W t 1 JklX 3 V!U Acts GENTLY ON THE dneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAN5E5 THE 5Y5TEM C0&ACHVEP5 OVERCOMES lr-J ' h4BlTUALC0NST'PAT,0N 1 1 UMt PERMANENTLY ,T5BHEF,c,;tE5. EUX THE GSNVINE - MAHT D By (ufvRNIATGfSVRVF(2. PEOPLE TOU ALL KNOW. C. P. U'Rsn, of Rldjeway, was in the city yesterday. A. J. Borie was registered at the "Umatilla yesterday, from Dufur. Dr. Beite C. Rinehart spent Sunday and yesterday in Portland, returning Jast evening. Scott Cathcart left yesterday morning f ir Portlat.d, wnere be is to take a course at the business college. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas returned yesterday after n few days visit with relatives in Baker City. Del! Howell is in from Antelope and is receiving the conEratuIations of friends on his recent marriage. Miss Elsie Pearce -accompanied her friend, Miss Shelton, to The Dalles Sunday, returning to Portland today. Mrs. E. H. Smith and Mrs. Julia Powell CHiue in from Prineville yester day and left this morning for Portland. Miss Grace Downie returned to her home in Vancouver on today's boat, after spending n week with relatives here. v. Mrs. Robert Te3coe left on the boat this morning for Portland, where she will spend two months under the care of physician?. Miss Edith 0'Lary, who has been 'v visiting the family of her brother, re- turned today to her studies at the con vent in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cram made a trip to Portland Sunday, Mrs. Cram remain ing to visit friends, while Frank re turned last evening. .nr. ana .ir.. .ioiin a. Stevens re- turned from Portland Sunday night, Xflccnrnpanied bv M-ss Pearl Evan", who will visit ttiem at their home in Dufur. Miss Hilda Beck returned to Portland Sunday afternoon to resume her studies at thi business ollege in that citv. Mi'ses Josie Jenkins and Edie Fisher will leave this afternoon. Mr. and Mr. G A. Van Anda have returned from Portland where Mr. Van .. 1 . 1..... . . .. . .... . Panfewwe'e: He is improving rapid-1 ly ana will toon be able to be about. A. W. Mohr.. who formerly resided in Th.- Dalles, but of late years has lived in Whatcom, is in the city. We tinder eland he will remain and accept a prEi tion with the Central Navigation and Construction Company. Liquor License Granted A special meeting of the council was held Saturday evening for the purpose of granting liquor liceuees for the next his month", when the following wtre present: Mayor Kuck, Councilmen Keller, Clough, Gunning, Wilson, Kelly and .Stephens. I.icei.be were granted to F. W. L. Skibbfe, A. Ad Kelle-, Pen Wilson, L. O. Hawn, Ciiae. Michell acb, P. Lemke.Andrew Baldwin, John Howe, "Wm. Marders, Sinnott & Fish, Maetz & Pundt, Chas. Stublinz, Bxxi Paker. Fouts t Johanne3an, J. M. Toomey and Utiae. Jrrank (two). Claime were then read against the city, and on motion of Wileon, that of the Gorman Hubber Co. wae laid upan the table. bills AL'-nwiu. N D Hughes, marshal Geo Brown, engineer G A Pnirmnn, nightwatch. . . O J Crandall, treasurer K 11 Gates, recorder .7o 00 . "0 00 . 00 00 . L'O 00 .. 50 00 Dalles City Water Works, rent Dec 60 00 A Johnston, cheniicalg for en- t-'lne is 42 Guttapercha & Rubber Mfg Co, supplies io 7-1 I C Nlckeleen, mdse j 45 Sinnott & Fish, meals at jail 0 02 H Clough, repairs iq Dufur & Menefee, legal services. .. 50 00 P F Bnrhatn, hauling 3 To j James Like, haulinc. . 3 75 , J VV Blakcaey, hnulinc "5 A A Urqnhart, labor 2 SO T T 1-annon. nbor -o iv Chas .Tone?, labor Bert Eaton, labor , Ernest Patton, labor Wtn Morcanfieltl, labor 14 00 ! T? (in O" nn -" ' 1J OA 14 5f) .1 ii tauuuu, iauji R Siibs, labor l I O A Crow, labor lo 00 Tonv Jackson, labor 5 20 10 VV J .1 Hecker, labor 14 20 E T Henshaw, labor 3 60 J C Fiood, labor 3 00 A Hess, labor 1 CO . Geo Seth, labor 6 20 Wm Gates, haulinp gravel 20 SO D Hughes, killing rave dogs o w TREASURER S REDOUT. Dec. 1 Cash on hand $7003.70 Ilec'd from D-illes City 230 S2 Rec'd Dalles National Bank. . 2.20 Dec. 30-Water rent, Nov 1011.10 Total SSS53.S2 Dec. 30 Int. on watpr bonds $750.00 Dec. 30 Warrants re deemed 1G9.C0 919.00 Jan. 1 Bal on band. ..$7934.S2 ater Commissioners. j Water Commiss loners Bolton, Moore, Randall, Fish, Buchler and Senfert held a meeting at the recorder's office Satur day evening, when, after routine busi ness of minor importance, the report of the superintendent was read as follows : Total book account. .. f 1435.93 Collected water rent 1011.10 Deiinqnect 424.55 The following bills were allowed : J B Crossen, superintendent ?G0 00 C A Borders, helper 60 00 Ned Gates, secretary 10 03 A A Lrquhart, labor F Clarke, labor J Staniels, labor E Julian, labor Wm Morganfield, labor... Jacobsen Book & Music Co J W Blakeney, eipressacs 7 60 4 60 4 60 3 GO 5 GO SO 50 sup. . D S Dufur, ins premium 3 45 BUSINESS LOCALS Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Floral lotion will care wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest tk'ind of chicken feed. mcL25-tf Clarke & Falk baye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. S.ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokt Tea. A h Onintll hb.ill .ml. fLMnrnAniin.!.-. r uu.ium. uui c: wuuLifjuuuri 1 and mdiVfitinn rnpl-eo ,rn ) ana maigettion, makes jou tat, Eleep, i work and nappy. Satisfaction guaranteed 1 . , ... , . or money bsck. 'Jo cte. and oO cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist' Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an mfallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumouia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. Believes at once. Druunul In u liath Tub. Sax I-iu.ncisCO, Dec. 31. Hilliard F. Johnson, a reporter for the Chronicle, IVHQ inilnr! Ipnil In o l.ati. tub at his . " "llt !odi:i" .!,. The tub r1"'""1" "mer, ana appearances in- ! ;..tcrl ,i.n. i..ir.,. , , iuui uumi;uji iiuu Jdirueu anuibenndl' -by Is repealed. lalien into the water. This theory is supported by the fact that his feet were encased in a pair of slippers and the bath towels had receutly been used, while his clothes were lying across a chair in hie bedroom, adiolnini? the bathroom. He was also known to have I been a sufferer from heart disease Uur baby was covered with runnini? tores. Denitt'e Witch Hazel ------ oaive cured her." A specific for piles and ekin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. re! With every dollar purchase during Jauuary and February we will eive, one chance on a f-50 Garland steel range. 12-1 w Maiee & Bk.STO.s-. Esperience is the beet Teacher. Use Acker's English Kemedy in any cat.e of cougtip, coiu or croup. Should give immediate relief money refu 25 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley & Hough fruggists. Canti u tour Ccecki, . I Al countv warrants registered prior C. L. PlIlLLII'H. Ooiintv Treasurer. M nutril. A girl to do teneral housework. An. ply at this office. 09 , NOTICE. STATE OF OREGON. ExrxrrtVK Ur.rii.T.yrM. setnv, Nov 21. ss. In accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Art Mibmittlug to ti o Electors of the sto'c of Urcconat the ncncral K'ectlon to W IICIU I'll 111V U1-. .-l.'UWn; ... mm.. . U'lirtlrc lTnpoeed Constitutional Amendments, 1 I.....-....? rAKm.n' li im 1. T T (iiHT. t,OV- cinor of the State of OrcRon.do hereby cnue the t,1,,.innr.iivfti amendments to the Con tdtioa of thestatcoj Orcpon, n certified to 1V , the secretary o! state, io i puniiMicu n r i five eonvxutUc wcek In Tim Hallls CHROMct.K, n newspnper publtMwl in the Seventh Juilinul Dhlrict of the stfcte of Orc.con. Done nt the Cftpitnl, nt .5nlem, Orecnn, If Ell thl .'M day of Novemticr, A. 1. 1SVJ. r. T. UEhK, U.ernor. Ilr the Governor: F. 1. DI NKAK, ?i-c.-ctnry of State. SKXATE JOINT RKSOLVTIOX, NO. i. Be It reolvei1 bv the Senate, the Hoiic con enrrine: That the'followlne amendment to the Constitution of the state of Oregon benudli hereby provoked : That section 10 of Article XI. of the ronflltu tioaof the state of Orccon be and the same is herebv abrogated, and in Hon thervol Sictlon 10 of Article XI. shall be as. lollowt . ARTICLE XI. Section 10. No county, city, tow n, school dis trict or other municipal corporation shall be al lowed to become indebted in any manner or for nnv vurt'OM" to an amo'int including present ex isting indebtedness in the nceregate exceeding five ier centum on the value of the taxable nrojicrtv therein to be a-ccrtained by the las.t m se.ssractit for State and county taxes previous to the incurring of such indebtedness. Adopted bv the Senate January 30, WZ. C. V. Fclton, President of the senate. Concurred In bv the Mouse. February 2. 1S91 w. 1. K'EAtiy, sjvakLr of the House. Adopted by the senate January hi, l"y3. k JosEi'lt sijion. President of the senate. Concurred in by the Houe. February 4, lkus. Chas. B. Mookes, speaker of the Uouse. SENATE JOINT RES01.V HON, NO 13. J currins: That the 'following amendment to the Constitution ot tne state ot Oregon, in ncu oi sci'tlon Ten of Article seven (7). be and the same is hereby projK)?ed, to-wit: SECTION TEN. The legislative As'cmbly may provide for the election of supreme urd circuit Judges in dis tinct class' s, one of w hieh classes shall consist of five Justices of the stlprcmc Court, who shall not perform circuit duty: and the other class shall cons.st of as many Circuit Judges as may be deemed necess ry, who shall hold full terms v.ithout ullutmcat and who shall take the mi me oath as the Supreme Judces. The Legislative Assembly may create as many circuits us may be necessary. Adopted by the -euatc, February 15, '.-9.1. C. W. fl'Lio.v, Prtsideut of the senate. Concurred in by the House, February 15. USi. W. p. Keady, sjieaker of the House. Adopted by the scnutc, January V, !-'.'". joscru simo.', rresiacuioi ineMenate. Concurred in by the House, February c, p Cuas. 11. .uookes, s;aker of the H ISM. ouse; HOUSE JOINT REsOLt'TlON, NO. 10. Kesolved by the House, the senate concurr ing: That the following amendment to the Con stitution of the stale of Oregon be uud herebv is propo-ed : That the Constitution bo amended bv cddlng Article XIX. as follows, to-wit: AUTICLE XIS. section 1. The neee.-s.ary use of lands for the construction of reservoirs or storage basin fsr the purpose of irrigation or for rights of way for the construction of canals, ditchc. limnes or pljKjs to convey w ater to t je place of use lor any I useful. biUeficlHl or necessary purine, or lor ! uiniiinut:, ur wr uruinage oi mniesor tne work ings thereof, by means of roud, railroads, tram ways. cuts, tuunels, tnaft, hoi-ting works, dump or other necessary means to their com plete development or nnv other use necessarv to the complete development of the natural" re sources of the state or preservation of the health of l's inhabitants, is hereby declared to lie a pub lic use and subject to the regulation and control of the state. sectumi The right to appropriate the unap propriated waters of any natural stream to ben ehcial uses shall neier lie denied. stctUri 2. The ue of all waters now appro priated for sa'e, rental or distribution, nltoof all waters originally appropriated for private Use, but which, after sucn npprop-imluu.hus hereto fore been or muv hereafter bo sold, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be u lu'-licuse! and subject to tt e regulation a d control of the .-tutf. It) thf Tllut.ti,,. ......... It... 1... I Ll... ..... ..u. ... : nprup7 idie sucii wBicrs snat. , .frrli t a.. .... , . . . 1 oe suojeci 10 sucn ) rovislous of law for th? tali- iugof private uroncrrv for mii.iip ,,r rru- m .,- .l'"', '??J fc;l,"V, K Artl sutution 01 the state of Oregon, eectiun i. The right t cii.t-. Article l oi the Con- i. ect taxes or com- IKinsationfor the Use of water sunpfied to am eOUni-, eitV. tOWn Or KHtlT Hi. trim nr InhnVi!,'. ants thereof, is a franchise, and cannot be exer c.std except by authority of and in u manner prescribed by law. Adopted by the Housp, February 1.1, issj. W . J'. KeaUV, .-penker of the Houe. signed iloreh 7, 1"J.;. Adopted by the senate, February 17, lsai. C. W. I'OtTo.v, i're-ideiu of tliu si'iiatc. (.igned lur( h , lay ) Adopted bv the House, leb.-uary r., 1-uTi, CJiAfc. II. Moouks, speukerof ttie House. Coneurrwl in by the senate, February 13, lsM. Joscni suto.v, l'rejlseut of the senate. HOt'sK JOINT l:l".sOI.t'TION NO. ' roposiag nn itinendment to the Constitution of uicruiurii urt-Kuu, uy repealing section aj ol Article 1. I'.eMilvtd by the House, the fenate concurring. That section 35 of Article 1 of the Conslilutlon J nat section s-i of Article 1 Adoo.... w t- House. Januarv 11. lw.. W. V. K14UY, sp-.alur of the House. Concurred in by the senate. January IhW. C. V. Fclto.v, Pretldent of the senate. Adopted by the House, January :iQ. lvj-. Ciut. li. .Mookj-s, sjieaker of the House. Concurred in by the (senate, February 13, s'jo. SENATE JOINT HEaOI.lTION NO. 7. lie It resolved bv the Kenate tin llrmumn. currlng. That the following amendment to the! ! f !l,,ktl( itrtri.i t.t ll... :...... ... r . . . I j ... ,m ctuw ui uit-un oe auu IB hereby j.rojKised: jiwrctE r. 1 . .r . ' . .'. ."'-7C 111 "'" eiaie suau not inecKCtivciranchI.se In thl ul'ilhi iir ii. Tiriiii 1 111 ri.T i u ,, ..l, , ..... .... . Adopted by the Senate. Kehnnirv r.. iht. Josenr bijio.s-, 1'jtsldent of the senate. Adopted by the House, February C, Wj'j. Chas. 11. Mooi-.Kfe, fcK.-aker of the House. Chas. B. Moor.BS, fe).eaker of the House. Adopted by the Kenate. Jauuary 31, Ib'.O. T. C. Ta vloi:, President of the e'enatc. Adopted by the Home, January 31, iho. E. V. Cai:tkk, hpeuker of tho House. U'NITEI) STATES OK AMEIilCA, Office of hetfeury of State. !! 1 I, F. I. UCNJIAP.,r,ecretary of KUte of tho btate ' ... aim vuMiKjiau or mo null of sNld btalc.do hereby certify that 1 have compared .1.,',,, .....Vi ..1 ... C-.T, .;"v."uc."'. ,ou u,ni.i. 11:., :.r r" 'Kiitive as. Uembly of wji -"irrigation Amendment;'' i House Joint liesolm m K .. ,1... 1 ..... Ascinbl of louj, " Hepsiiilng Ameudmentl' i',,l'I'fuJolV; lu'i0.lu,'11 -s'('' 7 "itheUgis. Hie in this office, and Hut the Ituinei. a correct ..u.v,.,, luiivuuui ami ine kuoic iriereol. In Testimony Whei;eo-, I have here. r.p . , 1 I1,'"" hu,t '"Vharid and uilixwl hereto peal the seal of the Mate of Oregon. VIT "lhti:J'm: ut.Sulem, Ore-Kou, bis Third day of November, A. D. V, I. DL'NUAlt, Secretary of otaU. : f WORTH ITS WEIGHT IS GOLD ONE BUT UPON PAYMENT OF ONLY The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, A SUPERB Li BR AH V Ot 30 RIASSIVE VOLUMES So con.pktc that it covers the entire rznzc of human knowledge. ! f I k The entire set with Guide M M and caso delivered (t i nn ''I U upon payment Balance payable in small monthly payment: Workmanship anJ materia! the The product of the largest and best The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and Jib NEW WERNER Is the best edition Df the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions 3r poorly made books because they are -.heaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family X'hn hnc tVilc ti-nrlr ftvr rn ti-VilrV, Vine t FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. "One Minute Cough Cure 13 the best remedy I uver used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whoopiug cough. Chrildren all like it," writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. ever fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives itrmediate results, Curee coughs, colds, hoarness, cronp, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, and Embaimer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3IAJ 33S OMtf 3IMQ3 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks COPVRIQHTS AC. ,H,"iMn,f..,.!,n.F .a k;' nd description ma- aiVSSBnSTHtt! R.WJ .?.!:'V.'?.'A.fI.f 't''er. , wild r.'ouii VfM.. uuuo uii raieuia Patm-.u taken aKUh'SffSL- .i-1V1T.it. ;..""Vu1fu uon l ru. mKc, wuuuui cimnre, in the la. wilkm,, l.TL . .17 -" n ..iuni-i7 iinisirMMi veklr. Larcost rip. fulatlou of anr soientinn Juuriiil. airius tJ Co.36,Br,New York DOLLAR cToP ot only best known 10 the book-makinp, art equipped book factory in America. If vou cannot send vour children lo the University, btlng the University to them. This -jditi-.n has never been sold foi less than f&joo- For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45.00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -01' THL Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave uud are due to arrive at l'ortlai lea vr, ! 1' OVEKLAND EX-1 press, halern, Kose- 1 Liu nr. Ashland, riau. I 7.00 V.li.i rj'mento, Ogdeii.SHU I I luiiui.uu, -iujne, ( :H A. M ixisAngeies,t.ll'uio, 1 New Orleuns and '6:30 A. II. """eourg una way Ma. 1 .30 1: M I f Via Wilburs for 1 Dully except s'uudayii 1 .MLAngcl, fciilverton, Weft fcelo, Drowns ville.ijprlUBfield uud I Natron J Dally except butulny. 17:30 A. Si. (Corvullia 1 stations . and WM' i:WP. .V. INDEPENDENCE PAHSENGEK. Express train .uii vvAt-cpi ouuuiiy;. i;50p. ra. Ly, .Portland ...Ar.) K:Ku.m 'wp. in. Ar .JicJllnuvllIe ,Ly. 6.Wn, in B:30 p. m. wir. .. .IndeiKiiidene' 4 :M a. m Dally. tDuiiy, eicept tauiidur, DINING CA KB ON OUUEN KOUTE. l'ULWIAN llUJ'FET HLEEPEK8 AND 8ECOND-CLAS3 BI.EEl'JNCi CAUb Attached to ull Through Trains. Dlreot rrmiiftlri,i b., .... n. . - - - - - - H..u.. . nmvinuu Willi UCC.1 ItuUis uud tickets to Eantern joints and Ku AWaUA ' (J,llNA' 1I0N0''U,'J M .A!,H?!lOV.e ;r!",,. rrlvu "t "1 depart 'row Grand Central Btatlon. Filth and Irving struts YAMHILL DIVISION. I ussenger Deiwt, foot of Jederson stroet. Juv for Sheridun, week days, t 4: 0 11. in Arrive ut I'ortlaud, V:'M , in, ' (.SLni5 l?t, .Ar1v' ut. I'Ttlund, Tue- Except Bunday. iJxcept Saturday, K-.&VM-MU, (i, Jf. MAItKHAM, ilanajter. Asst. G. F. A i'uss. Ait Through Ticket Ofllcc,13i Third strout. vrhor through tlckeu to ull points It? the iZtSfi OrWHKAl!DOKSJ.UKUN',,T1:kt'tA8eUt- Miss Annie K. Gunnintr. Tvn.. Mli-i,. Bttf, "I aufrered a Ion time from dyo pejieia j lost flesh and became very weak, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It dlgeelB what vou eat ami riirm all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give Immediate relief in tho worst cases. Use Clarke & Falk'a (minim, ui, O.RAM. IiCI'AKT i-on timk snucnin.Jt. FllOM 11AM.K. Atmtv FllOM, Fat iSalt Lake, Denver, H. Kt Mall I Worth, Omaha, Kkii- Mall litis iv. m. m city. tt. lnls, 8:&j ra I Chicago nlid Last, Spokane vnlln Walla, PHikano,j Spolmtio Flyer MitincMpolK M- l'ill,i Vljre iiiiluth. Milnaukco, 4;?ln. Fljer. 7:05 p. m. ta Chicago and Enkt- 4 p. m. Fnort l'or.Tt.ixri. Orcnti Steamships. , For San 1 ranrisco December 3, W. li. nlid is. 4 n. tn. Columbia Uv. Steamrrn. Kx.sutidij 1 o ASTOJtiA aim nay Satunlay 10 p. 1:1. jjindlngn. ('a.m. ; WiMaMrrrc Hivrtrt. ,4:33p.m. Ex.hu nday On-gon City. Newln-rg, Kx.sutidny Saiem A Way Land'. 7 .m. WtLLAMTTK ANtl VAV- S:.TO p. m. Tue-i.lhur.! Kiu. Kivkm. Mon.,Wesi and saL 1 Oregon City, Dayton, arid KrI. and Naj-lJiiicline. 6 a.m. Wiixamettk HtVER. 4-R3p. rn. Tuc.Thur. Portland to Corvallln. Mon. Wed and sat. I and Way-ljindlng. , and Friday SN'AKE UIVKR. I I.EAVJC l.v Illpariaj Klparia to l.cwiton. Lkwistos daily t 1 dally l.lO u. m. j ,9.30 a. in. Funics drslrmc to ro to llrnniier nhouIJ take No. 4, leaving J be Irnlles nt 7:05 p. n making direct connrrllons ot Hcppner Junction Ite'.unilng making direct counci'tion nt Hcppner Junction with No. l.arriilnj at The Dalles at - !ih m. No. '22, throught freight, cast bound, doe not carrj- pusscrigers; arrives '.:W a. tn., Ucjuirti 3:50 a. ill. No '.'I, local freight, carries psrw-ngers, cast bound; arrive I ju p. m., departs s 15 p.m. No, UI, west bound through freight, iWn n:t carry passengers; arrive :I6 p tn., depart! i :i p. tn. No. -.'3, went Umtid local fri-ight, cirrle pav M-nyerii, arrives 0:13 p. ni., depart ;jo a. rn. For full particulars call on O. It. Jk N. Co.'i agent T he Dullck. or address W. II. Hfltl.HL'ItT, Gen !'a. Agt,. Portland, fir. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEKAL1JANKINU IlUKINES Letters of Credit issued available in thl hastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on New York, Chicago, St. Louie, San Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in uregon anil Washington. Collections made at ull uolnte on fav orable terms. J, S. HCKENE, H.M. 1ICAL , Caihler 1'resment. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuninoEB transacted JJejiofiits received, uubject to bijrht man or utieck. Collections made and proceedE promptly remitted on tluv of collection. Sight and Tolographiu Kxclinnire Bold on Wow York, Kan Francisco and "ort land. OIHEOTOH3 D. P. TlIOMI'BON. JNO. H. SCHKNt'lf. Ei). 7I. Williams, Geo. A. L1311. II. M. Hkai.u 0 ... STEAM... IWood Saw Will run every day except Sunday, itates Heasoiiuble. Tolephono 201. 4 J W. A. CATES, Prop. 4 Preserves t?ru'.ti, Jellies, pickle or cnlaup art ) inoru euiliy, uioro quickly. mor huulthlully seulud with lUiUnsd I'uraiiiu wox thau by any otlis method. Downs or other uses will b '"""'Retlned. Paraffim Wax lo every household. It it clM, tustele-HS and oilnrlvM air, wtr and ncld proof. Uet u pound caks ot It with a list of Its many umsj from your druwtstor grocer, ooia I'verywiMre. uuae ny MTAJIMAJiV 1L CO. TJH- UBIHICNUOltrriEK Pliysician and Surjreou, Bcil Bttentlou glveu to sursery. Hoows si itud Ti, Tel. 824 VontXHotk JfA. 8TUHDEVANT, I i 1 S p. ra. S ti. m. nx.Sunday I i ! Dentist. Orricc over Kruiicli & t'o. Usui ll to keep dandruff from the head, ,,,10" c TJIK UA1.LK, OWEOON