Specials in the Grocery Department for this week. McWaid's Sugar Corn CM nn . Homestead Sugar Com l)0r ozen Tomatoes . Z . 0 per dozen Asparagus, 11. & H. brand Por (lozon Cupid Hominy (hulled corn) 7? per cau Aider's Catsup InlTwli Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese. 1 lb no 'l "10 Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 2 lb cans 12 per Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 3 lb cans J7 per c can can VAX camp's soups, Cxi ail 11c por can Chicken lie per can bouillon lie per can Vegetable Uc per Tomato He per can can 4 After-Christmas Bargains in all Departments. From now on unlil after the New Year, all Holiday Novelties in the various departments will have a special clearance price upon them in order to clean them out. ("all early, for there are some choice tilings. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS YOUNG THIEVES. An Atiortlun Wlilch In Too True. ISroail tlut I'EOI'I.K YOU ALL. KNOW. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'J'flejihonc No. 1. THURSDAY - - UKO. 28, lSf !) Oysters (Q) KTVl'll III every htyle by A. KELLER. CO) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. inter, Miss Mabel Collins ; asst. chorister, It. K. IhiHortli. It was deemed expedient by the phy sicians in charge mid tho innuy friends of Mr. A. MaoAdam that he lie taken to tho hospital in Portland and operated on ( to determine exactly what the dil!iculty !b and if poRsiblo remove it. Accord- j tngly Mr. J'.. U. 1'easH anil Win. IMIery accompanied him last evening and he wim ta ken to St. Vincent's hospital. The reL'iilar annual St. John's day, iiw.i.tinn nf dm Mnsnnin (irili-r wrr held it what it may, ! last night, when tho following officers torn o(T and as he gathered himself up, making use of.liis hands for Euspenders, and limped toward the hotel, hie con versation was not tho most elevating nor his visage the most pleasing. We have published in another column a statement taken from tho Moro Leader concerning the small-pox scare j but al though they may insist the disease is "nothing but chicken-pox," it certainly is not snflicient excuse for the lethargy The Dalles is displaying in the matter. the disease is con- Fro in tho reports given by different Store kcepcis in The Dalles, tho following comment made by tho Heppncr-Times, would ho applicable to our own town, and should bo heeded by any and all who may or may not think it applioa in their caso: "There are a low boys and girls in' this city, all tho way from seven to twelve years of age, who oro just now taking their flrat stops towards the penitentiary and a life of shame and degredation. This is a broad assertion, but a truo one, unless the parents themselves can do something to save their littlo ones from the ead fate which awaits them if al lowed tocontinuo in their present course. "Wo refer to the evil of petit larceny, in which art some of these youngsters are becoming adepts. Since tho holi day goods have been placed on exhibit , nearly all the merchants have com plained of small artie'es disappearing, and cue or two of them have actually caught the youngsters in tho act of tak ing things from the shelves and tucking them snugly under their cloaks or hur- riedly shoving them into their peckets. bo many parents take ollenso at being told that their children are loose lingered that tho merchants refrain from giving the names of the youthful thieves. "It lies within the power of the father and mother to check this evil to a great extent. If little Willie or Maud comes Homo with anything new in his or her possession, institute at once a strict investigation, and if the goods have not been acquired legitimately, take little Willie and Maudie across uur parental knee end spank about eleven kinds of meanness out of them, and send them right back with the swiped articles, also with an apology to the merchant. One dose of this medi cine will pernaps save you irom un told agony and disgraca later on." Itegurtlliig Smallpox at .Horn. from ppent Mr. J. Sheer, Btdalia, Mo., saved hia. child's lifo by One Minute Cough Cure, Doctors had given her up to dlo with croup. It's an infallible euro for coughtv cold, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis nn it throat and Kin troubles. Relieves at once. Of ttie multitudinous variety of holi day gifts thero nro probably nono that meet with more popular favor, than pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Theo, 11. Liebe, graduate optician at Licbo'a jewelry store, will test your eyc9 free of charge. VJ-2Z Ash your grocer for Clarke & Fulkrc pure concentrated flavoring extract?. Glco Club concert At the Baldwin tonight. Win. Hawson, who has been very ill at the homo of his mother, Mrs. Walters, is reported much improved today. Hay. fi. Hushing was callod'to Mo?ier yesterday to conduct tiie funeral of Al bert L, Rowland, who died Tuesday morning at that place. He wusnged 21 years, Tonight in Portland will take place the wedding of Dee I'arrolt, of Golden dale, and Miss Nuliie Allen, a sister of Mrs, John Panott, nud who formorly made this city her home. Remember the Indies, vill servo first class oysler alOWs and other refresh monlB tvl the Christian church tonight. You may havo tho supper and u good time, all for tho sum of 25 cents. Hamilton Campbell, who has been employed for eonio tiuio in tho 0. R. & N. ollico in this city, has severed his connection with that comtmnv and will leave the first of tho year to accept tho position as agent for tho Columbia Southern at Grass Valley. Everybody will bo out tonight to hear the university boys sing. A huge num herof dents have been sold and still they ars going. The club will arrive on tho evuning train. Tho recoption given by Uieahuimi will bo held at the home of Mrs. U. M. Wilson tit the close of tlo concert. Aside from tho excellence of tho iro KtMli which we are certain to bo favored With tonight, tho people of Oregon owe n cordial support to the student of their stale university, They I'llll show their it'ito prldo nit well as good tnfcUi by Vlvlng thoflo earnest boye the 'diipport tliDV doserve. A lottor recelvod f'V'oViV Chaplain W. S. Gtlbort, who Will Tal tho city on tho Vtil:,g of JfrtMVy 8th and speak In the TJoirilfeatn'tt ehuroh, gives aa topics for tile It&tWe The customs of the peoplu i cuf'lots 'illustrating phasos of Filipino We; scenes of barracks, camp and hos pitals j the Boldler'e life from a chaplttiw'B stand point. At a meeting of tho Methodist Sunday school board, held at tho homo of Mrs. 8. French last night, the following offi cers were elected for the comlwi year: Superintendent, Mr. 8. French; first t., W. A. Klrby; second asst., N. Whealdon; secretary, 0. A. Brown; treasurer, W. A, Kirby; librarian, Geo. ttuch, Jr, ; organist, Miss Edith Randall ; "at. organist, MIh Effie Bolton; chor- tagtous and loathsome enough to warrant t i e . were installed: M. Z. Donnell, W. M. ; I an amount oi precaution. miiiw acu Frank Chrisnian, S. W. ; Victor Marden, is quarantined against that place, travel J W.' 0. I). Doane Sec'y; Geo. A. ers from there are dally allowed to enter i .'. ' ,...'..t..Lr. ri.no i)!i.i-.l Bfiiinr our city and mail continues to bo re- 1. C1IC. LI L UCL1I vl VHf l . . deacon; II. Fulk, junior deacon; A. C. I ....!,.,wl nil libtirrtt tr ia eniil llta lalifif ID a ten tU IWLUUUglJ IV Q CMIU UlU lUVIVI ta very effective means of contagion. It would Eeem as if the city council should take the matter in hand and not wait until we aro in tho Eame box and then begin taking measures to prevent it. Mr. 15. F. Pike, who is well known In The Dalles, came down from Moro yesterday and in speaking to the Ciinoxici.i: re- Geiger, senior steward; torreit Fisher, junior steward. Nick Stokoe, one of the 0. It. A X. trackwalkers employed near Wyeth, was knocked down and robbed by two thugs Christmas eve. After their as siuilt they carried him about 50 yards 1.1 I !... .. "fi from tlio scene aim mre mm u. , reBnrdlnir it said : It is neither foot embankment, evidently imcnumgr to hrow their victim into the rivwtoi hide tlieli crime. liut, fartunalely for Stokoe, ho landed about three leei irom the water's edge, where lie lay ioi ee eial hours, until found by friends, who cjiivoved him to his home, where ho lies in u p'lCC.irioiiB condition. The robbers got nothing for their trouble. Ritchie. Jr. who tells in m .lulin January I idles' Homo Journal "V nero the New Cuitury Will Really ('.in," is one of the editors of the Science Observ er and a writer of wido repute on fflen lillc subject. He Ima devoted many yeais of enthusiastic illbrtj to tclcntilie pursuits, uiul is one of the foremost amateur astronomers In Iloston, where ilu resides. Resides contributing to various periodicals he is a frequent speaker before local snv.um Ulaniticloonthoncw century shows a vast amount of research, and brwuja to light many thinBO tbnl aro a revelation to the non-scientific mind. I ii tin ri look a tumble veelerduv after noon At lliO Corner of First and Utt t tim which she will not soon (Orget. or ho Vast week about twenty Japs r. " . at tho Coemopoli rSiuTJobouthol In " , v o keep then, from freezing, necessary to Keep v nBRWOnu uilfk while Accordingly . ..... ! .'(ft VL rm "7 'OIlIeMant variation Uy though to ha cM u,u i-.mdfs saloon one nlllcO tO iulut' w ? ! brown fellow was 8uli.K ...i ..u Borders' Mia "U,UU1:."," down the street cart come V- .. ft trw)ez0 por, moment tortt trapes (ormttce wl n ,UMd landed turneu a i t0 emall-tiox jjor chicken-pox, according to a Portland expert who wil9 sent for and made an examination. The disease, whatever it is, has much the appearance of small-pox, but carries with it no odor nor itching sensation and is very light ; so much fo that patients fcohVd at the idea of a quarantine. There are about seven houses quarantined and twenty cses reported. The board of health is using every precaution to prevent its spread, and even went so far as to flue those who broke quarantine rules. A pett house was built outside tho city, but only one patient, who had no one to caie for him, was placed therein. Mt. Pike says it has been umushig to him to hear of "the hundreds of caces reported thero and the large number of deaths. At the same time ho says the disease is such ns to warrant much precaution. W. R. WInans is up from Hood Rlycr touay. IT. It. Soule, the piano tuner, is again in tlio city, A. K, Scott, of Golden lale, Is a hltor in the city. Ex-Gov. F. Moody is on the strcetB oi i tie Dalles today. W. B. Potter and wife, of Dufur, In the city yesterday. W. J. Case, of LtGrande, is a visitor at the home of Rev. Rushing. Mr. and Mrs. lnos. Hatty camo in from Winnie yesterday to visit their sou, Fen. J. M. Patterson camo down Wasco yesterday afternoon and today In the eity. Misi Nettio Wolf c.vne up last night from her home in Portland, and is the guest of Mrs. X. Harris. Misses Bertha and Anna Burckhardt arrived from Portland last evening and arc guests of Miss Clara Davis. Miss Melissa Hall left on tho delayed train last evening to spend the re mainder of the week in Portland. James Rrown, ono oi the loading ranchers and stockmen of Victor, is in I tlio city transacting business today. Josenh Sunnle. proprietor of the Port land t-hip yard", was in town yesterday on business with the D. P. & A. J. Uo. Miss Virsinin Marden went to Hood River on last evening's train to spend a short timo visiting at the i.. U. fciiuth home. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Waterman are OUV competitors. down irom Amelia spending wie uonuuy week at tho home of Mrs. Waterman's jnako tllO public belioVO they nnritntfl Mr. nnrl Tra. t.pn. Sninf'fl. 1 fines. Do not bo misled by half page ads., etc., on Groceries Our prices on Tomatoes, Corn and other Canned Goods havo not been higher than some of They would and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. D. M. French left yesterday for Portland, accompanied by her little daughter, Constance, whom she is taking down for tho purpose of having her throat doctored. Julius Baldwin, who was called lo the city on account of the death of his uncle, returned last night to Walla Walla, where he is foreman of the job depart ment in tho Union office. Tho Moro Leader has the following regarding the Emallpox Ecare at that place: A report has spread all over the coun try that wo havosmallpox here in Moro. Injustice to the town we wish to con tradict such falsehood and state there is no smallpox here. Our doctors are very pronounced in their opinion that the disease is not smallpox, anil no doubt they understand their business. The citizens held a meeting In the opera house on Saturday night to ascer tain the wishes of tho people as to the continuance of the quarantine of fami lies affected with tho epidemic cow prevalent in town. After fully discus sing the matter a vote was taken, with the result that a large majority stood for strict quarantine. It is not the object of the board of health to work a hardship on those who aro so unfortunate ns to bo taken with the malady, but every person of common Eense will see that it is their duty to take proper precautions to pre vent the epread of tho disease, and it is to be hoped that our citizens will give the authorities their nearly support in any measure they may take for the public health. It was wisely suggested on Saturday evening that cliiiuren 10 confined to theirown yards and premises for a couple of weeks. This measure is surely not a hardship, and could be easily cnloiced by parents. We would also "suggest that parties keep from visiting us much as possible for the next few wc-eko. If these simple precautions re taken, mid the board of health up held in their eflortfl to stamp out U.e disease, two or three weeks may see tl.ojC ..... !- n . II, 3, town iree irom huh w., other hand, if people are determin (1 to let matters drift, and throw every ob stacle in tho way of tho board of health, it will bo a long timo Leforu our town assumes its usual healthy condition. " DIKUi EMray Notlcj. Strayed from the range on Dutch il.it, r 1 1 ona elappleu grav norse, lour years oiu next spring; branded on left shoulder thus, C. Fivo tlollara reward will be given to any person returning same to my place on 3-Mile. no29-lnio O. W. Coorc. Subscribe for The Ciikoxice. are giving special bargains. You will always find our prices as low as the lowest. See us before purchasing your Canned Goods. pip i wwi The Pioneer Grocers. .. t.,i,.iin the two otners iu.....- when tlio nio ..Rterdav afternoon around horse ami In a Musonlu Notice. All members of Wasco Lodge No. 1'5, A, F. k A. M., and all visiting brethren are requested to assemble at tho hall of the lodge on next Sunday evening, Dec. 3lst, at 7 o'clock sharp, for tho purposo of attending church eei vices as a lodge. A full attendance is urgently requested. By Older of the lodge, 2g 3t p. p. DoAMi, scc'y. 'iTie Mortem Mollier .. .. , i u.at i.r littlo ones are Itn- nua iuuiiu ....... . proved more by the pieasain : - I ' , f .i... lov-.itivn client n neeu oi m n r-medv. than uy any ou.oi. Children enjoy It and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Flgs man. ufacturedby the uuiionii nK -r Co. only. . lln.li lu lour Clieea ah ..inn tv warrauts registered prior Al county """., , naili t ,y t J.tt,,V..f. rceases after Nov. 13th, o'Vr ' 0. L.Phuui-s, 8'J' Conutv Treasurer. Cold lu One ly. To Cure a -r..v T.atlve Broino Quinine Tab- ,,.,, a il druggists refuna trie mwwjr KELLER'S CANDY PRICE LIST. Gumdrops 5c per lb., or G for 25c Plain Mixed 7c per lb. Boston Mixed 10o per lb. Fancv Mixed 12c per lb. French Mixed 15s per lb. Assorted Nuts I'-c per lb. G withers Fine Chocolates and Bon Bons, bv box or in bulk, at prices equal ly as reasonable. " Call and prove the statement. F n 15' -ATA T A-TI A- A ' A : ATA ATAFATirl A J ATAT A'V At hor liomo on west Fourth streot at .l.sn Di n morn ill!. 01 coiisum uiun, Mrs. Ollvo Alexander, aged 45 years. Mrs. Alexander was a twin sister ol u. L. Uarrett of this city nnu lias ueen u resident of Tho Dalles at Intervols since SI when she camo hero from Calilornia. t in. 1. l.,,n. For ninny years lier neaiui imo uu poor, and about two years ago consump tion developed, since which timo she bus a constant sufleier. fcno leuves, THE GENUINE OUTSIDE GRAFT LtlKE T4IS : been son, beside her brother, one grown Herbert, to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place from the family residence tomorrow afternoon ut 2 :30 o'clock. HOHN. Tn ii.Ih eltv. Wednesday, Dee. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. HoeUman, a eon. jk Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by usints Moki Tea. A pleatant lierbdrlnk. Cures constipation and ludlgestlon, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggists Clarke & FaUc's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Thoro aro other AIR-TIGUTS, but none that equal tho WILSON. ,.SOLD ONLY BY.... I MAYS & CftOWE, sole Agents , a f: ' rui'uLiMiLjiytTiTt""'T on behold. 'it a 'ft ! ! i if si