jwwiK--r fik 5f Acts gently on the and Bowels f 1EAN5ES THE YSTEM r.rr uyi uhui, OVERCOMES Jwr?& iiTU;ciTlMT",N 1 1 UML PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE MAHT'D By roa stt sYticuuc5.n! rfr.ct :oe. rtstnnt. SHEEP IN THE WOODS. Captain Ornnliy'i Anniiiil I.uport on tho Ca-.c.itlu l.eserve. dpt. S. 15. Ormsby, superintendent of the Cascade forest reserve, ono of the largest of the government reserves in the United States, is now busiiy em ployed in writing his report to tho in terior department, regarding the grazing of sheep on t lie reserve. This is his third report on the subject since he was appointed superintendent, one being re quired by the department every year, and when asked abuut the work, yester day, he said that he would probably wear out the subject, if the subject did not wear him out. The report will be a most voluminous affair, and will go into details regaidirig the grazing of sheep on the reserve; the effects ou the growth of timber ami underbrush ; the effects on the rainfall, floods, etc., and a variety cf other subjects. The writing of these reports, by the various superintendents of the reserves, is tto direct result of the constant efforts of the scientists to exclude sheep from the reserves, from the fact that it is "supposed that when everything else gives out, they turn eav.igely on the pine." Tho report will include n variety of cubjeetfl, and details, such as tho num ber of alieep seeking the different reser vations; duration of tho grazing season; tho locality, the extent and general course ot ranging, tho damage dot.e to the forests on the reserves, which in cludes killing tho undergrowth by browsing, trampling it out, and injuries to tho standing timber; the diminishing of the water supply by trampling the ground so that the snow melts earlier in the spring and passes off in floods before needed in the valleys; the retention of the moisture from the rainfall, it being claimed by the enemies of tho sheep that the trampling of tho ground causes the water to fl jw away instead of heinjf .absorbed by the soil. "Sho methods pursued by tho herder?, whether or not they are in the habit of eetting tires to increase the grazing far tho f Mowing year, is another subject upon which a report ia demanded ; the iue-!tiun of leasing the ranges on tho reserve, b tho department, the restric tions and limitatlonsvhich should be included in the lease, tho charge per head of sheep allowed on the ranges and 'kindred information is to be given at length; statistics are to be given regard iug tho yalue of the sheep industry, the number of eheep on the reserve, the amount of the wool production, tl.e value of tho wool, the value ol tho sheep, the amount of capital invested in the industry, and a thousand and one other po.ntg, regarding tho grazing and rear-1 ingof sheep on tho forest reservea. While Captain Ornishy did not say wliat his conclusions wou'd bo; on the various points involved, it is no't likely that ho will agree with tho scientist regarding tho deatructiveness of tho hep on the reserve?, In view of the fact that the superintendent bus long been a resident of Oreg)n, and for many years a breeder of sheep j in addition to thut, he has travelled thousands of miles on tho reserves, during the past three years, studying tho (ueet!oas involved ; 'lie has followed the sheep on the ranges for ilaye, camping with tho herders, and closely observing tho njtioiiB of the sheep, tho condition of the ground where thoy had passed, and after nmk lug tlteec extended investigations, hi) ap pears to be more than over imbued with tho Idea that the theories of tho scien tists are entirely wronjr, as tho practical knowledge gained by him on tiio ground cotnb.its the views of the scientists at tno national capital. It illicit do for pome E.istener. or some Manama who ! climbed Mt. Hood some time, to buliovo that tho sheep would get away with tho .... 1 ..A.iL.tt.Mi ninMH?.ilttu ntlil nil. but it is doubtful wnether any one hav- hiK anv practic.il knowledge on thu sub- would ever beliovo that tho sheop would in anv manner initiru tlto forests i on the reatrvo. S.ileni Statosnu n. Notice to Vntor. j Under the provisions of the legistra ' tion law all persons when registerinc are lequired to furnish to tho register- inc ollicer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, an 1 court of naturalization, in th!9 con neetion, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. Residence must be specitic; giving precinct, section, township and range; if within town or city, the street, No. if any, and No. of lot and block ; if in any building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepared to furnish the above information. facilities will be furnished in every precinct in the county by either Justice of the l'eaeo or Notary Public. A. M. Kei.say, dec-J-SOdys County Clerk. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarko & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll's drug store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wascu warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf Lenis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says --i.onoi dyspepsia wire uiu me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble K-xperience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of cough?, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded '.'o cts. and oO cts. Dlakeley & Houghton Druggists. Kstrny .Nolle:. Strayed from tho range on Dutch flu, one dappled gray horse, four years old next spring; branded on left shoulder thus, U. Five dollars reward will be given to any person reluming same to my place on 3-Mile. nov29 imo 0. W. Cook. Uryhiff liroimrnlions simply devel op iiry caian la ; they ury up tlio becretioiia, which adhere to tho mtmbrauo and decom pose, caiuiug a far more hovious troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. mg mnuiaul-i, tunica, cuiokes ami smilis and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catanh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly, A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho 50c. Bizo. Ely Urotucr. G(J Warren KL, N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or causo Bueojuy. It spreads itbelf over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh ami Hay Fever. Tho modern and most effective euro for constipation and all livor troubles thu famous little pillH known asJDeWitt'd Little Early Hisers. You will not have boils if you take Clarko & Fulk's sure cure for boils. yf (iKiSKNJMini'FKK Physician tuul Surgeon, Bpeclal attention given lo kurgcry. oo us 21 and 2?, oni8 21 and 2?, Tel.SiS Vogt Hkck Preserves 9 r-frutti.jollles.ptclclosorcahiup ara w luyin ;-'"j , luuiu (jmi-aiy. mure iii-uumuuy ly.'aicu wnn iicunea I'araflliie wax than by n.i7 other method. Dozenaofotheruseinlllba """""Refined Paraffin Wax In every household. It It clean, tusttliwa end odorless air, vatr rid uclil proof, (m a i-ound cako of It with u Hat of lu many wm from your druxzlttor xroeer. bold everywhere. Hntio tiy HTAMliAUli Oil. CO. NOTICE. STATU OP OISKUON, rrifrltTlVR lllir.lliTMKNT, J S.U.KM.Nm 21, K'J, In ncfonlaneo with Hie vmvltli of an Act i-ntltliil "An Act SllbinllllnK in H e 1. CO ors o the Mate of Owon.it Hie lieneral l.!i-' t I'm bo lu-lil mi the fit t Motiilay 111 .June, I'XO.tlie M-mllUK l'mim-cil ConMltntloiial Amenilmi-iits, ninirmcil February is, WJ, l.T.T. i'"'-'', eriior of the State of Oregon, do hereby ramo n o followlm: propositi nim-mltiictits to the '"; tiitlonot the state of Oiojion, Y,er Itlol to M tin-Secretary of ftnte, to ho pulilt-luil Tor ll o lonvei-illlvu weeks In IllK I).u. "Bj;N,1.1'', n ni-w -paper pnbtlshiil in thu Seventh Jmllclal District of the state of Oteijon. Done lit tlie Capitol, nt i-alciit. Owon, iMULl this. .'1st il.iv of NoM-mher. A II. ivju. 1 1 T. T. liKHli. I' ACtiiur. llv the Onveri'ori K. 1. DU.N11AU, Secretary of Mate. SUNATK JOINT UKSOM'TIOS, NO. t. Hi- It revuvi-il by the Si-nuto, the llmi-econ-i-tirrlliK; 'Unit tho followliiR iiim inlmoiit to the Con-mutton of tlto State nf Ouiton bo mm is "C'it,5; W nf Article XI. of .. Mn- Hon of tno Stato ot Oicroii bo run! the mihio Is hereby abrocati-il, ami In lli-u tlu-u-uf Siettou 10 nf Atttclc XI. shall bo as fnllnv.s: ARTICI.K XI. Section 10. No county, city, town, tchonl ills trlct or other municipal rorimr.itlim h.ill heal loweit to become tmlohttil lu ain manner or tor anv tiiiriMito to an amount liicliiilliit; priMMit o.v Ming in.ti-hti-ilno!.-. In the iiKKri'K.iti- oxiwIIiik live per centum on thu value of tho taxable property therein to bo iiMi-rtalnul by the last as sessment for State ami county taxes pluvious lo thu Incurring of such iinlobteilncss. Adopted by the Senate January no, 1SKJ. (,'. W. Fulton, l'ri-shlcnt of the senate Concurred lu bv the linns-, lVbtuary'.', ls'JJ. W, 1'. lE.vl)V, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate January Jl, ISOi. ,a Joki-ii siMo.v, I'.-esMciit 01 tho senate. Concurred In by the HoU'C, February I, CliAs. 1J. Moouks, Speaker of tho Houte. BKXATi: JOINT HESill.tTION, NO. 13. lie It resolved bv the Senate, the Homo 0111 cnrtltiK: That the following amendment to the Constitution of the state of Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), be ami the same Is henby proposed, to-wtt. SECTION TKN. The Legislative Assembly may pio ide for the election of Supteme and titruli Judges lu ills tlnct classes, one of which elas-es shall consist of live Justices of the supteme Court, who sh.ul not perform circuit duty; and the other elas.s shall consist of as muny Circuit Judges is may bo deemed nccesi try, who shall hold full terms without allotment mid who shall take the same oath as the supreme Judges. 'lhe legislative Assembly may create as many circuits us may be necessary. Adopted be the Senate, February 13, 1VJJ. C. W. I CI.TON, rresldcnt ol the senate. Concurred In bv the House, February 11, Is'JJ. W. 1". Kkauv, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate, January 11, KH. JOsKl-ll SIMON, I'reI.Ieiit of the Keu.ite. Concurred In bv the House, February 0, lS'Ji. Cll.v.- 11. Mooiie.-, Speaker of thu House. HOCSi: JOINT UKSOI.UTIOX, NO. 10. liesolved bv the House, the Senate concurr ing: That tlio following amendment to the Con stitution of the state of Oregon be uuU hereby Is proposed: That the Coiitltutlon be amended bv adding Article XIX. as follows, io-ult: AUTICX.K .MX. Section 1. The nceesMirv use of rands for the construction of reservoirs or storage bi'lni tor the purpose of iriigatlou or for rights of nay for the cointmction of canals, dltehc, ilumes or pipes to convoy water to t ic place of u--o lor any useful, b;uetict.il or necessary purpose, or for drainage, or for drainage of mines or the work logs thereof, by means of roads, railroads, tram ways cuts, tunnels, thaits, lioljting works, duniior other necessary means to their com plete development or any other 11 e necc-siuy to the complete development of tho natural re sources of the Mute or preservation of tho health of t's inhabitants, is hereby declared tube n pub lic use and subject to the regulation unit control nf the Mate. section T he right to approptiite the nn.ip propilated waters of any natural stream to bou eiielal uses shall ncer bo denied. Secttcu 3. The Use 01 all waters now appro priate! for sale, rental or distribution, also oi nil water.- originally appropriated for private use, but which, after such appropil itloli, has hereto fore been or may lieu-after be '.old, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declaro'l to be a uiilie Hu mid subject to tl.e regulation and control of the Mate In tho manner prescribed by law. l!ut the light Iiium; and appropriate such waters sh.il. bo subject to such rovisious of la-.i for Ih tak ing of private properly for public or j rlv .to mo as providid in Miction K Article 1 of the Con stitution of the Mate of Oregon. Suction I. 'Jhe right to collect taxes or eom peniatiou for the use of water supplied lo alii eouniy, eiiy, town or water district orinn.iuii ants tliensif, is u franchise, and cannot I- e.xer cud except by authority of and in n manner picu-nueu uy law. Adopted by the Home, February 13, IhO'.i. W. 1' KiJAlir, hpeakt-r of the Home. Mgi.ed March 7, lMi-i.) A'loptcl by the f-enate, February 17, l'!' l. C. w. 1'uuoN, I'te-ideiii of the Hi-nute. (Signed March Adopted bv the House, February fi, l-'j i. (Jims. II. Mooi-.kb, speaker oi thu House. ConeurMl in by the Si-nate, February 13, uj. Jos;:ph .mmo.s, President of Die .-senate. HOL'SK JOINT ItlOl.UTION NO, 'J. riroiioslusr an iimendriient to lhe Coiiklltutloii of the stale i.f Oregon, by ie)-aliiii,' hectton :i of Article I. Hi-solved by the IIouu-, thoK-iiKtorint-urrlni:; That, seetlon 3 of Article 1 of the Constitution be and hereby! repealed. .ilopieii in 1110 iioui-o, January 11, 1 sy:j. W. 1'. Kk inv, sp-Aiker of the Home. Concurred In by the Senate, January .at, lhy.j, C. . Fum on, l're.'i.leiitof thorienale. Adopted by the House, January H113. (;ii.s. II. JIooitK-t, S-peakerof the House. Concurred lu by the heinite, February U, lb'jj. HKNATE JOINT ItKS-Ol.t.'TION NO. 7, lie it rckolvid bv the .Senate tho Hon kn rnn- turriiiKi That tho following iiineiiilun-ut to this i.oiniiiiuiion 01 ine i-.late ol tjriKon be ami lb Jicrtby projio-ed: AltTlt.P. 1. Thuelietlve franehh'o In ihk sint. nil nil heieafter be piohlbited toauycllUenoii aecount of MX. Adopted by tlioScimte, February 0, 18a. Josi'.i'll hlMo.s, I'resldeutof the i-euute. Adopted by the llouu-, February C, lhy, Chah. 11. MoiiiiK-, hpeakerof the llouec. Ciiab, II. Mooiiks, hicakcr of the Hotibc. Adopted by tho Senate. January .'11, Ib'j'j. 1. 1;. tAYi.01!, rreMUentoI thej-eiuite. Adopted by tlie Houh-, January ill, n.r. K. V. Caktcii, Speaker of thu tho House. t'NlTKD 8TATK8 OF AMIiltlCA. HTATK (IFOllKliON, ' oilleo of tii-eretary of .Statu. ) I, K. I. Dl'MI.Ut.Swrttary of HUto of tho Htato of On-Kon nml CihUkIIhh of tho .--eal of (.aid .iu.iv.,.1.1 neieij) uviuiy 1. mi j nave compiireil thopreecilliiiv'eopy of Sen.ilo Joint Ilekoliitlon No. I, of the U-irlilallve Amvnibly of iv.t.Jp -"Municipal Indebtedness iiiiiendiiient;1 Senate Joint Jlexolulloii No. M of tho Uidilatlvi! An keinhlr of 1W.I, 'Judlelary Aineiident:" IIoiiho Joint Itetoliitlon No. 10 of tho ix-Klklutlvu A. K-inbly of lb-j-i.-'Mrrlnation Ainendmoif," llou'U Joint I!i-olutlon No, a of tho liilntlvo Ak-euibl of 1W3, -' llepeallnir Aim-iMlinviit : mid fcenato Joint Henolutlon No. 7 nltl.o IxaU lutlvo AsK-niblv of 1 :.., -"F:.u.il HullraKu Aliieudliient." with tho ruleliiiil im.l. w tlfklV fill (lie in Ihlw oif.ee, mill Hut tho mino U 11 correct transcript theiefrom ami tho w nolo thereof. In Tkitiiony Wiikhkok, I liaveheio iiiitn ketmv hand and ailhul hereto hkal tho beat of tlio ntalo of Orc-Koii. Done at (hu Capitol, nt Halem, Ore(m, thh Third day of November, A. U. J bW, y. I. UDNIIAIt, fciccrctury of dtttte. I WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD ,. , III IT IIIIDN PAYMUNT OP ONLY The Mew Werner Edition IENCYCLG A SUPERB USRAftY 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So cojiiplcts thai tt covexs the rntirc range of iiuman fcnovkdffe. -,V5-Jrr'"-r"f I,-, vv'ii !.:',un .... I ii'iwh'-v irir ?i 1 f 1 4 i-.lr--J St v -Tv. t3----- ' nlCilBT tssf r,'.' r.v VKteAK.'i': -pH-D.,. rz ! " ( i 11 JiiiL ! JS&S?' Th-j entire set with Guide If A ) Th? entire sot ( 1 1 1 k I VMiJC V I upon payrr.er.t Balance payabL- in s:a!l monthly pnymcr.tr WorUmanship anJ material tho The product of the laigcst r.r.d best The BRITANNiCA is the aslcnowl dged standard of nil Hncydopsdias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition f the Brltaun.cn. Do not put your money In old editions jr poorly made books bscausc they arc :heapcr. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family fho has this work over one which has lot FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "O111: Minutu Coti'h Cure ia thu beet remedy I over useil for concha nml eoltls. It ia 11 tiet inl It;t for wlmoping cough. Chrililren nil like it," writes II. X. Williams, Gentryville, lud. Never faile. It is the only iinrinlees remedy that tfives iirmedmlu resulte, Cures eotiKhs, colds, lio.truuss, croup, piiou inoniu, bronchitis aurl nil throat 11 ml liuiU troubles, consumption. Its early uu pruvuiits PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, 0 r THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Stroot, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'o Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAI 33S ONtf 3WOO BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm Trade Marks JE8IQN8 CocvmnUT Ar ,fl!,r,nna ,en'llf' ketf h and dowrlpllon ma mileU lr unec-rlalii our opinion frco wlielliir n , i?eiiton U probably palt-iitab 0. Conrii'uiileh. u-i t free. Oldot uienof for noeurlmr jwtei t t,';,'w,.'a1''i .rirouifli llui.11 & Va mvlVu U'teUitnotict, without claruo, In tlio "vo,TH Scientific American. A jiiimtioriioljr llluitrated weoklr. I.r(iet clr. filiation of ,, .clontiao journal. Ten M tiYii ':i'r1'"",l".l- ia brill riiSIdillr." WUNN & Co,3e,B. New fork nv n fi w voiican rr . . a n rr m v vr 1 A with Guide V W4 cf only I?est l-r.own to t!ie hoolc-maldnR art, cquiipc:! boolc factory in America. If you cannot r.cnd your children to th.T University, brinrj the University to th:m. This edition has never been sold foi hsa ihaa ij.jc. T-cr a short time only 'r.jo.50 cabii, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and takcadvantago cf tills rare opportunity to secure tills un rivalled fund of universaf knowledge. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riiANSACT A KNKltAI.llANIvINO llUfclN'lib Iittere of Credit, lonued avallublu in thu Eaatorn fJtntes. Kflht KxuhitiiKU ntul Toli.'Kritplnc Trarisfura sold on Now York, ChiciiKO, St. I.ouifl, 6nti Francisco, Portland Ore iron, Seattle Wash,, itnd vurious polnte in Oruiron and Wiifllurii'ton. Collectlona Hindu ul nil points on fuv ornbhi torniH. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh l''gR8 nml Creamery Itutter u upeeinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF llANUKACTUHKl'.H OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD iJKEF, UTO. J. 6, HCIIKNK, I'rcul.lent. il.M, 1IKAI. , Cuxliloi First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A Gonoral Bauking Buainesfl transacted uujiuhhb reeuiveu, attbjeot to bight Draft or fllifxilr. Oollectione made and proceeds prouiptl remitted on ilav nf iinllnnMnn ' Hluht and Telegraphic Exefiango gold oa New York, Han Francisco and fort- land, Dinttn-pnufi & p tompsoj, Jno. B. 8ohc, Eo. M. Williams, Gko. A. Uttuu. $i..oo i b Tfie coiumMa pacKioo Go Q Ball smw an. lllM'Al'.T 1011 TIMK KOItl-.lllll.R. l'llOM llAI.I.KH. AlUlT! 1'HOII, Knit Mail ll:ir. p. in, Halt I.iikr, Di'livur, I't, y. Wiutli, O11111I111. Kan , Mill jn city, Ht. iJitli-,, 2!Mp (llilenito mill Unit. 1 w Htiokiinn Flyer Tl'J'i .. in Will In Wnlla, Hiokinn-, HMkin, MIlllll'llllOllN. Ht. I'llll I. Vlr.. V'licr. 1 11 Int li, Milwaukee, i,ji ; (llilcaun nml 1 : HH t. !. 111. I'llOM ror.TI.AKIl. Oi-i-mi Hteiinmliliiii, For hull l-'riinrluro Hei ember :i, h, lit, 18, it, mill '2. 8 11. 111, 1 11 1. r.x.htinilay Ciilinnlila llv. Hteiimcrit. Kx.bunJiiPB To AKTOIUA una Way TM Hiitnrilay uiiitiiiigii. in i. 111. tin. 111. WlM.AMKTTK IttVKIl. I r.x.btuiilayiOri'Kiin (Illy, NuwIhtk, ;i.SuMiiS HiilL-m A NVay IjiiiiI'b. a 111, lVlLl..lMTTIC AMI) VAU illfflt 8ifflt.11 Ttie.i.'l lilir. Illl.l. HtVKli.l. .Mon.,WM S ami .--Mt. Oreiron (,'lty, llayton, mvl Krl. ! mill iiy-uuiilinijs. fill. 111. 1 WlLLAMRTTK UlVKIl. IM11.B ! rnc'l'lmr, I'.irtlaiiit to Corviillls, .Men. Will anil HU. unit VViiy-UtinllilKH. liiml FrUtjl KNAKK UlVKIl. Illpurlii to IjwUton. I.Kiri l.v lilparln ilaliy l.'i) 11. 111. l.i:wirr;iL ilallj ;a.B.s l'arlleii ile-ilrini: loco to Hemmer-how" take mi. 1, lenvini; I In- lialleii ul . m p. o ! ninkine illni-t i-oniieelloiih ut Ilepiner tnuctlmi ni-tiiriiitii; niimiticiiin.'Vti'oiineotioii at uerfa; Jiinclloii MltliNo, 1, urrivlni; nt The llallot J.0.1). Ill, No, -J, tlirnnclil freight, en.it bouiiil, ilnci d curry imm-iiKerx, arrives 'jV) 11. 111., UetttV U.. "Oii. 111. i No 'Jl. l.w-iil fritt.lil. r'.irrli.M itnmti-titrnrt. Mi! l.'Oiiml, arrives 1 : :a j, 111,, lcirti M la . m. No. 21, noil liointit tlirotiKh frelKlH, ilies M rnrry imsivniiurii; nrtlveH H 10 11 111,, ilfpw 'j-.m p. in. No, ive.it liotinil l.x-nl frelstlit, rnrrlrt ( nenxeiK; arrhi'so:!,-. i. 111., iluiart HHUla, is. Tor full tmrtli:illar)i rail on (). It, & N. HKelll l lie llallen, or uililiv- W. II. Ilt'llI.llfllT, (ien l'as. Act.. 1'ortl.ind.C!. taai ana suu 1 n via iks The Shasta Route1 OK THE - Cnnthorn Parifio Pnmn'k WUUI1IUI II I UWillU WUIIIUKB TrnlllN li-nvn nttil urn Hum tn nrrlv,, nt l-nrlliiV I.KAVK, j j ovi:iti,ANi i;x-i 1 iirei-, Kill-in, ltoo- ' ' fill fir. Afil.lMi.il, Kan- 1 1 :PU r.M. run. mi to, OgiUMLHnn I 1'raiiclneo, Moliivi;, f li A.) i.o-i AUKi.'li'n.l.l rimo Neiv orleiiim mil! 1 1 ant n'30 v M , ltoclmri mnl wny htit-i itloiu ... . . .' ' f Via W'ooilliur.-' lor 1 1 lor.J nail; Dallv I 1 '""I'Kuit niivonon, exceit Hnniliiya We.it Helo. llmwiih- I'.xcept vllle,Hirlnllell mill Huii'l'I' ...urou j 1 uaiiy (except niinnayj. liMlp. m. rl.v l'ortlanil Ar.) StSJti M."J t. ,,, IA- It. .1. ...... I. ......... I a, .. A.t Dally. ( Daiiy, except huniiay. DININC (1AIIH ON (Kll)lvN UOUTK. 1'UI.l.MAN IIUKI'KT HI.hKI'KllS AMD HK0OND-0IAbrt Hl.KKI'lNt- OAW Altaelieil to nil Tliniugh Trains. llllent ronni-otlon nt Hun i rinu-Ur.A with Ott. neiiini anil orlentiit nml I'ae I 0 11111 ntramiUl in., r... 1 ( 1 1 v i,.irtv.a ...... ...... n plk'iitlon. Kates Mitt tleliotH lo Kiiiti-rn xoliits nii4I: rnpe. AIm, JaI'AN, OIIIN'A, HUNOl.fl.U i A I'S I ft A 1,1 A, All iiIjovo traliia arrlvi. t mnl ili.tmrt Iraf YA.MHII.I, DIVISION. I'lin-enger Depot, foot of Jiiilunoll ulritt 10(11111111,1110 11. HI, iiav, iiiurmay anil Hatnrilaj ita;03 p. 111. Kscept fimiiliiy. Kxcept Hiitiinlny. H. KuK.'.i.KK, Vtiinu&er. n. ir. MAKk'HASf. li.l l L- .. L.,l. Alt ! nUIII'N. t.'HMllllll fltlll ITliriii,.! nan l.t ail'IMIIIfU' or N. WUK.YUlON. w ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run evnry day uxct'ptSuinly 1 idttus Keatonuuie. Tolephone 201. j W. A. OATES, Prop. JJ A. 8TUHDEVANT, Dentist. Oltice over Krenoh A Cu.'k lt'itik ESt! a. m, u it a ix. J'liono C, THK D.Vl.l.KsJ.O"!