1ft? Ill Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EAN5E5 THE 5YSTEM L , .EFFECTUALLY Ritual CoNST'PATION EFFECTS. IC1AL BUY THE GENUINE M&NT'B By rfnPMiA Fir. Vypvpio. JOB 5AUK AIORWSUTi fSU S9i PtSSCIIlL Not the Twentieth Century. When does the twentieth century begin 7 One year from Monday. Why do you eny bo? Let us answer by asking and answer ing other questions. When did Monday begin? At 12 o'clock Sunday night. How long does Monday last? Until midnight Monday, or twenty four hours. When d'd the week begin? At midnight Saturday. When will the week end? At midnight Saturday. When did the mouth of January be gin? At midnight Sunday. When will the month of January end? At midnight January Slat. When did the year begin? At midnight Sunday. When will the year end? At midnight December 31st. "When did the year 1000 begin? At midnight Sunday. When will the yeai 1900 end? At midnight December 3ht. When will the nineteenth century end 7 At midnight December 31st, 190U. When will the twentieth centurv k'iu? At midnight December 151 st, 1900. AiM erllHHtl I. inters. be- Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloflice at Tlio Dalles un called for December HO, 1000. Persons calling for the samo will give date on which they were advertised: John ISostick Antonie Bonomi 15. Holooel James Urownell Wisp Mary Ilest W. (J. Carlton James Cr.unlut J. S. Cartwright Miss Ilattie Gamer Frank Hathawitv Sus'e iluy . p. jom,6 A. J. Johnson .1. A. McNeil Frank Moon G. L. Newman Ii- II. Khattiek I. M. Smith Ella Wheeler C. S. Webber Miss flallie McDonald H. II . ItinnuLL, P. M. Tim .Modern .Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleaeant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Fige, is man tinctured by the California Fig Svrup Oj. only. Esnerionee is the bent Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy lp any ease of coQghe, cold or croup. Should it fail to gives Immediate relief money refunded. 25 cte. and 50 els. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggiate. Entrity Nolle.). Strayed from the range on Dutch flat, one duppled gray horse, four vears old next spring; branded on left' shoulder thus, (J. FIvo dollars reward will bo fciyeu to any person reluming aamo lo my place on 3-Mlle. novl"J -1"'0 0W. Cook. J'rml With every dollar purchase during January und February wo will give one chancHon a $50 Garland steel range. JanS-Jnr MAien 4 HKNTO.V. Ho Clarke & Fulk'a quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the bend. HE WAS RESOURCEFUL. Wna nn Oot'imlnn of ConliUrnlile Aultntlon ltit J'm W There. The glint of the moonlight made ipots of luminous white o the check bones of the shiny black face which confront ed the proprietor of a chicken ecol; in the suburbs. It required no strong ef fort of the imiifrinatlon to regard them as patches of concentrnte.d pallor, for the occasion was one of considerable agitation. "1 wouldn't have thought this of you, said the proprietor, after n pause. "'Deed, sub." answered Pickaninny Jim, "1 wouldn't have stahted no thoughts in yob mind, not fob nuilin." "How did you happen to be here?" "Wliver uh it was jes' instinct. 1 happen tcrgit stahted in dis direction .in' mifVm didn't, happen fer to stop me. lUt's ml." "There was a great deal of noise in this ehiektn house." "1 (Ljiic notice dat, sub. 1 Was stoop in' to listen to it." "You were charmed by the music, eh?" "Well, sub, you knows dar's a certain 'mount o' sweetness to chicken singin'. I'.ut dese was hollerin' like dey all was in trouble." "That fact was what brought me out here. And I am afraid ymi can explain the precise character of their ilifn cvlty." "Some er dem chickens is kind o' young, isn' dey?" said the interloper, after a pause. "Yes." "I reckon tint's de 'splanation. IV hyuhd of it befo'. It's one er de stran ges' accidents dat ia. Some er tie:: young chickens dat ain' got use tet rooa'in' high, done sot down on dah pin feathers an' it made 'em holler." Washington Star. U. S. COURT ON WHEELS. Novel Hall of .lurtlee Out In Inillan Territory lij- "Which Trouble mid nxjiuiiM .li'i' Miveil. The United States court of the north ern district of Indian territory is prob ablv the only traveling court, ineltidiug the courtroom and nil persons iiik1 things connected, in existence in the United States. United States Commis sioner Hurry Jennings, United Static Marshal L. H. Dennett, and a corps cf as sistantr, nave adopted' tr.is novil of traveling over the district nyd UlW iug court at several differi nt plai es i:. stead of at one place in the district, heretofore. The northern distr'u t i.; Indian territory is large and the towns are far apart, so that it is very hurt! f'.t persons to travel to and from to nttcmi court, as well as expensive. Commissioner Jennings has had a small house built on wheels, much re sembling a mover's outfit, in which they travel, und also in which they holt! court in the various towns oer the dis trict. They carry cooking utensils wiih them mid have tin expert cook, who keeps their house in order. They go from place to place wherever thi-y ore wanted, and they claim that they have saved the people considerable money, as it is much less expensive for the court to travel than for the people .to travel in that country. Criminals can be reached more conveniently in his manner, as it is often dangerwiis to con duct criminals from town to town with out a heavy guard, as their allies may attempt to rescue them. The tru cling court of the Indian territory is a success, and the people of that district are well pleased with it. Pittsburgh News. Oil HcJolllLMt. Mrs. Ilrec.se (meeting distingiiisbcd Inwyer at rccepticr Oh, I nui so glad to see yon! And looking so well! Some body told mo that yen bail gone till to pieces. Come over in that corner, out of the crowd, and let me talk to you. Distinguished Lawyer Is it because I hnve not gone to pieces that you want to take me apart? X. V. World. J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa , writec, "I am willing to tuke my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely b the ute oi One Minute Cough Cure .after doctors failed. It aleo cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, eolds, croup, grippe and throat and lung trouble's. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. G. II. Appleton, justico of pence, Clarkfabnrg, N. J., sayB, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. Size doesn't indicate quality. lieware ol counterfeit and worthless salve offered for iJeWitt'a Witch IJpzel Salvo. I)d Witt's is the only original. An Infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. The modern and most effective cure I for constipation and nil liver troubloE the famous little pills known as.DeWitl'a Little Early Hisere. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given tlmt the uiidirklgne'l 1 n be-eii np)liited by the county court of the V V r. " ".,r "a,t"eouuiy,uiiiiiiiitrutur of the estate of Antone Jerome, deciutd. All lajikoiu hay Iiik clalinn against tald entiito are heitliy until ed to jirvneiit tliem to me ut my C'ir,l',,e,,l1t1eU1,e!;e4J,r' r" wU,,,M "X """,t' UaM Uctembvr 13, 1W). ,,,,. It. K.OI 110X8, Jcl6-ll AdinliilslMtor. NOTICE. STATU 01' OtlKdOS. I'titi'TIVC lii:il,TMKNT .S.vi.im, Nov 21, 1M''J. Iniicronliinrewlth tlio provisions of mi Act entitlul "An Aft HulimlttliiK to '' V : 1 ,, i t ie Ktate tm'Rim in me uym-im I be held on the llrst Mniiiliiy In June, HK, tlie . iciiiHiiKl'rntM-il Ciiii.tItiiltoiinl Amendment!.. approvt-d February l1. I, T.T. eer,l.ov- oritur nl the Stale nt OrcRtm, do hereby caiise the lollim I lit? jiroposou imieiiiiiiicniit n. .m- ....... . tuttimot the State n (irrem. " ,;Vr!"'.l1 i. tl... Unnrnlnrf IIP m.lt,.. Ill III' llll lltHlU'lt flirllM' rnnsoeutive wi-olc lit Tin: iiau.ks i h n newKinper pulillsheil In the Pcveiith JmlU'Iiil District m inu puue m "vn Done nt tlio Ciipttot. at Pnlom, (hcriui. this 21st iluv of Snvi'inlicr. A. H. lS'Jv. 'r 'iv i,l'.i:u. lioveriior. llv thcOovornor: 1'. 1. lir.NUAK, Secretary ot State. Bl'.NATr. JOINT lil'.SOI.l'TION, NO. i. lie It tesotveil bv tlic Semite, the IIiiumtoii currliii?: Tliat the IiillnwIiiBimienilnu'iit to the ConstiUitton nt the State of Oregon delimits That section 10 of Article XI. of ttie Constitu tion of the State nt Oregon bo unit thr Mime Is licteby abrojTiitiii, ami In lieu thereot N.ctlon 1U of Atttete XI. shall be as follows: Af.TlCI.r. XI. Section 10. No county, city, town, school dis trict or other nmnlrlpm corporation shall be al lowed to become Indebted la any minuter or for nil'- liurpo.ve to mi amount Including ptcM-nt ex. IstitiK indebtedness In the acRregate exewillng live per centum on the value of the Uxalile propertv therein to be ascertained by the last as sessmetit for State mid cotmtv taxes ptevliiiis to Hie Incurring of such lndebtedni'si. Adopted bv the Senate January 1S0:1. V. W. Fulton, 1'rcsldent of the Senate. Concurred In by the llotiso, l'ebrtmry'J. lS'.H. V. 1. KF.ADV, Speak. l of tlie House. Adopted by the Senate January ill, I'M. , Jo-Ki'ii Sision. I'teslcleiit of tlio nenntc. Concurred In by the Houc, February I, lsK. Ciias. II. Mooc.ks, Speaker of the llouse. SE.VATi: JOINT liKSDl.rTION, NO. W. lie It roolved by the Senate, the Iloiise'eon I'll rrtit Tlmt tin. followltiir nmendineut to the Constitution of the State of Oregon. In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (7), be and the fame is hereby propocel, to-wit: suction tkn. The Legislative Assembly may provide for the election oi supreme mm eucuii Jinigesiii ilnpt plnsr.s. ono nf wbleb iM.isses shall consist of live Justices of the supreme Court, uho shnil not norfoim circuit duly: and the other class shall ronsiht of as maiiv Circuit Judges as miiy be deemed neecssTy, lio shall bold full terms without allotment and who shall take ttie same oath as the Supreme Judges. 'lhe legislative Assembly mcycreale as many circuits as may be necessary. Adopted by the Senate, February 15, 1M.!. C. V. 1 fl.TON, rresident of the Mtiatc. Concurred In bv tlic House, February !.", ls:u. W. 1'. Ki:aiy, Speaker of the llutise. Adopted by the Senate, January 11, Ism. JosEi'ii Simon, l'resideut of the Senate. Concurred in by the House, February fi, laiXi. ciias li. jiooi'.ES, Speaker of the Hutie HOl'Si: JOIST UKSOIA'TIOX, NO. 10. Ilesolved by the House, the Senate concurr ing: That the following amendment to the Con stitution of lhe State of Oregon he ami hereby Is prono-ed: That the Constitution Ik' amended by adding Article XIX. as follows, to-wit: Aivnci.r. xt.x. Section 1. The necessary use of lands for the constrncti'Jli of ic.-ervnirs or storage b.islns for the purpose of irrigation or or tights of way for the coir.tiucliun of canals, ditches, Humes or pij.es to convey water to t ie place of use lor any useful, bsnetlclal or necessary numo-i; or for I oiainage, or for drainage of mines or the work nigs uiereoi, ny means oi ruaut, laiiroau. trum iays, cuts, tunnels, shafts, hnlitlng works, iliinii or other necessary ine.ins to their com plete development or anv other use necessary to the complete development of the natural re sources of the state or preservation of the health of lis inhabitants, is hereby declared to be a pub lic use and subject to the regulation and control of the State. Section 2. 1 he right to appropriate the unap propiiated waters of any natural stream to ben elicial uses shall never be denied. Section o. The use of all waters now appro priated for sale, rental or distribution. iiImi of nil waters orlginaily appropriated for private use, but which, after such approptiilioii, has hereto fore been or may hereafter be sold, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be a 1 milieux and subject to ti e regulation irid control of the State in the manner prescribed by l iw. lint the right to use and appropriate such waters shah 1! subject to such i rovlsions of law for Hi- tak ing of private property for public or ) rlv .to use as provided in Section is, Article 1 of thy Con stitution of the htate of Oregon. section 1. 'J he right to collect taxes or com Iieiisatlou for the use of water supplied tnan county, city, townoruater district or Inhabit ants thereof, is a franchise, and cannot bo exer cised except by authoilty of and in u manner prescribed by law. Adopud by the House. Fibriinry 1.1, ISO J. , I' KtiAlir, speaker of the House. Signed .March 7, s'j.;. Adopted by the Senate, February 17, lvj:i. C. V. 1'cr.TON, i'le.-ldeut of the Senate. (signed II an Ii as, lsu;s j Adopted bv the House, Iibruury (i. 1-0.1. Ciias. 11. iloonw, speaker of the Ilr.use. ConeiirrHl in by the Semite, February Pi, !i,1. Josiint Suio.v, l'resideut ot the Senate. HOUoi: JOINT UF.aOI.UTIOS NO. 2. Iiro.osiugan anieudinent to the Constitution of the state if Oregon, by iei.-aling Section iij of Artlelo 1. Jte-solved by the House, tljoten.ite concurring; That .-eetlou 3.1 of Article 1 of the Constitution be ami hereby Is repealed. Adopted bv the House, January 11, lsari. W. 1. Ui.lv, Sp-.Mi.cr of the House. Concurred in by the Senate, January 80, ls-j,). C. W. Fulton, l'resldunt of the Senate. Adopted by the House, January if). Mi, Ciias. II. ilooitKs, Speaker of the House. Concurred in by tlic Senate, February li, lk.03. fci:.NATF. JOIST KF.SOI.iniON NO. 7. lie it resolvid by the Senate, the Housucou currlng; Unit the following amendment to the Coimtitutlou ot lhe Htate ot Oregon bo and Is hereby proposed; aiiticu: i, The elective franchise in this State blmll not hereafter bj prohibited toanycllUen on account of sex. Adopted by the Senate, February fi, WJ'. JosKi-ii Simon, President of the Senate. Adopted by the House, February 0, ih'Xj. Ciias. 11. iloonus, Speaker of the House. Ciias, 11, Mooiiks, SK.-Hker of the House. Adopted by the Senate'. January ill, IfeW. 'i'. C. Tayi.oi'., l'resideut of the Keimtc. Adopted by the House, January ill, IHr.i. U. V. Caktkb, Shaker of tlio House. UNITKH HTA'IKB OF A.MKU1CA, i STATK OI'OllKliON, Olllce of Secretary of State. ) I, F. I. DL'.S'U Alt.Secretury of HUto of the Htato of Oregon and Custodian of thr. si-ni ..r klllll State, do hereby certify Unit I have coiiiiiarcd the pre-ee-dlug copy of Senate Joint Ite-soliitlon So. 1. of the legislative AHii-iiililv i.r iui '.Municipal Indebledness amendment;" Senile Joint Itesolutlon No. lit of the Uglslatlvo As scmblvof Ib'j.j, "JuiJIrJury Amendenti" llousu Joint itesolutlon No. 10 of the U-glslativu Ah- seuiuiy in ievir-"irrigiiou Ameiidmojt;" House Joint liesoliition No. '.' of the legislative Asscmbl of WM,-" Itejieiillng Ainendmeiit;' mid Senate Joint Itcioliitfoii No. 7 of tlio Ix-Kis- uiiivo Assembly of low,- -"Koual Hiillnnii Ainciidinunt." vl IHo in till oll'.ce, with tho original copies now on O. 1111(1 tint the tlllllu U a irrirrr.,,1 transcript theieirom und the hole thereof, IN TfiTIiONV Wiikkkof, I have here unto set my hand mid ulllxed hereto (hi:ai. the teal of the Stale of Oregon. Done nt the Capitol, nt Katerii, Oregon, ..." .1(1, .4 II, .'viviouur, a.i, Y. I. HL'NIIAH, Secretary of State, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Om HUT UPON PAYMENT OP ONLY The New Werner Edition ENC I tLUJ A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 PASSIVE VOLislViEb So complete that it covers the entire ran-T. of human biowlcdgc I -r.f-ri si i i Lr.iJ.-'S'j.-'A'ii:1. V it , . AMI . . km,..' Tlic entire sot I LtUtinU4 Kijrit4w4Mii-jr " twmm- LLJ an.l case delivered t i nn upon payment of only V ' J J Balance payable in small monthly payment:. Workmanship and material the The product of the largest and best The BRITANN'ICA is the acltnowl- :d?ed standard of all Encyclopedias, and .he NEW WERNER is the best edition :f the Britannka. Do not put your money in old editions jr poorly made books because they are :heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family jvho has this work over one which has lot FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "Om; Minute' Cough Cure is tho best remeily I ever uiud for couylm ami uoltls. It is une'qiutlii'd for whoopinn couch. Clirildren ull like it," writea II. Is. Willinins, Gentryville, lud. Never fails. It iu tlio only litirinleas ruincdy that yivea imnedmle rusuItH. Curea eounlis, coldii, hoarniiss, eiroup, pnen tnotiin, lironuliitia und all throat and lime; troubles. Its e'lttly uao provuntri consumption. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, I the: dalles, oregon. Rooms on Third Stroot, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. "3W33S QNV 3WO0 DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE iHJJILiJ Trade Marks Jebions COVRIQHTB AC. Anrono aenrtlnii a nkolrli and description ma nulcklr luoertaln fair opinion free whether ', liivoiillon pnilialilir iiiiteiilublo. rnmniunlpf. tlona ttrlctlrcoritidentlul. Handbook en I'ntiuit fiitoi.lji taken thrmitih Mnmi jl i tptcUtt notice', without charuo, Iu the llirilUKIl PIUIIII & (,U. . retulTB $cit(ific nmtm. A Imndaomalr lllnitHted wenklr. 1 rA.i i,. rulatlori ut nnr clentlOo Journal. 'J'erriin. 13 a lV.,Si;ifriniltl"' u Bo'd ln nowndealem. uiua, f 1, duiu ujrun noxiiier. osBiBroy, (jew York taoob uOlea, DOLLAR postfii&sioNOP MICA. iStS- -Trtr iTi-iBM 1 Jt III hlRifClY! oi i i.i-eiM.-i"r 1 ..I..-.. . '""i with Guide best known to the book-making art equipped bock- factory in America. If you cannot r.end your cliilJrcn to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has r.evcr been sold fqi less than Wj.so. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or f45.oo on monthly pay meats. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritAKKACTA KNMillALllAHIvINCJ HUhlSUh Lutterg of Credit iHHiied availublu In tho Eiuittirn StutfR. Hlht ICxuliiiuuo nnd Tulei,'raphic TnuiaforB Hold on New York, Chiciu-'O, St. LouIh, Sun Krancirieo, Portland Oro Kou, Sfitttlo WiibIi,, and vuriuim points iu Oregon und Wutihinulon. Colle'utinna mii'.lu ut ull pointe on fuv orublo torniH. J. H. KCItKNF., I're-Hldent. II. M. IIKAI. , L'tethlor First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hunking UuBimwa transaeUid DopoBttu reeoivcid, utibject to Sight Draft or Check. Collodions iundo and proeuuda promptly romittod on duv of colloction. Sie'lit and Telegraphic ExohaiiKo Bold on Now York, San Francisco and vort !und. D1HKOTOHS D. P. TllOMI'HON. Jno. B. Sohkhck, Ei). M. WiiiMAMH, Gko. A. LlEUB. H.M. Bkau.. IWRS. OlilVlfl W. WW, STUDIO AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Stroot, butwucn Court und WubU. ton StreutH, 'J'lti Dalles. p. Stephens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishiragg. Hoots, HhoeH. Iliitn, Cnim, Nutlimn, Aut. for W. I DimikIun Hlioc, Telephone No, 88, llll hecumi Ht Tiie Dalles, Or, ABh your grocor for Cliirke A Fulk' pure concentratud fluvorlm: ixtructe. WW hVimw .ruti ,wr vm (r'-ii hm;a ' , ' iUi i.j.l: .i .wr-r -i I , , i ii in ifiC timi: HoriKiitn.r., J'llOM IIALI.KH. Auuivi I'l'OM, Fait Midi 11: 15 p. in, Salt Luke. Iietiver. I t l'nst Mall ir.;p b u.nrn. tin 1 11. kiii 1 min city, Ht. UiiiIm, UlilriiKi mm l.iut. Hpol.'iuie Flyer 7:0fi p. m, Walla Walla, HvOkiilieJ MlnnenpoiiH. Ht. I'mil, in lut h, .Milwaukee, HynkiitK ClileaKo mill i.iiht. I . m. I'i'.om l'nr.Ti.Atrii. Oi'Piitt KteamHllli. l-,,v Cti I'riiltf.lm.flw Heeeinlier n, k', 1:1. IK, M ruin ..1. fin. 111. 1 In. m. IIx.jmruliiy'ColiinihlH It v. Btcnmprn. Ex.hundij IO A MTIMIIA III1U II 11 fiatunliiy lJiinlllieH. f. .. ... ' lV,r .....h. IMt-pw I i.fW. n Kx.buniinylOreKiiii' Cliv. fsewlMirBdELHuinUj Kalem A nay IjiiiiI'b. ? n in. ill'ti t.iuVTTt A M ti V AM - .'1 rtO II IB. Tne,1 lair.! 111 I.I, HlVRitN. .Mnii.,v ami but. Oregon ("it y, imyton, una rtL 1 anil Wiiy-l.anilliiKK, I1... ... 1 Vl'tft iitvti. IFtl-VH I J'!tnt. m Tiii'..Tli'ur, rortli'u'ul to CorvnlllK,, Mini Wed 11 mi nut, mm v ny-ijiiiuiiica. nnu 1 iimi H.'.'AKr. ItlVIMl. Ulparla to LewMmi. 1.i:aVi 1 i.kwiktch ilally K::) a. a. I.v Ulparla Ciiliy 1 :'J) a. m. rartli'M ilinl'ine to co to IlepPIMT .llouU take No. I, leavlriK Hie Kalle.i ut .:u p. n iiiiikliie illn-et nitiiiiTtlrnis nt lleppner JiilietlMi Ite'.iiriiltiK iiiakliiKillri-eteiitnieetinn nt lleppntt Jiinetlnn il tli .No, 1, arrilli,T nt inu iihiiniii J:.K. in. No. SO. thrntieht frelnht. east lioltlirl, linen n enrry imnheMice'ia, iirriven !!,JO 11. m.i clepatti :i.M)a. 111. Nn 'Jl, Inrnl Irelclit, rnrtlen pnsr.tinr;eri., Wit Imutiil; iirriven I, .Hip, 111., ilc'pnrtKh.lfi p. in. No. 'Jl, wit linnnil t)inni;li Itelrjtit, iIik"( set rarry piirse'liitem; nrrUes h.13 p in,, ilejoru no. went iiimiiii incut ireiRtit, rarnen iw neiiKers; nrrlet ::15 p. 111., neparlk h::;u 11. in. I'or (nil pnrttenlam ealt nn O. It. .t N. Cfc'l attelit '1 he liullea. or mlilrrss VV. 11. lll'ltl.llL'ltT. (ion l'a.i. A21.. l'urtlitiPl, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK Tilt Southern Pacific Comp'y Trains leave mill are due to arrive nt 1'ortliL LKAVK. OVKUl.ANll KX iire.ss, Salem, Ui)o i.oxe- 1, Suu- I eii.Sali I to) ave, ( '7:00 1'. 11. I liurit, AHlilunu, rameiitii. Uitilen Kralielneo. Molav n a u l.i All(telea,Kl l'aso New urlean.i I ljiht :S0 A. M. ItoM-bnre mid way stu llllllH t;:io r. a Dally except rvlii Wnnilliiiru lor 1 Dally except btuiUaya I .. ..iVllK'l, nilVUi.lMI, I Went Belli, llrnwim- V vUle,riprltiKllel(l mill I Natron J Buntliiyi i.M)i.rj;.M)i;.M-i: rAHyi;.Ntii;u I xnrenMnc tinny lexeepi nuiiUHyi. 1 io n. in. (i.v. . .1'iiriiann ...Ar.i h.a.r: 11. in. ai aiii.Minnvi le .i.v. n.c :au p. 111. i.vr .iiineiieiii enee..l.v. J i.Ma.n Dally. (Daiiy, exeept bunuiiy, DIN'INCi CA US O.N OCiDHN HOU'I'K. l'L'I.I..MAN llt'ITKT HI.lfKI'EHS AND Hi:CONI)HI.Abd bl.KKI'INU ( ARB Attached to nil Tlirotifh Tnillm. Direct eonnee'tlon at Kan ! rntieheo with Ocd ilentul mill Urlelilul and I'anllli) mall uteaiimlil) mien inr JAl'AN und CHINA. Hh loir date tt n plleatlnii. Ml!. Also JAl'AN. UllINA. ilUNOl.l'U' itl ......n ...... .,,.m-4. ..1 J.liniuill imilllK IIIIUJ.w A (IHTItAl.lA. All above trains arrive at mid ilepart IrW tiiiiiidCentiuiatiitloii, I'llth and Irvtni: utrecti YA.MIUI.I, DIVISION. IWeiiKer Depot, loot of Jctlcmon direct U'nve lor Sherldnii, week cluye. tt;Mlp.B Arrlvn ut 1'nrtlntirl o!o m U'kvu for A I It I.I 1C on Montlay, Wliie.sclny u4 Krldnv at h:.1 n. 111. Arrlv.' at Portland, Tu Mm. fri.b.i.., ...... u o.,. .. ... ....1, , iMitniiuj i.tlU ClflfclllllllA l OiUU . 111. Kxcept Hiitiilny. iixeupt Butnrdiiy. It. Ke-KUKU, ilaniuitr. (1. II. MA HICHAM, Aunt. U. K. A I'ltHK, Alt Tliromrh Ticket Onicn Tl.lrH kiro..t. whert tlirinik'll ticket tn nil nolntji in tin. I'altcri Htnten, Cmiudii und utoK oun bo obtaluI iwni-ak iiuua irinn ... J. H. KIltKLAND, Ticket AKi'W. or N. WHKAI.DON. ...STEAM. Wood Saw Will run every dny except Sunday. ltuton Kuaeounblu. Telephone 201. J W. A. GATES, Prop. JJA. 8TUKDEVANT, Deutist. Olllee over Krench it Co,' llaiik 1'bouo C. THK UAU.KH.OHKOO' iu:i'Ai'.T ron h p. m.