For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Overco.itin-o: Fancy Vesting. Kindly rail and examine my stock of Im Totted and Domestic Woolens. A tine stock to elect from. , Suite made frornthe lowest prices to the high ett grade. J, A. Eberie. Fine Tailoring. 111E I1AI.I.I-". OliEGON, The Dalles Daily Chronicle.! SUHSCI'IPTION I'I'.ICK. One week 15 One month 50 One year G CO TUESDAY JANUARY 9. 1900 FACTS ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA. Boer smpathizeri lay stress upon the "trekking" tendency of the South African Dutch. Upon that natural characteristic of all pioneer peoples, tlm. imagination has built a mass of wild fancy. The British become greedy land-grabbers, the Boer farmers have been robbed of their homes, and have taken flight from invading Huns and Vandals. The Spokesman-Review says: The facts present a very different story. Property rights have been respected in Cape Colony and Natal, as they are always respected in all parts of the British empire. Indeed, if the British government has been at fault on that matter, it has faulted from a too severe regard for the rights of property. The following estimate of the white population in South Africa, made by F. E. Garrett, of the Cape assembly, is revealing: Dutch. Transvaal 50,000 Free State 7S.C0O 2atal 0,000 Cane Colour .. ..260,000 English. 123,000 15,000 lo.CCO 194,000 Totals Total whites ....-li'O.COO 377,000 806,000 It is seen from this tahle that 2G5.000 Rocrs prefer British govern ment in Cope Colony, as compared with 80,000 Iloers who prefer Kruger government in tiic Transvaal anil 78,000 who prefer Hoer govern ment in the Orange Free State. But note the difference. In Cape Colony 2C5.000 Boers have every political right that is enjoyed by the 194,000 Kngliah. They control the Cnpe -legislature and make the laws. It is majority rule in the broadest nnd most liberal application. In the Transvaal, upon the opposing hand, the 80,000 Boers have divested the 123,000 English, Americans and Europcaus of all tights and privileges of government. They will not per mit the outlanders to become natural ized, vote, hold office or bear ntms. Their constitution expressly pro hibits Jews and Boman Catholics Irom holding office. The govern ment is a bald travesty of republican principles and institutions. GKHUAX UX1U1ST. The emperor of Germany is a strong mnn, nurt has a powerful nrroy completely nt his control, else' be might have a revolution on his hands. For William's politic friend ahip for Kngland in her contest with the Uoers is not shared hy the Ger roan people. They arc at no more pains than is necessary to escape the charge of Jese mnjesto lo show their disgust with their itilci's conduct. They ecnrccly disguise their hatred of Kngland, and their sympathy with the lloers. The German press, while necewarily cautious in its language, illlP is almost unanimous in voicing the popular sentiment. There is great, dissatisfaction, and much unrest, i among the German people, over the rumored and apparent political nr.d . diplomatic commerce between Will-, iam and Chamberlain and Salisbury. ' If the German people had their way, 1 they would join Russia, and even their old enemy. France, innnnnti-1 Anglo coalition. Hut in this in-, stance William is wiser than his i people. He, like the United States, has only the beginning of a navy, as compared with that of England, and England has no use for much of her navy in South African waters. Rus sia's objects arc her own, and would not be ultimately beneficial to Ger many ; and Russia, too, is deficient in a great navy. As to France, she would be a weak and troublesome ally. So William and his counsellors may be unpopular just now, but they are probably wise. Telegram The "Dciver Illlile." The Boston Pilot tells of an cxhorter who was holding forth on the common and solemnly presented to his hearers the alternative of "salvation or damna tion the King James Bible or the Douay Bible." Among the audience was a citizen who had been imbibing somewhat freely. This gentleman ap parently misunderstood the preacher, for he yelled: "Hooray for the Dewey Bible!" The crowd took ui) the crv and the cxhorter was compelled to sus- j punu uiruiur euon, 3lnrc AVonien Commercial Trnrrlen Women commercial travelers are con sider.iblv on the increase. Their tact i and persuasiveness render them suc cessful. The increase has been large ly due to the freedom in traveling which women now claim. Easily Cxplaliifil. "Did you notice how Mrs. Timmid's gown was covered with dust and feath ers?" "l'es; she always crawls under the bed when it thunders." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Itohlieil the Grave. A startling incident, of which Sir. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, ia narrated by '.him as follows: "I was in a molt dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a Iriend advised 'Electric Hitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I knuw they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Hnii"htnn' driif Ptnrf n iiuuniuou s urug store. o With every dollar purchase durfng January and February we will give one chance on a $50 Garland steel range. juiiS-lw Maiku& Bknto.v. 77IUEO. W.WIO.OS, V AlTOl'.N EV-AT LAW, THE DALLES, OliEGON Oftlco ovei First Nat. B ins. n 8 HO.NT!N(T0.V u a wiuos ir USTINGTOK & WILSON, ATlOIi.NEYti AT LAW, ... lr. OAI.I.tfc, UI'.EliU.S OKecover Firit Nit. lUnk GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. IN THE COUNTY COL'aT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon, for Watco county. In the matter of the tiarilanshlp of fieorse Kllmt, Frank Kllmt.Aui.le Jurdun, Katie Jordan and Mary Jordan, minors. Now on thU'jth day of Litoember, JtVj, came William Jordan, the duly appointed, 'itialltied rirfl utltii. irliMrHii.ti r1 rim ..t and presented his petition praying lor an order ! . . . . a . vv.i.. w .SH ,11 HUVfLSl . Af Llil lilllim I.. I..,-!.. ....1 l ... ' vv-..,. .v... fivjiviij oerviu after defcnbed, and it ap-iearing to the court from aid petition that It Is necessary and bene ficial to said ward that their interest in the fouth half of the totilheast quarter of i-ecllon is, township 2 north, range l; east, W. M., be Mild; therefore it Is ordered that Therca Kllmt, the mother and next of kin of (ieorgu Kllmt and Frank Kllmt and kaid William Jordan, father and next of kin of Annie, Katie and Jlary Jordan. andall pertons Interested In said estate, niitietir before this court at the court room there, ot In Dalles City, Oregon, on the 6th day of January, l!io, at the hourof two o'clock p m then and thero to show eauso why a llceiiM) should not bo sum ted for tt.osaloof mch estate, and that tbh order bo published at least threo successive weeks in The Dalles chronicle, a weeKly newstaier printed In said county. Dated thli tith day of Decemlier. Inu. ltOIlhMtT SIAV-J. declS I county Judge WERVITA Bestwei VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotencj,IiRhtEmisdlon3 and wasting diseases, all 'jll'ects of self- Misk . auuse, or excess and indls. j cretlon. Anorvotoiiiouml KioKE restores the fire of vouth. Bv mallsOt! ner linv! IS 1 jor its-.uu; witn u written K'mntn- too to euro or rol'imd tle jnouoy. j NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson tits., CHICAGO, ILL, i I Complete Cir;e of Druids at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. C. F- Stephens Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. lioots, Shoes. H.its, ( nss. Notions, (or V. L. Douglas Shoe. Agt. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor. Seuoud & Langlilin. 'Phone 157 1 Sheriff's Sale. i x Tin: uiacriT eorivr ok the state of Oregon, for Wacco county. 1'.1i!i(it?y' as o'lmlnlstr.ttomf the estate of I'm n Hroan. ikfeo-ii. I'l.iiniifv v. ! N. W. Wiillacoand S. K. WiiIIhcc. Defemlantj. liy virtue of nn execution, decree mid or der of .1. .jjMwuiiiyi .tun ( iuv seal 01 the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Wntco, tn me directid .-Hid iluttil the iith d.iy of November, Ib'J), upon n decree for th foreclosure of a cert.iiti nuirlrav-'. I" favor of plalntlir.ind aifalnst said defondanu, and iud rnent r;i!dered andentertd In talil court in the aooveentltletl caiue, In favor l iilaintll! and aeaintt the defeudiut N. W. WalUce, as judg ment deotor, In the turn of one tnousmd and thirty nvo nud 2 ICO dollars with In- itrcjt thereon from the sth d.t of ftptcrnber, n.I!i,tlie 'U'ther turn of one hmidted dollars , r " " per annum ,...(......,..,UJ.t.DM,(l,4,l4v mi, net SMIilfJl luiny ml n.n.i iini n..i .1,,. ... . .iZ; .V '"'vjui'H mv IW'IswtHIIll u ri oll this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real proirty embraced In such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter deserlUd; Mid de cree and judgment having been rendered and entered on thel'lth diy of October, 1-w, I n on the third day of Januarj , 1W, at the hour of " clock In the afternoon of said da and at the front door of tho county court house, in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public auct on to tho hlghet bidder for eaih in hand all the right, title- and Interest whirl. thedefen.lants.N. . Wallace and S, t Wallace, or either of them, had on Ihe y,h daj of fceiH temljer thai, the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which said defendants or nnv nt the delendantshetclii, have tllice acuulreil or now '"we in and to the following hi uuii io trie lonowingrjocrlbed real prop sltute.l and being In Wuko county, Ore- J r.r... cnn. tn.u Ir Tim smiiIio i mt..i,. sxt " .1. swimi CS 'JUUI (V il JU FUIUJI- Mest quarter, the Mmih hatf of the toutheat riurttrt and the northejt quurtcrof the Mth cast ouarter of cptfoit ttvnrv.Airh ii rt...ti.i.. ilerldlan,. containing 1M acrl or"to" cl, of said property as will satisfy said Judgment an dwree, with costs .md accruing costs." Sill PtOWt I X! Kit I kllhWt lion and ndenipUou as b -iav Vovld e.1 - I 1 1 1 t la I I I.. I 1 .... l . lit . . this Wth day of X sovemtK-r.iwj ' dertll .sbcriirofWaVcocouAt VoreVo'n. i Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the county court , ... -... w.hw,, ,vl ,,ueeo eouuiy. ill ,,. .....j itiicm icsuiuieiiiary to , the undersigned as tho executor named in tho last will and testament nf Caleb lirooks, de- . . """"ier u a uii) estate oi tne said deceased. Alt liereons having claims again.t said estate are required to present ti e same to ma at the law olllco of Comon A Con" don. in Italics Citj, Oregon, wllh proiier vouch ers, with n six mouths from this date? December '.'., lhW. ltt vi.r . I.AC1 hxecntor of tho istalu of Caleb llrook,de- ceased Decii-ll ''-, ....... w. b. Mil C(1 miUJIWUII Or on indenture, should write to V. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Uoya' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at I ortland, who can procure for them il slrahlo children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf 1 r j i ) Telephone No. fS. mi,, All! Sf&sssS:18- The Dalles, Or. 1 Just What You octant. I New ideas m Wall Paper here. Such ; wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal iutita 1 tion creton effects at ordinary prices. I Good papers at cheap paper prices. ! Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours 1 1 for a small price, nt our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. 1 D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Sutehers and Fspmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COI.CMUIA I1KEH, ncknowl edged the best beer In The Dalle?, nt the usual price. Come In, try It nnd be couvlnced. AIo the Finest brands of Wines, Liquor ami Cigars. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on hand B$OS a -"""SKSS (JE.VEUAL BiacKsmnns ...AND.. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. rl fM aui JefTernn. Phoue:i59 5 BLflKELEY & PHTO! Wholesale and Retail TS Carrv the Largest Stock of and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. UlfleStS What VOU eat. I . T,, J" It artificially dlgestst hefoodandolds 1 'TlTatllro In i , uu u,ua . ti i. P :: i v . . na jeCOn fans. It the latest discovered digest- L",4 ?" ' Preparation I preparation can annroanh If, in nminn,i n i Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. h latulcnce, Sour Stomach, Nausea SIckHeadaclie.Ga.stralgla.Cramps.anti aUotherresultaoflmperfectdlKestloa . Prooortd by E. C. DeWIt. Co.. Chicago- ONE FOR A 008E. PILLS J. Ii. Clark, I'eoria, III., 8ay8, "Sur geons wanted lo operate on me for pllee, but I cured them with DeWitt'e Witch Hasel Salve." It is Infalllblo for' niia and skin diseases. Benrara of countr , c Hoisesnoers ts. Ik Str. Rofriilator. (l.lmtteil I.unlliiKx.) Ship DOWN, I.v DmI lea at.S a. M. Tuesday . .. TlMtoy Haturday. Arr. Portland it. Vi'mo-ht ImWK. I.v Portland w & I.v. Italic nt 7 A M. 1 t fi:30 A. H. Monday i Via i Monday . Yn!nc1y ; Wdnedny Regulator Line. ' !&'!i;,mt at 5 r. . nt j I'. . i. r fi 1 1... .1... ........ rtl tAitt.i.. I III.. I. iniH'IU) UIC ninimtn m nn; ii(,niiiii .....v. U rons the host service possible. S Portland OHlcc, Oak Street Dock. W. tixi ltxy.t.t.T.ijr.I.X,tT.I.T.iy jHlkt Imnnkfi y n CsKWL iiiimhivv 0 mciiHKM MANlTACTUItKll I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING G-ENERATOKS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATOES, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, unltf THE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. )YJrotiiJ,'.7'to i.UU imr Ballon. (Tto'Ift yearn old. IMPORTED 00GN AO Iroin $7.00 to $11'.U0 per trillion. (11 to .'() ytarP ohT. OALirOEHIA BBAKDIES from flU'S lo tO.UOjierirttlloii (4Jo 1 1 yenrs oid. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on drauuht, Imported AIo and I'orter. and JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for neaaquarters lor Feed Grram ot ?n kin VI' m . . iKfiarl mw KJ O.UUJL1UU X fi I I 1 , CfciX AXmUO. -r-i- i " . 3 Headquarters for Bran. Shorts' iieaaquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOlir. Tl"s I'',our lfi nnftcturel -xpreenly for family ,,, .. , , , "8e: ovorv pack ia Kiinranteed'to l'Ivo Batiufaction. We eel our roods lower than any Iioiiho in tho trade, und if you dou't tliink BO call and uot cur pricys and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Crandali&Burget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. OEALBHS IN HI1 KinQS 01 Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pi crccr r. PTrnm.ATnp t ttjtt! j Dalles, Nffltf & Astoria i GoJ The Hteiimcrs of tlit llcRtiliitor 1.1 nc will run n per the fol- y lowliiK achcilule, the Company reserving the rljjJit to change 'J schedule without notice. 1 str. Dnllos City, i (TolicliliiK nt nil Wny Points.) your t'P. 'i I.v. I'ortluml nt ft a. m. Tucuday Tliiirniliiv Hnturiliiy M rt..u.. ta i iiiii'iriui (uncertain) f llm-erlntnl 1 Tko I'.llll tt-tttl The ComiMiiy wilt endeavor to Rive Its pat- n-. ....... -. ; For further Information addreis C. ALLAWAY, Con. AKt and motors Val Illutz nnd Olynipia Uuor in hottlee Seed Grain of ail kinds. nnd nil kinds - 1 UI V11 UL. rCKU of MILL FEED tyobes, Burial Shoes Etc. a