For a Nice Suit of Clothes. lntlng, Ovcrcontin- or Fnncy Vesting. tr, , . II t III f J- W Kindly rail nnd exnmine ray stock of Im ported and Domestic Woolens. A fine stock lo elect from. , , . Bulls made fromthc lowest prices to the high cat grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLES OlSEOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION I'KICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 TUESDAY DEO. 26, ISf 9 SIZE OF THE BOER ARMY. It would be interesting to know Jiow many men the two South African rep ibhcs have under arms, Bays the Globe-Democrat. The re mark that they have ambuscaded England on this point seems to be true. They have margin enough to maintain three sieges, shutting up 12,000 or 15,000 British troops. It takes a large force to surround o place, but the Boers arc managing it at Ladysmith, Kimbeile' and Uafeking. They have routed Gatacre at Stormberg, halted Methuen sharp ly at Modder River and not only re pulsed Buller at the line of the Tugela, but seized his cannon with Title fire in the most extraordinary manner. To do all this and hold a -firm grip in the sieges implies a large number of men in the field and well equipped for all sorts of contingen cies. The British expected nn enemy at most of 35,000 or 40,000, and argued that as the Free State troops had never been under fire they would count for no more than average raw militia. But it turns out that nil the Transvaal troops are equally effective with the rille; and the rifle and "deerstalking tactics" have thus far teen victorious. Many Europeans nnd Outlanders are serving in the Boer ranks. Re cent dispatches, for instance, have referred to the losses of the "Scandi navian command," nnd such bodies as this the British never reckoned with. Thousands of Dutch colonists have joined the Boer armies. The extent of this disaffection is not yet defined. A general colonial rising would compel a speedy retreat of Methuen, Gatacro and French, and, possibly, of Buller. The Boers hoodwinked the British ministry as to the number of men t'jey could summon to the field and also in re gard to their resources in artillery. At this moment the weakest point in the Boer (situation is their commis sariat and other supply departments. When it comes to men they evidently have plenty to insure a stiff resistance for a long period, and perhaps to take the offensive along certain lines. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. The announcement of the probabil ity that no river and harbor bill will be passed at this session of congress is a piece of rather discouraging news for all the Pacific Northwest, and especially for the Columbia river region and Portland, The Telegram says Chairman Hooker, of the river and harbor committee, is opposed to the passage of any river nnd harbor hill, partly because Itu in u tool of the corporation and syndicates and lobbyists who are opposing a Nica ragua canal, and be jthinks a canal bill would he tacked on a river and harbor bill, and partly because he lives in n little New York town, nnd bns no comprehension of or enre for the noeds and resources of the great Pacific West. He was put in his present position by ex-SpenkerRecd, for the purpose of preventing n Nica ragua canal bill or any other bill re quiring large appropriations for the West, which Reed cordially hates, because it did not nominate him for president. Hundreds of millions have beon expended on Atlantic coast harbors, but some of the repre sentatives from the Atlantic states do as little as possible, and that grudg ingly, for this coast. They cither do not 3'et comprehend that tho com merce of this coast is soon lo rival in volume and value that of the At lantic, or else they are animated by a petti' sectional jealous' of this region. Hooker is one of those nar row, provincial, sectional, little pup pets,but he ma' not be nblc to control the committee, and if he docs so at this session, a large and liberal bill will be passed at the next session. There must be n bright set con nected with the courts of law out in Jackson county. Norn Etta Cole, aged 17, was recontfo sent to the penitentiary from that county, to serve a sentence of n year. The offense was horse stealing. She was nlso convicted of lewd cohabitation, and it is the understanding that she was to serve a jail sentence of six months there nfter expiating her felony here. Since arriving at the penitentiary, the girl has been com mitted to the asylum for the insane She is idiotic. She is not capable of committing a crime. Stic has not the mental or the moral intelligence to make any act of commission or omis sion of hers felonious. It is not her fault, either. It is the fault of society, in permitting her to be born. Her father is a drunken and brutish scrub. He is a low and miserable fellow. The mother is about the same class. What can be expected from such a cotubi nation? And, still further, it is understood that this idiotic girl is with child. Salem Statesman. FREE EDUCATION. BUSINESS LOCALS. Keep kasee on Keller'e Krietmna kandy kolumn. Use Clarke & Falk'e quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. Latest thine in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Paint your house with puirite that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk have tliem. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Putton otrictiy pure liquid painte. DeWitt'a Little Early Itieers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the eyetem. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., nays, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for pilea, but I cured them with DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for plica and ekin diseases. Betvara of counter feits. Dyspepsia can he cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Catli lu tour Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to Jan. 21, 1891!, will be pair at my office. Interest censes after Nov. 13th, 1899. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Clarke &. Falk'e flavoring extracts are the best. ABk your grocer for them. Subscribe for Tiie Chronicle. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ltartfilD rtiopntat.hf InnA nnA aAa "Waf.lirA in of rAntrtVinnlnrr anil wuui. tructlng the exhausted digestive or. ua. xbiBiuujuieHiuircovereaaigesb snt and tonic. No other preparation nan nnnrnanh If In fflnl.niw It. In. tantly relieves and permanently cures vTBptnwin, AuuiKeauou, uearrnurD, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, HlnlrTTuarlanllo fimmtrom Hmmm anl lllotherrMultaofimperfectdlKeftlOB. numlnn Noblcn Arc I-titltlcil to Their Holiiiolltigr nt the C(mt (tf the Oowrmiiviit. The nobility of Itussia in each anil every province, who form a kind of corporation in the eyes of the govern ment with a marshal at Its head, arc to be allowed to establish special hotird inp houses or lionu'R for those of their children who attend the middle-class schools, but quite separate from such schools. The government undertakes to pay the full coat of establishing these in stitutions, which will come under the supreme control of the minister of pub lic instruction, and in which the pu pils are to receive board, lodging, clothes, linen, boots, sehoolbooks, pe cuniary assistance, and, if necessary, personal help in doing their home les sons nfter school hours. The govern ment also engages to pay half the year ly cost of supporting them. The prefer ence in accepting boarders as well as gratuitous maintenance will be given to the children whose fathers hold any olllcial post in the corporation of their class or in thtf zeinstvos, or who have formerly held such post for not less a period than nine years. The nobility are also granted the right of founding scholarships for their boys in the higher and intermediary establishments of ed ucation, for which the government like wise provides half the necessary funds. At the same time an annual .sum of lbfi 7o0 roubles will be paid out of the im perial exchequer for the free educa tion of 415 boys in two of the new mil itary cadet schools. This curious piece of class legislation will give the landed nobility of Russia a fnr cheaper education for their chil dren than any that is put in the way of the other antiquated social categories into -which the Russian population in still divided. Pall Mall Gazette. Cnvent Garden. Covent garden, London, Jins been in the iKJsscssion o the Bedford family for 300 years. Mrs. It. Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says, "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Bewaro of worthless counterfeits. TTib GolumtJia Packing Go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKCFACTUKER8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Laneln. 'Phone 151 1899. What would be more appreciated as a Chrietmaa Gift than one of the many Views I have for sale? 1 1 T i Columbia hjiver ai?d f(ou)tei) lieue. I I T I also have on hand a complete line of Perfumery, M. Z. DONNELL, DRUQQI8T. 0.R.&N. liKTAUT TIUK ftCHKbULK. Ahiuvb ron From Iullxn. j hom. Kiist Suit I.nkr, Denver, Ft. Vn-t Mnll Worth. Oinnhn, kiui- -Mnll U:45 . in. in City, Ht. 1nils, il'.M'.v in Chicago nnU l'.ust. 1 Bpoknlie Wnlln Wnlln, Biiokiitic, Bimknno Klyer .MIhiicmmiIIs. Ht. l'ntil, Klyer. 7:05 1. 111, 1)11 tilth, Milwaukee, 4:3ln. in Chlciieo nnd Hunt. 8 p. m. 4 p. ra. FllOM 1'OHTLJkNn. Ocean RU'iimshlpH. Fnr Hun KrnnelFCo December :i, 8, 13, IS, 2:1 ' unit s. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Kx.Suinlny Columbln Kv. Steamers. Kx.mindit To Astoria and Way Saturday Lauding. 10 p. in. fin. m. Willamf.ttk KtVKK. 4:30p.m. Kx. Sunday Orcirtm City., Kx.Huiulny Htilum ik Way Lund's. 7 n. m, Willamette and Yam-' 8:30 i. in. TueM.Tluir. hill UtVKits. Jlnti.,'ul unci Hut. Oregon City, Dayton, unit Frl. nnd Way-lji:ulliiK. C n. m. Willamettk I'.ivhii. 1:30 p. m. Tuc.Thur, i'ortlitml to Ciirvullls, Mini. Wnl unci Hut. unit Way-l.andlns. nnd I'rlilny SNAKn KlVKR. I.EAVK I.v Ittparid Klpurlu lo tawlHton. Lbwimon dully dully law a. in. 8:S0u. m. I'nrtles deslrinir to co to Ileiumcridimild lake .Nn. 4, IcuvliiK me Dnlle.s ni t:u p. in innkliiK direct connections ut lleppner Junction KctnrnltiK iniiklnKdlreetronuectloii ut lleppner Junction with No, 1, arriving nt The Dalles nt It.'tVi!. m. No. thrnuuht freight, enst bound, does not curry passengers; arrives 11:50 a. in., departs 3:50 ii. in. No. -I. lncul freight, curries pn.eiiBcrs, enst bound: arrives p. in., depart h; 16 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, doex not curry passengers; urrlves )i:15 p in., depnrts ii:S0 p. m. No. 'J3, west bound local freight, curries pun scngcrs; nrrives 6:15 p. m., departs 8:00 u. m. For full purtlcultirs enll on O. It. & N. Co.V agent The Dulles, or address W. II. HUKl.lll'ltT, den l'us. At l'ortlnnd, Or. A good drug sign.- You well know that a good drug eign is the pntromiRe which is bestowed on the store. It is tho purity of the coode nnnuleu and the iunnner of doing busi ness tlmt makes nnd keeps litis busiiieHS. We are pleased with tho result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs ut the best prico. We nre particular about the compounding ol ttieui. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES BROS GKNKKAL A NDik Horsesnoers Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I W and JefTcron. PlionB'159 ..GHflS. FflflHK.. ButehePfl and Farmerts ..Exchange.. Kecp on draught tho celebrated COI.UMlllA HKKIt, ucknowl. edged tho bent beer lu Tim Dulles, at the ustliil price. Come In, try It nnd be convinced. Alio the Finest brnlids of VViues, Ll:iuor nnd Cigars. Saoduuiehes of nil Kinds always on hand, To Our Cola in One Uy, Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab let!. All druggiiti refund the money it REGULATOR LINE. 5S HfTCTmrrm Str. Regulator. (Limited Ijindhm-s.) Dalles, Poitlanfl 4 Hstoiia lav. Co. Tho HtenmerH of the KcRUlntnr Lino will run ns per the fol. iwliiK nelKdtile, Iho Compnny reserving tho right to chungc'S .'Itedute ivlthout notice. Q low I rv k - DOWN. , I.V. DlllICH nt S a. m. Tuesdny , ThntMlay Hnturdny. . . Arr. Portland nt 6 r. M. I.V UP. Portland nt 7 a. M. Monday . WednoHilny Kildiiy Arr. Dnlles nt 6 r. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. I.V Str. Dalles City. (Toiichltig nt nil Wny Points ) Up, a l'nrtl.,,,,1 M ... 4 "I A. 11. )l . Thiirwluy, J . Hiitiirdny 3 Arr. DaltoK A (tuicertnlii) -I DOWN. l.v. Dulles nt 0:t0 a. m. Monday Wrdnesdny .. . Frldny Arr. l'ortlnnd (uncertiiln) FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. w Travel by the Hteamurs of tho ttcgnlntnr I.lno. The Cpmpntiy will pndcnvnr to give Its i,nt-' rons thu best servleo possible. For further Information address j 14 C, Portlnnd OIllcc, Oak-Htn-et Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Ant., The Dullc. X and Motors jt A.s't;iA('TUiti:i) nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars nnd particulars furnished on application. F. S. G-UNNING-, Agent, un'X, TIIE DALLES, OREGON Was co Ware house Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s? ISl feed Headquarters for "Byers1 Best" Pendle- tOH FlOUT 'a8 'our lR manufactured expreeBly for family UWAA use: every Back in Kttarauteed to give Htttiefaction. We soil our poodB lower tliun any hoitao in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and yet our jinueB nnd be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHIBKEYjroniJlTto $0.00 pnr iriUlon. (4 to 15 yea'roTd.) " , iJMPOETEDlOOGNAO frotii 7.00 to 12.00 per Kallon. (11 to 'M ymm old. , CALIFORNIA tBAKDIES from lo W.00 per (tallon. (4 to 1 1 yera oluV. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blat and Olympia Beer in bottlei Imported Ale nnd Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandali&Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer.