The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 05, 1900, Image 3

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    Our Semi-Annual Remnant Sale of
Dress Goods and Silks will commence
Monday, January 8th, 1 900.
37 cents.
50c and 00c lino of Dross Goods for the
balance of tho week now on sale at....
Just received
elegant line of White and Black Organdies.
Tapioca 5c pur pound
Sago Tic per pound
Corn Starch 0c per pound
Pioneer Cream (I urge cans) 10c per can
!! pouiulf Golden Dates for 'Sta
!1 pounds California White Fi'gs for 23e
7 pounds Finked Wheat for 23c
10 pound sack Pure Buckwheat Flour for 45c
1 gallon can Acme Syruf for 40c
1 gallon Sorghum fof GOo
y. gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup for 03c
1 gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup for .f 1 23
All GoocIb Mnrkod
In Plain Figures.
Dalle loile Ate Hpmmodlc.
e Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone Ao. J.
- JANUARY 5, 1900
ii: i hi m-m
sarvtsl In
btylo by
business meoting of tho Epworth
thodist church.
lie V. of 0. Glee Club boys passed
uugit mu v.ny uiih auuruoon uu moir
mewaru lMirney. iliey will give n
cert in I'ortlnnd.
pair of epoch was K ft in the post-
co Wednesday by an old gentleman,
o may nave them by applying at this
co and paying for advertising.
haplaln Gilbert's lecture has been
ayed tint n week, and hu will bo in
0 Dalles on the evening of the ICtll,
d will speak in the Congregational,
So far about about a dozen have reg-
......I ...ill. ii. ..i i- 111.11.. ..
i .. . HI I 11 1 .1
....if....,, it.. u'j .llll.ui. ua IIIU
nniiiHi'n iiv. tin nnii nr. riinra u-i in.
mill i linn iiuiiiiL luuv iilii. in 11 ni'ii
in uv uu iireinif it n i'i im. i in
llllllM 111 III ll!-h 11111 Illl lll'l'lll I'll. 11 llll'll
III i i.tii-i iiji vill. IIIUIIUIS HI llll UlVl'll
1 I'll II .
Till) 11 1 1 II 1 1 ll llll'li! iiur 1. 1 tl.n
1 IHW llllil. ill lltik IlKiiflt.i ll.i. ..............
youu who miiy nave been n inemuer
uionths prior to tho regular meeting
(intilli il In vntn.
j favorable that the low price for wheat
i has little efl'ect upon tho spirits of the
people, who are promised a bountiful
wheat crop this year and a fair price
for it. K. O.
Yistet day the pitman of tho steamer
Dalles City was broken. She wus, how
ever, not disabled and i3 running today,
and transfers will be made at the locks
both today and tomorrow. Monday Ehe I
ivlll )in tnlfriii i.fT nvi.rluinli il t linrnnuli 1 v 1
..... .w ....W.. W.l, ............. . . ... ...
and lepaired, during which time the
Regulator will carry on the traflie,
leaving The Dalles Mondaye, Wednes
days and Fridays, and ariiving Tues
days, Thurtdays and Saturdays.
A large black bear was captured re
cently about live miles from the St.
Martin springs on Wind river by Amos'
St. Martin. We are told that frequent
ly in winter when tho snow is deep bear
will capture deer in that locality. It
seems that bear can widk on snow that
deer will tittle through, thus enabling
bruin to have iwgreat advantage over
the fleet-footed 'animal. I'ioneer.
In contrast with the weather of tho
opening, week of 1U00, which ia cloudy
and cannot bo. said to be cold, was that
to his injuries, and he is today hobbling
about on a crutch. Misname is with
held by request.
It will be a satisfaction to the friends
of Miss Ellen Chamberlain in Th
Dalles to know that the is to lie again
associated willt Prof. Gatch in educa
tional work, having beenHeeled Wednes
day as dean of li
where he is presi
these two popula
ated in their
Dalles and S
ttle, bi
iciiltural college,
For many years
icators were associ-
in Salem", Tho
for tho pait
Since thu Emallpox scare la abroad in
u in lit . I et I uu inti'nt it mliilii im ii. ,1)
ciutlon Dalles people aguinst allowing!
of ,tfio corresponding week last year, I mid allow
when on the 0th tho river was blocked
anu a ngni enow w as on me gmuuMr il
was not, however, vjnstwy cold,
the thormomoierjbTrfTing to nine above
but oiijuKrhiring tho week. Most,
of our residents would ptefer the clear
cold weather to tho present dismal,
foggy atmosphere, with continual Uncut
otiirm lain.
In Canyon City recently it case of
liquor Belling to minors eamo up before
a jury, which failed to fine a verdict of
guilty, as nilllcient cvldoneo' could not
be found to convict. Tho jury, how
ever, added that they found the parents
tho more guilty us they bad . failed In
three years Mies-' Chamberlain lias
taught in the, normal fchool at Mon
mouth. h"o will have supervision of
tho girl'studcnts at tho college, save at
tht? dormitory, and will ..teach history,
drawing a salary of ij-1200 a year.
Merritt Campbell is the name of an
uufortunato individual who was today
adjudged insane by Judge Mays and com
mitted to the asylum. Four or five
years ago lie was committed by Judge
White from Clackamas canity, but lias
been out on parole. Ho owned a farm
near Winnie, but recently came into tfie
city and besought his brqttiw-,-
works in a lestauraiUr-ttrfeil evcrvtblmr
i-rrTTo escape from neonle
Tho Dalles might well ho termed a
spasmodic city. Wo do everything by
"fits and BtartB." If ono conplo takes
it into their heads to leave tho path of
I single blcesedncse, Immediately a host
of otherp forsake the path and fall Into
the matrimonial ditch. If ono person
dle, three deaths invariably follow;
one birth notice will at once be followed
by a half dozen others; should n citizen
conclude to enter n particular lino of
business, u doz' ti others decide that is
just what they will excel in ; and eo on
throughout the calendar.
In society tho eamo trait is noticeable.
While for the past two or three years
interest in social functions lagged, this
winter there is a surplus, particularly
in the dancing lino, and scarcely a week
passes without witnessing two or three
parties. Honco receptions have alio
nourished, and Uhh so numerous have
inch pleasures become that there is no
cause whatever for complaint.
While this is as it should be, as it is
a difficult matter to get too much
pleasure out of this short life, at the
same time there is a danger of being tco
one-sided in the matter. Variety is the
spice of life, and in getting enough of
' one thing other important questions are
j apt to he overlooked and thus we be
come dwarfed in that which is essential
to our best development.
If there is one thing above another in
which Dalles young people are deficit nt
(and wo speak it with regret) it is a taste
for literary pursuits. How few of either
sex can be seen at a good lecture. The
visit of Chaplain Gilbert to our city
should have been (and should ho) the
occasion for a large gathering of young
people; but iiow very few were seen
throighout the audience and will Le
noticed upon his next visit.
We have one literary society, com
posed of young people, (not speaking of
tho High school scciely) hut how many
attend? How many even visit their
meetings? It is a fact that when thrown
with literary people, and those who mix
learning with their pleasures, wo are
"all at sea." This is not as it should
be. While we enjoy our dancing and
other pleasure let us not, as wo arc
often accused of doing, eductte our feet
and fail to educate our heads.
Clarke & Falk'a flavoring rxtractB nro
the best. AbIc your grocer for them.
Latest thing In cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll's
drug store.
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
A Falk.
I'alnt your houso with -paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
have them.
Fresh cracked Nebratka corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., sayp,
"Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did mo more
good than anything I ever took." It
digests what yon eat and can not help
but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble.
Kxperienco is I lie best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Kutrny Nutlci.
Strayed from tho range on Dutch fht,
ono dappled gray horse, four years old
next spring; branded on left shoulder
thus, C. Five dollars reward will bo
given to any pet eon returning same to
my place on 3-Mile.
nov29-lmo O. W. Cook.
With every dollar purchase during
January and February we will givo ono
chance on a JSO Garland steel range.
jan2-1w MaikeA Bknto.v.
Wo will make especially
low prices c5n Heating Stoves
from this on to make room for
jour new stock of Cook Stoves.
Steel llanges and Bicycles for
1900. Our prices will be the
lowest we ever made.
her i s mi.
C. C. Wilson, oi Condon, is in the city.
J. N. Fordyce went to Hood River
Wm. McGuire came over from Gold
endalo yesteiday.
II. M. Rlackerby, of Victor, ta a busi
ness visitor in tiie city.
D. S. Ilrown and daughter eamo down
from Condon yesterday.
Geo. ISulton and wife, of Ilidgeway,
are visitors in the city today.
Mrs. Waud and son. Arthur, teturried
last evening front a trip lo i'oitland.
Miss Carrie 1'arrott was a passenger
on yestorday's stage from Goldcndale
Mrs. Troy Shelly, who has spent a few
days with fijenjJiiinJriio-DAllep,-iarnejd.
""JJa-lttjrTroTiie near Hood Riwr todav.
their duty to their boys inuol futniiih
ing fiillicient umusoniejit to make home
attractive, and therdfoio caused their
children to seelcit ulsewheio. While all
may not agrey'fn this verdict, neveithe
lees the ndifike ia well tuned.
To tanoa peep Into the commissioners
. . . iLH-Mi.
courtod.iy and watch thein hoiullwrr r
over a lingo map one
thiiy had a plat of.tho SuivriTAfricaii war
y disease to run which may bo in tho i 'JLf!i-Ei ' " " tin mrca.SS o.
II il ittlltutitiitii rini M.ik ni.ii.i I ....... . w ii'ii vii tun I i
uiauiuiiiii; (uu uuuiuy aim uuuiMivcnng
LI LUI (llll'll Villi I I'.ll I'lHHH hM.
' " . . ...... w ,
llo tlio difjortao ut Moro wluitovor it
ny, private lottura ami mueenKi'a ro
ivwl from Wasco my thuy have a
nulno ctitiu of muutlpux at Waeeo, thu
tll'llt linlllir II Air. lltMd K'ttohhihtu
uaiiiK every prccuution, and a letter
e people tiro sensibly quarantining
eir own homes against ita invasion.
The ptoBent winter has been an ideal
no expense for feed, while the grass
tho ninue la better at thin tlmn timn
r ten years. These conditions are so
to compel the various, stubborn load
districts to lie within corresponding
election precincts, ua tho law does not
permit n collision or intermingling on
account of electing supervisors in each.
Ho was just drunk enough' last night
to think ho owned the earth, and in
tended to begin by asserting his rights
ns monarch of all he surveyed. Or
course when ho got that far there wasn't
room enough for hint even in tho place
thut had been the cause of hlscondltlon,
so they proceeded to eject him from tho
saloon. In doing so lie somehow slipped
and his ankle was badly dislocated. An
otllcer was sent for aud he wbb taken to
the city jail, where a physician attended
ere who were pursuing him. His
brother seenredja jib for him ut I'eteis',
loading ties, hoping the hallucination
would pass; but as hu grew worse, ho
turned him over to the judge for exami
nation, with the above result.
NottC'U til VlltlTH.
Under the provisions of the registra
tion law all persons when registering
are required to furnish to tho register
tun odicer tho' following information :
If natuiallzed, tho time, place, an 1
cOuit of naturalization. In .this con
ntction, it is necessary to produce
naturalization papers, or declaration of
ltr.sidence must bo specific; giving
precinct, section, township atiuUrnfige;
if within town or city, JJu-sffeet, No. if
any, aud No. of lotwrl block ; if in any
building wJj.pifooinB nro numbered, tho
nu m bcjoT tho room and floor must be
tttiuuii uuinmiiimi imftrrTin ii.i in ii i iiiiu i ii iirnl
In order to avoid unnrcessat v delav
and inconvenience, oveiy person deeir
ing to register should ha prepared to
furnish the above information.
Facilities will ho furnished in eyory
precinct in the county by either Justice
of the IVnco or Notary I'ubllc.
A. M. Kiw.hav,
decl-SOdya Comity Clerk.
Tlin .Minium .tlollitir
Una found that her iittfo ones aro im
proved moro by tho pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of tho laxative eflect
of u gentlo remedy, than by tiny other.
Children enjoy It and it benefits them.
The truo remedy, Syrup of Figs, ia man
ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Slue doesn't indicate quality. Beware
ol counterfeit mid worthless salve oil'ered
for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. De
Wltt'a is the only original. An infallible
cure for piles and all skin diseases.
Messre. J. L. Carroll and G. J. Fan
ning, of Warm Spring?, were registered
at the Umatilla yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Cijas. Aflame, Tygli Valley's pop
ular nu'iVvjrtfit, iB in tho city "visiting
rclativeyaid attending to ' business
Mrs. Louise Crotliors and Mis? Cath
arine Hroiison arrived in tLe citv aet
evening from Santa IJarbara on a visit I
to their brother, bred JJronson.
Hovs. IL S. Kpperly and W. W. Gre
gory, of the United Itrethctn faith, who
have been spendinc somo time in the
city, returned to l'ortland on todaj 'd
Mr. and Mis. C. O. Iu?sell arrived
cMeidav front Salt L'iku Citv. and left
this morning for HuyiCicek, MrIiiueHr-H?-
iieniu iiiiureaicu tit uieuatUWlil filieep
it Land Cornrmjiy.-
Kdytard Clanton, Cleveland's ninr
tihunt. was in the city yesterdav. Mr.
Ciantou had tho misloituno to loso"hia
store antl it largo stock of Chtistnms
goods recently by fire.
Mr, John KlioJes aird Miss Ktta
Hut ton, brother tWl sister of Mrs..
J U. Goit, who IiaNiejiiivisitttTB iler
for the past w'etrrTeHuiinil to li.eir
homes in l'ortland today)
G. H. Nicol.ii, manager of tho White
Salmon Hooni and Iinprov.emont Com
pany, anived in the city last evening.
Ho reports the lumbering buelnoie as
"bobmiijj.'" in that neighborhood.
Ail vim tlhril l.tittiii'rt.
Job Pffintcrs
UJ l(TtlU) U LltUllilUUIl I'UIILUUI U I -n U
iii 1 1 iTirf ijxirxi iiiitm ii i
7 f. i.-T- . Tk. . J L A. ! ATA "A I a it XT
Jt-A.TjCIJL.rA-'i. '.V JL A "A -A. JilA' ATA" 'X
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
7 uffn
i U
Following is tho list of letters remain
ing in tho posloilieo at Tho Dalles tin-!
called for January I, 1000. Persons 'j
calling for tlio sumo will give date on !
which they wero advertised:
Allen, Mrs Josio Crenshaw, Nelfio
Huir, Mrs Mario Kelsey, Mrs Ktta
Kills, Mrs K M Miller, Mlando
Clark, Miss Ivy Itlce, Ail.i A
Clink, Mis Ollio Hich, Mrs Julia
Ivomemhur that wo aro gollina llio same from
iiurk, William
liurruian, F P
Cotton, J P
Hstell, Mr Wm
Fairchild, L it
Harris, Wm J (2)
Heesock, Harvey
Plimier, Tony
ltupert, W C
Sears, Mr
Wilson, Georgo
Warren, K O
II. II. Kii)Ki.ii, P. M.
$45.00 to $60.00
Which is a saving to our customers of from 15 to $25
ovor prico charged by cMers for inferior ranges.
Writo for pamphlet, "Majestic Evitlonco."