IT, w J s r y For a Nice Suit of Clothes. i bitkc. 5 Tbe Ttpxed rfrccplziijc- c' ti-e (Fit:: fcrotbf fee li pe:p:s jo; iiridisz Ctsidi. is cam ibs jD:kicc aztii aav zocf vis:i.ri ' 1: Scii Afrk-i. ii deoksi. Tfei rT:i-: Tc!a so, for i- iirtii: '-.ok rite ;br ccrisinlicc of my jecb Teiit ii tie Ui:i Su:. I; ! i ike&tfd if cer Irub-Asfcncia :ilk- cr.isen- -cicetd coenttm:: -iaoiLir Kcsiis iaTiiWs of Ci-ud. " I: -kwM ia i ay of atuciis? 'Eacksd. "nr.birf of AeneiE iy-pilbiriri itb Oaa Pis'.'f cism: are eentribstfsg libiriHv wird tbe ul.5 Infttatsiici J. iatci I tiiei tO lb- TraiTAll, TIS DiJirCii (. iciTn-nii n i jito: rir i tb iiri bij, and tbej tikinr a nseb! ii far sore pritHrortby ; (?t?ri8tTas 1899. i Oh-ii-.i-s Gift bxr. cce f iSit ISirT Vir i hire Jar'iiJt? You uiant. J, A. Eberte. Tailoring. . THE EATS OF CHICAGO The Dalles Daily Ghronicle. Firs Rccerts to Every Ozi City's Pepslaass. of t' Oa k Oae roocth Oae year Columbia Fiuer aid Tourtair lieus. ili-shivea ati 1 czap't'.i'. ef ?rfc?rT. M. Z. DONNELL, DP.UGCI5T. REGULATOR LINE. Dalies. Portland & Astoria TT.t fxtrrc- ('. th Rcptittor Unt will ran fi the tft'.- i the(5ole, the Cosajanj-letcnitur the rlrni to cftinte u Str. Rcpultor. (Umltcd Uod.r.rt t S, I.v Duller l( Bt A. M. Ship your Freight via Str. Dallas City. (TonehtsR t U Wj- I'otnu.) rr. I.v. I'ortUnd tt T a. v. .WeJne6.r . . Arx.'ffi Regulator Line. at 5 r. M Ml X. J.V. 111 lltA. X. Wrdntdr rrwr- Arr. lVJtlil (ancwuln) I.v. I'oitUcU ,! l A. TupmUt 5AtaMj j AtT. IaH3 (nctvtuia) ,9 h' Tue.1T !, Thoilr k .-turdr. t Arr. INtrtlitid C t 5 r. x. I I -citi nATifrnDTi rnnwnTV AND PT.V.ASITRF1. 'J Kex ide in Pter here. Sucb,!. r wwittt vx, 5 iJ varlrtT ts we are ihowlng never be-1 Truvtl br the tarr or th HfcuUtAr IJoc Th Oon;nr will wIwm fore rrtr-ei' stock. Keal imitft- 5i rons ue ll rrrlcc jomIW. r-.r farther lnl .rtl uca cretoa ejects t ordimrr pnecs. 1 ,. rtUnd ocifc,OtW trcct D.vk W. C. ALLAWAY. Cert. Ast.. The iui: 5 God ;peri t cheap paper pnees. 5 . . , - -5 El-f tat dfciicat, Uitecl coloring, roars ) tixia ' " wi.TlTji t-t orjjLAJtAirAJ'AjelKAJarJi,r '"timwiw iii w 1 Jar a sasail price, al onr s:ore on Third ' u . . .. itret- JW) a la.l Hoe 01 Ijonse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. to sire Its ptt- Jreo HDDBHTOH I 15 Polsoa td Cat Are of Little Avail . 60j to Bid the C1tr t Se Ky ! Idlr KaltlpJjlne Roitstt. C. S. Smith, JUPOP.TjyCE OF VICE P2ESI-; s tire 3elt 3c ike rro "td fcr te Repes-j. aixii.c tier ke hen: coisiitka for vice prciicti.; : cs ti. :;Mi btfce -.1 int; ! Ibei-e daj thsn -were ipaier of ia ' -worar stt,tA, xzt ea resEiity Jar cooaesuos with tbu ofSee st -J; nu. r:L iX, Slatfesiia. tbn &zz sv-;. ' lii txi cM& iritiiss die eii't t-o-- "Woodford -2d ei-GoTrrc-r Brsakr. ertrrbciT ifraid f Aea. Phwk'd't e r7e i Up-to-date Qroeeri rrenz 2d Street. "Phone 270. BL0KELEY & VhoCesaJe &no Retail DRUGGISTS 1 Ctrry tb Lrrrtti Stock of j Drugs and Druggists' Sundries t la Ziiter Oreras. ' 1 HaaiSo. ilE DALLES1 TjHfe Impulse 1 AnB? iiii 1. and Motors MA.Vt'I'ACTt'UEU IIY AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVINC GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, Every section ia tie ecaitry hz- s. i-riTi frvc- I8 OQlQIUDla PaGRiDO 60.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF rrxrit coa:iote for the eeoaOi of3?4. Of -Kiiie platt sd iu-' f iite coarse, tbe Ecmber of persons ubo j e- ibarp-ered errs- pine Lard and Sausages be ipoUn of ia this coscectica : p... eoeclM n k nnmn be lifcelv to keep 02 gronng -.Lai. try eiber saik-I ca ear-J. Itt UUiCli) Ui DnRIIU HAMS & BACON ; D2.LFB BEEF. ETC. until the time for the aeettnsr of tbe' P--. oaww sac tmtxitt. ... " con.; ir. :te fcrci of pomuekj, ea.:t. conreation, naless ia tbe zjeistitre r r-f u.iu Urteis cx& Stxse or soaie one of tbta gets a decided , all of tbt-: trtxis are at crk cce- 1,. r, .,, -,rr-U tr.r.c r.i itSitlT. ac t lit CllT tit itriTeK -a uu Uiu; AtA - v it. vj otber aspirants to get oat of tbe con-; u H rmoritt that cti- test. The vice presidectiil ofSce ; esqo hit acre rau :e t rcptcrtiiri. to its jjtt size that; axv ctlstr ctj ca i-s.rt.ii. Tte euuueniy otwse Hore iWKiite 10. jirtrerraiicia tt the txit. statesmsn of enxmcter and ambition L seer t&e ucr-kc ajevaUta, wiuei: i I . - r 1 1 . l . 1 - 1 . 1. .... . ; . 1. . v UL. 1 , . , , cesn 01 ice ciiy, m-; rxi at iff a F. s. '-Gunning, IiflHE BROS.. va. Ta ' S jirrEAi. ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circa!r5 ar:d par'Iralar farnhhed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON 8i3CKSfflilflS ..AND Horsesnoe is Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tm rdi J&jb. PcsEg 159 Wasco Warehouse Company ; Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. 5 Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Mnds. ; Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 17 d?"LkFnEdED Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- i ton Flour. than it wy in many rears. time it was considered something of ; ofrtfee. Tb m dzHea itxm buiiditri an msnlt 1o offer tbe Domination for - t.v l!t cr kv ffrret fcr tbe pcr- tbis post to a .desman of national 1 c"ii0 't4 iThx 1 . iw tit Bear est voocea fiattj&eci ar.-L reputation trbo bad been looting for nnier it Ci?s a bttrrotr. The nit is & i tbe bigber office. Many men, too, trc ffaaiii ahary. eiiEjuny wd, wht-x. tt bo never openlv aspired to tbe first ff ' TL ' - the CTiica-D rat a linhrigist. for in iU putce on tbe ticket of a jreat party, , veits firw Vilutg bod. Cfciexgo' looked at tbe vice presidential post I t3i0f roia b ite t act ; as being too msigmficant for tbc-.r; e fnaon. u, tW A,r acceptance. A writer in tbe St. ieaa tL IiOuis Globe-Democrat recalls tb! almAdl -woxser whv u fact tbat vken Silas Wrisbt. of NeJ tbJlS 't'e.ta i wnehs ifc dij n. - ; Kri-gu. to &c?ese is scalers be . 1 ork, was nomitated vvitb sobstantial ssiirf;. ti a-kstt tw! fajE win nnanimitv for vice president bv the ' " 1t SiJt xim a convention wbicb pot op Poft for! S president, be sent back sncb a j TLi-e KOEtL e tbe iacgy m-r rj prompt and empbstic deerinatioa : tili:ti- tmiag period t. tbat tbe telegrapb, usl at tbat con- j ' " , ventteo for tbe first time for any j H; tie mas whb tfei wnttt pclitical gatbtnar, was said bv tbe ' in Tiehivg tt tA tA tbe btlt. :.. politicians of tbe time to bare siked I e?S fi, " witb tbe New Worker's indignation, frtenur x.tttslt .i-S;rt, i.k Many slatesman of national stature, ! ir 12 -'-i-;. a be irtrae izz bowever. arr. ,nn,l, .1. i tatb -' Pef tte tUu :! ' ... rl -v , f rt) wu nii j ;t . so !u wid i.rl I accept tbe vice presidential candidacy ; r of titir kiii. y a btii of : on tbe Iiepublican ticket m 1&00. 1 I1" i it 'i- u- tten 1 rjf ,t,, , - . M eaehjt&r there i &cU t. iLt rat j Of course, tbe nomination in tbis! iiti f h-,. ..... t :.-.: ' instance is equivalent to electirn. ; l.iM.i U joutg rod. m. " " ;,s THE wsr Tbe experience of tbe late Vicei Jn tie fac of ,itk -"' i o.-esoL.jwt President Hobart sbows tbat tb- ?JtxUxVr& OH1C3 eames Mtb it, to tbe rigbt sort tireiv co arar r.histlie cisr. ii.t it i . Sow w itii xii of a man, a good deal of influence hi" a3ll Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, ft?. Ssussfi & LemIl :Pifie 157 This Hour x rnaacfactored esprejilf for family s: err w?i it srearan!d to rf-r .Ati.fu-tlr.n We m-i! onr ?ooJ lower than aar ia the trade, sad if too don't tfcmk M call aad set cor priofci aod be coariaced. C re? Impotez", IC.'-t Em issi end T.i.t.lar c;23es. &a eftcts of tl- cr ejects end fails- &4ff re-tcr-- . 1 ; r; c: -Br rr.t.:: oOc P' r ' ..GHflS. F-RflW- Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kw,i on draaefct the cetebralt-4 f'LCM3'A iiKEU, necoowj txS?r tee Usi Ucr in Tbe titli, bt tie cmiil vrtee. Come in, try St tad l. rocrinfl. Also ttc i1net trtvji ol VVinw, LI juor SaDduiiehes els'. K iJi o:. hard C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. ' WHIEZZY from T-'T5 lojiw r kbuod. 1 to 15 veare old. IMPORTED OOGIfAO from tl.W to tlL'.OO fr liallor.. 11 to iO vr&r? old. i OALIIOBKIA BEAKDIIB torn iS.t'.O (o iti 10 ter fallow. (4 to 11 yeart old. " ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. for $-.50: vith a -vrrittcn fiiara:. toc to cure or refend tle luouey. fiERVlTA MEDICAL CO. Crmicr. &. izsS&ycx S., CHICAGO, :U. S&d by Bitteler 4 Houghton, The Dalle, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. . It artlficlajiy digest tbe food and aids jjature in strentbening and recon- rATE structlnthe exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered dleest- 5SK "l!.Lc-,. ? ?Lh Prepamion pwowi h m emcieDcjr. it In ly relieves and permanently cure fer 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, and Vl Biats and Olymr.ia Beer In bottlee Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. nfLM,,,,.,,- . .V "aia.uieculy evynuud, .uhfil TWsni r cl t'.i.i-rfct:at.cL isti , cj Jcjrur!Sat.c ae.KTrenticed'niliiorV, liiura, anairs. jur. Jiohart wac other rat em-Tcie do the ucrk a. ' 1 .JiSffi2M,&,,1,!liLbu?teit O'CkHdacbe.Gastralgla CramwTand consulted freely by tbe leader of - U.r, do. T, SSSSitSi i his party, be was a confidant of tbe T.?" .1' E" C C-Cb'caB" president, and be was thus able to Isopress big personality on public affairs. In Ibis way tbe post became tbe M-cond office under tbe govern- aaent in more than a theoretical Sellna, Ga write t(1, j,, i , "7 . a"k iuii imtriCTi m l . aoUiit on lie f-Wesgo ritl Mrttif. 'be a text ot tin otowtgVKIlmtMd lIKallUMM ! i.,a?o Trie.,. , s;- - rA-;2i 'i uw,qu ff TT V? PILLS Men 47 to tu; I !l'"-J-' 'cli U.i ?. Crandali&Barget DEALERS IX All kinds of undertakers BuHal Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. L.T. Travh. .fi Eo.tbrra B. B.ffff'X ONE FOR A DOSE. "I ran rr. .o. :fr'i"' "w " ' OCIOCX p m w y av kiirii c;iu i rif. i.iu' . . a. i acusc. II a man OI aoilltV. tvi?itilr ' ninth in bri m r.f On.. r i. bcraldiiotU;rintMif.,t..!.,l.,nk..J7-." fo.TT.T'"i."L l" its-and tact U nr,m!n ' .7" Cure. In m w .SfrfcAjK' 2" president at tbe PLHnd,-!,.!,!, ,ua." The onlr baradet. remedr "ffl'itT.'n .ttSSHi'V ' " vw. raua. tlr.n T i... , ithat 5vei Immediate retnltt. Corel j w 6a,u trouogu prestige throat and Juo troohiet. vj uk service to give bis post a Ptraanent boom in tbe estimation declH JIOUEKT MAYi. Cwtoty JudRf. I Clarke Sc Fa!k have on tale g foil line Clarke & falk'e fii oritur extracU are I of 5ut n', rt!t, brueher. tbebet. Aek jour grocer for them. gabecrit fcr The Chronicle. J. II. Clark, Peoria, III., ttj,, gor. geona wanted to operate on me for pile. I m i cureu irieia )tn UeWitt'i Wlteb ! natei halve." It ia infallible for pllei and fkin diuutt. Bear; of counter If PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Panoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer