Acts gently on the and Bowels r-EANSES THE 5YSTEM UL el(5ga EFFECTUALLY e OVERCOMES 1 ! UMt PERMANENTLY ,TSBEHErScT5. BUy THE GENUINE - MAHT'O By ALiIvRS!ATGfSYRVP(2. fOiSHteTtuouuoscri pact sec rwscniL I'EUl'LK TtlU ALL KNOW. Wm. Froebe, of Waeco, is in the city, W. II. Mnhnn c.uneover from Golden dale yesterday. Mr. aud Mr3. A. Beard are visitors in the city from Fossil. L. 0. Lakin, representing Rosenfeld & Smith, cigar dealers in Portland, i? in the city today In the interest of his firm. B. F. Pike, one of Mora's residents who ia well known in The Dalles, came down from that place on business yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souimervillo ar rived in the city yesterday from Hay Creek. Air. So.nmerville is on his way to Montana to inako arrangements fir their permanent settlement in that state, while his wife will visit her parents in Portland n short time, joining him later. ltOJ.N. At the Union Lodging House in this city, Monday, Jan. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Audette, a son. A Sheep King' Views. Mr. William Penland, Morrow county's sheep kin;:, was a business caller to this office yesterday. When asked Ids opin ion as to the propriety of contracting wool at this stage of the game, Mr. Pen land'said he was emphatically opposed to such action. It ia within tho power of the sheepmen themselves, he said, to regulate to a groat extent the price of wool. If the buyers can succeed in con tracting a lot of wool at l.Vs cents now, they will be able to supply the demand for a time, and will therefore have the remainder of the wool growers nt their mercy. If all the sheepmen retain their woo! until the proper time comes to sell it, it will. force the buyers to pay market prices, which, from all indications, promise to be very satisfactory, else the wool buyers would not be eo anxious just now to contract all they can at 15ja cents per pound. Several other promf neut wool growers of this county coincide with Mr. Penland's view?, while a few irit'mate that 15,s is good enough for them. It is n hard matter to say just now which would ho the better' plan, but a few months will decide the matter. Heppner Times. "A SUttE OUKK IOK GJtOUl'. TiTenty-llve YeaiV Constant Urns With out a I'lilluie, The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a child subject to tha disease it may betaken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy is given -as eoon a9 the child becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough tmnears. it will nr.tvi.nt ti. ........i. T. ifl used in many thousands of homes In this broad land aud never disappoints tho anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show buch a record twenty-live years' constant use with- liouBht'on.Ur0' Fr 8Ul by Ulakeley & Sizo doesn't indicate quality. Beware ol counterfeit and worthless salve offered tor DeWitl's Witch Hhz1 Salvo. De 'Witt's Is the only original. An Jnfalllblo cre 'or Idles and all skin dUeaees. Ueo ClarkoA Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Notice to Volar. Under the provisions of tho registra tion law all persona when registerlnc are required to furnish to the repister inc officer tho following information If naturalized, the time, place, nn l court of naturalization. In this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. Kesideneo must be epcclllc; rIvIiir precinct, section, township and range; if within town or city, the street, No. if tiny, anil No. of lot and block ; if in any building where rooms are numbeied,the number of the room and iloor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay aud inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepared to furnish tho abovo information. Facilities will be furnished in every precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peaco or Notary Public. A. M. Kw.say, lieol-SOJys County Clerk. BUSINESS LOCALS Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your qrocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-tf Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 ets. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousauds owe their lives to the prompt action of this never failing remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lucg troubles. Its earlv use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy tuatgives immediate results. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot bo recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no otheis." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles, Feed ryo for sale at the Waico Ware house, tf Dryiiipfcjiarfttions sinmly devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretion?, which adhere to tho merabrano and decom pose, causing n fur raoro ecrioua trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and Emilia and use that which cleanses, soothed and iicris. i.iy'3 uream ua:m is sucli a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo -will ho mailed for 10 C3nt3. All druggists sell tho COc. sizo. Ely Brothers, Si; Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without min. lnwi nnt irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself uver uu liuuufu mm angry sunace, reliev ing immediately tho painful inilammutinn. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed ! 1. ll- 11 . r " agmusi iasai vaiarru auu nay iever. Yon will not have Lolls If vou take Clarke & Falk's euro cure for boils. J-lf OKiSKNnoitFl'KK Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to turgcry. ooms 21 aud 21, Tel. Sit Vost Block Preserves t fruits, Jellies, plcklen or rataup ara l mora easllv. morn nulnlcii'. mora healthfully scalul with llellned 1'aralllne Wax than by any oiher metbod. Dozens of other uses will IW """""Refined Partffina Wax In overy household. It U clean, tuateleui and otorl"a elr, wur mid acid proof. Oct a iiound calto of It with n lint of Im many utm irum yuur urusKistor grocer. poiu vverywuere. juuao by BTAUAIil OIL ISO. . r. MCOME. JOHN 0AV1M MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. Itooiuii 30 and 10, over U. S. Una OUIce. I NOTICE. i 7.TMKNT, )V .il,lWJ. 'llXKCUTtVK iWu.TMKNT KlI.RM. NOV 2. IS! . . i.i. .i ..,..1.1,,..., ,,l on Art Hi llrcorillUHe wmi mi- u.ri.,,, entitled "An Act yubiul tttm? to the ; cc r J'' (ho StAte of Oregon nt lliollcncnil h'ecltim to lielu-lilcn tho Hist Monday Hi June, I'.CO, llio ncndttiir Proposed ivinslltntltinnl Amendment, approved Kclntniry 18, lVJ.i, 1, T. T. ueer, (.ov eimirof thoStatcot Drown, 1 hereby came tho (ollov.lnir iiroiMwM amendments to the '' union of tho State of (lu-g.)ii, as mtlllr.t to hv tho secretary of state, to 1) published for llc convecmlvo weolss in 'I'm: 1.w.i.ks uimisici.k. n iiewsiupcr published In tho Seventh Judicial District of tho State of Oregon. Done nt tho Capl'"'. "t Salem, Orcsou. ji:u.1 this Jlvt tl.iv of November, A. U. lwJ ' h T. ul'.KK, (lovcrnur. Hv tho (iovorvor: . . V. I. Dl'.NHAll, Secretary of btnto. SKN'ATK JOINT ItKSOU'TlON, NO. 1. Ho It resoived hv tho Senate, tho llnuseeou curriiiR; 'Hint the following amendment to the I'onvtitution of tho State of Oregon bo mat l hereby proposed : ... That section 10 of Article XI. of tho Constitu tion of the State ot Oregon bo anil the camo is hereby abrogated, and in lieu theieof sicllon 10 of Attlclo XI. khall bo as follows. AIITICI.K XI. Section 10. No county, city, tnnn, wlinol dis trict or other munlrlpal corpomllim shall heal lowed to become indebted In nny manner or for nnv puriioso to nu amount liicludlng prtsciit . ex isting Indebtedness in tho aggregate exceeding live per centum on tho value of the tuxnuie property therein to bo ascertained by the It as sessment for State and county taxes ptovioiis to tho Incurring of such indebtedness. Adopted bv tho Senate January SO, 1S03. 0. vY. 1-CLTO.v, l'retldent of tho senate. Concurreil in bv the llousi February i, 19J. W. 1'. li:.inY, Speaktrof the llouso. Adopteii by tho Senate Jmui.iry.1l, ISM. .CJorii simon. Pioldeiit of the senate. Concurred in bv the House, February 1, Ciias. U. Mooues, Speaker of the House. SKN'ATK JOINT HKSQI.l HON, NO 13. llo it reolvcd hv tho Senate, the House con earring; That tho following amendment to the Constitution of tho State of Oregon. In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), bo and the same is hereby proposed, to-wlt: SECTION TKS. Tho Legislative AsFcmblv may provide for tho election of supreme and circuit Judges in dis tinct classes, one ol which classes shall consist of live Justices of tho supreme Court, who snail not perform circuit duty: and the other class shall cons, st of as many Circuit Judges as may be deemed neccss ry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take the same oath us the supremo Judges. Iho I.tgisIatUo A-sembly may create as many circuits us may be necessary. Adopteii bv tho senate, Vcbrtury ", 0.t. c. V. ruiroN, l'riildent of tho senate. Concurred in hv the House, February 1"), 1VJJ. W. 1'. 'KmrY, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate, January 11, Wi. JosKi'it Simon, President ol the Senate. Concurred in by the House, February 0, Is?, JJ, itooncs, Speaker of tho House. HOUSE JOINT l'.K-iOI.L'TION, NO. 10. ltesolveil by the House, the Senate concurr ing; That the following umendment to tho Con stitution of Iho Statu of Oregon bo and hereby is proposed: '1 hat the Constitution be amended by uddlnj; Arlielo XIX. as follows, to-xsit: ARTICLK XIX. Section 1. The necessary uso of lands for the construction of reservoirs or storage b.isln, for the puriioso of Inlgatlou or for rights of way for the construction of canals, ditcher, Humes or pipes to convoy water to t ic place of use (or any useful, biiiellclal or necessary purpose, or for oralnage, or for drainage of mines or thu work itigs thereof, by means of roads, railroads, train ways, cuts, tunnels, thaftf, hoisting works, uuiuiior oincr necessary means to tueir com plete development or nnv other use necessary to the complete development of tho natural re sources of tho ,-tatoor preservation of the health of I s inhabitants, Is hereby declared to ton pub lic uso and subject to the regulation aud control of tho State. Htctlon'.. Iho right to nppropthte tho unap proiniatcd waters of any natural stream to ben cricul uses shall neier ba denied. Secli;n.'J. The uso of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution. nlsoof all waters originally appropriated for private ute, but which, after such approprlilloii, has hereto fore been or may hereafter bo told, rented or dis tributed, Is hereby declared to to n in-.lleu-c and tubject to tr.e regulation a id control of tho State in the manner prescribe.! by law. Hut tho right to use and appropriate such waters shal. bo subject to such rnvUIons of lav. for lb tak ing of private property for public or i rlv jte uso ns provided In Section is, Article 1 of tha Con stitution of tho State of Oregon. section I. 'J ho Tight to collect taxes or com peiisation for the uso of water supplied to nnj county, city, town or water ditrlet or inhabit ants thereof, Is n franchise, and cannot bo exer cised except by authority of nnd in it manner prescribed by law. Adopteii by the House, February 10, 18U1. V. 1'., Speaker of tho House. Signed Mtirch 7, 1VJ.1.) Adopted bv the Senate, February 17, 1S9J. C. V. i'ctro.v, President of thu senate. (-Igned Mardi'J.s, KM) Adopted bv the House, February 0, yj. CUAS-. U. Moonns, speaker of the House. Concurrid in by tho Senate, February l:i, ls'jj. Josemi simon, President of tho Senate. iioirsi: joint i:i:soi,l'tion no, .. propo-lng an nmelidmeut to tho Constitution of thu state tf Oregon, by repealing Section 31 of Article 1. Resolved by tho Houbc.tboteiiatoeontuirlng; That section :il of Article 1 of llio Constitution to and hereby is repealed. Adopteii by tho House, Janunrv 11, ISM. V. 1'. Kkuiy, spoaker of tho House. Concurred In by the Senate, January 30, iy.i.1. C. V. FCJ-TON, President of tho Senate. Adopted by the House, January 30. IS'Jo. U. .Mooki.s, Speaker of tho House. Concurred In by thu .Senate, February l i, Ib'.'j. SKNATK JOINT ItESOIX'TlON NO. 7. It. t r,..r.U-r,l ,' tl.n Can..,.. If..... .. v'ii, j iwiisu con curring; '1 hat the folIolng nmeudment to thu AltTtCLK I. iiiu viuiiiu jiiiMLiunt; in tins ftiaiO Sllnll Hot heieafter hj tirolilbltisl tfiinii-fiily,.,, ,n Tl.. f.U.t..A f......l.l. I.. r-... . .. of hex. Adopted by thu Senate, February fi, iwj. JosEi-u Simon, I'resldentof tho Senate. Auoptisi ny mo House, tebrunry 0, lSUl. Ciias. 11. Mooues, Speaker of tho House CltAS.,1). Mooiiks, Speaker of iho House. Adopted by tlio Senate. January .11, 18W. T. O. Tavlou, i'resldent of tho Kenntc. Adopted by tho House, January 31, lh'.iy. K. V. C.tiiTfcu, Speaker of tho House. L'NITKD STATUS OF AMKItICA, f)TATK OK OltKOON, ! Olllco of Secretary of State. ) I. I' I III'VII A If Ci.nro.ur., l 1I, t .... ,.. . of Oregon and Custodian of tho Seal of said State, do hereby certify that I have compared tnt iirfeiliiiL-rfi,,v nf siniiuin lr.i., i, ,!..,. .: No i of the U-.iilailve Astembly of ibW " "Municipal Indebtedness umendmeiit;" Senate Joint itiiso ullon No. 13 of tho U-gUlatlvo As H'lnbly of w. .-"Judlrlury Ai.ieu.lentj" Hoiisu Joint Itesolullon No. 10 of tho U-gMatlvo . seinbly of IS-ji-'MrrlgatliMi Amen, ooi't' House Jtilut Itesolutlon No. 2 of iho Uguhilvo Anscmbt of tt'J.1, -" Hei,eali.ig Ainendmen ; mid benatejolut llesolutlon N(i. 7 of tho 1kI. latlvo Ansembly of lS:il,-''E.iiaI Sull'rTiiro transcript tUeielrom and tho vtholo thereof, iw ikstwo.nv Wiikukop, I have here unto Hetmv baud and alllxul hereto (seal thoncalof tho State of Oregon. "V,".0 a.Vl,l0i;iy,,Ui1'. "t HaltMn. Orenon, thin Third day of November, A. 1). I'. I. IH'NHAIt, Secretary of stato. WORTH ITS WEIGHT ffl GOLD BUT UPON PAYMENT OP ONLY ONE The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANWCA. a ci i! mirrors n srar.:'Arav 30 PASSIVE VOLUMES So con.plstc that it covers tlc entire r.injfc ol human fcnovkdge. mm h-mmm fill The entire s;4 vitli Guide ar,;I case deiiverc.! hi nn 17 upon payment of only $ 1 J J M Jgi Balance payable in small monthly pnymcnt0. Workmanship materir.l lha The product of the l.irgt-st and best The BRITAMN1CA is the acknowl idged standard of nil Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER Is the bast edition jf the Brltannica. Do not put your money in old editions )r poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. J Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "One Minute Cough Curo is tho best remedy I uver used for coughs mid colds. It is une'i'i.ilied for whooping cough. Chrildren all llku it," writer II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is tho only harmless remedy that jjivca iirmedinto results, Cures couih'i, colda, ho:irni;39, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all and lung troubles. Its eatly uso provents consumption. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. W1ICHELL, LU fill n ui 1 11 uuiMU'iim 1 THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on -Third Street, Ono Block Back of Fronch & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IA1 33S OWtf 3WOO CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm Trade Marks jriinNi Qiiluklr ttjccrlulii our oplnloii freo wLetber iiventliin irc.bablr ;ileiitbIo. Coiniuunlcn uuiiaiKiokon l'atuu wit froo. Olrtet t.i(oiicr,ft)r ecurljiuteuu. I'rU;i.I 1 tkeii tbrouili Wunn itu recelVe Sckniilic HmticM. A htiidsrtmolf llliirtwl week I r. Ijireit clr. frweh 0te. hi V Bt. WMbluJ"" II.T " DOLLAR hist Icr.own totlu' hook-makinp art. equippo:! book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to the Univirsity, brins the University to Ihera. This sdltlnn i:as never been sold for Its?, than For a short time only $40.50 cash, or ?.js.oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and lake advantage cf this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANHAOT.V H.NUi'.AI.IIANKIHO IIUlilNKH Letters of 0r;dlt ifBtn;d iivuihtblo in tho ICastoni Stntes. Blglit E.sclmnuo and TolcKruphic Transfera sohl on Now Vork, OIiIcuko, Hi, Louis, San Francioco, Portland Oro l(on, Soattlo Wach,, and various points in Oregon and Wushinuton. ' CollectioiiB mndo nt all pointR on fav orable terms. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date (Jroeer Froeh Krs and Creamery Uutter a Hpecialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUUEHH OK Fine Lard and .Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. HCIICNK, II. M. 1IKAI, , freeidcnt. uiMler First national Bank. THE DALLES ... nai;nnu " wiihivWIl A General Banking BusinetB transacted Deposita received, subject to Right n 11 .1 or wnecit. Uollectiona made and proceeds promptly Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oh New York, Ban Francisco and orl. land. 2 P: TOMHKl. JKO. B. BOHBNCir. WIU'UIM, r. Quo. A, LlKBJI. H, M, Biall. Trie coiumDia PacRinoGo mi it pniiKiiui.ic, l''UOM IIAI.I.K.S, Aimivi l'l'OM. Hiilt l.iikc. Deliver. Vt. Mull 11:15 1. 111 Woitii, O11111I111, Knn- Mill n City, Ht. UmlN OlitciiKi) iiml Knot. aiMtB Hiiolninu Klycr 7:06 1 1. in. Wtillii Wnlln, Himknnc, .M(nni'iiiill.i. Ht. I'mil, 1M1I1UI1, MIlMimki'ti, i -M.B Ulilcin:) inul I'.iiot. 8 i. m. 1 1', a. 1'ltOM I'or.Ti.ANli. (icciin HU'.tnisliliu. For Hun l'lnyi'lsrn Decciulior a, 8, 1:1, 18, 2a mill as, 8 1. 111. Kx.UiiiKlny Hutnriliiy 10 i. 111. 1 1. . (muiiiiini nv. nii'MiiuT.x. r.x.siiiiilii T.. .....i w..... ' UinUlni;. 1 i. n. 111. Kx.bmulny W1M.AMKTT1: tttVKii. I t:30p,n, Ori'nn (illy. Ncwlwrt;,! Kx.Bunilij Hulcm A Wiiy lind'h. 7 a. in, liich.Tlinr. ami hut. WlibUtKTTK ANII VAM. IIII.I, ItlVKIIX. Diction (;ity, Dnytnn, unit Viiy-l.niiill!iK,i. .;)i.b, Jlnii,,Vel iiml Frt. r. 11, 111. TucTlmr, iiml Sat. Vaiir.TTK UtvKii. 1 t:mi.u. I'lirtliinil to Corviillls, Mini. WtJ mill Wiiy'LiinilliiKH. utul 1'iIJi fiffAJ'.i: ltivnn. Itlparln to I.owltun. I.KAVI I.v I'.limrln dally 1 :-M K. in. I.KWHTOS itniir 8-31) a. n. irV' r.irtlc.i iloslmiij tnnn to Hcpimor hIiouII tnko.No. 1, lcnvlnii 'llio Imllci ut 7.0.' i. a tn ri k 1 1 ik illifCt ciiniKTllon' 11 1 llcpiuicr Jiniclloi KctnrnliiK 1 n 1 1 W 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 r .h ; t m 1 1 m cc 1 1 1 n 1 nt llciipnct jiuictlon ulili.Nu, 1, arriving nt Tim D.illcii: 111. .Nu, m, thrniiiiht (rclKht, cait boniiil, ilocs nM enrty imshCiiKcra; arrives ' a. 111., ilcpta ;i:Wn. 111. No '-'I, local frclijht, carilw pnKCiigora, cast boiiinl; nrrlvoN i. m,, ik-"iri Mrl6 n. 111, No. 21, nest hnnnil tlirotlKli ltvl;;lit, line nol carry pnsH'iiKcnc, arrives M:in 11 111., ileiutti :) v. in. Nu. V'J, ivct boniiil local freight, cirrlcs ! Miwurti; arni.'h auri p. 111., ucimrtnaiiu u. 111. l'lir lull purtlciilntN cull nn (). It. K. Co.'i nReni lliu lulUs. ut HiMtvm w. ii. iiriti.iii'i'.r. (irii I'iii. Act,. 1'ortlnwl, Ci, EAST and SOUTH via Tlie Shasta Route OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trnln.s Icnvu anil nru ituo to arrive nt 1'ortlit I.K.4VK. OVKUI.AN1) nrik. Hilli.m. Itltil. 1 IllUK, , AbIiIiiiiiI, hac- I onto, Ugilrn.Kiill 1 iichfo, Mojnvc, t ,r, A AiikuIcs.KI l'aio, I 1 :W I'.M raineilti) l'rnncUi'ii U AiikuIos, 121 l'aio J ;;iv uricaiiH nni Knst . n:S0 A. j( Itox;l)iiri; iiml way tn- I f Via Woixllmr'n for 1" t;30 1'. M Dully oxcept Hlliuly- Dully u.nccpt Knn'lays 3it..n(0i, Mliveriun, V.Vnt Hclo, llrown.s. vIllcriprliiKllolil ami l,.Miiroii Jl I7:: a. ii, CurvalllH stations. anil way J jsiWl'.M, indi:i'i:ndi:n(ik i-abshnokh. KxprcM tu iuiiy luxeupi niiuuay;. l;W)p. m. (t.v l'litllaiiil ...Ar.) SiWn.B :uip. in, .i..2ioMinnviiic . i.v, ftiJMa.m 8:UU p. in. 1. (Ar,.lii(lciviiiluii:c..I.v.) Dally. tDaiiy, except hiiu iny DININll CAUS O.N OCiDKN UOUTK. rui.i,MAN iiuitk'I' hi.i i:i'Ici:b AND HK( ()ND-0I,.bd hl.l.Ill-INU CAUS Attached to all Through Tralim. Direct connection athnn f'rincico with Occl ilcnlal inul Oilental mill l'aclllc mall utc-umbtp IIiicn Mr JAI'AN and CHINA, Bulling ilntcx CD aj plication. s Kates ami tickets to Kastern polulis inul Kn '" AIo.lAl'AN, OlIINA, UUNOl.UI.b nl All above tralni: arrive at mill il.jpitrt Imp OimikI Central Btatlon, Kltlh anil Irvine atroti YA41H1I.I, DIVIHION. 1'akkeiiKer Depot, loot ol Jclluixon iitrect. Uvivc for Hherldan, week dayn, atl:50p. Arrive at Portland, 0:a)a. m. .......... ... .'iiiiniiiy, ,t iitm),",, l-rMay at8:a',a. 111. Aniv- at I'ortland, TU ilav, Thumdny and Hatunlnj it :1:05 p. in. 'i-.xcepi bumltiy. "Except Baturilny. It, KL,Ki.i,KK, (1, It. MAKKHA5I, 4laiifuer. At. (1. K, A l'ann. At n ii.A,,ni, ri,.i..., .... . . . .,.MiK(i AiuKvfc iiiuee, iji 'iiuru Bircui, irn .uiyiiKli iivneix 111 nu pollllK in (lie I'.HSIVIU Htiitc, Canada mill Ktirniiu can bo oblalniil ' lowest rates Irom ...... .J;.".- KIltKLAND, Ticket AkciiI. or S. WI1KA1.DON. J ...STEAM.,. t Wood Saw i 1 Will run every tiny oxcopt Sunday. 1 IttitOH Ueueoimble. 1 ! Tolophono 201. W. A. OATES, Prop. ; JA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Offlcu uver French ii Co,' Uuk I'houe C, thk IMMJM, OKK.(10 nnt'.uiT ion