The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1900, Image 1

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EI)c Dalles
NO 122
SI1H Mam MaraaJiog Baals in
Aguinaldo Was Reported to He in tbc
City Ready to Lead Filipinos to
- Success.
Manila, Dec. 31, 0:10 p. in. An
American advance in Cuvitu province
eouth of Mfinlla, is expected shortly
iteuaoie reports Irom native sources
show that there aro upwards of 2000
organized insurgents under arm9 with
in a mile of Imas. They ure ttrength
eniug their entrenchments, and possess
At Novatela, the Filipino entrench
inents have been much strengthened
eince General Schwun's advanco.
thousand ol the enemy re in that
vicinity, and tnere, ure 003 at San
Francisco dc Mnlabon. Twelve to 100
aoldierB will garrison nil ttie towns in
the southern part of Cavite province
and the same may he said of the towns
of Bataganas province.
The provinces of North Camarines and
' Sooth Camarines hold quantities of
hemp, which the people cannot market,
As a conseqnencp, the population in that
part of Luzou iB suffering from lack of
food. Rice now costs four Unite it
normal price.
It Is estimated that 1000 insurgents
are entrenched at Calamba. Reports
haye been received that "000 iusurgont
are massed at Mount Arrayat, having a
strong position, which commands steep
and narrow trails, ana ttiat they are
prepared to roll bauldurs down upon ad
vanctng troops.
Life along the coasts of the provinces
of Cagayan and North and South I locos
is returning normal conditions. The
Anurican troops occupy the important
towns and patrol the country roads. The
natives Implore the; Americans to con
tinue the occupation, to establish a bet
tied government, and to terminate the
uncertainty, abuses and confiscations
that hare characterised the rule ot the
Tueal revolutionists during the last
twelve mouths.
Incoming Bpauibb prisoners declare
;that Aguinaldo has.ordored the release
' c'mi'L-JK ySSSsV
Spitting Blood
I used to
couch a ijreal
deal and ppit
blood, and
my neighbors
in Day to n,
. Ohio, wliero
'1 live, said
among them
selves tliut I
had cou
munptlon, al
though tliey
did nut tell
mu no to my
face, fur fear
of making mo
I kept on
coilghfui: and
trying differ
ent aorts of
medicines. but
nothing aecmcd to reach ray trouble until I
got hold of u bottle of Acker's English
Kcuiedy. I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayers were answered as soon
as I began taking this celebrated Eng
lish expectorant and tonic. Since my re
covery I have told hundreds of sufferers
from coughs, colds and Weak lungs that
Acker's English Remedy would cure them.
Borne of them won't try It, and it does
seem to me terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuse to bo cured. There ought to
be a law compelling consumptives to take
it. Even if they don't cure for their own
lives, the public's welfare should be consid
ered, Don't you think so too? I hope
such a law will soon be enforced."
(Signed) Mus. Richardson.
Hold at Ut, toe, and fl la bottle, throughout the trnilad
& Hiatal and L'auada i mid In KiixUnd. it 1. Iii'.H. frt..
d. If jrouere not aatiaflvd after burin, returu Hie
UUt to your aruKgHt nud ifet your iiioaeybick.
We authnrlie iU ulove yuarxinlee,
W. U. UOOKEU it CO., J'royrlttort, Kev York.
Blakeley & Houghton.
aV4I Baking
Absolute iyIPure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
aovt mine, POWCtH CO.. w VOUK.
of all Spaniards now in possession of the
rebels. The mountain passes of Cagayan
and the two Iloeos provinces are still
guarded in the hope of catching the in
surgent general, Tino, who is atill a
fugitive. It is asserted that Lieutenant
Gillmore is in 'lino's custody.
They Arc Said to Have Stored Large
Quantities of Ammunition and
Pood Near Canadian Hordcr in
New Youk, Jan. 1. A special to tho
Times from Bur.lington, Vt., says: It
is reported that the Feu inns are engnsed
iu storing large quantities of dynamite,
lyddite ammunition and supplies in a
few selected repositories in remote d's
tricts of Vermont and Mnlne, near t' e
Canadian boundary line. The iuforma
tion comes from persons who claim to
have knowledge of the purchase of some
of the supplies, otid others ho learned
of their transportation by railroad dis
guised as groceries. Dynamite and other
explosives have been secured in surpris
ingly large quantities, and stored under
ground on the Vermont border, while
largo quantities of canned meats have
been h'.dden in some large baruB of sym
pathizing farmers on the main line near
New Hampshire.
It is said that an efficient ambulance
corps is being organized under ttie
supervision of u few loyal Irish women
and surueons who wore in the Red Croes
work in Cuba. They aro also prepar
ing a large number ol "first aid" pack
ages for tiio invading farces. The now
movement is the work of tho Irish
element of tho larger cl'.ies, but it is a
fact that a larger and impoituut work is
being done among tiie farmers of tho
border states. A schedule is being ar
ranted of farmer who can furnish
wagons, horses and oxen for transports
tion purposos.
Cutarrli Cannot ho Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, und
iu order to care it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ih
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous eurfaceB. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quock medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians iu this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the host tonics known, combined w ith
the best blood purificie, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, b'end for testimonials,
free. . .
F. J. Ciik.vev & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Kalofall at Astoria.
Astoiua, Dec. 31. The annual report
of Weather Observer Johnson, closed
this evening, shows the precipitation
during 1899 to have been 101.40 Inches,
the heaviest by far since the records
have been kept here. The average for
the previous fifteen years was 73 inches.
The rainfall in 1884 was but 40 inches,
and in 1890 it was 01.82 Inches, the
highest until the present year, The
greatest precipitation of the year was
during January, when 18.84 inches of
rain fell. The record for this month was
13.30 inches, an excess of .85 Inches over
the average.
Mumed to Death.
CoitVALUs, Dec, 30. Mrs. Malone, 80
year old, and mother of W. H. Malone,
a prominent merchant in Alaea valley,
was burned to death yesterday, cut
nragw details have so far reached this
city. Mrs. Malone lived with her vener
able hnsband at their home in the val
ley. Her screams attracted the attention
of her husband, who was in bed. He
hurried to the tcene, and found his wife
entirely eareloped in the flames of her
burning clothes. Before the flames were
extinguished tho victim was so badlv
burned that sho expired soon after, in
great agony. It is supposed that hor
clothing suddenly took fire while she eat
by a stove or open fireplace. The family
are old residents of the vallev, and
highly respected.
Twenty-Hre Yrnrh' Conatant Uae With
out Failure.
The first indication of croup is home
nep?, and in n child subject to tha
disease it may bo.taken ns a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following.
this hoarseness is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is given as soon as tho child becomes
hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the attack. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
this broad land ud never disappoints
the anxious mothers. We have yet to
learn of a single lnivne in which it
has not "roved effectual. No other
preparation ran show- such a record
twenty-live years' constant use with
out a failure. For sale by Blakeley A
A Thounand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when sho found that Dr.
King's New Diceovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
pays of thie Royal Cute "It coon re
moved tho pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praiees throughout tiio
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of tho throat, chest or lungs. Price 60c
and SI. Trial bottle freo ut tsiakeloy ic
Houghton's drug storo; every bottle
guaranteeu. a
l'ultniiril With Ktrjchnluu
Noiith Yakima, Wash., Dec. 30. II.
J. Dlcknell and Edward Banders, of
Parker bottom, were tuken eick after
eating at their houso Wednesday evtn
ing. A doctor who was hastily sum
moned found that they had been
poisoned by strychnine. Tho poison was
apparently put into several articles of
food. They believe that they know who
attempted to kill them, and further
developments nro looked for.
Charles McAllister, a well-known
sheepman of this county, was kicked by
a horse'at the ranch of Captain Dunn,
in Parker bottom, Wednesday evening.
Five of hie ribs were broken.
Bnller Is Organizing on a Large Scale
art Will Male Artier Attempt.
Prime Minister's Son Said to Have
Been Wounded in a Recent Sortie
at Mafeking.
Mobbed the tirave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a moit dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually In back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had giveu me up. Fortunately, a
iriend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for tbre,e weeks, and
am now a' well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fall to try them.
Only 50c, guarautetdat Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 6
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's Mew Life Pills. Thousaudi
df sufferers have proved tbeir matchless
merit (or Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health; Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cent".
Honey back If not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Hougbtou, druggists. 1
New Yohk, Jan. 1. A special to the
Tribuno from London Bays : Indications
still point to a battle on Tugela river at
the end of this week, although there
may be delays through a mule transport
service, which General Roller Is evi
dently organizing on a large eenle.
Tjgela is reported in flood from
heavy rains, and tho passage of
river will be most difficult.
Itritieh accounts of linden-Powell's
sortie at Mateking cannot be expected
for several days. The Boer official dis
patches, stating that two well-known
British officers, one of them a eon of the
prime minister, Mere wounded, have
caused much anxiety in tho world of
wealth and fashion.' '
New Youk, Jan. 1, A dispatch lo the
Tribune from London says : The new
year opened gloomily for England, with
a record of miscalculation and disaster
in South Africa to be retrieved at great
loss of life and treasure, and with the
reputation of generals in the field and
ministers ut home hanging upon the
issue o battle during tho next few weeks.
Theto is no luck of criticism aud fault-
fludlng in the press, and tliero are signs
of anxiety in ministerial circles over the
political effects of additional reverses to
liritieh arm-, but theie is also a hopeful
feeling induced by fresh proof J of tho in
capacity of tho Dutcli allies to make tno
of their opportunities. The Boer vic
tories of Stormberg, Magersfontein and
Colenso have not been followed up in
any They have been no suc
cessful raids on the lines cf communica
tion, and Ladysuiith, kiuiberley und
Makeking have not been overwhelmed
by superior numbers and guns. There
is u record of Boer failures as well a
British defeats.
Tho budget of news received at mid
night whs a light one. The arrival of a
Citpe steamer brought a largo mail, aud
all the morning journals print letters
from their special correspondents. The
moBt interesting letters are those pub
lished in tho Standard and Times and
other journals from Ladyemith, iu which
incidents of tho elege and garrieon life
aro deccribod. Tlie writers are wisely
reticent on important points, and deal
lightly with the dangers of the situation,
but there is little doubt that the garrison
lias been short of ammunition and the
knowledge of this tact lias influenced
General Bullerin sacrificing ills original
plan of campaign and massing his forces
for the relief of Ladyemith. Ho is still
calling in reinforcements, for the
Majestic has gone to Durban with
another battalion and numerous drafts.
I'layed Uu.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Bores all positive evidences.
of impure blood. No matter how it
became so It must ho purified in order to
obtain good health, Acker's Blood
Elexlr has never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases, It Ib certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
on's drug store.
All persons wishing to take children,
either boys or girls, for legal adoption or
on Indenture, should write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at
Portland, who can procure for them de
slrable children of all ages. All applica
tion! must be tiled in advance, tf
We are making preparations now for
taking the
of our stock, and will from time to time
offer soruo
Choice Bargains
to our customers through the medium of
this space.
Wo aro now engaged; on pricing, for
prompt riddance, a lot of some fifty or
Fine Silk French
Sateen Petticoats,
about which we will tell you more in to
morrow's ad.
Soiae.choice Furs alco will be closed out.
Store Closes at 0 o'clock.
A. M. Williams & Co.
Job Pfintr.