For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlnp, Omcoaiin-or Fancy Vcstinc. Kindly call and examine ray stock of Im Trtcd nnd Domestic Woolens. A fine stoci to "buftsniEde from the lowest prices to the high cat grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. am: ballk-, onrnos, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. subsckii'tion rmci:. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 MONDAY - JANUARY 8, 1900 JLEADEIl IX IIIOX PliODUCTION In the year which has just ended the United State, in addition to "breaking all other industrial and business lecords, made an immense gain in iron production. It is esti mated that the country's output of pig iron in 1899 was in the neighbor hood of 13,")00,000 tons, which is a gain of about 2,500,000 tons over 1898, and an increase of nearly 4,000,000 over 1897. It is an in crease of 5,000,000 tons since 189G, when the base money party was making a canvass which was disturb ing all sorts of business throughout the country. The United States is now far in the lead of Great Britain, and, of course, still farther ahead of Ger many, which stands nest to Great lkitain on this roll No estimate of the production of pig iron in either of those countries for 1891) is yet at : i i i ! .i band, but it is probable, taking the . ' , 1 1 'frnin nf nnnM in rnnnnf vanrc llml " . ..w.. ..., 4111. b England's production for 1899 will -not be above 10,000,000 at the farthest, and it is likely to be nearer to the 9,000,000 mark. Germany's production may reach 8,000,000 tons, although this looks like a some--what high estimate. Of all the pig iron produced in the world in the .past year or two the United States iurnished about a third part. The lead of this country over its prin cipal competitors, too, has been broadening in recent years, and the tendency iu the same direction is extremely likely to be kept up. Iron holds an important place among the country's list of exports, though, of course, by far the larger .portion of the increase in production 'is .absorbed in the home trade. There are seveial reasons the richness and ... iiYinn! ,11. .11..;. I 4 tin; uujiuju;, uieir accusal- "bility to tlu markets which the ex tcn8irn of the railroads has caused, nnd the improvement of tho methods hy which iron is treated nnd dis tributedwhy the United States is in the ascendant in iron production. These reasons arc continuous. The United States produces iron, taking flm mtnllti. inln 4l. . .jmi'.iij iiiiu nil; auuuuiH, imiv as .i . , , cheap 9 the most favored countries of the Old World, and cheaper than 1 Bomeof them, and its advantage in j this direction will grow as time passes nnd tlio mines of the rest of I the countries tend toward exhaustion. This is the world's iron age. The country which can produco iron and coal in larger quantities and with greater cheapness than its competi tors has an immense advantage over tuem in tho race for industrial supremacy. This position is occu pied by the United iStates. Boston has had more buslncs failures in tho past two weeks than occurred there iu runny times that duration for years past. All this is due to the suspension of the big bank in that town early in December. The Boston suspensions will bring up the number and the liabilities of the failures for 1399 to higher figures til. rrnt fnp n mnnlli fir tvrn 411.111 ..HI. 1414...V... .4, " , ago, but both will still he lower than j in any previous year for more than a decade. Hut this allliotion for l.oston is probably near its end. The general business conditions in Boston and all over the country arc unusually sound. DIFFERENCE IN BOOTBLACKS I The Darkles and Itnlinim Art.- I.Ike u Cuku WuJk nnd n AVntch Service. "Did you ever notice the difference between the darky nnd Italian boot blacks?" said a man about town to a Chicago Inter Ocean reporter. "I say darkies and Italians, because most of the 'shining' in Chicago is done by one or the other. The darkies do the work in barber shops nnd shoe stores and the Italians run most of the 'parlors.' "Now, yon watch a darky, and if he's j alone he 11 talk to his customer. II there's two of them they'll chatter to gethei like magpies. And the darky is so full of music and dance that he's got to put them into his work. lle'H put in all sorts of fantastic motions and beat out a rude kind of time, as if lie were picking a banjo or cutting a pigeonwing. When he brushes you he'll beat you with the whisp broom in the same way. "Go into one of the Italian 'parlors' and it's as still as a grave. There may be a dozen bootblacks, but not one of them will speak to you or to a com panion. They do their work stead ily and rapidly, but it's work, and noth ing else. Same wa with their brush ing you. It's as different as a watch service irom a cake walk." l'nul June' Grnvc. The grave of Capt. John Paul Jones has not been located by the govern ment through its inquiries of the em bassy in the French capital, lie died on July 19, 1702, in Paris, and was bur ied with the highest honors by the French government, but the place of his burial cannot now be determined. Iiolilied the Crave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by 'khim as follows: "I was in a mot dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back 1 and sides, no appetite irraduallv grow- i ins weaker day by day. Three p'nysi- ciana had ivcn me "P- fortunately, a triend advised '.Electric Hitters'; and to . . , .. - . i my great joy and surprise, the first 1. ... . ..... - bottle made a decided improvement. I oontinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them, j umy ouc, guaranteed, at JJIakeley & Houghton's drug etoru. I'rec-l With everv dollar purchase durint: January and February we will yive one chance on a !;50 Garland steel range. j.n2.1w Maip.uA Hk-.nto.v. TTMtEU. W.VILM).N, l1 ATTOUNKY-AT LAW, 'I I IK DALLES, OI'.KdO.N Oflico ovci First Nat. li'mii. n h HUNTI.VOTON II B 17 twos HU.VTl.VQTO! i WILSON, ATlOl'.NKY.S AT LAW, l llf. JJAl.J.K OXco over First !?at. liauk UT.KUJ.s GUAKDIAN'S NOTIOK. 1 T.V TIIK COUNTY COOIIT f)F TIIL 8TATJ: x hi wikkoii, ior i aco county In t!u trlrltror nt flir. imo nll.11.4Lt. Of (leoriru K1','i. I'wnk Kiiuit.Ani.iejordaii.Katie Jordan and Jlary Jordan, mliiori. v., ...i. .n. .1 ... . .... ...VnV , ", " " " mieinoer, ivjrj, came 1 ' -"''" 'i n) iiiiiniuiui, 'luomieit 1 inn iiciuiKKUnroiano: tnouboveiiameil minor, 1111 1 pre., tu ted his .etltlon nrayln ior an order n141.,?,f1,'!i.".li"".I,lia'c.tl1n;;1,lr1 tohellthcinlercst from suiii 111 linn ill lit I, 14 ,i. n.l...I.. "Y, h""" 1 ipeaiuiK to tnu court I s iifcessary and bene- their interest in tlio uciai 10 kaiu wards that ninth half of the Kinthea 18.tOWllShll,'' r ,rlh. r, ,,r,; . ..V vv i i... I old: therefore t K m InJi , t'il...u. nl l"v oi ino o clock u m.. Ilien and ttiero to show came why u eeno ,,7Vt,1V,M1WK,,,lltt,urUukUloo,,'cll" i TMiU'hhM 'K iccis-i ""'county jJubc. .iERVITA fitntortj VITALITY. LOST V'GOR ' AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Niffht Emissions and wasting diseases, all '.'Hecta of Belf. uhusc, or exects and India- cretlon. AnervotonlouiHl blood builder. liriiif,'H the pink flow to pale cheeka anr restorer! the .Ire of youth. Bv mall 50c tier lmx: ft Ikivcm ior jp-.(u; wim a written Knaran teo to cure or refund tho inonoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Ms., OHICAQO, ILL. i ,fi ,'v;"f "l. M;l,"'jl"a Jordan, father Hon ami redemption us bylaw rovided , VtXt ,0,,,kln of A."",e' K"tlu aty I .Dated at Dalles City, WvCo 'coil lilv Oreeon Jordan.andall ijertons Intercsteii iu uld estate, this iJth day of .NVivctaU-r, l"ii co""l' 0rtR IIS .h"f"re, .,s t''.mrt nt 1,10 C0llrt roow tOllKIlT KIM I Y ' . .. ?' EUWl..0."0"'. l '. '. of dw2.l fihcrlirof Wmc o Count V.' ,, ii p : I! - (urrrrrro V I II I 11lfjl.lJ I r Of : Drafts , at M. Z.. UUININCLL., I THE DRUGGIST. ! i rcTFrsthe nsl; j ... Dealer in... ?! j U Dpy Goods, Clothing, j! cj Gents' Furnishings, '!' l Hoots, Shoes. Hats. 1'nps, Notions. .Rt. fi! f fnr W. I- Dmiulns hoe. ? . ! 1 3 SJSSsss, The Dalles, Or. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Secoud & Lailu, 'Phone 151 Sheriff's Sale. I N T1IK CIIU'l'IT COl'KT OF Till: STATK OF 1 Oregon, tor Wmco ( onnty. J. I MpTnprnv. ns tultnltil.tmtnrnf tUn nntn sr I I'mlllp llrcigiin, ilcccuiid, I'lilntifl, I VS. j N. W. Wallace nnd S. V. Wal'nce, Dcfcmlnnts. I li- virtue of an execution, decreo mill order of III!.. .llllf f.cllDll n.t nl 1 ...... .1 t . I i the circuit court of the stito of (inmrn. m... ! n7oSe;l!0I,;,,''!;,' tt lK wie iori"iourc oi u ccrtnin nicirtKitye, in f.ivor of idiiliitUt'iiiid awilnst said defendant", mill nidi; in;ii4 1 Miiiiciin aim eiiieiiu in bum cuuri in tin . Bbove entitled cniiK', iu favor f lilalntlil' nnd wr,ilii the defendant N. W. Wall.,ce, as imlu. liientdeotor, In the um of one tiious ind and thirty two and 21 loo dollum (Iiojj..-.') wiin in- tercat thereon from the Sth nlav of r-tptemlier, 1 1W, at the rate of ten 10 jr cent per annum, i and the lurtlier huh if mu inni.irri ,i, oil lids writ, and comiiiandliij,' me to make Mle of the real proK;rly emhraced Iu such ilecrce oi foreelosiire and hereinafter decrib(d Kald de creeand iudunient IiiuIhl' 1kmi n.n.i..,.wi i cnteied on the 21th day of October, Jfi, 1 ill :t,lll',Jl"-J"Ill"irJ. llW, at tin- hour of iy?k ' "'''-'' of laid daj and lit the, front d.ior of the county court Iiouh-, in iMlIes City, Uaico county, Oregon, nli nt public ......,., ,., iu iiiLTiivL iiiuiicr ior caM In hand all Hie rlirlit. till., im.i the tlcfCUdHiit.N. W. , ;i niiu intercut which omiuceiinu B. i-. Wallace, oreiintr oi iiiem. nan on Ihu Ath daj of Sen teinber lfc'J), the date ot the mortetiKo orccloneil 1..." '.T.T nereni, or wnicn ain ilifemlants or iinv of the 'iiiieiiuaiiisi neiein, inivo Huec ucnmr(il ir nmr "five In ami to tin- followliiL-deicrifjiil r'iil nron. y, situated nri Mn In Wine" eouuty Ore Kon, to-wll: TheH.uthe t,, irterof t itilaMh. ! V ' ' J'"" V. "V"" ' ' .l ""Utli- 'inarier, and the northeast ouarter of tho couth, wt quarter of tcclion tMemy eiKlit.ln town.hlii teven Koutti, of rane eyentwn wVt. Wlllaiutto Z fiTiV nV t it i II. i f.. .T 1 .7. rus' . .r .0 milCll Of i.! I '"l. " . "?. .."" J'"Kmlt and Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that the county court of the Mate of ortKon for Wukco eouuty, In probate, hasilu lucd letters tetame t irv t i 4. ;t,,'"K'r' w' oxMuior namiil in tliu . JLV". V"inwt of Haleb llrooki d". it f Vi"."1 "lwliItr upon thootato of the ... ..vvvani... .,, IVrKOUS IIHVIlU! Clll IllS on. in 1 alles (;itj, Oregon, with p o, v,lc ,'. er, with n lx mouths from this date. Decern ber ihw. Kxecutor of thn 4l..t,. f iV"',.'.... ceased. All persona wlshlnu to take chlldron, cither boys or tH, for legal adoption or on indenture, ehould write to W. T, Gardner, superintendent of the Nova' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at lortland, who can procure for them do airable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf . tii-.iiKi rwiiiiu aim , nam limner., win im 41W11 4ii),i..n, r.nnft.n.. jast What You umnt. New ideas in Wall Paper hore. Such wide variety us wo are showing never be fore graced n einglo Btouk. Heal iiuitn tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers nt cheap jmpur prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yours for n small price, at our store on Third street. Also n hill line ot house pnintB. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. ..GflAS. Butchers and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Kecpi on iiraw:lit the celebmttil COl.L'MIIIA lli:i:i!, acknnwl ciIroI the best liter In The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try It iitnl be convinced, Alo the Fluent brands o( Wlne, 1.1 pior and Clears. Sandmiehes of all Kinds ahvayi, on baud. rrj-T M.1 A t A1 1 A rxrt cta rAiTAT-rATracr BI?OS (IKNlIltAl. ...AND... Wagon and Cnrriago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. $ Third and Mown. PbonOfi!) M BLHKELEY k HOUGHTOH Wholosalo and Rotail Carry the Largest Stock of and Druggists' Sundries ' ! r ' In I'.aslurn Uretton. " C Qr.nnnft Qlfflot 110 OUGQllU k) ICG " " THE DALLES Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests wjiat you eat. Itartlflclally digests the food and aids ln strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered dist ant and tonic. No other preparation D?nnLr. l0ViCnfl?1ntl ??n"anently cures j 1 . u"iiu, iuusea. rpnnrirViKiaigestJoa , ... w. wini ,. a uo., CQIcaQO. ONE FOR A DOSE. J. . Clark, l'eoria, III., aayg. "Hur. geona wanted to operate on mo for pllee, hut I cured them with DoYVitt's Witch Hal Salve." It ie Infulllhle for and ekin dieeatee. liewanat counter 19 Mil I BiaCKSfHllflS HorsBsnoBis Di)(l8 nolitilnluwlllitmt Str. nofjulntor. (l.linltoil bimlliiK'" ) 1 nowN. t;r. I.V DilIlM l.v. I'uril.iuJ lit S A. M. at 7 A. M.I Tmviiiiv Mummy i Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. "S. TlHIlMlrtV nlliei1y i. i . .......... 1 1 1 i i ' (; Arr. l'nr'll p, atft f. m, .Hill i . "'"l irlliiiul .rr. imnon lit ft 1'. M. FOR OOMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, F Travel by Hie rilcnmcw n! the UwibUnr Line. tj 1 ' . J " .mi tin? It fervlw olblu. B, IMrtl.m.I Olllco, Oak Htroot Dock. Jit Imnnlcp i A jiANfr.CTfiti:i) nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and imrtinilnre ItirniHhed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, unUG TIIK DAI.LKS, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Rotail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY Irom jfL'.To to $11.00 pur vtallon. (Tin 15' yet, old.) IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to f l-.(K) per tiitUon. (U to J0 ymra old.' OALirORHIA BEANDiEB f'om 3.'jr, to 0.00 ir vtmu (4 to 11 yenrB old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Alu mill l'urtor. and JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TMTiD Headquarters for ton flour. W d eel our oodH lowor than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think so call and uot our prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. DKALFiKS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. ! SlIDD ieS PIONEER BAKERY, . I have re-opened this well-knpwn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Piercer r. REGULATOR LINE. : Dalles, Portland & Astoria i Co. Tliu Htcnmi'ts of tliD ltOKiilntor 1.1 no will run iih or tliu fnl. j InwIiiR K'linlnlu, tint Comimny te'urvlni? tliu rlKlit to ohiuigo'j notice. Str. Dntloa City. (TouchltiK nt nil Wiiy Point,) IHIW.N. I.v. ItnlleM lit 11:30 A. M. Millliliiy WVil nihility . I'rliliiy Arr. nirtlitnil (iinciirtiilii) in. I.v. I'ortlutiil ,5 lit I'l a m. 3 'l'Ui'Mlny (i Tlmrtiliiy ,1 nniiiriiny Arr. Illl. . (uuecrtnlti) 4 The Conumuv will nuili-iivnr to Rive ltd put I'or Inrtlior Information W. C. ALLA WAY. Con. Afft., Tliu Dalle. A and Motors Mash Whiskey. Vnl Itlatz and Olympin licor in hottlei "Byers' Best" Pendle Tina Flour in manufactured expressly for family UHli: uvorv Himlr In i.iiiiriiiiti.n,! ,.ii,.f.,nn Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.