The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1900, Image 3

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Terrific reductions in this depart
ment making way for spring stock.
All overcoats or mackintosh buyers
who aro contemplating the purchase
of such a garment will savo money by
looking over our stock.
Shis is a money sauino opportunity..
See UindolIs.
All Goods Mnrkod
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. 1.
JANUARY 2, 19(10
The ladies Aid Society will meet nt
I'rinevillo is now lit with electric
iiMit. filiMatinnn ilnv ninrkincr tim pvpnt
A rehearsal of tho band will bo held
1 1. .. xr i . i . ! . .
The meeting of the Guild of St. Paul's
DoIIuff tomorrow afternoon.
Tho next year's meeting of the west-
Kttrvu fliaf vmir n n tn I tit it lt u-rtt.
insr 1000 at tho tot) of your altera in-
Not wishing to "crowd the mourners"
. .. lit
iv fnr rnlil Knm h,ih hi will niiiiv
ew lear ceicuraiions ni asnwoou.
r it . .at i
Antelope Herald.
A handsotuo Inca handkerchief was
oet on itourt etreot, either above or bo-
nil' iiiH i ii it ii i unr it vmm 1 1 it irut
niinr will ltiiiiiiu nnvn lr nr una n i r rr n
..... r - '
' Tl.n ..1. ..... I I ... t .. -!!.
inn iiriini!in . nun. ncii 1 1 im ii niiiiriii. i nil
ll . i. I li ii
im fii rut ifi ii ri 1 1 u i an Mil ii a nn "an.
rflrl" Imrifiv now vnnr v&ainrAax.
f ,
Sunday evouiiig during his sermon
hv. if. v. I'mintr unu ruiun in nrwi
T"V IT tl II. .
ouineiitfu locui iiib aciuresa snort, wa l.t 1 !.. V
itivii ni,u urn m ii i UK win new i ear
aiuiii wuru ii niuii uvnr mill iihw unniia.
1'alno stepping out and Dr. Cal-
- P
in ft in iipbiiiii in v iiitriFH. i r urn urn nr.
a I . f t . . rtl i .
1 1IA At 4 A I I
Deputy Sheriff Sexton roturnod homo
r rt I f 1 1 r wmnm N'llam wliava lia n in
ii iiiiniii ui bt: u li in i mill in
r. HAvinn aivi fltara a 1IJ t.nua
... w w,f vw
the ichool. aud about leven from The
Carey Iialtard hat dlipoied of. his
e biv not learned Uiat there li any
Oysters .
D- .
intention of reopening nnd Carey has
accepted a position with his brother-in-law,
V. A. Johnston.
Tho annual meeting of tho public
library will be held nt 8 o'clock Satur
day evening at tho library, tho purpose
being the election of oflicers for the year.
Anvono who may have been a member
six months prior to the regular meeting
is entitled to vote.
Last night Deputy Dell Howell ar
rived in tho city bringing with him
Robert Geer, who was arrested nnd
found guilty of assault nt Antelope. Re
fusing to pay his lino of $15, ho was
brought to tho county jail here, when
he decided to.pungle up and today was
released by the sheriir.
A number of our business houses have
very sensibly decided to close ntO o'clock
during tho months of January nnd
February. Among those w ho have ad
vised uh to thnt ellVct aro IVnso & Mays,
A. M. Williams, Mays & Crowe, and L.
Rorden. We presume most of the stores
will close nt the same hour, although
not having publicly announced their
Tho members of thoordtr of Wotk
men and Degrco of Honor are prepar
ing for nn enjoyable time tomorrow
evening, when an entertainment and
dance will bo given in their hall, nnd re
freshments also served. All members
of tho orders and their families aud
friends are invited to bo present.
Splendid music for dancing has been
engaged, nnd tho beautiful tcreen work
will bo shown.
Tho Methodist church waB crowded
Sunday evening when tho choir, ossifi
ed by Mrs. Jayue arid Mies M. Mlcholl,
Meters. Jayne, Davenport and Smith
and Miss French, with Miss Ruch nhd
Mrs. Collins ns nccompanists, gave a
splendid sacred concert. All who at
tended seemed more than pleased, par
ticularly wjth the bass solo given by
0. M. Smith, whose voice is truly won
derful. Recently a very neat nnd creditable
piece of work in the shape of a catnloguo
of the books in our public library, was
gotten out in the Ileppner Gg.atte office
und presented by Otis Patterson to the
library. It would open the eyes of some
of thoso "crock" city job offices to see
tho taste displayed in its get up, Re
sides containing n complete list of the
books of the library it also tins a copy of
the by-laws and constitution governing
the organization.
Superintendent 0, L. Gilbert returned
homo from Salem Saturday evening und
Profs, Landera and NeirSunilny, having
been in attendance at the state teachers'
association there, They are enthtulas.
tic over the meeting and especially tho
treatment accorded the viiitori. From
tiie reports given in tho Statesman and
other papers, Waico county wai well
represented by these leading educators
of Eaitern Oregon, who neverare allowed
to take a back seat, though inodeaty
might prompt such a course,
Sunday officera found a 17-year-old
Just what you have been looking for
Ladies' Lined SKirts . Below cost.
Ono lino of black sateon skirts,
with 10-inch flounce, three rows of
braid and all full lined, $1.50,
Now 85 cents.
One lino of black sateen skirts
with 10-in flounce and surmounted by
a 4-inch corded ruffio and full lined,
Now $1.00
One lino of black sateen skirts,
13 inch flounce and surmounted by
two 4-inch ruffles and four rows of
cording on each ruffle, $3.50,
Now $2.00.
One line of figured sateen skirts
in colors and full lined. These skirts
have 9-inch flounce with three rows of
cording, $3.50,
Now $2.00.
Hesidce thr6e linos mentioned, we curry a full
line of nnlined skirts in black nnd colors, sateen and
eilk, which wo ure offering at special prices during
the present month.
young fellow, who belongs to a respect-
' 1-1- t 1 . ... rut... T-ll - -- 1 11..
null' inmiiy in J.HU iaiies, in u uuuiy in
toxicated condition, wandering about
with his hnt anil coat off. He was ar
rested and taken before Recorder Gates,
who after exacting n promise of better
behavior and turning over n new leaf
this year, was discharged later. A
workman from tho Washington side of
the river forgot too keep the swear ho
swore the night previous and was cele
brating when he ran acroestho marshal,
who nut n stop to his hilarities by put
ting him to sawing wood.
Mr. A. S. Shrum, of Cherry
in town nnd reports tho mining excite
ment running high in thnt section. He
says that he has traced an immense
copper depositc from Cherry creek to
Pine creek, n distance of thirty miles;
that in places it shows fine specimens
of peacock copper ore; thnt tho only
assay mado so far gives $7.20 in copper
to the ton : that on his land near Cherry
creek the ledge is intersected by a con
tinuation of tho Oregon King ledge.
For u fact, these statements indicate
that Crook and Wasco counties may yet
prove to bo tomething more than "cow
counties." Crook County Journal.
In the hasto and impromptu manner
in which tho question of New Yenr'e
receiving was agitated Saturday - tho
names of n huge nu.nber of ladies,
who would gladly hnvo received, were
omitted, causing some to bo somowhat
chagrined nnd to feel thnt the Ciuto.vicw:
was uuwIfci in giving n list nt nil.
Nuwspnpcra have troubles ofthnlr own
nnd are compelled to hoed tho ecriptur
ul teaching by bearing the burdenn of
others to n certain extent; hut in this
instance wo certainly foel that in justice
to onifclveB it Is nn more than right
that wu bo exonerated from blame.
Tho list of names wnn handed in with
tho Iika of awakening an interest in tho
matter, with the understanding that
others, whose names wore not included,
would nlso receive Tho Ciuto.Nici.u
had nothing to say in tho mat tor,
simply acceding to tho request of the
promoters of thu Idea, Wo therefore
plead not guilty.
From the increased number of letters
addressed to Santa Glaus recoived at the
dead letter office this year it is evident
thnt tho popular Illusion ol childhood
has as strong a hold as ever, or that the
youngsters aro becoming accustomed to
the letter writing, Siuco December 1st
moro than 1000 of these letters liavo
tcachod tho office, coming from every
state in tho union nnd containing re
quests for almost everything imaginable.
Two articles, however, dolls nnd candy,
seem to be in greater demand than any
others, tho little boys usually naming
tho sweels, together with something
el eo in connection with the sports. The
patron eaitit In nddreteed in various
way, the destination of some of tho
lettera being ludicrous. Some aro with
out itanipi, some with 2-cent stamp,
while not u few this year bore 5. cent
itampi, tho senderi evidently laboring
under theimpreuIon that the luppoied
dupenter of toyi reiided in tome foreign
country which was a member of tho In
ternational postal union. Whero the
nddrosB of the sender is given the letters
aro returned, otherwise they aro de
stroyed. The Orcgouian again comes out with
a splendid annual edition, nnd if our
state is not well advertised it is not the
fault of that most aggressive of all Ore
gonians. Wasco county, with the other
countlee, comes in for n good share of
prominence, and Tho Dalles, of course,
Ib justly heard from. There is ono kick,
however, thnt wo feel is justifiable, and
that is regarding tho cut of the city con
tained in tho plctoral supplement.
Surely the view must hnvo been takon
from tho most unsatisfactory point pos
sible, for it glvoi n very poor idea of the
beauty of our city nnd gives the im
pression thnt this is a little 2x4 town,
with a few scattering houses here nnd
thero. The fact is the burned district is
in tiie foreground nnd it doesn't even do
justice to thnt part gf the city. Thcre
arc, however, several other first-class
views taken by our leading artist, who
is hard to beat. We notice several of Mr.
Gifford's famous Columbia river views.
Our postmaster, Riddell, and sheriff.
Kelly, appear to good advantage, the
latter being especially natural. The
supplement, taken as a whole, is ex-J
cellent and gives a splendid idea of the
Ecenery and industries of our great Ore
gon and portions of our sister etutc. -
How 1000 rnn Ornoled Calling Kevlved
111 The Dttllefl.
Dalles people were not overly enthu
siastic about welcoming in the new year,
although 1900 was greeted with the toot
ing of a few whistles, the explosion of a
bomb or two and the ringing of two
church bells. Time was when every
bell in town was rung, and the old rang
out and the new m with a vengeance;
but now we seem to have little liking in
speeding tho old and welcoming the
new. A watch night service was held
at tho Methodrst church and a midnight
mass at the Catholic, while ft large
number cf individuals formed them
eelves into parties and watched tho old
out and the new in.
Old Sol gave the new year tho "glad
hand" yesterday, shining out reeplend
ently and setting an example which
caused n largo number to imitate his
example and make the nust of the day
by revising tUe almost discarded, but
pleasant, practice of New Year's calling.
Tiie idea was not agitated until Satur
day, and all were surprised at the num
ber who responded, while about twenty
five homes were thrown open to receive
them. A much larger number would
havo been prepared had the ladies been
aware that such was the intention.
From 3 until 7 o'clock were tho hours
sot apart and pleasantly passed in ex
changing greetings and partaking of the
dainties prepared.
Contrary to tho usual custom, no
special entertainment had been pre
pared, and tho evening passed quietly,
savo to the members of tho dancing
club, who onjoyed perhaps tl.o most
pleasant of tho season's club parties.
The hall had been prettily decorated in
buutinu', and evergreen trees surrounded
tho orchestra platform and must havo
added nn enthusiasm, for never did
tntipic sound more sweet. An unusual
crowd was in attendance, who seemed
to greatly enjoy the dancing.
Wrntliito liilVot YuMuriliiy Tho llsmiii-
tlnl l'lovlslun.
Tho law passed at tho last session cf
the legislature, providing for thu regis
tration of votois, went into effect yester
day. Tho Ciikonicm: ofllco has just got
ten out a pamphlet containing the com
ploto registration law which will be sent
to each precinct. More detlnlte infor
mation will bo given through the col
umns of this paper nt various limes
later. Tho essential provision, however,
Ib as follows:
"It ahull bo the duty of every elector
in tho state of Oregon, between tho first
Monday In January, 1000, and 5 o'clock
p. in. of tho loth day ol May, 1000, and
between the same dates nnd hours bien
nially thereafter, to register with soino
notary public or justice of tho peaco or
with tho county eierk of tho county in
which thu elector resides, In accordance
with this net.
"Kvery elector may be registered by
personally appearing at the clerk's office,
but if any elector is unable for any rea
son to conveniently register as aforesaid,
he may register, without charge, before
a notary public, or a justicoot tho peace
iu the county in which ho resides by
uilng a specially prepared blank and
filling out tho blank in such n way as to
afford ull the information which he
ought other wiso give to tho clerk, and
in addition thereto signing tho same
throe timet In the pretence of two wit
neuea, freeholder of the county, who
shall tlgu their nauiea upon tho nine
blank, and by tboelectora and witnesses
making oath thereto, which shall be
forwith filed by the notary or justice of
the peace with the county clerk of the
county in which the elector reside?.
Tho county clerk shall supply suclr reg
istration officers, upon request, with a
sufficient number of said blanks."
The notaries or justices of the peace
must keep tho names of electors regis
tered by them alphabetically, and shall
not charge the elector anything. These
oflicers aro entitled to a fee of 10 cents
from the county for each elector regis
tered by them.
Cloning; of Hair thorn District School.
Miss Hattie Stirnweis closed a very
successful term of school in the Haw
thorne district, Friday, Dec. 29th. The
closing exercises were very wpII ren
dered, and tho teacher and pupils joined
in making it nn occasion to belong re
membered by every one present and tho
manner in which eacli pupil periormed
their parts showed that their teacher
had taken a great deal of care in the
training of the pupils, and the spirit of
good will that showed lorth in each
pupil's face, wa9 an expression of appre
ciation for the efforts put forth in their
Tho program was very appropriate for
the occasion, and also reminded one of
the fact that Christmas, with its many
good thinas, was still fresh in the minds
of tho people, and that New Year was
not very far away.
At the conclusion of the program
candy, nuts, popcorn and apples were
bronght into the schoolroom aud all
joined in a merry time, visitors and
pupils all thanking Miss Stirnweis for
the efforte she had put forth for the ad
vancement of the pupila.
And thfl c.ime to a close one of the
most successful terms of school ever
taught in Hawthorne district, and all
left tho schoolroom wishing ea2h other
n Happy New Year. Pat.
Hie Modern .Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, whon in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers purify
tho blood, clean the liver, invigorate the
system. Famous little pills for consti
pation and liver troubles.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer fo'r them.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices aro not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as somo people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of Third and Federal Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OB.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Ixomombor that wo aro soiling tho same from
$45.00 to $60.00
Whioh is a saving to our oustomors of from $15 to $25
over price chargod by peddlers for inforior ranges.
Writo for pamphlet, "Mnjostic Evidence."
Expression of (Iratltmle.
I c.tnnot refrain from thus expressing
my sincere thanks to the neighbors and
friendi who so kindly did everything in
their power to assist during tho long
Illness and diath of my sister, Mrs.
Alexander, and also nt tho time of the
death of my niece, Miss Dora Alexander.
Especially would I thank Mrs. Gunning,
Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Shackelford.
O. L. Bakrett.
It takes but a minute to overcome)
tickling in the throat and to stop a
cough by tho me of Om Minute Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures nil
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Hamlets nnd pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A ftmous specific
for grippe and its after efiVcls.
Ash your grocer for Clarks & Falk'a
pure concentrated fUvorin.; extracts.
-Wo will make especially
low prices on Heating Stoves:
from this on to make room for
our new stock of Cook Stoves,
Steel Ranges and Bicycles for
1900. Our prices will be the
lowest we ever made.
& CROttlE.
IB i MM.