IPS! i'h-,. J'lriOc V.f'li'tslftnK. f r . - Acts gently on the AMD CLEANSES THE 5Y5TEM EFFECTUALLY 1 1 UMW nrnkJAKiCMTiv rcnnHiibiiiLi. ITSBEICiIlE5. BUy THE GENUINE - MAHT'D By aui?rniaTgpSyrvf. 4 CAU. .N VOb. nv. cau. c0 n n.Y.. (oasi:EY4uci;uoi:rrs met sot rtRKruc. ORGANIZATION OF THE HOUSE. Oreirnii Again Securns Omul I'nsltlnns WiwhliiKtoii Correspondent l l'leaed at ilic Success if OregiiiitaiK. Washington, D. C, Dec. 23, 1S99. Editou Chronicle : It has been shown that our atato lias been handsomely recognized in the or CAnizitlon of lite senate. Now that tlm house is in working order, Oregon has eimilar reasons for satisfaction. Some newspaper man at home lately made the criticism that Oregon representatives would arrive here too late to acquire euitable places on congressional com mittees, hut the writer who thus be wailed can reverse the criticism then 'made and possess his soul in patience, with some little faith that there is tact as well as brains at work to further Ore gon's interests. The success for our state in the past, to secure appropriations for important objects, was greatly duo to the fact that we had good workers on both house and senate committees. Usually there were members on the same committee in each .house, who worked to advantage to se cure Itgislntion mil win nppiopriationa. This was instanced when Senator Dolph wai on the senate committee for rivers nn 1 barbers and Representative Her mann on the similar house committee, as by working together tl.eir influence was productive of good results. It was the remark of all statesmen that for veara when that was thu o.Vie) Oregon se cured far more money appropriated for rivers and harbors, in proportion to rei.- roientation, than any other state in tho! anion. This toot was so well appreciated, and matters so well handled, that although our members wuto not here in advance of tho opening of congress, tho r nre- eentation of Oregon on cjminittees is nil ! that can bo reasonably asked for, and i greater, considerably, than the majority ! ui ineuiuerH pi.ssees. a morning paper tells an amusing anecdote of a member of tho house from Chicago, wiio up. pnwehed the speaker with smiling face mid nude the remark that ho felt proud of belonging to one very important com mittee. Speaker Henderson expressed his gratification thnt the honorable gentleman was pleased and inquired what committeu lie referred to. The answer wns "I am a member cf tho com tnitlee of the whole." Indeed, thom.ii from an imperial city, ho had been np- pointed to but ono position. very immaterial , And this was not an isolated instance. There am other members of the house who serve on no important commltteee, 1 which greatly restricts their influence. It usually renulres err.orh.n,.., ,.i ... ' vice to place a member u-hpr i, nn I ,- - . . w w , cv;i command posilion on influential .'com. inittees. In the senate therojaro ninety members, and at present there are five vacancies. Tho inn.nberflhip of the house is 356, four times that of the sen ato when full. As th Om urn Mm am. w ,,u . cotiimittees in each, tho chance for position is four times as good in the1 uouse ur in tho seualo. This will show mat uregon has been well treated and proves that some good work was done to Hectiro It. The pressuro for important positions is very great. Speaker Hen derton must have n very friendly feeling; toward our state to placo Mr. Tongue as he does, and to put Mr. Moody, n new member, on threo different committees. Such result is not achieved at Imp linzird, so it is safe to Imagine good management somewhere. Ilivera and harbors was the committee where Mr. Hermann was eo successful at the time when Mr. Ddlph was in tho senate and member of the sumo com mittee there, and they worked together so successfully! It was conceded that I no representative had ever achieved so . nini-lt fur hi statu as did Hermann, but I that was greatly duo to having had nn it .... !efilciuntnl)y In the eoi ' Tw0 congresses lnl It .... i... i,n..a.... Eenate. later we find Mr, Tongue on tho house committee, as Mr Hermann had been, while Senator Me llride fills the similar place on tho Eenate committee that Mr. Dolph did aforetime Tho ab'ors of thosa two should so harmonize as to secure valuable resulta Tongue is also chairman of the house committee for irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, of which Ellis was formerly chairman, Senator Simon being a mem bor of the corresponding committee in the senate. These two positions place the senior Oregon member in good eliape before congress. Rivers and harbors is a very important committee and efforts jjid to be made to Eccure it. Ho sue ..eeded where maiiv influential men failed. This speaks well for him person allv and confirms the fact as to the speaker's friendly feeling for our state, as well as for its representatives. Any one not aware of the conditions and contingencies that attend congressional life may not be able to appreciate fully as to the value of committee r.ppoint merits. Mr. Moody is a now member and few new men obtain important positions on committees. It must be borne in mind that each house lias nearly the same committees; but it is, for reasons stated, much more difficult to obtain good places iu the house. Mr. Moody is al-o a member of the committee on nublic lauds, another committee in which Oregon is greatly interested and of much value to the nation. In this lie follows his prede cessor, Mr. Ellis, a recognition that Ore gon is one of the public land states, so is interested! Tiiis is a position new members seldom fill at the first Ecssicn. As Senator McBride is on tho corre sponding senate committee, hero is another instance where Oregon is well repriH-jnted. There is as much in pos sessing tact as in doing head work or hard work, so we can pleasantly realize that matters have been well managed to eecure such high standing. Mr. Moody is also on mines and min ing, that covers great questions, and on expenditures in the interior department. As a new member he has cause to feel complimented by appointment on these good committees. I cannot say how he was so fortunate, but know that he has reason to believe that his congressional c.ueeor opens auspiciously. S. A. C. All persons wishing to tako children, either boys or gi-ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W T. Gardner, superintendent of the Dovb' mw. r;i D ... u r .. , . . P..rf..r,.l irim -nn i.r...nr,. fr m,...., ,i. sirablc children of nil ages. All applica ttons must be filed in advance. tf F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion 3,1,1 heartburn, and :ill forms of dvs- PlP'to G. II. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., enye, "UeWItfs Little Larly Kisers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. i!uli In Vutir GKftckH. All countv warrants registered prior to Feb. 1, ISfc'li, will be paid at my ofiicu. Interest ceases after Jan. 4th. UOO. C. L. I'liihMPs, Countv Treasurer. The modern and most effective euro or constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as'.DoWitt'a Lmle Kar)j. Rieore Dn. (lElHE.NHOUFFKK PllVSlCiail ail(l SlU'CGOIl. D , . ' Bl'lal "button Blvcn lo nurirc-ry. ooms21 ana 2-2, Tel. 328 Vogt Illock Preserves P t fruits, Jelllea, pleklosnreatup nr M more easily, luoro quickly, mora I'arallluo wax than by any other method. Dozeoa of other uses will bo """""Refined Paraffini Wax In every household. It Is clean, tastelem and odorleu-alr, wutor and acid proof. (Jet a pound cako of wiwi u iii or ui many utei from your druvglator sroeor. bold every where. Made by NXANUJUil OIL CO. NOTICE. STAT1 IT. til' Ol'.KtlON, ) XKCUTIVK UlilMllTMKST, S.ll.KM, NOV I'lW.' 1 In nrmnl.iiire with tlio i.iovldoni nf iu' i-nlitlul ".Mi Act huluiilltliiK t t'a; I. prx of . tli- Slain o( On-p on nt tlu lu-ncriil l-''tl"" 1 I l,e hclilon tho Hist MnmLiy In .lime. VKO. iho tn'iidltiK 1'iopo-ul CoiiMltUtluliiil Anu'liilint'iils. ' a , Irovfii i V'lmmry is, IMW, 1, T.T. (iivr.iioy i i-nior of tho State ot Orison, ili henhy en no I followliiKiiropOMit ami-iiilmenls to the .I'lo-n tuttonof tliotftiiteof OicKim.n-. rcr tlllo.l to M the Secretary ol State, lo he l-utilbhnl tor the roii'ccutlvc mvk In Hie D.u.i.i:" imiiNici.K, h iiev.iaier .tihllhcil In the feovciitliJtnIlcl.il District of thoblati or ou-gon. Dor.i- at tho Capitol, nt Pnlcm, Orccnii. Imj.m.1 this- Jlt day of .November, A 1. lvj'J. T. T. (ti:i:ii, U-ern-jr. llv the (iovcrt-or: V. I. llC.NllAK, Secretary of Stale. HKNATK JOINT lil'.SOl.l'TlON, NO. I. lie It u-oivirt bv the Zonule, the llnii-e con currlns; 'I hat the fiiltnutnir .uiieiinmciit tn the Coimtltutlon of the State of Ou-Rim hj unit Is licrchy ptopocil: ,,, That section 10 of Article XI. of the Constitu tion of trie state ot Oi-.koii he anil thci-amo ls hereby nbropited, nml In lien theicol favction 10 of Atttcle XI. shall ho as follows. akticli: XI. b'eotloti 10. No comity, city, town, M-linol ills, trlct nr oilier nitinlciul coriioratlon shall be ill loweil to Income Imlebtcit In any maimer or for nay purpose to an amount InnludliiK ptcsent ex Mini; indebtedness In tho niwrcRulu exccedltiK tlvo per cetitutn oa the alueof thu Mxahle property therein to bo mcertalncd by the last us cessment foi State ami county taxes previous to the Incurring of such Imlebtedncss. Adopted bv the Senate JnnnaryfW, ISWI. C. V. Fulton, rrcsldcnt of tho senate Concurred In by the. House, Febtuary'J. V. I'. Ukadv, bpeak.i ot the House. Adopted by the r'enate Jmittary at, lv.13. v JosKi-n fcUMON. 1'iojldent of thefeotmte. Concurred in by the Home, February I, ISDi. Cir.vs. II. Stooi'.Ks, speaker of the tluuse. SKKATE JOINT HK30I.I' 1'ION, NO 13. Ho it teolved bv Iho Keuate, tho Hoiio con ctirilnj;: That the followliiR atiicmlment to Hie CoiiMltintou of the State of orcRmi. in lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven () be and the same Is hereby proposed, to-wit' SECTION TKN. - .' The Legislative Assembly may provide for the election of supremeami ( Itciilt Judges In ills, tlnet classos, one ot which chores shall euiisiit of live Justices of tho Mipremc Court, who sha.l not perform circuit duty: and the other class shall eons. st of asnianv Circuit .ludaes as may bedeemul tiercss ry, who shall hold full terms without allotment anil who shall take the same oath as the .-upreme Indies. 'I he I.tsislattve Assembly mr.y create a- many circuits as may be necessary. Adopted bv the Senate. February n, 19.1. c. W. I t'LTON, l'usi-lenr of the Senate. Concurred in bv the Itou-v, February II. I'-.U. W. I-. KK.vnv, Speaker of tho lions-.-. Adopted by the Senate, January 11, 1s9"j. JOaKl-lt SIMON, President of the Henate. Couctirted in by the House, February li, ts'.ij. Cms II. i-Iooi-.Es, Speaker of tho House. HOfsK JOINT ItKSOI.UTIO.V, NO. ID. ite.-otveil bv the Homo, tho Henatc eoncnrr- Iuk; That the folluwin auieiiiliueut to tho Con stitution of Ihe State of Oregon be nml hereby Is jiropo-cil : uiai mo i o!!iii:iuion w anicnueu uy iiuiiiu Article XIX. us follows, to-wlt: Ar.TlC'l.K xix. Section 1. The Decenary us ! of lanrls for the construction '-f reervnir or itor.ie bihn for the jiuti.oi-e of irilsatlon or (or riKhti ot way .or the conitiuetlon of canals, illiehe-', llurius or pil.es to convoy water to t a- place of mo lor any uctul, biiiellct.il or necessary purpose, or for oruliiHKv, or for ilralnage of mines or thov.orU iriirs thereof, by menu-, of roiuW, ralltoaili, trutn iw; cuts, tunnels, thain-, liohtiiiK works, Uuiii-or other necessary means to their com plete il.-velopment or anv other mo necessary to the complete development of tho natural re somces of the statu or preservation of the health of I s inhabitants is hereby ilrolured to bo n pub lie use anil subject to the reKUlalion ami control or the hjate. heutiou Tho rlKht to appropri-ite the utiap pn.iiilateil waters of any natural stream to b-.-n-eliei.il uses shall neer boilcnleil. .n-eticna. Tho um-of all waters now appro prlti nil for sale, rental or distribution, also of all watcM originally apprnptiated for prlMitciiMj, hut which, after turli iit.iirnntl.ittitn. inm liiri.in fore been nr may hereafter be sold, reuttd or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be u i uMli; use nml subject to tl.e rcaulallon ii'id eoulrol of the htato In the maut-er prescribe! bv law. Hut the JiBht tuuse and appropiiate such water- shut, be subject to such ifivisions of law for th tali incof private proper! for public or t liv de use ns provliicd in suction Is, Article 1 of the Con stitution of the State of Orison. teeli-ui I. 'iho tight to collect taxes or com peiisalion for tlio use- of water sup plied to am county, city, town or water district or inhabit ants thereof, Is u franchise, and cannot lie exer cised except by aitthoiity of mid in it manner prescrJOvd by law. Adopted by the House, I-'.-bruary li, IS9J. W. 1'. KiiAiir, speaker of tho Home. biKairJ Hatch 7, l'Ji.i Adopted by the S-'enato, rdiruary 17, lv.i:;. i;. W. l'ui.TON, i'resldentof tin- heuate. (rlt'iiul Man li y, Ailopti.il bv the House, 1-brunry fi, l".ii. (.UAH. II. MooiiKS speaker of the House. Coi:eurr.d iu by tho Senate, February 1;!, Isyi, jusi;rn sisius, i-resueiii or ine senate. HOL'oi: JOINT UIIMOI.t'TION NO. 2. proposing an ameiulmeiit to tlio Constitution of the state 1 1 Urejjon, by tepe.iliiif; hectiou Ji of iiueio i. Itesolved by the House, thoK-ii-itoconeurrluK; Tlnit Section 'St of Article 1 of Hie Consiliiitfnn be ami hereby is rei-oule-l. auopiea ov uio rioti-c, Janunry li, iv.i:j, V. 1'. Kkidv, fepi-aserof tho House. Concurred in by thesienule, January 3), Irv.i, C. . l't'l.To.N, I'lesideut of "thy Senate. Adopted by tho House, January JVJ3. Ch.is. Ii. .Mooiiks, hpeuker of Hie House. Concurred In by thu henate, Kcb.-uury 12, Ib'J't. SII.NATK JOINT I'.thOI.UTION NO. 7. Ho It resolvul by tho Semite, the Hoiisocon eurrliii,'; 'iliattbu follownn iimeiidiiieut to the in.- aiaio oi wregou ne anil lis AhTICI.K I. 1 ho elective (niiicliK.. In ti,i ui,,i.. .i,..n hereafter hi iirohibited hiHiiv. i'ii,.., ,.. of sex. """"" Adopted by tho Senate, February o, If-M. Jo-iEi-n hiNON, i'resiilentof iheKctiate. Adopted by the House, February C, lKii. Cius. li. ilnoitKs, bieaker of tho House. CllAB. I). Mooitss, KiKaker of the House. Adoptei) by tho ficuate. January 111, jay. T. 0. Tavi.01;, President of tho genntc. Adopted by the House. Janmiiy :n, lycj K. V. (JAKtKtt, hpeaker of thu House. UNITED STATUS 01' AJIKJUCU, i hTATK orOllKOON, ? Olllco of Seorebiry of Htato. ) I, F. I. DUNIlAlt,Secrctury of Htito of tho btato ... uiniiii nun uiiaiiiiimn oi mo bea of said Htato. do beiohv evri lv lh. I ,.,., "... i otto ilM L,Vi!.. X",h ."V0 AV"'Ur ' iM''inw. iiiiiuiiijijiviu;-- sjtii-:i(. Joint l(eo ulloii No. Ill of tho Unlslatlvo As kcrnbly of W.J,--. u.llclarv Amende it llonw Joint itoso iitlon No. 10 of tho U-kI-iIi ttv" As tembly of UW-'-IrriKatlon Ameiidinoitj' Houto Joint ltcsolut on No. 2 of iim i.. ii,. Asseinbl of mr iteoeallUK Arnenilinu and heimto Join tltcsolutiou No. 7 of tho iZu. iatlve As-einbly of Iv.tt,.,i.K.pial Ktiirnim. lie In thU omce.mul that Iho tiiino u ii correct trunsorlpt tlieieirorn and tho holo theoof IN i kstixonv WllKiiuoy, I have hero r... . . i 'A11'" M,1 '"V li'iud mid nlllxeil hereto lK.h tho sent of lliohbitoof Oreiron. thU TlilriJ ifay of November, A. J). V. I. DUNIiAlt, bccrctarj'of btato. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IB GOLD OE HUT UPON PAYiMUNT OP ONLY The New Werner Edition ENCYG ten n v. u ? U -V .1- , 'A ' l A SUPERB USR&RY OF 30 ftMSSiVE VOUmBU So con.pictc Ifcal It co-crs the upon payment ;o;3U JIM wnp. pyji. V".1 ivp..-. " '(" "' 1) r"t -jrjkliiiii.rh.f .. 7lirrssraa ". 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Its curly tiso jirovuntH consumption. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, il THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French &Co.s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3lrM 33S ONtf 3IAIOO 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks AnTOIlftlHtllllnir AMl(ih n1 Hrt--l.l tro-,,..triairKnUrtS;tZll '0i,i'.,'S: (i,.le, Ke''r.'urewrmVputo t. I11MI. .If.."..' tpieM notice rttn.. twikc, wiiiioui cnnrne, III tlio Scientific JhntriatL k Co.30,B'". New York araneb Cmca. hi V UL, WMhlilterr, J.I " DOLLAR of h'tm.-vn knowlccfpc. entire rnn;( I of only bent lhown to tiu hooU-rnakinK art. equipped book factory in America. if you cannot r.cntl your children to tlio Univircity, hrhiE tho University to them. This edition has never been sold for loss than fO.1.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or rj.oo on monthly pay ment';. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FRENCH 8z CO., BANKERS. TltANSACTA KXKUAMIA.SKINti IIL'fl.SKh Iittere oi Cnidil iKntied iivniluhlo in the KiiHtorn fitiitea. Si'lit IvMiliatitiu mid Tulorn jtluc Trnniifurs Hold on New York, Oiiicuijo, St. J.onia, Kun Fr.inuiHco, l'ortluut) Ori tjon, Seattlo WiibIi,, und vitriolic points in Oregon und Wmiluni'tori. CollectioiiH inndu nt till point? 011 fuv oriililo terinh. J.H. Huiienk, l'ru.-ililcnt. II. M. llKAl. , C'nililvi First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OHEGON A Gonorul Uunkinj? litininoHB trnnBiicted Dopoflito recoivtid, mibjoot to tiiht Draft or Oheclt. Collootions niado und prot-oodH promptly remitted on duv of uolluution. Hiujit und TuloRrnpliic Excliuiuro nold on New York, Sun Frnneiaco und port !und. t r, DIKBOTOH8, D. P. TllOMl'HON. JWO. 8. fiCICKMUK, at). M. WlI.MAMH, Gko. A. Likiik. II. M. lit ALL. WHS. OIiMfl W. jVJOfptf, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Stroot, between Court und Wiish. ton Streets, The UuIIvh. C F Stephens ...Dualor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' FuPtaighings. Jloot, Hhrwi. lUta. Cnm, Nntlonx, AkU lurW.l,. lioiiKliiH Hlioe. The DaUes, Or, Asll VOIlr urn.n.v fn. fi . . ..... pure concentrated fUvorlnK i-xtrnctB. . :.r-:3T 9i.W lUJgf ... WP warxCTom nwm. mm j j m nvtursKr nr.i-.iiiT 1 ott TIMK f-(!lli:iiUI.K, I'llUM llAl.I.KM. YtOM, I'llSt Mull 11 : IA i. in. Hull l.nkf, Dcnvur, It. V. Wiittn, oiniiim, Kiui t Wl MIMIII. IV till ir.it mih (!lty, Hi. Uiiitji,, s-M.'J ciiIciikii mill i:niit. HI. r - 1 Fl'iilriUH- l'lyor Wnllii W11II11, Ki(ikiuiu,i Mllllli'Miiill. Ht. I'littl, III 1 II t li, Mlllilll.it-, , CIiIi-iiu'o mill I'.r.i.t. "lOfi It. III. I M'-b. I'llllM I'or.TI.AKII. (Il'l'llll S t CM lllflll IK. I'nr Hun I'mnnli-i-n-l)c-t'uilii.'r :i. H, 1:1, n, nml 'Js. :x,.ii'iinliiy(:iiliitiilili Itv. Hn-iuiu-rx. l's.biindiil ITo AhTimt.v mill Uiiy 'I L , P. B. Kiitutiluy iJinuliiK". iu . 111, r, 11. in. 1 W11.LAHKTTK IttVKii. . iisob b t Kx.buitiln'()ri-im (llty. Nvwlwri;, Ki.auaUil Kiilc-iu A: Wny Ijina'n. i 7 M. IU, WH.I.AMKTTK AND I AM .'KSOti.B. Tiii-.i.'l Imr. 11 1 1.1. liivf.itn. .Mim.,i iiliitH.'it. Orufuli City, lliiytim, niiilfrt. I nml Wiiy-UinilltiKn. r, n. in. 'l'lic'I'liur, nml Hut, Wu.i.AitnTrK Ittvi:ii. I'ortliitiil In Corviillln, milt Wny-l.iiiiilliiKi. HSOr.B.1 Mnii.Wiii mill Filing HN'AKi: ItlVKIl. Hlpurlii to I.uwIiUmi. I.riTt ' I.v llluirln ilniiy ! l:'."Jn, in. l.KWtlttlii iWlr l'.irt it m ili-nliiiiir to tin to llt'iuitii'MhttlipA IIIKI-.111, I, K-JIVIIIK I I IU lilllivn IU . iv 1-!&;,JH innkliiL' illrtet t-iiiinciitliiiiK nt Hi'iiilii-r JunctinM iii'iuruiiiK iiiiiKiiiKUltiiiii'iiiUKTiiiui 111 iictir-KH JuiH-tliin ltliNo. 1, nrtlvliif; nt Tliu lKllnt3 J.S.'. 1. 111, g Nn. throuclit frdnht, enst Imunil, iliwn u rnrry iMnmi-iiKt-rn; iirrivcn 'J.W 11. 111 , lieprts .1.IHJII. m, No Jt, locnl frc-lslit, i iirrluM imHM-ni:o!, c llllllllll' lirpU',,11 I'tll,. In .ll.l'i U 1 .1 M Nil. 1!1. Wl'ilt imilllli LhrnltiTli frtltht. lllnl citrry luiMviiKViiii iirrlveo h 15 i 111, , ill"'3j j:.hi ji, in. a Vfl -M .V.Mlt I Ill I......I f... t..i. i-iiKL'ni nrrlvmfr.ir, ii.iii.,(tm.iirtii8.y0ii.tt 1 or lull viirtli:uliir!i cull nil 0. It. A U)i HKL-lil 'i tiu IMIlcs. or mlilivbA W. II. HlJItt.lll'Kf den l'lm. Aet., l ortlmSA? EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Rout( OK THE- Southern Pacific Comp'i TrnltiH Iviivcnticl nte due to nrrlvu nt I'nrtlui - - -m i.kavk. , il, OVKUI.ANIl KX 1 iria, hiilum, none- ' itirir, Anliiuiiil, nuu- S V J riuiuuito, 0,'iImi,Kiin ' J1, 1 rrnnuIiiLMi. Mnliivu. lll'll.hlUI 1 Muliive, ( Kt rnn'i. 1 I) .V4 Lou Auci'lcn.KI I'i Nmv urluiitm it 1 1 it l.'lINt . 1 :S0 A. M, lti..olmrc mill imy ktn inns . . . f VI11 Wmwlliurn for 1 Mt.Alicut. Hllvurtiui. . 1 3or.is Dully t'Aivit Huudiiy ill; ' Wi'ht Hi: Ii 1 , llrii'.vim v CXCl-JJ 5 viiiii.hiirlnnllvluiiiiil 1 KtuiiUj3w ..iiiroii j I'M A. it. I Corviillln IktlltlOIIH unit way; aMl. in'1)i;i'kniii:nci: i'ah8i:k(.ku. j.xintK llnllv (lUEcuiit Uuuilityj. fe I.PI.. ... .... ... ... .... .nf...Jl. .,ui'l'in. i i.v. . riiriiiuiii ir,i n;iit.ar 7,?Ui. m. AI .V11J iinv I k- -v. h::w p. 111. (.vr . liiilciuniluiice..l v ) liWtiifilsa li.tlly. IDiitiy, exriMit hunu.iy in.s'iNti t'Aita on otiiiUN it it'iK. ri i.i.MA:: min'KT m.t Ki'i-us AND HKCONll OLAHA HMII-U'INO CAW Atlnulatl to nil TlirmiKli Trul.u HI root cimucetlou nt him Kriuuilhrn with W: ik-ntiil nml Oili-ntiil nml I'iK.-lllii mall utiainul? Hues fur JAl'AN unit CHINA. Hulling UW m ul k'litimi. l'.uti-.-i i.nd tliikutK to Kimturu iMiluts uAt tniK). AIko JAl'AN. CHINA, 1IUNUI.UI.U AUKTllAMA. 1 All flliftVil truliiu n rr liriinU Cuntuil Htatloli. Filth 1111U lrviiig tOM YAMIIII.I. 1UVIH10N. rtikwiiKur Ui'init, loot of Ji-tterum utrcct. l-iive for Hht-rldiin. week iliiye, nt 4:30rg """iim 1 oriiunn, u.'uu 11, in. ff U-HVC for AIIM.IK mi Moniliiv. Wi-(llieilJt)(S r rlOiiy nth.'ittu. m. Anlve nt IMrtliuiit, W$ iinv, 1 nurmiay ana tJiiturdiu it 3it i. m. Kxa-iit Humliiy, Kxcoiit Hiittniliiy. It k'l t't ,11, I II (IllU'ltlU. illltlKkLT. ' ' Aunt. O'. K. Al 1'IUI. Tlltotluh 'l'liikr.t Dillon nil Tlilnl fctrcilt. k ii HtnU'N Unuiiitii mill Kuropo vhii be iil)Ulo''i inn vn, uiiua mini , , 1 J. II. KlltKLANI), TK-HelAIw'f in ... i iir..i.iiu.. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run ovnry dny except Stiud? Kutue KcASonuble. 2 Tolophon 201. j W. A. GATES, Prop. J JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. OHleo nvr Priiiinli As. CO.'H HuUk ...... ........ ....... VAWV.B35,V3 I'liono 0, TllKI).M.l.KH.0BgCl'i