The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 27, 1899, Image 3

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    Specials in the
Grocery Department
for this week.
McWaid's Sugar Corn $1.00 por dozen
Homestead Sugar Corn j00 por amon
Tomatoes 1.00 per dozen
Asparagus, R. fc H. brand 23 per can -
Cupid Hominy (hulled corn) ZZZ. 11 per can
Snidor's Catsup ; ;20 pt. bottle
A an Camp s Macaroni and Cheese, 1 lb cans 08 per can
Van Camp's Mttcaroni and Choose, 2 lb cans 121 per can
Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 3 lb cans 17per can
Oxtail 11c per can
Chicken 11c per can
Bouillon 11c per can
Vegetable lie por can
Tomato 11c per can
After-Christmas Bargains
in all Departments.3
From now on until after the New Year, all Holiday Novelties in the various
departments will have a special clearance price upon them in order to clean them
out. Call early, for there are some choice things.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
What Wo Hay Expect Tomorrow Night
At tin llahlirln.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
DEC. 27, 1S9
tsrved In
etyle by
Installation of Masonic ofiieerB to
night. Secure your seutB for the Glee Club
concert tomorrow night at Ulakeluy it
LlouL'hton's drug store.
The condition of Mr. A. MacAdam to
day ie not encouraging. A nurse hnB
been secured and he Ib receiving the best
of care.
The school children are all hoping
that by the time they have to again
climb upjtlio Court Btreot walk leading
to the echool buildings, that portion of
the journey on the bluff will bo made
easier by a few now sidewalks.
Tito employes of the Kegulntor tool:
Santa Claus on as a paseonger Christmas
day and in the pilot house he deposited
n fine revolving chair, which they asked
him to leave for Captain Alden with
their compliments. It is a very nice one
and greatly appreciated by the captain,,
Strange as it may seem, Mrs. Grator,
the lady who was injured in the runaway
yesterday morning, and also the little
child are getting along nicely and Dr.
Geisendorffer says he fears no bad re
sults. Mr. Grater, who saw the acci
dent, says he expected nothing less
than to find their lifeless remains on the
railroad track when ho saw the horses
head that way.
The funeral of the late J. 0. Baldwin
waa held yesterday afternoon at the
family residence on Tenth street. The
eervices, which were short, were con
ducted by Rev. D. V. I'oliug, and a
choir composed of Mesdames Hunting
ton, Wilson and Taylor and 0. J.
CrandaU and Eev. Poling sang "Nearer
My God to Theo" and "Lead Kindly
Light." The pall bearers were Messrs.
Kuch, Marden, Liebe, Urooks.Mays and
French. Interment was made in Odd
Fellows cemetery.
Still the Binallpox reports are conflict
ing and different people who arrive from
Moro tell as many different stories.
Rome say the town is full of smallpox;
others that there is uo smallpox, nothing
but chicken pox. Others that the town
ie quarantined, and still others that it ie
ot. In the meantime Dalles people are
awakening to their danger and getting
vaccinated, It occurs to us that the
true state of affairs should be deter
mined and precaution taken. If it ie
not smallpox, then it is something
equally aa bad and should be treated
Just alter the new engine had been
tested this afternoon the Are bell sound
ed nn alarm and a flue in Mclnerny's
brick building was discovered to be
burning. It was eoon put out with no
particular damage done except that
which resulted from n runaway which
took phi co at the same time. C. A.
Borders' horse objected to the chemical
engine claiming all the attention, and
lit out for water, dragging the cart be
hind him. lie ran into a young man on
Second street and over a Jap on First,'
but fortunately did not injure them. '
Finally he made a dead stop at the un-1
dertaker's on Fourth street, little the
worse for wear.
The Masonic Lodge at Hood River
had a good friend in the late Alfred
Ticman. who died at that place on the
j 21st of this month leaving no relatives.
In his will, which has just been admitted
to probate, he bequeathes to Hood
Kiver lodge, No. 105, all the remainder
of his property after the few debts which
lie left are paid and also his funeral ex
penses. The estate is valued at $ 0,000.
The only proviso made is that a lot be
purchaeed and a two-story building be
erected thereon, the upper story to be
used au lodge room and the lower rented
out. The remainder of said estnto, in
cluding rents and profit of lower story, is
to be appiopriated to the interest of the
order. A. S Blowers, V. M. Yates
and E. E. Savago wore appointed exe
cutors and also trustees in behalf of the
lodge, -
ISome of the fire boys held there heads
pretty lngli tins uiicrnoon as uiuy puuairu
the CmtoNiLCE office escorting the new
"comical" engine to the beach, where
Mr. Long, of Portland, made the test to
determine whether or not it would be
satisfactory. A "play" fire was mado
of dry goods boxes, etc., and when the
blaze was at a good height the engine
got in its work, and proved to the large
crowd which watched proceedings that
it could "stop a fire." It is painted a
fiory red and cuts quite a figure. One
great advantage of the chomical ongine
is that in case of a fire the immense
amount of damage which always resultB
to property nnd goods from water is en
tirely overcome, the chemicals only
playing on the fire and not inteiforing
irlth niirrnnndinc COOdS. 1MB IB tlie
n.inmnoi rnnn whv the reduction in
l .W'a .
ineurance was secured.
Young Koltzman, who was held on a
charge of forgery, arrived in the city
laBt night from Gresham, accompanied
by his father, and this morning appeared
for a hearing in Justice Bayard's court.
District Attorney Jayno at once moved
for a dismissal on the ground that Koltz
.,,nn uns not the richt man. The hear
ing had been put off until the prosecnt
iug witness, H. Kuck, arrived. For
somo time it has been sufipicioned that
McGonagle, who was arrested in Sher
man county for a like offense, was the
guilty party. Yesterday Mr. Kuck made
a trip to Sherman county to identity the
man and found the suspicion was cor
rect. McGonagle eecaped from the Crook
county jail, where he was confined for a
like offense, and appeared next in Sher
man cnunty. He worked at Olds'
at the eame time Koltzman was em
ployed there, when he forged the check
in favor of Koltzmiiu, which he passed
on Knck. He is a young man of Koltz
man's age, and nbout his build.
Tlie l'our Iliitiiomlitireil.
If tlie work of the Salvation Army
were limited to that which Ie ac
complished every year when Christmas
rolls around and the needy, who would
otherwise be forgotten, are searched out
and mado happy by useful gifts aB well
as toys for the little ones, even theu
would their labors be productive of
much good. While moBt of our citizens
are ready to contribute to the needy at
such a time, it ib always a question how
to reach tlie deserving poor and to be
stow their gifts advisedly. The Salva
tion Army officers, who devote their
lives to this work, canvas the highways
and the byways and leave not a stone
unturned until all are discovered and
remembered at the Christmas tide.
Many bucIi gathered at the Baldwin
last night, and with them a large num
ber of friends, so that tho hall was well
filled. A long program wnB well ren
dered and at the close presents were dis
tributed from two very handsome trees.
Not a person left the hull without re
ceiving some recognition ; even if it were
but some candy or nut6.
Tho army worked untiringly in their
labor of love and deserve much credit,
having received their reward in the
smiling faces nnd henrts made happy
Card f Thnnliw.
College boys sing with n vim and dash ,
which characterizes no other institution.
The opportunity to spend an evening
with college boys should never be!
missed. They will infuio you with new ,
life and energy and the feeling that nn
evening was nover better spent. Oregon 1
should keep in touch with her university.
No bettor opportunity was ever offered
to do this than will be given to The j
Dalles people Thursday evening. !
In speaking of the concert at Eugene
the Eugene Register says : j
"To say that tlie audience was well
pleased with the Glee Club concert laet
evening would be putting it mild. Their
harmony ie well nigh purfect. They ,
possess in superior measure that faculty i
known as team work. Nur are they j
lacking in their specialties.
"Prof. Glen is beyond question one of
the finest baritono singers on the coaat, j
and his songs never fail an encore, !
Arthur Frazer at the piano is unexcelled.
Having graduated uirler the careful
tutelage of Prof. V. Gifford Nash, he
possesses a power to interpret music j
seldom found in one of IiIb age. Eaton ,
in his monologues is a wonder. Lust j
night his audience would laugh with I
abandon, while the tenia which just he- j
fore tilled their eyes were still coursing
down their cheeks.
"When Eaton and Frazer name out
in their 'Travestry on Ingomur the
Barbarian,' the audience put on its
broadeBt smilewhich was on the crescendo
as the play lengthened until at its close
they were utmost beside themselves
with merriment. Not a number wiib
slighted. The boys received encore niter
encore which were always responded to
in such a mannor as to bring down the
"An audience never loft an outertam
ment butter pleased, nnd the uuiversul
sentiment was that the state owed-them
its heartiest support."
The audience, tomorrow niirht will
have even more than the concert to
entertain them. During the Inst year
the "Rooters" club Iiob been un im
portant factor in the creation of college
enthusiasm. A number of its members
are home from the holidays. E. N.
Blythe, of Hood River, the V. of O. yell
leader, will be up, and assisted by the
boys here will give the audience a
sample of college yells they have not
heard since their college days.
There aro many morale to be learned
in nn evening spent with the TJ. of O.
Glee Club. There is nn especial one,
viz : Attend our own state university if
von wish to further vour education.
FBOffcE too all know. Mr. J. Sheer, BedBlia, Mo., saved his
j child's life by One Minute Cough Curo,
Ed. S. Buffum came down from Wasco DoctorB had given her up to die with
yesterday. croup. Ii'e on infallible cure for cooghe,
C. A. Shurte, Arlington's merchant, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis nnd
was in the city yesterday. I tMroat und huij. troubles. Rellevee at
Miss Charlotte Roberts left this morn- i onco-
ing to spend n short time in Portland.
Mrs. A. S. Can field came down from
Wasco yesterday and left this morning
fur Dufur.
E L. Smith, A. S. Blowors and Rob
ert Rand ure visitors in tlie city today
from Hood River.
Of the multitudinous variety of holi
day gifte there are probably none that
meet with more popular favor, than a
pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Theo.
H. Liebe, graduate optician at Licbe's
jewelry store, will test your eyes free of
charge. I0-2t
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Miss Anna Moore, who spent Christ
mas at her home on 8 Mile, returned to
day to her duties in Portland.
James and Thotnis Connollv, leading.
-to 1 1 ; - !!. '
BiuuKiiiun oi urauu.were uuswess yioiiure
in tho city, returning home today.
Miss Minnie Michell wi(l leave on the
nfternoon train to spend Ime remainder of
vacation week with friends in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Sinnott re
turned hist night from Salem, where
they epent Christmas with Mrs. Sinnott'e
Wm. Ellery, the wool buyer, is visting.
The Dalles somewhat early this eenson
and ie already looking after the next
wool clip.
"Wilbur Hendricks, r rustling farmer
from Kingeley, is doing business in The
Dalles today, showing up tit the CiinoK-
iclv; olhce tins nfternoon.
Mr. and M-s. M. P. Foster came in
from Nnnsenn yesterday nnd left this
morning for Tort land to visit Mrs. I
Foster's Bister who is very ill.
today to spend New Years nt home and J OUT Competitors. They WOukl
hiso (.3 nuena me wiiiiinn ui in;
brother, Dee, and Miss Nellie Johns.
Mr. und Mrs. A. R. DuBois nnd little
duuphter, Georgia, were passengers on
the boat this morning on thoir way to
Seattle, where they expect to make ttieir
Mr. and Mrs. Janice Ireland have re
turned from a month's visit to the east
ern Btates, spending mo't of the-time in
Indiana. ?lr. Ireland has resumed his
duties as acent nt tho O. R. & N. office
All parsons wishing to tuke children,
either boys or gi-ls, for legal adoption or
on indenture, should write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of the Boys'
nnd Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at
Portland, who can procure for them de
sirable children of all ages. All applica
tions uiUBt be filed in advance. if
Do not be misled by half
page ads., etc., on Groceries.
Our prices on Tomatoes, Corn
and other Canned Goods have
not been hicrher than some of
make the public believe tbey
are giving special bargains.
You will always find our
prices as low as the lowest.
See us before purchasing your
Canned Goods.
1'uctfic Const I'nniiln Culled Fion tn Aid
the Family of Mujnr (.on. I.nwtnn.
On behalf of our comrades wo wish to
thank tho many friends, who, by their
gifts made it possible for ns to bring
cheer and comfort to bo many hearts of
men, women and children thiB Christmas
From the gilt of tho rich man down
to that of tho widow, who B.tid, "I have
given my little for tho children's sake,
and I know will he blesBod by The Christ
who has taken count of them all."
Yours to love others,
Cai'T. Tom R, Himiish
LllH'T. FllANK M. JaBI'KH.
Mutionlc Notice.
:wn vi-enlar annual communication of
t nriri Xn. 15 A. F. & A. M. will
ho l.nld nt Masonic hall this, Wcdnes-
iiv. nvoninL' nt 7 :30 o'clock. Installa
tion of officers. All members and vis
iting brethern are lequoated to attend.
By order of the W. M.
0. D. Doakk. Sec, pro torn.
Tlie MiMlcirn Mutlicr
Has found that her little oues are im
proved more by tho pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of tho laxative effect
of a gentlo remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it bonofits them.
The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Call) In Vour Cheok.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 21, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Not . 13th,
1 ' County Treasurer.
Of the many callB which have come to
the people of the Pacific coast recently,
suroly none will have more weight or
awaken a greater degree of interest than
that which is made in behalf of the
family of one who has given his life for
his country nnd whom the people of the
United States honored and loved.
The movements which have been going
on to Taiee funds for erecting monnmentE
in honor of our dead horoes are com
mendable ; but deedp of love in behalf of
the dear ones left behind are to ns fnr
more to be oncournged, and could the
dead speak would no doubt cnll forth
their approbation nnd blessing on those
whoso appreciation of vnlorono deeds ifi
thus expressed. The letter reads
thnsly :
San Frnncisco, Cab, Dec. 23, 1S09.
Editoii Cimiokicm::
Tlie Adjutant General of the army has
appointed me, ns the representative of
the war department, to receive contri
butions from the people of the Pacific
coast for tho benefit of tho widow and
children of the late Major General Henry
W. Lawton, killed in action before San
Mnteo, Philippine islands, December -0,
1800, and I reepectfully solicit your as
sistance in making the donations from
the const a genoroufi one.
The history of Gonoral Lawton'c
splendid military career is too well
known to require recounting here. HiE
life has been one devoted to the military
service, and he fell in battle while de
fending hie country, flag.
His widow und four children will be
left in straightened circumBtaneoe unless
the mortgage covering hie orange grove
at Redlands, California, be liquidated.
I am confident that the patriotic and
grateful people of the Pacific coaat will
respond generously to this moBt worthy
object, and that enough money will be
raised, not only to pay the mortgage,
but to leave a substantial margin in ad
dition for the use of the family.
Remittances fihould be sent to the
undersigned at Army Headquarters, San
Francisco, which will be acknowledged
bv letter and through the columns of the
newspapers. Tho Nevada Bank, of San
Francisco, has beon designated as the
depository for the fund.
Very Respectfully,
Wm, R. Shaiter,
Major General, U. S. Volunteers.
To Core Coin In One ly.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
Clarke &. Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask vour grocer for them.
IP s mm,
The Pioneer Grocers.
Gumdrops 5c per lb., or 6 for 25c
Plain Mixed 7c per lb.
Boston Mixed 10c per lb.
Fancy Mixed , 12c per lb.
French Mixed .". 15c per lb.
Assorted Nuts 12ic per lb.
1 " Gunther's Fine Chocolates
i1 and Bon Bons, by box or in bulk, at prices equal
. ly as reasonable. Call and prove t.he statement.
m m m m
Wilson AitfTight Heater
There are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that equal
....SOLD ONLY BY....
MAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents, j