For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Featiar OrerrEtit- n Tiicn Yeaar. v , Asasrstcntio jorted eod IHnetic W ooleni iS'j'nsilt irr. 1U low. pns tc tit ins est Ee- J, A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring Hi t DALt-F.-. OliEGO.V. The Dalles Daily Chronicle.1 srBScr.ii'TioN ri:iCE. One week . . . One month. . One year . . ? 15 ' C 00 , j 1900 ( ' 7EUE5DAT JANUAEY JEFFEP.SOy FOB FORCE. It nisv be ssid lie acquisition the Philippines would endanger our foreipn relations. But we bold tbem now with tbe cood will of ail the , great powers, and that was not tbe; & ' . , . . . , ease with Louisiana. In a special j message of December C, 1 S05, Presi- j dert Jefferson, in communicating to 1 ' , . , ,-."! congress the ugly attitude of spam ( over the cession of Louisiana by Prance, said : " j 1 From that moment she seemed to chanse her conduct and dispositions toward us. It was first manifested S ; bv ber protest against tbe right of ; France to alienate Louisiana to US. which, however, was soon retracted, and the right confirmed." Spain then disputed tbe boundaries cf a larce part of Louisiana, and Jefferson "sent James Monroe to 3Iadrid as minister extraordinary end plenipotentiary, Sd conjunction with our minister resident there, to endeavor lo procure a ratification of j the former convention, and to come , to an understanding with Spam as to the boundaries of Louisiana." ! Nothing was accomplished by that j embassy. Jefferson tells us tbey j were not able to obtain anv "satis- l faction as to the boundaries of; Louisiana, other than a declaration j that we had no rights east of the j Iberville, and that our line to the 1 a t r ! i . i "uu"' U",K us but a string of land on that bank! of the river Mississippi." In this special message Jeflerson urged congress to make a show of war against Spain. "The present crisis in Europe," said tbe president, is favorable for jiresiing such a settlement, and not a moment should be lost m svailiog ourselves of it. j Formal war is not necessary it is 1f not probable it will follow but tbe : protection of our citizens, tbe smrit nil linnnr ,.f -..,r ' Uuuw.,, ICTJUHC. that force should be interposed to c certain degree." j A clear threat of conquest, if you please, nothing but conquest. Acouisition r.f thr VMlirmn . riCi fit H".a a-:.l. 1 . I . vyr", m.usuujK suuw oi logic, The wife oi Admiral raised another social "Washington bi announcing that bhe ' cept by caids, says the Chicago uecord e conespondenL i .... lierorc her niarriae ilre. Dewcy'e ! vuittiic list was comparatively short, tu - v . i but when 6he became the wife of the beto of Manila and the admiral of tb ncvy she was naturally the object- ill not be able to return calls ex- i J,;" rV I of patticular interest, and there was : 1 & long string of carriages In front of ; ber Louse every afternoon, bearing people bo expected she would re Icinrocate tbeir attentions. Now, i when tbey are informed that she does , not intend to take the trouble to, visit them in person, but merely to ! send a card bv the bands of her foot I man or through the postoffice, they !are inclined to say saucy things. Napoleon said of the English, that j they did not know when they were ; ( beaten. Most ceitainly tbeir repnta- -. tion is not that of men who lose tbeir nerve when they get licked. The' reverses in Souib Africa has only j koit all parties in England closer , together, and we predict that only res -.It of the Boer successes in , South Africa will be to make the, British realize the full size of the;, task tbey Lave undertaken, and to , so ahead and finish it. Leader. ' SAKD FOR DYSPEPSIA. A Clilcnpo Man Eat a Hall TnMi.on tu Ever? Dnr r.nil rind Ilimot-If Cured. "Eat half a teasf oonfu. of sane a cay and yoti'i: be healthy." says Louis Coe- ertl a Chicago baker, accordinr to the cliicaro Tribune. 1 Coriaeri takes hif owe medieiae anc Ewailrws a niocthful oi sand in a rlais j of water every 24 hours. lie dtclarts JSiiSfSiS, , more or Iw-s. j "So. I don't buy h at the drnr store; j sa sand nor none o that,' ."-ays Con j ucrt; "I just dip a cupful of fcand end till and drift all mixed up ou; c rne . Then 1 wesh the din out cf it. arid eat the sand. J thitk it prot My wouW do inil Ci. WfcI2 ,u tbl uir. nud all, but Vm a little particular about m' diet. Conner tneorr is tbat every human i;V;e some Jowe a3injtl.i rjetcs , a certain amount of sand in the Motnach 10 H?tloa. "i r :cs"anee, a canarv birc." says Conner, "will die in a few davs unles it vt:& sand or somethintr of that kinil 10 A fM.H if -!: eC to crawl , around, will eat dirt. Ioie of n. and then jhe jnoiher icvariably five their chii- dren a prompt spanking for doing the verv thin? tLa: a coed lor them. Conner has beer, eatini; sand about ix months, and dtc-laret he hata't had a of dyspepsia since ht- bet-ar. the odd diet. A REAL "SHE" IK AFRICA. Lesreudnn Qcci-n of the Majajl, Dead JIod.v Yunrn, Hat Still Ilellftiiuc Everybody has read Ilider Hazard's famous oei "She. The main litrurt of the story certainly lited and died in the T rar.evaaL according 10 an English writer, and not so many years stro ; either. "he" was- really Mcjaji. Only a few year ego there was a native dib- ' turbance uj north, beyond the Zous- pansberg rouge of mountain;, in what was know, us Majojr country. Com. u;ar.dai2t llenninjr Pretoria, an old j Boer and a descendant of Presideut ", I'retorius, ufter wboin Jretoria called, went tip to quell the uprwii.- 'fx... . : l , , 1 uc i-ijunn, out? a iegencary iuc 1. JJuMjl. who has reallv len dend f yean, but Uiey js-etend, and partii.! uenoe ti2eme:vei, that sie is t:: alive, ami dweuUag ic a cae ii. th mountaiuG, Whence she reigiii- c-.r them, and itsuet, her bbet,ts throut-1 the medicine (tr-vuiif men. Prttorius dcu:aiiud to e- th4! queen. The inunda icl:ief of the r.u tives rephed: "Show ut uii'i -. -i-rnent end we will show to,' Ml c i: " and refer to "tbe-tiiabtfof-She-u,.; eave." TRICES OF CHOIR SINGERS. HO,T T,"," Ccrr' on C,ni . r.utlon How They tVlillc ITMflldlBB U Slav tie (.-r-ice. . . ; f t i manv choir bovt and men a want ot rei- a of attention ... c f this bj saving that tb ! Plaint, aad the averaut- ..; mbau, far more aiHieted bv it tl nnd e UJ ' Jir.. slcal And it is h fact that the i.reni l.i.ll- rt iflxir. I Ujc chonifc t,eoile engaged in the high, ett cluk Italian" opera lnif any L-ili. heriah they jileake, w C s , Kitmrmuhirn connet'ttd with ulut r.f v uiueini nax jnea Klimt. Dewev has ' vvnrsl.i., ti ":- oi the mother no text il kin oH..r);e Kllii.i and . uu. uorsljij). riie rofc of choru. mej: and i d "id William Jotdaii. latt er temnest in ' L'lrlE one ? r.n ,. . 1 ud next pi tin ol Amile. Katie atiil ii. n- pesture they have been taught ' M?? fS??" te'S? .roj.riaie to the .cent, their thoufrhu I 'arrive weci. In Vhi K le. Cbi". Ic e. . Vh''V' ; ,rf0,v,wr,,,u- llAllllwfidyaiwK.3;,, - . res atom to u-nrwi.n .....1 ..-.m ,. . decis-l i.,. Clark. I'eorla. III.. r. ?!?rist(ras 1899. What wonld be more appreciated as b Christmas Gift than one of the many Views I have for sale? Columbia liuer lieus. I also have on hand a complete .ine oi f'er.'ntnery. M. Z. DON NELL, DRUGGIST. C. S. Smith Up-to-date Qroeer- Frt'tL E?cs and Creaaie'y Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. TUB GOlHIIlDia P3CK1D0 Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAXUFACTTJKEKS OK -ptinp T,ard and Sausai e B n . D n 1 11 n bUrBTS 01 JT D H ft R U es HAMS & BACON JEIFD BEEF. ETC. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmilh Supplies, Cor. Second & LaicilL Tim 157 HIS R11 ft mmm f AL1TY. E LOST V'GOR I fc tS AND (,'iAKHOCD Cures Ic:potenc ."jchtEmiicr, an6 ..1 trltcti; of ee.i-, or esc;8 and in:.s rm. A rif-rvftminfjiti'l ?-Ai-rr 1 . f pr.i: ;.'j'.7 U. t.i.t c'.ct.-: an gj5Jt rertor-jB ti.-j fire of 'jy.:-. SVBn:i.nSOept-rW:(; xr ior .li.uO; with a written mimi'ii te to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jaclcson Sis., CHICAGO, iUL sold by Blakelev A Hont-bton. TiiH Dalles, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. lJV?,, vJZa' it. lowmuip-' north, xncjce 1." u vi Clarke 6i Falk have on tale & fall line of paint and artist'c brueber. Subscribe for The Chronicle. to the crviceK ,.f ; ,;JV:.V-. "iJ5'."r lilt- ll1"?1'1"? eiuaustea aigestive or- 1. exempli,! la b;.t;of Z?LM,. n, l6' iVAVie sred digest. e chorister tali: ! Fj;.k KlimLAiiwe Jordan .u Jordan n . :" u "VP ?"le.r Preparation Just "What You uiant. 0 1 111 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide varietv as we are showinp never be- fnrP rrp.wd a s-incle ttock. Kfal imita - tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good paiers at cheap paper prices. Elepan: desiens, tasteful coiorincs, yours . for a email price, at our store on Third street. Also a fu'.i line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. BLBKELEY & HOBiTBH, Wholesale ana Retail Carry the Largest Stick of I Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 1 In Eastern Orecon. 175 SseoDfi Street. THE DALLES . BROS.. f ENEUAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TiiM ana Jelrnn. Phone 159 ..CHAS. FRANK- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kj or. drannht the celebmlMl frn.V U B I A liKKK. Hccniiwl tuaJ tbe best er in The l6il, et tat mual jifit. (.ornc in. trj ltaad tc icriDftl. Al-u tl.v I'int Lrmifl, of Wicea, Iw'Dn: end near. Sanduiiehes baud Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartmcially digests the food and aids jsature in Htrengthening and recon- TTTT Y,V'ir geone wanted to operate on me for pllee, j but I cured them with DeWjtt'c Witch Haxel halve." It is infallible lor nit. tnd tkin dieeaee;. Beirars of Counter te. r limy, f) ' y '''ii - A 1 DRUGGISTS eiacKsmiifis Horsesnoers 1- a 1 ai ' 1 ' 5 v v Tlic Sti'imu'rit ImvltiR nlndiilf, H-licitulu without , -' x Str. Regulator. . L, cited lJi..a.' E Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Sj-v Dalle k Bl S A. M. I Tiltiular ; ?. Ttiumley ... i 4 Saturday . : h Arr. 1'itrtloiid , J at .' r K. I'ortl.iinl mT M. WetlWfl"' Friday Arr Iallc ut & r. H. FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 1 1 I J TrareJ by the ?timpr o! the licculator Uuc ! 5, ton Ut Jt wvlce jKMWe f I'orUand )Si OaV street Hock. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, : elevators, printing- presses, etc ; Circu'.arE ai.d'.c'.a'E furnished cun; jtiicatlon. F. u:i2o ' Wasco Warehouse Company I .Headquarters for Headquarters for Headquarters for ; Headquarters for ? Headquarters fcr ton Flour. We eeil our poode lower than any bone in tbe trade, and if you don't tomk w call and get cur jmcee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBLING WhoIesale and Retail Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the G-reate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISZEY from T'i W jH-r cuiiin. 4 to 16 years old. IMP0ETED OOGKAO fro m 7 00 to 1.00 Ier irui.ou. 11 to 'M yt-urt old."" CALIPOBEIA BKAKDIIS i'cxi, to f i0 talion. (4 io 11 y-are old ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOES SOLD. OLYHPIA BEEE on drnuKbt, anJ Val Blats and Olymt.ia Beer in lotM-i ImportKil Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Crandall & Barget DEALERS IN Jj fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer n-. REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portland & Astoria fvi of tho ItcKiilntor 1-1 nc will run n per tliv fol- 3 Hie Cmiiuiiiy iwcrvliiK the rlfilit to change's imtleo. Str. Dallou City. TmichlnR ht nil Way Point ) IKWf. I.v. Hnlle nt C !IO a. X. Miindety WfdiuiMla)' rrldMy. . . Arr. Portland (iitircrlnln) rr. I.v. Portland lit C A. M. TtiiTdar ' Thurwtay ,? raiuraay Arr lnllc (unrcrtaln; ,3 Thr C nmruinv will on Jravn- tn ulve lt pt For InUm.tlon addra W. C. ALLAVVAY, Gen, Afrt.. Tlielmllej and Motors FOR DRIVING S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON Seed Grain of au kinds. Feed Grain ot eii kin Rolled Grain, an kinds Bran, Shorts, "Byers' Best" Pendle This Flour le roanufactured erprepflr for familj Ufe: everv sack if cuaranteed to rive aatia!.rtjtm. !