Our Great Clothing Sale Enoi,mous Success. Every Article Reduced. This is an opportunity no economi cal purchaser can atTor.l to pass. A moments thought considering the- posi tive increase) in the cost of all goods, the assortment wo carry, and the fact wo have not as yet increased our prices will convince any one that a reduction on the present low prices is an offer which cannot reasonahly he expected again. ..Our.. Remnant Sale is now on and will continue during the week. All remnants in tho various de partments are marked down without re gard to cost, but with the solo object of getting rid of them to make room for spring goods and to aid us in our annual inventory, which will be taken the 1st of February. All goods that do not come under tho head of Remnants have a special price for the present month, and those of you who are in-present or future need of goods in our lino will save money, by making your purchases now instead of deferring tho matter until some future time. AVatch our show windows for special lines with special inducements. All Goods Mnrkod In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS REPORT OF THE RECORDER. (Jiving in Idea of tho Clt'n ItnulncM During tho 1'ant nix Month. To the Hon. Mayor and Council of Dalits City: On request, I herewith beg leavo to submit the following, as a report of the condition o! the city during tho first half of tho present fiecal year, com mencing July 1,1899, and ending De cember 31, 1699. Income as follows: Mlgcel. licenses $ 351 05 Team licenses 180 00 Dog licenses 7 50 Fines and forfeitures Gil 50 City taxes, 1898 2012 57 Delinquent taxes, prior to 1808 404 82 Ground rent 18-00 Show liceneeu 09 00 Runners licenses 5100 Road taxes 330 00 Miscellaneous income 187 30 Liquor licenses 2775 00 Total income 7094 94 Expenditures are as follows: Oflicern' salaries 16S0 00 Uridge department 5 30 Fire department 1571 10 Light department 55 80 Police department , 9 00 Recorder's office 37 00 Sewer department 272 58 Street department 744 52 Superintendent of streets 33 15 Water rent 300 00 Sundries 189 70 Total expenditure 4910 21 Interest for eix months on debt 1710 00 Entire expense for eix months 0G50 21 ItnCAI'ITULATIO.V. ' Income 7094 94 Expenee 0050 21 Result 444 73 Income and expenditures of the cor responding half fiscal year of the pro ceeding year, are as follows : Income 0490 93 Expense 5383 70 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY I Oysters JANUARY 0, 1U0O m nerval lu every Htyle by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Another meeting of the council to night. The subject for tonight's servico at the Christian church is "Tho Operation of the Holy Spirit in Conversion." Members of tho bourd of fire delegates are requested to bo present at tho meet ing tonight ut tho city hnll at 8 o'clock. Thorter-goers uro pining to hear n good play. When will Tho Dalles have the opportunity of listening to Hrst-elaee actors ngain? In answer to several inquiries wo will Hiiy that tonight is not band concert night ut thu club, last Tuesday being the regular oyeuing. Tho remains of Albort Dazulle, who wr.s run ovor by tho train near Moeior Saturday, wore this morning interred in tho city comutery. Thuro may bo oluigh riding' in far Eastern Oregon, but it looks moio like imid riding here, with the rain still con- umiiiig and thu streets a porfect sea of mud already. Orclmrdlstfi urourid Thu D.illes aro bo ginning to feel a httlo slinky regarding t ie prospect for the fruit ci op should a cold snap como on and nip tho buds, which In many instances aro being put futh. Members of the K. of V. lodge aro wiving their hall rolilted papering, ealcimining and iiaintinir. Tim mimll hall adjoining Is also to undergo tho same lepnirs. The halls wore already very "ai unci pretty, but thnso hnprove incuts will add much thereto. Week of prayer servico will bo begun i uio Uingreirationn church tnnlHit Tlio themo for the entire week is "Life 'ui uod.- Mr. Uroaks will lead to 'light's meeting, when the special sub let will be "Seeking to Know God, and Growth in tho Likeness of God." i'ow orchestra in Oregon, if any, can iirnish bettor music for dancing than nit which the membeis of Columbia D.inclng Club enjoy e-ery two weeks ut their parties. Last night tho music joined, if possible, better than ever, l Irgfold'a orchestra ie hard to boot is the general verdict of all. Arthur Seufert, repreiontlng tho Law, union and Orowu Insurance Company, han wrltton tho insurance on the city's I'roporty, also on the water cotninis Bioners office, lvin - n.. .. ey for two yean' premium, thereby tnV III Ann ... - " matter over and give all information (desired. A few weeks since we made mention of the deatii of Robert Thompson nt Los Angeles. A lettor received yesterday from Mrs. A. R. Thompson contains news of the death of another of the Thompson brothers, John Thompson, who for many yenro has been an invalid and whose home was in Los Angelos. Thus Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's visit lias been attended by much sorrow, but at the satno time it is a satisfaction to know that their pretence has been a comfort to thoEO who uro called upon to mourn. Frank 1). Jones, who is charged with larceny of a horso from D. J. Cooper, is having a preliminary examination in Justice IJayard'e court today. It seems that Jones, who lives on 5-Milo, went over to Aug. Loncroiu's and claimed the horse, which ws ut his place, and took poEsessiou of it. Later ho came into tho Cmto.vici.K ollico and adver tised it no a stray. It is now claimed it was his intention to steal tho animal. The young man has not the appearance and eat the tops off. He has watched the sheep, and he has Eeen no indica tions of such Gavage treatment of the foresis. Hut the bugologlsts think they know more about tiio habits of the ter rible Oregon 6heep. They havo studied tho pictures of the sheep, and the his tory of their remote ancestors, and I hey have seen the tops of the trees from Pullman coaches, and ihey are sure that Mr. Ormsby is aEBevcrating through his chapeau. If Mr. Ormsby can't find a ehep that will climb a tall fir tree and 1 eat off the top, and chew up all the bark, clear down to tho roots, and then grub up the stump, he is liable to lose hie job. What's ho for anyway, if not to prove the wisdom of the four-eyed buirologists at Washington, and furnish reasons why they should no on drawing their salaries? A Bystander, in Salem Statesman. Though few, if any, citizens outside of those elected to attend to the city's business, attend tho council meetings, yet none are ignorant of every featurw of the city's affairs, and Ihey have but to read tho papers to see just what is being done. Today in another column we of ono who would commit o theft, but! as we go to pretis the court is inquiring Polish the recardet'a semi-annual re diliguntly into the case and will proba bly find out the true state of nfl'airs re garding it. Tho play of lien Hur lino been placed upon the stage, and it ie pronounced ono of tlio gieateot pluyH of the ago. The scenic ell'ecta are superb, and it is stated tlie play's success is duo hugely to tho genius of the plan of placing it upon the stage. It is not generally known that the credit for tho work Is due to an Ore- Income over expenditure 1105 2S It will be noticed that the income tiiis period amounted to $003 9G over tiie income of the corresponding period last year, and also that the expenditures amounted to much more this year than last. I desire to Call the Council's attention to the fact that the recorder's office has collected more fines during the last eix months than have beoi cjllected since the 1st day of July, 1S97, being a peiiod of two years. : In the year 1899, more road taxes have been collected by the city than had been collected for the whole period of five or six years pievious thereto. His Honor, the Mayor, in his message, recommended that the city vault, which wan in u very oau conuition, Do put in better shape. I3y an oversight of the council this was not done, yet I take pleasure in informing the council that I have put the same in good condition, without any expense to the city. Respectfully submitted, Ned II. Gatj:s, Recorder of Dalles City. CHj's rinunce Coiiiuilttee'K Iteport. n . . 0,t,r ,03t26' Befor8 renewing oljclea it might be advantageona to "'ive him call, ai be la ready to talk the gonion, but, however, this la tho caso. Mr. lien Teal, formerly of Portland, son of Mr. Jofoph Tual, Sr., a highly re spected citizen of that city, tool: tho etory as dramatized and adapted it to tho stago. It is now being produced under his personal direction. Tho book of "Hen Hur" la u marvellous story, and tlm play Is said to be equally as good. K O. Tho couiicllmen may be holdlr.g a series of meetings, but along that lino they are not outdoing the water com missionere who met in council again last night. Ccmmiseionera Phirman, Iiollon, Mooro, uuchler, Randall, Fish and Seufert being present. Not content with tho course taken by the council Saturday night regarding tho lefunding question, they determine to again prc sont to the council tonight the original ordinance, -amended by that body, ask ing a reconsideration and the right to refund tho entire 25,000 bonds. While ono or two of the commission woro previously undecided regarding the matter, tho entire commission coincided ut last night's meeting. It was further decided that tho exponse of the issuance of bonds will be borno by tho com- mission. port, giving in minutia all the financial business of his office, and should any desire further information they have but to call upon Recorder Gatee, who is ever ready to enlighten anyone regard ing all such matters, as the newspaper reporters can testify. In him thev have In the report of the city's finance committee, composed ot S. S. Johns, Y in. fehacke ford and J. L. KpIIv. which was presented to the council at the last meeting, attention was called to the condition of the finances for the past six mouths as compared witli the corre sponding period of 1898. For the last half of 1898 the receipta were $0490.98, as compared with $7091 94 for tho eame it.n.Ki ,t .km... ... i tin. n. l enn . uiuoi minimi; umurr, auu one oout uu increase in u.O latter who is thoroughly interested 'in every- year of $003 9j, notwithstanding tho fact thing concerning the city's welfaie, and j that the tax receipts are about .$500 less who makes Its interests his own. From j 'r 1S08, The fines, licenses and road bis report it will be seen that more fines ! however, increased in tho latter There Ie a decided difference of opin ion botween S, B, Ormsby, superintend ent of the Cascade foreat reserve, and the spectacled bugologisU of the depart' ment of agriculture at Washington. Mr. Ormsby Insists that the aheep do not climb the fir treee and other tall timber have been collected during the past six mouths than had been collected since tho first day of July, 1S07, showiug that tho recorder is not slack as regards his duties in that line, whi'o those who frequent tho oflice have noted witli satin- faction tho iptorest displayed in the care of tho oflice, which for 6ome time was a disgrace to the city. At no expense to tho city he has thoroughly renovated and painted tho vault, re-fabeling and also rearranging the records therein. Recorder Gates certainly doserves much credit foi his intention to duties and the manner in which ho fills his office. Tho Alutleru Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentlij remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Fige, is man- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only, J. 1. Bovry, Logauton, Pa., writee, "I I am willing to take my oath that I woe cured of pneumonia entirely by the ueo ot One Minute Cough Cure after doctore failed, It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pilla known asjDeWitt's Little Early Risers. year 1200 70. Tho expenditures during tho former period, including bond interest, were !f53S5 70, leaving a gain that term of !fU05.2S. During a corresponding pencil in 1899 the expenditures were 1(1050.21, leaving a gain of but $444,73. The iucreaso of expenditures during "' ncio uuo m mo improvements in the tiro department and etreets. They olso estimate that the mill tax levy for street lights will amount to $100-3.25, and as this levy was for the purpose of furnishing lights for the city, they suggest that it bo get asido and kept for that purpose. Also recommend that tho utmost means be used to reduce the city's expenses. New Departure lu Truuii(uiti. Tiik Chkonici.k is not so flush in a fiuancial way as to consider 11.35 as nothing, In giving a report of the hold j up Sunday morning we erred in saying j Caasedy had nothing in (his pockets and ! therefore was relieved of nothing. We j had been misinformed, and the fact was. ' the robber captured $11, 35. I Yesterday a mau by the name of Cuas. Wilson was suspicloued and ar rested ; but as Caseedy 'seemed inclined not toappear against him, be was released this morulng. The fellow is believed to be of the same ilk himself and therefore hesitated to appear against his assailant, claiming he could not tell positively. Tie a strauge freak these fellows have taken of attacking those of their own "profession." So long as this state of affdirs exists it will not be bo bad; but it is not likely they will caro to continue in, such "an unprofitable course,, and some citizen will find himself In their hands sooner or later. In apito of the number of laborers eaid to be needed throughout the country, tho number of hobos investing our city seems to be growing oacli day, and tit tho satno time they continue to be mora impudent and commanding, particularly to tho railroad men, who Ecarcely dare refuse them a ride. In a hospital ot Everett, Wash., a popular Great Northern brakeman ia lying at the point of death from wounda inflicted by two tramps whom ho had to eject from tho train, whilo in their Indiana homo a wifu and children await his coming. Tho tramp question is certainly get ting to that pass where stringent measures must be used or .law-abiding citizens will suffer as a result of negli gence in that regard. Sulijict to Tnxei. Il The aseeseors at Killingworth, Conn., have received the following schedule of property handed in by a poet-farmtr of that town : Ono wife with red hair, two steers that's a pair. One horpe(she's a mare), that is all I swear. Cash In Your CnecKa. All countv warrants registered prior to April 1, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. Sth, 1100. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. FREE a With every ono dol lar purchase at our store during January and February avo will give a chance on a $50- Aluminized Steel Eange. Garland dialer & Beaton i i a- I il I2CI Bel m i 31 I5i 0 ! & ICS-1 ! 'i 'A f 9 'i 't The Dalles, Oi. The Chronicle, Job PtuntePs. ' !3C .IE I I2P 5?l iHE i 35 lis 351 I) w - si '2 3S 'I The Great STEEL and MALLEA- 1 BLE IRON RANGES, Majestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. "TComombor that wo aro soiling tho sanio from $45.00 to $60.00 I I i Which is a saving to our customers of from $15 to .$25 over price charged by peddlers for inforior ranges. 4 Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JVIAYS & COOIE. I It i 1