For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrcontln-or Fnncj Vesting Kindly pall nnd examine jut stock of Im ported nnd Domestic Woolens. A line stock to elect from. . , . Bui U made Irom t he lowest prices to the high est grade. j. A. Eberle THE DALLE-', OlcEGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. evening we finished our fortifications. Hour, dried apples, pepper and other articles were distributed in the differ ent messes to enable them to cele brate Christmas in a proper and social manner." Lewis and Clatk were at that time in winter quarters anfong the Indians of the Upper Missouri, and took precautions for defense, but the social side of the observance of the holiday wns not neglected. It was customary through out the settlements and among the military posts of the AVest, as far back as the beginning of the exist ence of the West as a phj'sical entity, to have festivities of a social char acter on Christmas, and sometimes, as in the older English fashion, they lasted several dhs, and were of the boisterous and hilarious order, Ine i 1 Tailoring, i observances gradually subsided. In 2s ew Lugland, as well as in the rest of the country, the great festival of the closing week of the year now finds as general observance as it does in any other part of Christendom, SUBSCRIPTION 1'KICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 PRIDAY DEC. 29. 1S99 CIIKISTIIAS AS A SOCIAL FESTIVAL. A SITKE CUKE FOlt ci:our, Twenty-five YearV Constant Use Yt'ltli uut a Failure. The evolution of Christmas us a social festival of national observance among the English-speaking peoples is an interesting phase of social evo lution. For December 25, 1C52, Evelyn has this entry in his diary : "Christmas day. No sermon any where, no church being permitted to open, so I observed at home. The next day we went to Lewesbam, where an honest divine preached." The England of that particular day was hostile to anv recosnition of Christmas or of anv other of the The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, nnd in a child subject to tha disease it may betnken as a sure sign of the epproach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is n pecnliar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the crotipy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is nsed in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the ansious mothers. We hav6 yet to learn of a single instance m which it has not proved effectual. Xo other preparation can show tucli a record twenty-live yearE' constant nse with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. " ?l?ristTa8 1899. What would be more appreciated as n Christmns Gift than one of the many Views I have for sale? Columbia Iiuer lieus. I also have on hand n complete lino of Perfumery. M. Z. DONNELL, DRUGGIST. C. S. Smith, THE Up-to-date (Jroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a'epecialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy 1 ever used for coughs and 'colds. It is uneqnalled for whooping ' cough. Chrildren all like it," writes H. X. Williams. Gentrvville. Ind. Never holidays of the Catholic or Anglican j fans. It is the only harmless remedy church. That was the time of the that gives irr mediate results. Cures Puritan ascendency. The war of! coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu- -o , . . , 01 ,n r i,,, I monia, bronchitis and all throat and the Parliament against Charles I. had I ' 0 , 1 lung troubles. Its early use preventB just ended, Charles had been exe- Enmpti cuted, and the Puritans, under Crom well, were everywhere triumphant in Great Britain. During the Crotr-1 Came to my place on Five Mile, about wellian commonwealth, which was j tw weeka ae n bncktkln saddle horse, this entry in his journal, it was the Stray 'otlce. Tne GolumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANOFACTHKEKt) OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. Just What You uiant. MM New ideae in Wall Taper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced "a single Btock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordiuary prices. Good papers at cheat) paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vonre for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a fall line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Wholesale ana Retail DRUGGIST REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Poriians & Astoria Kav. Co j Tlio Rtenmom of thb RcRtilntor l.ino will run nx n the fol.'j InwIiiR schedule, tlio Oorajmny roscrvliiR tho right to clmnge'i Hchvilulu ultlioitt notice. Str. Repulator. (I.imltr.i Undlnirs) l.v. 10 w s. Dulles nt S A. M. Tilt'Mlii" Tlminlny Piitunlny . Arr. Portland nt Sr. Mi vv. l.V. l'ortl.iiid lit 7 A. Mi ,. Momliij . Wi'iiM'sci ny l-rldiiy .rr, lnl Ion nt 3 r. Mi Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City, (Touching nt till U'nyl'nlittx) tlfUVN. l.v. Dalle ntC:ni)A. H, .Monday . . Wednesday , Krldny Arr. lWliiml (uncertain) Itn l.v. rortlntid ,5 . II A. Mi TllOMlne ' TlnirMiiij-,5 Arr. l)iiiii. (iiniTrtiiiii),! FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel liy the Steamers ol tho UciruUtor l.lne. The (Nimimtiy will emleiivor to given tmt ronti the btfM KCivlen possible. For further Information addreMi l'orlhmd Ofllce, Ouk Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Agt., The Dalle. tJBL Impulse U i Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Secoiiu Street. THE DALLES i 15' !: IlAfJE BROS 1 OKXEItAL BlaoRsmitas ...AND... Horsesfioers and Motors MAXtrFACTl'UL'I) 11 y AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ETC SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, Circulnrs and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, ur.2G THIS DALLES, OKEG0N F. S. Gunning, custom of the Puritans to fast on Christmas and feast on Ash Wednes day, on the theory that the greater the remove fiom tho nsnges of the older churches the nearer to true godliness. For more than a century after the end of Cromwell's republic and the and an M on nyht shoulder. Said horse has been on the range near my place for the past two years. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. Dated Dec. 19, 1S99. Fuank D. Jones, dec20-4t The Dalles, Oregon. A I rlKlitful Uluuder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cat or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica downfall of the Puritans in old Eng-, Salve, the best in the world, will kill land many of the ideas of the Puri- j tbe pain and promptly heal it. Cures tans of the Cromwellian time pre-! old korvs fever fi0rcs ulcere' boils,corns, ItI(lll4 lirill II 1 1 Hk Ml HTIl III II1I1H. HH)I T1IIM r A-fwuju care on earth. Only 25 cts. a Loz. , Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplks, Cor. Second & Lac. 'Ploho 167 Wagon and Carriage Work, i' Fish Brothers' Wagon. i TliM mi Jelrii. Phone 159 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s? wllfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. . i '3 '3 vailed throughout New England. Christmas IVas not recognized 111 r-nrp trnarantGed. either a religious or a social way by' Houghton, druggists. the early settlers of Massachusetts, Connecticut and the other colonies in their neighboihood. Thanksgiving Sold by Blakeky Jliuv Arc Your Kyc? Dn't overlook the fact that V. Garretson is the onlv i?raflunted refrac- was the only festival which bad ' t,onUt 5n the c-,ty. Any one who has any vogue in that quarter until well imperfect vision can bn properly cor- along in the present century, except i reeled with lenses that will overcome; among the Roman Catholic element ! aU defectlone. No charge for esami-: nation. of tbe on'y population. In fact, within the past quarter ofacenturvi P"cDBsea mo b ock oi u,e ,.. ... ,. ! Daut Optical and Jewelry Company, I did December 2oth beg.n to differ wi Be the gam0 at B grent Bacrifice ftt in any essential particular from the j their old location, opposite Mays & average da' in the calendar of the i Crowe's Hardware Ktore on Second C. F. Stephens .Dealer in... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. liuotB, Shots. IIntK, Ciipa, Nutiont;, lor Yi. I.. Uouglun Shoe. Telephone So. 8. 131 Second Kt.i Tie Date, Or. ..GHflS. FWK.. 1 Butchers and Fattmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrntmltt tho eelcbrutcd COl.L'.MHIA liEKK. ncknowl-fdRi-rl Uib bent b'er In The DulleH, nt the umubI price. Cornell), try It mid Lc coKViiH'etl, Also the Flin'kt hniuds of Vlncn, I.l uor mid Clfiirs. Sandrxtiehes ol nil Klndtt ulwiiya on lmnd. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use : every Rack is guaranteed to cive satisfaction. Wei sell our poods lower than any hotiBe in tho trude, aud if you don't think to call and gut cur prices nud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the G-reate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Kodol Subscribe for The Chronicle. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. descendants of the original inbabi- atreet. Harry C. Liebe. tants of the New England states. In the middle states and in the South, Christmas obtained both religious and Bocial recognition from the first. I The Dutch and Germans of oS't-w York r.nd Pennsylvania, the Roman Catholics of Maryland and the de-j scendants of the Cavaliers in Virginia and some of tbe other Southern colonies nnd states had no share in the Puritan view of the matter. The Western states, with the toler d20-21 WHISKEY from .fj.76 to ti.OO per unlioti. to'flfycarH old.') IMPOETED (JOGNAO from $7.00 to sfll'.OO per t-ullon. '(lfto" 20 years oKI. 0ALJJ0KHIA.IlItAKDIEB fiom i!:.L'5 to Ul 00 per liullon. (4to 11 ynre old. ONLY THE PUEEST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Vul Blatr and Olyinpia Uecr in bottles JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Dyspeosia Cure. jUfyS. OLIVIA W. flOGAH, Digests what you eat. ! Sttt-hto I.. ItarUflciallydlgeststhefoodandaldfl DEALEKS IN T XJ XXO iature in strengthening and recon-l and Btructlng the exhausted digestive or-' nil 1:4 c ,fans. It is the latest discovered digest-1 Hll KinQS Ol AJtvl INiiilJXjii. tUUM. ""i;" A: h"c.r Preparation T' THE COt'NTV COUltT OF THE STATU i of OrtKOii. Jor U'usco coujit-. In the mutter of tlio KUiinllaiihlilp of George Kiluit. I'm ill: Klliut, Aiii.iu Jordan, Knlk Jordan ui'd Mary Jo.djii inino.-s. Now on t!ili Dili d iy of December, 1S99, cutno i WilllrMi JokUii, tUe duly niipoiiitud, ouitlliled U Hiid iiri'fcciited lili lictllioj til it tit; Kir unorder uutliurUliiK aud direotliiK him to oull tlit luletitit of til Id iiiluorH In certuiu rent property herein lifter defccriotd, nnd it appearing to tlio court from itidd puttttuu Unit It 1 necemiury und lienu. Ilclul to fcntd wuida tluit their interest In tho MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wash, ton StreutH, The Dalles. 1 : can approach it in eillclency. It In- r to , Btantly relieves and permanently cures 1 nMeFal SUPPlieS I Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,! I Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Ttfni.cnn' toiitli hull of the toullte.ift ouurter of nection IK, torii6liiji U miith, ruuge 1U eut, W, M., bu ., Drl,i iilor lintn niu-n,.,, , sold; theieiote it i oraercu umi -j uereku wiim. ance and liberty which have al waj s - tllu motbor Mia ,text i mn of ocorKo Kiimt mm rliaranlarivn1 lliia tonllnn liowo nU I l''rttllk Klllllt lllld Wild Willlum JordUII, father cusracterueci ihi? section, nave 00- 1(1 m.xt ot kin 0( Annie, Katie mid siury Jorduu.aiidoll peroiiH luteriHted in ld estate, uppeur before this court ut the court room there of in Dalle City, Oregon, on tue uiu day ol ervcd Christmas from the first. Ptrick Gass, one of the soldiers in tbe expedition of Lewis and Clark from, St. Louie to the mouth ot the Columbia, makes this record in bis onrnal for Dec. 24, 1604: "This January, luoo. ut the hour of two o clock u, in.. tlieu and there to allow eauae why s licente should not be gi anted for the aale of aucu eatute, and that tbl order be publlabed at iMtt three autceaaive weeka in The JJallea Chronicle, o weedy newtoaper printed In told county. Dated thin 'Jth duy of December, im. KOUKKT MAYS, decl3-l County Judge. ftERVlTA EtdtMeaVi'CALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD CureB Impotency, Night Emissions and wanting discuses, ail clTectu of self- abuse, or excess and inula, cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale checks am' restores the fire of youth. By mall SOe per box ; boxes lor we.SO; with a written guaran tee to cure or reftiad. the mouey. MCRVITA MEDICAL CO. Bold by Bltkeley & Dallea, Oragon. Houghton, Tbe SickHeadaclie, Gastralgia.Cramps. and ''""' icouuhuj JiiiperieciaiKestion. - Prepared by E. C. OeWRt A Co., Cblcano. OiiGUNN'S E1LLS wnb fur a DOSE. mil mnv" 1 I'rwent Ul.f o UAU l,p . Dy.p,,,rV, J. B. Clark, Peoria, III,, nays, "Sur geoni wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with De Witt's Witch H.iel Salve." It U infallible for piles and rkln diseases. Bewara of counter ts. Grandall & Budget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, BuPial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to upply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCHj Pioneer oer.