1111 Acts gently on the and Bowels Cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY ' ! UAU PERMANENTLY RUy THP f.FNUINE - M ANT'D By yivRMIAFfGPSYRVP(2. rcjstuEiftucRusjiSTi ttai sot riRBcmt. THE NEW YEAR GREENHORN. no It Nut Concenifit A limit tho Ninety and N'lnii, hut the One. The Grkeniioi::;, Jan. 0, 1G00. Ed. Ciiuonicle: Ghronus has again turned his old clepsydra loose to count off the days of the year 1900. So far as I aui concerned 1 am not worrying over the ninety and nine that have passed bacli into the abyss of eternity, but I do find myself wondering what the ono year that has not yet guim astray is to tiring uie. I confess also to p. superstitious dread that the last half of the 1900 is suggestive of what the results will be when added at the close of the century. However, we ehall all of us have to put up with what we got, and we may bo lucky enough to get off with one cipher instead of two. I really hope so. The Greenhorn is quite lively this winter, much more so than usual, and the indications are that the coming summer will see such activity in the mines as was never known in Oregon before. It is undoubtedly a great, mining region the greatest known to the world today but mining here, as everywhere else, requires patience, per sistence and determination. The Bonan za mine, now producing JoO.OlO a month, wae twelve years in process of develop ment before it begin to pay more than expenses. The fanioit3 Red Boy, pro ducing $65,C00 monthly, was mined ten years before it began to pay dividends. And the Golconda, hot yielding no-body-knows-how-much, flirted with its owners for.eight years beforo it "prom ised to be good." Theso aro txceptijns to tho general rule, and in each of them the mine could have been developed in n year, Tmd the owners been able to see into the ground. The Bonanza ledce .had a tunnel run parallel to it for 1200 foJt, and tho ledge was only thirty feet distant all the time. The Golden Eagle has flirted tho samo wav. but I was in talking to her this morning and she nroiniees to quit coquetting and unite her fortunes with mine for life. I bo lievo her. "Hunipter, our supply town, is putting -on more airs and le?s stylo than any town of its size I over saw. It is crowd ed with people of all sorts and degrees, tho mining expert, tlio prospector, and tho promoter being most in evidence. There are seventeen saloons and a brewery, five hotels, and restaurants innumerable j two newspapers and a "Club," nil for patting Sampler on the back. There ure Btoree, too, where you can get part of almost anything you want, and a postoflico where the clerks haven't timo to read the postal cards. Tho sound of the hew-gag is heard both day and night coming from tho back of eome of tho saloons, whore (I am told) tho fair und ayiph.ke forms of th0 hand-painted representatives of the gentler sex aro whirled in the giddy and (in this caso) intoxicating waltz for four, hita a whirl, drinks included. On these eoveral accounts real estate has "gone up" und is still going. Why? Well, fiutnpteris going to bo the Denver of Oregon. The Illuo Mountain American eaya so, the Sumptor Club says eo, "General" Warren, head of the townsite yndicate, eayseoj the property owners eayo, and, of course, it must be go. Kevertheles;, I would advise my host of wealthy friends to lenvo .their $9.50 In the old stocking for the present, for directly sonio of the property owners ro going to llnd values ko so high that they will be nud remain "out of sight." I can hardly wind up a letter to tho old Ciikonicu: without howir back to thoso old I5obin?onvillo letters. They lmv! a fascination for me, partly be cause they show what some other poor devil felt when sentenced to indollnlte service in the Greenhorn. And so I give. I vou a brief little sample 0f what he ! thought thirty years ago: , UoiiiNso.NViu.E, Or., Feb. M, 1SG9, I My Litti.k Swkktiikakt: l Yesterday I received your letter and ' the littlo Ohriatmas card. How delighted .1 was you will never know, unless yon aru banished from the worltl ami all yon lovo, and just when you liavo concluded that vou aro forsio'tton. receive, as 1 did, assurance that not only you are re uiembered, but that someone still be lieves in nnd loves vou. And vet I can hardlv rend your letter for tears. It may bo unmanly, but I cannot help it. "Hope deferred tnaketh the heart sick," and surely I hnvo reason to bo heart sore. The breaking down of everv fabric I hnvo erected, the van idhini! of one fond hone nfter the other, simply because the gravel would not nav, has made me callous, uvuica! ana sore. I felt almost like abandoning the flifht. and drifting with the tide of reck less and hopeless humanity, of which mining camps nre made. onr letter has changed mj thoughts into other channels, and surely, if you can be patient and wait for me, I cannot be cosva.nl enough to refuse another tussel with Irate. Heaven grant 1 may not again be thrown. Dear little girl, what would I not givo to see vou, to read in the pellucid depths of vour frank oves the storv thev have so often told me; to hold you again in my arms, and to know that the past, which seems now but a dream, was a blissful reality. I wonder if that time will ever come ; if Fatu will make amends for her cruelties, and let me taste nt last of the cup of happiness she has so often dashed from my parched lips? That is part of what he said, but your readers' time and your space forbids further quoting. I wish I knew that the fondest hopes of both wero realized, but I don't. In fact I don't know much of anything, for I am only A GrtUKXiioRX. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's br.ushes. Clarke & FalU's fuvoring extracts aro the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Fdlk'e puro concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest tiling in cameras aro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tho Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Lewis Dennis, Salem, Intl., says, "Kodol Dynpepsia Cure did me more goad than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Experienco is the beat Teacher. "Use Acker's English Remedy in any caso of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Dio -Modern .Mother Has found that her littlo ones are im proved more by the pleaeant Syrup of Fig?, when in need of the laxative effect of n uentle remedy, than by nny other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only. Free! With every dollar purchase during January and tebruary wo will givo ono chance on a SfoO Garland steel range. jan2-lw Maikk & Uk.nto.w Size doesn't indicate quality, ' Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salvo offered for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Saili In Hour Gbeclti. All county warrants registered prior to April 1, 18G0, will bo paid nt my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tn, UOO. O. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's enre cure for boils. D If OElHKNJHIKrFKK Pliysiciau and Surgeon, Seclal attention given to mrscry. oo ms2Und it, Tel. 323 VogtUIock , r. MCOBK, JOHN (JAV1N M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. Hooui 33 aud 10, over U. S. Iind Office. NOTICE. I STATU OK OtlF.tiON, OtlF.tiON, ) T1VK )K111TMKNT, K.M.KM.NOV 21, lSW.I KXKCUT In noronlimre with the provMnns of ;n Act entitled "An Ai't hnbintttliiK to ti t' l.Urtors of tho Htute of Oregon nt the tiencrul h ertlmi to ho hold on tho tlr.-t MmiiMyln June, mo. the rending rioi'O.srd Constitutional Amendments, approved February IS, 1MW, t, T. T. (leer, (inv entor of the State of Oreon, do hereby euiiH' the following proposed amendments to the ( men tation of thctutenf otci;on,nscerllllid to lv tho Secretary of State, to bo published fni live consecutive weeks In Tiik D.w.i.ks ciiKONin.i:. n newspaper pnblMied in the seventh Judicial District of tho State of Oregon. Done nt tho Capitol, at Sntem, Oiecou, ISK.U.l this Jbt d.iv of November, A. 1. 1SI.V. 1'. T. (iKKIt, liovcrinr. ltv tho (tovernor: F. 1. M'NIlAl!, Secretary of Stat,-. HlIXATi: JOINT KKSOI.UTION, NO. I. lie It rooivcd bv the senate, the House con rnrrlnt;; 'Hint the follow ins amendment to the Constitution of tho State of OreRon be nnd is hctehy proposed: ... ., That Section 10 of Artlclo XI. ot tho Constitu tion of tho State ol OiiRon bo and the same Is hereby abiosated, and in lieu theieot Su'tlon 10 of Article XI. shall boas fallow. Al'.TlCf.K XI. Section 10. No county, city, town, school dis trict or other municipal corporation shall ho al lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for anv purpose to an amount InclnilliiK present ox IsthiK Indebtedness lit tho nRBrcpito exceeding live per centum on tho value of tho taxable proportv therein to lo ascertained by tho last iis sossmctit lor State and county taxes ptovious to the incurring of such Indebtedness. Adopted bv the Senate January M, 1S93. C. V. 1'unoN, President of tliu Senate Concurred in by the House, Kebtuary J, 1S9I. V. I'. Kkady, Speaker of the House. Adopted bv tho Senate .Unttnry 31. ISM. .ftJoKl'll Simon, President of tho senate. Concurred in by the House, February I, Ku. CliAS. II. .mooiiks, speaKcroi tuu uouso. SENATi: JOINT KES.Ul'TION, NO. 13. lie it resolved bv tho Senate, tho llouse'eon nurrins: That tho 'followimr amendment to the Constitution of tho State of Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), ho and the same is hereby proposal, to-wit: SUCTION TKN. The I.esislatlvo Assembly may provide for tho election ot supremo ami circuit juuges in ins tinct classes one of which classes shall eonsist of live Justices of tho supreme Court, who shall not perform circuit duty; and tho other class snail cons.st ot as many circuit judges as may be deemed nectss ry, who shall hold full terms without allotme.it ami who shall take tho sauio oath us tho Supremo fudges. Tho legislative Assembly may create as many circuits as may be necessary. Adopted bv the Senate, Kobru.iry 1 1, 1S0-3. C. W. fULTON, I'risiilent of tho Senate. Concurred in bv the House, 1'ebruary 15. b'J.). W. 1'. ICe.vdy, Speaker of tho Homo. Adopted by the Senate, January 31, lV)i. Josei'H Simon, President of the Senate. Concuned In hy the House, February C, li9j. Chas. 1). I-iooitEs, Speaker of tho House. HOL'si: JOINT P.KSOI.UTION, NO. 10. Ilesolved by tho House, tho Senate eoncurr Ing: Tint the following amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Oregon bo and herein- is prono'ed: That the Constitution bo amended by adding Article XIX. as follows, to-wit: ARTtCLr. xix. Section 1. Ttienccessirvusoof lands for tho construction of reservoirs or storage bislns fjr tno putposoot inlgation or for rights of wav for the construction of canals, ditcher, Humes or Pities to convey water to 1 10 nlaee of nu lor anv Useful, beneficial or necessarv nurnoso. or fur orain.igo, or for drainage of mines or the work ingi increoi, ny means ol roadi, railroads, tram ways, cuts, tunnels, ihafts, hoisting wo.k., dump or other necessary moans to their com plete development or any other usu necessary to me uuiipieiu u-veiopmciii oi tue natural re sources of tho r-.t-ltuor nrosnrviitinnnf tho hpjilth of I s Inhabitants, Is hereby declared to bo u pub lic use and subject to the regulation aud control of tho State. Section 2. T.iorichtto annronri ite tho unan- propilatcd waters of any natural stream to ben eficial uses shall neor he denied. t-vctisn J. I ho Uso of all waters now appro priated for sa'e. rental or distribution, alto ol all water orltrlnailv antironriateri for nilvntu use. but which, ufter such appropriation, hab hereto iuio ikkh or may neroanei 'jo '.oiii, renteuor ills tributed, is hereby declared to bo n juhliene aud tub'ect to tr.o reatihilfnn a-nl rnntrnl rf iln Stale in the manner prescrlbat by law. liut the usiii i )u!o nua iipprutirtatu men waters snaii oo subject to such rovisions of 1 iw for th- tak ing of piirato property for publle or j rlv .to uio ns prnvldml in Section is;. Article 1 of this Con- IHiition of tho Stato of Oiegon.. Section 1. 'J'he tllhl tn f!nl!'nt t.-ixns nr ,-nm. peniation for tho uo of water supplied to an coutity, city, town or water district or Inhabit ants thereof. Is a l'miehlvp. mill ffititint tit,t,yiT. cited except by euthoiity of aud in a manner I'li-eujjucu ny lav, . Adopted by the Home, February 15, 1MH. W . 1. KE.nr, Speaker of the House. Signed Murch 7, ls'J.;.) Adopted by tho Senate, February 17, Js'.W. C. V. I'umo:;, l'lcstdeutof tho Sonato. (Igned JIartli 'is. p-,j:j ) Adopted bv tho House, February fi, 1"J". I Has. 11, Mookes, sivkerof tlio Hcnse. Concnrrdl in by tho Senate, February 111, 1M5. JosErn Simon, Prcldeutof tho Senate. iiousi: joint itF.soLirriox no. 2. troposlug nu amendment to tho Constitution of inoEiaiou Oregon, oy repealing section yj of Article 1. Kctolvtd bv tho Home. Ihotcnatoconcurrlnt': That M-ction .1) of Artlclo 1 of tho Constitution be and hereby is repealed. Aunpieu dv i no iiuuse, January u, jsy:i. W. P. Kkijy, Spjator of tho House. Concurred In by tho Senate, January 30, 1U.J. 0. W. Fui.to.v, President of the Senate. Adopted hy tho House, January 50. 1S03. CIIas. IS. Jloourjs, Speaker of tho House. Concurred in by tho Senate, February 13, Ib'JJ. SK.WYTi; JOINT KKSOJX'TIO.V NO. 7. Ite It resolved by tho Senate, tho Hoiisocon currlng; That tho folhmlng innendmeut to the Coiutltutlon of tho Stato of Oregon bo and is hertby projKised: AKTICI.n I. Tho elective franchise In this Stato thall not hereafter bo prohibited to any citizen on account of sex. Adopted by the Senate, February C, 18'.i5. JoiKi-a Simon, President of the Senate. Adopted by the House, February C, 18U5. Chas, 11. Moouks, Speaker of tho House. Chas. H. Mooises, Sicker of iho House. Adopted by tho Senate. January 31, IS'J. T. c. TAYi-oit, President of the Senate. Adopted by the House, Januury 31, Ibw. K. V. (Jaktkb, Speaker of tli'i Housic. U.SITKD STATK3 OF AMK1HCA, STATK OK OrtKfiON, ( Otllco of Secretary of State. ) I, F. I. DUNJl.Ul.Sccretary of Htdto of tho State of Oregon and Custodian of tho Seal of mild State, do hertby certify that I have coin tut red thuprectHugcopy of Senate Joint llesoliitlou .No. I, of tho U-iiH allvo Asrembly of Ib'J.J, "Munlcipal liidebtulnchs umeudinenti" Senate Joint Iteboltittoii No. 13 of Iho legislative As seinblytif IbVJ, 'Jurtlchiry Ameudent:" Housu Joint Hesolutlon No. 10 of tho U'gl.hltlvo As sembly of lb0.i,-"lrrfgtloii Ameiidimnt;" House Joint Hesolutlon No. 2 of tlio legislative. Asseuibl of WM,- UeiH;allng Anicinliiieiiti1 and Senate Joint Kciolutfon No. 7 of tho IWs Utlvo Assembly of lbW,-K.ual Kuirrugo Amendment." with the oilglnal copies now mi tlio In thU office, and Unit tho wmu is u correct transcript theivlrom aud tho hole thereof. In Tkstjmo.nv WmciiEof, I havohero- iiiimi m my iiuiiu auo aiuxui Hereto tho seal of tho Stato of Oregon. .?? "i-l1!" "I'11"1' ttt. Salem, Oregon, thU Third day of KovemU-r, A. 1). r. I. HU.NIIAIt, Secretary of State, skaj. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD 03E OUT UPON .., PAYA1UNT OP ONLY Tho New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BMTANNICA; A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 wssmi VOLUMES So con.platc that it cuvcrs the i-LMT The entire set 1 S 5s u v-iv--i-""4" "'''"rt"-p''Vr' tii'frfo. r.,..,.f c: pr liiy1 The entire set with Guide and case delivered (M aa upon f.aynsr.t 01 only 5 Balance payable in small monthly paymentr. Workmanship ar.d material tl:c The product of the largest and best The BRITANMCA is the acknowi idged standard of all fincyclcpeciias, anil the NEW WERNER is the bsst sdltion 3f the Britannlca. ?f Do not put your mcnoy in eld editions jr poorly made books because they arc cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. fffc Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has ut s FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby kIvcii that tho undindcned Iks been appointed by tho county court of tho stato ot Oregon, for Wasco county, adminl'dr.itor of the estate of Antono Jerome, deceased. All per.Mms haviiiK claims ncrulnat ald estate aro In-nby notiiled to present them to mo nt my oilieo In Tho Dalle?, Or., within tlx months from tho dato hereof. Hated December 13, IW). it. !'. OlIIONH, decio-il Administrator. PLEASE LOOK HEFtE. WM. MICHELL, and EiiiWnitr. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3IAJ 33S drVitf 3WOO 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in Tradc Marks it irMrWMM nr. SV. 'S."" ! "fnw -Yia:;-r"'V'."un reeelTti Sckniilk Hmtrm. UriaoL (Tnce, in y t. WiuhlSJto DOLLAR T0P entire range, of humnn knowlcdrvc, with Guide lv-t i.-".ovn to the biolc-making art. cquipu. .i i:ook faclu.y in America. If you cannot send your children to th'i University, bring tho University to them. Tills edition has never been sold for has than iii.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or fys-oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage; of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. tuassacta n:;i:itAi.!iANKi::o nusiNica Lottera of Credit issued nvailitlilo In tho Kuatorn Statca. Blj?ht Exchane ntul Tuli'itraphic Trnnafura sold "r)ii"'Kw York, (Jhiuiyo, Ht. Louis, Bun Fmucifcco, Portland Oru on, tSvnttlu Wualt,, nnd varioim pointo in Oregon antl WashuiKtou. Collfctiona nintlo ut nil points on lav orablu turma. C. S. Smith, Tin; Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Kggo and Creatnory Rutter a apuelnlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Tne coiumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIF,D BEEF. ETC. J. 8. BCIIRNK, frealdeiit. It. M. Hkai. , cannier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - ViREonM A General Banking Buainesa transacted rt n f n. rtkAAu Uollectlona made and proceede promptl or i era.,til9d on dav ot nolleotlon. Hlght and Telegraphic Exctmnge oold on Now York, Ran Franclico and ort- anu. ' Pi ' THOPIK)M. J0, 8. SoHBHOir. an, m. wh,uamb, Qko. A. Likbm. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIW- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvo nud nrt duo to nrrlvo nt 1'ortUn I.HAVlt. ovi:iu.ani v.x.) llre. Hnlem. Kooo-1 hunt, Adlilund, Hue riiinetitn, Ujdeii,Siin 7iC0 r. M. fninumeii, ?iiiiiivu, ill A. i.ii.M.iiKi'ie.i,i'.i i'iini), Orleium unit l r.u-ik . ... . .. . . J :so A. M. iioeuurK nu wny m llllllH I VI n Wimd!)iir: fur i Mt.Anitol.Hllvurton, Ve.d Hi'lo, llrnwiia. vlllu,Hirliiplloliland N'Htnm j l.r.o i m D-illy u.nruit Mtltnliiyi, Dully exrept Hintdiiy.i l. iSO A. M. jBt,ltIIH , tj 5:W)I'.M. INDIM'UNDII.VCU I'AHSKNdint. KspreNs train Dully (oxcopt Htindny). i;Mi. in, rl.v. ... Portland . .Ar.i K:2.jn.ra 7 ::) i. tn. Jai .MnMlnnvllle..l.v.5 f",;iV) ra a:iy. in. (Ar..lndc)cndoiicu..I.v.) -1:Wh. m Dully. tunny, uxccin mniitny, DININti CAltH ON (Kil)KN UOtlTK. 1'tM.I.MAN lH'KIfKT HLKKI'KIIH ASH IlKCOND-CIUKS HI.KKI'INO CAIti Attitelied to nil Thrmiuli Triilni. Direct cnrmectloihtt Kan Kriinclnco with nl dentiit nnd Oriental and I'ar.llU- mull k'iimnhln lilieM for JAl'AN nnd CHINA. HuIIIiik da ten on iij plication. uiiien anil iicucin id i.atiern lwnnt.s ami Eu ro i.e. AIm JAl'AN, (HUN A, HONOUM.U ind AlIKTItAI.IA. All nlaivv trains nrrlve nt mid denurt Iron (Irmid Cen' nil HUitlon, Klltli nnd lrvnic strettj YAMIIII.r, DIVIHlOK. I'a.senu(r Depot, foot of Joilernon Htrect. Lcnv'.1 for Hlicrldnn, week ilayn, ut I.W p. m Arrive ut Portland, ):.!) a, m. U-iivc for AIKI.IK on Mnitdny, Wisliiemlny tuM KrlMav nt H:;Vhi. m. Arrlv nt Portland. Tiim. dav, Thnrndiiy mid Batnnlai u p. in. K.xccpt Bniidny. "Kxccpt Hittnrdny. it, Kui:'-i.i:k, , it. maukham, Imiiwnr. An.it. (1. 1. ,v Pais. Aut TliroiiKli Ticket OIllcc, Ml Third street, when thnmirli tlcketx to nil tmlntH in tlio I'n.itfrn HtateN, Canada and l'.nropo can Iki obtained tt lovu'.il rales iroiu .1. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N". WHKALDOX. m:rAKT ion TIMK CCIIKIIL'I.E. 1'ltUU H.U.l.KS. AltltlVX KlIOM. I'll st Mull 11:1) p. m Knit I.Hkr, Denvur, Ft., Ft Worth, Omaha, ICnti Mall .is City, Hi. I.oiiIh,' i.",Up m Clilcnxo and Kn-st. hp''ine I'lyer "M p. m, W'ullii Wnlla, HHkuno, Minneiipollii. ht. Paul, in 111 t h, Milwaukee, Hivokniio Flyer. 4;,.'i) a. in cnic.'iL'o ami Lust, S p. ci. p, m, FltOM I'or.Ti.ANn. Ocean Hteumuliipi. For hnn Friiiii:leo 1 December !!. S. Ill, 18, 23 anu 'in. r p. in. l.'x.himilay Hutniday in p. in. i i p, in. Columbia Kv. Htenniern. Ux.hunJaj To Antoiiia and Wiiv Uindltittn. ' ila. in. K.N.bnnilay WuxAsmnK itivini. t:Mn. m. OrciriHi City. Nmvbern, Kx.Hnnday oiiieni a: v, ay Uuiu . r a. nt, 'I'nei.Tlnir, and hut. WlU.AMKTTK A tll VAM- fltSO ill. 11II.I. ItlVKKH. Moil., "'ed Ore,'on City, Dayton,, and Fri. und Waydjuidlniti.. n ii. in. ILLAMKTTK KlVBK. -USD p. 111. I'ortlund to Corvalllfc, .Mon. Wid mid Vny.l.undInif. und Friday Tue..-rimr,' aim sat. fiAKH IlIVKK. Klpiirla to l)v.iloii. I.v i:ip:itla dully 1:-J ii. in. I.KAVK I.KWINTO.S dully H::x)a, in. W.lurlles doiltitiKlOKO to llepnner uluiiiM i leuvlnu 'Iho Dalle.., nt 7;a"i p. in l ii ! t'l'iuieotlons ut lleppner jiinidlou ,," ,, " """" "'"'''"'ii'BCiiiiii ill iiep "let Jiinetloii with .No. I, arriving nt Tho Dulle.Hiit -,o i in. 0. t?J. tlirnm.lit rr.il,l,t ...... i. t w .., S?I. ('""i-'nxcrii; nrriven u. in., dopitrU .wy it. in, i;-1' ''"C'tl fri'lu'tit, currlex paiinKom, it boiini urrlvcH l::su p. ni depnrtn.s lft p. in. m 1,H't't I"""'1' IhroiiKli frelKht, doe.i not S?i"p f,','"''"-'""'-'"! "rrivea :I5 p in,, depurti ,.M,'.''.Ji'' wc ''"i""1 1"c,,l frelKht, carries pv "viiKcrs; urrlveH 5:1.1 p. m depiVrts 8:U0 u. in. For full pnrtloillnriieitll on o. H. & K. L'o.'i aKeiit'IhoDallwi.oruildress W. 11. HUKMIU11T, (ion l'an. At Portland, Or. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run ovitrv dnv oxci'nt Knmlfiv. ItfttoB Kcasonnble. ' Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. J JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentiyt. Otllco over French & Co.' llunk Off &N Ha U, H. 1U ALL- 1'liono C, TIIK DA1.I.KH. OltKOON