diillm'i Ctiiicortnlu) FOR OOMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Hteamers ot the IteKtihitur f.lne. Tim Company will uiiileavnr to rIvi I1h pnt- J runs the best ervlue posillile. Tor farther Information jj at ! : M down. l.v. Ilallcii at ii ;;:() a. m. Mmitlay Wednesday , I'rlduv Arr. Portland (inifortalii) I'ortlatul Olllee, Oak Street Doek ri.r-A.Ti.' v.i.T-i. rj.r.urj.v.i,vxTiv.tyatlsrj3 VV. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. ARt., Tlio DnlM.J jllMte: Immikfi Tlie Dalles F- s. Gunning, e .a V BJ?OS GKNKUAL Blacksmilh, Wagon Shoo, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith1 Supplies, Cor. Second & LanaTjlm. 'Piione 167 Sheriff's Sale. ...AND... Hoisesiioeis I .V Till: UIItCVIT COL'ItT OK THL" STATE OF Oregon, lor Wttcn county. J. 1' Meliierny, as mlmliilstrator of the estate of I'nilllp llrogan, dteeasjil, l'lalntlll, vs. N. W. Wallacunnd S. F. WalbKe, DcfciHlanti. lly virtue of an execution, dt'cre.; and order of sale, duly Is'ueil out of and under Ihe eal of ..- v, .mil, ..u.ii vi iiiu stiuo u wreKou, lor tlie Cii'llltV llf Wllsf... fi tit., ilfr.nt.rl H .1 .1 t ... . t 0 .1 r V- . ...... tj.lkVli till' ' JMliuay of .November, 1MW, tlpo'i n dvcti'o fori plaimlll mid ai;al:ist said ikfendunts, anil ,udL' nient rendered nml eiitcusl In said court in the abjvoeiilltled came, In Invor l philntUl' and ax.dnit the defemUnt X. W. Walhicv. i, . i.ientdeotor.iu the sum of cno tUousmd iiuri til tlV llVrt Mill !KI .1,, !,. . . .n ' . ' crusi uicrcon inm hip St i dav oi Ktptciuber f Wagon and Carriage Work jjT Fish Brothors' Wagon. : Third aud Mown, Piionc:i59 I iyi and Motors .MANfrA(Tt'i:i:i) itv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING G-ENERATOKS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars tuul ptirtiailnre (urniHlmtl on niiiilictition. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, TillC DALLlvS, OltKOON BLflKELEY & PC1T0K, Wholesale and Retail i-urcnilujJOiency,i'.lKm.i.nilsaionsniia j 'treit tntreon from the sth davoi ftp'ciaber V,"astintr diseases, all CiTeCtS Of Self- ,1,;','!l,ih?..r.".,w'if iH'l per cent per annum jggmSi abUEC, Or CXCCCS and lmlis- HH);asattornej;itv.atidthefiirtherMimof thirty 3 v1 s OTJ-r lllOOtl bltlldci. TMuKB the of tho real properly embrnntd In nieh decree of , "JJ'5f I""'' o''w to pale cueeksanc ft'V;rc restores tlio fire of youth iUnJ By tnalinOe per bos: boxes 1 I nonnnidTn umwuieio C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from $U.75 to ifU.OO per uulliin. to 15 vwuh old.) IMPOETED OOGNACJ iron) 7.l)0 to flU.OO pur irulloti. f U to 'JO yenrToTil. 4 ALIFOENIA BRANDIES loni to ili.oo pur u-iillon. (4 to 1 1 y-nm old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on dram-lit, Imported Alt) and 1'ortor. nml Vu! Hlutz and Olyuipin Jleer in bottles ior SiU.f 50: with a written a iitivsiti too to cuvu or refund ilo utoiiuy, KERVITA PiEDJCAL CO. Oiintor. &Jaoloon Sts., CSJiCACO, CU NOTICE FOR ILT15LICATION. (Isolated Traet ) Public Iuid Sale. laxn Ornen at The Imm.kk, . , Jan. 8, iw, j otlees hereby slven that In i.uisuatieo of ii.cKMuwuiia nuiu inu i.-oiiini.siouor ot mo iron eral laud olliee, under uuthorlty vetted In rdin by Kectlon 21.V, V. H. Itev. Stai., us anieiided by tho act of conarcm approved 1-cbruiiry M, J8y.i l'n will nriiMil min i. .. ....l.u,. ..i.. ' V . ... 1T.1..1 I ; .. " r""" oiuuoii caiur- n1,'.!'1 !;.ht,t - 'i"'"1 lots 1 Si &ec. 23, T. 1 N, H. An HIWl flit TirLAIIU Alnt.l.... .1 . . i ' . . i""'" wiiuuK uuvHj-bciy iiio nbovo fitcilbtil iHiiflK nru iidvUerJ to illo th lr .v wwiuiuij- nvL-a uner mm. It is cleciiledly unwise for the Jlritish authorities to bo done which will needlessly intensify German prcju dices. Another German writer in an American periodical a few months ago declared that Willlwa II. was so popular with the masses ot the people of Germany that, coiitmry to tho American notion, ho would be chosen president if Germany were a republic. Some of tho Dritish navnl officers in the neighborhood of given him. National antipathies arc ! Z&'lnln'r,'; .L,","8 '.! .!.'! sometimes long-lived. Whether this Stul5 tM deed of Georfie III. was bad or good, kn0, '..JJ ' o i nikni.. iivucivpr. rdoya Candles ?tbliiir cUa tdd.) no much m . 111 i Carry the Largest Slock of Drugs anil Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Slrect, THE DALLES Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. it.?",fl.c,al!J' d'Kc?tstlie foodand aids umV,ra recon .Dated atuaiiUoity, Vi "o em. lv or,.,,, I structlnj? tlio exhausted d L'estlvo or tiu -.jth day of .veinbJr. lM?J.C0n,, 1 0nm' 1 1 t is the latest discovered digest. ut una ion c. No other preparation can approach it in elllclency. It in" nniLr.clleVTes ?.nd Permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn? fifeen5e' ,s'r Stomach, Nausea Slckneadachc.OastralKla Cramns and all other results of imperfect mSiloS . Praoortd by E. C. DeWht Co.. Cblcono. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. ...... mv,,,,,,,,, 4Vri;iiU1l MI 111 fit"- i eieeaud judKtnent having been remlerml and! entered on the 211h lUy of Uetolwr, l-w, I win I "? 'iV1 ",.',1"y V J'""1"r , l'.w. at the hour of , J f'Cloct in the afternoon of,aldda and at the front d .pr of the county court Iioiiko, in ih"., ! City, Uaveo county, OriKun, Kdi at laihllo unci on to the hlshct fj. cr for ca. In I hand all t 10 rluht. tltK- ami int..r,.J, , thedcfaioautsN. W. Wallace and S. r, Wal if, ore ther of them, had on the i;th d ij of"!',, ember 1VJ.J, thedatoof the i.iortjaK fmccfos il herein, or which kl.ld delendanf, or a v of t i defendants heieln, have Unco admitcd or no v have In and o the rolloivliiKdeierl owl ,'u u'mil eaSt,,uUrteM;f m;ntn . tow m --7, , v..,. ,.H uiji us, or feo mucli of tald property as IU mtlefy nai l jiidun e ai d decree, with costs and HeeruliiK eoit". 1 ,7 n '3,' J ' .01.' "JbJt t" eonllrma- Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot r 11 kin ! Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. j Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SrifftKi neaaquarters tcr "layers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Th is J'lmir ih nmiutfiiutured expreasly lor fninll; Wa tell ,r .-r,n(ia ..., ,.."eV.!. "?!!H KWMnintooiJ to t;lvo oatiHfnction. call and ut our y.neeViVmrim'convi.;." "l" lraU,!l ttua " y" ,,ou 1 t"""C " Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats iiefjii .1- 1 .win u.iwum urtiiitleuoceaK irnurauuer. 'pA,",hBofilJrril OftSlJOVA Oau'lli untMiniiiuiorH tnili !"?JR'."' lanchcoo. . . .. utwuriiim r&uaifw Aur IhVfsIiniiloH or tha "-. "I rt."vuwiwui t'UL I,,:. ..' """on, ildo In mi color. MTANUAUU Oil. CO. tut lluht from No'.tillll rontfriialn uiom to 11.- Imfi' .l"8 Jaiicheou, Ot' lici-t duvoratlvit tod told ertrjwliere. iiiiuput r-L.f i . fiherlll'of Wmco County, bit-will. Executor's Notice. nrIJ?.!,W0.l,i ,,er,e," Klvn tltnt the county court i i i , ,;r,n ,,,.v " ,, " -'."' ot the " HVH.IUHII, Jill llTK(IIIU lllltMl.. n l. tri I,.1. '.'.tf 'IV!'1"1 "" ule. Kxeeutnr nf ,,,'!?.. . 'JPOK8, . ....... . w'' " ww wiw iii vuicu jironitM. iin- IH1WMI All pereone wisliiriK to talto children, either boys or gl-ls, for legnl adoption or on indenture, ehould write to V. T. Gardner, superintendent of tho Hoys' Portland, who can procure for them de eirable children of all um. All applica tiona tnmt bo filed in advance. tf ONE FOR A DOSE, nil I lihfT""0 ''.'"'Pl'-". I'rTcnt I'll I V it&A riLLa Jlnc-roa, v wfl Vuill mSTM Ick.u. V.. "55? J, D, Clark, Peoria. III.. nav. ir,,,. geons wanted to oporate on mo for piles, but I cured them witli DeWltt's Witch Harel rjalre." It is infallll.i and skin diseases. Beirara of emmtr ts. DK A LICKS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Gandall S Barget UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc PIONEEB BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every- I Vth Bread' Pies and Ckes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pion oer.