el) c Do 1 1 co )tfmkk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. 1900. NO 129 BULLERS MOVE MENT NOT BEGUN Wliil! Cannot Boll Out a Grist Deal Longer. SHOULD HAVE MADE PASSAGE French Losses at Cnlcsbttrg Twice as Many as Reported New Phase of the War May Create Troubles. l.o.vnov, Jan. 0. Further nows of General White's victory ih anxiously awaited, iifl it ia generally realised today there wnH llttlt) wurrnnt for thu uxulta- tion which followed the tinnnuneoinont of his repulse of tho Uoers. Tho remark uhlu revolution in Dour tnetics has huon another oomtiletu surpriao to tho British, who hud not reckoned on tho wunkoned garrison of Ladyamith buing subjected to such u courageous assault, and it is runlii'.f.'il Hint Goiiural Whim's troo)H cannot he expectod to greatly prolong eucli arduous dofunso. In some (junrturs it is oonsidorod unaccountable that Bullor did not press n passage of thu Tugolii while tho lloors were engaged northwards, and comments on his ap parent supiuenuMB uro nowiso compli mentary. From Dour headquarters it Is reported that Bullor is constructing a subsidiary railroad from tho main lino to Colonso westwardly in tho direction of Potgeotor's drift. AdvlcHS from Moddor river say tho Hours continue to extend thoir works and it is estimated 110,000 men were re quired todofuud thorn. A dispatch from Froro camp last Sun day night said all was quiot there, thus dispelling tho widespread hopes that ltullor had followed up his demoustru tion huforo Colcnso with an elleclivo move ulsowiiuro. Little ehango Is apparent in thu posi tion at ColoHburg. Tho casualties of tho KuH'olka near Colcslmrg wuro: Killed Colonel Watson and Lieutenants Wilkins, Caroy and White and twenty three men. Missing Captains Brett, Thompson and Brown and Lieutenants Allon, Woods, Martin, lluller nnd 107 iiiun. Wounded Twenty-ono men. General French further reports that tho casualties of other regiments to Janua ry 4 wore: Twolvo men killed and forty-four wounded. Lonim.v, Jan. 0. A special dispatch from Amsterdam says : An uncredited rumor is current hero that a British cruiser had Hied upon tho Dutch cruijer Fricsluud, neur Delagoa buy, and that a Dutch olllcer whs killed. Nkw Yoitic, Jan. (). A special from Washington saye : ThoTransvoal gov ernment has informed tho United Stutea that W. Stanley IIollls, American consul at Pretoria, will not ho permitted to re present British interests during tho war, it being against tho Transvaal's policy to permit any British representative in its turritory, Consul JJollis, however, will bo permitted to caro for British prisoners of war confined in Pretoria in his personal capacity. London, Jan. 9. There is reason to boliuvo that the United States and Gorman embassies are trying to find uoinu common basis on which they can co-oporato in pressing thel reapeetivo doinanda against Great Britain for the Dulagoa bay siezuros. A high official of tho German embassy bad a lung con ference today at tho Amerioan embassy, and thu diplomats uro believed to have discussed tho steps each country has al ready taken and tho beat future pro cedure. Natives UrowtlliiK Manila. Maniu, Jan. 8, 8:16 p. m.The bu bonic plague ia yet sporadic. Thoro have been aix cases and four deaths. Prepa rations are being made to establish hos pitals and quarantine, Groat numbers of provincial natives Royal ABSOLUTELY "PURE Makes the food more ROVAl DAKINO nie coining to Manilnwlth whom tho city is crowded, tho-increase in accom modations being inadequate, and the rlco necessary for foodstuffs is inoro ex pensive than at any period during the last twelve yoars. Tho plaguo is danger ous to tho ovorcrowded, unfed and un washed natives and Chinamen. Ameri cana avoiding direct contact with the disease aro anfe. A forco of Filipinos charged twelve'inon of thoThird cavalry, who were pcoutlng'bohind San Fornendo du I.aubon. One trooper and three horses and carbons wore Captured. Tho enemy fled. I'lnyt-ii Out. Dull Ileadaoho, Pains in various parts of thu body, Sinking at tho pit of thu stomach, Lobs of appetite, Feveriehneos, PiinpleB or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No matter how it becainu so it must ho purlfiud in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevor failed to curu Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or uny other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful rotnedy and wo sell every bottlo on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough B drug store. N)fl(tiu Woman IlmiKml Ilnrm-ir. SfOKA.VK, Jan. 8. Mib. Louis Ellert, a pioneer woman and thu wife of one of tho most prominent citizens, hanged horeelf in her homo here- this evening. She had been sick and despondent, and was preparing to take a trip with her husband to California for her health. The rash deed was done while the ser vant girl was absent from the hoiiBC for a few minutes. Mrs. Ellert was 54 years of nge. Her brother is Bhcriir of this county. Dulnrrli C'linnot l,u Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dieease, and in order to cure it you must tnko inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. ' Hull's Catarrh Curo is not a qunok medicine. It was was pretenbed by ono of tho best physicians in this country for years, and is n regular picscription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood purlfloia, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. CiiKNr.v & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold bv drrnggists, prieo 75c. Hall's'Family Pills aro the best. 12 lloi'VCN for Diiwkiiii. Si:ati'i,k, Jan. S. Jack Carr, the well known Alaskan mall-carrier, shipped 37 liead of beeves north on the steamer City of Seattle tonight, which bo will undertake to drive over tho White Pasa and Yukon ico to Dawson. The expedi tion equipment includes fifteen horBee, which will bo used in packing feed for thu cattle. It is the first attempt of tho kind ivor made at this time of the year. A BITHR CUIIK FOH UUOUI'. Ttveuty-Uve YuaiV UoimUnt Use With out u FhIIuio. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a child subject to tha dieoaae it may betaken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoaraenees ia a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia given as soon aa tho child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It ib used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single Instance in which it has not proved efi'ec'toal, No other preparation con show such n record twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Ulrl l)lHijicr. Cottaok Giiovk, Or., Jan. 8, Misa Minnie Thornt sixteen years of ago, Making Powder delicious and wholesome POWOtO CO.. NEW VORK. mysteriously disappeared last night, and no trace of her can bo found. She at tended the evening services at tho Methodist Episcopal church, and is re ported to havo beun seen at tho railroad bridge, half way between hero and Latham. A search party has been out today, hot their efforts did not lead to any conclusion as to her whereabouts That ThriibliliiB Heartache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches Thoy maku pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Eaey to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 I.awtiin Contribution. San Fjiancihco, Jan. 0 Major-General Shafter has Bent to Adjutant-Gen eral Corin a draft of $949:1, the contribu tionB to the Lawton fund from tho people of this coast. There is a sufficient sum reported now on its way to General ShafUr to make the final total $10,121. J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa., writep, ' am willing to take mv oath that 1 was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use oi One Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures cougliB, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Ni vur Too Old tn Hup. San FitANCiHCo, Jan. 9. Elizabeth Gladstone, aged 03, has secured judgment iu tho superior court against Joseph Boardman, aged 7u, for breach of proniiee to marry. She sued for $o00,000. Notion to Voters. Under tho provisions of the registra tion law all persons when registering are required to furnish to tho register ing oflicer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, and court of naturalization. Iu this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention, Uesidenoe must bo specific; giving precinct, section, township and range; if within town or city, thu street, No. if any, aud No. of lot ond block ; if in any building where rooms are numbered, the number of tho room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepared to furnish the nhovo information. Facilities will bo furnished in eyery precinct in tho county by either Justice of thu Peaco or Notary Public. A. M. Kkt.say, deol-SOdys County Clerk. "I am indebted to One Miiiuto Cougli Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never falling remedy, It cures coughs, colde, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It ia the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Struy Notice. Came to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ago, a buckskin saddle horse, branded with an oarlock ou right hip and an M on right shoulder. Said horse has been on the range near my place for tho past two years, Owner can have same by proving property aud paying all charges. Dated Dec. 19, 1899. FlUNK D, JONL'8, dec20-4t The Dalles, Oregon. G. II. A nole ton. Justice of ueace. Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little" Karly Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. Subscribe for The Chronicle. TWO ONTO ONE NIGGER'S FUN Uncle Sam Will Also Jump on Santa Domingo. FRANCE GOT HER MONEY State Department Has Noticed What an Easy Thing France Has, and, as the Island is Indebted to This Government. Ssrne Methods Will Be Employed to Collect the Ac counts. New Yoek, Jan. 9. A special to the Herald from Washington says : Besides the payment of tho money remaining duo in the Boisrnare-Caccareli claim, the French government has demanded an apology from Santo Domingo. An official dispatch to this effect was received by Secretary Hay from the American re presentative from Santo Domingo. The authorities have been adviEed that the money required to pay tho French claimB 1 as been collected by popular subscription, and the only remaining question to be settled is that connected with the demand for apology. The Dominican government has not appealed to the United StateB to interfere, and there is no disposition on tho part of this government to do so. It ia expected that the Jimenes government will have to comply with the French demand, and that the incident will be settled in a few days. The prospective prompt settlement of the Fieneh claims has called the at tention of the authorities to the desira bility ot seeming action in American matters. Minister Powell will receive iu a few duvs instructions to vigorously press the Dominican governmpnt for the payment of the remaining installments due in the McKay claim, and witli the Miiehias in the harbor the representation may be effective. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., lias been troubled with that ail ment fciuce 1802. In speaking of it he says: "I never founil anrttung that would relievo me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts liko magic with me. My foot was swollen, and paining mo very much, but ono good application of Pain Balm relieved me. for sale by lilakeley iV: Houghton. A i' rightful liluudor W'li often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile curo on earth. Only 2o cts. a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 F. B. Thlrkield, health inspector of Chicago, eays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Curo cannot he recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures Indigestion and heartburn, and all forma of dys pepsia. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work aud happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2o eta. and 50 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?, "Ono Minute Cough Cure ia the bett remedy I ever used for coughs and cold. It ia unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writea II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails, It ia the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, Cures coughs, colds, hoaruess, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Its eaily uso prevents consumption, . . . THE! , . . Empress Skirt. No garment ever brought out equals or ap proaches in any way this patented petticoat. The 9piral wire with which tho Skirt is corded gives the graceful, flaring effect so much sought; adjusts itself to any position of the wearer, and never breaks or gels out of shape. It is "light as a feather," nnd in taffeta silk weighs only one and one-half pounds. Extra skirts and all stiffening and lining in dress 6kirts are done away with when it ia worn, be ing unnecessary. In short.it is an ideal under skirt for any and every occasion, and is highly appreciated by good dressers. It is made in Selisia, Percaline, Sateen, Silkette and Taffeta Silk. Each Skirt is faced with Velveteen to match color. For the balance of thia week addition to our entire stock of other At Special Reduced Prices. The following to give you a general idea: Empress Underskirt of black selicia, made ns shown in cut, wire cord ing, gathered ruflle, velveteen binding, $3.50 reduced to $2,90 Fine quality sateen, colors r"d, blue and black, $4.50 reduced to 3,75 Mercerized sateen with metallic stripe, colors scarlet, with a green, and purple with a silver stripe, like cut, $6 00 reduced to 4.95 Silkette, in navy blue, with gathered ruflle of changeable taffeta silk, $7.50 reduced to 5.90 Taffeta silk, in changeable dark efl'ectp, very best finish, $15 .- reduced to 10.75 See display in window and Cloak department. Our special sale of LADIES' FINE SANDALS and OPERA SLIPPERS will continue for this week. A. M. Williams & Co. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is qualitj' and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choico, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. I we will offer all Empress Skirts, in fine underskirts Advertise in The Chronicle.,