Ia? Put Iff Chronicle. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1900. NO 124 VICTORY WAS SHORT LIVED Boers Cams Back aM Arc Making - H Warn. REPORTED RE COVERY OF POSITION Hut Nit Confirmed fiafacrcs Strong hold at Moltctio Attacked liy Boers, Ni:w Yoitic, Jan II. A dispatch to th 'JV(luine from London says: An unex pected development of till) Bittlrttloil ll.lH oi'currcil at Coluebnri;. L-ite :td vices aie that tlu Hot"! h leluined with leinforce luents during thu night and occupied t lit! p itbn (rou) wh'uh they were dtiven by General French on Monday. N i.yuwi-ookt, Capo Colony, .Inn. 3. Theru wus brisk fighting today in the hills uronnd Colesburg. The Boers stub bornly resisted thu British ut every p ant, but gradually letrented. The BrHish held thu extreme position to the fluutlt and eant, overlooking tins town. Ilillii around Coluaburg arts numerous not in ranges, but in groups, making it very difficult to hunt the Boeis out. Sixteen wounded havo arrived ut Aru n .lei. L'lMio, Jan. .'!. Latest advices from the (.'oleDburg district tend to modify thu eHtimatuofGoner.il French's .sueuesr. The predicted occupation of Colesburg had not been accomplished hist evening, whilo tho Boers' gun, announced to luve been lilenced, wero still active. Sri.itK'NTUoM, Oapa Colony, Jan. I!. M ri.ing Tho Doors at ii'jl ed Molteno thin morning. JJridc action is now in progress. Nnv Yoni:, Jan. II. A Bpecial to the Tribune from London eaye : There in a deepening tenso of anxiety respecting Ladysmith, w hence most dlfheai tuning repnrtaof tho prevalence of sickness are r ctived. Genet al While reported a list of neatly twenty deaths yectirday from oritrf fever and dysentery and seventy t no sciIoub cares in tho hospital. Dr. Jameson hao all tho work- he can do in that fever nest. It in evident that tho gnrriion c.innot hold out long, and that Mr Kedvera liullcr will not allow ninny dayi to pass before striking u blow. JVaupporta with fresh battalions and b.UUih'H unlvod ut Dutbnn yeotuday hnvftiimt of every ten nun who wmk hi lolllhi; mills, Iron foundries nnd irlassfnctoilMrtlo I ediisiinuillim, ou tiioiv liuw early In lifu Hieto invii pn-sa iiMiiy. 'J'lio iimiu! (.viniiunii la u i nrKlnir, pL'iMnU'iitciniKli tuiiiutliiii'!t dliiiit mid ImeMiij;, buiiietliuvn Jiaid mui lrv. ' TIio uilient i'i nvaweaKer mid tliliiner luy hy iluy. Doiilli evenuuilly conqiieni. 'J'lio lioulilo eoiiui ironi iiitemu heat, mid thu cuiiMiuil hiliiilinu of tliu llnu lMrlteles ut Oust mid lion Hint till iliu nlr. ilicMi imrilelw, under a iiilem.seore, hliow niBBwl, tlmip ede. wlileh tour and inulllalo tlio lulietiUi lliiliiK of tliu lluoat nnd luiis. 'erK'Uiiil ties uiu lima fiiiinud. und heio it in that tliu ut'iniij of eiiiiaimiiitloii llnd u iilneo to feed and multiply. Aeker'u jJnglUlt Iteinedy miik II.M'oveivd hi l'.iit'laml. and In the only euro ill tho world for ItollhiK Mill t:oiiiiiiiitlmi. It lii'.iU up llio mui i), MieiiKllii'iiH the imieoim itienihiiiiiiii of thu hi 'athhii? nigaiis, peruiiuiently utoim thu eouKh, hidlda up Uiu eoimlllultoii and hiiparUi vluor to thu wholo fteni. 11 must ellher euru or II eoMK you iioiIiImk. One Uiltlu ilnei wonitni. Try it. What It has Uuuo for aiany iitheis It will uUo do for uu and your luvid dim, Hold at ii'io., 60. und tl a iKittle lhnni!hout llio t'nltod Ktates niul Canada : mid hi J.iiKlaiid ut 1h. i!dv lid., lid. If ou aie not MitUllud afler buyliiir, leturn thu boUlu 10 your UiuukM, und uet your money bacli. ire uutlwrtx the utnm yuuranUc, II' 11, HOOK Ell 4 CO., J'roirUtor$, iSVw J'wfc For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. aVA Makes the food more delicious end wholesome HUiL utniNU and within forty-eight honrsSir Redvers on ht to bs in le.idiness lor a supremo effort. ! Tho I'.oer line of dofer.FO is now de scribed as sixteen milte in longth, hav ing been uxtended up and down tho Tngeht in order to prevent a turning movement. There aie nnny dispatches jof minor interest from General Uu l'-i'e I c.i in ?i i hw ninri;iif lull. IK. detail, in dicating the diiection of the wy.i attack, fcjutins has evidently improved, for the Huisars of Thorneycrolt'ii horso and other patrols are described as having had brushes with the enemy. Tho naval guns retmin in constant practice, but the Beer gunB aru silent. A ThimsHtHl ronjiu-s Could not express the rapture- of Annie 15. Springer, of 1125 Ilo.vaid St., Phil adelpl la, fa., when the found that Dr. Klnfj'b N'w Discovery for Consumption had completely cjru.l her of a hacking cough that for many year a had made lite a burden. All otiiur lemedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Koyal Cute "It soon re moved tho piiin in my chest and I can now bleep soundly, something I ean rcareoly letiieinbor doing before. I feel like ejunditig its prnit-es throughout the univeisu." So will every one who dies Dr. King's Now Discovery for an v trouble of tho throat, chest or lungs. Pi ice 50c uiid$l. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Huutshioti'd ding store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 f, 11 With Tim HililKi-. Tili..imooi;, Or., Jan. ?, Coroner J. 15. Tuttlo loft this city Sunday morning for Forest Grove, with n I ugcy und his team of ponies, ncc.oiiipiiniud by a boy. While eroding a bridge about seven miles this side of Walt. KmithV, on the Forvet drove tollroiul, thu btidgo gae way. Tho whole outfit fell foity feet be low in a heap, lire thins: Mr. Tuttlu's riht leg and injuring him internally. Tha boy was tendered unconscious, and ono of the ponies was killed. Mr. lllhigswurth fortunately happened along ten niiuuteB after the accident, and jjuve tho necessity nssistance. linbbi 1 tin (iiutc. A startling Incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, la narrated by him an follows: "1 was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back mid t-ides, no appetite gradually grow Consumotioi flip Baking futen. n y,. hlw iimnt ing weaker day by day. Three pbysi clans had given me up. Fortunately, a Iricnd advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great jy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. continued their use for three weeks, and am now a will man. 1 know they saved my life, nnd robbed the grave of another victim," 2s o one should fail to try them Only 50c, gnarr.nteed,'at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. Light Hun of Sitlinuii, Awtoj'.ia, Jan. L The run of fish in the river is remarkably light at the present time, buMho price is sufficient toenlicQ many fishermen to go out. The price of steeiheads is seven cents per pound, and for chinooks, nine cents. Tho latter are very scarce, and it ?i estimated that not over four a day are baing caught m the Columbia. Dull Headache, l'.iiiH in various jiarts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverislines?, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it bscame so it must he purified in older to obtain ;;ood health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It ia certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough c :i's drug store. HEAVY FORCES ISM PHILIPPINES There Will Be No Reduction for at Least Six Months. Ni:w Voui;, Jan. 0. A special to the Herald f: om Washington eays : There will probably be no reduction in tho military force now in tho Philippines for at least six months. Including all arms of the service, there are now in the itlundii 05,C00 soldiers, in addition to about 1200 marines at Cavitend uhoul 5000 soldiers on the warships. Tho total of tho lighting foices is thus fully 70, 0C0 men. The department wishes to avoid tho mistake made when Genetal Otis ttiA tool: command, of underestimating the dilllculties to be encountered, and the policy is to bo followed of having more men than too few. fitiay Notlcn. Game to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ttyo, a buekekin saddle horse, binndad with an oarlock on right hip and an M on right shoulder. Said horse has been on the range near my plauo for the past tsvo years. Owner can l.avo BHiuo.-by pioviny niopeity and pAjing all chaises. Dated Dec. 10,.lfcl)0. Fua.sk D. Jo.vi:k, dee'JO-U The Dalies, Oregon. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, I ml., baa been troubled with that ail ment eineo 1802. In speaking of it he e;iyn: "I never found anything that would relievo mo until I used Chamber luin'a Pain Balm, It acts like magic wiih me. My foot was swollen and paining mo veiy much, but ono good application of Pain Balm relieved me, For salo by Blakeley & Houghton. A i i'lr.litrul 111 timlcr Wilt often cause a hoiiiblu burn, teald.cut or bruise. Bucklon's Arnica Salve, thu bust in tliu world, will kill thu puln and promptly heal it, Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcere, boilH, corns, felons and all skin eruptions, Best pile cury on earth. Only 25 eta, a box. Cure guaranteed, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 GENERALS HATES, YOUNG, M'ARTIIUR Pi'iiSiicil Has Hniiialei Tiesa Time , for FiiMliaii, BATES IS TO SUCCEED LAWT0N Great Pressure Was Brought Upon the President to First Use the Va cancies for Promoting aud Retir ing Many Regular Army Colonels. New Yor.ic, Jan. 3. A special to the Herald from Washington eays. The next batch of nominations to be sent to tho senalc, probably tomorrow, will in clude the names of these three officers, who have rendered valuable nnd con-1 spienous servico in the Philippines. Major-General of Volunteers Mac Arthur, lieutenant-colonel nnd assistant adjutant-general, to bo brigadier-general in the regular army. Drigadier-Gcneral of Volunteers S. B. M. Young, colonel Third cavalry, to bo brigadier-general in tho regular army. Brigadier-General of Volunteers J. C. Bates, Second infantry, to ba major-gen eral of volunteers, to succeed the late General Ivuvton. These promotions have just been de cided upon by thu president, notwith standing the great pressure which con tinues to be brought to bear upon him to utilize tho existing vacancies in tho grade of biigadier-generul for tho pur pose of promoting and retiring, witli in creased rank, colonics of the regular army with civil war r;c-jrd3. By yield ing to (his pleasure, the promotion of General L.iwton was unduly delayed, and hie deith occurred before his ap pointment could bd sent to the senate, although it had been decided u-o.i. The three officers chosen have been in the Philippines uincu tho beginning of tho war. Generals Yonn and Mac- Arthur havo participated in more en gagements than any othergeneial officers now in tho islands. General Bates' svoik h.is been largely of a diplomatic character. a si'Kt; cvr.E von ciKiiri. Tiieiity-llie Yean.' CoiiKtaiU 1'j.o With out a fr.llutu. The first indication of croup is house- noes, and in a child sublet to th.i disease it may be.taken as it suru sign of thu approach cf an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chuuibeilain'd Cough Remedy isiiivtnas eoon as tho child boeonit'B hoarte, or oven after tho croupy cough appear?, it ivi.l prevent thu attack. It is UMd In many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We havo yet to loam of a fcinule instaiieii m which it has not piowd effectual. No other pi opnrAtion can show studi a record t'.veuty-llvo yoath' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley it Houghton. lliihuiiiu I'lugiui In .Manila, Manila, Jan, !1. Health olHcors havj found u native with all the symptoms of bubonic plague in n house in the walled city, where two biwplolous deaths lmvu occurred. Tho patient lias been Isolated and eveiy precaution taken to juevetita spread of thu disease. Tli.U Tin oI)Iilii; llemlaclin Would tirekly leave you, If jou used Dr. King New Life Pills. Thousands of sulterora havo pioved their inalchlesR merlt for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They maku pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health, lv'ty to take. Try them. Onlv 25 cents. Money back if not cured, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Size doesn't indicate quality, Bewiue ot counterfeit und worthless Ealve offered for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. l)e- Witt's is thu only original. An infallible euro for piles and all skin diseases, Empress Skirts. Come and see the Garments. You will bo im pressed by tho style, the qualit, the finish of these skirts. The' represent tho best goods on the market, and at onr reduced prices are one and all exceptional bargains. Underskirts of metallic Skirting and rnorceri.ed snteon in fancy stripes and plain col oiv; corine, pigeon blood, French blue, navy und pur ple, .lust ono or two of a style. $3.50 ones roduced to if2.C5 ;!! 00 diua reduced to !?2.)5 2,00 ouua reduced to $1.55 SEE WINDOWS. A. M. Williams & Co. STEAM' LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that pooplo go Miles to patronize us, Our prices aro not Hobson's choit'O, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as somo pooplo think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. Inventory Sale of nr-i a Note Reductions. ?S 50 changeable Taffe ta Silk Underskirt, dou ble ruffl--, corded deep flounce, reduced to $4.95. $5 Taffetta Siik Under slcirt.deep corded fionnce, lined wfth grass cloth, plain and changeable colors, reduced to $3.50. .fo Plain Tatretta Silk Pet ticoat, in cerise, red, green, bright and dark blues, deen flouneo with 5-inch luflle, reduced to $0,50 Black Taffetta Silk Underskirt, deep corded flounce faced with grass cloth and lined with Perc.tline $2,75 French Sateen underskitt,corded llounco edged witli a 3 inch ruf fle, lined with grass cloth, eoloia bright and dark red mid bluo $1.95. Advertise in The Chronicle V