ht Hulks VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMEMBER 20 1899. NO 117 TWO TOWNS ARE WRECKED Eartbqnakc Causes Havoc in Sutton California. MANY BUILDINGS THROWN DOWN Loss of Life is Reported Six Indians Said to Have. Been Caught and Crushed Under a Falling Wall at fleniet. Loh Anoklkh, Cal., Dec. 25. The towns of San Jucinto ntid Hcmcl, in Uivornldo county, wore liudly shaken liy un earthquake nt -1 :25 this morning. No lives woro lost, bo fur as known, but several persons wero injured. In San Jacinto not n brick Iioubo or block escaped injury. Nearly ull of tho busi ness portion lain ruins. Tho new South ern California iioBpital cavod in. It was not occupied. At .Hornet the Hetnet company's wn!l is partly down. The front wall fell flat. The rear of the large Johnson block also toppled over. Hemet's new hotel is a ruin. The damage at theeu placoB cannot bo estimated now. Communication by wire is interrupted. The Herald has received a telegram from San Bernardino stating that six In dians wero killed at Hemet by falliug walls during the earthquake. The Santa lu: railroad's report ia to the effect that no lives were lout, At Los Anndcs. Los ANiiKi.KH.Cal., Dec. 25. The moEt Hevore earthquake ever felt in Los An gules camo at 4:27 thie morning. No great damaRO is reported. There were two shocks, the first being the moat pro longed. Tho shocks lasted about twelve tendinis, tho undulations being from north to south. At San Diego. San Diixio, Cal., Dec. 25. The most suveru earthquake experienced in this city in fourteen years took place at 4 :25 n. in. today and was accompanied by a loud rumbling noise. Tho taller build ings in tho ity wero severely Bhaken up and plaster was shaken oh" and a few broken articles of household furniture reported, but no serious damage was done. A high wave Btruck tho beach on tliu ocean front soon after tho shock, but Advice of a Druggist "It ia proper, I think, lo let others know await tho popularity and virtues of Acker a i '.. 1.. i Vi.,..l... C.l.l., ..,! ',,!1. nillllpllUU, From tho moment I Mi-Ban hand ling it, it sold mildly, and tii o sit 1 eu keep grow l's all tho time uh Taut as people ll n d out' wimi a remarkable iTi'imratlon it ia. The ffttlHfnction it givOH iB universal. Our hi'Mt cit izens UKll it. nd say it Is tho best thing for throat nnd '8 troubles they evor saw. Mr. 8. 11. Cul ver, oho of our prominent townsmen, says Acker's Unulish Komcdy is the only medi cine that helped his chronic cough of many years' standing. At tlrat It gave relief, and now, after taking n fow bottles, ho is wholly P'reil. 1 buy it by tho gross nt a time, WM my sales aro largor on this one medicine "'Hi on any other in my store. It is a great I wihu ro for me to feel that while I am prosper el am also doing so much good to the com "'iiulty in selling such a Brand medicine." lil, Wosttleld, N. Y. ., Bold at 25c.. DOc. nnd $1 a bottle, throughout o United States and Canada i and in hug; i? i l,ut,18' 2d-i 2s- 8d.,4s.ud. If you arc not Willed after buying, return the bottle to our druggist, and get your money back. w t, .'! naWlorfae the above guarantee, M 11. UQOKEH is CO., Proprietor!, tow York. ' VOK BALK BY Blakeley'& Houghton. war no damage was done to shipping. A slighter shock followed the first one a few seconds Inter. Situation in the Philippines Gratifying. New Youk, Dec. 25. A special to tho Herald from Washington says: Wash ington officials aro very much gratified at tho existing situation in the .Philip pines. The insurgent army, which dominated the northern part of Luzon island up to November 5, when tho American campaign began, has disap peared. American garrisons are estab lished at more important points, pro moting peace in the surrounding terri tory, and the general condition has eo improved thut General Otis considered it feasible to open all the ports of north ern Luzon to trade. General Otis will now turn his atten tion to tho rebels south of Manila, and, it is expected, will begin active opera tion's against them inn fow days. Open ing the important parts of northern Luzon on January 1 is expected to de stroy the corner in hemp formed by certain exporters. Cntnrrli Cannot lit) Cored with local applications, ns they cannot reach the seat of the dieease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter ual remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood nnd ujucoub surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this country for yeare, and is a regular prescription. It is compoeed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifleie, acting directly on tho mucoUB surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney f& Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Dewey's Birthday. Washington. Dec. 23. Admiral George Dewey will be sixty-two years of age Christmas day, and under the ordi nary process of law would bo placed on tho retired list on that account. The special law under which he advauced to the head of tho navy makes no provision for his retirement, and therefore ho will continue on the active liet ot tho navy, in all probability, until his death. As a matter of fact, his retirement would make no material change in his existing status. His nav would bo the same ou tho re tired list as on the active list, nnd he would bo entitled to tho eame emolu meats and privileges, including a private secretary, with tho rank of lieutenant, and the usual number of aide. l-liiyml Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the bodv. Sinking ot the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnese, Pimples or Sores oil positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it Imimmn so it must bo purified in orUer to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful r....m(U- nnd wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Fine Weather and Fat Stock. Hhi.pki.mi. Or.. Dec. 22. The weather Micro is warm and pleasant, with the mercury standing at 54 degrees atiove zoro. No frost is in the ground, tho grass is green nnd all stock is rolling fat. What promises to be tho best crop of wool ever grown will bo sheared in arinir. Representatives ot Eastern and California mills ars here offering to contract at 16s cent, tho higliest oner in eeven vcars, but growers are firm holders and expect to get 20 cents. Tho increased acreage of wheat is making wonderful growth. 'Jlmt TlirulibluK lli-uduclio Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King'" Now uto m' TI,0U8ilm,fl of sufferers have proved their matchles merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They iimku P' l,lootl ate. nerves and build up your health. Las) 'to take. Try them. Only 25 cents Money back If not cured, bold h Blakeley itjiougjitoiijlrjuggiste. 1 Floral lotion will cur. wind chapping Bd sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke Fulk. OTIS IGNORED THEIR ADVANCE Merclaiils or lis Hi Trie! lo Sars lie Cily, THE DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED Authorities Arc Held Responsible for Half Million Loss Seems That Otis Was Notified That Spaniards Intended to Evacuate by a Certain Date. 1lo Ilo, Nov. 17. (Correspondence of tho Associated PieBS.) The taking of Hollo is an old ntory nt home, but it is a very live story here today, because up on its facts and details hinge claims for damages to foreigners resulting from th bnrning oi the city, which amount in all to more than $$00,000 in gold. TLe foreigners claim that our military au thoritios were responsible for the burn ing, and these authorities up to the present time have ignored the whole matter. "Early in December 1898," eaid a prominent business man of Ho Ilo, "a circular letter was handed to Major-Gen eral Otis, signed by the foreign merch ants in Manila, who had branches pf their firms in Ilo Ilo, in which his at tention was drawn to the danger that would inevitably result to foreign life and property if the Americans did not immediately send an armed force to Ilo Ilo to take over possession of the city from the Spaniards before tho latter left, ns it was well known that the Span ish governor had orders from Spain to evacuate the city with the least possible delay. This letter was ignored by Gen eral Otis, anil American troops did not arrive in Ilo Ilo until December 28, four days after the Spaniards had left." Efforts have been made within tho last month by merchants directly in terested in this matter of claims to as certain what the authorities had done wero doing or contemplated doing m thn innttpr. but it was impossible to gain any satisfaction whatever upon either of these three points. All these Ilo Ilo claims are filed with the proper persons at Manila, and, further, they have been filed with the respective con suis of the foreigners interested 'through this latter channel the matter will some day come to a hearing, wliero nnon interesting historical data will be .tm.ainiiPfi. nnil the responsibility be finally fixed. A few things you may- find yourself in need of for. ...Party OCleaP... Ladies' Party Slippers in white, red or black kid ; all with flexi ble turned eoles, up-to-date toe and heel; some ornamented with bow at instep, others with double stra'ps; all sizes and widths, per pair. .$1.25, $1.50, 1.S5, $2 00, $2 25 Party Gloves Ladies' Tan Suede Mosquetaire .$1.75 Ladies' Black Suede Motqaela're 1.75 Ladies White Suede Mosquetaire 1.50 Ladies' full arm-length Suede Mosque taire, in white 2 50 Gentlemen's Gloves, the genuine Dent's Gloves, per pair 2 00 Pearl Necklaces 25c and 35c each Gent's Neckwear The proper shapes in white lawn bows 10c, 15c and 25c Club ties 25c, 40c and 50c doz Shield bows each 15c Collars and Cuffs The correct shapes, two qualities ... 15c eaeh, 2 for for 25c ; 20c each, 3 for 50c Full Dress Shirts The Manhnttan brand, best materials and perfect fitting; made with O-inch wide bosom will not bulge when worn with low cut veat, any siza $1.60 R. D. tUilliams & Company. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber- Iain's Pain Balm ia gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has Leen troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In speaking of it ho eavs: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot wae swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Itobbid the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadful condition, wy skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back nd sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, n Iriend advised 'Electric Bitters'; anil to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their uso for tlneo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another i,.tim Xo one shouIUlail to try mem. Only 50c, guaranteed, Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 5 Duke of Westminster Dead. Loxuo.v, Dec. 22.-Tho Duke of Weet- is dead. He had been tutlering from and an attack of pneumonia. Lohus Grosvenor, nret uuko and third marquis of Westminster, was born in London October 13, 1825. Ho eat in parliament for Chester from 1S47 1809. He succeeded to tne inarquieuio th death of his father, October 31, 1809, and was created duke in 187-f. He ns said tob the weauuieai uuui i Europe.) v., not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. m My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to tako some of Cham berlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he wa's cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one similarly afflicted mav read it and bo benefited. Thomas C. Boweh, Glencoe, O. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. "One Minute Cough Cure is tho best remedy I ever used for coughs nnd colde. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all li.ko it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and nil throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. It takes but a niinuto to overcome tickling in the throat nnd to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous seclflc for grippe and its after effects. Great sacrifice sale of Jewelry next door to the First National Bank. 20-21 MERVITA3m Cures Imiotency,NiRlit Emissions and wasting- diseases, all effects of self- uuuse, or excess uuu mum cretion. Anervo tonic ami blood builder. HrintfB the pink glow to ;ale cheeks am" restores the fire of youth. Tiv ;Oi ncr box: O boxes iv I;. "t x j . . for $2.50; with a written giumm tco to euro or refund tbo mouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by Blakeley 5c Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon. r-uii.raiiiiitiiiiixiiijiiiiiiii i -j I itTTTmTrnMiiiirnnTimrrTTnTnniTiTnmTminuuiirniTTrnTrrmTTii niniiimrtnuiitDii i n in 1 1 iuiiiii) llinlll 3 1 s 5 i Tho Dalles, Or. i The Chtfoniele, Job Printers. umnuiiuujyimjuuujtujmiuuiuiimm STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash ? Yes, and wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that peoplo go Miles to patronio us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choico, but tho standard ratos, which aro not Cevera high as some peoplo think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR.