The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1899, Image 1

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NO 116
Place! a Laree Order Will a Con
tinental Firm.
General Lawton's Funeral Private
Services Were Held at His Former
Residence in Manila and Remains
Were Placed in Cemetery Chapel.
Ni:v YoitK, Doc. 22. A dispatch to
the Herald from London says: An au
thority who is to he relied upon for the
information ho hIvcb, told me yesterday
that tho Filipinos have placed a larjre
order with a continental firm for artil
lery. "But," I asked him, "where are the
Filipinos getting tho money?"
"Oh," he eald, "they have plenty of
money to keep things going."
General Lawton's Funeral.
Manila, Dec. 22.-12:30. p. m. Gen
eral Lawton's remains wore placed in
the chapel in the Paco cemetery Itiie
morning. Private services wure held at
tliu residence, and the body was carried
to the cemetery by members of the gen
eral's eUffand estcorted by troop I, of
ttie Fourth cavalry. Public services will
bo held later.
The Famous Evangelist Died at the
Family Residence in East North
field, Mass., at Noon Today.
East Noutiikield, Mbks., Dec. 22.
Dwlght L. Moody, the famous evangelist,
ditid at noon today. It was not expected
until yesterday by the members of
Moody's family and his immediate circle
ot friends that death would be tho re
cult of his illness. Tho cause of death
was a general breaking down duo to
overwork. Moody's heart had been weak
for a long time, and the exertions put in
connection with tho moutings in the
West lust month brought on a collapse
Irom which he failed to rally.
This week the patient Bhowed a steady
gain until yesterday, when lie showed
ymptoma of nervousness, accompanied
hy weakness which caused .the family
much anxiety. This morning tho weak
ness continued, aud at 8 o'clock Mr.
Moody called his wife and children, tell
lug them that tho end was not far oil'.
The family remained close by the bed
fide all the forenoon. Tho evangelist
was almost free from pain and occasion
ally talked with apparent ease. About
the hiBt words he was heard to utter
"I have always been an ambitious
wan, not to lay up wealth, but to find
work to do."
Just beforo 12 o'clock, the watchers
law that the end was approaching, and
t exactly noon the great preacher
paBaed away.
I in mease Ice Plaut.
San Vuk vntunn Tian 99 Tlin largest
tivpvv wv f - w
refrigerating plant over constructed in
this couutry is eooji to be erected in Ma
n'la by the United States undor tho dl
'ecttou of Major L. H. Poudiez, of tho
quartermaster's department. It will oc
c,'py a building 250 feet square and 45
feet high, to be located on the left bank
of the Paste river. The coollug-room
will bo so Urge to contain at once 6000
t heevos, 7600 eheep aud 100 tons each of
J1' meUli, butter and egga and vege
talleB, enough to supply the American
army iu the Philippines for some time.
In addition to thiB the plant will pro
duco fifty tons of Ice and 0000 gallons of
distilled water every day.
With this plant in operation it will bo
possible to supply tho hospitals with
pure water and ice, wholesale food and
even delicacies. With tho railroads in
operation, tho foops at tho front can be
supplied daily with fresh meat and
French Statement May Prevent It's
Ratification Here.
Washington, Dec. 21. Tho men who
negotiated the French reciprocity treaty
are very much disturbed over the asser
tion in the French chamber of deputies
that France has eocured much tho best
of tho bargain. While it ib believed that
tho claim !b put forward for tho purpose
of helping tho ratification o' tho treaty
in France, there is fear that tho effect
upon the American congress may bo
disastrous. Considerable opposition has
already developed to the reciprocity
treaties and doubt Is expressed about
the ratification in the senate or by con
gress if they are submitted to both
Silver Speculators at Work.
Persistent attempts are being made toi
create hostility to the financial bill
among the Republican senators. The.e
include the statement that Senator
Allison is not friendly to the words "gold
standard" in the bill, although ho voted
to report it to the senate. As far as can
be ascertained, it Beems that certa'n
money gamblers and speculators in silver
bullion are determined to prevent the
passage of the bill, as disturbed financial
conditions constitute their harvests.
But, no matter what they do, they can
not prevent the bill from passing.
Catarrh Canuot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the diecaso. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
phyeicians in thia country for years, and
iB arepular piescription. It ie composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what nroduces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunk & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiBts, price 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
An Engineer Killed.
Vnsi'iiunn. Dec 21. At 10 o'clock to-
day George Noah, engineer at the Oregon
Brewery & Ice Company's plant, iu who
city, while attempting to put on a pump
belt, was caught by a largo pulley run
ning at high speed, and instantly killed.
Tho body was dreadfully mangled. No
one was present. The other employes
on the premises heard the scream,
rushod to tho spot, and stopped tho
engine. The victim's brains were
scattered all over tho engine-room.
George Noali came from Portland.
Ho was aged thirty-eight years, was un
married, and his relatives are unknown.
The remains will be interred at the ex
pense of his late employers.
l'lnyeri Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various purls
of the body, Sinking at tho pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnees,
Pimples or Sores all positive viuD.,vv.
of impure blood. so immcr
became so it must bo purine.. uw -
obtain good health.
Elexir has never fallen 10 cure oeru.u.uu
or Syphilitic poieons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sen every " - -
positive guarantee. Itlakeley & Hough-
ton's drug store.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
ad sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
k Falk.
Itnlibeil the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho
subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tonguo coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day.' Threo physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; pnd to
my great joy and surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed tho grave of another
victim." No one ehonldfail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 6
Suicide of James D. Taylor.
Washington, Dec. 21. James D. Tay
lor, ono of tho important officers in New
York city, of the Wagner Pacific Car
Company, and a son-in-law of the found
er of the company, committed suicide to
day shortly after noon at the Grafton
hotel in thia city, by cutting hia throat
with a razor. Mr. Taylor was suffering
from some nervous affection caused by
illness, and the fatal act was committed
apparently ou the impulso of the mo
ment. A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Anirc
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when eho found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
coi'sh that for many ye.irs had made
Hie a burden. All other remedies nra
doctors could give her no help, but Eho
s.-ys of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
liko Bounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Trice 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store; every bottle
guaranteed. 5
Price of Fish is Climbing.
Astohia, Dec. 21. That fish are in
demand is evidenced by the rise in the
price of Eteelhvnda from 5 cents to G4
cents per pound, and an advance to eight
centa for chincok salmon. Tho demand
ie growing every day, and it iB confident
ly expected by those who are in a posi
tion to know that beforo tho winter sea
son is over tho price will reach as high
as fifteen cents per pound.
Twenty-live Yean Constant Uso With
out a failure.
Tho first iudicalion of croup ia hoarse
ness, aud In a child subject to tha
disease it may bo.taken as a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
thia hoarseness is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
s given as soon as tho child becomes
hoarse, or even afor the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the atta:k. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
thia broad land and never disappoints
tho anxious mothers. Wo have yet to
lparn of a siuzle instance in which it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation can show such a record
tupntv-tlvfi vears constant use with
out a failure. For sale by Blakeley &
Sheep to Return to Grazing.
Ut. i.i.i!it' Or. Dec. 21. Sheepmen had
commenced to feed, hut this morniug
the light snow which lell triuay nigui
beiran melting, and the warm winu vwu
soon restore grazing.
That ThrolihluK Headache
Wnnhl mili'klv leave von, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
ti.u niaifH mire blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them, uniy --o ceiua.
Mn,,v hack if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
ah noronns wishing to take children,
either boys or girls, for leg d adoption or
on Indenture, should write to u. .
tendent of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at
Portland, who can prouum m,
slrable children of all uges. All appllca-
tions must be filed in advance, u
Subscribe (or The Chronicle.
This Store
What 25c will buy at
R. VL Williams & Go
Union Suits
silver grey, fleece lined each 25c
Children's crochet zephyr
hoods; pink, blue, red,cream
and black, each 25c
Ladies' Fascinators,
handsomely crocheted of fine
zephyr; colors red, black,
cream, blue and pink, each. . 25c
Ladies' Handk'fs
hemstitched white lawn.em-
broidered eorner, 5 for 25c
Silk Initial Handk'fs
made of a pure India silk,
hemstitched, each 25c
2 Men's Linen Collars
any modern shape, all sizes,
2 for 25c
Men's Coin Purses
all leathers, grain, mocha,
buckskin and alligator, eacii .25
Ladies Pocket Books
assorted leathers at.d colors,
nome with card case, each. . . 25c
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
lain's Priin Balm Is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. LI. Johnston o! Kicumond,
Iud., lias bean troubled with that ail
ment since 1802. In speaking of it he
eavF: "I never found anything that
would relievo me until I used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It acts liko magic
with me. My foot was Ewollen and
paining me very much , but ono good
application of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
My son has been troubled for yeara
with chronic diarrhoea. Sometimo ago
I persuaded him to tako some of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea
Remedy. After using two bottles of the
25-cent siza ho was cured. I give this
testimonial, hoping some one similarly
alllicted may read it and be benefited.
Thomas C. Bowek, Glencoe, O. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
"One Minute Cough Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for coughs nnd
colds. It is unequalled for whooping
cough. Chrildren all liko it," writos H.
N. Williams. Gentryville, Ind. Never
fails. It is tho only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results. Cures
coughs, colda, nearness, croup, pneu
monia, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Its early uso prevents
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickling in the throat and to stop a
cough by tho uso of One Mlnuto Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous sreclfic
for grlppo and its after effects.
Great racriflce sale of Jewelry next
door to the First National Bank. 20-21
Cures Impotency, Nlpht Emissions and
wasting- 'diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana mum.
cretlon. Auervotonlcimtl
blood builder. Brinfja the
pink glow to pale cheeks aiu
restores the fire of youth,
n v mnll liltc ner box: l boxes
for $a.fiO; with a written Biiiiniu
tuo to euro or refund ttto inouoy.
Clinton Jackson St., CHICAGO, IU.
Sold by Blakeley &. Houghton, The
Dalles, Oregon.
flfl.UI v --j . . .
will be Closed ALL DAY
Pearl Pen Holder
with alluminum pen, each.. 25c
"Lucky" Garters
frilled elastic, fancy buckle,
rabbit's foot charm, per pair 25c
Medallion Pictures
in an oval gilt frame with
bow-knot at top; Bize 4jX
7 inches, each 25c
Aluminum Candlo Sticks 25c
Fancy Glass Jelly Dishea, each. . 2"ic
Pin Cushions, aluminum base,
plush top 25c
Pen Knives
pearl handlels, one or two
blades, each 25c
Celluloid Soap Boxes
will hold one cake of soap;
very convenient when travel
ing, each 25c
fancy silks, clubs, tecKS, bows
aud 4-in-hauds, each 25c
Celluloid Albums
embossed silver, plush back
and corners, gilt edges, will
hold 10 2.x4 photos, each . . 25c
mTrrrn in rrff tt n i'l n inn rrn r i t nrn rrnTrtTirfri f
ESI i 7, i z n 1 i i BB
Is ? r i
3 A fi t
$ r r I
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p i i
I i $ I
Hi i l r
I The
Dalles, BE
l f Chronicle, OP' j
1 Job Printer s. 1
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J' ' 9 I
I $ f ' - 1
Ifj I J
Dewey whito wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tho
Maine point is quality and tho
Merritt of our work is sflch that pooplo go
Miles to patron izo us. Our prices aro not
Hobson's choico, hut tho standard ratos, which aro not
Cevera high as some pooplo think, and wo want to
C-U-B-A customor of ours.
Corner of First and Court Street,
iDlinna 34.1
White bead Necklaces, dou
ble strand 25c
Fancy metal book marks 25c
Handkerchief Boxes
enameled wood, gold decora
tions 25c
Necktie boxes 25c
China Dishes
Choose from a whole counter
full of creamers, BUgars, tea
cups and saucers, mush bowls
pickle and olive dishes, etc,
each 25c
Fancy Baskets
of colored straws, beautifully
braided, various designs, each 25c
Boys Caps
different styles 25c
2 Men's Japonette handkerchiefs,
eilk initial, hemstitched, 2
for 25c
9 f A ?i m 1 1 n t rn rn v ?i r Tr?K?UTr firr t ft t ffi rft I't f ilf I