Kr- Acts gently on the EE B"ft " i IWI HtE Vfi bB V WILLS HE 5VSTEM FECTUALLY - V .eflPATlON S3TjJA s U- PERMANENTLY, 5Tf Y. "Cf'TS ICIAL BUy THE GENVMME MAHT'D Dy roisutsAicr.;55ijTi r;.t: sc: ftsenut. I'lIOl'I.i: YOU AI.I. KNOW Thomas Barges? is in from Bnkeoven. L. N. Kulsay came in from Antelope yesterday. J. D. Whitten is in from his place at "SKingsley on a business trip. C. A. Shurto, the merchant of Arling ton, was in town yesterday. Win. Eilery was a passfnger on this raornirg's boat ror Portland. Ales Stowart and J. P. Carroll arc visitors in the city from MoHier. Leslie Duller came up on tho boat last mailt frcm Portland on business. F. X. Jones was a passenger on tho boat this morning, bound for Portland. Dick Fi-her, who was formerly a mate on I he I). P. & A. X. boats, is up lrom Moeier. Miss Daisie Allavray left on the boat tlii morninc. bound for Eugene to re tuiue licr studies in the state university. Emtl Pralil, one of our subscribers fiom Kenneiviek, Wash., is in town to day, ami showed up at the Chkoniclk oflieu this morning. John P.usseli is in fiom liis place at Kimisley tndav. Ho is cnu of the Chko.nicle's oldest subscribers, having taken the paper since its first publica tion. C. L Ireland, of tho Sherman county Observer, lias been spendin", tho holi day with ins sister in Portland, and j returned last night, stopping over lodav in tlio city. Mr. and Mrs. Cbss. Sargent, who have been visiting their parents for the past twok', leturned to their home in Portland by boat today, accompanied by Mi;s Kaihryn Sargent. Sig. Young, a studont of tho state univi'isity, whose home is at Astoria, is in tho city visiting Arthur Stubling. lie will return with him to Eugene, when studies are resumed. IHUt.N. I". Hit city yeeteiiUy, Jan: 31, to Mr, u d Mr. Forreet, a (ton. m this city, Jan. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. A K. ringer, a daughter. K Portland, Ji-c 21-t, lo Mr. and I'i Wxu, Lu?n Abnuu?, a daughter. 'Xiui Modern Mother Ha- ftund that her littlt ones are 1m pro dmore by the pleasant Byrupof Pig--, ivIiBii iu need of the laxative effect f a yontju remedy, than by any othor. Chi d en erJ iy itond it benefltB them. Tho truo remedy, Byrup of Fhjtt, Is man iifctuwdby tho Collfornia Fig Syrup Co. ii'dy, nrneo is the beat Teacher. TJt Aelie,'. i::!iih Kemedy in ny cateof couglw, l i) I or croup. Should It fail to fjivo u.init-di,i(ti relief money refunded. 25 ch. and .')0 ct. Ulaktflfty A Houghton IJriigtji'iU. IJstmy .Notic, StruVtii fiuin tl.o rMiion no llnlrl. (1 .t one dapnlid yi..y hore, four vsars old 1 , next sprluo ; l.i.u,;. !! en left shoulder thus, U. ti ve du.l.irs reward will be yiv ii to uny person leturnint,' earn'! to my iaco on 8 Miie. ! novL'O-lmo O. W. Co:jk. ' L'ntarrli Ciiunoc lio Omni with local applications, an thoy cannot reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh ia a ulood or constitutional, and in order to cure it you mint lake inter. ual remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo ir taken internally, and acts directly on 1 the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's ' Catarrh Cure ia not a fjuack medicine. ' ,t V It was was prescribod by onn of tlio best physicians in this country for years, ami is n regular ptescriptlon. It is composed of tlio best tonics known, combined with, tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials' free. . .1. Chkskv & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrusisiists, price 7fc. Hall's Family l'ills are tho best. 12 BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not liavo boils if you take I Clarke & F.ilk's sure euro for boils. Clarke A Talk's flavoring extracts arc I tlio best. Ask your croeer for them. I Latest thine in cameras arc Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping . sl.b..n. Manufactured bv Clarke and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Kali;. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falls havo them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nicii25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload o tho tIebrated James 'E. Palto jetrictty pure liquid paints. i Headache absolutely and perinr 1 1 ton perina- ' nen,'-v curtd by using Moki Tea. A , fiu...ii. ..v.. ui..t.iA. villi.: iuj.a 1 1 ,, mil I and indigestion, makes yen eat, (deep, j work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed ! or money back. 25 cts. and 50 els. Blakeloy & Houghton DruggisK "I am indtbted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to tho prompt action of this never failing remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. It? early use prevents con sumption. It is tho only liaimless remedy that gives immediate results. Cub In iotsr cneclif. All coiuitv warrants registered prior to Feb. 1, 1SE0, will bo "paid at my ofSeo. Intereit ceases after Jan. -it it. H00. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Ail persons wisliini; to take children, either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should writo to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the IJoja' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, ut Portland, who can procure for them do airablcchildren of all ages. All applica tions must be filed m advance. tf I'roe! With every dollar purchase during January and February wo will ive one chance on p. .foO Garland steel ian?e. jari2-1vv Maihk cc Ukstos. L. T. Travis, ajrent Southern It. It., Srflinn, Ga., wriles: "1 can not my too much in praise of One afinulo Cou'Ii Cure. In my case it. worked like a charm." The onlv harmless renii'iie tnat tvea nnmedialo lesults. Cures cousiha, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. F. U. Thirkwld, health inspector of Chicago, save, "Kodol Dyspep-ia Cnro cannot bo recommended too hhjhly. It cured mo of sovero dyspepnia." It (II Keste whftt you oat and curee indigestion and heartburn, and uli forms of dja pepiia. J. I. IJttvry, Locanton, I'a , writcc, "I am willing to takn my oath that I waa cured cf pneumonia entirely by the tuo ot One Minute Couyli Curejaftor doctors fnilnd. It alio cored my children of whoopint! cough." Qaieklv relfevra and cures eonjtha, colds, croup, arippo and throat and lung troubles. Children nil lino it. Mothers endorse it. G. II. Appletou, justice of pence, Clarksburg, X. J., Sttyg, "DeU'itt'a Littlo JJrly Kisers are the U't pills tnado for constipation. Wo use no othart." Quickly cures all liver and bowel tr:ub!ui, Themcdetn ond most trTectlvo care for constipation and all liver tronb!i the famous little pills known as DeWItt's Little Early Hitere. IU I li Qif uiii8M)(;i'r i?i: Pliysiciim and Bunion, lcc-Ul attention given io m,-ery. 1""1 T.1 "'"5 Tel. Hit VriRt Block Preserve i I I I I , ' , I ; t& r fruits, JoIUki, pi ui'ji th Mini tlv mo!-- ciii iy, Mjro rim Willi llfllllB.1 VJ S,', ivmnao Wax ll,an liir nnv cib?f ..'. met 1 loll. Dozena or ntlir.r ii-.-iii u, KBTineil araffiiae Wax IB In every bouNbcM. It h clean, tatteltus nud o-lork-ss-rilr, watur and ucl.l proof. (Jet a. ikiuiiiI call" ut It ulth a list or lu many iukm lrom your druiglitor urowr. ouiu cvvryivucre. .Mauo i,y Hi a.huamu un. CO. NOTICE. STATU Ol" OUKtlON, r.XKHtlTIVK IIKI'AllTMKNT, H.VIXM, Nov 21, 1MW, In.r.rroulniico with the urnvMonn of nil Aet ciillilnl "An Act i-iilaulttliis to t).; KJcotom i tho Stnto of Oifjioitat the lleiicrnl l.'i-rltou to be hold on' the tlit MmuMy In June, 'M), tin; I'.cr.illtiKl'ioiio.'Oil Coiislitiittninil Amcmlmeiit, iiiiiiroveil Kcbrunvy ts, lnu, I, T. T. Utvr, tiov ortmrof IhuStiiifol ounon.tlohcreliyo.uiso the follow ItiK iiro.oswl iimi'iiilmcnls to tlioCouMI tatloaof thcHtatoflt oriwoii.iiscorllllcil to hv theScerctnrvof State, to 1h imblMicil for live ronsuiutlve weeks In TUB Ii.iu.ks CHKoNii l.. a ncwMMpcr tuiblMifl In tlio teveulli Jiullclul District of the State of OieRon. Done nt the Cii!tol, nt Palein, Oiciron, fsKAi.l tins Jlit ilnv of Noveiuher, A. . IW, T. T. liKlIK, ti iVCtli T. llv the (inveriior; '1 I. Dl'XDAi:, Secretary of State. HKXATi: JOINT liKSOI.VTION, NO. 1. He It rooivctl hv the Senate, the I Initio roil currine: Hint tho'foliouiiiR amemlnient to ihe Constltulloii of the State of UtiRon bcaUlU hereby jiroiocil: ... That section 10 of Article XI. of the Constitu tion of the State ol Okroii bo ami the miiiiu h hercbv nbri'iratttl, ami in Ilea Ihireof S.i'lIoii 10 of Aittele XI. shall tens follov.D. AKTICLK SI. Section 10. No comity, city, town, M-linnl .11 tilot or other municipal eoriioralioo liall bo al lowcit to become ttii'.cbtcd in any vinnncr it for any iairnne to an amount IiiditdliiK imwiit ex isting Indebteilnesi in tho nmtreijaie exceeding live per centum on the value of the taxable liropcriv therein to bo ni-coitalnul bj the i;s hosment for Statu ami ecuntv tnxe piovloiis to the liicuriiiiK of such i'ldobtcdiiess. Adopted hv tho Senate January ill, lv. (;. V. 1-ui.TOK, l'lejfdcntoi tiiu Senate. Cor.cuncd in by tho IIour-, I'lh-u ir J, HU!. V. r. Ke.ujy, spcak.i nt tin.- llntite. Adopteil by the Scnnte Jnuiu ;). l.-.""i. w Jo.-Bl'll Siy.oN, l'lCilduiit ol tliv .-eniite. Concurred in by Ihe Iloiirc, Kcbriinrj I, IHjo, CltA. 11. M0OKS, Spin'.! 01 till. IICIUC SKNATK JOINT ItKSnl.f I'lON. NO. la. 11a it u'Milveil bv Iho .-ennle. Ihe Home con runlng; 'that the fclloniiiK nineiidiiicut to ihe Cointittillou of the State of Ur"Roo, In lieu of Seclion Ten of Article Seven (7). be and the smile li ncrcby propoii.u, Ui-wlt: fKCTIO.i' TEX. Tho Lcglilative Aiictnbly may irold.' for the ulectlun of lin-nli JudKO in dis tinct clus-iis one olIile!i cla.w-shall ui:nslst of live Justices of the supreme court, who Mini! not perform circuit duly; nud the i.ther clas shall cons st of n inan Ciicult Judsrc.i as may beiieenud access ry, who shall hold full terim lthutit alU.tmeiit mid who shall take tho miiiiu oath tl'.o Kiipieme ludKes. 'I he legislative Assembly may create ui innuy circuiw as may be necessary. Adopted by the senate, February 15, JMU. C. W . I UtTOS. rrisM.-nt of the Sfli ite. C'oncarred in by the Hon', I-'ebiuarv li'U. W. V. Kgady, Bii-.-akeror tlie Jluuse. Adopted by the Senate, January 31, iv.'. Josr;Pii simo::, I'resiileut of thetVuate. Coneurretl In by Hie House, February ti, ISOi. Ci.'.ir. 11. jiouKfek, hjie.iker of the House. HOL'ii: JOINT UKSOI.L'TIOK, NO. 10. Resolved by the Home, tho Senate roncurr ins; That the follQWlnir nmondraent to tho Con stitution of Ihe State of Oregon U nua hereby la propusci : 'Jliat the (.ouililiition be nmoiidcd bv addliiu Article XIX. as follow, to-wlt: AIITUI.K XIX. section 1. Te neceary uscof lands for tho' conMrnoth n c i roeervolrn or MornRe hiln fyr I the purine, of irriKatlon or for rlshts of wny f jr the eoii'.tiuction of uaiials, dl.ehei, lluiiies or pIiji toconvjy water io t e piuco of u ior any i ur-eful, lnuetielal or necesirv ptirvowj or for i oiiiiiiaKi!, or fordraiuniw of mlne.i or the work thereof, by means of road, inilroadJ, trxhi- w:i;,-. cilU, tunnel, thaft, IioUtliiB wnrko, cHimnor other neeuktarv mean- in ini heir coin- plete d 'vclopiuwiit or nnv other ui.e necexniy to tl.-.- eui.iplet" lievelopruelil of tlio natural le- M.iinvkoi i'.fc.-i iieorpr;i.ervatioiiol tliu lienlth of i s Inl abiti'.iiit, U hereby declared tolxsa puh lic um mid Mi'-jict to tho leKiilnlion and eonlr..l of the htale.' l-tct;oii -J. 1 lie rlKht to nppropiUte the unap prcjoiiited wat-.-rt of any nulurul ktreain to bv-u-cliLial imei sliall never bj denied. hett;na. The use of all waters now appro priated for sn'o, rental or dUtrlbutlon.iilo(it nil water oriRlnally appropriateil lor pi-iwitc u, but which, aftet men uppropilillon, lm hereto fort been or may Iiereuii..-r U- -.old, rented or dh tllbuted. is her-bv ilniiiri-1 ir, t, . . ll.. .., and nileet to tr.e reiiuladmi h nt ,,i State In the manner prccdocd by l.uv. lint tlio ' ai;u apwopuaie men waici unan be subject to ueh rovUiona of luu- for ih tK Iin: of private properly for public or i rlv .to mo un provided iu fctcllon 1, Arliole I of lh-j (.'o.v ititiitiou of the Btnto of Oregon. lieetiou 1. 'Jliu iltrlit t.i i-iit peiiMtiort for the uts of water supplied to am county, elty, town or nater dUlrict or Inhabit ants thereof, it irHiiclihc, and ciinnot bo oxer c;Kdejcpe by authoilty of and In H -waaner pteenbi bylaw. Adopted by the How, February 15, ISO). H. I'. KE.Hiir,-ieii(-roI the Wmn. Bsg.ied March 7, lw...; Adoptcfl by tho Senate, February 17, istti. C. w. Fui.TO.v, i rwidwit of tlie3nale. (f!ge4 JluKha, law) Ad-iptetl bv Mw Hotue, rbriinry 0, l-'j.j. Cius. . MocnEa, ipeakero Uio ll aue. CoEmrr.dln by the Senate, February lu, ls:ij. JodBi'K 8imok, I'renUent of the bennte. novti: joist uksou'tio:; no. s. propotliiK mi itmendrnent to tlioL'onntltutlon of thoiitateif Oteuoii, hy lepeolmg bwtloli aj of Article 1. MenolvcU by the 11 ,um-, thoieiioteeonuurilni:: that ffetl-ii of AitMe 1 of t.V Coi.i.Uiulioii ue aua uereoy is mwnitol. Adopted bv the I loon.-, Jnuniy 11, lsttj. W. I'. KbU'V,Sp;u!.erof Ibe H.-um.-. Gonctimd In hy th- Sei.ate, Januarv ;;n, lo.ij. C. Vi. Fvltun, I'rekldeut of 'the Semite. Adopted by the limine, January so. J.vj.j, CllJR. U. Sloolun, bealirof the lioiige. Coueurrl in by the Huimte, febrnary w, iwd. 'SENATE JOINT KEbOU' flO.N .NO. 7. Tto It renalvid bv tho snuti. n,n ri..,. CurrlMiti that the foll-ii,8 BjAfiuliiiiiiit tthe UNMtitlltlou of thy Htate ot Omnti be and t hsithy prKwal: AKtiCtK i. The elective Iraiii-htM- in ua. t-...n . t i,.i. i. . . ::;i..i.r.,... of sex. , v wi Adopteil by ihe&enste, l'lbrusry C, IWi. Imtvu 3mo, i'r".liieptoi tho acimte. Adopted by the Houh-, i-'ebiuaryO, ',b t'MAf.. J1, ilouBBi, feH-aker bf the HoiitC. (.HA, R. iiooimi., Sptafcor of tho Hons". Adopted by ttf llenote. January 31, Wj. I . V. 1 ATLOU, 1'rei.UKlll oi Uiu Wate. Adopted tty the Homio. Janmn y 31 . 1 K. V. Cavtsh, HpeaKer 1 1 n.. nf nH., I'NITI;!' HI AT I.- ii' Wll ;i i (m -'rr. 1,1 iinii.i..' miifc ol -iu ctiiry of ,iir. ) 1,1. I. lJr.Nll.U:, of s-tit." of II., . it.- ' i wrtKon nun i minium tin b.i . .i.i Mate, do liereljy e- rtify I li.ivi- .,,.,,,, tlwjiruidliiKCoiiy of s.-.,.. u- jMt ,. !,,, ,, no. I. of tiiu U-,Js.iih... ,s i niijiv ol , , "iiinlfipa! DidebtviluoK ui...-iniucii t : ' -i il, Joint ItcMiIn linn ,u. l.i of tin.. LuKl-m,,. , KliililyoflS'J.I,-'.liidlela.y Alm.inl.-ul; ' ,,. Joint Jlctoliillim .No. In of th.; 1 xMit; .. ( K-inWy of lu;.-..lrrig,lll1, Aiiii-ndii.i- it , ' . IIoiim- Ji.Jnt Ile.oliitloii .So. ut 11,1; !,,! VI) .U.iiiiMy of W.J -o Id-iiwUhiK Amin.ln.c. ; , ai..lM-naIeJoIiit itoxiliillon :u. 7 of tli" Wi ,-' liitivo Aktenibly of Imi'i, -"Oiiml Suiriuiu ' Aineiiiliiiviit.' with Hie oiiulmil now mi i llle III till oJJco, nr,il Unit tlio nunc; ! n i ,i.rr,.t I tiuiuerljit tlieiefroin nml Uio iiolo tliercof. is Tkstimo.nv VViiriikok, I liuve litre unto etinvliond unit niitxisl licieto MAI the of llio fitalo of Oukoii. ".V!1!0 pNl'ltol, at Huluiii, (ireifon, tin 'Uilid day of November, A. I). 1. I, D UN f IA It, becre tary of H late, WORTH ITS WEIGHT I GOLD The Mew Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BUMNICA. A SUPERB LSBRAHY Qi SO SWASSiVE VOS-Utr. So complete ihax It covets Ihe ljsssS The entire :.a with Guidd ' - - i y j Balance payable in sina!! lncnU'.! paynci.l. Workmanship and rnaler!.-l Cuo Tiic product cf the largest nnd i?03t The BRITANN1CA is Ihe echnowl idged stnudnrd of .ill Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the bost edition jf tile Brltannica. Do not put VOlir monSV ill Old editions , . , , , Jr poorly made bool'.s because they arc -heiner The RPT tJv CMI-APKST -ncaper. ineut-at 15 xilt, ca 1 Consider tho advantage of a family who has tills wort: over one which has jot. FOR SALE BY G. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "One Minute Couli Cure IB the In-ct remedy 1 ever ttiud for couylirt and cold-. It is iiiRfi'iilli'd for whouiiiiie ciiiyh. ,,. ., , , , ,' iiiruiircu an into it, writes 11. N. U'iliinins, Uentrwille, Ind. Mever f ills. It is tho only harmless remedy that Hives iuiiiedutlo rosulte. Cures coughs, Colds, lioarnoss, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis aim all throat and luiiK trotihlee. Ito early use prevents consumption. PLEASE LOCK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, (Hi ant aimer. THE DALLEC, OREGON. Rooms on Third Stroot, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. J3w aasrjNv a woo GO YfiAriS' UXPERIENCE fHADC MAHKO JCOIGIJS CopvrtiaitTo &c. Anynno i-cndlnn n ikclfli and ilaicili'tloiiiiiH-in!- il y nut-i riMii, r ,,u,ii fa'u ,"1 .1". ivciiiloii irliai,y , u.,,1,,1, ,, .;, .. W t freo. (llilmt imenty for totiiilnir u iii'iioi ralei.ta token tlu.iuil aium A Cu Vo?i HWtulnotii, wltliouuTi'irJo, III tlfo ,V1, cietttifie Httcflcatt nci7llintrater wwkly. Uruoat Mr. of any Klein i o liiiinial. 'ririnJ ri , irmoniliii.a BoluiiySli nwXlw I &u0.3O,D,6ad'y.Nfiw Ynrk Wily H, VOll CAN (IHT cnht. :-&c oi i.'-nvi. laiowlcdrjc a T 1 tt?t to thv. Ixiok-makinp ml i v v Hi., a i i rrr art. cquiupi .: i:t c':c factory i.i America. If you cannot send your children tn$ university, bring the University tats?. This edltlcr has never been sold -fo: less than I64.S0. For a Siiort time only $40.50 cash, 0: ir)45-oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity lo secure tills un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. 'fiTTTj""" , -I-ijJlli. . KJ ' PAMIfJDC j-i.r. piiij, TltANHACTA K.S'KHAI.KANKINU IlL'KINKis Letters of Credit isetied nvailahlo in tho ICiiuterxi ritntcs. h'ii.;lit JJjkulmiiKti and 'f'eleurnplut Trniiafora Hold on Now York, Chicngo, St. f.ottiH, fian Fraucieeo, Porilnnd Ona Kon, Hoattlo Wtisli,, nnil various poiute in Oregon and Wuslungtciii. Collections made at nil points on fr.v ornhlo teriuu. I J. ti. KCUKHK, 1 President. u.ii. rtt.Aj. , Ciuhtei (Fiirst national Bank. JtHE DALUE3 - - - OREGON . A General Hanking liueinosn tmiinitoted Depouita received, mib'out to Hifht I Droit or Oliack. Collectioim made and proceeds promptly ' remitted on tlnv of uolhiution. j Kizht and Tulojmtphii! KxcJiaiitje Bold on iw iiim, nan i-rntioiiico ttiiu "orl land. mmitoTOHa H; 1 InoKMoH. .Ino. a. Hvuhmk, K. M. U u.hii.m, Quo. A. L-irbs. 11. M. Bkam,. MS. OitlWA W. wow, fS TO 'JTJi iz o AM) ART NEEDLE ROOMS, MASONIC 1SU1LWKQ, Third Sir.-et, huiwuen Court ((n,l Wash ton btreele, 'J , F. Stephens ...Donlor In.,. tfy Cooda, Clothinq, Gents' Furmiahings. iiwu. ii,,u , ,.,, N(lHi for W. I l)oii(las iii. !l. T;l(.'ilmno No, w). Ml hioiiiiil Kt,, The Dalles. Or, AhIi your Krocer for Clarko A l'kfl I'nre conceutnued Uuvorl,iy ,-xtracta. tafia mm mwa lllit-AUT Hill Tint!, l-'uoti l).vi.i.i:. Attain ! I'OX. Tnst Mull 11-l.i p. in Halt I.alrc. Denver, l't, ,t 1 trt iiii viiinti(i Mill t Jim City, Hi. l..illl, s,,u, (!1i(i-hlii mill I!iihI. ' ut ri'imluilic hyer "!U&p. in, Wnllu Wnlla, Hpofcnin-, HtKiUt, MIlllieiipiillN. Ht, I'nill,! V'litt 1)11 1 11 1 li, .Mllwiillki-c, Oil Olilciieo ami Kaat. 'M. 8 . 111. 1 I'lji 1 wj.u,.wwr, Ocean H ti'itiiitilu pi. for Bun I'miicIm.'!). Iiceeinlier a, a, 1:1, ami -h. 8 p. in. Ux.btuulay Baturdiiy lu p, in. t i. Celliullllii tlv. Htc.imor. I'.s.bundql I.umlliiKi. tie. in. 1 WtrxAttCTTr; ittvna. t "Mn.t- i Kx.hiiiiilayfjroKim City, Ni-win-iir, t x sun4i) nniuiu i 11 tiy 1.UIU1 7 n. m, Vii.i.aii;ttk and Y asi Tmn.'l'lmr.i 1111.1. Uivkiis. ami sat. jOii.1011 City. lnctuii. mill Wrty-UiinltiiK- .na It, j fin. m. WtmnriTTK ltivRit. 1 ip&B liie.,niitir,lf,iirtlaiiil to forvalll", Mou.ltnJ and flat. mul Wiiy.ljiiKiliiKs. 1. .a FiiAl BJUKK IlIVllM. Ulpurlii to I.eivstnll I fTlJ !.v lilpnrlBi daliy : '.'ia. in. I isr ilalif a, if" !'ar;ti-a dMlrtnx to o t', :ji-jm- v 6r nine .no. i, li-avlnit 'Hie Hili'- a . a. 1 liinkttiK illrcet rnuiteullniii- ut Hi iiim ic'.u: Junction wltli hii, l.arrbli at iU luiin J:i.'. 111. !'i). C, tlinmht Irnlxlit. t !..iinl tl-ni parry utm-uii(vra: nrrtviw 1 11. 1. ilrju 111. f'n HI, local ItelKht, curies ii-ppi u, clKhl, citilis j,;i--i'i !, taaKSM :SU 11. 111.. i!--1.u is 1 fill fj nniil itirmr-ii in ;-! i ; nrrirvh - , ji m . Utri u'-iiuu; tirEivin ;ai 1 .Nu, lil, Went Ifcilltid i-arry (.auciigern y:i t, m. Mi. .'a. wesl iHilinil li,ral f r.-' h', .-iiS.rui nrnvcu:i!i ji. in., :w ' ki u u Fur full imrtlculnni call 0.1 1; lo i-Kuni xiio imiH-ri. ur uiian n W. U. n' l.I.V ' Ol'll l'ns. .'.t.. 1 ottiaa! to EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta IRoiitd or Tin. Soufhem Pacific Comp'H Train lisrtvciiiid urn din to nrr'-.-e 11' ) irlkjgi 1 ovnni.AND i . 1 prenk, Hl.ll-Ill, ltusr Imra, ah)iI.iim, ki- 7.00 I'. II., I I rnmeuto. )il"ii,hnti ' I'failiUlii i, Mninvi . 1 UH AtU.-Ji-e,i:i l'il"i. uw ijiieium mil tKiwt :) A. II. Itirtelam; nml v.'.iy la iiiniii . . fVln W,-Hliur; Mr I Mt.Alitf.-I, Hllvurluii, t l f lo, llrov, li- , villu,iul!iKllii!iliiuil lr; .... ji)nrviill:i iimj way ftitatloiiK ... 1 I'4lll ' Dally ext-upt ttundny 1 ropa J7:A. it, l.'iDKl'K.NDEN , i: 'A.KM,hK. I ' atss Hally (esivnt huialiu , i:eo tlv. .iMrHrtini , ".aiti. in. Jai v. Mii.m-ii!,. 1. ' Hit0).n. (Ai . iiMH jiuurluii' r .1 s s "tratlr. i!'i:n,c -i in Mm DININ'. ( Altn u; Ol.l'f. . I'Ul.l M N lU't l'lCT hi,'. i AND 8M OM.-rl.ArM si,:. I'i ! Aliticni-I toiil! Thriiuull i 4 DJieetdiiiii-ciiim . t ,t, .r,, i asiitsl mi'i diIdiiihi no. i I'miii),- n uiiw iiir.-Ai A.T, una riii.vA Ht pllCUtl. 11 lUU' tii ;.. Is U. l.ii-t-: ,t i. AlW,iuAA',A- ' All Mlwm. Imli.s iir-ivi- iir - ' uraud Uaiiiwil uuti. i I'ifii, m.,i , Y VMIfll.:. DIVl .I'i-I'tMeriRc.- Dij...t, i.,nti .1. u, . iMVe fur HlnTlOaii, wenl. (It, Arrive ut Portland, in. Idave for'. on Momlav, i Krl-lity ill h :i,,. i. ArllVi' itl I -0T, Tliiiudiij' nnil .-..ilunln; ; , -If . . 1.1' tf.'S irt m . ttr I'rfft fdsf hlliuliiy, K.euii "ad (I. II. MA K, Kk. K',i.1',(, rM. JiiniUtei.r. Itin iiKi, 'f'it').t-t otiiec, wt Tiiin' Hiioiib!i tluketa to alt iKilats in Htfite. loiiuita uiu) Jiureec can i loi'.uat iiiua Iroio v- ' lv'IttKl..Nli, i Hit V ...STEAM... Will uin ovory day except umkv' l.'ntiat IhnirjitMilili IS Tolophono 201. W. A, CATES, rm J.JA. 8TUFIDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco iivur Krcnoli A fo.' It""" IS laoil i I'liono fi, '111U ).I.I.Ki, BfS'li