Br- .4 For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rutlns, Ovcroofitln- or Fancy Vesting. Kindly call nnd examine my stock of Im Tnrtcd and Domestic Woolens. A line stock to elect from. . ...... Bults madelromtlic lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. THE llALLEr, OKEOO.V. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. sBBSCKirxroN riticE. One week ? 15 Ono month 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY - JANUARY G, 1900 SECRETARY GAGE'S MISTAKE It is the law, niul has been the practice of former secretaiies of the treasur', to require the deposit, in established United States sub-treasuries, of the internal revenue receipts of the government. Secretary Gage has established a new practice. To bolster up the credit of the banks, and particularly one favored bank in New York city, he has directed that hereafter all such collections shall be sent first to the National City bank of New York, and from that general depositor' transferred to such other banks of the United States as shall deposit with the treasury the required amount of United States bonds. This has aroused a whirlwind of indignation, and will be made the Bubject of congressional investiga tion, both iu the house and in the senate. It is significant that a large part of the criticism comes from bankers and newspapers which reflect the views and wishes of bankers. The internal revenue receipts of the government amount to nearly 1,000,000 daily, and it is pointed out that since only a third of these revenues arc col lected east of the Allcghenies and north of the Potomac, the selection of a single New York bank as the place of lirst deposit has n suspicious look of gross favoritism. One of the sharpest critics of this course of Secretary Gage is the Chicago Tribune, a journal which has been one of the stauncliost sup porters of the gold shmlard policy of the administration, and from whoso editorial staff Mr, Gage se lected his assistant secretary. The Buuruiary s leaning home paper says: "It will be ditlicult to convince the public that it is necessary to ng. gregato in any one bank, for the pur- pose or distribution, the daily in ternal revenue collections of this great country. It will be impossible to convince the people, nnd especial iy the people of the West, that it will not be fairer to divide the United States into several districtsto have tlio Pacific coast receipts put in San Pranoisco banks, those of tho middle West in Cuk'pgo, Cincinnati and St. Louis banks, those of the Southwest in INow Orleans banks, nnd those of JNew England and Now York in Boston and New York institutions. Thoro arc no diilloulties in the way unless in some one of these districts no bank con bo found which is will, ing to give the requiicd security for deposits. "If one bonk mint be selected as the place of first deposit piibliosontt. ment will bo adverso to tho choice of D3 Now York bank, for that would look as if tho intention is to draw from nil narts of tho United States public money, which can bo loaned at G per cent or more by the institu tion holding it to those Wall street operators who nrc complaining of tho 'stringency of the money market.' A policy of government interference in llnaucial affairs for the benefit of stock market speculator is not viewed with favor by the public. It does not wish to soc the general gov ernment playing the pait of the 'god in the machine' to relieve distressed brokers. It prefers that the govern ment should remain neutral. This prefcrcc is shared by the Tribune. It believes it neither right nor ex pedient for the government to at tempt to bolster up a sagging stock market by exhibiting gross favorit ism to a particular bank. It is too big n contract. The government may be harmed mote than the stock market is helped. "If it were necessary, as it is not, to select some Now York bunk as the place of first doposit, the National City bank is the one of all others which a cautious secretary of the treasury who had his hand on the public pulse would not have chosen. It is not a popular bank even among bankers. It is the Standard Oil bank, and Americans have no burning love for the Standard Oil Company or the men at the head of it. Had the secretary of the treasury consulted any outsiders before he acted they would have told him that not nil things which are lawful unto him are expedient nnd that one of the most inexpedient things he could do was to favor the Rockefeller bank. The treasury should have no pets least of all n pet bank. S112I1 an institution is a stench in the nostrils of the people." The secretary's action forms a moat proper subject of congressional in quiry. In the first place, the right place for these collections is in the United States sub-treasuries, and the secretary has no riglrt to employ the funds of the government to help out adventurous bankers who have over- loaned their deposits. In the second lace, if the government is going into the paternal business of helping out incautious bankers, there shouldbe no favoritism. Spokesman-Review. ltnliliml the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by ;hiin as follows: "I was in a moat dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken. tongue coated, pain continually in back ! appetite-Sradnal.y grow- iir: weaker dav by dav. Three nhvpi. - "" " i-'uriiiiiiuoiy, a Inend advised 'Electric Hitters; and to 1 my rreat joy and surprise, tho fir?t bottle made a decided improvement. 1 1 continued their use for three weeks, nnd J am now a well man. I knuw thnv fcaved i tny life, nnd robbed the grave of another victim." !No one should f.iil to try them. Only 50c, Kimranteed.'at Ulukelev & Houghton's druK store, 5 GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. I of Oresou, for Vasco conntv. I'm, "V,7. X ,: !"W ?' ',C0.fBe ! n Iftmn lopoF , -.It I an d arv Jo"dan n i Yuri '"".-Joraan i,townliiii2imrtli. ranKo ifl vaVt, Vv. M Ym 1 pid: theiefore It IsaBlered timt -i . tnct innthfr unit ikivVi iw.. nt 1:, 'V'"'1 1.1.. . . ::." 1 Jffl" ,, .J "J f 'V.V . VI 'other " rtiniu'i hi u mill Mnr .n,l' 'i'r"1 " -"t.Ha Interested MKJ estate, nJri '.ls c?."rt ut ,,U! co,,tt ro"n there' id In fal lex City, Oreffon, on the (ith dav of January, 1U00, at the hour Jf two o'c "ok i V. and Vhat tills ord,'r bo' ,mbll,l I lea H uimuve week in 'iho JMlh-s Chronic e. u ww-Kly iiowijaiMr prlntril In .aid comity, Uated thisyth day of Decern bur. isw ' d,.pil KWHKKT MAYS, uolu 1 County Judge, ilERVITA rmlore. VITALITY. AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions and " Motui5i;B( mi eiieciu or BCit aouse, or excess and Indls. cretion. Aiienifoni ii mi uiuou uuuuer. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks am1 restores tho fW nt ,,r,,n, .i .T- --.... ffl By mallSOc per box; boxes for $2,50; with a written Kiiuran Mso to euro or refund tlio niouey. NERVITA MEDICAL nn Clinton & Jackson fits., CHICAGO, ILL, M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. v. ocepnens .Daalor In... Djpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps, Notions. ABt. lor . 1.. i;ouui cno. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LanaWin. 'Phone 157 Sheriff's Sale. I N T1IK CIIKH'IT COl'flT OF THK HTATE OK l Oregon, lor Wttco County. J. 1' Melncrny, is administrator of the estate of I'nillip Ilrogmi,, l'luiutlll', ! w. Wallace and S. I'. Wallace. Dufeiiilniifv. Uaie" .uYffl I tbu circuit court ol Uiestatoof Ortwm. for the r, , ' i ' "I""1 ilcrruo fur 'hi f.iel(Miiioof ai-erf.Ua moitg.ise, In favor of Plnlutllt and uilnst k.i i ili-rnti.i.,,,, i ...... 'iV.'iiiW miw.t ""'' court in the IhinS'ri't VJ,0.'1 l:F'c"n. l".'m xh,! h"' i-y of .-ipiember. k, iiiJ. fiat of one hundred dollars 011 this wilt.ifndcotiiinaiidlnsme to mako .i 0 of tlio real property einhmevd in mcli rlcoreo of foreclosiuoaiid hereinafter dctcilbtd; Mild de- vtw and judKineut havii.K been rendered a ml entered on tho'.'lth day of October, 1-w, f will BiBi&sSsaL .'.!?; JV",i.c,,.i"u,,!!Il. "W.1! " I'Ublle 1 ,....r .I 7 ., i'ui per cciii per annum .7. i'vi uci.i i.i;r annum. .......... ... ,,, ,uK,,V5i. uiiiuer lor easli In I and all tlio rftrlit. title and lnt.'reit whip I I. : 'i(w iiii'l Jl IfTUfl WlU oief eien.iHiiis.N. v. Wallace mid H. K. ore iner of tiiun, had on tlio aith daj of iJ,V tald nmiir v """-'h of hjjh miii uici 111 ml' ftivru u .1 ii i.r ji 111 1 T Hiilff Tiriitntpt mill i .t.i ...v. : : a3. fiherlirof Wttleo cimmy, 'Si. Executor's Notice. Notlco Is hereby Riven that the county court n'rn "l"" ',",W' UT WlUCO " OUIItyT ll 'o'te. has duly ii,uul letterN testarnc tary t lZ" im",.BVw,1 fls ,,,u ewulor immwl i tl " Mid (Hi'Cjited. All lieriiriiili ' ?'",' . !? i . i , i .Ti ; y ."vr. ""V" .ywum & c,m. -." 'j. wriKou, wnn proper vouch. ?!. "i! " 'n,"'ths from thin Jiate. ceau'd. "imiuui taieu All persona wlshinis to tako children, either boys or girle, for legal adoption or on Indenture, should write to W. T, Gardner, superintendent of the Uoya' Portland, who can nrooun, fr rfTr,,'. elrablo children of all ogee. All applica- tions mmt be filed in advance. tf I f J 1 r 0 7 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wido variety as wo are showing novor be fore graced a single stock. Real itnlta. tion creton efl'ectB at ordinary prices. Gootl papers nt cheap paper prices. Elegant dusipno, tasteful colorings, yours for a Bniall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Huu of house painto. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ..GfiAS. FMJR. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keens on draught tho ctlohrntcil COM'.MHtA 1IKKU, ncknimi iilKal tho best bier In Tho Dalles, nt tho usual price. Come In, try It and lie convinced. AIo the Flnrjt brands of Wines, M Uor nnd Clears. Sandrjuiehes of nil Kinds nlwnys on hand oVVVVVv V V "1 B?OS tiENKl'.AL I is r 'a H Wagon nnd Carriage Work. Floh Brothors' Wagon. Third anil Merlon. vmn & mm, Wholosnlo and Rotnll Carry tho Largest Stock of Drils ai1tj Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Orcuoil i.imh uii,oii, m Stc ns ma - " - - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids S?H0n.8trcnvthcnlnK nnd reS Btructtrjg tho exlmusted digestive or. fans. It is tho latestdiscovered Kcsl ant and tonic. No other preparation SlckHeadanliP a w vu., UQltaqo. ONE FOR A DOSE. in m 2L J. B. Clark. Peorlu. Til. . tiova IIC.. treona vantod to operuto on me for piles "mi, uurmi inem with DoWitt'a Witch Hazol Salve." It 1b Infnlllliln in. ..n... nd skin dlsentes. Uetrars of counts 18. w IB Str. Regulator. (Untiled LnudlliKs.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line, HOWS. UP. , l.v Dalles I,v. I'ortl ind it 7 A. M. Monday ..Wi'dnoMliiy . .Pthliiy Arr. Dalles ntr r. l, tit A. M. TllCMlay . . ThillMliiy .... Satlirdnv . . . Arr. Portland at .". I'. M, t Travel by the Htomnors of tho Iteiiiilnlor l.lno. roiiH the best neivloo io.slblu. ort!niidOmoe,Oal;.atreotDocl. W. k .MANi'rA('Tt'i;i:ii my AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Clrcnlnrp and particular!) fnniinhed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, "n-G TIIK DALLES, Oil EG ON I C. J. STUBLING 8 Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHIBKET jrmu $2.75 to tl.01 por uallon. 4 to Ui y'nurH old.) IMPORTED 00GNA0 trom $7.00 to tmr piliou. (11 to 20 ytiuMToTdV OALirORKIA BRAKDIEB Imin J.V-T. to I prr trillion. (A lo 11 yearn old".' ' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEEE on draught, lmportud Alo and Portor. and JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain 0t ?n kin 7T 1 , . neaaquarters tor Koiled Grain, ml kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TvSttiSlo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Ti,is lour is inaniifaeturud tixpreculy for family Wa Bull our uoodn Iiwi- n,..!f 'Ii. ?rV T4.,'" Kuarnntoed to givo flattalaction. call itnd St cur wXZXir" Ul 1110 tr,UU,' tl,Ul " yU dou'1 th,,lk e Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats Crandall&Baftjet DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, SHU am?r prePared supply every Th?read'Pie8ftndCakea. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pi excer REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, M0 & Astoria p?. Co. Tho St nmcrH of tho lleirulntor l.lno will run m jior tlmfoi. j lnultig M-lirsliilc, thu Cninpnliy ioorvli'K tho right to cIiiiiiko M'lieduloHlthoulliotleu. 1 Str. Dnllos City. (TouuIiIiik nt nit Way I'olnti,,) IHiWN. l.v. Dulles nt r,:KH a. it. Moniliiy WVillicmlny . , I'rldny Arr. Portland (inii'crtalii) . "f. '! l.v. Portland , it 0 A. (, Tuesday Tliiir.nlny I Hiitnrday I Arr. Dalle (iiiiccrtnln).! I .smrsnrm T-irs)TMrTT A XTTN TT TT1 A C TTT1 T71 A r- The Ciiuimiiy will ftiilenvnr to give Itn pat Kor furlhur liiformntloii nddresH ) C. ALLAWAY, Con. Apt., Tho Dulles ,H and Motors Vnl Hints nnd Olympia IJuor In kittlei) Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.