For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'antlnp. OvcrcvitJn-cr Fancy Vcstlnp. 0 i the prc:ent time not only is Ibcrc bo i 1 1 i t war tincier way, uui tue umipiuis who, in ibe ohlen days, always lintl ; an excuse to start war, find their occupation pone. THE FIGHTING BOERS. I i An Englishman's Account of Battles Fought with Them. KinUlv rail and exsmlne ray tnck of Im TfliUrf And Domestic Woolens. A fine stock to select from. . . . Suits insdc Jroro t he lowest rris to the high est grade J, A. Eberie Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chroniele, SEBSCKIl'TItlN l'KICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 FRIDAY - - JANUARY 5, 1000 Senator Kyle, of South Dakota, has decided to return to the Re publican ranks. As for the other senator, Pcttigrew. be represents no body but himself. He thought he had a party of renegades at his back, "but can find nothing there but his shadow. Thai theie was a considerable movement of immigration toward "Washington last year is indicated by the fact that in 1S99 nearly 100,000 acres within the Spokane land office district were filed upon. 2searly 700 families secured homes from the government during the twelvemonth in this district. Review. This country is estimated to have 21,458,294 children of school age, of whom 70 per cent are in the common schools. In 1870 the school atten dance was but OH per cent. The average school year has been length ened eleven days in the last quarter of a century. Thirty-two states have adopted compulsory school at tendance laws. "While no intimation has as yet been received from Ottawa in regard to the composition of the second Canadian contingent for South Africa, the greatest enthusiasm is be ing displayed not only in the city of "Victoria, but throughout the island ly young men anxious to unite with the detachment, says the Victoria Times. Many of those who hesitated before on account of the belief that the Canadians would not see active service, arc the foremost in proffer ing their sei vices now that it becomes more plain that every man will he required to meet the situction in South Africa. Lieutenant Colonel Giegory, who has himself offered to serve in any capacity, wfih the con tingent now being formed, lias ovor 100 applications from volunteers who are anxious to go to the front Just What You uuant. REGULATOR LINE. They Are renrlfsi mid Uxrelleut MrUmiicn l,ui' of tin- Enu- llh Outnumber Thi-lnt In : Ever CiiKnci'tuciit. M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. It is usual. I know, for military men jo snetr at. the ptnualship, or want of it. which, ::s they allege, was responsi ble for the Majuba disaster theie crit ics are wie after the tvent. It . for cottcn that the llotrs met other officers than Gun. Colley nt Ilronkhorst Spruit in a number of fitrhts about Pretoria, Potchesu-oom. ami other villages, and that in no case were our men and mili tary leaders able to stand up to the enemy. At Durban, in Natal, in 15-15, wc pot the worst of it, as we did at Doorukop. where English olUcers of the ordinary type commanded. The only military succe.-1- which English olllcers can claim in a rjciu many encounters with the Coer is the battle of IJoomplaats, f .uThf in 1S4S, between artillery and fli::Llcck guns. It is. therefore, non sense to take refuge behind the lack of gt nerulsair- of our leaders. If such fac tors as courage and leadership do not come into the controversy, except to r. very limited e:teat. in what direction must we look for th-j explanation of our defeats'.'. At l.iing's Xeek the action began by our truns dropping a few shells into the lljer lines, and, as admitted by tht Iioers themselves, the small loss thej suilired from this ilre Gen. Jouberi was nearly hit by a splinter of a sheli i induced them to think seriously o! i 2d Street. abandoning the posltio.. They wen j r.bout to leave when the attach by i small number of mounted infantry and bv a fev ment reached the User lines, the others being stormed a short distance away: ami as they were unsupported, these wore driven back down the lull fcjlied and -wounded on the JJntish side. JIAMCFACTUHEHS oy ncrainst 2-1 Boers killed and woundtd. . "At in?02o, fought a lew davs afiur- ' Fine Lara and Sausages Complete Cipe of Drus at mfl JM t IS ig it; Dalles, Portland & Astoria i Co. The KtcmmTK of the ItCKtilntor Line will run an vr the fol '3 IdwIiib kcIiiiIiiU', tln Com jinny riwurvliiR tlio rlulit to cIiiuiro '3 vrlirtlulu wltliout luitlfo. Str. notfulntor. jUmlK'il IjiiiiHiik ) IT. I.v. I'orll.uiil II t 7 A. SI. Mnnilii) Weliiciliiy Frliliiy Arr. PiilU-n nt.' l'. . Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. (Tnui-lilng nt all Wny I'olutu ) IIOtt'N. tf I.v. I lulled I.v. l'drthitul, nt r,;,iii a. m. nt r. a. i. Mmiiliiy Tuetilny g 1 miicuii- .. j unfunny ,j Regulator Line. , VrV. i WiVsna ArriK (niiccrtnlu) (iliicertnliij ,3 New ideas in Wnll Punor bore. Such wide variety b we are showing never be fore Rraced a single stock. Ileal imita- tion creton effects at ordinary prices, i Good natiets nt cheap paper prices. I Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours i I ior a small jirice, ui uur piuru uu iniiu street. Also a full line of house imiuts. iD. W. VAUSE, Third St. DOWN. I.v. DnllcK lit 1 A. M. ;'Tm'iliiy .. p. TlmtMluy Htunliiy . I; Arr. I'nrtlntiil 5. HtA r. i. It ! m FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, nivol bv the 3ti'iimern nl the Iteeulntnr 1.1 ni. The Comjiiiny wilt emlenvor to Rive ItK jmt ions the In-it nervier jioislhle. I-or lurllier inn f l'urtlana nre, OA Httect Dncls. W. iriinitloii uililrexi C. ALLAWAY, Con. Act., The Indie. TJ.T.lYiJtlVTiiJri.T4.Wi.W.Ti.i.AVi.Vl ! BLPKELEY & jlOBfiKTOJI, Wholesale ana Retail C. S. Smith, DRUGGIS ti:k Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Cutter u specially. yfflsr WIiggIs lu and Motors 1IA.NI KATI Ili:i) 1IY Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern O.-ezon. I AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO "Phone 270. ! 175 Second Street. THE DALLES .s PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF;H ward, a force of about 300 men and :w guns v.-ere stopped on a small pjau':.': end after aa action lasting all da. nv. men, ivith the two guiu, were wiih drawn during the night, leaving tht XT A Sj- A (jOl'Cr und. Tl.i u- Cursrs of y BRAND l;. 12, i is: GKSEItAI, dead ami wounded on the iTound. Iioers also left the Held at night. ths Boers crept up to v, i At this figh GJ yardi of our guni. They lo.-t 17 killed and wounded, while our lo&s w&s ! 142 killed and wounded. A force of about COO infantry set out for the summit of Majuba hill on the eight of February 20, IbSl. about iji) combatant. After leaving i i some companies on the road abau: Aw : men reached the summit and wert- di.-- i posed in various positions about th. rim of the mountain. The fivst sUu:- i were fired about sis o'clock, nnd tin j cambat went on unintcrrupt?!y f-: j hoars. In the final stages the mai:: ' body of the Iioers crept to withii. 4 j j ards, and for a considerable time fa- J ;iiladud our troops at this distance, j Many of the men fel! in the eubse-1 (jnent flight; but when the flghtJut; was o-er, at one o'clock, our coi-.iiai: a i : were sv) kditd and wounded, while tin ! Doers ed. ktllwl and wounded within ten tniuuti-.'. the Boers losing one. In the J:ur.(.f.oi: raid our losses were about loo kllld and wounded, the Boers having live i killed und wounded in the actual fight-! ing. JRIFD BEEF. ETC. IF- Q ... 4 mmmw ...AUD... There were i 4T1YT'I TriCt J-ji J L , Wngon end Carriage Work. Fish Brcthors' Wagon. Third and JeiTcrnn. PIioiig 159 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and pnr'Irnlnrs funiiulied t.n u;jiieatiti. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, un2G THE UAl.LK-s, OH EG ON Wasco Warehouse Company i Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin I Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. i Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, X?L'l rD ; Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- 3 ton Flour. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. . lost one killed and four wom:5- j (JflP. SCCOllu & lWMl 'PtOHC 15 At Bronkhorst we lost 12 nan i This FIonriH manufacturi'd I'xprcpHly for fnmi!j uei . uvurv Hack if L'uarantcid to civ Piidnfm-tinti. We mil our poods lower than any hoiieu iu Iho tradi, and ii you don't think to call and not our pric-ifi and be convinced. .1 lets f.:3rt Vt 1 ALIT , LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Horatio Uubens, a man tvUo mado Cures Itrj)Otency,27ii-ht Emissions ano wasting- LUewjrj, ail eftecls of bciI- ; jjSs5?)) tibu'je, or excels and indis W?sr- crc-ior1, AJtorvetoniftuiu ' ii t,il),J(l luiUlf;i-. 1'rihf.b ti.j L ji V idnii 'r-U; to ;ialc cueeh rctot.i tl.o fire of mhi1.: ! SCIWX Bymaiinifp'-r box: O i -lor ,$2. no; with a written i tco to euro or refaisu Ue moiu j . ! WERVJTA MEDICAL CO. j Olinter. . Jaekscn Sis., OH1CACO, tUV. Aiaoaro for rhraitlm Ohainber nS2 klke' wgliton, Tl.o him j sin wmiii lynillUlj( wiuu rno- ution. O. B. Juhniton of Kichoiond, i FMf1K Aiicsi xriJ.uuo iraiu. ivr vv wjai, oarioy ana taiS. Butchers end Farmers ..Exchange.. Kecj nn drnuKht the cclelirntei! fOU JIlJlA, BKKK, iiokiii.wl wifwl tt;f lt Ik-it In The lJulltM, nt the umiiil prlee. C'omoin, try itnnd bt foiivlncei). AIo the riimrt hranUk of Win?, Mjuor and ( li'uis. It ii usually maintained that ihanu Traiuraal flphts were fought at a dis advantage, and that our men wvrc in each case tastiy outnu.i.Kr-d. If v.e accept the lloer nccounts, our force were pot outnunvurl-d. A: M:.ju'.;a tiicy say they had about 4"') men. 13m we'n ! as3uminp thjt th;;-' wev; (,s mat.. a 1 l.WO B-.rji, tii,-' i .:' i is txtrenie- ly uuftatisfa-; ;r . African Ceiiew. Sandujiehes A OIIII! t U:ili 1 15 S ft. h.ill't. IIIWIIIIHMlll I- fc M C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Rolall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor j icsiuyiuiiG mm mam ffiii5acy, 1 WEISKLY iruiu "' to $IMIU unlloii. 4 Ti lf venru old. t IMPORTED (J0GJIA0 from ?7.00 to ylL'.tK) per miilou. 11 to 'M venta old.' CALIFORNIA BEAKl'ILB Iom t",.X to)i CO er iruilmi. tti ill yearn t I ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOES SOLD. pLYMPIA BEER on draul.t, and Val Ulatr. and Olvmnm Beer in M:lc Iui)mrti.-d Alu and Toitur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. GUAKUIAN'g KOTICE. THE COI'STY COURT Of TJit. t . ' - w M.w ii i. . 1 1 UICU UlifllUlWTf 111 If1 tnitTfiv rtf IhA .1 I. i war on the port of tbe rebcl againat '''' l'ln Halm. It acta like magic !wJ;f"j,Kllm,-1Au,'leJurt'"'-K''' liimsclf, as counsel for tbe Cuban I ',"8 traub'ed h .! .m- .. ' mentineal80a( In apeakine of it he American people bv hia threat nf DKAIER.S IN fi ai i: lunl.iM fspepssa l Digests what you eat. It artiflcially diKcsts the food nnd nlds "UM" " 'uieiiKiueniDir and recon- BtructinBTli. c-xbausted digestive or- nil UnAc r,C yans. It is I he latest (covered direst- ", 1I1CS ant and tonic. j0 oihnr 4 Miiwm Ufpiica, lllO I rtfAl Uinf... 'Willi in. Mv fnnf i... c.n1U . Knir rin ihli.liit. .lui. ..i w. i . . .... v ....VI. .Jiuuo, mere ig . vnun iiu "-'"""j Miwimicr i- (iimi- vxh'ivij ":u vfe mill Doniianfcntiv fiirAa peace i Cub." Thla 'SS&rT fe JSS hardly news l0 ibe United States, for ' For ty Blakeley ' ut.r.rui U aiV..K",V.:,,'ii: ZXZ Slcklleaduche.GastSa cVamrand oven body who has been reading the I "J ludehted u Qui. Minute Cou.h : ESSiSiSS -'te ' minors lias knmvn tl m fM jt Luro for iuv hea tU nriil hi it ,,.A ui u wru t,t n,,,,, . ' ii-' i jwUJu r. ( . ui ifiiuri ' " v w ii iiiivi m ui irit CraudallfiBayget UNDERTAKERS EMBALM ERS Tho Dallcio, Or. mnof lung troublu foiluwiiip prippc many months Cuba m been tranquil. ' , This u iirBi ..... Tt"i'a'lf t,;' , . r uluru UM ; of tLh nevw fallinu remudy .. iv-ui jjfin-u hi ciiua in tlnco wm-i uoii iii me kuu:iical iinnrtur nl i i. wiwiinii-.' mirtii. rai-Kf l: iuit. IJobes, Burial Shoes Etc, ...inhmi i... n.i.1 .i Ctt'.ll euro toiighe, colds, croon, bronuhiti quarters ot n conluiy. Kver since IneM.jiil, urlppe and tlirout and hint' tlio risinys began in the rest of Uir! lro","v'' Us early uso proven . . . : tllintillun. it a t hi. ,,!, i. npanisu colonies in the Western remedy that eiv,. i , we Uioir liven tolhe prompt rh'i i'1 V "rt'." 'ili-n-.i Kin.u mm uuxt ui kin of Annie. i;.-.iii. .mil u ... It I'Mllk Kliuit m.1 Mill Ji;nlMii.',1.i (.r IIB Jonlttn. fimJ ll ivrtutk lntrttl Jn Mid utnte. ' lid llU.L' I "l'i'"' J"'"t Court lit tin- umrt tmmi there ' Hint ,,! 1J cjiy, ofKoi,, n it,.- m, i, y ol j tfl COIi. ' Jnuy. IKD.iit Hi lioiirnf im, i'eluf:i: i, in , ! atmlujB ' !',!,,'!".! ',li!ro ";' MM wliy u liWo I OKI- FOR A DOSE. (nil BT0 l?"l:". Prattnt r "iKvi rnciit i it.. ro,. l. t i.-r-r.rr ... uinl Hint thin onlc-r be imblikhiil nt lealt Vhiw 1 IL'.' "? "Mm"" .ah? K',i .1'Vnl, ; ' juiconlve nwfch in fi Untie Clr.nilci, ! L!'liMl" JMfte or. 'Vusll Kocolk1' iKly nnuMitpcr prliitiil In comity. ""-a.ikq LO.Phila. iiemiapneie tiuiliif; the days ui Ferdinand VJ I. in the eaily part of the century, Cuba hae either been in actual or virtual rebellion. When ever one rising was stopped preparn tious began for the nest one. At SIek Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by usintc Molti Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation andindiyeBtioii, makes you eat, fileep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 60 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggist'. JMIttJ llila am day ol iKt'cmber. Ihw. lKi'"-1 County Jmigc. Clarke & Falk have 011 sale a full line of paint and artist's brushee. Subicrlbe for Tho Chronicle. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., taya, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with UeWitt's Witch Hnsel Sake." It is Infallible for plies and tkln diseases. Berars of counter NONE EB BAKERY. I have re-opened this woll-lmown Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer 3 ,