Great Overcoat and Suit Sale. Broken Lines of our remaining stock of Ker sey, Melton, Oxford and Covert Cloth Overcoats.. Broken Lines of Worsteds, Vicuna, Serge and Cheviot Suits, in all the latest stylos and colors, are on sale during the balance of this week. Any Suit or Overcoat in our as sortment will be sold prior to stock-taking. Big' Bona-fide Reduction Cost cuts no figure during this sale. Outing Flannels mmm 13e Saturday and Monday. The greatest novelties, yet dis played in these goods and at prices that arc the most attractive ever given on like goods in the face of an upward tendency of the cotton market, loc. 17c, 20c goods at the ridiculous price of 13c. All Goods MarkocJ In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. Oysters i wired in every ttylo by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. IWo ik .Mays' store will remain closed oa Monday, January let. All our customers pleneo remember that our etoro will remain closed during Monday, January let. Iiishop Morris will bo in the city on Sunday, and hold morning service in llie Episcopal church. A. iM. WlIliatiiB & Co. announce that their store will be closed all day Mon 'lav, so cuetomers should govern them eelves Accordingly. By the way, epenkifig of new boate, bat has becoino of the lino of opposi l!oa boats wliich was to have been put on the river some time buck? In the secret recesses of the county clerk's otlica toduy we find record of n martinge license grunted to Geo. V Vunderpool and MissLilliu Temple. Attachments have been plnced on the KoeekMf.Uii-ar store stock by T. J. Driver lor money loaned and wanes, nnd 1!. L. Subin for uccounts, and the property is now in the bunds of the shorill'. in Cross' window tomorrow will be displayed nil kinds of pastry, which the Indies of the Good Intent wilt have on 8aH'. Uo Hlirn mill ivitl nr vnn'll mips wiiiL'thiinj good for Sunday'H dinner. Society elides liavo been deeply in terested for somo weeks In iu event which lakes placo tonight, when Mis. J- f. J'ibl, u,j jirBi ji jj, fjinnott re vive their friends at the pnrlors of the Uuiuiillu House. Great preparations Have been made and dancing will bo the '"In of tho evening. A letter recelvid by Mrs. Wllpon this nornlng from Chaplain Gilb'Tt Is some what disappoint to those who hud NH'd to hear this gentleman lecturo 'ooii In Tho Dallee, us his coming will ow bo delayed u week, or until tho 15th 1 January, Instead of the 8th. This elwngo Is made on Hcconnt of' tho 8th Wilis during tho week of prayer. To determine tho truo aluto of all'uirs t Moro, Dr. Golseudorfl'er telephoned wis ufternooii to his friend, Dr. I. M. nwlth, W10 j tJie a(jim pdygium,, ,u 't pluCt., and who gives as Ills opinion "'at tliu disease 1b nothing but chicken Px. Home of tho pBtlente, ho says, "ever take to their bed at all, and most ' "'" ore 111 but three or four days. J)- J. Cooper U walking about the 'lreotB o' the city today, but not In his u,ul lively manner. About a week ago Mr. Cooper wai riding hit bone down 10 the trough west of Academy park the animal nhied just as he was turning the comer of the school yard and he was thrown to tho ground heavily, spraining hie hip and laying him up for a few days. Tuesday evening, Jan. 2nd, nt 8 o'clock sharp, Woodmen of the World and Cedar Circle will hold a joint installa tion of cfllcers. An extra uood piogrnm is beinir nrenared and a hannuet will be ' served. All Woodmen anil members of tho Circle and their wives, husbands and invited guests are Kquested to be present. Invitations which have been received should be pieeented at the door. The Hood IJiver .?nn has the following notice which we suspect refers to a former Dalles girl. Under a "Married" head it says : "At Portland on Wednes day, Dec. 20th, Mr. J. II. Ferguson and Miss Anna Dehm. This item explains Jud's suspicious actions of late, and his visit to tho big city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson arrived in Hood Itiver Fiiday evening, and the Sim joins with their nutnoroiu friends in hearty con gratulation anil goo I wishes." For somo time past it would appear that the membeis of tho Methodist church "loved darkness rather than light" so dim have hern the lights in the church. Thedifliculty has been due to the arrangement of the jets. Today woikmen are engaged in putting in new lights and rearranging them, so that ibev dill he in readiness for Sunday night, w hen the ehoir.assistcd by outside tal'-nt, will give a sacred concert from 8 to 0:15 o'clock, at tho close of which all who desire may remain for a watch night service, which tho pastor intends to make most inteiesting. Above all tilings we must bo stilish. Why, wo might as well be out of the worid as out of the style. Theiefore, it it Is Btylieh to reach an entertainment when wo should bo going homo, by all means lei us cause such concert, theater, or whatcvei it may bit, to have the cm tain rise at midnight. If the managers refuse to ncquieico, then must wo enter late, wall; pompously up the aislo dining the most interesting part, tread on people's toes in reaching our seats and stir things up generally. Dalles people are nothing if not stylish and wo will soon reach the zenith of our ambition in that lino If we continue. When will nmniigore of opera houses and all public places of gathering under stand that the atmosphere of the room is ono of tho most successful adjuncts of tut entertainment? If Hi" ia too cold, then will the audience freeze il.n ixirformers. If it is to overhauled Hum nrt lltl liln to fall usleop. Let tho janitors bochoren from men who under stand these things and then will our uudiences bo moro comfortublo und the porlormors reap tho benefit of tho filed on the audience. However tho frozen audience last night wx-ro somewhat thawed out by tho lively work of the "rooterB" who were warm numbers. Thonlghtwatchinan struck an indi vlduul this morning iibout 4 o'clock who might truthfully be euld to be a "warm number," Ho was crazy drunk and Phirman escorted him to (he city jail. Finding himself in close quarters l. r.l .1 .1 l.i I.- l.-.l r . I nu eviueiuiy wiuugui no nan no limner need of other clothes, and disrobing him self threw every stitch of his clothing into the fire. When the officers. arrived this morning they wero somewhat stir- i prised to find a nude man occupying the I jail, and determined ho was insane. I Later in the dav, however, ho became sober, and the question among those who frequent the recorder's olheo is which one of them has moro than ono suit and can clotho tiie prisoner. l'i'.ori.i: vow am. know. C. F. Fisher was in the city yesterday from Heppner. IIuijIi McGrocr is .in tho city from Antelope on business. Archie liamett, who spent Christmas at home, returned yesterday afternoon to Portland. Miss Gerttudo Farrelly, of Portland, is spending holiday week with her sister, Mrs. K. F. Sharp. Miss Clara Wythe, of Hood River. accompanied her brother to the city last night toattenu tho Oleo Ulub concert. Miss O. Howard, one of tho teachers in the Grass Valley academy, came up on tho boat last night, having been on a visit to l'urtlnnu menus. Miss lienlah Patterson returned laHt night from Salem to be present at tho (lancing party to be given by Mrs. Fish and Mrs. It. B. Sinnott at tho Umatilla House tonight. Ned Wythe, son of S. K. Wythe, of the Hood Kiver Glacier, came up from Hood Kiver yesterday to attend tho con cert given by his fellow students. Ho was prominent among tho "rooters" who kept things lively. Mioses ISurthu and Minnie Witts left this morning to spend a week with their sister, Mrs. Maher, in Portland. Dad informs us ho is tho loneliest mnn in town, which nirpriees us when we con sider his reputation for popularity with I lie widow?. .Mummies Notice. All members of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M., and all visiting brethren are requested to assemble at tho hall of tho lodge on next Sunday evening, Dec lilst, at 7 o'clock sharp, for the purposo of attending chinch seivices as a lodge. A full attendance ia urgently requested. Hy older of the lodge, US lit 0. 1. UoASK, cec'y. 'I liu Modern .11 ci III it ir,ia famiii Unit her Halo ones nro im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figp, when in need of tho laxalivo effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. , Alli ntloii v. it. ) Will all W. K.O. members take notice that tho regular corps meeting will be held on Saturday evoning, Dec. 30th., seven sharp. H ia Important that oil he in attendance. Lizzn: Uiiuoii, Pres. Ki.i.a Ghimisb, Sec. Wuuttri. A girl to do Kenerul housework. Ap ply at this office. -),J 2 GLEE CLUB CONCERT. Tho V. or O. StintriiU tit tin; llnliluln I.ant Night. Tho interest wliich has been taken by Dalles people in the Elalo university, particularly eince so many from her own holders have been students of that In stitution, was grently intensified last night, when sixteen of the students snng into their hearts the enthusiasm which they themselves feel. Tho personnel of the gleo club which wo refer to is as follows: Prof. I. M. Glen, director; First tenor A. 11. Eaton, A. L. Fmzer, K. C. Miller, E. S. Van Dyke. Second tenor W. G. Beat- tie, J. A. Gamber, J. E. Tyree, II. Sweet. First bass J. 15. Winstanley, It. U. Robley, L. L. Goodiich, C. W. Jackson. Second base II. E. Deiiftnorp, A. E. Meservc, F. A. Strange, R. Noma. The object of the annual holiday tours thus made hy the students is mostly of a social nature; tending to bring tho students in touch with the people of the state and through them to awaken a deeper interest in the educntionu! work which the university is accomplishing. Last year n tour of the southern part ot tie stale was made; while the boys nie now visiting the tonm in Eastern Ore gon. A largo audience of representative Dalles peoplu wero present when tho curtain rose last night and a fine-looking lot of young men appeared and sang as an opening chorus n selection "Oh Ore gon," writu-n by Prof. Stiong and the music composed by Prof. Glen. Of course they were encored, as was also the case in the various selections given, most of them being veritable ccdlege songs. In part second so greatly was the "Lit tie Poweet" chorus and following tncorcs appreciated that they were called back eis titnee. A very pretty arrangement was that of "Massa's in the Col' Col' Ground," in which Prof. Glen eang tho solo, with a chorus nccompaniment tin itating n lanjo. While college songs are taking, after nil the introduction of a number of such selections as this, which have what we might term a "soul" in them, would add much to their enter tainment. In Rpite of tho many encores given during the evening, each was kindly responded to, proving the staying quality of their voices. Prof. I. M. Glen appeared in two solos and to tho first eneoto lie responded, declining the repeated demands in tho latter case. His voico is of a rich bari tone quality and tho ease witli which he sings is very pleasing to hia listeners His selections wero difficult, but tho singer was equal to the requirements. Prominent among tho members of the club is Mr. Allan Eaton, of La Grande, whose monologues gave that spico to tho entertainment which is born of variety. His first selection was Riley's "Little WeBley's Absence," which was greatly in contrast with tho latter, n travesty on tho school boys' declama tions, displaying great versatility. Another member who is indispensable to tho success of tho club ia Mr. Arthur L. Frazer, tho pianist. As a listener was heard to remark, ho can "claw ivory." His extcution is lemarkable, particularly in so young n pianist. These two artists, JCaton und Frazsr, appeared at the close in a travestry on "Ingoinar," which was at once nmusing and meritorious. The costumes were well gotten up and the entire pioduction rendered admirably. Thoso who have heard "Ingoinar" scarcely rccognl.'il beneath the play of woids the real senti ment intended, and "Pin tlieniu's" deli uitinu of love as an "Itching of the heait that can't bo scralchtil" was entirely new to them. At the close of tho conceit tho mom hers of tho High cchool alumni and u number of their friends received the members of the club in the parlors of Mrs. E, M. Wilson's home, which was very prettily decorated with evergreen and holly, and where an hour was spent in social gicetlng, which was most pleasant. A short program was given nnd refreshments served. It was grati fying to thoso who wero present to meet these young men who nro endeavoring to make tho most of life, mid they In turn expressed tiieir appreciation of tho gieoting received. A NEW BOAT. ill ii II. P. X- A. N. tjo, Will II mid a Saw rriiiellur Tn I'ly mi I lie Oiiluiiilihi. Again must wo go away from homo to obtain the iiewa, that is with snfilcleut assuinncu to give them to our readers. While tho reporter was given an Idea yesterday that tho I). P. & A, N. Co. was about to have a new boat unlit ; nt the same time we wero cautioned : "Don't say anything about it until more definite urrungements are made," und bo we obeyed; but evidently tho same Injunction wae not given the Tele grum, for last night's edition says: "Plans for the new boat to bo built for The Dalles. Portland & Astoria Naviga tion Company liavo beeu changed, and eho will bo a propeller Instead of a Btern-whceler. The boat will be built something like tho Inland Flyer.but will be an improvement in every respect. The dimensions will be: Length, 130 feet; breadth, 10 feet; draft, (I feet 0 inches. She will bo 20 feet longer than tho Flyer nnd ono foot greater breadth. "Tho additional length gives room for many Improvements. Joseph Sup ple, who will build her, has a model which shows that she will have lines like a racing shell. The stern, instead of being cut off short, as in tho case of tho Inland Flyer, will extend out grace fnllv over tho water. This will allow the use of n Case wheel; that is, the propeller, instead of beingdirectly under the stem, will bo far under the boat, as is the case in torpedo-bonte, nnd will al ways be under water, no matter how the vessel rocks. Tho rudder will also be well under tho stern; In the case of the Inland Flyer it was hung right at the stern. "The engines of the Flyer will be used, but there will be additional boiler power. The boat will have two decks, an elegant dining-room and kitchen, and n promenade deck occupying the space below, and on the upper deck will bo tho ladioB' cabin and the gentlemen's smoking-room. Half a dozen berths are also piovided. "A draft of the boat as she will appear when completed shows that she will be a beauty. It iB the intention of the D. P. & A. N. Co. to spare no expense, and she will be made luxurious nnd elegant throughout, She will be built to catch the tourist trade, which increases year by year as the fame of Oregon's Columbia river scenery spreads abroad. "Mr. Supple will put on about 15 men next week and tho new boat will be hegun immediately. Slio is lo be com pleted to turn over' to the owners by April. The contract was EignedatThe Dalles yesterday." Of the multitudinous variety of holi day gifts there are probably nono that meet with moro popular favor, than a pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Theo. II. Liebe, graduate optician at Liebe's jewelry store, will test your eyes free of charge. J-2t Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by Ono Minute Cough Cure, Doctors hail givtn her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat .and lung troubles. Relieves at onco. Subscribe for Tiik Ciikoxici:. Ilouait tn Itent. & six-room house, on Eighth street, opposite S. Bolton's residence; four rooms furnished, including piano. For further particulars apply to Robert Teague, at W. A. Johnston's hardwaro store. 12-tf Canh In nnr CCtcHd. All countv warrante registered prior to Jan. 21, 18t!0, will bo paid nt my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 13th, 1891). C. L. PniM.ira, Oonntv Treasurer. Experience is the best Teacher. Uso Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup, Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley fc Houghton Druggists. Aeli your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Groceries Do not be misled by half page ads., etc., on Groceries. Our prices on Tomatoes, Corn and other Canned Goods hava not been higher than some of our competitors. They would make the public believe they are giving special bargains. You will always find our prices as low as tho lowest. See us before purchasing your Canned Goods. The Pioneer Grocers. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but tho standard rates, which arc not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want lo C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phono 341. THE DALLES, OE. THE GE4UlfME Wilson Aii?Tiqht f-k&te? OUTSIDE DfRFT LilE THIS: fi' Thoro nro other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that oqual tho WILSON. ....SOLD ONLY BY.... JVIAVS & CROWE, Sole Agents. k