Great Overcoat and Suit Sale. Broken Lines of our remaining stock of Kcr soy, Mellon, Oxford and Covert Cloth Overcoats. Broken Lines of Worsteds, Vicuna, Serge and Cheviot Suits, in all the latest styles and colors, are on sale during the balance of this week. Any Suit or Overcoat in our as sortment will be sold prior to stock-taking. Big Bona-fide Reduction Cost cuts no figure sale. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. he Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. ITUKDAY - DEC. 30, 1899 Oysters (.erved In every Hjitt by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ll'ciiEe & MnjV etorewill remain closed Monday, January let. I Call on your lady friends Monday and Kin Kio now year in a pleasant man- Bishop Morris will be in the city rnorrow, ami liohl morning service in I j Episcopal church. Kev. G. Kueliiug and C. F. Goodo will L'in a scries of meetings in the Chris- n church nest Wednesday, Jan. 3d. 7:30 i. n. ha. m. vn iiauis a kjo. announce inai eir Btoru Will ue cioteti nil uuy .uuu i fll 1 1 1 1 1 .1 T .y, bo customers should govern them- Ives nccordiiiRly. It is tsxnected that the Kev. A. V. ider will arrive in the city this evening id occupy the pulpit of the Calvary aptist church, both morning and cuing tomorrow. The annual business meeting of the Ihristlfiij church will be huld nest louday evening, Jan. 1st, in the audi- rluui of the church at 7:30. A full tendance is desired. Four hearts that expect to beat as two ihen thoyear 10J0 lolls around or there- fmute, are Hans. F. Joclilneeit and .iiiln fl. S. Kordon: and C. li. Still Lizzie Beebe, the latter couple of apinilla. Tim i-nnntv bridco at Trail Crossing n Crooked river wai completod yostor ay. It has cost about M.'-'OO and is tho est and most coaly one ever hunt in lopountv. It has long been wanted iiy lie poopl'u.iii hat vicinity, and they are appy over its completion. OrooK oo. oumol. About twentv young people spent last venint: with Miss Grace Downiu at the Lome of hor uncle, S. 1.. Voting. Gaines, mate, refreshment and ovorytlilngtlial. :oea to inolco up an evening of pleasure bccuplod their time. Miss Downio has undo many friends during hor snort islt hern. A Haystack correspondent to a 1'rlno- Ho paper Bays a teamster was twentj irou davs on tho ro.u'l from Tlio Dalles a that placo with it load of freight. The oadu wo acknowledge nro had J nut it loks as ho might havo taken on a 'H'eiont sort of load to bo bo long upon ,ie journey. All aro Invited to bo present at the Lucrnil nnnrurt tomorrow evening lit the Methodist church, beginning at 8 o'clock. A watch night service of especial inter- . . . - 111 .11... at will bo held from v:io unui uuer Outing Flannels during this PEASE & MAYS midnight in which tho League tekeu an Bctive part. All are invited to remain or jain the meeting later who may feel eo inclined. Tuesday evening, Jan. 2nd, at 8 o'clock sharp, Woodmen of the World and Cedar Circle will hold a joint installa tion of officers. An extra good program is being prepared and a banquet will be served. All Woodmen anil members of the Circle and their wives, husbands and invited guests are requested to be present. Invitations which have been received should bo presented at the door. So far as wo can determine, tho busi ness houses will close all day Monday, with the exception, perhaps, of a few irrocery stoies which will keep open a short time during tho morning. The Ciikonici.i:, which calls every week day j durinir the vear, will step aside on thie occasion and give room for nioro enter taining callers. Hut in advance we wish vou all a happv New Year; and also that it may prove as prosperous as happy. In the runaway Thursday afternoon, when J. C. Hubert's team came rushing down Second street at the East End, his son, Curtis, was thrown out at Farley s harness shop and his right shoulder was dislocated. He was carried into Brooks' store. This is unfortunate as fim tis is a student In the dental college at Portland being homo for u vacation, and tho accident will no doubt prevent hie resuming ids studies for a short time at least. Thin morning C. F. Stephens received a letter from J. M. Filloon, whoso Home is now in the unfortunato town of Moro, In which lie sayB: "This town is almost isolated from the outside world on ac count of this 'Moio itch.' It doesn't amount to much; only a little incon venience. Wo haven't contracted it yet; but it ia Bcattered all over the town. It's not smallpox. I think il'a a diseato brought from tho Philippine islands. Thore havo been no deaths Eo.far." A proof of tho fact that tho Central Navigation and Construction Company meanH business, wo loam from head- quarters that J. f. Cochran, wlip has charge of that department of tho work, has closed a contract for machinery for two upper Columbia and Snako river boats, and bus likewise put chased in Chicago ono hundred thirty-ton cam, two passenger coaches, two cabooses, four engines and a number of flat care. Tliia surely has no ear marks of a fake. Vestorday being the fillver wedding aiinlyeiBiiry of Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Bunn, a few of their friends gave them a genuine surprise last evening by calling at their home near tho garrison, bring ing with them several useful preeents and a lot of good thing to eat. inu evening was passed very pleasantly by tho following friends: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krauts, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mooring, Mr. ond Mis. J. Stadelinim, Mr. and Mrs. Welgel, Hr., 1). Lemleon, Miss F. Leuiisoni Thore are at least a few geneioiis hearted people who realize just what h newspaper does for a community and !3e Saturday and Monday. The greatest novelties yet dis played in these goods and at prices that are the most attractive ever given on like goods in the face of an upward tendency of the cotton market, loc. 17c, 20c goods at the ridiculous price of 13c. appreciate its efforts, and one of that number is C. L. Phillips who always re members the girls in the office. This morning he walked in, carrying a large box of splendid eating apples, and the force have since been feasting there on. But that was not all, and if it were not that Mrs. Phillips reads the Chiionicj.k we would add that he also filled them out with a supply of "Sweet heart" chewing gum, of two-lip flavor. Mr. Phillips is all right, so the composi tors say, and so say we all of us, while we wish him a happy New Year. Hncreil Concert. Tho choir of the Methodist church, assisted by other singers, have prepared the following program for it sacred con cert tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The offering of the evening will be taken to assist in defraying tho expenses of the new electric lights just placed in the church : Voluntary . . ..MI-sHuch .. .Congicftatlon ltev. U. K Hnwk 1 1 jm ii . . l'rnycr Aiillicm -'Aiho and felilnu" Solo Choir Mlhs M. Miehell Mule (imirtot.. .. .Meiers. Jluwk, Davenport, Collins. Soxton. Kccltatlon-"lrnItli and Doubt" Missus French aiul Collins Duct . Mrs. Jayno nnil JIIsh Wlllcrton Slioit midribs "TheOld Year". .. l'ustor ouurtct "U'uiiliii,' on Thy Caro'' illfws M. Mieliull, (1. Wlllcrton, Mcm-p.. Colli us anil Bextoii. 8oIo-"lIoly City" K. 51. Smith OIl'crliiK Anthem "Tho Strain Uprali-o" Choir Itucltutlo!: "Tho HcaliiiB of Jalrns I)aui:h- tcr" .Miss It. Miehell Quartet "Awake, Put on Strength". 51jis. Jaynu 5Ilts Wlllcrton, 5Iessrt. Davenport ttml Jayno Hymn Congregation llenctlletlou. niimoiilu Notice. All members of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M., nod all vleitmg brethren nro rcdiiealed to assemble at tho hall of tho lodge on next Sunday evening, Dec. 31st, at 7 o'clock sharp, for tho purpose of attending church seivices as a lodge. A full attendance is urgently reqiiosted. By older of tho lodge, J8 3t O. I). Doani:, acc'y. 'Hid Moilurn Mullifir Hiih found that her littlo ones aro im t.mved moru bv tho pleasant Syrup of Figf, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentlo remedy, than by any otner. Children enjoy it and it benclita them. Tho tine remedy, Syrup of Figs, ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Attention W. It. -'. will nil W. II. 0. members take notlco that tho regular corps meeting will bo held on Saturday evoulng, Deo. 30th., seven sharp. His impoitant that nil bo in attendance. Ltzzn; Ui.uicii, Pies. Ku.A Giiimch, Sec. tiwm.'rtLlitlu Karly Klseia purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate thu system. Famous littlo puis ior coiibii pation and liver tioublcs. Willi lull. . i. i ... . I ,-. ,,...w.i.l liniiflmi'nrlf . Al A glTI IU MU KOHVIHI -. ply at thin olllce. BRILLIANT 8QCIAL EVENT. Lanre Number or Ouenti Hutu Lined mttho Umntllla Homo I.ait Night, In years gone by tho Umatilla House has boon the scene of many happy social occasions and many residents can look back on evening after evening epent joyously within its walls It remained however, for the closing week of the year 1899 to witnessthe most brilliant of all Eoclal functions within its history, when at the invitation of Mrs. J. S. Fish and Mrs. It. BSinnott. about 130 of their friends enioved their bosoitalitv in the happiest manner last night. A more ideal arrangement of the rooms could not be Imagined. Tho dining room had been transformed Into a beautiful garden, in one corner of which sat tho orchestra on a platform surrounded by evergreen trees, from the tops of which seemed to float tho sweet est of music. From the center pillars and about the walls evergreens were festooned, and, as if to serve as a faiten ing, were large bow-knots of red ribbor. An immense bunch tf mistletoe hung from tho ceiling at the center of the room and largo palms were in evidence. In passing from the daiiemg hall into the refreshment rooniVas a' veritable grotto, surrounded by evergreen trees. Hero lemonade was Ecrved from a large bowl of natural ice. A garden walk of rustic beauty led into the re freshment room, which was aleo deco rated in evergreen and red bunting, and while the guests regaled themselves music wob constantly enjoyed, being furnished by a large music bos in the room. Addinc much to thcartistic surround ings was the beautyof the ladies, who were cfad in hapdsomo gowns made es pecially for the occasion, and of unusual taBte. NorXvould we forget tho gentle men, whq' with scarcely an exception, made bo striking an appearance in full diess suits. Dainty programs had been provided and as most of the guests had well filled lists, dancing was kept up continually by the majority of the participants in the festivities. And thus the event which had so long been looked forward to, surpassed tho expectations of those who were af forded such a delightful evening through tho kindness of their hostessed, assisted by Messers. J. S. Fish, N.J. Sinnott and K. B. Sinnott as hosts. Will Kecwlve New Year's Cullors. One of the most pleasant custoais ever observed is that of New Year's call- ine and we are gratified to announce that it is to bo revived in Tho Dalles this eeaEon, and on Monday afternoon a number of the ladies of tile city will re ceive their gentlemen friends, and it is to bo hoped the latter will make it a day for general calling and exchanging ol New Year's greeting. Among tlioso who have signified their intention to bo at home to their friyndsjbetween the hours of 3 and 7 o'clook, are: Mrs. E. M. Williams and the Misses SampBon. Mrs. Hal French and Miss Patterson. Mrs. Sommervillo', Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Sommervillo. t Mrs. Gilbert, Miss Gilbert and Miss Sampson. j Mrs. B. S. Huntington and Ml?s Schmidt. Mrs. Kd Frond! and Miss French at tho residonco of p. M. French. Miss Fredden and Miss D.tvi3 at thu residence of V ll Bradehaw. Mrs. T. J. Seufcrt and Mies Laura Thompson. Miss Sehaniio and Miss Harriet Mar den at thu residence of Miss Schanuo. MIs4 Ktich add Miss Ionu IUich. The Misses Miehell. Tho Missi'tiGlenii. The foregoing list has been'.lianiled us, hut boinir hurriedly cotton up. giveH hut a few of th many, who will no doubt bo pleased toAeceivo all who call. our"ch UR C I HE 8 Christian Science meeting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Brenner, of Oregon City, will preach at tho Luthoian church tomor row evening, Deo. 17, at S o'clock. All aro invited. Calvary Baptist church ltev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Kognlar services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Young peoplo't) meeting at 0:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Christian church Ninth and Court bIiodIh, ltev. G. Hushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. tiutiday tcliool at 10. Christian Endeavor at );I5 p. in. Morning subject, "Our Watchword for tho Now Year." Evening, "Almost Per suaded," Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth imkI Washington, Key. U. F. Hawk, pastor. Morning subject, "The Diffusion of Godliness Into the Dally Life." In the evening at 8 o'clock the choir will glvo Biicred concert, which will be followed by a watch night service, beginning at 0:15. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; class meeting at the close of morning service ; Junior League at 3:30; Epworth League, at 0 :30. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Kev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at U; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening service at 7:30. Morning subject: ''At tho Threshold of 1000." Evening sub jpet: "Free Masonry; What is it, and what ia it not?" Dr. Doano will sing tho evening offertory "Thou Art Mv God Alone," by Will M. S. Brown. At this service the choir will repent, by special request, the anthem "And there were Shepherds." SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. " Artificial cotton is being manufac tured in Austria. The estimated value of the world's product of slate is $10,000,00. There are 1,2 ,0 s-peeies of plants used for commeicial purposes. Of these 420 are used for perfumes. A new process introduced in the pro duction ot mirrors has lessened mer cury poisoning amonij the workmen over 50 ner cent. A new Italian gas, said to be 50 per cent, cheaper than acetylene, is com-' posed of 'JO parts of quicklime and five' each of colophony and calcium carbide. Aneroid barometers may he used to measure the depth ot thafts in mineE, " provided a number of trips are made and the average taken. The ear is not stopped at. intermediate points. The figures given in the London Coal and Iron Trade Keview show that of the world's pig iron ptoduct of l&Ob 7SVL per cent, was converted into steel. In 15GS only four per cent, of the world's pig iron product was applied to the manufacture of steel. People marvel nt the mechanism of the human body, with its 402 bones and CO arteries. But man is simple in this lespect compared with the carp. That remarkable fish moves no fewer than 4.3S0 bones and muscles every time it breathes. It 1ms 1,320 veins, to say nothing of f.9 muscles. So far as known, the fly serves no use ful purpose, and it decs a great deal of mischief. One of the moit serious tvils resulting from their existence is; the transportation of disease germs from place to place, and depositing tlicrn on human food. A fly alights on infecUd substances and then departs, carrying scores of bacilli on its feet. An ordinary housefly will lay 120 eggs during its existence, and DO per cent, of them will be hatched out. During the ordinary summer 12 or 13 generations of flics will be produced. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customor of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. p A fJCI AT A1 A 1 A A. ATWTrATO-TAWI ArAT-AT Al A VA An AVATAR A7J STAT The Great STEEL and MALLEA- ;s BLE IRON RANGES, i I Aro MADE TO LAST ABSOLUTELY Romombor that wo tiro i I 645.00 Wel0StiO Whioh ia a saving to our cits to mors of from $1." to $'2fi over prieo elmrgod by frtMlt'n for iuforior ranges. Wrilo for pamphlet, ' Majestic rVtdomv." JWflYS 8t CtOOlE. Home to Rent. A six-room house, on Eighth street, opposite S. Bolton's residence; four rooms furnished, including piano. For further particulars apply to Robert Teaguc, at W. A. Johnston's hardware store. 12-tf Cb In onr C tec an. All countr warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, 1896, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, 1890. C. L. PitiLLtPS, County Treasurer. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case ol coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakelcy & Houghton Druggists. Ash your grocer for Clarke !c Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Wo will make especially j low prices on Heating stoves from this on to make room for our new stock of Cook Stoves, Steel Ranges and Bicycles for 1900. Our prices will be the lowest we ever made. HER & BEJTOJi. A LIFETIME, and aro GUARANTEED. xollin,' tho sumo from to $C Healing stoves 3 .a