The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1899, Image 3

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    Specials in the
Grocery Department
for this week.
McWaid s Sugar Corn $100 d
Homestead Sugar Corn 00 1 dozQn
Tomatoes .. 1.00 per dozen
Asparagus, R. it IT. brand 03 Lr can
Cupid Hominy (hulled-corn) 'jl per can
Snidor's Catsup 20 pt bottle
Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 1 lb cans I08 per can
Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 2 lb cans 12f per can
Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese, 3 lb cans .. .17 per can
van camp's sours.
Oxtail He per can
Chicken 11c per can
Bouillon lie per can
Vegetable 1 1c per
Tomato 11c per
per can
After-Christmas Bargains
in all Departments.
From now on until after the New Year, all Holiday Novelties in the various
departments will have a special clearance price upon them in order to clean them
out. Call early, for there are- some choice things.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Uow It Passed la The milei-Trccfc In
All the Churchei.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
DEC. 20. 1809
htrved in
btj'la bv
On account of the entertainment, at
the Vogt, band practice will bo held at
the club rooms tonight.
The only Christmas marriage that
Wiinco county evidently hud wae that of
Geo. W, Brown nnd Annn G. Powell,
who obtained a license Saturday evening.
Finding that their hnll would ba en
tirely too email to accommodate Ihe
laree crowd who desire to attend, the
Salvation Army will hold their Christ
mas exercises at tho Jialdwin opera
house tonight. All ate invited to at
t'md. A mooting of the oftlcerB and teachers
of the Methodist Sunday Bchool has been
cnlled lor Wednoeday evening at the
home of Mrs. Smith French. Election
of olllcore for the coming year will tnko
Iilnco and a lurgo attendance is re
quested. The city received a very acceptable
gift yostorday when tho chemical lire
engine arrived at the depot. It is prob
able it will not be unpackod until Mr.
J-oug, from whom it wbb purcliaeed, ar
rives and testa it to determine whether
or not it is satisfactory.
Tho students who are home from the
univeislty are enthusiastic over the
concert to be given by their glee club.
In speaklug of it this morning Earl
Sunders said: "Their specialties are
immense their impersonations great,
end no one can fail to be pleased with
It Is with regret that we announce the
Illness of Mr. A. MacAdam, clerk in
Peaee & Mays dry goods department,
tor tho past few weeks Mr. MacAdam
1ms boon suffering with a severe pain in
hood, and while the exact cause of
Ms Illness is not known, he is considered
o very sick tuan.
"Gypsy," J. B. Crosaen'a dog, is very
proud of her various families nud always
manages to display them to tho admlr
log gase of passers-by. Today she Is
domiciled in Blukoley & Houghton's
window with six of the cutest little pups
imaginable. Bhe is putting on n sight
of "dog" and is the admired of all.
John Moran got something for Christ
inas; he got drunk and was celebrating
with tho "spirit," but uot the un
derstanding, when Marshal Hughes
"knocked him off the Christmas tree"
into the cooler. He had 2 left, which
he put up for bis appearance today ; but
the recorder still holds it, Moran falling
to show up.
Several of those who were so delighted
with the lecture of Chaplain Gilbert a
few weeks since at the Methodist church
and who were at the name time disap
pointed that many of their friends failed
to hear him, have arranged to have him
make a second visit to our city, and he
will speak at the Congregational church
on Monday evening, Jan. 8th.
Vfhat Wasco county needs is a Rood
road system. No county can advance
with our facilities for traveling. When
the people take the matter in hand and
build them, not mud, but macadam
roads, business of the merchants will
jump to a point never before realized and
business generally will go hand in hand
with it. Antelope Herald.
'Mrs. E. M. WiIboo has very kindly
offered the use of her parlors to the
members of the alumni for tho reception
to be tendered the university glee club
Thursday evening. Situated eo near
the opera house thi8wp!be nn ideal
pluca in which to meeJWie young men
und make them wercoinik to our city.
The members of the ainuui will act as
hosts and hosteseee.
Expert investigation of the Heppnrr
small-pox coses, so called; demonstrate
that Dr. Swinoburno was right. It was
not B;imll-pox. No bacteria or cocci was
found in two slides submitted to tho
Abbott Alkaloidul Co., Chicago, and the
Clinic, best kuown medical journal
published in America, boj'b that it can
not be small-pox but is characteristic
of ekin eruptions in general. Observer.
As is its wont on holidays, whenever
it is at all possible, tho O. It. & N. Co.
managed to reduce their freight trains
yesterday and allowed a number of their
employes to enjoy Christmas dinner at
home. A railroad man's life is a hard
one when it comes to a respito from
duty, and to say that a chance to eat
Christmasdlnner at home and enjoy
one or two dayp out of tho year In tho
bosom of his family is appreciated, does
not express it.
Attorney Phelps and his charming
bride came in on Friday night's train,
gladdening the hearts of their many
frionds, and at once took possession of
tho cottugo recently vacated by Herb
Bartholomew and family, which he has
ni.nni.n.1 nnd furnished to suit their
aesthetic fancy. Cosily settled they
will add much to the enjoyment of
Heppner society, of which they enjoyed
tho distinction of being leaders. Hepp
ner Cassette.
As mentioned in our last issuo over
"00 won men are at work on tho portage
railway, the company's headquarters
beiugat what is known as Celllo Hats.
More men are wonted, according to re
ports brought here nnd the contractors,
Messrs. Winters and Chapman, will pay
1.75 per day, and will charge 4 per
week for board. This Is good wages for
winter months, especially, and no doubt
many of the Klickitat farmers will
try their hand at railway construction.
.'Mother may I go out to swim Ua
Btrflge request to be heard he da, be
fore Christmas, aud we doubt if It was
Preceding as it did tho Sabbath day
this year, it was somewhat difficult to
determine just which was Christmas
day; while every indication of the
weather reminded one of spring. Yes
terday was beautiful, but not such a day
as one would wish for Christmas.
The celebration began Saturday even
ing with exercises and a tree at the
Christian church. Sundav afternoon
and evening many families had their
homo gatherings and trees for tho little
ones, and in the various churches
throughout tho day carols and Christmas
anthems were suug and the ministers
spoke on tho themo uppermost in the
minds of all. In tho eveninir at tho
Methodist church tho Sunday school
pupils gave a very pleasing concert and
the choir rendered several nrettv
Not for many years has such a large
congregation attended mass at the
Catholic church as was present Sundav
night, and not for as many years have
Dalles people listened to moro beautiful
music than was rendered on that occa
sion. Aseisted by Birgfeld's orchestra,
the choir sang during the greater part of
the service, and each voice seemed to b
at its best. Father Bronegeest also gave
a very interesting sermon. Tho mass
was unusually long, lasting until 1 :40
o'clock, but none grew weary, tho music
holding them spell bound.
Last night Christmas trees and exer
cises Jwere general in tho churches,
and some of them were very attractive.
Each chutch was well filled. At the
Baptist church two large trees and a
chimney were beautifully decorated and
Santa Claus arrived just in time to see
that each little one nnd some larger onea
received gifts. Tho pupils of tho Lu
tlieran Sunday school also enjoyed the
evening exercises, which closed with
distribution of presents from a very
not to get in until everything was ready.
She however took the front sent with
the babe In her arms. One driver stood
holding the bits, while the other was ad
justing some packages. At that moment
a tiatn passed by and, contrary to their
usual course, the horses became fright
ened, wheeled to the right and jerking
away from tho driver, started alongside
the track. At tho bridge they struck
tho train slightly and also tho bridge
guard and tho stage was thrown to one
side breaking tho wheels off,
When tho crash came Mrs. Grater
was thrown backward, striking her back
on tho back seat, and tho child was
thrown from her arms, lighting between
the wheel and tho wagon bed. It whs
with difficulty tho little one was extri
cated, and no ono expected it could survive.
They were carried into the hotel and
Dr. Geisendorffer summoned, who found J
that Mrs. Grater's bnck was badly
sprained and her forehead cut slightly.
The babe's back was also sprained and
its hip thrown out of joint. Tho doctor
informs us that he leels positive there
are no fatal injuries particularly to the
mother, although the babe's injuries
may be more severe than at present
seems likely.
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child's life by One Minute Cough Cure,
Doctors had given her up to die with
croup. It's an infallible cure for cougns,
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat amMunj troubles. Relieves at
Of the multitudinous variety of holi
day gifts thero are probably none that
meot with moro popular favor, than a
pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Thco.
H. Llebe, graduate optician at Liebo'a
jewelry store, will test your eyes free of
charge. 19-2t
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Subscribe for The Chho.vice.
heard; but just the same tho boys got j pretty tree.
there head over heels and when Tlieo
Seufert visited the place where they are
boring for coal, lie found a gang of
youngsters in the sloughs swimming.
If the water was cold they didn't seem
to know it, but enjoyed themselves ns
though it had been a hundred In the
shade. Wonder what tho frozen east
erners would think of going in swim
ming on Christmas day?
Yesterday the startling report gained
credenco here that Moro was quaran
tined with twenty-four caEea of Bniall-
pox, and all day today like rumors have
been current and it is true that phy
-srclans have been 'phoning for. vaccine
virus and Sherman county ie much ex
ercised. In order to get at the truth of
the matter the Chronicle reporter tele
phoned to Moro this afternoon, trusting
to the truthfulness of our Informant,
who eald: "Wo have not half of
twenty-five caees; theio are but half a
dozen in fact, and it is not thought to be
smallpox at any rate, but the same dis
ease that has been going the rounds of
Heppner nnd other places. None ore
very sick, no deaths have occurred. The
town is not quarantined, simply the
houses wherein are cases of tho disease."
Wo tell the tale as 'twas told to us; but
at the same time would add : Is it not
time for The Dalles to become somewhat
interested? Just enough to try tho vac
cine preventative.
Ono of the happiest Christmas gather
ings in The Dalles was that which took
place at tho home of Mr and Mrs. I. N.
Sargent yesterday. Asthey sat down to
a bounteous spread there were present,
beside tho happy old couple: Mr. aud
.Mrs. Chas. Sargcn, of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Hunsaker and Miss Kathryn
Sargent, of The Dalles, Fred Sargent, of
5-Mile, Mrs. Hattie Wilson, of Endersby,
their grandchild, E. H. Sargent, and
Miss ltachel Morgan ; one son who re
sides in Baker City being absent. In
the evenine the time was passed with
games and music, Miss Morgan presid
ing at the piano. Amoug tho presents
ved bv them was a palm tree for
Mrs. Sargent, the gift of Charles and bis
wife, and presented with the following
remarks: "In presenting to you this
palm our united wishes are that your
future life may be as the climate from
which It came all sunshine; and ns you
watch its growth from year to year that
we may live in your memory as green as
tho plant wo present."
Tho Modern Mollier
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
The truo remedy, Syrup of Figs, Is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co, only.
At me same nour Jike exercises were
held at the Episcopal, Congregational
and Methodist churches, tho two former
opening with programs by the children,
which were especially good. Great pains
had been taken in arranging the trees,
making them attractive and pleasing to
the children.
Christmas night closed with many re
unions and happy times, which will
cause the day to linger long in the
memory of both old and young.
Who Quietly I'assed Away Saturday
Night at Ills Hume lu The Dulles.
Iluufc to Kent.
A Bix-room house, on Eighth street,
opposite S. Bolton's residence; four
rooms furnished, including piano. For
further particulars apply to Robert
Teacue, at W. A. Jolmetou's hardware
So quietly did J. C. Baldwin pass
away at his homo Saturday night about
11 o'clock, that even those who watched
by him were not aware ho had ceased
breathing. He seemed to gradually
vpaken until lifo was extinct. Mr.
Baldwin had not been a strprig man for
many years, and about 'ten days ago he
was taken ill of neuralgiaVWhieh seemed
to go to tho brain and fitiallytook him
During his activo life Mr. Baldwin
was a very prosperous business man
and carried on extensive interests In
Idaho, California and Oregon, gaining
for himself a competency which made
him vell nigh independent, but reversee
came and with them cares which under
mined his health and broke it down. At
hie side, however, has been a perfect
companion and faithful wife, who has
ever been a helpmato and who mourns
her loss with that fortitudo which is
borne of a strong character and beautiful
Julius C. Baldwin, who was CO years
of age last May, was bom in Wnyland,
Mass., and during his early inauhood
came to Idaho and engaged ill business,
returning to his native home in
June, 1874, and claiming as his bride
Ellen Damon. In 1851 he went to Cali
fornia, remaining thereuntil 1857, when
ho came to Oregon, settling in The
Dalles and engaging in a mercantile
business with his brother Frank. With
but a slight interval, he has since made
his home here, where his family now re
side. To Mr. and Mr. Baldwin were
born five children Frank, Edward,
Martha, Lilly and Wallace, two only eur
viving him, Edward and Martha.
The funeral took place at the family
residence on the hill this afternoon at
2 o'clock, IUv. 1). V. Poling officiating.
Mutt Heniurkuljle Ktcape.
New Equipment.
The O. R. & N. Co. and tho Oregon
Short lino have closed a contract for
$300,000 worth of new equipment, con
sisting of first-class coaches, chair cars,
dining-cars, baggage and mail cars, to
be used in equipping additional trains
to give double service in tho coming
spring, between Portland and Granger,
so as to enable two through trains to
bo run daily between Portland and Chi-
c.igo, via the Union Pacific. This will
give morning and evening service out ol
Portland to all points between Portland
and Huntington, and bring Portland
into closer touch with the Eastern Ore
gon gold fields, which are now attracting
so much nttention. The equipment
purchased comprises everything neces
sary for the new trains, except library
and buffet cars, with which the com
pany is already provided. When the
new Eervlce is nut on, time between
Portland and Chicago will be shortened
twelve hours. Uregouian.
:ll Wo have
a larger assortment
than ever.
Fresh craeked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Plain Mixed 7c per lb
Jelly 15eans 10c per lb
French Mixed 17c per lb
Chocolate Creams. . .15o per lb
Caramels 15c per lb
Oranges 25c per doz.
Nuts nt the lowest prices.
Tho market is fluctuating. Our
prices are as low as the lowest.
Call and see us before buying.
m tit 'Ail i m Kbeiism
A serious accident and at tho same
time most miraculous escape occurred
this morning about 0:15, just as the
Prlnevillo stage was loading up in front
of the Umatilla House, That either of
tho unfortunates escaped with their lives
is the wonder of all.
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grater
and 10 months old child arrived from
Des Moines, Iowa, on their way to visit
relatives at Antelope, intending to go
out on this morning's stage.
When the hour for departure arrived
Mrs. Grater came out, but was cautioned
Gumdrops 5c per lb., or G for 25c
Plain Mixed 7c per lb.
.boston Mixed 10c per
Fancy Mixed 12c per
French Mixed 15c per
Assorted Nuts 12:
to per
Gunther's Fine Chocolates
and Bon Bons, by box or in bulk, at prices equal
ly as reasonable. Call and provo tho statement.
a a a a a a al
I Wilson Aitf-Tight fiecxtev
Thoro are other AIR-TIGHTS, but none that oqunl
....SOLD ONLY BY,...
JVIflVS & C$OWE, Sole Agents.