Jlill Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.FANSES THE 5Y5TEM J w Af n' OS Q? -Sr'JEA'J - TEVt-J i 31 C I OVERCOMES V .IPATION PERMANENTLY rtnmMntniu. nuy ths r.p.Numt - maHT'd By (IlllvRNlAlTGYRVP fC JlUE-dUCRCtStTS rail SOlfMKHlL rCOIM.E YOU Al.l KNOW. Hush Chrisman, wlto is now master at Itufus, is in town today, post- E.trl Sanders left veterday morning for Kugene, to resume his studies at tho university. O. S. Jackson, editor of the East Ore ponian, was a passenger on No. 1 yester day on lite way to Portland, A. H. Huntington, brother, of J. M. and 15. S., of our city, and sheriff of Baker county, snout today in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Jenkins returned to their home in Portland yesteiday, having spent two weeks with relatives litre. Mrs. 0. N. Thornbury arrived Satur day night from Portland and is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Kinersly and Mrs. Hudson. Having spent tho past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. E. F. Sharp, Miss Gertrude Farrelly will return to her home in Portland today. Mrs. G. C. Biakeloy left on vester- day's) afternoon train for Portland, wiiere she goes to receive treatment for her eyes. She will prouablv remain a month. Hamilton Campbell came down from Sherman county Saturday, and will visit here and in Portland until ids services ure needed ns au'rnt for the Columbia Southern at Grass Valley. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McCornack passed 'through the city yesterday on their way to their h'imf in Silein, having made a trip to Sumpter. 1,'ito all other visitors to that pluc, they are enthusiastic over its prospects. Misses bailie and Maggie Rinsell. of Trail Fork, will leave today for The Dalles, where they will enter the Sister's echoed. Mrs. Pu'sell will aceompanv her daughters to see them comforiahlv fiettled. Condon Globe. ISOltN. in Dufnr, Saturdm-, Jan. 0th, to Prof, und Mrs. Ii. R. Allard, a daughter; weight nine pound. Hold tll.s. llo'.d-up-i were tlie rule all around in 'the city Saturday and yesterday. The 'first vletim wag a etranner who claims " to have been held up Saturday niyht in tho East J2ud, but the attempt wae futile, aa tho fellow Imd nothing to be re lieved of. This morning Chas. Wilson was arrested on suspicion, and is now loJged in the uaunty jtil. "The eecond hold-up tool: place early yesterday morning, when Frank Quin Ion and John Cirey, Uvo trams, held up two other "jrentleuieu of leanirb" Peter Kockler and Uoy Williamson who imd taken up quarters in some box care in the yards above the Wasco warehouse. The former had an empty purse and a bar of toap, of which ho was relieved, und tho hitter $1 and a poker chip, but by bhiilinn the robber as he left of tho articles in his pocket, the fellow made I him believe they were botli poker chips, nnd ?rtved them. Yesterday afternoon while walking down tho street with Sheriff Kelly, Kockler and Wihiaimon recognized tho culprits in front of Tho Dalles National bank hnllding, and pointed them out to the officer, who immediately wo ked over, pu'led a revolver on them and demanded them to hold up tholr hands, which they Ion no time in doing. Frank Gablo then went through their pockets, while a curious crowd gathered about. Ihey were then taken to the j ill, This afternoon they had a preliminary examination behro Dist. Atty. Juyne ,TUALC0NST'PAT,0N!te, nnd were bound over In the eum of $o00 on two charges, one of robbery nnd the 0 hi r attempted robbery. Strange as it may seem, the old enemy 01 all tramps a cake of soap taken f'nm Kockler, and found in the pocket of one of tho men, was the etrongcat witness n;ainst them, Nutlet- to Voter, Under the provisions of tho registra tion l.iw nil persons when registerinc are required to furnish to the register inc ollicer tho following information : If naturnllzsd, the time, place, tinJ court of naturalization. In t Ills con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, nr declaration of intention. Uesidenco must be specific; giving precinct, section, township nnd range; if within town or city, tho street, No. if any, and No. of lot and block; if in any building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay nnd inconvenience, every person desir- ster should be prepared to above information. Mi l. r.. : , i l : rncnuiea will uu luniisueu i uycii , precinct in the county by either Justice ! of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kki.say, 30Jva County Clerk BUSINESS LOCALS Ciatke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for CInrko it Falk pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest tiling in cameras arc Im- proveil Magazine cvclonea at Donncll's drug store. 'Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guarantead to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I over took." It digests what you eat and can not lielni but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ets. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Tho Modern -Mother Ha? found that her little oue3 are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits thern. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man uhcturcd by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. "a li In lonr Clrcclm. All countv warrants registered prior to April 1, 18GG, will he paid at my office. Interest ceasea after Jan. St 1j 15.00. C. L. Phillips. Countv Treasurer. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco house. Ware tf Dryhisr preimrnlioiis sinmlv devaJ- opdry catanlij they dry up tho secretions, which alherc to the membrano and decom pose, aiming a far more serious troublo than the ordinary for::i of catarrh. Avoid all dry mg uiliulaat3, luiiicE, sriioke.'i and snufi'n and use tlwt which cleanses, soothes and heals. L'ly's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh ov cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All (IrugRists sell tho 50c. size. Elylirothors, CO "Warren St.. N.Y. The Balm cures vithout pain, does not irritato or causo sneozinf;. It sprcada itself over an irruateu nun angry hurfaco, relicv. in" immediately tho painful inflammation. With tly's Cream Balm you aro armed nfTflttlQf TJnCfil r'ofoli .....1 IT,.,. T.- Hie modern and most effective euro forconslipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known atJDoWitt's Little Early Rieers. You will not have Lolls If you tako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. J-yt- OKISKNlMHtFrKK Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to nunjery. ooms 21 and 3i, Tel. 3iS Vot Illock Preserves 51 I fruits, Jellies, ploitlo3 or catsup ar 4 more t-aslly, more quickly, more neaiiiiiuiiy oeweu wun lunnta I'ariflhie Wax than by anr other method. Doieas of other uses will b ''"Refined Paraff im Wax In every household. It l clean, lai teles end oIorleas-alr, watr and acid proof, (let a ikjuii J cako of U with u Hat or Hit many ium from your drugglitor Krocer. Hold everywhere. Hade by NOTICE. STATK OF OltlTiON. K.x wuti vp. nr.r.i htm ft. In acooriiancoullh tho piovllini nt im Act entllltd "An AetMibuilttliur to tni' J.-Jrctiin the state of Orreoii nt the Hciicr.il 1. o-tlmi to be hold on the llt-t Mouilny In June, V, tin- M'l.illiis PiiiiKisod Constitutional Aireiiumem. eriior of thcHtnle of Oregon, ilo hereby rnmo the follow Inc proposed amendments tiltwnoi incfuiieiu mivjioii (Im s'.rtiirv of State, to be .....i.... .l. i., n iip II . 1 1 r (' ituim utt v ..vv,.-. iti .... .......... y . , n ucwHiicr puhllihed In the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oicgoii. Done nt the Capitol, nt Palein, Own. 8I:a!.1 this Jlst diiv of November. A. D. 1W !r. t. oi:i:it, o-ionn-r. l)y the (ioverror: . , . F. 1. Df.NllAl:, Secretary of Stats. sukatk joint kksom'tion, ko. i. Ilo It ieoivcd bv the p enate, the ltouccon currlni;; That the follow Ins nwcmlmcnt to the Constitution of the State of Oregon be and Is hereby propo-ed ' Tltnt section 10 of Article XI. of the Constitu tion of the State ot Oregon be ami the same is herebv iibrowited, nnil In Hen therein h.ctloii 10 of Article XI. ihall be us follow. AI'.TICLi: St. Section 10. No county, city, town, school dis trict or other municipal corporation shall he al lowed to become Indebted la any manner or for nnv pn.i-i"e loan amount Including present ex ltins indebtedness In the cssnsate cxceeillnij live per centum on the value of the taxable protierty therein to be nsccrtaintsl h the last as scssmciit for State nnd ennntv taxes previous to the Incurring of such indebtedness. Adopted bv the Senate January CO, ISO::. Senate Concurred In by the Hou?i Kebruary '-'. lS'JJ. V. r. KkaijV, Speaker of tne House. Adopted by the senate January SI. ISO). .gJosnrit Sixon. President of the senate. Concurred in by the Houe, February I, Isia. Chas. H. ilooiiEs, Sic.ikerof the House. SENATi: JOINT KESOUTION, NO. 13. Ilo it reolvcd bv the Senate, the IIoiim con currlnu; That the 'followinx ametidmcut to the Constitution of the State of Oregon. In licit of Swtion Ten of Article Seven (7), be and the same is hereby proposed, to-vrlt: SKCTIOS TEN. The I.ejjislative Assembly may proviile for the election of supreme nm! eircui; JmiKes In dis tinct classis, one oi which classes shall consist of five Justices of the supreme Court, who sh.ill not perform circuit duty; and the other class slinll ron:s( of ns manv Circuit Juilces as may bodc.'mcd nccesi ry, who sh'ill hoM full terms j W1I.10UI uuoimeni aim who snail iue mu s.iuie oath us the Supreme fudge. The U-sishitlve Assemely may create as many circuits us may be necessary. Adopted bv tho sennte, February i:,!9.J. l. V. I ixr ok, Prtsldent of the Senate. Concurred in bv the House, February IV ISO.;. W. P. Kgady, Siwaker of tho House. Adopted bv the Senate, January 31, lsj,. Jo3i;rir Simon, President of the Keunte. Concurreil in by the House, February C, ls0". Chas. II. :-Iojr.Es, Speaker of tho Hutise. housi: joint itKsou'Tio:;, no. io. licfolvcsl by the House, the Sun.ite conrurr Iri; That the followln? amendment to the Con stitution of Ihe State ot Oregon be and hereby is projio-eit: i nai me i.onsiuiuion oe nnicn'icu oy auuniK Article XIX. as follows, to-wit: ARTICLE SIX. section 1. The nccc.-sarj'uso of lauds for the construction of luservolrs or storage ImsIim fori the irurios9 of inlijatlou or for rights of way for I the construction of canals, ditcher, Humes or I pipes to convey water to t :c piece of use lor any ' useful, bsnetlclal or iiet'es-ary purine, or for crai'.inse, or for drainage of mines or theworx nw tiiercoi, iy means ot roads, rallroads.'triim- ivi ys, cuts, tunnels, malts, hooting works, i!u.:ior other necessary means to their com pleie development or any other use necessary to tb coin plctc development of the natural re sources oi thu.-t.itooi preHTVatlonof the health of l s Inl' iblt.inls, Is hereby declared tobuu pub lic use and subject to the regulation and control of llie.-tate. " tetlon2. lltcrJirht to appropriate Ihe uuiip-Iiroi-lJtwl wateisof anv natural stream to ben eficial ues shall neser bedenitsl. f;ectl:n3. The use of all waters now appro priate! for sale, rental or distribution, iil-ooi all waters originally npproprlateil for jirivate u-e, uJt which, after such nppropiiillou, has hereto fore been or may hereafter be :old, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be ii t utile u-c and subject to tr,u reuulation a-id control of the ntato in the mani'er iretcribel by law. But the light hi use nnd npproprlite such waters glial, bo subject to such rovldons of la . for th - t it ins of private property or publle or j rlv ite use as provided In Section l.s, Article 1 of tha Con stitution of the htute of Oregon. .V-ctlon 1. 'ihe jfeht to I'oliect taxes or com Kiuatlon for the uc of water suiiplled to am county, e-Jty, town or water dl-trlct or Inhabit ants tlierejf. Is a franchlte. and cL-nmnt 1! cy t. cud except by aulhoiity of and In a manner piescrioeu oy law. Adopted by the House, February 15, ls3J. H . 1' Khaiiv, Speaker of the lf tne. nijtaed March 7, lsu;. Aduptcd by the Pcnnte, Februaiy 17, lstli. C. W. I'cmok, President of the henale. (5i!,'iieiJ MiikIi -), 1WJ) Adoptcsl bv the House, February G, l-9. Ciias. 11. Mooum, 5nlierol the Hmiso. Coneutr.'d in by tho i senate, Februnrv 13, 1:, Joseph oimon, l'reMent of the iscnate. nousi: joint hksumji ion no. 2. troiosing an iitneiiilment to tho Conilltutlon of the tue 1 f Oregon, by reiieahng Secllon :n cf Article I. Itesolvrd by the lloufcthoieunUieoneurrina; That .-ectlou S.' of Article 1 of the Constitution b?aml heie;y's ieivale.1. Adojileil bv tiio lioue, January 11, 1M. W. r. Kkuiv, ftpv'a.erof the House. Concurred in by the Sen ile, January M, lv.r). C. V. Fulton, I'roldentof'the.-ienute. Adopteil by the Ifoiike, Januaiy "I). Ii95. CH.s. It. .Mooki:.', bicker of the House. Concurred in by tho (senate, February 12, W. 6KN.VTK JOINT ItE.SOI.L'TION NO. 7, Holt rckolvul by tho Senate, tho Houbocon currini;; That the follow Iiik amendment to tho Constitution of the .Statu of Oregon be and is hereby roiiicd: AUTICLK I, The elective franchise In thl fctato Miull not hereafter b nrohlblteil tounvclilen of ex. Adofded by tho Semite, February fi, 1M.5, JosKi'it hiMON, i'rcildeut of tho genatc. Adopted by the Hoiik', February 0, lh'X. CiiAit. II. JIooiiks, .SKMkerof the Houh-. ClUH. 11. Mookks, Siekcr of the Ifouse. Adopteil by tho Semite. January 31, j tin, i; CTavloi:, I'residentof the Semite. Adopted by tho limine. JaniiHry.'ll, isyj. I.'. V. Caiitkr, hicaker of tho House.-. L'NITi:i) STATICS OF AMKItICA, 1 hTATK OF OttKUO.V, ' Oillco of Secretary of .State. ) I. F. I. DL'NIlAIt.SeerelHrvor Kljt.wif 11,,. c, ...... of Orexon and Custmllun of the Seal of Mid Mate, do hereby certify that I have eomiiired Mi. I. of tho U;ii alive As.einbly of iw;, "Miinlcliml Indebtedneiis airieiidmcnf," Semite Joint JtexolntlMii No. 13 of tho l-CKhlatlvu A. H'mbly of lWJ, -"Judlcliiry Ainendeiiii"' House joiiii netoiouoii no. 10 or snu l;xllullvii A -yiiiuij 1,1 1 dim, 'irriKDiiou Aineiiclmoit: ' Home Joint Itci-oliitlon No, a of tfio l- uil.iilvo Akktmbl of Mi," JterJlliiK Aioe-ii(iinenti and Senate Joint itefolutloii No. 7 of the l-ufk. Intlvo Awcmbly of lWi,"Hual SuiifHire Ainendineiit.'' with the otlxlnul cojiles now on tile In Ibis olEee, ami Hut tho lame in a correct traiitcrlpt therefrom ami the 1W10J0 thereof. IN TKiTlMONV WIIKIIKOK, I llHVL' liero. unto etmv hand mid alllxul hereto KCAt tho teal of the state of Oregon. "'.'."f "''"e t:PltoI, at Salem, Orison, hU Third day of November, A, Ii, r. 1, inJNiiAit, Secretary of htutc. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IB GOLD ONE hi rr itnnN PAVfllUNT OP ONLY The Mew Worrier Edition SiSENCYCLOPlM s iZt.H So complete ifcat it covws ihc The oritirc set ' !.l :; II ii IS' The Kfitirc set with Guide and case delsvere:! fi upen payrnctit Balance payable in sn:ai! monthly payments. Workmanship an.! material the The product of the largest and beet The RR1TANMICA is tha ackrww! idged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition Df the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made book;; because thev are :heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "One Minute Cou'li Cure ia the best remedy I ver U3eil for coulis anil colds. It is uneti'i.iheil for wlioopine; ciuirh. Ohrildren all like it," writes H. X. U'illinins, Grntryvllle, Intl. Never f.tila. It is the only linrmless remedy that Kivea inrincdntle results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarnes;, croup, pnou inrinia, brnuciiith and nil tliront mid hint? troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. W1ICHELL, t 1 'ilmhi THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3IAI 33S OMV 3 WOO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE in Trade Marks Debiqnb Copyrights Ac. - f)n7iono "'llpB a kolfh and dotcriptlnn m aufcKIr mcertalii our opinion froo whether n iivontjoii probably iiatentab 0. Comrr unlr. UoiiiitrletironiiUdoiitral. llaiidtMkoiil'tenii jent frop. Oldeit K'lc.'or,WurliiKlitem lntci.ti 1 tulien tlirouirh Muriri ft CU re'eelTB tptctatutttet, Hltbout charno, in tub VV,,,T,' Scientific flmcricai. A hamliomolr lllmtrated weeklr. Irireit clr. ruUtlnii of any clenlilo lonrnal. Vutm'.ui. fcillUM a i ' " "'"L P"lealrn. roar 1 four luouthu, I MUNN &Co..- Stanch OOI09, ia VBt,Wwbioio;r,i.C DOLLAR N3& CA . entire i-aajy ol human knowledge t;M.i with Guide ef oniy best known to th" hook-making art. equipped book factory in America. If ynu cannot send your children to the University, briny: the University to them. This edition liar, never been sold for l:ss than For a short time only ?40,so cash, or ?.is.oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANSAOTA KNUltAI.llANKINU KUtfl.SKb I.otterfi of Credit Issued uvuilr.hh: in the EuHtorn Slutee. Hi'ht Kxclmntfe nnd TuleKrnplui. Transferg Hold on imv York, Chkniio, St. Louia, fa'an Francisco, Portland Oru .,., K. ..!.. i'.,l. ,,.! n.;u ..,.t.. , ,.1,, ..V.I.klV. ,.4(,, itllll .ItilWIiC ,'U,ll,t1 in Oregon and Wnalunrjton. Collectioiiii tnii'li! nt ull poiute on (uv orahlu turtuu. C. S. Smith THF. Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh KjrRS nnd Creamery IJtitter a eiiecialty. 2d Street. 'Phono 270. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANUKAtnUUKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. ,fi. HCHRNK, I'renldent. ll.il.llKAl. , Caho First national Batik. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Goneral Banking Buaineua tranBaoted UoposltB received, aubject to Slalit Draft or Check. Uollectiona made and proceuda promutW HlKht and leiemphlo Enchange Bold on Now York, fianTranclaco'and orl. Sand. Ed. M. Wiluaiih, Gko. A, Libhm. U, M, UKAU. MM MP1 1 nn ; U ine coiumDia Packing Co lllM'AMT lUU TIMK KellRlllM.K, FlIOU IIAU.ICS, AnniTi 1 nun. Faiit .Mali :t.i p. nil Hnlt IJiUr. IhMtvor. Ft. Wiittli. (luinliii. Khii 1 Mull '.OS j, ta Mil City, Ht. 1.0111s,, Clilcil;o and Fust. HpnUniin I'lycr 7:06 p. in Wnlln Wnllii, Hpolfnue, .Mllilll'ilpolln. Ht, l'aul, il 11 1 11 1 h, Mllwnul.ee, Chlcaito und Maid, I I a, n 8 p. in. 1 1', a. I'hdm 1'or.TI.ANI), 1 Oci'iiti Steiinnihlpi, 1 Tor Fan I'riuieleo lKiembcr 3, H. 1.1. 1S.J3 mid '.M. K p. in, I p. m, i:..hundiiy Cnlumbln Itv. Htcamen, Kx.hutiiUi ITo Abtdiua und Way Hnturdity Ijiudllii; IU p. m. ' tin. in. 1 WlM.otnTTK ItlVKli. 1 I'.nop.ra. i:x.huiiilayl()rcj(iiu City. Newborrf, Kx.autnlij Hilcin .V V11y Uiud'e. 7 a. m, ueii.'l Im IWlU.AMKTTK AKI) VAM- 3.0 t ti m. Tuck.Tiiur. iiii.i. ItiVKiti. .Monwni ami nt, i Orrtrnn City, linytnn, and I'ri. and Wiiy-UimiliiK-i. i r,a. m, 1 WiM.AMKTrr. Htvnit. t son.ra. Tiie..Thur,i,ortliiinl to Cnrvnllli, ilnn. WcJ nnd feat, i nnd Wiiy-l jnultiiKn. mud 1'iiJi; P.VAKr. IIIVKII. Klparia to l.clton. I.n.wit I.EWllTiW dally ! H 30 a. ia. l.v II 1 11 rln dally h'.'Oii. in, I gr rnrllefi deiltniK to ko tn Ilcpnnerstiotit! take No. I, lenvlnir The Diillcs nt 7 0i p. ra makliiK direct eouneetlnUN lit Ileppucr junction lleturnliin uiaklnKilireeH'ounectlon nt ll''tum Juiictlou wltli.Nu, hurrlvlns at The D.illeii! :So ). in. No. '..', throucht freliilit, cunt bound, doen nit carry pane-liners; nrrivvn -.JW n. in,, ikpitti S.Mii, m. No 'J 1 , loent Iteldht, parrlit pnnie'iiRcr, cut bound: arrives At 11. in., depirti 8. tft p, m. No. 21,ent b'luuil IhrnuKli frelRlit, ilovn not carry passeiiKerK; urrlves b.t'i p in., deiurti 'J::p. m. No. V3. weit bound local frclsht, rnrrie p sender k, arrives &:Ui p, in,, ili'p.ttt h.::u 11, tn. Tor full particular cull 1111 (), 1'.. t N, LU'i HKcitt The ltallea. or uddrciu W. It. lltMtUll'UT, tii-n Vn. Ast., l'ortland.Or, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Ol" T1IK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave, nnd nru due tojirrlvu nt l'ortlti LHAVE. ' r 0VK111.AN11 i:xo j lirei, hiilum, ItirtO I bulk', .Uhhilid, bac-1 1 ! m ) rniiieiito, Ofjdi'ii.hiui I ,.W 1. at. Frauol.eo, Mo),ivc, ( 1) A !l AiiKele, 1.1 rain, 1 1 1 Neiv Orlvauh mid I l.mt i 'a:S0 A. ii r.uwjburs tllltlK . mid wny ilii- 1:301'. a Dally oset'il riuiul.iyi. f via Woodhurn for i.Mt..Viiiti;l, Hllvurtiin, . West Held, Uniwun- vllle,Sprtuc.lleldund Nutrim .... .... J 1 IMIly eseept r1uii'lay.i 17 :3D A, M. ICorvalllit lutiltlouu wityj .10 ! 51. !Nm:i'i:NI)KNt:r: I'ASUKNCiKIl. Kxpresa trils Dally (except Huiiday), 1:60 jt. in. (I.v. ...l'ottliuid . Ar.) tSn.e 7:IS) n. 111. ?Al..M(!Mlnnvllh I.v.S ,'i..Vii,.e h;S0p. m. Ar,.Indupuuilence..l.v ) SiftOa.B Daily, IDiuiy, UAcept hiilnliry. DINING OA Its UN 0(l)i:.N ItOt'TK. l'tn.l.MAN llt'KKKT Bl.l KI'Kltf AND Hi:COND-C'l,Anri HI.KKl'INCi CAlib Attached to nil Thnmuli Truism. Direct COIilKHJtliin n! miii t rninlrri wlrli Owl denial ami Oriental and I'jtcitto nmll uteamnlilp lines for JAl'AN nnd CHINA. HatllUK dte on a) plication. ualu.1 and tickets to Knuturn lmlnU nnd Eu- r".! JAl'AN, UlliNA, iHj.NtJU'I.L nnil Athl ItAlaA. All llboVO traltlH nrrlvn nt mill il.mnrl trfttti (irund Central Htutlun, Fifth nnd IrviiiB lrit VAMtlll.t. DIVIfltON. l'aeiiKer Huintt, foot of Jetterou htrech leavo for flherlilun. Arrive nt I'nrtlaiid, v$o 11. m. Ia'KVO for A I 111. 1 1' on MijiiiI.kv V,v,1in..rl,nr nd 1'riltllV lit R'.'.iS II. m. .Ink'., u't P.. Minn, I Till unv, 1 iiiUMiny mill batllrililj It il;0 p. in. Kxeept 8iinilay. Kstept Bnturdoy. It. KoK'.i.KIt, (I, . MAKICIIAM, Jliuuucr. Ami. (1. !'. d:.l'u.s. Ant Throiii;li Tloket Olllec, lilt Third htrcut. whert tliroiiuh tlok;t to all points in the Kantert Htateh.CiiiiailiiHiiii Kllroiie' call bo obtained l loneat riteit front .....J.,! KUtKLAND, Ticket AKCnt. or N. WIIKAMlON. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run uvory lny cxeopt SuudftSs, ituteu lienuonitble. i Telephone 201. j W. A. CATES, Prop IJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oillco over Krunoli A Co,'" llauk I'honc 0, T11K HAM-Ktf, OltEUOW