el)c Dal VOL. XII NEW COMPLICA TIONS THREATENED THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 1899. NO 120 Dne to Rumor That Eoglaui Will Soon Occupy Delagoa Bay, WILL SHUT OFF SUPPLIES The Kcport Is Not Credited in Either France or Germany, but the Paper Publishing It Asserts That Its Source of Information Is Infallible. ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baiin6 Powder Made from Grape Cream of Tartar. Baking powders made from alum and other harsh, caustic acids are lower in price, but inferior in work and injurious to the stomach. .NuwiojtK, Dec. 23. A dispatch to tlio Trillium from London Have: The announcement of thu Merlin Lokai Anzsigcr that under tho secret slipula Hons of Uiu treaty, ucrmany will lake Portugal's Afric.ui colonies iind tlio territory north of tho Zunbesi and Knglnnd Delaja bay, la tho most start ling news of tlio day. Tho authority in not ollicial, and tho statement of cjii- ir..i ...!.. t... . ... ..... V I. .l !...! ..i " " h UD... u,, ,, u uc John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subjee', 13 narrated by him as follows "I was in a most dreadful condition. My ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. W. Haiti. Dr. Gunsauius and Hooker T. Washington. The date for tho Glad stone Park assembly wns (iscd lor July 1121, and the Ashland assemblv July II 20. Itolilivil tlio (i rave. accepted with reserve until tho foreign ollieo coiillrnia it. Tho alleged payment of 23,000,000 marks for Germany' share in this territorial trade also seems doubt ful. Soma disclosure of this kind has been expected in diplomatic circles for several skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue eoated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually Brow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had veil me up. Fortunately, a weeks, eince the necessity for shutting off )riend udvise(1 .Keclric Hitters'; and to the supplies of arms and ammunition for tho Transvaal has becomu apparent with prolongation of tlio war. While the ltnssian press forecasts the occupa lion cf Herat as tho first consequence of their occupation of Dtdagoa bay, tho French journals are cautious to know what tho Washington government will do regarding tho seizure of American veesels bv tho Hritish navy. Whatever that action may be, reports that Mr. Clio ttu has intervened in the matter are premature atul unfounded. The Htitish pr.o courts will without doubt be allowed to do their wotk precisely as the American prize operated during tho war with Spain, nnd questions of contraband my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use forthreo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and fobbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 00c, guaranteedat Hlakeley A UouL'hton's drug etote. 5 raw fish to be enforced during the fol lowing season. This year, however, the indications aro the rivalry batween tlio cold-? torago plants, the independent canneries and Ihecombina will keep the price at a high figure, nnd it is doubtful it the fishermen will take any action in the matter, at least not until later in the teason. llolltellii I Iiihiuiu. Ni:w Yoi:k, Dec. 28. A epecial to the World from Boston says: Congress man Boutelle is now in the McLean hospital for insane at Waverley, seven miles out of Boston. When he was brought to Boston last Monday night it was the intention of tho attending doctors to place him in tlio Channing smitariuni at Brookline, a private in stitution. He was refused admittance there, the inference being that his case was a morn desperate ono than the management eared to bo responsible for. From a thoroughly reliable sourcoit was ( reported that the congressman is sufl'er- ing from paresis. in cash tlio sum 01 10,UUU. murigiu of way includes about 15 acres of ground, and extends along the bank ct tnu of war and neutral lights will bo argued Snake river opposite Lewiston. Tlietu ).. ,i hnvii been su many lalso motions madi' in uuii tuurtu. - ,, ,,,..1 l!,itui,. ,.n,l IVMI, mmnr. Hint all oil the part ol tlio railroads inai Iiuuuuy neutral nn.r. will l!..rtfm,H If Kmrhind has a remnmit oi couinence iu.i m... takes effective measures for closiug the back door against tiio entrance of contra band of war into the Transvaal two colored by the general belief that there nested is a K'cret agreement with Cieimany re . i. ( V M.i,'. IHi.l.t fir Wnv. I Lkwisto.v, Idaho, Dec 27. The O. H. I X- V rii.lil.fif.u-nv nepnt. C.Ultaill l nil- .r. has comnleted the Durchaso of a ; with loc.il applications, as they cannot rieht of wav through Viueland, paying (.'ulHi'ili Uiitinoi lio Cured tnno when a jt.'i.OOO wonbl siiiceiify. There was a nurcliaso amounting to have caun'd some interest to bu maui- Not ono person in u hundieil believes that tlio purchase was maue, i . latins to any emergency which may arise although tiiomomoLjj...M. . on tho east coast. riuyii out. Dull Ho.idacliu, Pains in various parts of tho body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverlshness, Pi.nt.li-s or Sores all positive evidences. blood. o matter now u rilutriiirnti Itiuccurul"'. I)Ni)0.v, Dec. 28. So many alleged disclosures of secret Deiagoa bay agree- moots have recently been submitted to ,,f jmnuro the Britlrli foreign office that tlio officials Jt.cl,inu so it must l.o purified in order to havo made It u rula noitlior to deny nor nl.taln iood health. Ackers Blood allirni thorn, and when questioned re- Kluxir has never failed to cure Scrofulous garding the statements of tho Lnkal or Syphilitic poisons or any oiuer mouu Anztigor, tho oflicials adliered to this ,ijHeases. It is certainly a wonderful hhII uvurv bottlo on l'ri'Dfl irulttufil tlio nllntJPll lllfi- I .. ..noItU'o Willi rantee. BlukeleyA IIouuli closures wore quite Inaccurute. A dis- (U'M drug store tkutilt .v it... m t I)..ITt jiAhl. I !. m wits iimeN iruiu wciiik v-w...- i,huiiiI TiiiiBurn inents on the Lokal An.eiger treaty .. . 8 tho rn,)tliru 0f Annio statement as follows: c..ri..,.r of 1123 Howard St., Phil- "When It Is remembered that two of j.j ,,tl when sho found that Dr. Portugal's Asiatic possessions, Goa and ni,1,nvurv for Coi.sumptioii Damoa, form enclaves of tho province m,j uomplotoly Miroil her of a hacking of Bombay, the statements of the Lokal (hat f()r Inal)y y0l,r8 had made nuzeiger border on tho fantastic.-' , i.ri. All other remedies aim doctors could give her no help, but she UreffMii (MiMuUiKnift Aflininhllvil .... . Pnrnl Curt! "il toun iu Data w . . Oitkonu n.tnv iw .97. i. w. Grav. ... i n... ,.,iin in mv chest and i can Willamette Valley ,10w sloop Bounuiy, buihw..o SClTHlurU nl II, a pi, ni.i a i... .nt...ii I.. rf.iniHiibor doing Delori. ""mimiiuua AIHOCIUVIOII, lino iun" (tiiiwJi; I can I feel UUII, lino luini'"". traiifi; - , ,. from Bin Francisco, where he attended lko sounding its praises "'roug, - nnivorse." rso win vci? I)r King's Now Discovery forany rouble oHllo ti" oa. chest or lui..1 Irlal noiuu.Mu v -.-. drug store , uci ojiiference of delegates from tho var ious assemblies. The meeting was held to select lecturers and entertainers for the suitimor assemblies. Theodore Itoosevolt, Bishop Benson, Clara Barton, Jubilee slngori, and Alton Packard, were the choice of the conference. In the event that satisfactory terms cannot and l Houghton's guaranteed. . .M.i....nBiil.ii'i Worry Almiit a u w.a7.-llereloforo It has nnuiniiiarv lor i"u fhliornien's reach the sent of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal lemedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ih taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surlacee. Jiall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was proscribed by ono of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of tlio best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifioiH, acting directly on tlio mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tlio two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. ,1. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrugglsts, prico 7."c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 H. J.'. Tria'Kloli Dead. La Citossit, Wie., Dec. 57. S. E. Truesdell, one of the oldest newspaper men in the Northwest, died hero tonight. For many years he was connected in various capacities with tho Pioneor Press, In St. Paul. Unit Tlirolililnj; llvailncliu Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matclilesH merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They mako pure blood und strong nerves and build up your health. Kasy in initn. Trv them. Only 25 Money back if not cured. Sold Blako'ley A Houghton, druggists. 93 nnntfl. by l Ihi made with all these, selections will been customary u . be made from a list consisting of Thorn- union to iiom a ,' , of 'dyspepsia Ursl Ol euc Ju" - It takes but a minute to ovorcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by tho use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous spaclflo for grippo and Its after effects. "I was nearly dead with dyspopsia, tried doctors, visited mineral spring, and grew worse. I used Kodul Dyspep sia Cine. That cured me." It digests what you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and all foinis of CLAN -NA-GAEL WAR TALK ttc Society's Plans for aa Attack on Canada. WAITING FOR THE SIGNAL The First Intention Was to Sink the Transports Carrying the Canadian Contingent. New Yow:, Dec. 27. Relative to the attitude of the Irish revolutionary socie ties toward tho government of Great Britian at the present juncture of affairs, the Evening Post today quotes an officer of tho Clan-na-Gael as saying : "England can only be made to feel by physical force, and we're now going to give her some Boor treatment. We did intend going out and sinking tho first expedition from Canada to South Africa, but thcugbt it better to wait a little. We can mobilize our men without much difficulty for an attack on Canada, and we ore fairly well armed as well as tho United States troops in the Spanish war. We havo lots of Springfield rifles, and aro handy with the bayonet. "No decision has been arrived at. Everything will depend on the immedi ate future. Wo have either regiments or companies all over the country, and are fairly well drilled, and a great many of our men are in the militia. The Ancient Order of Hibernians has really nothing to do with this. It numbers ?.i0,000 and ti majority of its members belong to our organization. All of its officers do, and so, of course, it will act witli us. We have lots of men in the regular army camps or club9 in every po(t and even if they wore sent against us to stop us on tlio border, they would either march across with us or glvo us blank cartridges. "If it is decided to attack Canada, we shall do all in our power to keep matters so secret as not to embarrass the gov. eminent until wo nro actually on tho border. Tho French population in Canada would bo with us, and there are numbers of our own countrymen ready to welcome us. Canada would bo an easy mark. Wo would huvo the Canadian loyalists on the run in a week." As a euro for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining u wide repu tation. I). B. Johnston of Hicbmoud, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it ho suyB: "I never found anything that would roliove mo until I used Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining mo veiy much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakoloy A Houghton. I'ruiKHt UonorM Her Ilrnvcr). Jennie Creek, now 10 years of nge, the youngest member of the Humane society of France, and the youngest person ever awarded n medal by tho French Legion of Honor, lives in the little village of Mllgrove, lnd near the lilnckford-Delnwnre county line, with in a few yards of the spot where her presence of mind prevented a disas trous wreck In 1803. She wns then ten years old. Sho discovered n rail road bridge burning, nnd, bearing the whistle of an engine, took off her red petticoat and run up the track wav ing it. Several French noblemen were passengers on the train. They took her name, and through them the gold star which she now wears wns con ferred upon her by the French Legion of Honor, She nnd her foMer parmth have received Invitations to bu the guests of France at the Paris bhow next year, but will not go. All persons wishing to take children, either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them du elrablo children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance, tf Mo Cleary, Robert Burdette, George About Shoes ...Some Shoes,.. wear well, but look like sin; some fit well, but don't wear; some look pretty, but pinch; some are stiff, and stay so; some are eas, but spread all over. One good point don't make a good shoe. All of them, however, do, and you are sure te find them in these famous Pingree $3 "Composite" Shoes for women. "We are solo agents. A. M. Williams & Co. 3 TtrnTinnTTrrH.rnrrm I t 3 i t 1 Th8 Dalles, Of. The Chronicle, Job Printers. I i i . 1 t ' I 1 f 1X 'I 'tf-v J