1 BAKING 4 POWDER ODD INDIAN CUSTOM. The Ilnalnpnln of the American Des ert Itake Up Stoncn Into Lour Windrows. Near the town called The Needles, about 12 miles across the Colorado river, on the California side, -writes AV. E. Curtis, from Flagstaff, Ariz., to the Chicago Iteeord, is an area of about 1,000 acres, more or less, where the llulapais Indians rake up the stones in windrows in a most mysterious man ner and for a reason that has never been satisfactorily explained to the white citizen of that section. It is a dreary and dusty desert. Itain seldom falls. The surface of the ground, a hard clay'that has been bak ing in the sun for centuries, is covered with broken lava and pumice stone, which at some time was discharged from one of the great volcanoes, njTo.se silent craters can lie seen in tha San Ucrnardino mountains. This is the or dinary appearance of the country for Iengucsaround. You can travel an hour, or ten hours, for that matter, in any di rection away from the river bed, with out seeing anything green or any plant or thing of life, except a cactus or a sage bush. Under the shadow of a group of mighty hills is a mesa, or table land, that is almost level, and there, once a year, upon some anniversary, whose significance is not understood, and cannot be ascertained, the In dians of the Ilnalapais tribe gather at night and rake the lava and pumice stones into windrows. Some of the wind rows arc two miles long. Thsy are reg ular in length and in intervals, and the average height is about 12 or 15 inches, just about the height of a windrow of hay left by u horserake in a meadow. "THE FOOT SIGN." An Intert-Htliifr DlNcnaalun Over In SlKnlllcnnee Wax Stirred Up bi lbo Dreyfua Cane. When a man is wilting with one leg thrown comfortably over the other the foot that is bunging loose undergoes a little movement at each beat of the heart. While the charge of Capt. Drey fus was pending Marquis du I'aty dr; Clam made a psychological study of the prisoner. Among other things lie sud denly asked Dreyfiifc a question calcu lated to arouse emotion in hi in, if he was guilty. Hrcyfuh was in the pouturc mentioned, and the movements of his foot were suddenly Intensified. The marquis urged this u a proof of the prisoner's guilt, and it really seems to have played a part in securing his con viction. J)r. A. Lutaud combated the marotiiB' inference at the time, and qii'i-' iustifiably, the New York Medical .loin i I thinks, but cunuot ugree with JJr. l.utnud when lie says now, In a Kar elin' article reflecting on du I'aty de Cln that such movements of the foot, whl( li lie calls "instlnetlve," have noth ing to do with the movements of the heart. The movement has been called "the sign of the foot," but Dr. Lutaud proposes to call It "du J'aty's sign." 4 The dainty cake, The white and flaky tea biscuit, 1 he sweet and tender not griddle cake, The light and delicate crust, The finely flavored waffle and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut, The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll, Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Royaf Baking Powder, is made (from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF iTARTAR and is absolutely free from lame, alum and ammonia. There are many imitation baking powders, mostly made from alum and sold cheap. Avoid them, as their use is at the cost of health. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. li ft il :S I ;bs as' 35 I 'I '( I f I I 0 v fjj! 1 f I I $ $ I a5! L 35 ijf - Hie Dalles, is if f f Chronicle, " I H5 isj - , Job Printers. 35 i' j-' : a'- il f t Si -IS i ? I 1 " , w w i j If f 1 RHirr ' " ' 1 ! m STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is sucli that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle will aid the cook as no other agent will to make rnrrlti lit OrMH, There are 1,200,000 acres of forfeited rhtlrond land grnnls In Texas, chiefly In the two counties of Ilrcwster and rrcsldlo, In the western part of the state, on the Klo (Irnndc border. These two counties, having n joint area of G.00O sqnnre miles, have fewer than 3,000 Inhabitants. In the presidential elec tion of 1SU0 there were 210 democrats and one populist in Urewster. CBHh In Your Check. All canntv warrants roRietorrd prior to Jon. 21, lHMi, will bo paid at my office. Interest eoaBos after Nov. HUh, 18fli. O. L. PlIILMI'S, County Treasurer. Having purchneed the stock of the Dant Optical and Jewelry Company, I will sell tho aamo at a groat aacriflco at their old location, opposite Maya & Crowo's Hardware Store on Second etroet. Harry C. Licbo. d20-21 Any boy or girl, about 12 or 15 yoara of age, desiring a place to board and go to Echool, can aecnro n good homo by ap plying at this oflk'o. Wanted for a companion. 4-lwditw You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk'a euro cure for boilB. Clarke & Falk have on aale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. ftERVITA Rmiois.1 VIVALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy.NiRht Emissions and wastinir diseases, all effects of Belf- abuse, or excess ana mu:s cretion. Anervo tonic mill il lilnnri luillilor. 'Prini'S the r V If L pink plow to pale checksum restores the fire of youth. Bv mall 50 per box; O boxes lor ltia.no; with a ivruum jrimrun.. tee to euro or refund tho inouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU! Sold by Blukeley & Houghton, The DallcB, Oregon. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE l race munns Designs Copvrichtb &c. Anvnnn irni!lnff n nlcrtrh nnd tlnHcrlntlnn ma iiulpklr lurortnln nur nplnlnii froo nliotlior n't Invention 13 iirolinhly luiton tnlilo. OiiiiiiiuiiIck. tlniiiatrlctlyconlldontlnl. Ilnnrtbnokon l'iitunti out fruo. oiliest uuoncr fur pcurin jintuiim. l'ntm.ta tr.koii tlirnuuli Jlunn It Co. rcculvt tpcctal notlct, without clmruo, lu tlio Scientific Jftnericati. A linnrtsnmeljr llln-trRlo.1 wpl(lr. Lnntivit rlr. dilution of nor KClcntlUc Joiirnul. Tcnim, ?3 a reir: fonrmontli3.il. Kola byall ncTtert'iiiltTn. MUNN&Co.3010 New York Ilranch (Win, fSS I' Wnnhlneton. V. r C. p. Stephens ...Daaler In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Finishings. Hoots, Slmes. lints, Caps, Notions. A;t. lor . i.. jjoukuih Miioc. Tolophoiie No. 88. 131 Second Bt., FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUANHACTA KNEl'.AL BANKING BOflNEH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Statea. Sight Excliance and Telegraphic Tranafera aold nn Now Vnrlr. ("Ihlrnnn St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oro- Kon, beattie yyaau,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. JOS. OlilVlfl W. JWOllGflH, tudio AND ART NEEDLE ROOMS. MASONIC BUILDING, Third Stroet, between Court and Va6t ton Streets, The Dalles. C. S. Smith, THE Jp-to-date CJroeer Freah Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. jyu- aKMBtfuoitr veil Physician aud Surgeon, BpocUl attontlon Klvou to lurgcrr. JUmbii 21 aud !I2, Tel, 828 Vott Block J 131 hecomi Ht., 1UU UUUUOi Uli EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Rdtite or TtlK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrolliN Icnvonnd ru duo to Htrlvo nt 1'ortlai I.KAVK. OVKKI.ASD KX-1 prrn, Kiiloin, Ilnse bitrfc, Anhlnnil, 8ho niniL'iito, Ok'Ioii.Hhii ! Kriuiclseo, Molnvo, ( Uh AllRoli'N,KU'iin. New Urlcuna ntitl I Knst J '7:00 V.il :15 A. M '8:30 A. M, Kniioliiirg Binl wiiy m- Hons . fVIn WiKnltmrn lor I JIt.AHK(l, Hllvorton, WcKt Hclo, llrmvim- 1 vlllu.riprliiKuuld and I, Nil trim J (CorvnlllH and wnyj (Htiitloim I 4:30 1'. M Dolly vxcupt Hundityn. Daily vxrvpt HiinUiij-M !7:no A. M. 5:M I'.M. INDKi'KNDKNOi; l'AH3ENOEK. ExptCHK train Dully (except Sunday). CM p.m. I.v.....rnrtliuid ...Ar.) R:35n. m 7:a)p. m. AI .MoMlnnvIllo..l.v. o;oua, in H::to p. in. A r. . 1 iiuuituiiuumu.. i.v 4:b0a. in Daily. (Daily, cxeipt atllirtay. DIKING CAHR ON O0DI5N IlOtJTK. 1'ULIiMAN HUFFKT BLFKI'ERB AND HECOND-CI.ASS KI.KEI'INO CARb Attached to all Tlirousli I'ralni. Dlrcot connection ntxan Kranclncn with Ooel dental anil Orluntr.1 and I'nolllc mull ntcHmahlp lltifMfnr JAI'AN and CHINA. HaltiiiB iUUjh on 111 lillciitlon. . . Kates hiid tlekctn to Eastern poluti, and Eu row. Aluo JAPAN, (J1IINA, HONOLULU uul AtlSTUAUA. , .... All abovu tmliiH urrJvo at and dnpart froir Clnitid Ceutral Stiitlon, Fillli and Irvms atrocti. YAMH1I.I. DIVISION. I'aticnircr Depot, loot of Jedornon ittroct. Inve for Bhcrldan, week daya, t 4:50 p. m Arrive at 1'ortlaiid, U:30 a. m, U'avc for AIKI.IK on Monday, WedncHdajr and Krlily at baa a. in. Arrive nt I'ortlanrt, Tuva duv, Tlitir.iday and Baturrluj it :i;05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Kiiturday. It, KoK'-LER, (I, II. MAKK1UM. Jlaiiiuier. AKht. G. K. 1'khh. Act ThroiiRh Ticket OKIcc, 1SI Tlilrdi.trcut.wlim throiiKli tickets to nil polntx In tho KiiBtcrc BtatcB, (,'uiindii mid Kurov call lie obtulmsd at lowcrtt rutoH trom J. II. KIUKI.AND, Ticket AgeiU. or N. WIIEA I.DON. Just What Yoa mant. New ideas in Wall Tuner here. Such wido varielv as wo are phowinp npvnr )w fore eracbd a uiugle block, lienl imita tion crutou euet'.ts at ordinary prices, (innil nnnera at chcini miiicr nrinw ElegRiit desiunn, taetefu! colorings, yours for a email priue, at our atore on Third street. Alto a lull line oi nouae naintn D. W. VAITSE, Third St. J. B. BUHKHK, l'renlduut. H.M. llEAI. , CaNhlui First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A Gonoral Banking BuaineBB transacted iujkjhhh recoiveu, enojeci to Klein Draft or Cher.ir. CollectionB made and proceeds promptly remiuou on uav oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange cold oe uw iora, nun rranciaco unc ' on land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. Eohkkoi, tD. M. Vi I LI, IAMB, GliO. A. LlEUK, H. M. Beau.. ...STEAM... J Wood Saw Will run every day except Sundav. Kates Reasonable. Telephone 201. J W. A. CATES, Prop, i Preserves t frulta, Jolllea, plcklsa or catnap ar muni nanny, mora guicaiy, mora hiiulthfully ocalcd with itollnad J'oranliia Wax than by anr otnar metliod. SotvoaofothuruiuawiUbi f0udl.rReflned Parafflw Wax hi evry liouMhold. It la elaaa. Uuleluw and udorleas-alr, watw and ueld proof. Hut a ponud caka at It with a Hit of Ita tuaoy uM buuj vvsrywiiaro. juuqa or TANWAK 1L Vi. DentiBt. Office OTer Frencli & Co.'a Hank I'&ona C, TUK DAUJCd, OKKOOM 1TOTI01J. BTATK OF OREGON, fc"coijr,vj'im,w. OAMSK, Nov 21. 1'VS In accordance wild iho provinlnim ni l. il entitled "An AotsiitmilltliiB to t?e VhtlAt;J tho Blato of Oregon at UiooencraV E " 1" t.o held on tho lint Mot,ny ,?e Vuui vmn, pondinK rronoaiHlConailtiilloiiiiI Amendlrilt'.11.? approvetJ Fehrunry 1H, J80l, I, T, T, ucci i ernor of IhoBtato of Orecon. dohorhi, ..' followlne uronoKod a ncwiipnpcr publUhcd In tho evciilhMw.'i'i Dlntrlcl oi tho Htatc of Orefi'm. Btvc",ll JudlcUi Dono at the Capitol, ntSnlcm ftr tin, Ji.t yxmA$!$8?. IlythoOovonior: " " 0KhK-Unven.or. F. I. DUNHAH, Secretary of state. BF.NATK JOINT IlKSOU'TION, NO 4 Ilo It rcHOlviMl hy tho Hcnato, the House cm., ciirrliic: I hut tho follow tin aincndinoiit tith Uoiiatltntlon of tho BUto of OregoFoeaM11: hereby proponed: ""lu That heotlon II) of Article XI. of the Oonilhi Hon of tho Htato ol OrcKouho mi.l ule" 'uiX herehy iibroealcd, and lu lieu thereof HeotloS l3 of Attlcle Xf. MihII boa follov.o: ""-""hid AKTICI.R XI, Section 10. No county, city, town, aehool din. t rlet or other municipal corporation Mmll he ld. lowed to btconio Indebted In any manner or in. any purmo to nil amount Includlne nrewnt ni iMhiB IndebtcdnoM. In tho niwrewTJiiSiiS,' llvo per centum on tho value of tho Uxi.1 S property therein to bo iiHcertalncd by tho last it. acaamnnt for Statu and county taxes ptevidini t the IncurrliiK of such IiidobtednenH. u,miM,) Adopted by tho Senate January ), ms-j C. V. Fulton, I'reldent of the Hcnatc. Concurred lu by the limine. February 2, lsni V. I KraiiY, fcpeakci oi the House! Adopted by the Senate .1 miliary SI, la:. Johkmi Simon, I'rcMdont of the wenatc. Concurred In by tho Hoime, February t, isis Ciiah. 1J. MooitRH, Speaker of the Houic. 8KNATK JOINT UES0I.UTI0.V, NO. 1,1, lie It resolved by tho Sonatn, the Ilonsocnn. currlnc; 1 hat tho followliiR anieiidment to the ColiMlttitlou of tho State of Oregon, In lieu of Section Ten of Article Boveii (7), be and the lame is hereby proponed, towlt: MICTION TKN. Tho LeglMatlvo Acinhly may provide for the election ol Miprcmciuul Circuit Judges In J. tlnct clnnaia, one oi which rla,ea khull contUt of llvo JiihtleeK oi tho supreme Court, lio tvtiall not porform circuit duty: and the other clan hhall couMct of as many Circuit Judges m may be deemed nocessiry, who nhull hold full turnw without allotment aud who Khnll take the tame oath iih the Supreme) Judges. Tho Legislative Ashembly may create in many circuits an may be neeehsary. Adopted by the Hcnatc, February IS, 180.1. C. W. 1'ULlo.N, I'rihlileut of the Senate. Concurred In by tho House, February 15, 1S33. V. 1'. Kkaiiv, Speaker of the House. Adopted by the Senate, January m, ls'A JONKi-it Siwon, President of the Senate. Concurred In by the House, February fi, 1301. Ciiah. II, jIouuch, Speaker o( the lliiusc. IIOl'Si: JOINT HE30I.UTI0N, NO. 10, Itcolvml by the Ilotife, the Senate concurr ing ; That the following amendment to the Con stitution ot tho btato of Oregon be and hereby l propo-id: That the Constitution be amended by adding Article XIX. us follows, to-wlt. aktui.i: .T1X. Section 1. Tho neceisary use of lands foi the construction of reservoirs or stontge basins ht the purpose oi lnigatlor. or for rights of way for tho coiir,tiuctlon of canals, ditches, Humes or plls to convey water to t ie plncu of use lor any useful, b?nellclal or iicccaxarr purj"'o, or tor drainage, or for drainage of mines or the work ings thereof, by means of roudi, rnllrouds, Usui ways, cuts, tuunela, Uinftf, hoisting works, duinj. or other uecessary inoalia to their com plete development or any other use necessary to the complete development of Iho natural re source of the State or preservation oi the heatth of Us luhiiblttiutb, in hereby declared to lw a pub lic use nnd subject to tho regulation uud coutrul of the State. Section .!. The right to appropriate the utiip proiu luted waters of any natural stream to ben ellcli.l uses slinll never bo denied Hectlcn!!. The use of all waters now appro priated .'or sa!o. icutal or distribution, also ul all waters originally appropriated lor private UK, but which, after sucli appropriation, has hereto fore been or may hereafter bo sold, rented or dis tributed, I licrebv declined to be a uilillcuse and Mibject to the regulation and control of the State lu the miiui'cr piesorlbed by law. Hut tin; right to uso and appropriate such waters shall bo mibject n such roviKloiia of law for the tun ing of private property for public or private use nsproUded lu Section IK, Article 1 of tho Con stitution of the Statu of Oregon. Section 1. 'j ho right to collect taxes or com pensatron for the liso of water supplied to any county, city, town or water district or Inhabit ants thereof, Is a Iiailclilso, and cannot be excr chud except by authoilty oi uud lu a inimurt picscribed by law. Adopted by tho House, February li, 19U V. 1'. Kctur, Speaker of the House. Signed .March 7,143').) Adopted by tho Somite, February 17, IMU. C. V. Fulton, President of the benalc. (rlgned Mtirih'.'i, ls'-M Adopted bv tho House, February C, I'M. fit ah. II. Mooitea, SipenUerof the Houw. Conciirnd lii by the Senate, February 13, JW Jo.iEfii Simon, 1'iesldeiitof the senate. JIOl-'Si: JOINT IIKSOI.L'TION NO. 2. proposing an amendment to the Coiiititutionof the state if Oregon, by lepoiil.ng Secllon 3)oi Article 1. Kesolvcd by tho Ilouau, tlio MMint" ,ll"u,r,VtP,f,i That rioe-HonS.'. of Article 1 of the Constitution be anil hereby Is repealed. ,,.. Adopted by tho House. January H. 1H. V. 1'. Kkauv, Speaker of tho House. Concuricd lu by the Boniito. January :io, l'J3. C. V. FULTON, l'resldent of the beu"t Adopted by tho House, January 110. IMU. CllAH. II. Muoiikh, Sieaker of the iiouk. Concurred lu by Iho Senate. February 14, JosBPH SmoN, I'resideut of thebJiuie BKNATK JOINT KEBOI.l'IIOK NO, 7. ... ....... ... .i... i tl.,. llunseCOU-' J.o II resoiviu uy mu ne.iun-, "",, , .i,,, uurrliiK: That the following uinendim at o Conatllutloii of tho Stuto of Oregon bo ana i nereuy proposca; AllTICLK I. , . ... ... . ... c....rt uiiflll not tiio eieciivo iriinciuso in ib' ,,,,rint lieienfter be i.rohlblted tonny clti.cti uii uccouiu of 'Iho Bcimte, Februriiy fi. J!v,I1,tc. -'HON, I'resldeut of tlicbenate- Adopted by k ii-e, Febiiniry C. '5ou8e, CllAH. U. Mt.oBH,biK.'Blierof tno""' Adoj.ted by the Senate. January 31. &imtc. T. O. Ta YLOli, President ' "l0 EC1 Adopted by tho House. J n n u n r y 1 . 1 f 'I-, lou ,c. JC. V. Cautek, Speaker of tuo u UNITED BTATK8 OF A.MKltlCA. ) Htatk ok Ohkuon, , state. UI11UU HI nw.v..... - , I. k. I. iiitvnAlt.Hooretaryof State, oftb"",? of Oreiron and Ciiatodlau of t ho w ' ,rt,ed Htato, do hereby certify that v.e.Sutlou the j.recedluir copy of Honato J1'"','1 i js'JJ,- Ko. I. ot lliu iiiBinu "V.,;..nt'" HePa" ''Municipal ludobtediioaa ""lu"lyatl"o Ad joint Itesolutloii No. 13 o the IM H j,0B1M, liesoi iiioii no. i ;"T...i,ini-" llou iv of lua,-''Judlolary Anie idim - A Resolution No. 10 of tho U'K ,..' seinbl Joint aembly of iMi:l.-''lrr autlolt .i.tlve House T Joint Keaolutlon No. a of D'", 9 ne,if." Aaacinbl of lW,- KepcallU'J A a '"lo and Honato Joint Hcaolutloll f"'. ' . ,', "u,nvgo lathe Aasombly, of lb! n,-- f.'i ( 110, on Amendment." with tlip "''K' " ,. '1,, ,, correct lllo in till office, and that he taiiie trauacrlpt tlioref rom and the nolo mi" m.tii net inv hand una (BKALl tho tlllH .. VII 111. eVretaJyofBt"' tiitlon of iho Htato of Ortwn m ccri th'l' Iho Hocrelary of Ht.it.-, to.e uWl I. "ur cnnMiuM.f li'n tv...,lfi I.. . . I.1.'.'"1 I'r live Li