Acts gentiy on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System 3 rilfr OVERCOMES Lm2) hAB.TUALCST PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE - MAHT O By c3ulvRNIA7GfSYRVP rca Sau WAimuosisn rs sot rtswnit. rniti.K you all know. V. Ash, of Gapcndi-e, ib in tho city P. .1. Stndlumau went to Portland yesterday. L. 1). Woodside was a visitor in the city yesterday from Victor. Kov. O. V. White and w ife, of Dufiir, wero passengers for Portland on today's boat. Miss Ilnttie Morae returned to I'oit- land today after a visit with her eiBter, Mrs. Itiddell. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston accompanied their yountr con and three couipnnions, who wore vFaitine him, to Portland to day. Mr. and Mrs. . Pitman, who have been visitniL' Mrs, ritiiiHii's daughter in Seattle, returned home on the bout yes turoity. Mieaea Bertha and Anna Curckhnrdt, who liavn spent the oast few days w ith Mias Davis, returned to their home in Portland today. t,ot. rat. uonan, so wen known as a briiliautand ublo writer and throughout th i political circles of the Northve6t, wna a visitor tn X tie Dalles today. liOKN. In Ihie city. Friday, Dec. 2Dtb, to Mr. ami Airs. Jljry Jlurbrinp, a eon. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarko & Fu'k have on enle u full lino of paint and artist'a brushes. "i ou will not have boils if vou tuko Cltt'lce & Falk's euro cure for boils. Clarke & talk b Hivoniig extracts are the best. Auk your grocer for them. Latest tiling in cameras are I in proved Magazine uvclones nt Donnell'H dm-: store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your liouee with paints that nre fully guaranteed to loot. Clarke & Falk liavo llipui. Fresii cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wuscu warehouse. Finest kind of Thicken feed. meli25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James . Putton etriclly puro liquid paints Dyepepeia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will civo immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin bases nt 25 cts, Blakeley & Houghtou DrUgglStS. Sick Headache absolutely ond pertna aeutly cured by using Moki Ten. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed r money buck. 25 cts. and 60 cts. Ulskeley it Houghton Druggistr. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedulia, Mo., saved his child's' life by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, brouchl tie und throat and lung troubles, llelievea at once. Purtlaurt iliy Hunt Hume. Abtoiua, Or., Dec. 28, Two boyn bout 14 years of ago wnre found wan- dering around the streets this morning about 4 o'clock, and were taken into I custody. They gave their nnmei as Sand Stuart and Fred Matson, and said they had come down from Portland on last night's train on a visit to friends, They were sent back to Portland this morning. SEX IN IMMIGRATION More Mea Than Women Come This Country. to flame IntcrcatlnK Fnrta and Flirnrc Abont the ArrlvnU from DIN fcrcnt l.nndu The Tide lncrcimlnv. From 1810, the year of the passage lv congress of tliu law for the reglstra tion of Immigrants nrrlvlng in the United States, until the present time, there have been 18,.'.0(),O0O immigrants registered in the various ports of the country, und of these, talcing the aver age through the whole course oi yenrs, lit) per cent, were men and 40 per cent. women, a disparity representinga total difference of nearly .1,7(1(1,000. It lias been frequently pointed out as a mntter of interest and importance that the proportion of male Immigrants is higher where, such immigration is least desirable, particularly in the case of Chinese una bicllinns, while n is lowest nmong the Germans and Irish. The reasons assigned for this disparity grntion from continental countries to escape conscription in European, arm ies, the danger unci discomforts of ocean travel before the establishment of fust and commodious steamers, and the nat ural reluctance of women to seek homes In new lands. It has popularly been supposed, however, t lint as these reasons for the excess of male immigration either disappeared or were diminished, the totals of the two sexes would be more nearly even, a conclusion which the tables just published by the Immi gration bureau in Washington for the year ending March 1, 1899, completely overthrow. During the year the aetunl numberof immigrants coming into the United States was 310,000, tin increase of 80,000 compared with n year ngo. According to the ordinary division between male and female Immigrants there should have been ISO.000 of the former nnt! 124,- 000 of the hitter. Instead of this there were 10D,i!77 male immigrnntp, or more than 00 per cent., and 117,-ISS female im migrants, less than -10 percent. From England there were 0,700 male nnd 4,000 female immigrants, about the overture ratio; from Germany, 14,700 male and 11.800 female immigrants, less than the nvirnge number; from .Scnndlniiviu there were 12,747 male nnd 10,002 female immigrants, and from Finland, a coun try from which there has been recently extensive emigration to the United States in consequence of tlio serious con lllct between the, Itussinn government and the Finns, 3,900 male nnd 2,100 fe male immigrants came. . From two countries female immigration to the United States preponderates. Ireland ind Hohemin. There were last vcar 13.- 00 male and 18,000 female immiin-tintb from Ireland, and from Bohemia the number of mnle and female immigrants was almost identical, 1.2G2 of the for mer nod 1,201 of the latter. The long-disputed question umonir immigrant olllcinlu ns to the designn uon to tie given to Polish Hebrew iniml grants, whether they should lie de scribed as Polish or under the head of German, .Russian or Austrian immi grants, as the ease might be, has been set tied by the adoption of a generic term for all such immigrants, the word Hebrew. There were 21,000 mule nnd 10,000 female Hebrew immigrants Inst year. ! rom JCtiBHiaii Poland there were in addition 18,000 male and 10,000 f male immigrants, while from Jtaly, now inc chief eontriDutihir country to the How of immigration into the United States, there were 52,000 male and 23, 000 female immigrants. Italian immi gration is very largely responsible for the dittpnrity of the sexes in the matter of Immigration. Twice as many male Syrians as female Syrians enme oer last year nnd five times as miinv male fclnvonlaiis. There were 2,200 malt! Greeks und only 132 femnle, but the rec ord of nil other countries is distanced by China, 1,027 male Immigrants and 11 lemale immigrants only. Cuban immigration to the United States last year wasl,400,includingl, 100 mine and .100 remnle immigrants. From llnwuii there were more women thun male immigrants, though the number of either was not large, and from Japan there came 3,175 male Immigrants und 275 female. N, Y. Sun. The llurttvr Got 1IU Honey, A suspicious-looking individual en tered a bnrber'K shop lu Manchester and wlille being shaved ciiBually ro manced: j Hiijipobc a good iiuiny of your cimtomerH forget to pay?" "AO, Bir," tlio barber replied: "there woh a time when J used to cive credit. but I never do now. In fact, nobodv uhIch for it any more." "How's that?" "Well, you see," wild the barber, trv. lug the edge of his razor on his thumb nail, "whenever J hhaved u e-entleinnn who usked me to marlc It up, J put u little nick in his nose with my razor, and kept tally thnt way. Thev verv soon didn't want to run up bills," There was a tremor In the customer's voice as lie answered, from beneath the lather: "JJo you object to belnir mild in ud- vunce?" Stray Storiea. Subscribe for The Chronicle. NOTICE. BTATK OF ORKttON. KXKCUrlVE IlKPAKTMRNT, r, HOB.) 8ALKM, NOV 21, 18VS, In nreorilnnco with Iho vrovltlnns of an Act entitled "An Act Submitting to tlio Electors of (tip Htnto of OfRfin nt the General Election to bo lit-lil mi tlio first Monday In June, WOO, tho IxtKiintr rrnpftsciicoiiKiiiuutinni Amcnumenis, imnroved I'Vbrunrv 18. IK'.ih. 1. T. T. tlnar. Gov ernor of tlioHtntu of Oregon, do hereby nuixo tho following proponed amendment to Iho CoiimI tiitlon of UioBtatonf Oreirnn. nx rcrtlflcd In bv the Secretary of Htnte, in ho itit)llHti'd for flvo consucuiivo weens in jhis uai.i.ks ;uronii;i.k n nrwMHipcr published In tlio Seventh Jmllcln inunei oi tho Htnto of Oregon Done nt the Capitol, tit Fnlcin, Oregon, ska:. this .'Ut diiy of November, A. It. 1SW. T. T, Ur.KIl, tlovcrii cmur. lly the flovertior F. I. DUMIAK, Sccrotnry of State, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION, NO. 4. It resolved bv tho Senate, tho House con ctirrlng; Thnt the fnllowliiR amendment to tlio uniiNiiiuiiou oi mo statu oi urcgon do mm in noteoy proposed: Thnt Section 10 of Article -XI. of tho ConHtltu tint) of tho State oi Oregon ho mid the sumo In hereby abrognted, mid In lieu thereof Miction 10 of Article XI 1. , BtlllU bo 118 follow: AnTIt'I.E XI. Section 10. No county, lit v. town, school din I tlet or oilier muiiloltml corporation nhnll bo nl lowed to become Indebted In nny lnnuncr or for nay iuriono to nil amount Including prenoiit ox. Istlnc Indebtodiicnn lu tho iiKgreKiito cxcoedltifr flvu r centum on tho value ot tho Uxublo nronurtv therein tn bo ascertained bv tho Inst nn rohnmciit for Htnto nnd county tnxeti previous to iiiu incurring oi sucu lnnenieunenn, Adopted by tho Senate January SO, 1893. C. W. Fulton, l'rcsldentot tlio Senate. Concurred In by tlio llour.n. February 2, 1893. W. 1. Heady, Speakci of tho Houhc. Adopted by tho Honnte January nl, IMS. Johki'H Simon, 1'ronlduut of tho bennto. Concurred In by the limine, February 4, lto:, Cuah. 11. Mookes, Bpcnkcr of tho Uouc. SENATK JOINT KESOI.U HON, NO. IS. Ho It roiolved by tho Bonnto, the Houne'con. ctirrlnm That tho folloivlni; iiinrtidiiicut to tho ConHllutlon of the ritnto of Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Seven (), bo nnd the name Is hereby lirojiosod, to wit: SKCTION TKN. The I.CBlhlatlvo Awombly niny provide for the election of &iiireiiiu mid circuit JiiiljteH In dis tinct climhCK, ono of which clnstX'N hhnll eouhlit of flvo JiihtlcrH of tho Supremo Court, who shall not perforin circuit duty; mid tho other clan hhiill eoim'st of us miiny Circuit JuiIcck may bo dciMiitd neri'Ms ry, who hu!l hold full term without allotment mid who nhiill lake tho tniuo o.;tli iw tho Supromo Jiu!';e.i. i '1 ho lAirhltlttve AKCIilllv mnverealo us lr.nnr clrcultH iik muy be ueccuMiry. Adopted by tho Semite, February 15.18M. C. W. I ui.ton, l'i isitlL-iit of tho Senate. Concurred In by tho House, February 1.". HiO.l. W. V. Ki:.l)V, fijicnkerof tho House. Adopted by tho Senate, January "II, ln'ji. JoiiKi'it Simon, 1'rcnldeiit of tbeSennto. Concurred In by the Houro, rebruary (',, li'M. Ciias II. A.Ioom, KpouLer of tho IIuui,e. IIOl'Si: JOINT K12SOLUT10X, NO. 10. liciolved bv tho House, tho Kt-nnle rnnrnrr. lnir: '1 hut the follcnrluc amendment to the Con. Ktltutlou of Iho State ol Oregon bo and hereby is propoved: i inn mo constitution he amended by uddlnr iVrtloloXIX. ns follows to-wlt: AKTICI.E XtS. Section 1. ii J. Tho neccmiry uo of imidK for tho ,'tlnn of rcscrvolrw or ntnrnRu Imhltu for construe tho jiurposo of irilRiitloii or for rllit of way for the eoii'.ti notion of cuuiila, dlichof, IIuiiich or inpeh in couvev waier 10 tiinin ni tts,, inr tlsi'IUI, USIIC elill or necensiirr lmrnoHO. or for uruiiini;v, ur inr uruiiiiigi' oi nillieit or tlio worK iu iiiereui, ny moan oi roam, iiilliond, truni wuyii. eutK, tuiinel.i, ibaft, lioltini; works iiiiiii,! or inner neccsMury ineatiH to their com pu-ie UGVciopiiiont or any other uso ncoon.iury to wic cuiupieiu (loveiopiuciil ot tho natural re houicesi of the Mntonr irKi.rvnf Inn r tin. li.mltf Of I'S lllhilbiliillts. Is herohv ilivdiinvl tl. out,. lie uso mid subject to tho regulation nnd control ui me niuie. riectioii 1!. 'J ho rhrht to approprlHto the tir.iip projiilated waters of any natural stream to ben. uiirini uwn niiiiii never no UCIlllll. rieii.iii,. j no use oi ail waters now nimro priiilid for hii'o, rentjl or distribution, also of all wiiiers oriKinoiiy niiproplloied for private use hut which, alter such tipprop'l'itloii, has hereto fore been or may heronfler be sold, rcnled or din. trluutcd. Is hereby declined to ha n i utile use iiuii moject to n.u rcmilatlon ii'id control of tho Mute lu tho manner prescribed by law. Ilut the iijiu ii use aim apiiroiirlMlo such waters sua bo suimi't to Mich , riiviMiofis ,,r i.,u- r... ti... tir lli2 of private property for public or prlv .to use in nt'uiiiui in, nieio i oi tuo i;on Muuuou in iiii'Blalcol Olenoil. cecllun I, 'J he rlirlu li. nnlieet i K'Uuitloa far tho uo of water siitiplled to an """"i lewn or wilier imirict or liiiniuit aiim thereof, Is a 1 rauelilse. nnd eutinot ho exer clBcd except by authotlty of and In u numuiT Adopted by the Ilmuc, February 15. 1K. n. V. ULAuy, opciikcrof thu House, Binned .March 7, lbli:).) Adopted by tho Penatc, February 17, 1KM. C. w, Fulton, Ciusldeittof tho Seiuilo, (-lned .Match Ib'JU) Adopted hf tho House. February i. I'M. I has. II. .Mookkh, bpcukerof tile Houso, Cuiieurnd lu by tho Semite, February VJ, lt'.i5. ju.tiii ii ointu.N, j-retiaeui oi tnu eeunie. HOUfi: JOINT ItUSOLUTION V.O. l-ioponlug all umeiidiuciit tn the Constitution of the state i.f Orcr.on, by icjieullue SoBtlon :ii of Articio i. Itesolved by tho House, thu eiiatoconciirrliiir! Thai Section ito of Article 1 of the Constitution he mill hereby is roiiealeit. Adopted bv tho House, January 11, lh!);l, W. I'. Kkuiy, Hiiuukur of tho House. Concurred In by tlioBonate, January CO, 1MXI, 0. W. Fulton, President of tho tSonutc, Adopted by the House, January 30. 1H'J5. Ciias. II. Mookkh, siivaker of tho House, Concurred In by tlio Satiate, February la, lbtfi, 6 F.N ATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 7. lie it resolved bv tho Senate, the lfousocou. ciirrliiK! That tlio following amendment to the uiiiKiuutioii oi uio Mtate 01 Oregon be mid Is noreuy proposed: AhTtei.K 1. Tlio elective franchise In this State shall nnt nciC'inor uu nroiilulteu touuvcltlzoiioii account 01 sex. Adopted by the Senate, February (i, 1893. Johki'II Simon, 'resident of tho Senate. Adopted by thu House, February C, 1893. Ciiah. 11. Mookkh, Speaker of the House. Chan. 11, Mookkh, Speaker of the House. Adopted by tlio'Sonute. January 81, 1899. T. C. Taylok, President of tlio Semite. Adopted by tho Homo. January CI, lMni, Ji.'V. Uaiitkr, Seiikur o. thu 1 House, UNITED STATES OF AMEU1CA, Statu ok oikcon, Olllce of Soetojiry of State, ) I. F. I. DUNB AR.SeoreUirv of State of tho Bt.ito ot Oregon and Custodian of tho Seal of mild Stuto, do hereby certify I have compared the precedl in? copy of Son:ie Joint Resolution No. 4, of the lAislslatlvo As.embly of 1893, 'Munlcliiiil Indebtedness iiniendinent:" Hunutn J0i.1t llesolullon No. 13 01 the Jxlltlvo As sembly of Ih'Jil, "Judiciary Amoiidonti" Hotiso Resolution No. 10 of tho Legislative Ah Mt'iibly of lhU;i. "IrrlKutlou Ainoiidinojti" House Joint ltesolulloii No, 2 of thu l.t-kislativo Akiemui 01 jkm, Kciieuiiuj Aiiienuinenti" ii,.d Souuto Joint Resolution No. 7 of the Ixirls- i.vo Afcsomb y of 1893,' Kouul Sull'riiKO Ahioiidinout." with the oiliilnul uoolok row 011 l"e lu tlila ottlco, and that the tamo Is u co'ieet liiiiibcrlpt tlieiolrom und tho whole thereof. In Testimony wiiBHKor, I have here unto sot mv hand and alllxed hereto hxal the seal of the State of Oregon. Done ut Hie Cupltol, at Salem, Oregon, this Third duy of Nuvviuber, A, U. 1899. F. 1. DUNIIAR, Sectetary of State, WORTH M WEIGHT IN GOtDnR &U nirr tturiM ONE PAYfltnNT OF ONUV The New Werner Edition NCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LSBRAP.Y OF SO rASSJVE VOLUMES So con.pletc that it covers the entire range of human knowledge ii U mi j J The entire set with Guide . i) The entire and case delivered upon payment of only Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and-maierial the The product of the largest and best The BR1TANN1CA Is the acknowl edged standard of nil lincyclopedlas, and .he NEW WERNER is the best edition if the Hritannlf a 1 'C mllannlCJ' Do not put your menry In old editions 3r pocily books because thoy are ;heapcr. The BEST Is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family -lio .lias this work over one which lias FUR SALS BV I. C. NICKELSEN, "Ono Minute Cough Cure is the bctt remedy 1 ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildrcn nil liiie it," writes II. N. Williams, Uentryvillo, Ind. Never falls. It is the only harmless remedy thut gives iiL'tnediate results, Cures coughs, colda, lioartiees, croup, pneu inonin, bronclittis and nil t!iro;it and lung troubles. Its eatly use jireveuts consu tnptiou. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, r and Einbalmep. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3W 338 ONV 3WOO BO YEARS' TIM DC MARKS Jhiiimi rf f Cnavainura A f Anrono iortn akti, mn nuloklr riourv.ilii nur 011I11I011 i'r) wuotUor i-j iivaiition prububTy atinlable. Corumuiilc t :iiitrlirtlrroiitldaiit,a!. Xandbook ou PaWuU fill f re". Cfldon oiny roiaoourliiaftieiiu. 1'utei.U UU011 urou-ili Uuiin xCreolV AAtA... w.:....,. A llAnduimAlv lllnalpnf aA ndnbl. ri'lulioii 11 f ahy Milcntltlfl 'orrnpi'. rirri lour vt'iiucui. ho(, i UOLL.AK i6ssb5sionoi set with Guide $1.00 best known to the book-making art. equipped book factory in America. If you cannot send your children to tlie University, bilnj the University to them. This edition has never been sold foi tess than ?6j.5o. For a short time only ? each, or fos-oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantaga of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. . - The Dalles, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traiue leave and are due to arrive ot 1'ortlaL LXA V. OVKULAKD KX. litem, Kalora, Roo uiin?, Ahlilund, po rHinentn. OL.i1nn.,i,i 7;W r.M, Kruncixou, Ilojuve, f :15 ,V. M AiiKeie,r.i rnso, New Orlcant and ICnut f 'AM A. M. Roseburg und wuy hta 11IIUB . ... f Via Wixxiburn' for i I MLAiiRel, Bllverton, est Hclo, llrowim- villc,rJiriugfloldund (.Natron J liSO I'. M Dally except Uuuduya, Dally exeejit buudays 17:30 A. M, (Corvallla and tHtlons way; 5:40 1. i). INDEl'KNUKNCE l'ABSKNQER. Kx.rcMi train l;Jii.ia. n.y. ...I'ortland ...Ar.) .JO P. in. Ut..MeMlnuvlllo..l.v.5 fi:Ma m b:ao p. iu Daily. 'Ar,.Indeieiidencc..I.v.) 4:Wa. m tlJany, excent Buiidnr. DINING CARS ON OUDKN ROUTE. PULIJIAN BUFKET SLEEPERS AND HECOND-CIJVK8 BLEEl'INU CARS Attached to all Tlirouicb Tralni. Til .... dental ami )rl,.,iti.V i;.;,r.1 "V" vtivvvvuiimijLiuii hi nil 11 w rnnnuin uiii, r..t Hue. for JAPAN i i iriv a"'ucS" '.ml""P ..v..ii;.t;,;:. chuuiik uaiea on arnllcaUou naioH ana ucveu to Eastern 1 points and Eu HONOLULU auc AOBTUA1JA. iujiv. Ainu JAI'APi. IIII1NA. ntaTu .,1. ' All abOVU trill, i urrlin , ...... j . . Grand "0,.rui B.u.i,.V"l-'.r..ri irom YAMIIIUi D1VI8ION. I'awicnger Depot, loot of Jotterkou treet Iave for Sheridan, week days, uti-SOn m Arrive at I'ortlaud, t:30 u. ni. ' p' n 1M?"X Wxleaday aud dav,TI.udayai,d8a nrd .Vh-i.V". u' lw Except Sunday. Except Saturday. ' B. KuKKiJJR, (J, If, MARKHAM Munager. AmI O. Ju.J&t Through Ticket Ofllce,l8 Third street whom U.wtC."t?romU1 EUr0p u obtrinrtS or N. WIIEAl!i)ON. K,iAN"' Tlckt A,ut' Mias Annie JJ. Gunuing, Tyre, Mich., e, "I Buffered a long time from dy8. pepiU: lost tleah and beeumn VHrv w.,b Kodol Dyepopila Cure completely cured .11 . . . ' kii , r .11 n , , , v. , ,WUIUCI, irouuie, n never nio Kive luimedlato relief in the wurai caiea. Uie Clarke & Falk'.qululno hair tonic w auep uauuruu iroin the Lend. lite- T1MR dCIIKIlltLX. FKOM DAI.LR.1. Anaivi Fast Mall 11 MS p. m Halt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan Fan s: a mh City, 8t. liulnj Hiioknno Flyer 7:05 p. in Wnlln Wnlln, Hikntic,1 MlniieatHills. Ht. I'aul ilu lllth, illlunukeo, uieiiKW miu J.a&l 8 p. m. 1p.m. FnoM I'or.Ti.ANn. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco December 3. 8. 13, 18, 23' mm 8 p. ni. Sunday Columbia Rv. fitcamcrs. Ei.bnn4n To Astohia and Wnvi Saturday 10 p. m. AailUlilgB. C. m. Willamette IIivkr. 1 i-i Ex.Bunduy Oregon City. Newberir, E i.SbX Salem i Way Laud's., ' 7 . m. WlLLAMVTTX AND Yam- 3:S0.b. Tuc,'l hur. HILL 111VKRS. Mf,n Wrf ana fcat. OrcRon City, Doyton,, LtiTA. ana way-jjinainr;s. G a. m. WlLLAMKTTi: ItlVRR. tl.Klnt, Tuc.Thur, I'ortland tn Corvallls.i Man. Vt mm am, und ay-Ijiudlngi!. (and Fridij 8nake River. Rlparia to l-cwhton. I.eiti I-rwuuj dill; Uy Klparlfi dally ll'-'OrLtn. I Turtle dcsiriiiR to sro to HeppiicrsriO' No. i, leaving Ihe Dalles at 7:05 p. i tukc mnklriL' direct rnnnrellons nt Ilmn.m.r (i.umi,. Itctumlnir makini'illriv'tnnnnrvtiiin nt u...... Junction with No. 1. arriving at The VuSat -.;. in. No. 82, throuclit frelcht. east bound, dors t curry pabseiiEers; arrives 'J;Kl a. iu., dctn 3:J0a. in, No. 21, local freight, carries puiengcrs, nil bound; arrives 4 :su p. m., departs s 13 p.m. No. 21, west bound throuch freight, doa m carry pstscneeiB; urrlvc3 b:15 p 111., domis 9:30 . in. 1 No. 2.1, west bound local frelcht, carries in. sengcrs; arrives 4:15 p. tn., departs S;S0 n. n. For full particulars call on o. I!, .t x. iv. HECiitTho Dalles, or address W. H. HURUIURT, Pas. Act., I'ortland, Ci Gen FRENCH & CO; BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEKALUANKINO BUel.NEi Letters of Credit issued available in til Eastern Stntee. Bight Exchange nnd Telegraph Tranefers Bold on New York, Chicaa, St. .Louie, San FrAncieco, Portland Oit Kon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various poles in uregon anu wastuagton. Collections made at all points on fa orable terms. J. 8. SCIIKNK, II. M. Ural , Cushil rresiuent. first Rational Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGOI A Goneral Banking IJiiDihcEB transaetd Depoalta received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections mado aud proceeds prompij remitted on uav 01 collection. HiRltt and Tolographic Exclinnga Eoldd New York, San Francinco anJ Port land. DIRBOTOria Eo. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liesb. II. M. BKAt.l.. ...STEAM... Will run every day except Pumlay. uaies iteaeonablo. Telophono 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. 1 T 1 ma. k. m. . m. m w WWWWWWWWW-wwm-w Preserves ! I friilti, Jclllfa, pickles or catsup r moro raiily, nioru quickly, morj 1'iirulllno Wax than by any other mctliod. Dozen of otberuaciiM 111 u '""""Refined ParaffiM Wax In every bousebold. It.H clia, taatelea and odurlees-alr, water aud acid proof. Uvt a pouml cako 01 It with Hit of It4 inuuy rrom your drugglut or tirocvr. MOM everywuara. Uunu ny TaMWAIIU OIL to. Physician und Sili con, Special attention given In mrsery. Tel. 32S Vout lllof JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OUleoover I'leneli A Cu.'k Hunk DKr.UtT ron liiitra Wood Sew I'hone C, THE DAMI.S."1!C0!,