Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f i faNSES THE 5YSTEM EFFECTUALLY UMW PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENUINE- M&NT'D By reasAUEriixcRusaiiTi fbu sot "tteerui. l-KOl'LE you ALL KNOW. Geo. Prather is up from Hood River today. Dr. Ray Logan, of Portland, epent Gunstmas at houie. A. A. Brown left this morning for a business trip to Portland. V. T. Woodford came down from the mines near Sumpter Saturday. Miss Grace Downev is up from Van couver, at the home of her uncle, S. L loung. Earl Sunders is auong the studente who are home fromlie state university for the holidays. James Coouer and Sayre Rinehart left Sunday morniug forthe Valley, where they will visit relatfvee. Walter Johns, who now makes his borne in Spokane, is down to spend Christmas with his relatives. Dr. Harry Littlqfield, who spent last week at the home ot Judge liraushaw returned to Portland Sunday. Misses Pearl and Stella Estes left on this morning's boat for a visit with friends at Little White Salmon Miss Lillian Shelton.of the Ciikoxicle force, left Sunday morning for Portland to remain during the week with her aunt Miss Daiele Allaway afrived home on last evening's train irm Eugene, where ehe 19 pursuing hr studies at the uni versity. Arthur Stubling, whofs now a 6tuden at the state university came home Sat urdav to spend the vacation with hie parents. Mrs. 0. C. Hollieter find daughter Florence, came np from Portland last night and will spend the remainder of the week visiting friends Dr. 0. Gertrude French arrived from Portland Saturday evening and epent bunuuy and yesterday at home, return ing to Portlaud this atternoon. Mrc II. Morse, nccompsnied by her daughters. Miss Morse and Miss Hattie Morse, of Portland, is visiting for a few davs with her daughter, Mrs. II, II. Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. Emerv Oliver nud littlo eon. of Portland, were among thobe who epent Christmas in The Dalles, being the guests ol .Mrs. Oliver's parents, Mr. Mrs. W. h, Sylvester Mies Alice Bull, of The Dalles, who teaches in the primary department of our public school, will spend her holiday vacation visiting in Walla Walla with the family of J. F. Melcher. Sturbuck Signal. Julius Baldwin, who was a member of the Ouno.vicLE force during the first years of its publication und w ho is now connected with the Walla U'alla Union, Is in the city, being called here on ac count of Jus uncle s death Dr. Belle Rinehart, who harbeen ah sent in New York nttendlngthe Clinic and taking a private court? in surgery arrived home on this aftenoon's train, The Dr. eent no word ofthe exact date of her return and e surprised her Irli-nds. UUItN. In thin city, Drc.-'Iiil, to Mr. and Mre. II. W. Wells, a daughter. A iTlgiitful Uluuder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise, Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it, Cures old eoree, fever sores, ulcere, bolls, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile euro on earth. Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, 1 Htray Notice. Came to my place on Five Mile, about two weeks ago, n buckekln saddle horee, branded with an oarlock on right hip and an M on right Bhoulder. Said horse has been on the range near tny place foe; the past two years. Owner can have same by proving property nud paying all charges. Dated Dec. 19, 1S09. FitAXK D. Joni:h, dec20-4t The Dalles, Oregon. How Are Your llyen? Don't overlook the fact that W. E. Garretson is the only graduated refrnc tioniet in the city. Any one who lias imperfect vision can be properly cor rected with lenses that will overcome all defections. No charge for exami nation. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., Bays, "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me." It digests what you eat nnd cureB all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give imtuediato relief in the worst cases. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work und happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, -o cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley &. Houghton Druggist11. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew woree. I used Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. That cured mu." It digests what yon eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, and all foims of dyspepsia. Having purchased the stock of the Daut Optical and Jewelry Company, I will sell the same at a great sacrifice at their old location, opposite Moys & Crowe's Hurdware Store on Second street. Harry C. Liebe. d20-21 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in auy case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton DruggistE. For all kinds of the best home made candy call at the candy kitchen on the nortli side of Second street, between Court and Union. Retail and wholesale prices. lo-lw Clarke & Falk have on eale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. TX THE OOI'NTY COURT OF THE STATE 1 of Oregon, for Wasco county. In the mutter of the guardianship of George klimt, Frnnk ' Jordan, hatle Jorilnn nnd Mnry Joidan, minora. Now on this Uth day of December, 1600, came William Jordan, the duly, riunlitled and acting cuardianof thcaborc named minors, and presented his petlliou liraylng lor an order authorizing and directing him to sell tht Interest of said minors In certain real property herein after described, nnd it appearing to the court from said petition that it is necessary nnd bene ficial to said wards that their interest in the south half of the southeast ritiarter of section lb, township 2 north, range 1:; east, V. M., be sold; therefore It is ordered that Theresa Klimt, the mother and next of kin of ijeonje Klimt and Frank Klimt nnd said I Ilium Jordau, father and next of kin of Annie. Katie and .Marv Jordan, nnd all persons interested In said estate, appear before this court at the court room there of in Dalles City, Oiegon, on the nth day of January, l'JOO, at the hour of two o'clock p m., then and there to show cause why n license should not be einnted for the sale of such estate and that this order be published at least three successive weeks in The Dalles Chronicle, a weeKiy newspaper pnnreu in sum county. Dated this uth day of December, lhifl. ltOUKKT MAYS, dcclS-I County Judge. . MCOBE. JOHN (UVltfj MOOIIE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 20 and 10, over U. S. Land Olllce. FRED. W.WIUON, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, THE DALIiEH, OREGON Oftlcc ovei F'rst Nat. Bunk. J-Jlf UEiBENUOKFFKr. Physician and Surgeon, Bpeclal attention given lo surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vogt Week iiri i i mi ..o mw la. -o. ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS lllllnnknoau p,, . I... id a Uuro Headache and Dxaiivunia. A niuicmnnl ,,f th i.L .7- fince yon, wo will mall Mmpln frwi, ut fall Pol f or ltc.Uildbai0HtUu, DR.BQSANKO CO.Pm.l 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MAHKB COrVfRIOHTB Ac. Anyone ndlnir asketoli and ricserlntlon ma" quickly uicertalii oar opinion froo whether ai invention is probably imtentabla. (.ommunlc. tloiisiitrlctirciiiiiidaiitml. llandlKiokon I'oUiul fin true, uiaoitt nifeiicy lor Bocurmif puienu. I'jUoiiU taken tlirouith Munn k Co. rooatra tftcUl wllct, without ebarve, lu tus Scientific JUncricdii. A handaumolr lllmtraled weeklf. Ireat ctr tuUtlun or nnr "Clemido Journal. Tamil. 93 reart four months, L Bold bjr all nairtdwilsra. l!!IM?iBV'S'!8!ll,l THE EXPLOSION WAS TERRIFIC May He Potty Dead in the Hraznell Mine. RitowNsvibi.i:, Pa., Dec. 24 The horror of the Ilrnr.ncll mini! disaster growB in intoneitv with ovory iiour. The number ot the (lend ia now eathnnted at forty, nnd tuny tines that figure. At the e u mo time thero is n strong presumption Hint the laws regulating mining wero carelessly nud probnbjy criminally dis regarded. Today the first bodies of the victims wero brought out of the mine, and never in the hiBtory of tniue disasters were human beings eo horribly muti lated. It was nearly 11 o'clock when tho firBt of tho bodies was taken out, twenty eight hours nfter the explosion. At 5 :30 three more were brought to the surface, and again ntC:30 three came up in the cage of the main shaft. At least twelvo bodies are in sight, that cannot be renched on account of the debris. The estimates of the number of the dead hre conflicting. A. B. Brnznell, presidentof the Stockdale Coal Company, tlii b afternoon said he believed that 20 to '2o men had been killod. Men who were working around the minoyeBteJday morning give different figures. They say 35 to 40 men went down the mine shaft in the cages, while about twenty climbed down tho steps in the elevator shaft. Between 55 and GO men were in the mine, nnd of this number hut twelve have been recovered und are alive. All the reBt, whatever the number, are dead. Law in the Philippines. San Fi'.ancisco, Dec. 25. JurigoJ. B. Early, who has been practicing law in the Philippines, has returned to this city on the transport Valencia. He said in ail interview : "There must be a reorganization of the courts in the Philippines before Ameri cans will have confidence In them. The judges are Filipinos, nnd thoy adjudicate along the lines of tho old Spanish laws, which do not even permit a jury. There nre but two American judges, and they do not have enough power. Ot course, there is an appellate court, but that, t- o, is cotnuoeed of Filipino judges, 'A ho know but little of the letter or ttio spirit ot American law." A SURE CUKE FOK CltOlfl. Tn-enty-ilve Years' VmiHtont Use Willi out n Failure. The first indication of croup ie hoarse ness, nnd in a child subject to tliu disease it may be taken as a sure Eign of the approach of nn attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Cliumbetlain'd Cough Remedy is given U3 soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even nfter tho eroupy couiih appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in ninny thousands -of homes in ttiis broad land and never disappoints the ansious mothers. We have yet to learn of n single instance in which it has not proved effectual. No otiier preparation can show uuch u record twenty-five years' constant uee with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley & iloughtou. Forty Children Drowned. BnusHiaa, Dec. 22. Upwards of forty school children were drowned today in an ice accident at Frelingliem, near the French frontier. The children of the district had been given a holiday, witli permission to plav on tho frozen river Lyeus. When the merriment was at full height, the ice broke suddenly and the children disappeared. A few wero rescued half dead but the majority were drowned. Thirty-six bodies have been recovered, but others arc still miseing. A TliouHund Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie . Springer, of 1125 llowurd st., Phil adelphia, Pa., when sho found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough tiiat for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her uo help, but ehe soys of this Koyal Cure "It soon re moved the jiain in tny chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs, Price 50c and 1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed, 5 All persona wishing to take children, eittier boys or gl-le, for legal adoption or on Indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, wbo can procure lor tuetu de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance, tf NOTICE. btatp. np nrtKririv. KXECUTIVK IIKr-tltTM Sai.EV. Nov 21 TMKNT, 21, 1S1KI.I l.i (plll, tltn irl't u (if nil Aflt entitled "An Aet Hiibinitttiiir to tho Klrr torn of tho .Statu of OrrRim at the. tlencral Klwtlon to bo hold on the llrnt Monday In Jtmu, l'.HXI, the. pc lulltip Proponed Constitutional Amendment!, improved 'Yhrtiary is, lh'Ji), 1, T. T. Deer, (iov emnr of the Statu of OreRon, dohertby eanso the follnwlh!- proposed amendments to the Consti tution of the State nf oreenn, as perl tiled to by the Secretary of Htat", to bu published for live consueiitlvu weekH In Tun Dam.kk CitiioNiei.K, n newspaper published lu the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oregon. llouu at the Capitol, at Salem, Orecnu, IsK.U.l tills JM dnv of November, A. ll. 18'J'J. T. tiKMlt, liovcrnor. By the Governor: F. 1. DU.NII.VIt, Secretary of Statu. SKXATK JOINT KI'SOI.l'TIO.N, NO. 4. Ho it resolved bv the Senate, the House con ctirrlliK: That tho followIliK amendment to the Constitution of the Statu of Oregon he and Is hereby proposed: That section 10 of Article XI. of the (jonstltn tlon of tho State ol Oreiron bu anil the sainu Is hereby iibrou'iited, nnd In Hen thereof Seotlon 10 of Article XI. bhull be as follows: A11T1C1.K XI. Section 10. No county, city, town, school dis trict or other municipal corporation shall ha al lowed to become Indebted In any manner or for any purpose to an amount InelntllnK present eX' IstitiR tndvbtedncss in the iiKcreKate exeeedlnir live per centum on the value of tho tnxable iroierty therein to be ascertained by tho last as sessment for State and countv tuxes previous to the iiieurrltiK of such indebtedness. Adopted by the Senate January :n), 1H3LI. U. Vv. Fui.ton, 1'resldeut of the Senate. Concurred In by the Hou'io, Februarys, 1893. VV. 1". KkaiiV, Speaker ot tho House. Adopted by the Senate January 31, lH'J.'i.. JosKl'll SIMON, I'resldout of the Senate. Concurred lu by the House, February I, lSub, Ciias. 11. MooiiEs, Speaker of the House. BENATi: JOINT KESOl.l'TIO.N, NO. 1!. lie It resolved by the Senate, the llousc'eon currlng; That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon, in lieu of Section Ten of Artlelu Seveu (7), be aad the samu Is hereby proposed, to-wlt; SKCTION TEN. The U.-gislatlvo Assembly may provide for tho election of Supreme and Circuit JuiIkci in dis tinct classes, one of which classes shall consist of five Justices of the Supreme Court, who shail not perform circuit duty; and the othei class shall consist ol as many Circuit Judces as may be deemed necess iry, who shall hold full terms without allotment and who shall take the same oath as the Supreme Judges. Tho lA-Risliitivu Assembly may create us many circuits as may be necessary. Adopted by the Senate, February 15, ISM. C. VV. Fulton, President of the Senile. Concurrc 1 in kv the House, February 1.",, lS'j.:. VV. 1'. Kkadv, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate, January 31, ls'Ji. Josia-u Simon, 1'resldunt of the Senate. Concurred In by tho House, February fi, ISM. OltAh. 11. ilooe.KS, Speaker ot the House, HOt'Si: JOINT KK.iOI.UTION, NO. II). Kcsolved by the House, the Senate eoncurr lu!; That the followlm; amendment to tliu Con stitution of the State of Oregon be and hereby is proponed: That the Constitution be amended by adding Article X-IX. as follows, tu-wlt: A1ET1CLE XIX. Section 1. The necessary usu of lauds for the construction of reservoirs or storage busins for the purpoao ot irrigation or for rights ol uav lor the eoii'.tructlon of canals, dllchc?, Humes or pl)s to convey water to t ie place of use lor any nsclul, birneliclnl or necessarc purjiosu. or for uraiiuigi.', or lor iiraiuage oi mines or mu wnrK ings thereof, bv means of roads, railroads, tram ways, cuts, tunnels, thafts, hoisting works, nump or otner necessary means to inutr com plete development or iiuv other use uecessarv to the complete development of the natural re sources oi tne btate or preservation oi (tie iieaitu oi us inuaoiiauis, is nureny ueciared tone a pub lic use and subject to the regulation and control oi tne state. Section ". The right to appropriate the unap proinlated waters of auy natural stream to bun ellclal uses shall never he denied. Seetl:n'l. Tho use of all waters now aimro printed for sale, rental or distribution, also ol all waters originally appropriated for prliatcusu, out which, aiter such appropriation, nils ncrcio fore been or mav hurealier be sold, rented or (lis trlbuted. Is herebv declared to he a iiitillcuse and subject to the teculatlon a id control of the State In the manner prescribed by law. But tho right louse and appropriate such waters shall bu subject to such i rovlslons of law for the tak ing of private properly for public or private usu as pruvmeu in heenon in, Arueie i oi too ion stitutlou of the State of Oregon. Section I. 'J lie right to collect taxes or com Iensatlou for the use of water supplied lo au county, city, town or water district or Inhabit ants thereof, Is a franchise, and cannot he exer cised except by authority of and in a manner pieserioeu oy law. Adopted by the House, February Hi, 1HD.I. W. 1'. Kll.vliV, Speaker of the House, Signed March 7, lb'M.) Adopted by the Senate, February 1", lSiM. C. VV. Fulton, I'resldeut of the Senate. (ilgned March Si, lt'J3) Adopted bv the House, 1-ibrunry fi, l"J."i. CllAh. It. MoaitKS, Speaker of the House, Coucurn-d In by thuHenatc, February 1.1, lb'Jj, JosErii Simon, I'resldeut of the Senate. 1IOUSK JOINT KUSOI.UTION NO. 2. projioslug an amendment to the Constitution of the state i f Oregon, by lepeiillug Section !!i of Article i. Kcsolved by tho House, thotenute concurring; That Section 33 of Article 1 of the Constitution be and hereby Is retiealed. Adopted by the 1 louse, January 11, ISO:!. V. I'. KiutiY, Sp2iiser of the House. Concurred lu by theSenute, January :io, ls'.ij. C. W. FfLTON, i'resldeut of the Senate, Adopted by the House, January ao. Ih'j.'i. CllAK. II. Mooiiks, Sieaker of the House. Concurred lu by tho Senate, February i, W.)j. 8K.NATK JOINT IIF.SOI.UTION NO. 7. Be It resolved by tho Senate, thuHousucou currlng; That the follouiiig ameudmeut to thu Constitution of the State of Oregon be and Is hereby proposed: AI'.Tltl.K i. The elective franchise In this State shall not hciealtcr bu prohibited toanyeltlzen on account of sex. Adopted by theSenute, February fi, 18'J3. Joseph Simon, I'resldeut of the Senate. Adopted by the House, February (I, ISM. - Chah. 11, MooitKK, Speaker of tho House, Ciiah, ll, Mooiieh, Speaker of the House, Adopted by tho Somite. January 111. IhW. i . u. i a yi.ou, rresKieut ol the senate. Adopted by thu House, January 31, Ifc'.rj. K. V. Uauteu, Speaker of thu J House, UN1TKH STATUS OF AMEHICA, ) State ok Oiikuon, f Olllco of Secretary or Statu, ) I, F. I. DUNHAIt.Seerctary of Statu of the Statu of Oregon und Custodian of -the Seal of said State, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the preccdluK copy of Senutu Joint ltesolutloti No.,4, of tliu U'Klslatlve Astembly of lu'j.i, "Munlolpal Indebtedness nmeiidineut;" Senate Joint Itesolutlon No. la of thu lgislativu As sembly of lhJ,-"Judlclary Alnen(lellt;, Ilousu Joint itesolutlon No. 10 of thu Legislative As sembly of 1MM, "Irrluutloii Aiuendiiioat;" ilousu Joint Jtcsolution No. -i of thu Ugislntlvo Awiumbl of 18'J.J. " KujiealliiK Amundiaeiit:" and bunutu Joint Husolutloii No. 7 of thu U-gs-lutlvo Asnumbly of my., "Koital Bulliagu Amoiidmciit." with thu original copies now on file In this, und that thu taiiiu Is it correct tianserlpt therelrom nnd the whole thereof, In Testimony Wiiehkoe, I have horn uubiMit invlmnd and ulllxed hereto HEAL tbu seal of tliu Statu of Oregon. U?Pf UVMU f-)'ltol. t Httlein, Oregon, this Third (lay of Noveiiiber, A. V. Y, I. DUNDAIt, becretury of Htutc. Admiral George Dewey Will receive tho most royal elcomo on Oct. 1st' tert, Umt was ever nccordud to n Arncrlcua tltUeu. You will find n comploto biography or thin RTOirt hero, Including lila brilliant victory ovor the 8iu U licet In thu croat, authorlUtlvo and. up ' date work of reforonco, tho New Werner Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica Thfci la the only ency clopadla on tho market th mentions Admiral Ihjw oy. It give tho dale of hll Urth; how ho spout his boyhood days; tho part hj tool: in tho Civil War, how after tho War ho wan tmploycd on tho Kuropcun station; lu tho NavaJ Academy; his riso to tho rant of Commander cud President of tho Hoard of Insioction and Burvcy; lib command of tho Asiatic Squadron; how on April 2;th ho left Hong Kong with Ids uiuadron, found and destrcyed tho Spanish Fleet, at Manila, on May lit; his appolntniout aa Acting Rear Ad miral, tho honors ho received from Congress, and Low on March 2nd, IBM, ho was crcnted full Ad miral. It fipcaks of him nn a strict disciplinarian, f.n all-around athlete, a daring horseman and huntsman, and socially a good club man end a fcncrul favorite It tells of his marriage to M.m. Susy Goodwin, a daughter or tho llghtliiR gov ernor" of New llamiwhlrc, who died in 172, lear lug a son, George Goodwlu Dower. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Admiral Schley Admiral Sampson Capt. Clark of tho Oregon and scoicb of ether noted jiersonages jiot even mentioned in any other Eucycloiiu.-dla receive th samu attention lu this edition of thu Encyclopedia Britannica It speaks of General Wood be Governor of Huntl ago , of General Henry as Governor-General o: I'orto Rico; of Aguinaldo'a declaration of Wai against tliu U. S. YOD NEED THIS COMPLETE SUMMARY of human tnowlcdgo nnd progrcts, whf rein Infor watloa h moro easily found und ucn.ulred than II any other book or cncycloiixdlu lu tho -vorlO IN YOUR HOME. TOS HALC 117 I. C. NICKELSEN, C. F. Stephens ...Doaler In.. lDty Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Notions. Act. iui i4. I'uiigias nuue. ?nT5..,;b8- The Dalles, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHAUr A KNEKAL BANKING I1UK1NEB LctterB of Orudit iaauod available in the Euatern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranefera aold on New York, Chicago, Bt. Louif), Ban Franciaco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wunh,, and various points In Oregon and Washington. Gollections made at all points on fav orable terms. MS. OIiIVIA W. WOHGflH, tudio A. Nil ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Street, between Court and Wueh ton Street, The Dalles. c. s7smTth7 'Jiu: iJp-to-dateClroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. r Or. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lea nnd re duo to arrive at l'nrtlm, I.KAVK. OVKI11.AN11 EX tircss, Salem, Hose. Imrg, AthlHiid, Sac ramento, Ogden.Han Krauclseo, Unluvc, UisAngeles.Klraso. New urlcuns and T;00 1'. M. A. M Itnsetnirc und w'ii'v'.. 8:30 A. M, tlons .. , . fVIa Wondbur.1 fori I Mt.AiiRul, Sllverton, Went Hclo, Drowns. vllle,Sprtngllcld and I Natron J ICorvallls and wayl ) stations ) I ,31) I'. M Kally except Buutluyt. Dally except Uundnyi 17:110 A. JI iSiWI'.M. INDKl'KNDENOK I'ASSENfiUIt. Express train Hally (except Sunday). 1 ta11 4ili0ii.m. (Lv.....rortlnnd ...Ar.) 8:!Ba a o..iu i Ut. .Al,Allui:iiuilueiK'U..I.V.J Daily. (Dally, except Huiioay, DINING CAI18 ON OODKN KOUTK. !UI.LMAN BUFFET BLEEl'EKS AND BECOND-CIAS8 BLEEl'lNC CARS Attached to oil Through Trains. Direct connection at Han Francisco with Ocd dental and Oriental and l'acluc mall stcamthlii Hues for JAl'AN and CHINA. Balling data on b plication. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and En. rope. Also JAPAN, Clil.NA, HONOLULU ana AUKTKAI.1A. All ubovo trains arrive at and depart I row Oruud Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL. DIVISION. I'asscnger Deikit, foot of Jederson street. Iawo for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at l'ortland, V.'JO a. m. U'avc for A1HI.1E on Mondny, Wi-driosday anQ Friday nts::i3a. m. Arrlvo at l'ortland, Tuia dav, Thursday and Saturday tt 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. II. KuKLUCU, (1, II. MAKKHAM, il imager. Asst. U. K. A I'ass. Act Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, when through tickets to all ixiluts lu the Hsu tern States, Canada and Iuroje can lu ohtslncd it lowest rates from J. It. KlltKLAND, TlcVet Agent, or N, WHEALDON. Just What Yoa uuant New idenn in Wall Taper here. Such wide variety aa we are allowing never be fore gritced a single stock. Heal imita tion ereton effects at ordinary pricei. Good papers ut cheat) paper prices. Elegant deeigns, tiieteful colorhiKB, for a email price, at our alore on Third street. Alton full line of house paiute, D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. S. SCIIENK, I'resldeut. II, M, lleAt , Cashier First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold o Now York, Baa Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOK9. D. P. TUOMI'BOM. Jno. 8. Bchikci. Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbi. Ii. M. Bkaix. Wood Saw V Will run xvorv ilav excent Sunday. w Kates Keaeonable. Telephone 201. 0 t W. A. CATES, Prop, 4 Preserves r-frults, Jolllca, pickle or rat""!'" . '.T... A..uu ;,,,ru iiu li'lcly, ia"r? 1 heiitl.fuiiy''o5lld wlih mum lraninaVax tl.nn by liny ""'g method. Doxeni of other usea win u round ftrp mstntA hrifHiiWax hi .Terr LoujehoW. In Si I tMteleat and odorless-a'-. and aold proof. Uet u vouud culiJJJ ft with n iit or lu ma" from your old I everywhure. aiau" MTAMVAJiV Oil. - HA. 8TURDEVANT, ..u.i OffloeoverKreuch4Co.'Bliiik . . .. . viivr.ON 4 ...STEAM... 5 M.OUO0, THKDALL--,-