The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1899, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. 1.
DEC.-23, 1899
borved In
style by
A x.'KNlm!nt, 1 take It, In n grown-up inn n
whoso cniliu
1h tn prove tliu wicked doctrine that there
In uo Huutu Cliiun.
Feed rye for Bale at the Wbbco Ware
house, tf
New dates 8) cents per pound at
Pease & Muye.
Keller will furnish you ice cream for
Christmas dinner.
New dates just received ; 83' centB per
pound at Pease & Mays.
llemomber the poBtoflice general de
livery und registry will be oponed from
10 to 11 o'clock Christmas day.
Photographs of the Varsity Glee Club
novo boen placed in many of the windows
throughout tho city, and unleBB appear
nnceB ore deceitful vie are to be visited
by nn intelligent class of students as
well as muslciaus.
At Midnight mass at tho Catholi-
church St. Peter's choir will furnish tho
iuubIu, asBited by the Birgfeld orcheBtra.
St Cecilia's choir will sing at 8 o'clock
mius Monday morning. High mass will
bo at 10:30 a. in. Monday.
There 1b a sign post on Second street,
between Washington and Federal, which
won't "do to tie to," and hardly looks
Bafe to walk under. It would be well
wore it removed before it causes serious
trouble to patsere by.
Although somewhat previous, this
will be the last opportunity the CiutoN
iui.r will have of wishing Its readers a
Merry Christmas. May Christmas
cheer in abundance come to every home
where the Ciiiio.nici.e is wont to make
its daily visits.
This has been a very busy day in The
Dalles. In spite of the terrible condi
tion of the roads, the streets have been
filled with Deonle from the country. Our
own people also left their shopping till
lliulast moment, and in cousequence
things have been rushing.
The Ohnstmas exercises at the various
churches will be as follows: Christian,
tree, tonight at 7 :30 ; Baptist, exerclsoB
and tree, Monday evening at 7:30;
Lutheran, tree, Monday at 7; Epieco
pal, Monday at 0; Congregational, Mou
day at 7 ; Methodist, Monday at 7 :30.
, Services tomorrow at Methodist church
will be of espeoial interest. Iu the
morning the choir will render a Christ
mas anthem and the pastor give an
duress on the same theme. Iu the
evening a concert will be given by the
children of the Sunday school. All are
invited to be present.
Sol Smith Russell, who broke .down
Wo shall esteem it a fnvor it patrons
of our Grocery Department will
order in sufficient quantities on Satur
day to supply their wants of Mon
day, ns our store will be closed from
Saturday night to Tuesday morning.
Pease & Mays.
during a'play in Chicago Monday night,
hue boon compelled to retire from the
stage for a year on account of nervous
prostration. This famous actor is known
throughout the entire union, having
been on the etnge for many years.
About sixteen years ago he appeared in
The Dalles at tho Snipes-Kinersly opera
Iioubo in "Edgewood Folks."
In our weekly today will be found the
delinquent tnz list for 1808, with a notice
of sheriff sale of eueh property on Mon
day, the 22d day of January. Many who
have simply neglected to attend to the
matter have come forward today and
prevented their names appearing. OtherB
will be reminded by the publication and
liquidate before the date of sale.
Today has been one of the most beau
tiful imaginable, and seemB more like
a time for May festivals than Christmas
joys. True, it would be more acceptable
were some of tho ever-present mud re
moved from the streetB, but the motto
"look up" will havo to bo adopted by
nedestriaus it they would forget th
which lies beneath them.
We regret to Bay that A. B. DuBois,
who for the past two years has been one
of our substantial business men, is pack
ing his stock of furniture and second
hand goods preparatory to leaving for
Seattle about Tuesday of next week.
This move is made on account of Mrs.
Du Hois' health, which has been very
poor for some months past.
Prof. Glen, the baritone of the Glee
Club which visits our city Thursday, is
said to have a most remarkable voice,
with a range which is wonderful. He
will ronder two solos at tho entertain
ment. Another very taking feature of
the program ia the travesty on Ingomar
by Messrs. Eaton and 1 raster. It is saw
to be one of the neatest takeoffs imagin
able. Seats are beginning to go raniuiy
at this early date.
Wo have heard about the "biggest
dog in the puddle;" the "only peouie
. i i. .... I 1 ! I . n.ixviitmlnlil '
on me ueacn mm imu vjnwco...,
but the "fattest hog in the pen" must
have beon that which now nangs in
Woods Bros.' butcher shop, having
turned up its toes Thursday in order to
furnish pork for their patrons. It is
perhaps the largest hog ever butcliercu
in the county, being 2)4 years old und
weighing 810 pounds.
On record at the clerk's office is found
a marriage license granted to D. A.
Howell, of Antelope, and Miss Bertha
Kolsay, and we understand the wedding
will take place at the brldo's home at
Buck Hollow Christmas day. Mr.
irnull la tho bravo deputy sheriff who
distinguished himself so signally in the
capture of Brown onU wiison nsceuuy,
and who now Ib so successful in captur
lug one of tho fahest daughters of that
Tho first tree of tho season was that
which was given by Miss Taylors
Jludergartrn children at ' f '"J
room yesterday afternoon. Tie little
.ones bad all agisted In decor i6 the
tree, which was beautiful. Each chi d
entertained their parents and friend,
who had been invited, with recitations
and souks, and had placed on the tree
some small gifts for them. The teacher
had provided candy.riute, etc., and 'the
afternoon was one qf great pleasure.
D. Xoltzman, who was arrested and
taken to The Dalles from Pleasant Home,
on a charge of forgery, hns returned to
his home, having been released on bail.
To his friends he denies being the guilty
party, and says that his arrest was a
case of mistaken identity. He was with
another young man, who, he eaye, is
the guilty man, but he (Koltzman) Iibb
been taken for him. He seems to think
that he will hove no difficulty in estab
lishing hie complete innocence of tne
serious charge against him. The young
man has always borne a good reputation
in the community at Pleasant Hptne,
where he is well known. Ho was born
near Sandy, but recently has been work
ing in the sawmills in the neighborhood.
His friendfpHtfconfident he will be vin-
Tany have heard of the strange re
quest which was made by Elem Snipes
many years ago that he be buried on tlm
top of a large mountain, facing his home
near Goldendale, and upon which he
had gazed for so many years. Upon his
death in 1892 this request was granted.
On the mountain was a stone in the
shape of a bottle, weighing 1G00 pounds,
a natural headstone, and many times
since his burial there have his sons en
deavored to have the ptone cut and en
graved, but each time the stone cutters
would refuse saying the substance was
like flint, and could not be cut. At
length Louie Commi decided ho would
see that an iiiEcription was placed there
on, bo he undertook the work, which
took ten days. So successful was he
that at tho head of Mr. Snipes' grave
now is found the stone bearing the in
scription: "Here lies Elem Snipes.
Born 1810; died 1892.
ChrUtiutu Concert
Tomorrow evening at the Methodist
church, the Sunday School will give a
Christmas concert, to which all are in
vited. The following program will be
rendered :
Organ Voluntary
tinging C1,olr
Scripture lteudliig !
l'ruyer " ,
Anthem Cuolr
Notices nud ottering
Scripture Heading
Concert Kccitntloii l'rlmury tints
"The King's Birthday" Mlm Dustln's Cltiss
"Kinging for Jcnus" Nis Collins1 Class
"UoYou Hear the BclM".. Mrs. Jjiuglilln's Class
Hvnm-"Autlocli" Congregation
"Great Joy" ....Mles WheaMon's Class
"I'lio Pierced Feet" Mlts HuUtcu's Class
"Luther's Cradlo Hymn" Miss Dusllu's Class
Christmas Meditation raster
"King tho Merry Jlells" lloIr
l'ostludc .
Experience is the beat Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
, H. M. Blackerby, of Tygh Valley, is
in the city.
W. H. McKellip came over from
Goldendalo yesterday.
Chas. Heppnercame up from Portland
on last evening s train,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hrmvn nn.l n. A .
Brown are in from Kingeley today.
A. Sicilian and Jninpn T.q Dun wsrn
business visitors in town yesterday.
Mies F. Thomas camo un from Steven.
son last evening, returning this morning.
Mrs. H. W. French returned lnflt naht
from a visit with relatives in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank RufTner left on
the boat this (nomine for a short visit tn
Archie Barnett came home on last
night's train from Portland, and will
spend the holidays here.
Bert Barrett will B.iend Christmas
with his father, coining up on last even
ing's train from Portland.
Miss Anna Thompson, who has been
teaching in the t airfield district, is
spending bet vacation at home
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Puree!!, of Wamic.
were among the number who were do
ing shopping in tho city yesterday.
A. W. Boyre, who has spent tho past
month in California, is in the city on
his return trip to his home at Haystack.
Boy Grimes, who is a student at Pa
cific University, Forest Grove, arrived
in the city last night to spend his vaca
tion at Home.
Mrs. J. F. Haworth, who has been
very 111 since Wednesday, having an at
tack of congestion of the brain, is re
ported as improving.
Prof. J. S. Landers Mif today for Port
land to remain until Wdneeday, when
ho will go up to Salehto attend the
Teachers' Association .
Miss Hilda Beck, whciSJl pupil in the
Holmes Business Collegecame up from
Portland lastfiight to spend her vaca
lion with her parents.
rrol. J. i. iNell was a passenger on
the boat this morning bound for Port
land. He will attend the Teachers' Ae
eociation at Salem next week.
Misees Josie Jenkins and Edie Fisher,
who are "hi tend inc ths'Holmes Bueiness
College iyirtlandytome, up last night
to remain atoiomeUuring holiday week.
George Johnson, a brother of Chas.
Johnson, deceased, arrived in the city
yesterday from California. He will re
turn Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs.
Chas. Johnson and the childien, who
will spend the remainder of the winter
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe will leave
this evening for the hot springs in Ar
kansas, in the hope that the baths will
prevent the intense suuerlng from rheu
matism which winter always brings to
Mr. Crowe. They will visit'other places
in the south before returning in the
Congregational Church.
Following will bo the order of services
at this church tomorrow (Sunday) morn
ing. Morning service jwiil begin at 11
and the evening service at 7 :30 o'clock :
Voluntary Melodle iu K.
Responsive Rending.
Scripture Reading.
I'astoral l'royer.
Gloria Congregation.
Anthem Contralto Solo and Chorus, "Calm
ou the Listening Ear," Mrs. 'luylor and choir.
Ollertory "Klevatlon."
Sermon "Historical Significances."
l'reludo in I).
Authem "And There Were Suepherds.
Oirertory A Melody.
Sermon "Ecco Homo."
l'ostludc Swedish Wedding March,
Miss Alma Schmidt, Organist.
Salvation Army KxrrcUca,
The members of the Salvation Army
have arranged to hold their Christmas
exercises and tree ou Tuesday night,
beginning at 7 :o0, when the following
program will be observed :
Opening Spjig "Jesus tho Name'1
uro Reading
Misses X.lCKenhueeu and Collfns
Kong "Joy to me worm-
liomeuuai uiuiogiie;
"When Thou 1'asseth 'IhroUKh the Waters"
Miss Olive Btroud
"Wanted" Johnnie Collins!
"At lletlielem" JSlina .legenusgeii
Select Reading Miss Ida Ward
"If" Klmer White
Two Pictures Hello Collins
"What Makes Me Happy" Krrold Murry
"Poor House Man" Mrs. Ktauu
Instrumental Duet (Violin and Mandolin)
The Christ Child May
"Stitch at a Time" Roy Wolscy
Song "Christ was Horn"
"Christmas Message" Olive Slato
"Where Is Ho?" Hettlo Wolsey
"Christmas" Maud Robertson
"Recitation" Master Murry
"Tho Ranker's Charity". , ..llertlia .legcuhagen
"So I)ig to Walt" Johnnie Zlegenhagcn
"Take the Safe Path" Clara liarzeo
"Paslug Under the Rod" Miss Tony
"Tom Oray's Dream" Miss O. Htroud
"Christmas Flower" Lieutenant Jasper
Distribution of presents
The Modern Slather
Has found that her little ones uro im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentle remedy, than by any other,
Children enjoy it and it benefits them,
The true remedy, Syrup of Fige, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co, only.
Any boy or girl, about 12 or 15 years
of age, desiring a place to board and go
to school, can secure a good home by ap
plying at this office, Wanted for a
companion, 4-lwddcir
A t rightful lilutiiler
Will often causo a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best In the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, hollo, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Curo guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
How Arc Your Ryes?
Don't overlook tho fact that W. E.
GarretBon Is the only graduated refrac
tionist In tho city. Any .one who has
Imperfect vision can be properly cor
rected with lenses that will overcome
all defections. No chargo for exami
nation. House to Kent.
A six-room house, on Eighth Btreet,
opposite S. Bolton's residence; four
rooms furnished, including piano. For
further particulars apply to Robert
Teaguo, at W. A. Johnston's hardware
store. 12-tf
Before consulting any "would bo cor
respondence course" opticians, call at
H. C. Liebe's jewelry Btore and have
your eyes thoroughly tested by Theo.
H. Liebe, graduate of Peoria Optical
college and Bradley's Polytechnic Insti
tute. Examination free. 19 2t
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Pease & Mays do not make dates ; they
sell dates at 8J-3 cents per pound.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
struct! njr the exhausted digestive or
fans. It is the latest discovered ditrest-
autauu ionic, no otner preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
DvsDeDsia. Indigestion. Henrt.rnirn.
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
SickHeadache, Gastralgla, Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
- Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co., Chicago.
Gumdrops 5c per lb., or G for 25c
Plain Mixed 7c per lb.
Boston Mixed 10c per lb.
Fancy Mixed 12c per lb.
French Mixed .. 15c per lb.
Assorted Nuts 12-hc per lb.
Gunther's Fine Chocolates
and Bon Bons, by box or in bulk, at prices equal
ly as reasonable. Call and prove- tho statemont.
Thoro aro other AIR-TIGHTS, but nono that equal
....SOLD ONLY BY....
JWAYS & CROWE, Sole Agents.
Mr. J. Sheer, Gedalla, Mo., saved hia
child's lifo by One Minute Cough Cure,
Doctors had given her up to die with
croup, It's an infallible cure for coughs,
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lung troubles. Relieves at
Of tho multitudinous variety of holi
day gifts there are probably none that
meet with more popular favor, than a
pair of well fitted glasses. Mr. Theo.
H. Liebe, graduate optician at Liebe'a
jewelry store, will test your eyes free of
charge. 19-2t
Ash your grocer for Clarko & Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Subscribe for Thk Chiioxice.
We have a larger assortment
than ever.
Plain Mixed 7c per lb
Jelly Beans 10c per lb
Frencli Mixed 17c per lb
Chocolate Cream:. . .loc per lb
Caramels 15c per lb
Oran ges 25c per doz.
Nuts at the lowest prices.
The market is fluctuating. Our
prire3 are ns low ns the lowest.
Call and see ub before buvintr.
pier & Mm