The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 29, 1899, Image 4

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    Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
amd Bowels
JU r-vrrrrTi IAI iVi
M.Y. CA1.. "Co T- M
ltuy Your From Our Home
The Times has always preached and
practiced the doctrine ot patronizing
home Industrie? in preference to foreign
institutions. Therefore we feel obliged
to express our rteret that some of the
good citizens of Morrow conuly are al
lowing themeelves to be l'b'ed" for many
n bard earned duliar by sleefc-tongued
strangers who are here selling the
"Home Comfort" rane for just .13 more
than exactly the same stove can be
bought right here at home of Gilliam &
Bisbee, an old reliable firm of home
merchants, who perhaps have many and
many a time accommodated and trusted
these very same purchasers. These are
broad assertions, but absolute facts.
Originally there were three brothers
n St. Louis manr factoring Etoves, when
they disagreed and dissolved. Twro of
them began manufacturing the "Home
Comfort" range, selling it from the
waon, the other began manufacturing
the "Majestic" and selling it to the
dealers. Both are manufactured of ex
actly the same kind of material, but
simply have different stjles and iMirup.
The very ,sa no range, that these
smooth strangers sell for $73, Giiliam &
Bi?bee sell for 60 and can wait jast as
long on their iuony as can these foreign
ers. What then is made by patrunVng
these outside intruders?
The manner of forcin.; immediate
collection on notes given this company,
after verbally agreeing to wait some four
or rive years on the same, can be ex
plained with considerable force by one
or two victims in the Eight Mile country.
We regret that aomo of our citizens
have by oily word3 been imposed npr.n
in tiiis manner, and we trust that here
after these people will patron!:- home
Proprietor Lyceum Shall Oyster Parlor, of Rochester, NY
Obtained $2,000 Life Insurance Policy
"My business as proprietor of the
street. Rochester. N
Y., writes -Mr.
that my lungs became affected.
and go to work at some
thingoatdoors. He said
my lungs were in bad
shape, and I knew it
just as well as he did.
The trouble had been
growing ou me for a
long time. Like most
other people, I tried to
make myself believe
the trouble was not in
the lungs. I called it
stomach trouble or ner
vous disorder, but I
kept coughing, pitting
stud wasting away right
.along. I lost in weight,
falling from 140 to 115
pounds. Somehow or
other, I got hold of Ack
er's English Remedy
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was
as well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be
fore I took the cold which came so near killing me. I now weigh 150 pounds
ten pounds more than ever. After recovering, I applied for a life insurance
policy. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover
that my lungs had once ben affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi
tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what
you call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above.
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case."
Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
M't authorize the uUn guarantee, II', 11, HOOKER it CO,, J'rojirtclort, Xew York,
industries and stay by those who have
nlwave stared bv them.
The same argument applies to all home
merchants. Keep yonr money at home,
deal with reliable home firms and quit
howling abont the scarcity of money.
Heppner Times.
Keep kases on Keller's Kristtuns kar.dy
Use Clarke & Falk's qninino hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Bunnell's
drug store.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints.
BeW'itt's Little Early Risers purify
the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the
system. Famous little pills for consti
pation and liver troubles.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 23 cts. Blakelcy & Houghton
Mrs. K. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says,
"Our baby was covered with running
sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
cured her." A specific for piles and
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
Extra- Notice.
Strayed from the range on Dutch flat,
one dappled gray horse, four years old
next spring; branded on left shoulder
thus, U. Five dollars reward will be
given to any person returning same to
my place on 3-Mile.
nov291mo 0. W. Cook.
S'ck Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using -Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton Drnggitt'-.
Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
says, "I suffered a long time from dys
pepsia ; lost flash and became very weak.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured
me." It digests what you eat and cute?
all forms of stomach trouble. It never
fails to give immediate relief in tiie
worst caEee.
Fioral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Great sacrifice sale of Jewelry ncxt
door to the First National Bank. 20-21
Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Tracs Marks
Copyrights Elc.
A nvor.o senrtlnsr a sketch !ir 'J description ma'
nn'rklr vjror'nlti tir o i' ' froo whet bar a
, invention is Jruunt. ii:uimiuuiiu. uimuunic
I i.-,ii3!.trlclr'inL'"ritu!. llatidbooiron I'utentt irea. uiue: i accnry i-Trccunui: tvuiuiim.
J'nicLts taken tlirjush J!uni & Co. reeetvs
tjiectal notice, vfllhout, cimrre, If the
Scientific Mmzfmi
A h.nida'cly UlntratPrt wl'r, T-nroent r.!r.
iDlnllr ii c t nnr i.plemiac ; mrnal. Terms, ia a
ri-:ir: nnr months, it SulibjuU ne.TB!e.ilcn
ilUNN & CD.3B:2rwdNew York
licm;!i Ofrtce (25 I' 1 - Wshir.cioii. V.
Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 245 Main
Lnarles W. BabcoeK, "w
as so confining
My doctor told me I'd have to leave the store
An Arcadia Owned and Managed hy
an ISnterprlNlnir California
Wiinim, N
In California, near Clovcnlale, Is iv
village consisting of a station and a
post oflice, which is combined with n
telephone station nd a general Mipply
store. There are also a shop or two
and n goodly number of cozy cottages.
The name of the station is Preston,
mil this is its story:
Twenty-nine years ago II. L. Preston
nnd his wife left West Virginia and
settled where the village now stands.
Mr. Preston bought a small section of
land, and gradunlly added to it by
buying adjacent property. The land
was cleared and planted, water piped
for household use nnd irrigation, and
the homestead grew to be a prosperous
looking one. Mr. Preston died seven
years ago, leaving his wife alone, with
the exception of n son by n former mar
riage. Up" to this time there had
ullage, nothing but a nicely cultivated
fruit farm, but Mrs. Preston, who is a
native of Connecticut, set nbout build
ing a town. For a number of years she
had been treating persons for slight
ailments, and gradually won a reputa
tion as a healer. Many persons came
to her and. liking the sum.tmdings,
they stayed on in the iitlgl'l 01 hood,
and little by little a number of houses
were put up. Mrs. Preston busicxl her
slf in making life pleasant u-r the
people gathered about her. She did not
organize a colony, but kept all of her
interests separate. First she built a
pretty schoolticuse, and for six years
taught the children herself. Then she
put up a church, in v.hicji the services
were and are entirely original. Mrs.
Preston calls her religion '"the religion
of inspiration," and she herself preach
es the sermons.
The Preston settlement is thoroughly
independent. There are children
enough to justify asking the state to
provide for their education, but inste.-.d
the teacher of the school is hired by the
subscriptions of the parents. Mrs.
Preston had bridges constructed, the
are given a life tenancy free, uhich is
roads kept in order and new cues laid
out at her own expense. Jler tenants
are given a life tenancy free, which is
s.ecured for themselves and their chil
dren, but Mrs. Preston keeps the title
in her own name.
2o liquor is sold. The. people live in
pretty vine covered cottages, and dur
ing the summer they all go to a lake
in the mountains, which is ten acres
in area and Flocked wjth fish, where
camping facilities have been prepared
by the settlement's fairy godn.jther.
Everything is free to the villagers of
Preston at this mountain resort. X.
Y. Tribune.
Won on Ills Srconil Wind.
"It was such a good joke on me,"
said the girl in the gray velvet toque
to the girl in the blue velvet shoulder
cape, as they stirred their hot choco
late, "that I must tell you.
"You know how John has been pro
posing to me at regular intervals ever
since he was out of knickerbockers.
Well, he did it again the other night,
and, with Ids usual fatality, chose an
occasion when I was very cro.
"lie did it a linle moie awkwardly
than tisual, too, deliberately choosing
the old-fashioned method of offering
me 'his hand and heart.'
Here she paused to drink some choco
late, and the girl in blue asked breath
lessly what she said.
"Oh!" .remarked the other, in n tone
of one relating an event of no impor
tance, "I told him that 1 believed 1 was
already provided with the full'quota'of
budily organs, and that 1 wouldn't de
prive hirn."
"And what did he say?"
"Well, Belle, that's the funny thing.
He seemed to brace up, and said politely
Oat at any rate there was nodoubt about
my having a full share of cheek! And
I was ao delighted to find a man capable
of even that much repartee on being
rejected that I accepted him!" Col
lier's Weekly.
finluntlnr of Veal.
Take a breast of veal, beat it as flat
as possible, and sprinkle with salt, pep
per and pounded spice. Then lay the
inside upward and brush it overVith
beaten egg, then coter with a layer ol
thin lean ham. Mix together one pound
of pork sausage meat, the thinly pared
rind of a lemon chopped very line,
herbs and parsley, a little cayenne and
mace, the juice of a lemon and the
whltesof threehcrd boiled eggs cut very
fine, and spread this forcemeat over the
ham. Lay the three hard boiled yolks
along the center, and roll the veal up
tight; bind it with tape, new it in a
cloth, stew It gently for four hours,
then place between two flat dishes, with
heavy weights on the top, and leave till
cold. Tuke it from between the dishes,
remove the cloth and the tapes, and put
on u dish covered with parsley. Phila
delphia Press.
I'raob Cnatard.
Pare and rub through a colnnder
enough ripe juicy peaches to muke one
pint of pulp, add the beaten yolks of
three eggs, one cupful of cream or rich
milk, und sweeten to taste. Bake very
slowly, and cover with a merangue
made of the three whites. Home Maga
zine. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb26-tf
Ol'.KOON, )
Tivr. lir.ritTMSNT,
tiAtr.M.Nov 21, lMtJ.l
l.X EC fl
In nreorilHtiro ul'li tho vnivMonn n( nn Act
entitled "An Act hubmtttlns: to tlie Klertnrs of
liio Stain of On count the iiencrnl Klecllon M
lictielilon the Hist Monday in Juno, lvu). tlin
vending I'roiio.'ed ConMltutloiml Amendments
iiliprou'd lV!ittmr.v Is, 1"oj, 1, T. T. Cic.-r, imf
ernor of tlioMnu' of or, roii, dotiertny eiiii-o the
follow ins vrnponil toiiendmciit?. in the rmiMI
tutioiiof thetrtti'i.f orecon, a certified l I'V
thos-errclnry of Mnt-, to ). imldlMied for live
consucuilvu weeks In Tub lui.w:. fiiRoNMri.i:.
11 itcvMnicr iniblis-hed ta the teveatli Judicial
DiMrlcl 01 tho Stutt' of Oregon.
Pone lit the Cnltol, nt ?ii!om, Orecnn,
fsKALl Hit!. Jlt (1 i.v of Novemlvr, A. I. K.U
''. T. tiKKK, Governor.
Bv the Governor:
V. I. Ul'.MUU, Secretary of Str.te.
He it resolved bv the Semite, the House enn
eurriliR! 'Unit the following uniendment to the
Constitution of tho Stnto of Oregon he mid is
hereby proposed :
Ttuit foctlou id of Artlrle XI. of the Coiistliu
Hon of tbu state ot Oiegon be mid the same Is
herebv nbrogatisl, and In Ilea thereof ikctlon 10
of At tide -1. hhall be n follov s:
Section in. No county, city, town, nrhool dis
trict or other municipal corporation shall bo nl
lowed to become Indebted In nay manner or for
nny purpose to an amount Including present ex
Isllng indebtedness in the aggregate exceeding
live per centum on tho value of the taxable
proiorty therein to be ascertained by the last as
sessment for State and count v taxes previous to
the incurring of such indebtedness.
Adopted by the .ienatc January SO, 1S5X
C. V. rtiuo.s, I'rcsldi'nt of thubcantc
Concurred In by the Housn. rcbruaryL', W
W. V. KkaiiV, Speak. rot the Hons
Adopted by the Senate January at, ISM.
Josr.rn Simon, I'rcsldeutof ths isciiiitc.
Concurred In bv the House, February I, tSU.i,
C11.V.H. II. Mo-.iues, sp;aker of tac House.
Hj it rcsolvcnl by tho Senate, the Housecna
curringi '1 hat the following amendment to the
Constitution of the State of Oregon, In lieu of
Section Ten of Article Seven (7), ba nad tho same
Is hereby proposed, tn-ult:
The Legislative Assembly may provida for the
election of Supreme and circuit Judges In dis
tinct class's, one of which classes shall conslit
of live Justices of the supreme Court, who shad
not perform circuit duty: and the other class
shall consist of utnintiy Circuit Judges as may
be deemed access ly, who hhall hold full terms
without allotment and who shall tnko the suiuu
oath as the Miprcinc Judges.
1 he legislative Assembly mny creale 111 many
circuits as inny he necessary.
Adopted by the Senate, I'ebruary l.'i, ls9l.
C. W. 1-ci.ton', i'rtsident of the otiiRtc.
Concurred la bv the House, I'ebruary lj, lt31.
W. I'. Keaiiv, SK;iikcr of tho House.
Adopted bv the Sn:itr, January H, ls'JV
Jossrit Smo.N, President of tho Senate.
Concurred In by the House, February r, H'.i'i.
Ciias. II. ..lojias, speaker u' the House.
HOfai: joint ku.soi,utiox, no. 10.
Ite-olved by the House, iho .Sonate eoucurr
lug; That the follutviug amondmeut to the Con
stitution of I he State of Oregon be uud hereby is
Thitt the Constitution be nmended by adding
ArtlcleXlX, its follos, to-Hit:
AKXl'-LF. six.
Section 1. The necessary uso of lands for the
constructi-.1!! of reservoirs or storage bal:is for
the purpose of lrtlgatloa or rights of way for
the cnastructiou of canals, ill tehef, Humes or
pljies to eotivef water to f.o plane of use lor any
useful, b:nellcl'il or ncccssurv pur)Mse, or for
drainage, or for drnluag'j of mines or the work
itigs thereof, by mcutu of rojd, rallroadu, tram
ways, cuts, tunnels, ifcnfts, hoisting works,
dniu)ur other nece'.ury means to their com
plete development or anv other mo necesiary to
the complete development of tho natural re
sources of the State or preservation of the health
of Us Inhabitants, is henby dwdared to bo 11 pub
lie use and subject to tho regulation and control
of the .-bite.
Section 2. 1 h right to appropriate the uttiit
prohibited waters ol any natural stieam to lien
efielal uses thai! necr be detiud.
faectl.'ii 3. The use of all waters now appro
priated fur sa'e. rental or distribution, also 01 all
waters originally appropriated for private ue,
but which, after sued sppropiHtloh, has heret 1
fore bi-eii or may hereafter be (.old, rented or dis
tributed. Is hereby deelnrel to n a t u'jIIc U'c
and subj:t to tt.e reulutloa a nl control cif tin
Btnte iu the iiinntcr prescribed by law. Hut the
light louse and appropriate such waters shah
be subject to such 1 rovlsions of law for the tak
ing of private probity for public or prlv-to use
unprovided in Section I, Article 1 of tuv. Con
stitution of the Stute of Oregon.
fceellon 1. 'J ho right to collect taxes or com
pensation for the use of water supplied to anj
county, city, town or water district or Inhabit
ants thereof, Is 11 franchise, and e.iiinot be exer
clstd except by authoilty of und la 11 inunnir
j'.ciiTiucu oy iaw .
Adopted by the House, IVbrurry 1", isa.i.
Vt. 1. Kkaiiv, spea!;erof tho House.
higuetl March 7, ln.)
Adopted by the Senate, February 17, 1SUS.
C. W. Fclto::, I'ruslilent of the Senate.
(signed Jliirch IVJ3 )
Adopted bv the House, Hbruiiry , l-'.i'i.
(. has. II. .Mooi'.r.s, rienkerof the House.
Concurnd in by the Senate, February IS, WJ5.
Josemi faiMo.v, Fieslient of the Semite.
projioslug an amendment to the Constitution of
the state if Oregon, by repealing Section aj of
,rncio i.
ftesolvcd by the House, thotcnati! concurring:
That Section :!' of Aiticlo 1 of the Coiihtltutlon
be and hereby Is rein-aled.
Adopted by the 1ouse, January 11, lV.i.'J.
V, 1'. Kkauv, sjcaler of the House.
Concurred In by the Senate, January :in, 1h:j:i,
C. . Fci.iok, President of thoftcnate.
Adopted by tho House, January 00. 1 S'.)..
Ciias. 11. .Muokkb, oiienker of the House.
Concurred la by the Senate, February 12, lb'.t'j.
He it resolved by tho Senate, thu House con
curring; 'J hat the following amendment to the
Constitution of tho State of Otcgonbcand is
hereby proposed:
The elective franchise In this State shall not
heieafter bi prohibited toany citizen on account
of sex.
Adopted by tho Senate, February C, 1S33.
Johei'h Simon, l'resident of the Semite.
Adopted by the House, February C, 1W3.
Chah. 11. Mookgh, SiKjakerof tho House.
Ciias. II. Mooass, Speaker of tho House
Adopted by the Senate. January 81, 18'J.
T. C. Tayik, President of tho Eeimtc.
Adopted by the House, January ill, 18'j.
Iv, V. Caktcc, bpeuker of th'i House.
State ok Oiikoon,
OHico of Socretury of State. )
I, F. I, IJl'NHAIt.KecrcUry of Ktato of the State
of Oregon and Custodian of tho Seal of suld
State, do hereby certify that 1 have compared
tho preoedlug copy of Senate Joint Itesoliitlou
No. 1, of tho Uvlslatlve Assembly of iwa,
"Muiilelpul ludebteduesi amendment;" Senate
Joint Itesoliitlou No. of tho U-glslatlvo As
sembly of IKM.'Mudlelury Alneudent;, House
Joint ketolutlou No. 10 of the Legislative As
seiubly of isti:j -"irrigation Ameitdinoatr'
Houto Joint Kesolutlou No. 1 of tho legislative
Assembl of MJ. " lieiKJulliiK Amendinoiiti"
and Senate Joint absolution No. 7 of tho Ixvls
lative Assembly of lMC.oKiiuul Hutlrago
Ainendmont." with the oilglnul (tuples now ou
tile In this oll'.co, und that tho tame Is a correct
transcript therefrom and Iho whole thereof,
Ik Testimony Wiiikeok, I have hero,
unto set inv huud mid ttUlxed heieto
seal the teal of the State of Oregon.
U!llf ''Vl!0i;,'J,,to, ttt. HWm, Oregon,
HiU 'Jhlrd cluy of November, A. U.
Admiral George Dewey
rrcrlvo tlia mosf. rojal welcome on Oct. lst
rest, that was oor accordpd to an Aascrlcau
You will fla.l a conpicto foloirraphy of law RTtM
rcro, iaclu Jlug tils brilliant victory oror tho Spmt
jh neet lathe CTcat, tvutfcorltRtlva an! up-
date o:U or reference, tho
Now Werner Edition of the
This la tho only CDryclortttoontheranrkct tht
fccuUrns Admiral Ic-.vcy. It glvci tho (Uto ol Iih
tfrlli: how ho spent hto boyhoo.1 day?; tho part ho
oek In the Civil War; how after tho War ho vta
tcjployeJon thcKaropcan Btatlon; In tho Naval; bis riso to the rank of Commander and
t'lc.iltlcn: of the Board of ItupceUon and Survey;
his command cf tho Asiatic Squadron; how on
Ar-r.l :."th ho left Hong Ko'-g with his ticadron,
found aa3 dcr.ircyoJ tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila,
-.u May Ut; his appolntrncnt r-i Acting F.eor Ad
ralral, tha honor3 ho received from Conercw, and
Lew oa March 2nd, hs wa created full Ad
toiral. It sr-eass of him aa a strict disciplinarian,
La all-around athlete, a darlns horseman aiid
huntsman, atj'l socially a gcs-Td club man and
eencral fuvcrlto. It tolls cf hli nmrrlano t
Susy Goeslwln, a daughter of tho "fighting gov
ernor" of New llamihlro, who died in U72, lciv
liiS a sou, Geotgo Goodwin Doncy. .
GoveniorTlieodoro Roosevelt
Admiral Schlsy
Admiral Sampson
Capt. Clark of tho Oregon
and Kottt sf ether noted innnges not c?cn
msntloneil .n Miy other nneyclojmdu receive tho
tamo attention In this edition of tho
Encyclopedia Britannica
It sneaks of General W'otA as Gorcruor
ago, of General Henry as Govcrcot-Gcnsral o.
I'crto Itlco; of Aguinaldo'a dtclaratlon cf Wat
agolnit tho U. 8.
cf human Iccowlodga and proeres1, wherein lufor.
nmtloalimorocr.f 'ly f.mud and ncqulr.-d thanlr.
any other boox oi cucycloradla iu Iho no:u
JTs YOUR home:.
ioa UA1E ST
EAST and SOUTH via
Tlie Shasta Route
or Tiiu
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are duo to arrive nt I'ortlat
OVKItl.ANl) KX-)
prets, biilem, Kose- 1
burr;, Ashland, Sac- I
rnmento, Ogdeu,Siia I
Tranche), Mojave, (
Iis A tiRCles, Kl 1'iiko. i
New Orleans and
7:00 J'. M
;15 A. M
8:30 A. il
Koicburg uud nay sta
tions fVia Woodbura fori
1 .Mt.AiiKel,Kilverton,
West Sclo, Drowns-
I Natron j
1:30 i'. M
17:30 A. M.
( stations,.
and way
5:501'. if.
INHlil'KNDKNCK I'ABSIiNOKU. Kxpress trsla
Uttlly (except Sunday),
l;M)p. in, ehv rortlund ...Ar.) 8:25 u. m
7:30 p.m. Ai..McMlunvlllo. .l.v.J b;Wu,in
BibO p. in. (Ar..ludeieudcuce..I.v.) 4;K) u. in
Daily. lOaliy, except Bunany.
Attached to till Turoueb Tralas.
Direct connection at kan f'rnnclsco with Occl
dental and Oriental and l-aclllo mall steamship
Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Hulling date on
Rates and tickets to Eastern jxiltits and Ku-
r.'V.u-, ,A.lli0.A,'AN' HONOLULU uac
AUnl HAL! A.
All lll.lirit r.,ltia ....I.... t ....M A . .
v. ., n,,,,,, nh nuu urimri iron
Grand Ceutral Station, Fifth and Irvnu atrooU
l'asscnKer Dewt, loot of Joflersou street.
Iavo for Sherldun, wtiek days, at 1:10 p. in
Arrive at 1'ortland, u:30 u. m.
Leave for AlllI.IE on Monday, Wednesday and
Fri'lay uth:U&o. rn. Arrive at Portland, Tum
dav, Thursduy and Saturdai it 3:05 n. m.
lirccpt Sunday. Except Saturday,
il aiiauor. Aw,t. O. F. A Fiim. Airt
tim.1 r," 1,v.':.v"", ?,,...,',v.? rv,v,w"cr
states, Canada and Europe cau bo obtained at
lowest raUis rriiin
or N. WIIEJAL,1DOKN,.1K''AK', T,Cktt A8eUt'
For.kll kinds of the beet home made
candy call at the candy kitchen on the
north tide of Kecond street, between
Court and Union. Retail and wholeiale
I :!
j 1
) lil'.rAKT
!' Vast
d Mnll
il 11:15 p.m.
Salt Lake. Denver, 1't.1 v..,
Worth, ()maha, kiit
M City. Pt. 1a,uIs s;m r,
Chicago nnd i:st. n
7:CS p. in,
8 p. m.
KnoM ror.n.ANp, I
Ocean Steamships,
l-or San Krnnelfco
De-cembir 3, , is, is jj
S p. m.
10 p. ta.
Columbia Itv. Pleamtm. Kxlbiindii
To Astoria nnd Way I,SUDaJ
Ci a. m.
OrcKon Citv, Newheri;, Cx.snnS,
bn.em A Way Ijind's, 7
. n. tn.
IlAAMfTTK and Yam ,-,:30n.ri
litu. ItivKns. Mon.,W
OrcKOli City, Dayton, and Frt.
and Way-ljuiditiss.
and sat.
TucThur, Portland to CorvoH'ls., Mr.n
mm nni. aim i ayijinui ms. nim r,M
Illparla to Lstristou.
30 s. m.
I.v Clparla
1::'J x tn.
r? 1'iirllcH leliimr to co to llcprmcr shonli
take No. I, lcnvltiB Iho Dalles at 7 0,i p, n
mnkluc illtect connections at lirppmr junction
Itelurulns inakliiKdlrcctconnoctiou nt HniMn
Junction with Nil. 1, arriving at The uJlcu!
J 55 ! in.
No. 5J, throucht freleht, cast bound, doc not
carry passengers; arrives a. iu., dqm
Il-.'iOn. in.
No 21, local frelsht, ciir'les paien;rri, ct
bound, arrives ::so p. tn., departs s U p. in.
No. '.'1, west bound through frclsht, doea not
carry pssscnuvrs; arrives S 15 p iu., dfjiirti
3:30 p. m.
No. t!3, west bound lorn! frelr.M, carries jas
seiiceis; nrrhes S:1A p. tn., tlejuitts s no a. m.
For full particulars cull on O, It. & N. t'o.'i
i;cut 'J lie Dulles, or adiHers
W. 11 lintUlUIlT.
Gen l'as, Act., I'ortlsnJ, Or.
Letters of Credit ifleuod available In tie
Eastern Statee.
Kii;ht Eichanire nnd Telesraphic
TruneferB sold on Now York, Chicago,
St. Lotris, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
Ron, beattle Waeli,, anu vanoue point!
in Oregon and Waslimcton.
Collections made at all jiointe oa fav
orable torma.
il.M. lint,
First National Bank,
A General Hanking UueineBS transacted
DapoBtta received, aubj'ect to Eight
ColldctiotiB made nnd proceeds proaiptlj
remitted on dav of collodion.
Sipht and Tclexrapliie KxcJiaiipf sold m
Now York, Han Francisco and r'ori
P. P. Titosti'MOH. J o. P. fccusttr.
Kb. M. Wilmams, G-o. it. Likus.
H. M. Ucau
$ ...STEAM...
Will run every day except Sundar.
Itateu Keaeonable.
Telophono 201.
5 Telophono 201. j
W. A. OATES, Prop. J
? --m.
'"WW W ww
A t-fiiiit.join.Picici'!;i;'8,Ji,tt;S Jk
ia7kmiiVaK than
DmfffiM WaX
In bOUHtiOld. I' "
' liu-lea; will 1?'f.lVcWl
Physiciau and SurtreoH
BKcUI attoatloH given lo rcry.
KoouiaaiaudW, lei.f
Office orer drench 4 tViBw
TIMR scnr.nui.R,
Fjiom l)AM.r.s.
1'hous f,