The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 10, 1900, Image 3

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    Our Great
Clothing Sale
Enormous Success.
Every Article Reduced.
This is an opportunity no economi
cal purchaser can aflbr.'l to pass. A
inonionls thought considering the posi
tive increase in the cost of all goods, the
assortment wo carry, and the- fact wo
have not as 3'ot increased our prices will
convince an' one that a reduction on
the present low prices is an offer
which cannot reasonably bo expected
Remnant Sale
is now on and will continue during the
week. All remnants in the various de
partments aro marked down without re
gard to cost, but with the sole object of
getting rid of them to make room for
spring goods and to aid us in our annual
inventory, which will be taken the 1st
of February.
All goods that do not come under
the head of Komnants have a special
price for the present month, and those of
you who aro in present or future need of
goods in our line will save money by
making your purchases now instead of
deferring the matter until some future
Watch our show windows for special
lines with special inducements.
All Gootln Mnrkocl
In Plnln FlKuros.
the Refunding Matter They Alnn
Vltciiftiieil the Heirer Jaetlon.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
kcrvitl In
stylo by
homo of his Bon an Fourth street. Sinus
thnt time lit; lias been confined to his
bud und in in u serious condition.
Another drunken Indian yviih arrested
lftot night nnd handed over his .$2 line to
tho recorder today.
Rov.Goode, who ia conducting services
in tho Christian church, will tuko as hie
subject tonight "What must 1 Do to Ho
On account of tho failuro of lights lust
night, tho meeting at the Congregational
church was postponed until tonight,
whou tho subject announced fur liibt
night will be taken up, and tho meeting
led by Mr. Brooks.
A temporary change has bean madu at
tho 0. H. & N. freight depot. J, 0. Clny
nna neon traiiMorred to ji drando ns
agent; II. Swnrt taking his plnco ao day
operator hero, and II. Lockmun, of
WoiHor.Idaho, in turn filling Mr. Swart'e
pluce as night operator.
ir. 0. Oaoii, futhor of Mra. Win,
Mansflohl, formerly of this city, is lying
dangerously ill at his homo in Eugene,
and his death is momentarily expected.
Mr. Owen Is an old pioneer of Lnno
county and very well known through
out Orecon.
Snllloient evldonco not being found
against Frank Jones, of 5-.llle, who was
arrested, charged with stealing a horse
from D. J. Cooper and givon liin hearing
yesterday afternoon, ho was roloaeod.
'Ml. i t
me young ieiiow huh neon tauglit a
good lesson, however, and will no doubt
abstain from all appeurances of theft in
the future.
Tomorrow evening at 8:30 at tho K.
)( 1. hall, Azalea Kobekah Lodge will
Install its ofllcera, nnd in connection
therewith a choice program has boen
prepared, also us choice u spread will be
served. A general good tlmo is expected.
Members, visiting Rebekuhs and Odd
KoHowb will bo present, with perhaps a
very fow invited guests.
Mrs. Isubel Baker, mother of Frank
B.iker, formerly state printer, and
woman well known in Portland nnd
Valley towns, died Monday ovonlng in
Portland. It is said that hor deatli re
suited from grief over the death of her
laughter, Mary, last April. Many
Dalles people will-remember Miss Mary
Bakor, who in former yeara frequently
made visits to tills city.
Monday afternoon an James Blnkenty,
Sr., was walking along Second street,
hot ween Washington and Federal, lie
full in a seemingly unconscious condition
'rom a alight paralytic stroke and was
tarried into I, 0. Nlokelsen's store
near by and afterward taken to the
An Eastern man lias this statement
sewed in his undershirt: "My appendix
has been cut out," and ho explains his
case this was. "You see, these are
balmy knifing days of the surgeon. If a
man happens to fall into u fit, faint, or
lose consciousness fur any reason they
cuBt him off to the hospital and operate
for appendicitis without waiting for him
to come to and say wnat ails nun. I've
OraniBt. Tho yvening closed with n
moat-enjoyable Imnquet.
yho Hook and Ladder Company
quite a ngure as tney parauetl down
becond street this afternoon With their
mew truck, as proud as a emal boy with
red-top boots. In comparien with the
dilapidated looking outfit they have
heretofore drawn, it is a bird, brightly
painted and thoroughly equipped.
Keuching the engine hoiise, A. G. Long,
of whom it wae purchaed. made a test.
J which was perfectly satiefactorv. The
been oliced open once and don't hankerl aorial ladder wub histed forty feet in
the air and Mr. Ltfng ascended, after
which it was leanfcd against the bell
for oncotcs."
A seriee of special
meetings will bo
commenced tonight ut the Methodiet
church and continued indefinitely, un
der tho supervision of the pastor, Rev.
Hawk. It is the intention to make the
singing a prominent feature of these
services uud a chorus choir liaa been
organized for that purpose. All aro in
vited to attend as often us convenient
and join heartily in (uCHcrvicett. The
members aro eBpecialiy'enjoined to lay
aside 'all else to muku this sorioB of
meetings fruitful of much good.
A team from the Commercial Club,
consisting of Messts. Houghton, Brad-
j shaw, Baldwin, Stadlemiiu, Mays and
Kurtz, will leave either on this after
noon's train or tomorrow morning for
Salon), where thov will bowl with iho
Illiheo team tomorrow night. On Fri
day night they will meet the Y. M. C.
A.'h on tho I'ortland alleyp, and on
Saturday night will bo in Astoria, where
a contest will tuko place. That they
will enjoy tho trip is nu ufsurred fact,
and wo trust they will eustuiu their
reputation as crackajacks when it comes
to bowling.
William Braman, who was arrested at
Hood River yesterday on a charge of
larceny of a coat, vest, pair of pants and
somo underclothes from John Dyo at
tho Columbfu Hotel Saturday niglit.
was brought to this city yesterday by
Deputy SherilTOllngor, and arraigned In
Justice liay aid's court this morning.
He at once plead guilty, and was bound
ovor in the sum of $000. Braman is a
young fellow just past 21 and from all
appearances this must be hie first
ollense. John Fitzgerald says ho ia u
plousaut prisoner to iiave under his
charge, and having a splendid voice,
livens up the jail with his music.
Installation evening is always ono of
great pleasure to tho members of tho
order of Eastern Star, and las eveuing
was not an exception. Attar a short
opening session, the following officers
were installed: Mrs. Almra Clifton,
W. M. ; Dr. Hudsou, W. P. Mrs. 8. T.
MacAlllster, A. M.j Mrs, Mary Myers.
See'y.; Mrs. Alice CroseonwTreas. ; Miss
Edna Errhart, Con,; Airs, Mamie
Dlotzol, Abso. Con j MissHarriet Mar
den, Adah ; Mrs. J. HudsAn, Ruth ; Mrs,
Esther Harris, Esther; Mrs. Lily John
son, Alarum ; Airs, Annie Klnersly,
Electa; Mrs. Anna Blakeuey, Warder;
Mrs. A. M. Keleoy7 Sentinel; Mrs.
Rachel Brown, Chaplain; Miss Saliua
Phlrman, Marshal ; Mies Nettle McNeal,
tower and anotuer long man J. A.
MocArthur monted it. The entire
equipment was then explained to the
company, whoare more than satisfied
with everything in connection there
DurkueiiH Covered thu City.
A large number of Dalles people miglit
have justly been numbered last night
with the foolish virgins, who had no oil
in their luuipe, and consequently found
themselves in the dark when the light
failed. Tho trouble aroee from tho fact
that ono boiler had to be used and euouch
power could not ho generated to supply
tho entire city. Many haye made the
complaint that the company should have
informed tho people that euch would be
the case. While we have not beon able
to lenrn the particulars from the
manugors of the company, as they are so
occupied in making preparations for to
night, we feel sure had thev known that
such an emergency would have uiigen
they would have informed the people
through the papers.
As it was, many plans for tho evening
were overthrown, Etores were
early that w hat power could bo generated
might bo used in lighting tho residences,
and many sat in darkness or went back
to tho old tallow candle uud lamp. Such
occurrences only prove to us what an ad
vantage electricity is in that line and
how lost we would ho without electric
We are informed that the lights will
bo turned on tonight ; that is unless some
uuforaeen complication arises.
Contrary to expectations, tho meeting
of the council last night was not "eo
warm," although it was evident that of
' necessity a council ia made up of many
men of many minds. However, upon
the question of refunding of bonds they
scorned to bo a unit. Mayor Kuck
Councilmen Olongh, Gunning, Johnson
Shackelford, Kelly, Stephens and Wil
son wore present, also a delegation from
tho water commission, who riqueete
that the council pass an ordinance pro
viding for refunding $25,000 worth of
water bonds. The mayor stated that a
an ordinance had already been pureed a
the last meeting providing for refunding
$20,000, it would he mcessary to recon
sider that ordinance. The council did
not seem to be overly enthusiastic ove
the matter, nor did they arise en masse
to move that tho question be recon
sidered. In fact each sat silent, and
nothing was left to bo dono but to let
the matter drop.
The next order of business was to
maka an estimate as to the cost of con
structing thu proposed sewer system
wnen it was determined that tno ex
pense would be about $30,000 to coin
plete tho system below the bluff". On
the sewer question the council seems to
be divided, some for, others against its
construction. At the close of the meet
ing, however, the council was divided
into three committees, of three mem
btrs each, who are to thoroughly can
vass the matter and determine what
property is to be benefited thereby and
equalize the assessment on the same.
A splendid suggestion was made by
Councilman Wilson to the effect that
after assessment bad been equalized and
ttie amount of taxes on tne various
property determined, a etatement of the
same be sent to each property owner
with a request that an opinion or vote
be given- concerning the advisability of
constructing the same. In this manner
the council onld work to better ad
vantage, with a full understanding of tho
wishes of the majority. It should be
added, however, that each citizen Ehould
thoroughly understand the matter and
look at the question unselfishly, voting
as seerneth best for the welfare of the
city. If this can be done, then the plan
is a good one.
J. W. Moore and Ralpii Butler were
in from Nansene yesterday.
A. A. Roberta came down from his
homo at Heppner yesterday.
J. R. Hensel arrived on the boat from
Lyle last night, returning today.
A. J. Shrum, mayor of Grade, Or., is
doing business in the eitr todav.
rUr Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mavo came up
I t- Tl . -I I I L 1 1 .
num i uiuunu j eaiorusij- nnu are visit
ing relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith came in
from their homo at Grass Vallev yester
day afternoon.
Mrs. Altha Leech, of Hennner is in
the city, having arrived on yesterday's
afternoon train.
Mrs. Bert Rogers and Mrs. Mav
Pfaflle came down from Antelope yester
day and are visiting friends here.'
Mrs. A. A. Jayne and two Bona left on
the boat this morning to spend a short
time visiting relatives in Portland.
Wilbur Brock, who is connected with
the business department of tho Oregon-
lan, is in t lie city on business today.
Mrs. Smith French was a passenger
on yesteiday'e afternoon train for Port
land to spend a short time with hor
daughter, Dr. Gertrude, in Poitland.
Hamilton Camnhell left Hup mnrninrr
j to spend a short time with his parents in
I Portland. "Ham" is not in the best of
closed ifiniim.
Mrs. N. M. Eastwood and eon, B.?rt
Pruyne, left on tho boat this morning
for Portland. Thev aro bound for a
month's visit in Cilifornia. where Mrs.
Eastwood hopes to benefit her health.
Wrllu "Luumirj" on the New Leaf.
Willi tho Diamond Crown Optical Cum
jittiiy .
Dr. Burnam has opened nn office in
tho Chapman block, room 4, acrom thu
hall from the photograph gallery. The
Doctor's method of titling glasses is en
tirely new. Ho uses largo and expen
sive elf ctric instruments lately invented
by Edison, and nt others. Nothing like
them in the western citiee. No medi
cine necessary. No dark' room I No
bright light thrown in the eye to injure
it! No worry 1 Eyes feel easy after
Eye strain will cause restlessness with
a tendency to excesses. If your aro
good, you will be too good; if you aro
bad, you will be too bad; if vou area
thinker, you will overwork your brain;
if you aro a laborer, you will overwork
your body; whatever you do you will do
too haul. This leads to many diseases.
Glasses can be made that will'quiet you
down. Not the kind your Grandfather
wore, of course. The optical science has
improved like all of the other mechan
ical arts.
With every ono dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February -wo will
give a chance on a
Feed rye for sale at tho Wasco
Steel Range.
K It
piaier & Benfon
m'tmnnTTTTTnrmrn niMrnirrnmrrTm"
Job Printers.
: '3i
i $5
At the home of her granddaughter,
Mrs. W. O. Johnson, on the East Hill,
this morning, Jan. JOth, Mrs. Elizabeth
M. llarriman, aged 7(1 years.
Mrs. llarriman was n native of Eng
land, and came to Oregon from Missouri
some years since. For somo time she
has been afflicted with cancer, and for
the past three weeks has been confine J
to her bed, heart trouble combining with
the former disease and causing tier
death'. She leaves four sons and two
daughters W. J., E. M. and A. M.
Harriman residing near Enderaby, and
the elder brother, J. II. Harriman, liv
ing in England; while Mrs. D, Fox is a
resident of Fort Scott, Kan., and Mrs.
D. Davenport, of Oakley, Kan, funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon at 1 :30 from the residence of
W.O.Johnson, south of Wui. Tacknian's
In turning over the new leaf for 1900
has it occurred to yon to try our work?
People who have, say it's all right.
Remember there is no charge connected
with our collection and delivery Bystem.
Ring up Condon 'phone 3-11, or long
distance 902.
Dam.ks Laundry Co.,
Cor. Third and Federal Ste.
Kebekali IiKtullntluu.
The uiombers of Azelea Lodge, No.
00, order of Rebekahs, will install their
ofticere tomorrow evening, Jan. llth.
All members, visiting Rebekahs and
Odd Fellows are invited to be present.
Ale Kin ley Club Meeting.
Thtra will be a meeting of tho Mc
Klnley club next Wedueeday evening at
the county court house, Business of
importance will come before the meet
ing. By order of
1). CitKiaiiTox, YIco Pree,
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pilln known at;j)oWitl's
Little Early Risers,
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Remember that wo aro soiling tho samo from
$45.00 to $60.00
1 Which is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25
ovor price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. J
Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence."