Distinguished Testimony No secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitablo accompiisiimcnts man tne Knights of l'ytmas. Tnat oraor uoing great goou, ami one ot its nnest institu tions is the Ohio .Pythian Home, nt Springfield, Ohio, which is nbly presided over by Superintendent Lc Fcvre and his wife, Mrs. Callic I. Lc Fcvre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows: "Messrs. V. H. Hooker & Co., New York: Last year I used Acker's English Remedy at the suggestion of a friend, for n serious, long-standing throat difficulty and extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well-spoken of prepara tions without relief. I can honestly say that Acker's English Remedy removed the difficulty and stopped the i. t .1 ; -i l cuugn. x u.u "r' Callie I. Le Fevre, Matron Ohio Pythian Homo. rr it en twnrfl Til ntl tnrio Mflf- ties, and nt least one-half of the lost is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) CALME 1. LE r EVRE. The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fcvre refers as having suggested Acker's English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other cures in Throat and Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said: "If you will call on Mr. W. H. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had anv amount of experience with Acker's English Remedy in his family, and - ii i n xuinKS mey cannot kcuj nuuac n miuui u. Acker's English Remedy is sold by nit drtifrfrlats under a positive guarantee that your money will be refunded in case of failure. 35c, 50c. and Si a bottle In United States and Canada. In England, is. ad., as. id., and 4s. 6d. We authorize the above guarantee. XT. IIOOKER fc CO., lTopricton, Aio York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. THE MANILA YICTORY Why Admiral Dewey Is Honored the World Over. Fncth Abnnt tin- Great llnttle Glcnneil from More Ileeeiit lleportH Cnvite nml Snntlnito Ciimiinreil, 111 order to appreciate the naval vic tory at Cnvite it is needful to recall the state of things which existed at the time of the achievement. If the files of European newspapers and peri odicals for the mor.tliu of March und April, 1S0S, he consulted, it will be ob served that n large majority of reputed experts were then of the opinion thr.t the Spaniards would be found decided ly superior to our countrymen at sea. Even in England, Admiral Colcmb and other naval officer showed themselvef disposed to take a gloomy view of 0111 prospects of success upon the ocean, owing partly to the fact that Spnh. was known to possess a number of armored cruisers built in the best Ei: ropenn shipyards, but mainly to the vast extent of the seacoast we should have to defend on the Pacific as well ns the Atlantic. On the Pacific, from the moment that the battleship Oregon was. ordered to join the essels operating in home waters, our means of dciense were nlmost exclusively confuted to the squadron under Dewey, which had been stationed in the China seas. On April 20 a dispatch arrived from "Washington ordering Dewev to proceed nt once to the Philippine islands, to be gin operations against the Spanish ileet and to capture or destroy it. At two o clock on the very next day the sail nig pennant went up, and Dewev's ileet steered southward across C20 miles of one cf the roughest seas in the world which lay between it and the Philip pines. On April 30 it reached Subig nay, between which and Muniln lav a distance of 30 miles. It was learned that the Spanish sqtmdron lay inside the Pay of Cnvite, the sides of which und the entrances to which were known to be fortified and mined. There now no doubt that so far as land de fenses were concerned, Cuvite was fnr better equipped than was Santiago, into which the fleet under Admiral Sampson never ventured to enter. Commodore Dewey did not stop to in vestigate the strength of the fort fica tions threatening the entrances to the Hay of Cnvite, nor the reality of the submarine mines alleged to exist, but, on the very evening of his arrival, that of April 30, swept into the Hay of Cn vite, receiving the fire of the fortifica tions and defying the mines, two of which exploded, one Immediately ahead of the flagship. In front of the Ameri can vessels lay the Spanish squadron, defended ut the rear and on both flanks by land batteries. Leaving out the tre mendous advantage given to the Span iards by these batteries, let us con sider the relutlve strength of the naval forces engaged. Dewey had six fight ing ships and the revenue cutter Mc Culloch, which took no part in the ac tion. The Spaniards had ten fighting nhlps and two torpedo boats, the hit ter, however, being practically out of action. The Aniericuns had 57 classi lied big guns and 74 rapid-fire and machine guns; the Spaniards had 52 classified big guns and 72 rapid-fire and machine guns. The Americans had ten 8-Inch guns, while the lurgest Spanish guns were C.2 inches. It follows that, if the land butteries bu disregarded, Dewey had slightly the advantage in weight of metal and in heavy guns. As regards the number of men engaged, the Spaniards had 1,700 and the Ameri cans 1,078. The result of the battle was the annihilation or capture of every Spanish vessel and the surrender of the shore batteries. The Spuninrds udinit ted a loss of 034 hilled und wounded, while the Americans had not one killed nnd only eight wounded. It "is the completeness of the immcdi ate result which gives Manila n grci: place in the history of naval battles: but what adds immensely to its impnr tnnce is the fact that it involved the cession by Snain to the United States of an island empire containing upward of 8,000,000 inhabitants and possessed 01 immeasurable natural resources. Ao naval victory in the annals of the world has brought about the transfer from one power to another of so large a popti lation. Colliers eeklv. GreuteMt Arm-iinl 11 nil Armory. Pock Island, 111., claims distinction ns the site of the largest United States arsenal and armory. It was first oocu pied by the government as n frontier fort in and has ever since grown stentlilv in importance, in ISM it was made an ordnance depot and in 15f.i Rock Island arsenal was instituted During the civil war it was used as 1 military prison. A large proportion v the supplies and ammunition used dur ing the recent war witii bpnin were turned out by the 3,000 men employed in the government shops connected with the arsenal. In less than five months, while the war wns in progress the expenditures for supplies and wages aggregated 2,000,000, and the articles manufactured ranged from breechloading field guns to tin cups The Inst congress, pleased with the work done during the war, has ordered the establishment at the armorv of a plant for the making of small arms. Chicago Tribune. Wove Clnnd. The atmospheric ocean surrounding the earth is frequently disturbed by gigantic waves, which are invisible ex cept when they carry parts of the air, charged with moisture, up into a colder atmospheric stratum where sudden condensation occurs. In this manner, long, parallel lines of clouds sometimes make their appearance at a great height, marking the crests of a ripple of air waves, running miles above our heads. ouili s OnTnnrion. STREET CAR ETIQUETTE. Audible Thank of a Woman Given a Seat Impels Manjr Men to Similar Courleny, That the dispute as to whether a man shall or shall not give Up his seat ton woman on the-street car may be decided in favor of the woman if she gives a proper acknowledgment of the cour tesy, every woman who rode on a crow'ded North State street car one evening recently firmly believes, says the Chicago Tribune. It was mining hard, with a driving wind. There is a limit even to the ca pacity of a trolley car. Standing- room and crowding room seemed exhnusted, but a short, ruudj'-fuced woman squeezed her way into the car, dragging by the hand a smull boy. A man nrose and gave her Ills seat. The woman dropped Into it and smiled beamingly. Adjusting her skirts, she took the boy on her lap, and, turning to the right and to the left, bestowing smiles and nods with equal impartiali ty, she said in a clenr voice, that wns heard from one end of the car to the other: "Well, renlly, now, I don't know why it is, but I never get 011 to a street car but some nice man gets up und gives me a seut." The men ducked their heads a little lower behind the evening miners, but only for n moment. Simultnneouslv. umid n general laugh, they arose nnd offered their seats to the long line of women hanging on to the strnns. while the little woman .smiled more henefi- cently limn ever, and Iter cheery "I told you so augured a new code of street car etiquette. THE BOERS AS FIGHTERS. They I. mm tn Ilnnille a Onn When Mere Infnnt nnd Arc StrmiRom In Kenr. The Poor hns shown himself to be a first-class lighting man. In fact, the 1'oer victories over the Itrltish soldiers nre largely accountable for the Eng lish feeling against them, and in the bitter warfare against the nation the success of the Doers hub lxa'ii extraordi nary. Fewer than -150 Pocrs resisted 12,000 of the fiercest Zulu warriors on Decem ber 10, JS3S, and 3,00(1 natives were left dead on the Held, and this with old Hint lock. President Kruger, ns a boy, helped the 10 Dutchmen hold ofT 2,000 of the men of Moselitknse, then the most renowned native enptain in South Africa. The bravery of the men is shown by the at tack that 135 of them made on 10,000 Zulus on the Marieo river, driving them out of the Transvaal. These are simply better known in stances of the fighting abilities of the Pocrs. Every man has" handled n gun from infancy. In the old days, when n Poer was not fighting the fierce natives he wns defending himself from savnge beasts. Kvery Hoer has been trained in warfare. They discovered the method of laagering their weapons, placing them in a hollow square, which the Pritish generals have ndopted as the most successful way of fighting the nntives. The Pocrs have shown them selves masters of strategy, the result of connstant warfare with a cruel nnd treacherous foe. 0.R.&N IlKl'AKT run Fast Mull 11: 15 p. m Bpokntic Flyer 7:06 p. m. 8 ). m. 811. tn Kx.Humlny Bnturdny 10 p.m. 6 a. tn, Ex.Bundny BUSINESS LOCALS. Keep kasee on Kcllor'a KristniaB kandy kolumn. Use Clarke & Folk's quinine hair tonic to keep dundruff from the bead. Latest thing in cameraB nre Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug Htore. Paint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to last. Clnrke Fulk have them. Clurke & Falk hayo received a carload of- the celebrated James E. Patton etrictly pure liquid paints. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the eyatem. Famous little pills for consti pation and liver troubles. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur geone wanted to operate on 1110 for piles, but I cured them with DoWitt'e VVitci Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and ekin diseases. Bewaro of counter feits. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. II. S. Soule, the piano tuner, is in the city for a fow days only. Any who desire to have their pianos tuned may leave word nt I. C. Nickelsen'a or the Jacobsen Book and Muein Co'a. 18-23 Bargains in watches, clocks, silver ware and jewelry in the building recent y occupied by the Daut Optical and Jewelry Company, oppoaite Maya & Crowe. Dec20-21 For all kinds of the beat home made candy call at the candy kitchen on the north side of Second street, between Court and Union. Ketail and wholesale prices. 15-lw Clarke & Falk'e flavoring eztracta are the beat. Ask your crocor for them. ITUtKD. W.WlLfiON, ? ATTOUNEV-AT LAW, THE DALIiHH. OREGON Ofllcc ovci Pint Nat. limit. 1899. What would be more appreciated as a Christmas Gift than one of the many Views I have for aate? Columbia Iiuer lieus. I alao have on hand a complete line of Perfumery. M. Z. DON NELL, DRUQQI8T. 7 a. m, Tura.Thur, und Sat. C 11. m. Tuc.Thur, aim eat, Lv ttlparln auuy 1:20 a. 111 TIMR KCllKmU.lt. KllOM IUI.I.KH. Suit Luke, Dcnvor, Ft. Worth. Onmlin. khii- piik City, Ht. Iillls, Chicago mm linsi. Wnlln Wnlln. fiixiknno. MllllU'Hlllll8. St. 1'nlil, O ninth, Mllwiiukw, UIIICHEO 1111(1 f.llHt. FROH I'ORTI.AKn. Ocean Hteumnlilpx. For San FrHiiclneo December .'). H, 1:1, 18, 2;l aim 'J. Columbia Uv. StenmcrH. To Astoria mm Way jammings. WlLLAMXTTK ItlVKR. OrcRon City. KowlwrB,1 Haicru at way itim a. WtLLAMCTTB AND YAM- II I U. KlVKtlH. OrcRon City, Dayton, and Waj-lJtndlngH. Willamette Kivkr. Portland to CorvalllK, and Wny.LaiidliiRs. Snakk Kivf.r. Rlparla to 1-ewinton. A 11 11 1 VK From. Fa"t Mall a;V:p m Bpnknlio Flyer. V.'IO a. in 4 p. tn. 4 p. m. Ex.Hundaj 4:30 n. m Kx.Hunday 3:30 n. m. Mnii.,Wod aim rri. 4:.t0 p. m, M011. Wed and Friday I.KAVR IdCH'IKTON dalty H:'M a. 111. Farlicn deslrintr to co to Ilcppiicr should tHKorio. !, leaving 'I no dhucn at :.- p. m mnkiiiL' direct ennnecticint. nt Ilcnimcr inaction KeturiiliiK inakliigdircctciiiincotlou at lleppnur junction witn no. i, arriving at 1110 iihiichui j:iv i iu. No. Si, throuulit freight, east bound, docs not carry putixchKcrs; arrives ":&0 u. 111., departn 3:50 a. in. No. iil, local freight, carries pao"ger?, east bound: arrives Ii.'JJ p. in., dvpnrtit H:15 p.'m. No. '21, went bound through freight, ilous lint carry passcngcrti; arrives s:10 p in., departs p. m. No. -i, west hound local freight, carries pas sengcrs; arrives &:lft p. in., departs 8::!0 a. m. For full particulars call on U. IS. 1S1 N. Co.'i ngent The Dulles, or address W II IlItlll.lUTIIT. (Ion 1'ils. Act.. Portland, Or, A good drug sign. You well know that a eood drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on Hie Htnrn. It in tlin nnritv nt Hut armrlp 11 and let! anu tne manner ot uoing uusi r.ess that ninkes and keeps Huh bua'.ness U'n nre nlfniil a-illi t int rontilt nf mir f. forts to euniilv the bust drutrn ut the best nrice. Wo nre narticular nbout tlie compouuaing 01 iiiem. RELIABLE PHAKMACISTS. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES r T v v V v v 4 v v v BROS. 1 (jENEKAL Biacksmiins ANDeee Horsesnoers Wfcgon and Carriage Werk. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. ; Third and Jeffcrnn. Phone 159 J ..CflAS. FfiflHK-. nd Pmvmmva ..Exchange.. ded the bent boor In The Dnllu, at the usual price. Come in, try Hand b convinced. Also tne Fintwt braudi ot Wlnoi, Mauor ndClgri. ' SDdtjuih of all Klndi alwajri on hand. To Oara Cold la Ona Vajr. Take Laxative Bromo Oninina T.K- leta. All druKglaU refund the monav it C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Ratal I Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Amerioan'Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. VHIBKEY from$a.7fi to flt.00 per galfotir (1 to 16 yeara oid7) " " IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to 12.()0 per gallon. (11 to iig yeaTTohM 0ALIF0EKIA BB AUDIES from 3.S6 to t6.00 per pnllon. (4irn vTaliTTrt-r- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blats and Olympta Beer in lxttlea Imported Alo nnd Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmlu !S Headquarters tor "Byers' Best" Pendle- tnn KlmiT ThisHonr is manufactured expressly for family UV,1A AV UHe : every aack la guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and If you don't think ao call and sot cur prices and tie convinced. Highest Prioes Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, VVVVVVVVVVVV-" V V V V V V VVV VV VV . V v REGrXJIiATOR LINE. ! Dalles, Poriiana & Astoria vav. Co. Tbo KtvamcrK of tin. Itcciilutor Line will run ns icr the lot- j lowing kchedulc, tbo Coiniiiuy ruavrrliiR tbc riRlit to chnngo HuliL'dulo wltliiait notlcv. " Str. Rogulntor. (Limited ijnulliifTi.) 6' IKIWN. B, l.v. lliilles H ut 8 a. x. ' Tiii'Miity . TIuiimIuv .... k Kiiturdiiy.. . k' Arr. l'ortlmid C, nt 5 1'. Mi I l.v. l'ortliuid nt 7 A. 51. , . Miiiidny . WeducKfliiy Krltliiy Arr. DnlluM at ti V. M. I Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. (ToilcliliiK "t all Way 1'olntj.) 1IOWK. l.v. DllllM Ut 0:211 A.M. Mondny . Wrdnuiday . iTiaiiy. ur. l.v. Portland ut C a. M. I Arr. l'ortlmid (uuccrtnlu) Tniull.p Tlmrrdoy J Haturilay i Arr. Dnlk-s'J (uucvrtalnlJ FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Travel by tlic HtciimcrH o( the HvRulittrir I.tuu. The Coiuuiiiy will uiidvuvor to Rivo its ut- A roiiH tiiu licnt nurviutt jmissiihc. tor turtiiur utiormiitum uadrt'ss !, l'orlliuid Onitu, Oiik-Btrcot Dock ( W. C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Afft., The Dulles. A DEALERS IN All kinds of funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. He CoMla Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN0KACTOKKHB UK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIKD BEEF, ETC. ONI FOR A DOM. a; F- s. Canning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealir Blacksmith Suppliis. (lor. Secosi & LanjiiD. 'flDe 151 r. acoac JOIIK OiVI n a irrW ATTOKNKyti AT hW Boom.se audio, over U. 8. unoOfl.