XMAS GREETING TO THE PUBMC. Our store now assumes its holiday attire and we are in perfect readiness to meet our friends and patrons. Come one, come all, and make your presence known by seeing our pretty goods, whether you purchase or not. Gent's Furnishings. Your saving of the past few days may bo satisfactorily invested at this store. Wo liavo a vast stock of needful goods displayed for your selection, at pricos that wont pull hard on your purse. Wo are offering some splendid bargains in Holiday gifts in this department. SPECIAL BARGAIN NO. 1. 200 Silk Umbrellas, with cases to match, steel rod, tight roll, fitted with imported wood handles, trimmed with solid silver mounts, regular prices any Avhoro $4.00 and $5.00, during this sale at $2.95. BARGAIN NO. 2. 75 dozen fine Silk Handkerchiefs with -inch hemstitched, full size 75c value, during this sale 48c. BARGAIN NO. 3. Fine Silk Mufflers in all the latest effects, regular values from 75c to $2.50, during this sale 50c to $1.05. BARGAIN NO. 4. Men's Fine Christmas Neckwear; tocks, four-in-hand, puffs and clubs. All of these the very latest styles and pat terns, and positively 75c to $1.25 values, during this sale 50c to $1.00. BARGAIN NO. 5. A full lino of Men's Night Robes, in plain and fancy figured, very choice and prettj-, at prices ranging from 50c to $2.50, during this sale 35c to $1.85. BARGAIN NO. 6. A comploto stock of men's half hose in fancy check and stripes, all the latest designs. Regular prices 25o to $1.25, during this sale 17c to $1.00. BARGAIN NO. 7. An elegant assortment of men's Walking Canes, solid silver mounts and all tho latest fads. Regular price 50c to $2.50, during this sale 25c to $1.75. . BARGAIN NO. 8. 40 dozen men's fine Suspenders, all silk and the very latest webs, put up in fancy boxes, at pricos ranging from 25c to $1.50, during this sale 20c to $1.00. BARGAIN NO. 9. Gloves. Dent's English Walking Cloves. Adler's walking and driving Gloves. In fact ovor 20 different' makes in lined and unlined, regular pricos rang ing from 50c to $2.00, during this sale 25c to $1.05. BARGAIN NO. 10. Trunks, traveling bags and valises at actual cost price during this sale. BARGAIN NO. 11. Hats and Caps at 25 per cent reduc tion in boys' furnishing department. A Few of the Bargains. Boys' 85c flannel Night Robes, dur ing this sale 55c. Boys' pure seamless wool Sweaters, regular 75c and $1.25 values, during this salo 05c and $1.00. Boys' 50c Kid Glovos and Mittens, during this sale 35c. Boys' 50c, G5c and 75c fancy Shirts, (luring this salo auc, ouc anu uuu. Boys' Golf and double band hats and caps, during this salo 39c. We are offering some splendid bar gains in Men's Overcoats, Ulsters and Mackintoshes at $3.50 to $15.00, that originally sold for nearly double these prices, but on ac count of broken sizes we are now closing out below cost. SILKS. You know, of course, that wo have the choicest lino of Silks, Satins and Vel vots ever shown in this city, and the price for your especial benefit has been cut down to meet the times. 50c India Silk, 24 inches wide 43c $1 Taffeta Silk, the best 85c All other Silks reduced from 15 per cent, to 33ic Dress Goods. Who has attempted to show as ele gant a line of Dress Goods, especially Crepons, Cheviots', Serges and Broad cloths as have been displayed over our counters this season? We can suit the most fastidious. 50c Dress Goods 37c G5c Dress Goods 49c 85c Dress Goods 73c Theee only represent a few. The balance of our stock in tins Hue reduced in liko proportion. Party Fabrics. Have you not a young lady friend who is attending the various functions that are taking place among tho " upper crust of sassiety" who Avould be overjoyed at tho thought of getting a handsome Or gandy, Lawn or Swiss gown ? If so, let us show you tho proper things. We have them in abundance, and exquisite shades in Linings that are just as dainty as tho fabrics themselves. Table Damask. What makes a more acceptable pres ent for a friend than a dainty piece of Linen Damask with a dozen Napkins to match? This is ono of tho many nice things we have to offer you at greatly re duced prices from now on until the holi day season closes. These prices are just right "and you will think so when you seo the goods. 8-4x8-4 cloth and 1 doz. J napkins to match, $7 a set now $5.93 8-4x10-4 cloth and 1 doz. napkins to match, $8 a set now $G.G9 From now on until the first of the year all tuble dBtnask will be sold at a reduction of 20 per cent. Stamped Linens and Cut Work. Fancy Bureau Scarfs in Cut Work, 85c, $1, $L25, $1.50 and $2 each. Fancy Pillow Shams, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.75 per pair. Xmas Novelties. Short, torse, convincing arguments why your Christmas Novelties should bo purchased hero and now. Tho varieties, qualities and prices prove beyond a doubt that this department excels any of a like nature. To confirm this claim permit us to name a few of tho values it is giv ing. They are not all only enough to serve fairly as samples. Novelties in Silver Gun Metal, Brass, Celluloid Articles, etc., in countless num bers. Ebonoid Sterling Silver mounted articles; Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Files, Hooks, Curlers, Corn Knives, at 35c each. Sterling Silver Napkin Rings at 50c each. Sterling Silver Butter Knives and Pickle Forks at 25c each. Numerous other articles with less stiver mountings at less price. The newest things in Dog Collai's and Chain Bells, from 9Sc to $1.50 each. Baby Gold-plated Rings 25c Baby Solid Gold Rings 50c Ladies' Solid Gold Rings $1.00 A very fine selection of Ladies' Silk Neckwear ranging from 15c to $2 each. Leather Goods. Pocket Books, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' Toilet Cases; special purchase for our holiday trade. Grain Alligator, Seal and Fancy Leathers, mounted or plain. Ladies' Pocket Books, all colors, 25c, 35c, 50c, G5c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 each. Collar and Cuff Boxes from 50c up Ladies' Toilet Cases from $2.50 up Handkerchiefs. Tomorrow starts tho selling of that prodigious Handkerchief purchase. It's tho one great Handkerchief event of tho local retail history doubly important be cause of tho proximity of tho holidays. Never before could you buy Handker chiefs as cheaply. Don't take our word for it; shop around and compare That's 'tho quickest, fairest way to put this state ment to a test. 'Hero's the price story in brief: 3c takes tho choico of 75 doz. hand kerchiefs that regularly sell at 5c each. 5c takes tho choico of 100 doz. hand kerchiefs that regular sell at 8c each. 10c takes tho choico of 87 doz. hand kerchiefs that regularly sell at 15c each. 25c takes tho choico of 05 doz. real Irish linen and Swiss handkorchiofs that regularly soil up to 40c each. Wo also have an un tellable variety of plain and fancy hemstitched and ex quisite now laco and ombroidory dosigns. Tho handsomest handkorchiofs that ovor crossed tho ocean. A rare chanco to pick and save ,tromendously. Ranging in prices from 40c to $4.50 oach. Silk Shopping Bags. Silk Shopping Bags with fancy tops, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Celluloid Goods for Xmas. Glovo Boxes, Handkerchief Cases, Jewel Cases and Ink Wells with hand some tinted covers, ranging in price from 15c to $4.50. Fur Collarettes, At a money-saving reduction of 25 per cent, on regular price on all Collar ettes in stock that -tell for over $5.00. Fans, Fans, Fans. Choice line of Fancy Leather and Silk Laco, handsomely tinted Fans, rang ing in price from 50c to $3.50. Ladies' Taffeta Silk Skirts. Choice lino of colors, corded and plaited ruffles. $5.00 for Black Taffeta Silk Skirts, corded ruffles; worth $6.50. m $6.75 for Lavender Taffeta Silk Skirts, corded and plaited flounce; worth $8.00. Sofa Pillows. A largo assortment of Tapestry and Silk Sofa Pillows, ranging in prices from $2.50 to $4.00, with 33-J per cent, off, 25 par cent, off on all Children's Cloaks and Jackets for this week. Big reduction on Fancy Blankets and Comforts suitable for Xmas presents. SHOES. Ladies' Cloth Top, button $2 50 Ladies' All Kid, button $3.00 Ladies' All Kid, lace Shoes Ladies' Box Calf, button for Ladies' Heavy Solo Kid, button $1.65 Children's Pebble, button Children's Kid. button Children's Kid, laco $1.50 Shoes for 85c Grocery Department. No talk nocessaiy. Thoso prices talk for themselves. Holiday Prices. 1111 i Boll it Buglo Cranborries 7.c per qt Fancy Glazed Citron 15c per Iancy Glazed Lomon Pool Fancy Glazed Orango Peel pOUnd. Fancy Navel Oranges 25c per dozen Fancy Smyrna Figs 25c por pound IXL Pa por Sholl Almonds 14c por pound Los Niotos Walnuts 14c por pound Candy. Gum Drops 5c por pound Plain Mixed 7c por pound Jelly Beans 10c por pound Fancy Mixed 13c por pound French Mixed t 17c por pound PEASE & CDflVS, The Dalles, Oregon.